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Jim Northrup edited this page Jul 5, 2014 · 1 revision
name default description
RXF_CONTENT_ROOT ./ docroot relative to the java execution. can be absolute, of course.
RXF_ORGNAME rxf_ view generation and requestfactory automatic prefixes, overridable
RXF_DEBUG_SENDJSON false used for unit test and debugging output, probably misnamed as time progresses-- this debugs most io.
RXF_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE 20 couchdb createConnection keeps a list of hot sockets.
RXF_COUCH_PREFIX http://localhost:5984 this is prefixed to couch REST requests, or consumed for host/port info as needed.
PROXY_DEBUG String part of deprecated socket proxy daemon
PROXY_PORT 0 part of deprecated socket proxy daemon
PROXY_HOST part of deprecated socket proxy daemon
RPS_SHOW true part of deprecated socket proxy daemon
RXF_REALTIME_UNIT DEBUG_SENDJSON ? HOURS : SECONDS realtime cutoff on couchdb operations. obviously in a debugger 3 seconds is too short so DEBUG_SENDJSON is important to set
RXF_REALTIME_CUTOFF 3 realtime cutoff count of units, whatever units may be chosen
GSON_DATEFORMAT yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ only affects gson: gson date formatter chosen for ISO-like sortability and preservation of java timezone where carelessness may not always record GMT in java services.
GSON_FIELDNAMINGPOLICY IDENTITY only affects gson: gson internal tweak.
GSON_PRETTY true only affects gson: gson internal tweak.
GSON_NULLS false only affects gson: gson internal tweak.
GSON_NANS false only affects gson: gson internal tweak.
RXF_CACHED_THREADPOOL false if true, this gives unlimitted threadworkers. if false, the default, RelaxFactory assumes a simple realtime server is intended without much consideration for gwt rpc or re-entrant logic
FILEWATCHER_DIR . rxf-rsync knob to define a VFS directory to mirror attachments into/out of
FILEWATCHER_DB db rxf-rsync knob to define a couch db to mirror attachments into/out of
FILEWATCHER_DOCID doc rxf-rsync knob to define a document to mirror attachments into/out of
FILEWATCHER_IGNORE_EXAMPLE .jar .war .class .java .symbolMap manifest.txt .log .bak compilation-mappings.txt web.xml rxf-rsync knob which shows a reasonable set of ignores for mirroring a gwt app in realtime
FILEWATCHER_IGNORE rxf-rsync knob typically makes sense to use the example, but is blank by default