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nl2br - Newline to Break React Component

The nl2br function is a utility that converts newline characters in a string to <br /> elements, suitable for rendering in React applications. This function can handle both strings and other types of inputs, returning the input unchanged if it is not a string.


You can install the nl2br function from this repository by including it in your project.

npm install react-br
yarn add react-br


import nl2br from 'react-br';

const textWithBreaks = nl2br("This is a test.\nThis is only a test.");


import nl2br from 'react-br';

function MyComponent() {
  const text = "This is a test.\nThis is only a test.";
  return (

Function Signature

function nl2br(input: string): (string | ReactElement)[];
function nl2br<T>(input: T): T;

nl2br will check if the input is a string. If it is, it will split the string by newline characters and insert <br /> elements. If the input is not a string, it will return the input unchanged.

Typescript Support

nl2br is written in TypeScript, providing type definitions out of the box.