Run composer require 021/crypto-wallets
Add repositories to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "[email protected]:021-projects/php-bitcoinrpc.git"
- PHP 8.1+
__construct(\O21\CryptoWallets\Interfaces\ConnectConfigInterface $config)
isAvailable(): bool
- check is RPC client available
getBalance(): string
- get wallet balance
getNewAddress($config = null): string
- get new address
isValidAddress(string $address): bool
- check is an address is valid
isOwningAddress(string $address): bool
- checks if an address belongs to a wallet
getExploreAddressLink(string $address): string
- returns a link to blockchain explorer for the address
string $currency = 'USD',
?\O21\CryptoWallets\Interfaces\RateProviderInterface $provider = null
): float
// Returns the cryptocurrency exchange rate for the selected currency
string $currency = 'USD',
int $limit = 60,
\O21\CryptoWallets\Units\RateInterval $interval = RateInterval::Minutes,
?\O21\CryptoWallets\Interfaces\RateProviderInterface $provider = null
): float
// Returns the best cryptocurrency rate for the selected currency for a given period of time
string $to,
string $value,
\O21\CryptoWallets\Interfaces\FeeInterface|string $fee
): string
// Estimates the fee amount required to send a transaction
string $to,
string $value,
\O21\CryptoWallets\Interfaces\FeeInterface|string $fee
): string
// Send funds from a wallet
getTransaction(string $hash): ?\O21\CryptoWallets\Interfaces\TransactionInterface
- returns transaction from a wallet
getTransactions(int $count = 50, int $skip = 0): \Illuminate\Support\Collection;
- returns transactions from a wallet
getTransactionsSinceBlock(string $block = ''): \Illuminate\Support\Collection;
- returns transactions from a wallet
getTransactionsCount(): int
- returns transactions count on a wallet
getExploreTransactionLink(string $hash): string
- returns a link to blockchain explorer for the address
* @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection<\O21\CryptoWallets\Interfaces\FeeInterface>
public function getNetworkFees(): Collection;
// Returns the recommended fees for the transaction
getDefaultBestRateLimit(): int
- returns the default value for the period in the getBestRate
getTypicalTransactionSize(): int
- returns typical transaction size for a wallet
getSymbol(): string
- returns symbol of a wallet
Also, some wallets have their own unique methods. Explore the interfaces \O21\CryptoWallets\Interfaces\BitcoindWalletInterface
and \O21\CryptoWallets\Interfaces\EthereumWalletInterface
for bitcoin
for litecoin
for ethereum