The 01. RFC Berlin participated in the RoboCup Humanoid League 2021 and the RoboCup Humanoid League Virtual Season 21/22. In these competitions robots play soccer autonomously. Because of covid they only took place virtually.
This repo contains:
- our exported Webots robot model, following the Robot Model Specification
- our Docker image, following the Server Specification
- our team.json, following the API Specification
Our RFCRobot2016.proto model in blue looked like this rendered inside Webots:
You can start 4 of our robots like this:
docker run -it --rm -eROBOCUP_SIMULATOR_ADDR= -eROBOCUP_ROBOT_ID=1 -eRFC_ARGS=" false"
docker run -it --rm -eROBOCUP_SIMULATOR_ADDR= -eROBOCUP_ROBOT_ID=2 -eRFC_ARGS=" false"
docker run -it --rm -eROBOCUP_SIMULATOR_ADDR= -eROBOCUP_ROBOT_ID=3 -eRFC_ARGS=" false"
docker run -it --rm -eROBOCUP_SIMULATOR_ADDR= -eROBOCUP_ROBOT_ID=4 -eRFC_ARGS=" false"
In our blog we made a step-by-step write-up on how you can use the files in this repository to simulate a game against us: