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Streamline - DLSS-G

NVIDIA DLSS Frame Generation (“DLSS-FG” or “DLSS-G”) is an AI based technology that infers frames based on rendered frames coming from a game engine or rendering pipeline. This document explains how to integrate DLSS-G into a renderer.

Version 2.0

0.0 Integration checklist

See Section 15.0 for further details on some of these items, in addition to the Sections noted in the table below.

Item Reference Confirmed
All the required inputs are passed to Streamline: depth buffers, motion vectors, HUD-less color buffers Section 5.0
Common constants and frame index are provided for each frame using slSetConstants and slSetFeatureConstants methods Section 7.0
All tagged buffers are valid at frame present time, and they are not re-used for other purposes Section 5.0
Buffers to be tagged with unique id 0 Section 5.0
Make sure that frame index provided with the common constants is matching the presented frame Section 8.0
Inputs are passed into Streamline look correct, as well as camera matrices and dynamic objects SL ImGUI guide
Application checks the signature of sl.interposer.dll to make sure it is a genuine NVIDIA library Streamline programming guide, section 2.1.1
Requirements for Dynamic Resolution are met (if the game supports Dynamic Resolution) Section 10.0
DLSS-G is turned off (by setting sl::DLSSGOptions::mode to sl::DLSSGMode::eOff) when the game is paused, loading, in menu and in general NOT rendering game frames and also when modifying resolution & full-screen vs windowed mode Section 12.0
Swap chain is recreated every time DLSS-G is turned on or off (by changing sl::DLSSGOptions::mode) to avoid unnecessary performance overhead when DLSS-G is switched off Section 19.0
Reduce the amount of motion blur; when DLSS-G enabled, halve the distance/magnitude of motion blur Section 14.0
Reflex is properly integrated (see checklist in Reflex Programming Guide) Section 8.0
In-game UI for enabling/disabling DLSS-G is implemented RTX UI Guidelines
Only full production non-watermarked libraries are packaged in the release build N/A
No errors or unexpected warnings in Streamline and DLSS-G log files while running the feature N/A


NOTE - DLSS-G requires the following Windows versions/settings to run. The DLSS-G feature will fail to be available if these are not met. Failing any of these will cause DLSS-G to be unavailable, and Streamline will log an error:

  • Minimum Windows OS version of Win10 20H1 (version 2004, build 19041 or higher)
  • Display Hardware-accelerated GPU Scheduling (HWS) must be enabled via Settings : System : Display : Graphics : Change default graphics settings.


Call slInit as early as possible (before any d3d12/vk APIs are invoked)

#include <sl.h>
#include <sl_consts.h>
#include <sl_dlss_g.h>

sl::Preferences pref;
pref.showConsole = true; // for debugging, set to false in production
pref.logLevel = sl::eLogLevelDefault;
pref.pathsToPlugins = {}; // change this if Streamline plugins are not located next to the executable
pref.numPathsToPlugins = 0; // change this if Streamline plugins are not located next to the executable
pref.pathToLogsAndData = {}; // change this to enable logging to a file
pref.logMessageCallback = myLogMessageCallback; // highly recommended to track warning/error messages in your callback
pref.applicationId = myId; // Provided by NVDA, required if using NGX components (DLSS 2/3)
pref.engineType = myEngine; // If using UE or Unity
pref.engineVersion = myEngineVersion; // Optional version
pref.projectId = myProjectId; // Optional project id
if(SL_FAILED(res, slInit(pref)))
    // Handle error, check the logs
    if(res == sl::Result::eErrorDriverOutOfDate) { /* inform user */}
    // and so on ...

For more details please see preferences

Call slShutdown() before destroying dxgi/d3d12/vk instances, devices and other components in your engine.

if(SL_FAILED(res, slShutdown()))
    // Handle error, check the logs


Once the main device is created call slSetD3DDevice or slSetVulkanInfo:

if(SL_FAILED(res, slSetD3DDevice(nativeD3DDevice)))
    // Handle error, check the logs


As soon as SL is initialized, you can check if DLSS-G is available for the specific adapter you want to use:

Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDXGIFactory> factory;
if (SUCCEEDED(CreateDXGIFactory(__uuidof(IDXGIFactory), (void**)&factory)))
    Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDXGIAdapter> adapter{};
    uint32_t i = 0;
    while (factory->EnumAdapters(i, &adapter) != DXGI_ERROR_NOT_FOUND)
        DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC desc{};
        if (SUCCEEDED(adapter->GetDesc(&desc)))
            sl::AdapterInfo adapterInfo{};
            adapterInfo.deviceLUID = (uint8_t*)&desc.AdapterLuid;
            adapterInfo.deviceLUIDSizeInBytes = sizeof(LUID);
            if (SL_FAILED(result, slIsFeatureSupported(sl::kFeatureDLSS_G, adapterInfo)))
                // Requested feature is not supported on the system, fallback to the default method
                switch (result)
                    case sl::Result::eErrorOSOutOfDate:         // inform user to update OS
                    case sl::Result::eErrorDriverOutOfDate:     // inform user to update driver
                    case sl::Result::eErrorNoSupportedAdapter:  // cannot use this adapter (older or non-NVDA GPU etc)
                    // and so on ...
                // Feature is supported on this adapter!


In order for DLSS-G to work correctly certain requirements regarding the OS, driver and other settings on user's machine must be met. To obtain DLSS-G configuration and check if all requirements are met you can use the following code snippet:

sl::FeatureRequirements requirements{};
if (SL_FAILED(result, slGetFeatureRequirements(sl::kFeatureDLSS_G, requirements)))
    // Feature is not requested on slInit or failed to load, check logs, handle error
    // Feature is loaded, we can check the requirements    
    requirements.flags & FeatureRequirementFlags::eD3D12Supported
    requirements.flags & FeatureRequirementFlags::eVulkanSupported
    // and so on ...

NOTE: DLSS-G runs optical flow in interop mode in Vulkan by default. In order to leverage potential performance benefit of running optical flow natively in Vulkan, client must meet the minimum requirements of Nvidia driver version being 527.64 on Windows and 525.72 on Linux and VK_API_VERSION_1_1 (recommended version - VK_API_VERSION_1_3). In manual hooking mode, it must meet additional requirements as described in section 5.2.1 of


DLSS-G will automatically attach to any swap-chain created by the application unless manual hooking is used. In the editor mode there could be multiple swap-chains but DLSS-G should attach only to the main one where frame interpolation is used. Here is how DLSS-G could be enabled only on a single swap-chain:

// This is just one example, swap-chains can be created at any point in time and in any order.
// SL features also can be loaded/unloaded at any point in time and in any order.

// Unload DLSS-G (this can be done at any point in time and as many times as needed)
slSetFeatureLoaded(sl::kFeatureDLSS_G, false);

// Create swap chains for which DLSS-G is NOT required
IDXGISwapChain1* swapChain{};
factory->CreateSwapChainForHwnd(device, hWnd, desc, nullptr, nullptr, &swapChain);
// and so on

// Load DLSS-G (this can be done at any point in time and as many times as needed)
slSetFeatureLoaded(sl::kFeatureDLSS_G, true);

// Create main swap chains for which DLSS-G is required
IDXGISwapChain1* mainSwapChain{};
factory->CreateSwapChainForHwnd(device, hWnd, desc, nullptr, nullptr, &mainSwapChain);

// From this point onwards DLSS-G will automatically manage only mainSwapChain, other swap-chains use standard DXGI implementation


Buffers to tag

DLSS-G requires depth and motion vectors buffers.

Additionally, for maximal image quality, it is critical to integrate UI Color and Alpha or Hudless buffers:

  • UI Color and Alpha buffer provides significant image quality improvements on UI elements like name plates and on-screen hud. If your application/game has this available, we strongly recommend you integrate this buffer.
  • If UI Color and Alpha is not available, Hudless integration can also significantly improve image quality on UI elements.
Input Requirements/Recommendations Reference Image
Final Color - No requirements, this is intercepted automatically via SL's SwapChain API dlssg_final_color
Depth - Same depth data used to generate motion vector data
- sl::Constants depth-related data (e.g. depthInverted) should be set accordingly
- Note: this is the same set of requirements as DLSS-SR, and the same depth can be used for both
Motion Vectors - Dense motion vector field (i.e. includes camera motion, and motion of dynamic objects)
- Note: this is the same set of requirements as DLSS-SR, and the same motion vectors can be used for both
Hudless - Should contain the full viewable scene, without any HUD/UI elements in it. If some HUD/UI elements are unavoidably included, expect some image quality degradation on those elements
- Same color space and post-processing effects (e.g tonemapping, blur etc.) as color backbuffer
- When appropriate buffer extents are not provided, needs to have the same dimensions as the color backbuffer
UI Color and Alpha - Should only contain pixels that denote the UI/HUD, along with appropriate alpha values (described below)
- Alpha is zero on all pixels that do not have UI on them
- Alpha is non-zero on all pixels that do have UI on them
- RGB is as close as possible to respecting the following blending formula: UI.RGB x UI.Alpha + (1 - UI.Alpha) x Hudless.RGB = Final_Color.RGB
- When appropriate buffer extents are not provided, needs to have the same dimensions as the color backbuffer

Tagging recommendations

For all buffers: tagged buffers are used during the Swapchain::Present call. If the tagged buffers are going to be reused, destroyed or changed in any way before the frame is presented, their life-cycle needs to be specified correctly.

Unlike other SL features (DLSS, NRD, etc.) which might be enabled in multiple viewports, DLSS-G has just one main viewport, so when tagging resources make sure to use the same id as when calling slDLSSGSetOptions as shown below:

It is important to emphasize that the overuse of sl::ResourceLifecycle::eOnlyValidNow and sl::ResourceLifecycle::eValidUntilEvaluate can result in wasted VRAM. Therefore please do the following:

  • First tag all of the DLSS-G inputs as sl::ResourceLifecycle::eValidUntilPresent then test and see if DLSS-G is working correctly.
  • Only if you notice that one or more of the inputs (depth, mvec, hud-less, ui etc.) has incorrect content at the present frame time, should you proceed and flag them as sl::ResourceLifecycle::eOnlyValidNow or sl::ResourceLifecycle::eValidUntilEvaluate as appropriate.

NOTE: SL will hold a reference to all sl::ResourceLifecycle::eValidUntilPresent resources until a null tag is set, therefore the application will not crash if host releases tagged resource before present frame event is reached.

// Resource state for the immutable resources needs to be correct when tagged resource is used by SL - during the Present call
// Resource state for the volatile resources needs to be correct for the command list used to tag the resource - SL will make a copy which is later on used by DLSS-G during the Present call
// GPU payload that generates content for any volatile resource MUST be either already submitted to the provided command list or some other command list which is guaranteed to be executed BEFORE.

// Prepare resources (assuming d3d12 integration so leaving Vulkan view and device memory as null pointers)
// NOTE: As an example we are tagging depth as immutable and mvec as volatile, this needs to be adjusted based on how your engine works
sl::Resource depth = {sl::ResourceType::Tex2d, myDepthBuffer, nullptr, nullptr, depthState, nullptr};
sl::Resource mvec = {sl::ResourceType::Tex2d, myMotionVectorsBuffer, nullptr, mvecState, nullptr, nullptr};
sl::ResourceTag depthTag = sl::ResourceTag {&depth, sl::kBufferTypeDepth, sl::ResourceLifecycle::eValidUntilPresent, &fullExtent }; // valid all the time
sl::ResourceTag mvecTag = sl::ResourceTag {&mvec, sl::kBufferTypeMvec, sl::ResourceLifecycle::eOnlyValidNow, &fullExtent };     // reused for something else later on

// Normally depth and mvec are available at a similar point in the pipeline so tagging them together
// If this is not the case simply tag them separately when they are available
sl::Resource inputs[] = {depthTag, mvecTag};
slSetTag(viewport, inputs, _countof(inputs), cmdList);

// After post-processing pass but before UI/HUD is added tag the hud-less buffer
sl::Resource hudLess = {sl::ResourceType::Tex2d, myHUDLessBuffer, nullptr, nullptr, hudlessState, nullptr};
sl::ResourceTag hudLessTag = sl::ResourceTag {&hudLess, sl::kBufferTypeHUDLessColor, sl::ResourceLifecycle::eValidUntilPresent, &fullExtent }; // valid all the time
sl::Resource inputs[] = {hudLessTag};
slSetTag(viewport, inputs, _countof(inputs), cmdList);

// UI buffer with color and alpha channel
sl::Resource ui = {sl::ResourceType::Tex2d, myUIBuffer, nullptr, nullptr, uiTextureState, nullptr};
sl::ResourceTag uiTag = sl::ResourceTag {&ui, sl::kBufferTypeUIColorAndAlpha, sl::ResourceLifecycle::eValidUntilPresent, &fullExtent }; // valid all the time
sl::Resource inputs[] = {uiTag};
slSetTag(viewport, inputs, _countof(inputs), cmdList);

NOTE: If dynamic resolution is used then please specify the extent for each tagged resource. Please note that SL manages resource states so there is no need to transition tagged resources.

IMPORTANT: If validity of tagged resources cannot be guaranteed (for example game is loading, paused, in menu, playing a video cut scene etc.) all tags should be set to null pointers to avoid stability or IQ issues.


NOTE: By default DLSS-G interpolation is off, even if the feature is loaded and the required items tagged. DLSS-G must be explicitly turned on by the application using the DLSS-G-specific constants function.

DLSS-G options must be set so that the DLSS-G plugin can track any changes made by the user, and to enable DLSS-G interpolation. To enable interpolation, be sure to set mode to sl::DLSSGMode::eOn. While DLSS-G can be turned on/off in development builds via a hotkey, it is best for the application not to rely on this, even during development.

// Using helpers from sl_dlss_g.h

sl::DLSSGOptions options{};
// These are populated based on user selection in the UI
options.mode = myUI->getDLSSGMode(); // e.g. sl::DLSSGMode::eOn;
// IMPORTANT: Note that we are using IDENTICAL viewport as when tagging our resources
if(SL_FAILED(result, slDLSSGSetOptions(viewport, options)))
    // Handle error here, check the logs

NOTE: To turn off DLSS-G set sl::DLSSGOptions.mode to sl::DLSSGMode::eOff, note that this does NOT release any resources, for that please use slFreeResources


DLSS-G intercepts IDXGISwapChain::Present and when using Vulkan vkQueuePresentKHR and vkAcquireNextImageKHRcalls and executes them asynchronously. When calling these methods from the host side SL will return the "last known error" but in order to obtain per call API error you must provide an API error callback. Here is how this can be done:

// Triggered immediately upon return from the API call but ONLY if return code != 0
void myAPIErrorCallback(const sl::APIError& e)
    // Handle error, use e.hres with DirectX and e.vkRes on Vulkan

sl::DLSSGOptions options{};
// Constants are populated based on user selection in the UI
options.mode = myUI->getDLSSGMode(); // e.g. sl::eDLSSGModeOn;
options.onErrorCallback = myAPIErrorCallback;
if(SL_FAILED(result, slDLSSGSetOptions(viewport, options)))
    // Handle error here, check the logs

NOTE: API error callbacks are triggered from the Present thread and must not be blocked for a prolonged period of time.



Various per frame camera related constants are required by all Streamline features and must be provided if any SL feature is active and as early in the frame as possible. Please keep in mind the following:

  • DLSS-G has just one main viewport, so when providing common constants, DLSS-G constants and tagged resources make sure to use the same viewport handle
  • All SL matrices are row-major and should not contain any jitter offsets
  • If motion vector values in your buffer are in {-1,1} range then motion vector scale factor in common constants should be {1,1}
  • If motion vector values in your buffer are NOT in {-1,1} range then motion vector scale factor in common constants must be adjusted so that values end up in {-1,1} range
sl::Constants consts = {};
// Set motion vector scaling based on your setup
consts.mvecScale = {1,1}; // Values in eMotionVectors are in [-1,1] range
consts.mvecScale = {1.0f / renderWidth,1.0f / renderHeight}; // Values in eMotionVectors are in pixel space
consts.mvecScale = myCustomScaling; // Custom scaling to ensure values end up in [-1,1] range
sl::Constants consts = {};
// Set all constants here
// Constants are changing per frame tracking handle must be provided
if(!setConstants(consts, *frameToken, viewport))
    // Handle error, check logs

For more details please see common constants


It is required for sl.reflex to be integrated in the host application. Please note that any existing regular Reflex SDK integration (not using Streamline) cannot be used by DLSS-G. Special attention should be paid to the markers eReflexMarkerPresentStart and eReflexMarkerPresentEnd which must provide correct frame index so that it can be matched to the one provided in the section 7

For more details please see reflex guide

IMPORTANT: If you see a warning in the SL log stating that common constants cannot be found for frame N that indicates that sl.reflex markers eReflexMarkerPresentStart and eReflexMarkerPresentEnd are out of sync with the actual frame being presented.


When using non-production (development) builds of sl.dlss_g.dll, there are numerous hotkeys available, all of which can be remapped using the remapping methods described in debugging

  • "dlssg-sync" (default VK_END)
    • Toggle delaying the presentation of the next frame to experiment with mimimizing latency
  • "vsync" (default Shift-Ctrl-'1')
    • Toggle vsync on output swapchain
  • "debug" (default Shift-Ctrl-VK_INSERT)
    • Toggle debugging view
  • "stats" (default Shift-Ctrl-VK_HOME)
    • Toggle performance stats
  • "dlssg-toggle" (default VK_OEM_2 /? for US)
    • Toggle DLSS-G on/off (override app setting)
  • "write-stats" (default Ctrl-Alt-'O')
    • Write performance stats to file


DLSS-G supports dynamic resolution of the MVec and Depth buffer extents. Dynamic resolution may be done via DLSS or an app-specific method. Since DLSS-G uses the final color buffer with all post-processing complete, the color buffer must be a fixed size -- it cannot resize per-frame. When DLSS-G dynamic resolution mode is enabled, the application can pass in a differently-sized extent for the MVec and Depth buffers on a perf frame basis. This allows the application to dynamically change its rendering load smoothly.

There are a few requirements when using dynamic resolution with DLSS-G:

  • The application must set the flag sl::DLSSGFlags::eDynamicResolutionEnabled in sl::DLSSGOptions::flags when dynamic resolution is active. It should clear the flag when/if dynamic resolutiuon is disabled. DO NOT leave the dynamic resolution flag set when using fixed-ratio DLSS, as it may decrease performance or image quality.
  • The application should specify sl::DLSSGOptions::dynamicResWidth and sl::DLSSGOptions::dynamicResHeight to a target resolution in the range of the dynamic MVec and Depth buffer sizes.
    • This is the fixed resolution at which DLSS-G will process the MVec and Depth buffers.
    • This value must not change dynamically per-frame. Changing it outside of the application UI can lead to a frame rate glitch.
    • Set it to a reasonable "middle-range" value and do not change it until/unless the DLSS or other dynamic-range settings change.
    • For example, if the application has a final, upscaled color resolution of 3840x2160 pixels, with a rendering resolution that can vary between 1920x1080 and 3840x2160 pixels, the dynamicResWidth and Height could be set to 2880x1620 or 1920x1080.
    • This ratio between the min and max resolutions can be tuned for performance and quality.
    • If the application passes 0 for these values when DLSS-G dynamic resolution is enabled, then DLSS-G will default to half of the final color target resolution.
// Using helpers from sl_dlss_g.h

sl::DLSSGOptions options{};
// These are populated based on user selection in the UI
options.mode = myUI->getDLSSGMode(); // e.g. sl::eDLSSGModeOn;
options.flags = sl::DLSSGFlags::eDynamicResolutionEnabled;
options.dynamicResWidth = appSelectedInternalWidth;
options.dynamicResHeight = appSelectedInternalHeight;
if(SL_FAILED(result, slDLSSGSetOptions(viewport, options)))
    // Handle error here, check the logs

Additionally, in development (i.e. non-production) builds of sl.dlss_g.dll, it is possible to enable DLSS-G dynamic res mode globally for debugging purposes via sl.dlss_g.json. The supported options are:

  • "forceDynamicRes": true, force-enables DLSS-G dynamic mode, equivalent to passing the flag eDynamicResolutionEnabled to slDLSSGSetOptions on every frame.
  • "forceDynamicResScaling": 0.5 sets the desired dynamicResWidth and dynamicResHeight indirectly, as a fraction of the color output buffer size. In the case shown, the fraction is 0.5, so with a color buffer that is 3840x2160, the internal resolution used by DLSS-G for dynamic resolution MVec and Depth buffers will be 1920x1080. If this value is not set, it defaults to 0.5.


If your game supports HDR please make sure to use UINT10/RGB10 pixel format and HDR10/BT.2100 color space. For more details please see

When tagging eUIColorAndAlpha please make sure that alpha channel has enough precision (for example do NOT use formats like R10G10B10A2)

IMPORTANT: DLSS-G currently does NOT support FP16 pixel format and scRGB color space because it is too expensive in terms of compute and bandwidth cost.


DLSS-G takes over frame presenting so it is important for the host application to turn on/off DLSS-G as needed to avoid potential problems and deadlocks. As a general rule, when host is modifying resolution, full-screen vs windowed mode or performing any other operation that could cause SwapChain::Present call to generate a deadlock DLSS-G must be turned off by the host using the sl::DLSSGConsts::mode field. When turned off DLSS-G will call SwapChain::Present on the same thread as the host application which is not the case when DLSS-G is turned on. For more details please see

IMPORTANT: Turning DLSS-G on and off using the sl::DLSSGOptions::mode should not be confused with enabling/disabling DLSS-G feature using the slSetFeatureLoaded, the later would completely unload and unhook the sl.dlss_g plugin hence completely disable the sl::kFeatureDLSS_G (cannot be turned on/off or used in any way).


Since DLSS-G when turned on presents additional frames the actual frame time can be obtained using the following sample code:

// Using helpers from sl_dlss_g.h

// Not passing flags or special options here, no need since we just want the frame stats
sl::DLSSGState state{};
if(SL_FAILED(result, slDLSSGGetState(viewport, state)))
    // Handle error here, check the logs

IMPORTANT: When querying only frame times or status, do not specify the DLSSGFlags::eRequestVRAMEstimate; setting that flag and passing a non-null sl::DLSSGOptions will cause DLSS-G to compute and return the estimated VRAM required. This is needless and too expensive to do per frame.

Once we have obtained DLSS-G state we can compute the actual FPS like this:

//! IMPORTANT: Returned value represents number of frames presented since 
//! we last called slDLSSGGetState so make sure to account for that.
//! If calling 'slDLSSGGetState' after each present then the actual FPS
//! can be computed like this:
auto actualFPS = myFPS * state.numFramesActuallyPresented;

IMPORTANT Each time slDLSSGGetState is called the numFramesActuallyPresented is being reset back to 0.

Please note that DLSS-G will always present real frame generated by the host but the interpolated frame can be dropped if presents go out of sync (interpolated frame is too close to the last real one). In addition, if the host is CPU bottlenecked it is possible for the reported FPS to be more than 2x when DLSS-G is on because the call to Swapchain::Present is no longer a blocking call for the host and can be up to 1ms faster which then translates to faster base frame times. Here is an example:

  • Host is CPU bound and producing frames every 10ms
  • Up to 1ms is spent blocked by the Swapchain::Present call
  • SL present hook will take around 0.2ms instead since Swapchain::Present is now an async event handled by the SL pacer
  • Host is now delivering frames at 10ms - 0.8ms = 9.2ms
  • This results in 109fps getting bumped to 218fps when DLSS-G is active so 2.18x scaling instead of the expected 2x


Even if DLSS-G feature is supported and loaded it can still end up in an invalid state at run-time due to various reasons. The following code snippet shows how to check the run-time status:

sl::DLSSGState state{};
if(SL_FAILED(result, slDLSSGGetState(viewport, state)))
    // Handle error here, check the logs
// Run-time status
if(state.status != sl::eDLSSGStatusOk)
    // Turn off DLSS-G

    sl::DLSSGOptions options{};    
    options.mode = sl::DLSSGMode::eOff;
    slDLSSGSetOptions(viewport, options);
    // Check status and errors in the log and fix your integration if applicable

For more details please see enum DLSSGStatus in sl_dlss_g.h

IMPORTANT: When in invalid state and turned on DLSS-G will add pink overlay to the final color image. Warning message will be shown on screen in the NDA development build and error will be logged describing the issue.

IMPORTANT: When querying only frame times or status, do not specify the DLSSGFlags::eRequestVRAMEstimate; setting that flag and passing a non-null sl::DLSSGOptions::ext will cause DLSS-G to compute and return the estimated VRAM required. This is needless and too expensive to do per frame.


SL can return a general estimate of the GPU memory required by DLSS-G via slDLSSGGetState. This can be queried before DLSS-G is enabled, and can be queried for resolutions and formats other than those currently active. To receive an estimate of GPU memory required, the application must:

  • Set the sl::DLSSGOptions::flags flag, DLSSGFlags::eRequestVRAMEstimate
  • Provide the values in the sl::DLSSGOptions structure include the intended resolutions of the MVecs, Depth buffer, final color buffer (UI buffers are assumed to be the same size as the color buffer), as well as the 3D API-specific format enums for each buffer. Finally, the expected number of backbuffers in the swapchain must be specified. See the sl::DLSSGOptions struct for details.

If the flag and structure are provided, slDLSSGGetState should return a nonzero value in sl::DLSSGState::estimatedVRAMUsageInBytes. Note that this value is a very rough estimate/guideline and should be used for general allocation. The actual amount used may differ from this value.

IMPORTANT: When querying only frame times or status, do not specify the DLSSGFlags::eRequestVRAMEstimate; setting that flag and passing a non-null sl::DLSSGOptions will cause DLSS-G to compute and return the estimated VRAM required. This is needless and too expensive to do per frame.


SL DLSS-G implements the following logic when intercepting vkQueuePresentKHR and vkAcquireNextImageKHR:

  • sl.dlssg will wait for the binary semaphore provided in the VkPresentInfoKHR before proceeding with adding workload(s) to the GPU
  • sl.dlssg will signal binary semaphore provided in vkAcquireNextImageKHR call when DLSS-G workloads are submitted to the GPU

Based on this the host application MUST:

  • Signal the present binary semaphore provided in VkPresentInfoKHR when submitting final workload at the end of the frame
  • Wait for the signal on the acquire binary semaphore provided with vkAcquireNextImageKHR call before starting the new frame

Here is some pseudo-code:


// SL will signal the 'acquireSemaphore' when ready to continue next frame
vkAcquireNextImageKHR(acquireSemaphore, &index);

// Frame start

// Render frame using render target with given index

// Finish frame

// Present the frame (SL will wait for the 'presentSemaphore' on the GPU)
vkQueuePresent(presentSemaphore, index);


  • Provide either correct application ID or engine type (Unity, UE etc.) when calling slInit
  • In final (production) builds validate the public key for the NVIDIA custom digital certificate on sl.interposer.dll if using the binaries provided by NVIDIA. See security section for more details.
  • Tag eDepth, eMotionVectors, eHUDLessColor and eUIColorAndAlpha buffers
    • When values of depth and mvec could be invalid make sure to set all tags to null pointers (level loading, playing video cut-scenes, paused, in menu etc.)
    • Tagged buffers must by marked as volatile if they are not going to be valid when SwapChain::Present call is made
    • DLSS-G DOES NOT SUPPORT MULTIPLE VIEWPORTS - buffers must be tagged with a single unique id
  • Provide correct common constants and frame index using slSetConstants method.
    • DLSS-G DOES NOT SUPPORT MULTIPLE VIEWPORTS - constants must be tagged with a single unique id
    • When game is rendering game frames make sure to set sl::Constants::renderingGameFrames correctly
  • Make sure that frame index provided with the common constants is matching the presented frame (i.e. frame index provided with Reflex markers ReflexMarker::ePresentStart and ReflexMarker::ePresentEnd)
  • Do NOT set common constants (camera matrices etc) multiple times per single frame - this causes ambiguity which can result in IQ issues.
  • Use sl.imgui plugin to validate that inputs (camera matrices, depth, mvec, color etc.) are correct
  • Turn DLSS-G off (by setting sl::DLSSGOptions::mode to DLSSGMode::eOff) before any window manipulation (resize, maximize/minimize, full-screen transition etc.) to avoid potential deadlocks or instability
  • Reduce the amount of motion blur when DLSS-G is active
  • Call slDLSSGGetState to obtain sl::DLSSGState and check the following:
    • Make sure that sl::DLSSGStatus is set to eDLSSGStatusOk, if not disable DLSS-G and fix integration as needed (please see the logs for errors)
    • If swap-chain back buffer size is lower than sl::DLSSGSettings::minWidthOrHeight DLSS-G must be disabled
    • If VRAM stats and other extra information is not needed pass nullptr for constants for lowest overhead.
  • Call slGetFeatureRequirements to obtain requirements for DLSS-G (see programming guide and check the following:
    • If any of the items in the sl::FeatureRequirements structure like OS, driver etc. are NOT supported inform user accordingly.
  • To avoid an additional overhead when presenting frames while DLSS-G is off always make sure to re-create the swap-chain when DLSS-G is turned off. For details please see section 19

17.1 Game setup for the testing DLSS Frame Generation

  1. Set up a machine with an Ada board and drivers recommended by NVIDIA team.
  2. Turn on Hardware GPU Scheduling: Windows Display Settings (scroll down) -> Graphics Settings -> Hardware-accelerated GPU Scheduling: ON. Restart your PC.
  3. Check that Vertical Sync is set to “Use the 3D application setting” in the NVIDIA Control Panel (“Manage 3D Settings”).
  4. Get the game build that has Streamline, DLSS-G and Reflex integrated and install on the machine.
  5. Once the game has loaded, go into the game settings and turn DLSS-G on.
  6. Once DLSS-G is on, you should be able to see it by:
    • observing FPS boost in any external FPS measurement tool; and
    • if the build includes Streamline and DLSS-G development libraries, seeing a debug overlay at the bottom of the screen (can be set in sl.dlss-g.json).

If the steps above fail, set up logging in sl.interposer.json, check for easy-to-fix issues & errors in the log, and contact NVIDIA team.


In some cases, if an application encounters unexpected image quality issues, it may be of use for the developer to capture a sequence of input frames to be passed to NVIDIA. All non-production builds support this functionality. To enable this functionality, include an sl.dlss_g.json file in the same directory as the sl.dlss_g.dll. That file can contain other tags, but at the very least, it must include the tag (not including the snips):

    "allowCapture":  true,

Once the application is launched and DLSS-G is enabled, the application can navigate to the situation and view in which the image quality issue is visible and press F4 to capture a sequence of input images. These will be dropped into a new subdirectory of the application's current working directory named captures/<w>x<h>-<date and time>. Once captured, the developer can zip the capture directory and provide to NVIDIA as per instructions from the NVIDIA Developer Relations manager.

In addition, if the F4 key is not available in your application, you can also use the ngx_keybinds.json file to remap the event. For example, placing the following ngx_keybinds.json in the app's current working directory will remap capture to F3:

    "F3": "NGXDLSSG_TriggerCaptureKey"

The numberpad keys can be used, as well as modifiers:

    "ctrl+num9": "NGXDLSSG_TriggerCaptureKey"


When DLSS-G is loaded it will create an extra graphics command queue used to present frames asynchronously and in addition it will force the host application to render off-screen (host has no access to the swap-chain buffers directly). In scenarios when DLSS-G is switched off by the user this results in unnecessary overhead coming from the extra copy from the off-screen buffer to the back buffer and synchronization between the game's graphics queue and the DLSS-G's queue. To avoid this, swap-chain must be torn down and re-created every time DLSS-G is switched on or off.

Here is some pseudo code showing how this can be done:

void onDLSSGModeChange(sl::DLSSGMode mode)
    if(mode == sl::DLSSGMode::eOn)
        // DLSS-G was off, now we are turning it on

        // Make sure no work is pending on GPU
        // Destroy swap-chain back buffers
        // Release swap-chain
        // Make sure DLSS-G is loaded
        slSetFeatureLoaded(sl::kFeatureDLSS_G, true);
        // Re-create our swap-chain using the same parameters as before
        // Note that DLSS-G is loaded so SL will return a proxy (assuming host is linking SL and using SL proxy DXGI factory)
        auto swapChainProxy = createSwapChain();
        // Obtain native swap-chain if using manual hooking        
        // Obtain new back buffers from the swap-chain proxy (rendering off-screen)
    else if(mode == sl::DLSSGMode::eOff)
        // DLSS-G was on, now we are turning it off

        // Make sure no work is pending on GPU
        // Destroy swap-chain back buffers
        // Release swap-chain
        // Make sure DLSS-G is un-loaded
        slSetFeatureLoaded(sl::kFeatureDLSS_G, false);
        // Re-create our swap-chain using the same parameters as before
        // Note that DLSS-G is unloaded so there is no proxy here, SL will return native swap-chain interface
        auto swapChainNative = createSwapChain();
        // Obtain new back buffers from the swap-chain (rendering directly to back buffers)

For the additional implementation details please check out the Streamline sample, especially the void DeviceManagerOverride_DX12::BeginFrame() function.

NOTE: When DLSS-G is turned on the overhead from rendering to an off-screen target is negligible considering the overall frame rate boost provided by the feature.