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Customize Schemes

Zufu Liu edited this page Apr 3, 2020 · 42 revisions

Select Scheme

Click menu "Schemes" -> "Select Scheme..." or "Select Scheme" toolbar button.

Select Scheme

Favorite Schemes

Click menu "Schemes" -> "Favorite Schemes...".

Favorite Schemes

When "Auto-select by filename extension." is enabled, filename extension is matched in following order:

  1. Text File
  2. 2nd Text File
  3. Favorite schemes, in the order configured on this dialog
  4. Other general schemes, in alphabetical order (case insensitive)

Because Notepad2 supports many schemes, some of them you may never use, it's better to select your own favorite schemes (maximum 31). You can click checkbox before each scheme to add or remove it from Favorite Schemes.

Drag & drop is supported on scheme tree, you can drag schemes into Favorite Schemes, or reorder existing favorite schemes by drag & drop.

Drag & Drop for Favorite Schemes

Customize Schemes

Click menu "Schemes" -> "Customize Schemes..." or "Customize Schemes" toolbar button.

Customize Schemes

Drag & drop is supported on scheme tree, you can copy style settings to other styles by drag & drop.

Scheme Style Format


Style Description

Global Styles

Style Description
Default Code Style --
Default Text Style --
Margin and Line Number Style for line number margin.
Matching Brace Style for paired braces, brackets or angles.
Matching Brace Error Style for unpaired braces, brackets or angles.
Control Character Set font size for control character (drawn as white on black or black on white based on default foreground and background colors.).
Indentation Guide Set foreground color indentation guide dash line.
Selected Text --
Whitespace Set size and foreground color for space (drawn as dot) and tab (drawn as right arrow).
Current Line --
Caret Set foreground color for caret. Caret style is set via View -> Caret Style.
Long Line Marker Set foreground and background colors for long line marker.
Extra Line Spacing Set extra ascent to size - size/2, extra descent to size/2. This setting has no effect for ANSI Art.
Folding Marker --
Mark Occurrences --
Fold Ellipsis Style for ellipsis draw after code folding.
IME Indicator Set foreground color for inline IME indicators.
Bookmark --
CallTips --

How to Add New Scheme


See changes on adding GN build configuration file (issue #164, c8a291b).

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