Pleas follow the instruction on the main page on how to setup all the required tools.
If you used virtualenv to install a new python environment, remember to activate it whenever you are switching to a new bash shell:
. python-env/bin/activate
Use the provided simulation source file to create a large data set from which the training and test data set is derived. The source file contains a flat input spectrum from 1 to 50 MeV. Run it via:
cosima -z PairIdentification.source
... and wait some time. This just simulated 100,000 triggered events, you might want to have ~10-100 million for the final training run...
The python script will perform the machine learning and testing
python3 -f PairIdentification.inc1.id1.sim.gz -m 10000
- Prevent program from running out of memory
- Check if batch size is OK for available memory
- Stop well before
- Optimized data storage
- Use the full 3D volume (currently 1-D)
- Swich to vox-net
- Optimize vox-net layout (convolutional layers vs pooling layer, layer parameters)
- Better loss function (cross entropy)
- Our data sets are fully sparse, can we do sparse 3D?
Load PyTorch onto Savio.
module load pytorch/1.0.0-py36-cuda9.0
Running the following command will schedule the training of the GNN. Change parameters within the shell script to adjust the GPU/CPU allocation, number of events, batch_size, and model architecture.
- Green - True Positive - GNN Correctly predicted edge in the graph
- Red - False Positive - GNN predicted true for an edge not in the graph
- Purple - False Negative - GNN predicted false for an edge in the graph
- Orange - False Negative - Manual graph generation script didn't propose edge to the graph
- Not drawn - True Negative - Correctly rejected edge from graph
- Make more sophisticated initial connections
To train and save a model, run
python3 -u --maxevents 2000 -b 200 --n_iters 10 --save ""
Use .pt file to specify where the model parameters are stored. To restore the same model and start training again, run
python3 -u --maxevents 2000 -b 200 --n_iters 10 --restore ""
Change maxevents, batchsize, and n_iters as needed. To save and restore on savio, run