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This chapter contains comprehensive guides that help you to work through migrations such as from CAP Java 1.x to CAP Java 2.x.
<script setup> import Cds4j from './components/Cds4jLink.vue' import CdsSrv from './components/CdsServicesLink.vue' </script>

Migration Guides

<style scoped> h1:before { content: "Java"; display: block; font-size: 60%; margin: 0 0 .2em; } </style>

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CAP Java 1.34 to CAP Java 2.0 { #one-to-two}

This section describes the changes in CAP Java between the major versions 1.34 and 2.0. It provides also helpful information how to migrate a CAP Java application to the new major version 2.0.

As preparation, we strongly recommend to firstly upgrade to 1.34.x and then follow this guide to upgrade to 2.0.x.

Spring Boot 3

CAP Java 2 uses Spring Boot 3 as underlying framework. Consult the Spring Boot 3.0 Migration Guide for changes between Spring Boot 2.7 and Spring Boot 3.0. A CAP Java application is typically only affected by Spring Boot 3 incompatibilities if it uses native Spring APIs.

Java 17

Spring Boot 3 requires Java 17 as minimum version. Maven dependencies, which are not managed by CAP Java, need to be updated to Java 17 compatible versions.

Jakarta EE 10

Spring Boot 3 requires Jakarta EE 10. This includes a switch in package names from javax to jakarta. For example all Servlet-related classes are moved from package javax.servlet to jakarta.servlet.

For instance, replace

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;


import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

Maven dependencies, which are not managed by CAP Java or Spring Boot, need to be updated to Jakarta EE 10 compatible versions.

Spring Security

Since version 1.27 CAP Java is running with Spring Boot 2.7, which uses Spring Security 5.7. Spring Boot 3 uses Spring Security 6. In case you defined custom security configurations you need to follow the guides, which describe the migration from 5.7 to 5.8 and the migration from 5.8 to 6.0.

Minimum Dependency Versions

Make sure that all libraries used in your project are either compatible with Spring Boot 3 / Jakarta EE 10 or alternatively offer a new version which you can adopt.

CAP Java 2.0 itself requires updated dependency versions of:

  • @sap/cds-dk
  • @sap/cds-compiler
  • XSUAA library
  • SAP Cloud SDK
  • Java Logging (replace cf-java-logging-support-servlet with cf-java-logging-support-servlet-jakarta)

::: warning The Cloud SDK BOM sdk-bom manages XSUAA until version 2.x, which isn't compatible with CAP Java 2.x. You have two options:

API Cleanup

Some interfaces, methods, configuration properties and annotations, which had already been deprecated in 1.x, are now removed in version 2.0. Please strictly fix all usage of deprecated APIs by using the recommended replacement.

::: tip In your IDE, enable the compiler warning "Signal overwriting or implementing deprecated method". :::

Legacy Upsert

Up to cds-services 1.27, upsert always completely replaced pre-existing data with the given data: it was implemented as cascading delete followed by a deep insert. In the insert phase, for all elements that were absent in the data, the initializations were performed: UUID generation, @cds.on.insert handlers, and initialization with default values. Consequently, in the old implementation, an upsert with partial data would have reset absent elements to their initial values! To avoid a reset with the old upsert, data always had to be complete.

Since version 1.28 the upsert is implemented as a deep update that creates data if not existing. An upsert with partial data now leaves the absent elements untouched. In particular, UUID values are not generated with the new upsert implementation.

Application developers upgrading from cds-services <= 1.27 need to be aware of these changes. Check, if the usage of upsert in your code is compatible with the new implementation, especially:

  • Ensure that all key values are contained in the data and you don't rely on UUID key generation.
  • Check if insert is more appropriate.

::: warning The global configuration parameter cds.sql.upsert.strategy, as well as the upsert hint to switch back to the legacy upsert behavior are not supported anymore with 2.0. If you rely on the replace behavior of the legacy upsert, use a cascading delete followed by a deep insert. :::

Representation of Pagination {#limit}

The interfaces CqnLimit and Limit are removed. Use the methods limit(top) and limit(top, skip) of the Select and Expand to specify the pagination settings. Use the methods top() and skip() of the CqnEntitySelector to introspect the pagination settings of a CqnExpand and CqnSelect.

Statement Modification {#modification}

Removal of Deprecated CqnModifier

The deprecated CqnModifier, whose default methods make expensive copies of literal values, is removed. Instead, use the Modifier as documented in Modifying CQL Statements.

If your modifier overrides one or more of the CqnModifier:literal methods that take value and cdsType as arguments, override Modifier:literal(CqnLiteral<?> literal) instead. You can create new values using CQL.val(value).type(cdsType);.

Removal of Deprecated Methods in Modifier {#modifier}

The deprecated methods ref(StructuredTypeRef) and ref(ElementRef<?>) are removed, instead implement the new methods ref(CqnStructuredTypeRef) and ref(CqnElementRef). Use CQL.copy(ref) if you require a modifiable copy of the ref.

Modifier modifier = new Modifier() {
	public CqnStructuredTypeRef ref(CqnStructuredTypeRef ref) {
		RefBuilder<StructuredTypeRef> copy = CQL.copy(ref); // try to avoid copy

	public CqnValue ref(CqnElementRef ref) {
		List<Segment> segments = new ArrayList<>(ref.segments());
		segments.add(0, CQL.refSegment(segments.get(0).id(), filter));
		return CQL.get(segments).as(alias);
CqnStatement copy = CQL.copy(statement, modifier);

Removed Interfaces and Methods Overview {#overview-of-removed-interfaces-and-methods}

Class / Interface Method / Field Replacement
ConstraintViolationException UniqueConstraintException
ResultBuilder updatedRows see javadoc

Class / Interface Method / Field Replacement
CQL literal val or constant
Select groupBy groupBy

Class / Interface Method / Field Replacement
CqnParameter getName name
CqnReference.Segment accept(visitor) CqnReference.accept(visitor)
CqnSelectList prefix ref
CqnSelectListItem displayName asValue + displayName
alias asValue + alias
CqnSortSpecification item value
CqnSource isQuery isSelect
asQuery asSelect
CqnVisitor visit(CqnReference.Segment seg) visit(CqnElementRef), visit(CqnStructuredTypeRef)
CqnXsert getKind isInsert, isUpsert
Modifier ref(StructuredTypeRef ref) ref(CqnStructuredTypeRef ref)
ref(ElementRef<?> ref) ref(CqnElementRef ref)
in(Value, Collection) in(Value, CqnValue)
match(ref, pred, quantifier) match(CqnMatchPredicate match)
selectListItem(value, alias) selectListValue(value, alias)
inline(ref, items) inline(CqnInline inline)
expand(ref, items, orderBy, limit) expand(CqnExpand expand)
expand(Expand<?> expand) expand(CqnExpand expand)
limit(Limit limit) top(long top) and skip(long skip)

Class / Interface Method / Field Replacement
CdsAssociationType keys refs
CdsStructuredType isInlineDefined isAnonymous

Class / Interface Method / Field Replacement
ErrorStatus getCode() getCodeString()
ServiceException messageTarget(prefix, entity, path) messageTarget(parameter, path)

Class/Interface Method Replacement
CdsService CqnService

Class / Interface Method / Field Replacement

::: details

Interface ServiceBinding

The interface is deprecated and replaced with interface For convenience the adapter class is provided, which maps the deprecated interface to the new one.


Class/Interface Method Replacement
EventPredicate n/a

::: details

Interface EventPredicate

The interface is removed. Consequently, all methods at interface containing this interface as argument are removed. All removed method were marked as deprecated in prior releases.


Class / Interface Method / Field Replacement
Message target(prefix, entity, path) target(start, path)
MessageTarget getPrefix() getParameter()
getEntity(), getPath() getRef()

Class / Interface Method / Field Replacement
PersistenceService getCdsDataStore() Use PersistenceService

Class / Interface Method / Field Replacement
ParameterInfo getQueryParameters() getQueryParams()
UserInfo getAttribute(String) getAttributeValues(String)

Class / Interface Method / Field Replacement
CdsModelProvider get(tenantId) get(userInfo, features)
CdsRuntime runInChangeSetContext(Consumer) changeSetContext().run(Consumer)
runInChangeSetContext(Function) changeSetContext().run(Function)
runInRequestContext(Consumer) requestContext().run(Consumer)
runInRequestContext(Function) requestContext().run(Function)
Request CdsRuntime.runInRequestContext(Request, Function|Consumer) CdsRuntime.requestContext().run(Function)
RequestParameters CdsRuntime.runInRequestContext(Request, Function|Consumer) CdsRuntime.requestContext().run(Function)
RequestUser CdsRuntime.runInRequestContext(Request, Function|Consumer) CdsRuntime.requestContext().run(Function)

::: details

Method CdsRuntime.runInRequestContext(Request, Function|Consumer)

The interface Request and its used interfaces RequestParameters and RequestUser are removed. They were still used in the method CdsRuntime.runInRequestContext(Request, Function|Consumer), which was also deprecated and should be replaced by CdsRuntime.requestContext().run(Function)


Overview of Removed CDS Properties

Some CdsProperties were already marked as deprected in CAP Java 1.x and are now removed in 2.x.

removed replacement
cds.dataSource.serviceName cds.dataSource.binding
cds.drafts.associationsToInactiveEntities see Lean Draft
cds.locales.normalization.whiteList cds.locales.normalization.includeList<key>.queue.maxFailedAttempts Use custom error handling<key>.topicNamespace<key>.subscribePrefix
cds.multiTenancy.instanceManager cds.multiTenancy.serviceManager
cds.multiTenancy.dataSource.hanaDatabaseIds obsolete, information is automatically retrieved from bindings
cds.odataV4.indexPage cds.indexPage if disabled, add auto-exposed entities explicitly into your service definition if disabled, add auto-exposed entities explicitly into your service definition if disabled, remove @requires / @restrict annotations remove @requires / @restrict annotations obsolete, effectively hard-coded to false
cds.sql.upsert See Legacy Upsert

Removed Annotations Overview

  • @search.cascade is no longer supported. It's replaced by

Changed Behavior

Immutable Values

The implementations of Value are now immutable. This change makes copying & modifying CQL statements cheaper, which significantly improves the performance.

Changing the type of a value via Value::type now returns a new (immutable) value or throws an exception if the type change is not supported:

Literal<Number> number = CQL.val(100);
Value<String>   string = number.type(CdsBaseType.STRING); // number is unchanged

Immutable References

In CDS QL, a reference (ref) identifies an entity set or element of a structured type. References can have multiple segments and ref segments can have filter conditions.

The default implementations of references (ElementRef and StructuredTypeRef), as well as ref segments (RefSegment) are now immutable. This change makes copying & modifying CQL statements much cheaper, which significantly improves the performance.

- Set alias or type

CQL:entity:asRef, CQL:to:asRef and CQL:get create immutable refs. Modifying the ref is not supported. Methods as(alias) and type(cdsType) now return a new (immutable) ref:

ElementRef<?> authorName = CQL.get("name").as("Author");
ElementRef<?> nombre ="nombre");         // authorName is unchanged
ElementRef<?> string = authorName.type("cds.String");   // authorName is unchanged
- Modify ref segments

Also the segments of an immutable ref can't be modified in-place any longer. Create an immutable ref segment with filter as follows:

Segment seg = CQL.refSegment("title", predicate);

The deprecated RefSegment:id and RefSegment:filter methods now throw an UnsupportedOperationException. For in-place modification of ref segments use CQL.copy(ref) to create a RefBuilder, which is a modifiable copy of the original ref. The RefBuilder allows to modify the segments in-place to change the segment ID or set a filter. Finally call the build method to create an immutable ref.

To manipulate a ref in a Modifier, implementations need to override the new ref(CqnStructuredTypeRef ref) and ref(CqnElementRef ref) methods.

Null Values in CDS QL Query Results

With CAP Java 2.0, null values are not removed from the result of CDS QL queries anymore, this needs to be considered when using methods that operate on the key set of Row, such as Row:containsKey, Row:keySet and Row:entrySet.

Result of Updates Without Matching Entity

The Result rows of CDS QL Updates are not cleared anymore if no entity was updated. To find out if the entity has been updated, check the update count:

CqnUpdate update = Update.entity(BOOKS).entry(book); // w/ book: {ID: 0, stock: 3}
Result result =;

long updateCount = result.rowCount(); // 0 matches with ID 0

For batch updates use Result::rowCount with the batch index:

// books: [{ID: 251, stock: 11}, {ID: 252, stock: 7}, {ID: 0, stock: 3}]
CqnUpdate update = Update.entity(BOOKS).entries(books);
Result result =;

result.batchCount(); // number of batches (3)
result.rowCount(2);  // 0 matches with ID 0

Provider Tenant Normalization

The default value of CDS Property is changed to true. With this change, the provider tenant is normalized and set to null in the UserInfo by default. If you have subscribed the provider tenant to your application you need to disable this feature.

Lean Draft

The property cds.drafts.associationsToInactiveEntities has been removed. It enabled a feature, which caused associations to other draft documents to combine active and inactive versions of the association target. This mixing of inactive and active data is no longer supported. In cases where it is still required to connect two independent draft documents through an association, you can annotate this association with @odata.draft.enclosed. Note: This ensures that the active version points to an active target, while the inactive version points to an inactive target. It will not mix active and inactive data into the same association.

The following table summarizes the behaviour of associations between different draft-enabled entities:

Source Entity Association Type Target Entity Draft Document Boundaries
active1 composition active same document
inactive2 composition inactive same document
active backlink association active same document
inactive backlink association inactive same document
active association active independent documents
inactive association active independent documents
active association with @odata.draft.enclosed active independent documents
inactive association with @odata.draft.enclosed inactive independent documents

1 IsActiveEntity = true
2 IsActiveEntity = false

Changes to Maven Plugins


The deprecated parameters generateMode and parserMode are removed from the goal generate{target="_blank"}.


The deprecated Maven plugin cds4j-maven-plugin is removed and no longer available. It's replaced by the cds-maven-plugin{target="_blank"} which provides the same functionality and more.

Classic MTX to Streamlined MTX

How to migrate from classic MTX to streamlined MTX is described here.

CAP Java Classic to CAP Java 1.x

To make the CAP Java SDK and therefore the applications built on it future-proof, we revamped the CAP Java SDK. Compared the classic CAP Java Runtime (also known as the "Java Gateway stack"), the new CAP Java SDK has numerous benefits:

  • Starts up much faster
  • Supports local development with SQLite
  • Has clean APIs to register event handlers
  • Integrates nicely with Spring and Spring Boot
  • Supports custom protocol adapters (OData V4 support included)
  • Has a modular design: Add features as your application grows
  • Enables connecting to advanced SAP BTP services like SAP Event Mesh

We strongly recommend adopting the new CAP Java SDK when starting a new project. Existing projects that currently use the classic CAP Java Runtime can adopt the new CAP Java SDK midterm to take advantage of new features and the superior architecture. In the following sections, we describe the steps to migrate a Java project from the classic CAP Java Runtime to the new CAP Java SDK.

OData Protocol Version

The classic CAP Java Runtime came in several different flavors supporting either the OData V2 or V4 protocols. The new CAP Java SDK streamlines this by providing a common protocol adapter layer, which enables to handle any OData protocol version or even different protocols with one application backend. Hence, if you decide to change the protocol that exposes your domain model, you no longer have to change your business logic.

::: tip By default, the CAP Java Runtime comes with protocol adapters for OData V4 and OData V2 (Beta). Therefore, you can migrate your frontend code to new CAP Java SDK without change. In addition, you have the option to move from SAP Fiori Elements V2 to SAP Fiori Elements V4 at any time. :::

Migrate the Project Structure

Create a new CAP Java project beside your existing one, which you want to migrate. You can use the CAP Java Maven archetype to create a new CAP Java project:

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=cds-services-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=RELEASE

Further details about creating a new CAP Java project and the project structure itself can be found in section Starting a New Project.

By default, the Java service module goes to the folder srv. If you want to use a different service module folder, you have to adapt it manually. Rename the service module folder to your preferred name and adjust also the <modules> section in the file pom.xml in your projects root folder:

	<module>srv</module> <!-- replace srv with your folder name -->

::: tip If you've changed the service module folder name, you have to consider this in the next steps. :::

Copy the CDS Model

Now, you can start migrating your CDS model from the classic project to the newly created CAP Java project.

Therefore, copy your CDS model and data files (*.cds & *.csv) manually from the classic project to the corresponding locations in the new project, presumably the db folder. If you organize your CDS files within subfolders, also re-create these subfolders in the new project to ensure the same relative path between copied CDS files. Otherwise, compiling your CDS model in the new project would fail.

Usually the CDS files are located in the following folders:

Usage Location in classic project Location in new CAP Java project
Database Model <CLASSIC-PROJECT-ROOT>/db/** <NEW-PROJECT-ROOT>/db/**
Service Model <CLASSIC-PROJECT-ROOT>/srv/** <NEW-PROJECT-ROOT>/srv/**

If your CDS model depends on other reusable CDS models, add those dependencies to <NEW-PROJECT-ROOT>/package.json:

"dependencies": {
	"@sap/cds": "^3.0.0",
	...  // add your CDS model reuse dependencies here

::: tip In your CDS model, ensure that you explicitly define the data type of the elements whenever an aggregate function (max, min, avg etc.) is used, else the build might fail. :::

In the following example, element createdAt has an explicitly specified datatype (that is timestamp):

view AddressView as select from Employee.Address {
    street, apartment, postal_code, MAX(createdAt) AS createdAt: timestamp

CDS Configuration

The CDS configuration is also part of <PROJECT-ROOT>/package.json and has to be migrated as well from the classic to the new project. Therefore, copy and replace the whole cds section from your classic package.json to the new project:

"dependencies": {
	"@sap/cds": "^3.0.0",
"cds": { // copy this CDS configuration from your classic project

::: tip If there's also a <CLASSIC-PROJECT-ROOT>/.cdsrc.json in your classic project to configure the CDS build, copy this file to the new project. :::

You can validate the final CDS configuration by executing a CDS command in the root folder of the new project:

cds env

It prints the effective CDS configuration on the console. Check, that this configuration is valid for your project. Execute this command also in your classic project and compare the results, they should be same.

Further details about effective CDS configuration can be found in section Effective Configuration.

First Build and Deployment

After you've copied all your CDS files, maintained additional dependencies and configured the CDS build, you can try to build your new CAP Java project the first time. Therefore, execute the following Maven command in the root folder of your new CAP Java project:

mvn clean install

If this Maven build finishes successfully, you can optionally try to deploy your CDS model to an SAP HANA database by executing the following CDS command:

cds deploy --to hana

See section SAP HANA Cloud for more details about deploying to SAP HANA.{.learn-more}

Migrate Java Business Logic

Migrate Dependencies

Now, it's time to migrate your Java business logic. If your event handlers require additional libraries that go beyond the already provided Java Runtime API, add those dependencies manually to section dependencies in file <NEW-PROJECT-ROOT>/srv/pom.xml, for example:

	<!-- add your additional dependencies here -->

::: tip Don't add any dependencies of the classic Java Runtime to the new project. Those dependencies are already replaced with the corresponding version of the new CAP Java SDK. :::

Migrate Event Handlers

In the next steps, you have to adapt your Java classes to be compatible with the new Java Runtime API. That means, you'll copy and migrate your event handler classes from the classic to the new project. It will be required to modify and adapt your Java source code to be compatible with the new Java SDK.

Usually the event handler classes and tests are located in these folders:

Usage Location in classic project Location in new CAP Java project
Handler classes <CLASSIC-PROJECT-ROOT>/srv/src/main/java/** <NEW-PROJECT-ROOT>/srv/src/main/java/**
Test classes <CLASSIC-PROJECT-ROOT>/srv/src/test/java/** <NEW-PROJECT-ROOT>/srv/src/test/java/**

Copy your Java class files (*.java) manually from the classic project to corresponding locations in the new project. It's important that you re-create the same subfolder structure in the new project as it is in the classic project. The subfolder structure reflects the Java package names of your Java classes.


Annotate all of your event handler classes with the following annotations and ensure a unique service name:


::: tip All event handler classes also have to implement the marker interface Otherwise, the event handlers defined in the class won't get called. :::

Finally, your event handler class has to look similar to this example:

import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class AdminServiceHandler implements EventHandler {


The new CAP Java SDK introduces new annotations for event handlers. Replace event annotations at event handler methods according to this table:

Classic Java Runtime CAP Java SDK
@BeforeCreate(entity = "yourEntityName") @Before(event = CqnService.EVENT_CREATE, entity = "yourEntityName")
@BeforeDelete(entity = "yourEntityName") @Before(event = CqnService.EVENT_DELETE, entity = "yourEntityName")
@BeforeRead(entity = "yourEntityName") @Before(event = CqnService.EVENT_READ, entity = "yourEntityName")
@BeforeQuery(entity = "yourEntityName") @Before(event = CqnService.EVENT_READ, entity = "yourEntityName")
@BeforeUpdate(entity = "yourEntityName") @Before(event = CqnService.EVENT_UPDATE, entity = "yourEntityName")
@Create(entity = "yourEntityName") @On(event = CqnService.EVENT_CREATE, entity = "yourEntityName")
@Delete(entity = "yourEntityName") @On(event = CqnService.EVENT_DELETE, entity = "yourEntityName")
@Query(entity = "yourEntityName") @On(event = CqnService.EVENT_READ, entity = "yourEntityName")
@Read(entity = "yourEntityName") @On(event = CqnService.EVENT_READ, entity = "yourEntityName")
@Update(entity = "yourEntityName") @On(event = CqnService.EVENT_UPDATE, entity = "yourEntityName")
@AfterCreate(entity = "yourEntityName") @After(event = CqnService.EVENT_CREATE, entity = "yourEntityName")
@AfterRead(entity = "yourEntityName") @After(event = CqnService.EVENT_READ, entity = "yourEntityName")
@AfterQuery(entity = "yourEntityName") @After(event = CqnService.EVENT_READ, entity = "yourEntityName")
@AfterUpdate(entity = "yourEntityName") @After(event = CqnService.EVENT_UPDATE, entity = "yourEntityName")
@AfterDelete(entity = "yourEntityName") @After(event = CqnService.EVENT_DELETE, entity = "yourEntityName")

::: tip The sourceEntity annotation field doesn't exist in the new CAP Java SDK. In case your event handler should only be called for specific source entities you need to achieve this by analyzing the CQN in custom code. :::

Event Handler Signatures

The basic signature of an event handler method is void process(EventContext context). However, it doesn't provide the highest level of comfort. Event handler signatures can vary on three levels:

  • EventContext arguments
  • POJO-based arguments
  • Return type

Replace types from package in the classic Java Runtime by types from package as described by the following table:

Classic Java Runtime New CAP Java SDK
CreateRequest CdsCreateEventContext
DeleteRequest CdsDeleteEventContext
QueryRequest CdsReadEventContext
ReadRequest CdsReadEventContext
UpdateRequest CdsUpdateEventContext
ExtensionHelper Use dependency injection provided by Spring

You can also get your entities injected by adding an additional argument with one of the following types:

  • java.util.List<yourEntityType>

See section Event Handler Method Signatures for more details.{.learn-more}

Also replace the classic handler return types with the corresponding new implementation:

Classic Java Runtime New CAP Java SDK
return BeforeCreateResponse call CdsCreateEventContext::setResult(..) or return Result
return BeforeDeleteResponse call CdsDeleteEventContext::setResult(..) or return Result
return BeforeQueryResponse call CdsReadEventContext::setResult(..) or return Result
return BeforeReadResponse call CdsReadEventContext::setResult(..) or return Result
return BeforeUpdateResponse call CdsUpdateEventContext::setResult(..) or return Result

Delete Obsolete Files

There are numerous files in your classic project, which aren't required and supported anymore in the new project. Don't copy any of the following files to the new project:

├─ db/
│  ├─ .build.js
│  └─ package.json
└─ srv/src/main/
           ├─ resources/
           │  ├─
           │  └─
           └─ webapp/
              ├─ META-INF/
              │  ├─ sap_java_buildpack/config/resources_configuration.xml
              │  └─ context.xml
              └─ WEB-INF/
                 ├─ resources.xml
                 ├─ spring-security.xml
                 └─ web.xml

Transaction Hooks

In the Classic Java Runtime, it was possible to hook into the transaction initialization and end phase by adding the annotations @InitTransaction or @EndTransaction to a public method. The method annotated with @InitTransaction was invoked just after the transaction started and before any operation executed. Usually this hook was used to validate incoming data across an OData batch request.

See section InitTransaction Hook for more details about init transaction hook in classic CAP Java.{.learn-more}

The method annotated with @EndTransaction was invoked after all the operations in the transaction were completed and before the transaction was committed.

See section EndTransaction Hook for more details about end transactions hook in classic CAP Java.{.learn-more}

The new CAP Java SDK doesn't support these annotations anymore. Instead, it supports registering a ChangeSetListener at the ChangeSetContext supporting hooks for beforeClose and afterClose.

See section Reacting on ChangeSets for more details.{.learn-more}

To replace the @InitTransaction handler, you can use the beforeClose method, instead. This method is called at the end of the transaction and can be used, for example, to validate incoming data across multiple requests in an OData batch before the transaction is committed. It's possible to cancel the transaction in this phase by throwing an ServiceException.

The CAP Java SDK sample application shows how such a validation using the ChangeSetListener approach can be implemented. See here for the example code.

Note that to validate incoming data for single requests, we recommend to use a simple @Before handler, instead.

See section Introduction to Event Handlers for a detailed description about Before handler.{.learn-more}

Security Settings

For applications based on Spring Boot, the new CAP Java SDK simplifies configuring authentication significantly: Using the classic CAP Java Runtime, you had to configure authentication for all application endpoints (including the endpoints exposed by your CDS model) explicitly. The new CAP Java SDK configures authentication for all exposed endpoints automatically, based on the security declarations in your CDS model.

Authorization can be accomplished in both runtimes with CDS model annotations @requires and @restrict as described in section Authorization and Access Control. Making use of the declarative approach in the CDS model is highly recommended.

In addition, the new CAP Java SDK enables using additional authentication methods. For instance, you can use basic authentication for mock users, which are useful for local development and testing. See section Mock Users for more details.

An overview about the general security configuration in the new CAP Java SDK can be found in section Security.

Configuration and Dependencies

To make use of authentication and authorization with JWT tokens issued by XSUAA on the SAP BTP, add the following dependency to your pom.xml:


This feature provides utilities to access information in JWT tokens, but doesn't activate authentication by default. Therefore, as in the classic CAP Java Runtime, activate authentication by adding a variant of the XSUAA library suitable for your application (depending on if you use Spring, Spring Boot, plain Java) as described in the following sections.

Spring Boot

Activate Spring security with XSUAA authentication by adding the following Maven dependency:


Maintaining a spring-security.xml file or a custom WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter or SecurityFilterChain isn't necessary anymore because the new CAP Java SDK runtime autoconfigures authentication in the Spring context according to your CDS model:

  • Endpoints exposed by the CDS model annotated with @restrict are automatically authenticated.

  • Endpoints exposed by the CDS model not annotated with @restrict are public by definition and hence not authenticated.

  • All other endpoints the application exposes manually through Spring are authenticated. If you need to change this default behavior either manually configure these endpoints or turn off auto configuration of custom endpoints by means of the following application configuration parameter: false
Plain Java

The existing authentication configuration stays unchanged. No autoconfiguration is provided.

Enforcement API & Custom Handlers

The new CAP Java SDK offers a technical service called AuthorizationService, which serves as a replacement for the former Enforcement APIs. Obtain a reference to this service just like for all other services, either explicitly through a ServiceCatalog lookup or per dependency injection in Spring:

AuthorizationService authService;

Information of the request user is passed in the current RequestContext:

EventContext context;
UserInfo user = context.getUserInfo();

or through dependency injection within a handler bean:

UserInfo user;

With the help of these interfaces, the classic enforcement API can be mapped to the new API as listed in the following table:

classic API new API Remarks
isAuthenticatedUser(String serviceName) authService.hasServiceAccess(serviceName, event)
isRegisteredUser(String serviceName) no substitution required
hasEntityAccess(String entityName, String event) authService.hasEntityAccess(entityName, event)
getWhereCondition() authService.calcWhereCondition(entityName, event)
getUserName() user.getName() The user's name is also referenced with $user and used for managed aspect.
getUserId() user.getId()
hasUserRole(String roleName) user.hasRole(roleName)
getUserAttribute(String attributeName) user.getAttribute(attributeName)
isContainerSecurityEnabled() no substitution required

See section Enforcement API & Custom Handlers in Java for more details.{.learn-more}

Data Access and Manipulation

There are several ways of accessing data. The first and most secure way is to use the Application Service through an CqnService instance. The second is to use PersistenceService, in that case the query execution is done directly against underlying datasource, bypassing all authority checks available on service layer. The third one is to use CDS4J component called CdsDataStore, which also executes queries directly.

Access Application Service in Custom Handler and Query Execution

To access an Application Service in custom handler and to execute queries, perform the following steps:

  1. Inject the instance of CqnService in your custom handler class:
	@Resource(name = "CatalogService")
	private CqnService catalogService;

See section Services Accepting CQN Queries for more details.{.learn-more}

  1. In each custom handler, replace instance of DataSourceHandler as well as CDSDataSourceHandler with the CqnService instance.

  2. Rewrite and execute the query (if any).

Example of query execution in Classic Java Runtime:

CDSDataSourceHandler cdsHandler = DataSourceHandlerFactory.getInstance().getCDSHandler(getConnection(), queryRequest.getEntityMetadata().getNamespace());

CDSQuery cdsQuery = new CDSSelectQueryBuilder("CatalogService.Books")
	.selectColumns("id", "title")
	.where(new ConditionBuilder().columnName("title").IN("Spring", Java"))
	.orderBy("title", true)


See section CDS Data Source for more details.{.learn-more}

The corresponding query and its execution in New CAP Java SDK looks as follows:

Select query =  Select.from("CatalogService.Books")
	.columns("id", "title")
	.where(p -> p.get("title")
	.in("Spring", "Java"))

See section Query Builder API for more details.{.learn-more}

  1. Rewrite and execute the CRUD operations (if any).
Action Classic Java Runtime New CAP Java SDK
Create dsHandler.executeInsert(request.getData(), true) or"Books").entry(book))
Read dsHandler.executeRead(request.getEntityMetadata().getName(), request.getKeys(), request.getEntityMetadata().getElementNames()); or"Books").where(b->b.get("ID").eq(42)))
Update dsHandler.executeUpdate(request.getData(), request.getKeys(), true) or"Books").data(book))
Delete dsHandler.executeDelete(request.getEntityMetadata().getName(), request.getKeys()) or"Books").where(b -> b.get("ID").eq(42)))

As you can see in New CAP Java SDK it's possible to either directly execute a CQN of the event, or you can construct and execute your own custom query.

See section Query Builder API for more details.{.learn-more}

Accessing PersistenceService

If for any reason you decided to use PersistenceService instead of CqnService in your custom handler, you need to inject the instance of PersistenceService in your custom handler class:

private PersistenceService persistence;

See section Persistence API for more details.{.learn-more}

Example of Query execution in Classic Java Runtime:

CDSDataSourceHandler cdsHandler = ...;

CDSQuery cdsQuery = new CDSSelectQueryBuilder("CatalogService.Books")
	.selectColumns("id", "title")
	.where(new ConditionBuilder().columnName("title").IN("Spring", Java"))
	.orderBy("title", true)


The corresponding query execution in New CAP Java SDK looks as follows:

Select query =  Select.from("CatalogService.Books")
	.columns("id", "title")
	.where(p -> p.get("title")
	.in("Spring", "Java"))

Accessing CdsDataStore

If you want to use CdsDataStore in your custom handler, you first need to do the steps described in section Accessing PersistenceService. After that you can get the instance of CdsDataStore using persistence.getCdsDataStore() method:

Select query =  ...; // construct the query

CdsDataStore cdsDataStore = persistence.getCdsDataStore();

CDS OData V2 Adapter { #v2adapter}

When you generate a new project using the CAP Java Maven Archetype, OData V4 is enabled by default.

To be able to migrate the backend from the Classic Java Runtime without making changes in your frontend code, you can activate the OData V2 Adapter as follows:

  1. Add the following dependency to the pom.xml of your srv module:

  2. In addition, turn off the OData V4 adapter by replacing the following dependency:




    if present. Additionally, remove the dependency


    if present.

  3. To make the CDS Compiler generate EDMX for OData V2, add or adapt the following property in the .cdsrc.json file:

    	"odata": {
    		"version": "v2"

    ::: tip In case you're using multitenancy, keep in mind to make the same change in the .cdsrc.json of the mtx-sidecar. :::

After rerunning the Maven build and starting the CAP Java application, Application Services are served as OData V2. By default, the endpoints will be available under <host:port>/odata/v2/<Service>. The default response format is xml, to request json use $format=json or Accept: application/json header.

::: tip The index page available at <host:port> lists service endpoints of all protocol adapters. :::

Enabling OData V2 and V4 in Parallel

You can also use OData V2 and V4 in parallel. However, by default the Maven build generates EDMX files for one OData version, only. Therefore, you've to add an extra compile step for the missing OData version to the Maven build of your application:

  1. In .cdsrc, choose v4 for odata.version

  2. Add an extra compile command to the subsection commands of the section with ID in the pom.xml file in the srv folder of your project:

    <command>compile ${project.basedir} -s all -l all -2 edmx-v2 -o ${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/edmx/v2</command>

    This command picks up all service definitions in the Java project base directory (srv by default) and generates EDMX for OData V2. It also localizes the generated EDMX files with all available translations. For more information on the previous command, call cds help compile on the command line. If your service definitions are located in a different directory, adopt the previous command. If your service definitions are contained in multiple directories, add the previous command for each directory separately. Make sure to use at least cds-dk 3.2.0 for this step.

  3. Make sure that the dependencies to the OData V2 and V4 adapters are present in your pom.xml file:

  4. Optionally it's possible to configure different serve paths for the application services for different protocols. See Serve configuration for more details.

After rebuilding and restarting your application, your Application Services are exposed as OData V2 and OData V4 in parallel. This way, you can migrate your frontend code iteratively to OData V4.

Cloud SDK 4 to 5 { #cloudsdk5 }

CAP Java 2.6.0 and higher is compatible with Cloud SDK in version 4 and 5. For reasons of backward compatibility, CAP Java assumes Cloud SDK 4 as the default. However, we highly recommend to use at least version 5.2.0 of Cloud SDK. To upgrade your CAP Java application to Cloud SDK 5, in most cases, you don't need to adapt any code if you rely on the Cloud SDK integration package (cds-integration-cloud-sdk). In these cases, it's sufficient to add the following maven dependency to your CAP Java application:
