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This guide extends the localization/i18n of static content, such as labels or messages, to serve localized versions of actual application data.

Localized Data

{{ $frontmatter.synopsis }}

Localized data refers to the maintenance of different translations of textual data and automatically fetching the translations matching the users' preferred language, with per-row fallback to default languages, if the required translations aren't available. Language codes are in ISO 639-1 format.

Find a working sample at


Declaring Localized Data

Use the localized modifier to mark entity elements that require translated texts.

entity Books {
  key ID       : UUID;
      title    : localized String;
      descr    : localized String;
      price    : Decimal;
      currency : Currency;

Find this source also in cap/samples.{ .learn-more}

::: warning Restriction If you want to use the localized modifier, the entity's keys must not be associations. :::

localized in entity sub elements isn't currently supported and is ignored. This includes localized in structured elements and structured types.

Behind the Scenes

The cds compiler automatically unfolds the previous definition as follows, applying the basic mechanisms of Managed Compositions, and Scoped Names:

First, a separate Books.texts entity is added to hold translated texts:

entity Books.texts {
  key locale : sap.common.Locale;
  key ID : UUID; //= source's primary key
  title : String;
  descr : String;

See the definition of sap.common.Locale.{ .learn-more}

Second, the source entity is extended with associations to Books.texts:

extend entity Books with {
  texts : Composition of many Books.texts on texts.ID=ID;
  localized : Association to Books.texts on localized.ID=ID
    and localized.locale = $user.locale;

The composition texts points to all translated texts for the given entity, whereas the localized association points to the translated texts and is narrowed to the request's locale.

Third, views are generated in SQL DDL to easily read localized texts with an equivalent fallback:

entity localized.Books as select from Books {*,
  coalesce (localized.title, title) as title,
  coalesce (localized.descr, descr) as descr

::: warning Note: In contrast to former versions, with CDS compiler v2 we don't add such entities to CSN anymore, but only on generated SQL DDL output. :::

Resolving localized texts via views

As we already mentioned, the CDS compiler is already creating views that resolve the translated texts internally. Once a CDS runtime detects a request with a user locale, it uses those views instead of the table of the involved entity.

Note that SQLite doesn't support locales like SAP HANA does. For SQLite, additional views are generated for different languages. Currently those views are generated for the locales 'de' and 'fr' and the default locale is handled as 'en'.

"i18n": { "for_sqlite": ["en", ...] }

In package.json put this snippet in the cds block, but don't do so for .cdsrc.json.

For testing with SQLite: Make sure that the Books table contains the English texts and that the other languages go into the Books.texts table.

For H2, you need to use the property as follows.

"i18n": { "for_sql": ["en", ...] }

Resolving search over localized texts at runtime { #resolving-localized-texts-at-runtime}

Although the approach with the generated localized views is very convenient, it's limited on SQLite and shows suboptimal performance with large data sets on SAP HANA. Especially for search operations the performance penalty is very critical. Therefore, both CAP runtimes have implemented a solution targeted for search operations. If the localized association of your entity is present and accessible by the given CQL statement, the runtimes generate SQL statements that resolve the localized texts. This is optimized for the underlying database.

When your CQL queries select entities directly there is no issue as the localized association is automatically accessible in an entity with localized elements. If your CQL query selects from a view, it is important that your views' projection preserves the localized association.

The following view definitions preserve the localized association in the view, allowing you to optimize query execution, or for broader language support on SQLite, H2, and PostgreSQL.

Preferred - Exclude elements that mustn't be exposed:

entity OpenBookView as select from Books {*}
  excluding { price, currency };

Include the localized association:

entity ClosedBookView as select from Books { ID, title, descr, localized };

Base Entities Stay Intact

In contrast to similar strategies, all texts aren't externalized but the original texts are kept in the source entity. This saves one join when reading localized texts with fallback to the original ones.

Extending .texts Entities { #extending-texts-entities}

It's possible to collectively extend all generated .texts entities by extending the aspect sap.common.TextsAspect, which is defined in common.cds.

For example, the aspect can be used to add an association to the Languages code list entity, or to add flags that help you to control the translation process.


extend sap.common.TextsAspect with {
  language : Association to sap.common.Languages on language.code = locale;

The earlier description is simplified, .texts entities are generated with an include on sap.common.TextsAspect, if the aspect exists. For the Books entity, the generated .texts entity looks like:

entity Books.texts : sap.common.TextsAspect {
  key ID : UUID;
  title : String;
  descr : String;

When the include is expanded, the key element locale is inserted into .texts entities, alongside all the other elements that have been added to sap.common.TextsAspect via extensions.

entity Books.texts {
  // from sap.common.TextsAspect
  key locale: sap.common.Locale;
  language : Association to sap.common.Languages on language.code = locale;
  // from Books
  key ID : UUID;
  title : String;
  descr : String;

It isn't allowed to extend sap.common.TextsAspect with

For entities that have an annotation @fiori.draft.enabled, the corresponding .texts entities also include the aspect, but the element locale isn't marked as a key and an element key ID_texts : UUID is added.

Pseudo var $user.locale { #user-locale}

As shown in the second step, the pseudo variable $user.locale is used to refer to the user's preferred locale and join matching translations from .texts tables. This pseudo variable allows expressing such queries in a database-independent way, which is realized in the service runtimes as follows:

Determining $user.locale from Inbound Requests

The user's preferred locale is determined from request parameters, user settings, or the accept-language header of inbound requests as explained in the Localization guide.

Programmatic Access to $user.locale

The resulting normalized locale is available programmatically, in your event handlers.

  • Node.js: req.locale
  • Java: eventContext.getParameterInfo().getLocale()

Propagating $user.locale to Databases {#propagating-of-user-locale}

Finally, the normalized locale is propagated to underlying databases using session variables, that is, $user.locale translates to session_context('locale') in native SQL of SAP HANA and most databases.

Not all databases support session variables. For example, for SQLite we currently would just create stand-in views for selected languages. With that, the APIs are kept stable but have restricted feature support.

Reading Localized Data

Given the asserted unfolding and user locales propagated to the database, you can read localized data as follows:

In Agnostic Code

Read original texts, that is, the ones in the originally created data entry:

SELECT ID, title, descr from Books

For End Users

Reading texts for end users uses the localized association, which requires prior propagation of $user.locale to the underlying database.

Read localized texts in the user's preferred language:

SELECT ID, localized.title, localized.descr from Books

For Translation UIs

Translation UIs read and write texts in all languages, independent from the current user's preferred one. They use the to-many texts association, which is independent from $user.locale.

Read texts in different translations:

SELECT ID, texts[locale='fr'].title, texts[locale='fr'].descr from Books

Read texts in all translations:

SELECT ID, texts.locale, texts.title, texts.descr from Books

Serving Localized Data

The generic handlers of the service runtimes automatically serve read requests from localized views. Users see all texts in their preferred language or the fallback language.

See also Enabling Draft for Localized Data.{ .learn-more}

For example, given this service definition:

using { Books } from './books';
service CatalogService {
  entity BooksList as projection on Books { ID, title, price };
  entity BooksDetails as projection on Books;
  entity BooksShort as projection on Books { 
    ID, price,
    substr(title, 0, 10) as title : localized String(10), 

localized. Helper Views

For each exposed entity in a service definition, and all intermediate views, a corresponding localized. entity is created. It has the same query clauses and all annotations, except for the from clause being redirected to the underlying entity's localized. counterpart. A helper view is only created if the corresponding entity contains at least one element with a localized property, or it exposes an association to an entity that is localized. You may need to cast an element if that property is not propagated, e.g. for expressions such as in CatalogService.BooksShort.

using { localized.Books } from './books_localized';

entity localized.CatalogService.BooksList as
  SELECT from localized.Books { ID, title, price };

entity localized.CatalogService.BooksDetails as
  SELECT from localized.Books;
entity localized.CatalogService.BooksShort as
    SELECT from localized.Books { ID, price,
        substr(title, 0, 10) as title : localized String(10),

::: warning Note: Note that these localized. entities are not part of CSN and aren't exposed through OData. They are only generated for SQL. :::

Read Operations

The generic handlers in the service framework will automatically redirect all incoming read requests to the localized_ helper views in the SQL database, unless in SAP Fiori draft mode.

The @cds.localized: false annotation can be used to explicitly switch off the automatic redirection to the localized views. All incoming requests to an entity annotated with @cds.localized: false will directly access the base entity.

using { Books } from './books';
service CatalogService {
  @cds.localized: false //> direct access to base entity; all fields are non-localized defaults
  entity BooksDetails as projection on Books;

In Node.js applications, for requests with an $expand query option on entities annotated with @cds.localized: false, the expanded properties are not translated.

GET /BooksDetails?$expand=authors //> all fields from authors are non-localized defaults, if BooksDetails is annotated with `@cds.localized: false`

Write Operations

Since the corresponding text table is linked through composition, you can use deep inserts or upserts to fill in language-specific texts.

POST <your_service_url>/Entity HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "name": "Some name",
  "description": "Some description",
  "texts": [ {"name": "Ein Name", "description": "Eine Beschreibung", "locale": "de"} ]

If you want to add a language-specific text to an existing entity, perform a POST request to the text table of the entity through navigation.

POST <your_service_url>/Entity(<entity_key>)/texts HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  {"name": "Ein Name", "description": "Eine Beschreibung", "locale": "de"}

Update Operations

To update the language-specific texts of an entity along with the default fallback text, you can perform a deep update as a PUT or PATCH request to the entity through navigation.

PUT/PATCH <your_service_url>/Entity(<entity_key>) HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "name": "Some new name",
  "description": "Some new description",
  "texts": [ {"name": "Ein neuer Name", "description": "Eine neue Beschreibung", "locale": "de"} ]

To update a single language-specific text field, perform a PUT or a PATCH request to the entity's text field via navigation.

PUT/PATCH <your_service_url>/Entity(<entity_key>)/texts(ID=<entity_key>,locale='<locale>')/<field_name> HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  {"name": "Ein neuer Name"} ]

::: warning Note: Accepted language codes in the locale property need to follow the BCP 47 standard but use underscore (_) instead of hyphen (-), for example en_GB. :::

Delete Operations

To delete a locale's language-specific texts of an entity, perform a DELETE request to the entity's texts table through navigation. Specify the entity's key and the locale that you want to delete.

DELETE <your_service_url>/Entity(<entity_key>)/texts(ID=<entity_key>,locale='<locale>') HTTP/1.1

Nested Localized Data

The definition of books has a currency element that is effectively an association to the sap.common.Currencies code list entity, which in turn has localized texts. Find the respective definitions in the reference docs for @sap/cds/common, in the section on Common Code Lists.

Upon unfolding, all associations to other entities with localized texts are automatically redirected as follows:

entity localized.Currencies as select from Currencies AS c {* /*...*/};
entity localized.Books as select from Books AS p mixin {
  // association is redirected to localized.Currencies
  country : Association to localized.Currencies on country =;
} into {* /*...*/};

Given that, nested localized data can be easily read with independent fallback logic:

SELECT from localized.Books {
  ID, title, descr, as currency
} where title like '%pen%' or like '%land%'

In the result sets for this query, values for title, descr, as well as the currency name are localized.

Adding Initial Data

To add initial data, two .csv files are required. The first .csv file, for example Books.csv, should contain all the data in the default language. The second file, for example Books_texts.csv (please note _texts in the file name) should contain the translated data in all other languages your application is using.

For example, Books.csv can look as follows:

::: code-group

201;Wuthering Heights;Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë's only novel ...;101;12;11.11;GBP;11
207;Jane Eyre;Jane Eyre is a novel by English writer ...;107;11;12.34;GBP;11
251;The Raven;The Raven is a narrative poem by ...;150;333;13.13;USD;16
252;Eleonora;Eleonora is a short story by ...;150;555;14;USD;16
271;Catweazle;Catweazle is a British fantasy ...;170;22;150;JPY;13


This is the corresponding Books_texts.csv:

::: code-group

201;de;Sturmhöhe;Sturmhöhe (Originaltitel: Wuthering Heights) ist der einzige Roman...
201;fr;Les Hauts de Hurlevent;Les Hauts de Hurlevent (titre original : Wuthering Heights)...
207;de;Jane Eyre;Jane Eyre. Eine Autobiographie (Originaltitel: Jane Eyre. An Autobiography)...
252;de;Eleonora;Eleonora ist eine Erzählung von Edgar Allan Poe. Sie wurde 1841...
