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MyTwitch: Game Item Recommendation Web Application


The main goal for this project is to develop efficient and user-friendly game recommendation solution (content-based) as a web application to users based on the user favorite item history. User can search games, save favorited game items in a container or delete the favorited game items. The game information requesting from my backend server is based on Twitch APIs.

Developer Environment

I use the JSX (an extension to Javascript) which is more developer-friendly way to develop code in a combination manner (Javascript, HTML, CSS) for the front end development (React framrwork based). Node.js is used to provide a runtime environment for the Javascript code. The React front end software components will be discuss on the later section. Regarding the backend, I use the Spring MVC framework to develop service code (Java) and use Hibernate framework to query the data from database due to its developer-friendly ORM mechanism. Since the origin sources for front end (localhost:3000) and back end (localhost:8080) are different, I use a proxy server to avoid the errors coming from browers's same-origin policy (only resources from the same domain, host and port can interact with each other).

In package.json file, I include "proxy": "http://localhost:8080". In such way, any broswer request "http://localhost:3000/<request api>" will be sent to proxy server and convert it to "http://localhost:8080/<request api>" which is redirected to the backend server. After the front end code is deployed to a remote server, we don't need the proxy since it does not being restricted by the same-origin policy from browser.

Frontend Software Architecture


Figure 1. Frontend software architecture design process flow (click the diagram to view in a larger view)

The above diagram shows the relationship between different Javascript components (refer as JS component for short). The main component is App which consists of 3 modules (Slider, Page Header and Home).

Frontend Software Components

1. Page Header

The Page Header consists of 3 JS components ('Login', 'Register' and 'Favorite Item'). The Login and Register are used to collect user information and validate them on backend server through the API calls. Once the user is registered and logged in, his/her favorite items (if any) will be pulled from the database, The Favorite Item component will be clicked by user to show the favorite items in a drawer manner. The displayed information will be re-rendered on the Home component.

2. Slider

The Slider component consists of 2 JS component Custom Search and Menu. The Custom Search is a button for the user to display a enter-information window to search games. The searched result will be re-rendered and show on the Home component. The second component Menu consists of 2 smaller components: Game Recommendation and Top Game. The Game Recommendation is a button for the user to click so that the backend server will recommend some game items based on his/her favorite item history and display them on Home component in 3 tabs: video, clip, stream. The recommendation design will be discussed in backend software components. The Top Game is a menu list to display the most popular games to the user, when he/she clicks any game item inside the menu, the information will be displayed to the Home component in 3 tabs: video, clip and stream as well.

3. Home

The Home component is the main spot to display/render any information pulled from backend server through user interaction with other GUI components.

Backend Software Architecture


Figure 2. Backend software architecture design process flow (click the diagram to view in a larger view)

Backend Software Components

1. Register Controller

The register controller aims at providing the user registration service. The user information will be saved to database via the Dao.

2. Login/Logout Controller

The login controller aims at verifying the user login information. The user login information will be passed to the login Dao, the login Dao will retrieve the  encrypted password by `user_id` and compared to the encrypted password from the user information. 

The logout controller aims at disabling the login status of a user. It will invalidate the session and make the value as `null` for the key `JSESSIONID` in cookie.

3. Game Controller

The game controller aims at providing the game information (searched by game name) in JSON format and return the result to front end.

4. Search Controller

The search controller aims at providing the game information (searched by `game_id`) in terms of different item type (video, stream, clip) in JSON format and return the result (`Map<String, List<Item>>`) to front end.

5. Favorite Controller

The favorite controller processes the user request (CRUD on the favorite item), the update will be reflected to database

6. Recommendation Controller

The recommendation controller leverages the favorite items from user to recommend the similar game items to the user. It will first get all the favorite items from database and get the top 3 game_id. Then it will leverage the game service to search items (video, stream, clip) based on the game_id and return the result to front end.

Map<String, List<Item>> result
get the favorite items from database -> Map<String, List<String>> // game item type, list of game_ids
for each game item type (video, stream, clip)
     recommend the top 3 item (item type, game_id) by game service (search by item type)
     save to the result


The selected database is relational database (AWS-SQL), since it can clearly relates the user information and game items. The relation mapping is many-to-many, since one user can favor multiple items and one item can be favored by multiple users. The attached shema shows the relationship below:


Figure 3. RDBMS schema (user, item, favorite item)

In order to make the database query more conveniently, I use the Hibernate to achieve the object relation mapping (ORM) idea (object oriented way to interact with database) so that I can only write Java code to interact with the database rather than using the SQL language directly.


The front end code built by npm is saved under the webapp folder on backend code. The backend code is then built by maven to generate a .jar package. I register a virtual machine (Ubuntu based) through AWS EC2 service and use SSH key to access it. In order to provide an isolated running environment for this project, I choose the docker as the deploy tool to build the image file, which will be run as an isolated docker container. The provided web server for backend code is Apache Tomcat inside the container.