- 生成密钥文件
mvn EDBSetup_keyUtilsTest#getKeyTest
- 生成索引(很耗时)
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.zhong.concurrent.BlockingQueueModel"
cmd> mysql -uroot -proot -P3306
mysql> CREATE DATABASE vsse DEFAULT CHARSET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
cmd> mysql --default-character-set=utf8 -uroot -proot vsse < F:\睿云实验室\王剑锋\关键词检索\第6阶段\CashScheme_Split_Memory\vsse_TSets.sql
cmd> mysql --default-character-set=utf8 -uroot -proot vsse < F:\睿云实验室\王剑锋\关键词检索\第6阶段\CashScheme_Split_Memory\vsse_XSets.sql
- 生成查询所需的子TSets表:
cmd> mysql -uroot -proot -hlocalhost
mysql> use vsse;
mysql> create table TSets_32768 select * from TSets limit 0,32768;
mysql> create table TSets_65536 select * from TSets limit 0,65536;
mysql> create table TSets_131072 select * from TSets limit 0,131072;
mysql> create table TSets_262144 select * from TSets limit 0,262144;
mysql> create table TSets_524288 select * from TSets limit 0,524288;
mysql> create table TSets_1048576 select * from TSets limit 0,1048576;
- 查询TSets表的大小
cmd> mysql -uroot -proot -hlocalhost
mysql> use information_schema;
mysql> select concat(round(sum(DATA_LENGTH/1024/1024),2),'MB') as data
from TABLES where table_schema='vsse' and table_name='TSets_32768';
mysql> select concat(round(sum(DATA_LENGTH/1024/1024),2),'MB') as data from TABLES where table_schema='vsse' and table_name='TSets_65536';
mysql> select concat(round(sum(DATA_LENGTH/1024/1024),2),'MB') as data from TABLES where table_schema='vsse' and table_name='TSets_131072';
mysql> select concat(round(sum(DATA_LENGTH/1024/1024),2),'MB') as data from TABLES where table_schema='vsse' and table_name='TSets_262144';
mysql> select concat(round(sum(DATA_LENGTH/1024/1024),2),'MB') as data from TABLES where table_schema='vsse' and table_name='TSets_524288';
mysql> select concat(round(sum(DATA_LENGTH/1024/1024),2),'MB') as data from TABLES where table_schema='vsse' and table_name='TSets_1048576';
- 生成XSets的BloonFilter
mvn test -Dtest=MySqlUtilsTest#getXSetsTest2
- 打乱所有的Tset表,注意rand是一个很耗时的工作
cmd> use vsse;
mysql> create table TSets_32768_rand select * from TSets_32768 order by rand();
mysql> create table TSets_65536_rand select * from TSets_65536 order by rand();
mysql> create table TSets_131072_rand select * from TSets_131072 order by rand();
mysql> create table TSets_262144_rand select * from TSets_262144 order by rand();
mysql> create table TSets_524288_rand select * from TSets_524288 order by rand();
mysql> create table TSets_1048576_rand select * from TSets_1048576 order by rand();
- 测试查询正确性
mvn test -Dtest=SearchProtocol_Split_memory_Test#search_serverTest12
- 测试查询时间
mvn test -Dtest=SearchProtocol_Split_memory_Test#searchProtocolTest13