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Evolutions & History for this project

Here you'll find the backlogs, being-done, completed and bug reports for this project.

Issues contain a prefix letter and a sequence number, possibly followed by a date and a context-full description


  • (b) bug fix for broken functionalities
  • (f) new functional requisite
  • (n) new non-functional requisite
  • (r) internal re-engineering / refactor / improvement, to increase speed and/or enable further progress to be done cheaper


(f21) 2024-03-02: Possibly introduce the OgreBoundedBoxAllocator to enable advanced usage in reactive-messaging: This will enable reactive-messaging to receive variable sized binary messages. This should be better explored, as it seems there are options. Use cases tests should be added for sending RKYV's "Archived" structs and changes / implementations should follow from there.

(f22) 2024-09-01: Complete & homogenize all channel implementations: Specially after (f20), channels got new experimental & cool functionalities -- even if not all channels got an initial implementation for the features introduced there. This story is about making sure channels properly implement all the features they support & that a final pass was made to make all of them use similar patterns and, preferably, the same traits.

  • New Traits: The new traits would be: AsyncChannel, AdvancedChannelSemantics & possibly others. Those are "Functional Traits", as they specify additional operations the channel support. Keep in mind that not all channels may implement all functionalities efficiently. As an example, the Crossbeam channel would need an auxiliary vector to support the reserve_slot() / try_send_reserved() / try_cancel_slot_reserve() semantics -- and, since our crate is to provide as-efficient-as-possible channels, this kind of workaround should not be done.
  • Multi (arc) channels bug: The issue reported at #1 can also make part of this review and, should we choose not to drop those channels, the inability to support the use case described there should be expressed by the traits the affected channels implement or not.
  • Take an extra care to complete the implementation of the mmap_log channel, also adding traits that expresses its unique abilities.
  • Some trait patterns, coded here in base64, may serve as an inspiration: dHJhaXQgQ2hhbm5lbCB7CiAgICBmbiBzZW5kKCZzZWxmKTsKfQoKdHJhaXQgQWR2YW5jZWRDaGFu bmVsU2VtYW50aWNzIHsKICAgIGZuIHJlc2VydmUoJnNlbGYpOwp9Cgp0cmFpdCBBc3luY0NoYW5u ZWw6IENoYW5uZWwgKyBBZHZhbmNlZENoYW5uZWxTZW1hbnRpY3MgewogICAgZm4gc2VuZF93aXRo X2FzeW5jKCZzZWxmKSB7CiAgICAgICAgcHJpbnRsbiEoIlRoaXMgY2hhbm5lbCBhdXRvbWF0aWNh bGx5IGltcGxlbWVudHMgYEFzeW5jQ2hhbm5lbGAiKTsKICAgIH0KfQoKLy8gTm8gYmxhbmtldCBp bXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbiBuZWVkZWQgaGVyZQoKLy8gVXNhZ2UKCnN0cnVjdCBGdWxsU3luYzsKaW1w bCBDaGFubmVsIGZvciBGdWxsU3luYyB7CiAgICBmbiBzZW5kKCZzZWxmKSB7CiAgICAgICAgcHJp bnRsbiEoIkZ1bGxTeW5jIGltcGxlbWVudHMgQ2hhbm5lbCIpOwogICAgfQp9CgpzdHJ1Y3QgQXRv bWljOwppbXBsIENoYW5uZWwgZm9yIEF0b21pYyB7CiAgICBmbiBzZW5kKCZzZWxmKSB7CiAgICAg ICAgcHJpbnRsbiEoIkF0b21pYyBpbXBsZW1lbnRzIENoYW5uZWwiKTsKICAgIH0KfQoKaW1wbCBB ZHZhbmNlZENoYW5uZWxTZW1hbnRpY3MgZm9yIEF0b21pYyB7CiAgICBmbiByZXNlcnZlKCZzZWxm KSB7CiAgICAgICAgcHJpbnRsbiEoIkF0b21pYyBpbXBsZW1lbnRzIEFkdmFuY2VkQ2hhbm5lbFNl bWFudGljcyIpOwogICAgfQp9CgovLyBPdmVycmlkZSB0aGUgZGVmYXVsdCBpbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlv biBmb3IgQXN5bmNDaGFubmVsIGZvciBBdG9taWMKaW1wbCBBc3luY0NoYW5uZWwgZm9yIEF0b21p YyB7CiAgICBmbiBzZW5kX3dpdGhfYXN5bmMoJnNlbGYpIHsKICAgICAgICBwcmludGxuISgiQXRv bWljIGNoYW5uZWwgYWxzbyBpbXBsZW1lbnRzIGBBc3luY0NoYW5uZWxgIC0tIG92ZXJyaWRpbmcg dGhlIGRlZmF1bHQgaW1wbGVtZW50YXRpb24iKTsKICAgIH0KfQoKZm4gbWFpbigpIHsKICAgIGxl dCBzMSA9IEZ1bGxTeW5jOwogICAgczEuc2VuZCgpOwogICAgLy8gczEuc2VuZF93aXRoX2FzeW5j KCk7IC8vIENvbXBpbGUgZXJyb3IsIEZ1bGxTeW5jIGRvZXMgbm90IGltcGxlbWVudCBBZHZhbmNl ZENoYW5uZWxTZW1hbnRpY3Mgb3IgQXN5bmNDaGFubmVsCgogICAgbGV0IHMyID0gQXRvbWljOwog ICAgczIuc2VuZCgpOwogICAgczIucmVzZXJ2ZSgpOwogICAgczIuc2VuZF93aXRoX2FzeW5jKCk7 IC8vIFdvcmtzIGJlY2F1c2UgQXRvbWljIGltcGxlbWVudHMgYm90aCBDaGFubmVsIGFuZCBBZHZh bmNlZENoYW5uZWxTZW1hbnRpY3MKfQoK


(r18) 2023-08-02: Eventually drop all Multi Arc channels, as they are a not good fit for our retrying model -- see the TODOs with the same date

(b8) 2023-05-30: No function should panic! for non-bug scenarios: Result<>s should be returned instead

(r2) 2023-05-30: Complete the socket-server example with fully working server and client sides (with benchmraks)

  1. Simplify / redocument the existing code based on the latest improvements of the reactive-mutiny library
  2. Complete the messaging model, with a minimum working implementation for the server & client sides
  3. Revisit the unit tests, making sure all use cases of the messaging model are covered
  4. Write benchmarks and tune it to perfection (using the appropriate Channels and internal structures)

(n9) Include benchmarks for tokio::sync::broadcast -- a Multi channel. If they have good performance, include this channel in our Multi. They also have a "watch" in addition to "broadcast", but it is unknown if watch attends to our requisites

(b4) 2023-05-30: fix the broken tests for the broken queues after the last abstractions added to it in early May

(r5) 2023-05-30: add the github actions for CI/CD

(r3) 2023-05-30: Complete the documentation and beautify the code, with attention not to copy & paste any text (use referencing instead)

  1. Remove code duplication, introducing new abstractions when needed
  2. Plot the code diagrams and improve them to their best
  3. Walk through all the examples, making sure all entities are documented in the first level (if references are done in deeper levels, they should be moved to the top levels)
  4. Walk through all code artifacts, making sure nobody is missing any minimal documentation
  5. Provide documentation examples wherever that is applicable

(f6) 2023-05-30: add channels for Stacks

(f7) 2023-05-30: add the Box allocator


(f20) 2024-03-02: Expose BoundedOgreAllocator functionalities to the ChannelProducer: Some users of our trait -- specially reactive-messaging -- work in close relation with ChannelProducers. To allow them to have a simpler type system, we should add more items to our trait to intermediate the talk with the underlying allocator:

  1. Allocate a slot
  2. Free an allocated slot
  3. Upgrade the medium version, as this API change introduces backwards incompatibilities
  4. Bonus: The above lets us easily add a .send_with_async(async_producer_closure) method. Lets do it!

(r19) 2024-03-02: Flexibilize our OgreAllocator: Currently, our OgreAllocator is better described as a BoundedOgreAllocator -- due to the fact that allocated slots have an id. Although we are Generic on the SlotType, the returned product of the allocation operations is fixed as &mut SlotType. and, more importantly, there is no way for an allocation to be done externally -- as required in f(21). This task is about improving this situation to enabling (f20) and (f21) along the way. Steps:

  1. Introduce the GAT type OwnedSlotType. For reference, all current usages of this trait will have it set to SlotType -- a different usage will be Box<SlotType when doing f(21)
  2. Add the f(21) related function with_external_alloc(), enabling an allocation to be done externally, via a callback. Note that implementing this method might not make sense to the current Array Allocator... maybe a future refactor may solve this better.
  3. Add the async version of alloc_with(), also related to f(21)
  4. Rename the trait to BoundedOgreAllocator.

(f14) 2023-08-02: Some API changes due to user feedback regarding retries:

  1. All the Channel publishing functions (all the way down to the containers) are now fully zero-copy compliant -- including any retrying. For this, they all return back the payload if pushing the data into the container failed --> It was confirmed those changes are, indeed, zero-cost abstractions: no extra copying is being done and performance is as good as before (when compiling to Release).
  2. Rethinking the API: the functions now are send_with(), send() & send_derived()
  3. The aforementioned functions returns a keen-retry result, enabling users to add their own retry logic
  4. Introduced Uni/Multi Channels is_channel_open() to provide information for retrying logic
  5. (b8) can also be considered done, as panic! is no longer part of any (non-bug) logic

(r12) 2023-06-14: Unify UniBuilder & Uni, for types simplification & symmetry with how Multis work -- causing a MAJOR version upgrade

(b11) 2023-06-14: there seems to be no known way of passing the stream processing logic down a complex call chain

(f10) 2023-06-05: Unis must be able to process all the combinations of fallible/non-fallible & futures/non-futures -- the same for Multi

(r1) 2023-05-30: Images used in the README must be .png rather than .svg, so they may appear in

(0) 2022/2023: ((past improvements were not documented here yet))

Unable to reproduce bug reports

(b13) 2023-07-15: investigate a possible bug: make sure OgreUnique is not crashing here due to the wrapped type doesn't need dropping (no internal strings in it)... also, there is the remote possibility of a double-dropping... which should be impossible, but, anyway... do unit tests for those scenarios thread 'tokio-runtime-worker' panicked at 'assertion failed: 0 < pointee_size && pointee_size <= isize::MAX as usize', /rustc/90c541806f23a127002de5b4038be731ba1458ca/library/core/src/ptr/

  stack backtrace:
    0: rust_begin_unwind
              at /rustc/90c541806f23a127002de5b4038be731ba1458ca/library/std/src/
    1: core::panicking::panic_fmt
              at /rustc/90c541806f23a127002de5b4038be731ba1458ca/library/core/src/
    2: core::panicking::panic
              at /rustc/90c541806f23a127002de5b4038be731ba1458ca/library/core/src/
    3: core::ptr::const_ptr::<impl *const T>::offset_from
              at /rustc/90c541806f23a127002de5b4038be731ba1458ca/library/core/src/ptr/
    4: <reactive_mutiny::ogre_std::ogre_alloc::ogre_array_pool_allocator::OgreArrayPoolAllocator<DataType,ContainerType,_> as reactive_mutiny::ogre_std::ogre_alloc::types::OgreAllocator<DataType>>::id_from_ref
              at /home/luiz/.cargo/registry/src/
    5: <reactive_mutiny::ogre_std::ogre_alloc::ogre_array_pool_allocator::OgreArrayPoolAllocator<DataType,ContainerType,_> as reactive_mutiny::ogre_std::ogre_alloc::types::OgreAllocator<DataType>>::dealloc_ref
              at /home/luiz/.cargo/registry/src/
    6: <reactive_mutiny::ogre_std::ogre_alloc::ogre_unique::OgreUnique<DataType,OgreAllocatorType> as core::ops::drop::Drop>::drop
              at /home/luiz/.cargo/registry/src/
    7: core::ptr::drop_in_place<reactive_mutiny::ogre_std::ogre_alloc::ogre_unique::OgreUnique<reactive_messaging::socket_server::tests::DummyResponsiveClientAndServerMessages,reactive_mutiny::ogre_std::ogre_alloc::ogre_array_pool_allocator::OgreArrayPoolAllocator<reactive_messaging::socket_server::tests::DummyResponsiveClientAndServerMessages,reactive_mutiny::ogre_std::ogre_queues::atomic::atomic_move::AtomicMove<u32,2048_usize>,2048_usize>>>
              at /rustc/90c541806f23a127002de5b4038be731ba1458ca/library/core/src/ptr/
    8: reactive_messaging::socket_server::tests::shutdown_process::{{closure}}::{{closure}}::{{closure}}
              at ./src/