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GoDev is a live-reload development tool with first class support for Golang development.

Latest Version Build Status Maintainability Test Coverage

Looking for the old Makefile version? You can find it here

Getting Started

System Requirements

You will require Go > 1.11.x for GoDev to work out of the box because of its usage of go mod.


All releases will also include binaries for all three supported packages with source code so you can build it yourself. See the section on Compilation for details.

For all platforms, simply run the following to install GoDev:

go get

Installation via platform-specific package managers coming soon!

Usage: Help!

For all the commands below on usage, you may also view them through the help subcommand:

godev help

Or to check your version for bug reports or functionalities:

godev version

Usage: Develop with live-reload

Running godev without flags is the easiest way to get started with live-reload-enabled development:


GoDev runs go mod vendor to install dependencies, go build -o bin/app to build your application, and lastly it runs your app through bin/app. You might have to run chmod +x bin/app on the first build.

Usage: Test with live-reload

To run the tests, simply specify the test sub-command.

godev test

To view verbose logs, append the --vv flag.

godev test --vv

Usage: Initialise a directory for Go development

To initialise a directory for development in the Golang language with Go Modules for package management, use the init sub-command.

godev init

If you'd like to preview files before you install them, you can use the view sub-command to check out the file first.

Usage: Via Docker container

GoDev is also available as a Docker image at zephinzer/godev:latest. To get started using the Docker image, run:

# create the cache directory because volume definitions
# will cause a directory to be created as `root` which
# you will have trouble deleting on the host
mkdir -p ./.cache/pkg;

# instantiate the docker image into a container
docker run -it \
  -u $(id -u) \
  -v "$(pwd):/go/src/app" \
  -v "$(pwd)/.cache/pkg:/go/pkg" \
  zephinzer/godev:latest \
  godev ...
#       ^ add any other flags you want after godev

Advanced Usage

While GoDev was written focused on Golang development happiness, it can also be used for projects in other languages. Use the configuration flags to adjust it to your needs.



When run alone, GoDev defaults to running in development mode which means it will run the application in live-reload with automatic dependency retrievals based on your code.

By default, GoDev will run for live-reload in development. This results in the default execution groups of:

  1. go mod vendor
  2. go build -o ${BUILD_OUTPUT} (see --output)
godev Flags
Flag Description
--args Specifies arguments to pass into commands of the final execution group (the application being live-reloaded)
--dir Specifies the working directory
--env Specifies an environment variable
--exec Specifies comma-delimited commands
--exec-delim Changes the delimiter for the -exec flag
--exts Specifies extensions to watch
--ignore Specifies file/directory names to ignore
--output Specifies the path relative to the working directory where the binary will be put
--rate Specifies the batching duration for file system events
--silent Turns off logging
--vv Turns on verbose logging
--vvv Turns on very verbose logging
--watch Specifies the directory to watch


Tells GoDev to run in test mode. This changes the default execution groups so that the following are run instead:

  1. go mod vendor
  2. go build -o ${BUILD_OUTPUT} (see --output)
  3. go test ./... -coverprofile c.out
test Flags
Flag Description
--dir Specifies the working directory
--env Specifies an environment variable
--exts Specifies extensions to watch
--ignore Specifies file/directory names to ignore
--output Specifies the path relative to the working directory where the binary will be put
--rate Specifies the batching duration for file system events
--silent Turns off logging
--vv Turns on verbose logging
--vvv Turns on very verbose logging
--watch Specifies the directory to watch


Specifying this sub-command triggers a directory initialisation flow which asks if you would like to initialise some files/directories if they are not found. These are:

  1. Git repository (.git)
  2. .gitignore
  3. go.mod
  4. main.go
  5. Dockerfile
  6. .dockerignore
  7. Makefile
init Flags
Flag Description
--dir Specifies the working directory


Specifying this flag with the name of a file prints the file to your terminal. For example, godev view main.go will print the main.go file which init will seed for you if you say yes.

view Flags



Displays the help page.


Displays the version of GoDev

version Flags
Flag Description
--commit Indiciates to only display the commit hash
--semver Indiciates to only display the semver version

Flag Details

Logs Verbosity


Defines verbose logs (debug level). Useful for debugging or if you'd like some insights into what triggered your job and to debug the pipeline for your specified execution groups.


Defines very verbose logs (trace level). More useful if you're developing GoDev itself to trace the flow of events.


Tells GoDev to keep completely quiet. Only panic level logs are printed before GoDev exits with a non-zero status code.



Specifies the arguments to be passed into the last execution group which should contain the path to your binary.

Default: None


Specifies the directory for commands from GoDev to run from.

Default: Current working directory


Specifies the directory for GoDev to watch for changes recursively in.

Default: Current working directory


Specifies an environment variable to be passed into commands.

Use multiple of these to specify multiple environment variables.

Usage: godev --env ENV=production --env HTTP_PROXY=http://localhost:1111


Specifies a single execution group. Commands specified in an execution group run in parallel.

Use multiple of these to define multiple execution groups. The execution groups run in sequence themselves.


Specifies the delimiter used in the --exec flag for separating commands. This flag finds its use if the command you wish to run contains a command as an argument.

Default: ,


Defines a comma separated list of extensions (without the dot) to trigger a file system change event.

Default: go,Makefile


Defines names of files/directories to ignore.

Default: bin,vendor


Defines the path to the built output

Default: bin/app


Defines the rate at which file system change events are batched. Modifying this would be useful if you find that commands being run in your execution groups take longer than 2 seconds and modify files resulting in a never-ending file system change trigger loop.

Default: 2s



  1. Start a PR - Before starting on an issue, indicate you're working on it by submitting a PR (either from your own fork, or from a branch of this repository - doesn't matter) with documentation changes. Please also write about what changes you'll be making and analyses of dependencies you're adding (if any).

  2. Pass the automated checks - There's a Travis pipeline check that is mandatory before merges will be allowed.

  3. Squash and merge - This keeps the commit history clean

  4. (For collaborators) - Versioning - On merging, if the PR is related to non-breaking functionality optimisations/additions, do nothing. If it adds something new, consider bumping the minor release if it might change some users' workflows. If it breaks something that people are using, bump the major version.

Repository Setup

Run the following to clone this repository:

git clone [email protected]:zephinzer/godev.git;

Then copy the into


Dependency Installation

Dependencies are stored in the ./vendor directory. Run the following to populate the dependencies:

make deps

Static file generation

For static files that GoDev can initialise, a Go generator is used. The files can be found at ./data/generate and the code to generate the file at ./data.go can be found at ./data/generate.go. The ./data.go is generated with every build, but if you want to generate it manually, run:

make generate


Development is done in the ./dev directory. Unfortunately, since this is a live-reload tool, there is no live-reload for the live-reload, so we have to re-run the application every time we make changes for them to be visible. The command to re-compile and re-run GoDev while working with ./dev is:

make start


To run the tests in watch mode:

make test

For running the tests one-off (CI mode):



We try to follow semver versioning as far as possible. This means:

  • Patch version bumps for bug fixes
  • Minor version bumps for new flags/behaviours
  • Major version bumps for deprecation of flags/behaviours

To get the current version:

make version.get

To bump the version:

# bump the patch version
make version.bump

# bump the minor version
make version.bump VERSION=minor

# bump the major version
make version.bump VERSION=major

Compilation to Binary

To compile GoDev simply run make:


# or if you'd like to be specific:
make godev

Building the Docker Image

To build the GoDev image, run:

make docker

Configuring the CI Pipeline

We use two tools for continuous integration: Travis (the CI pipeline runner), and CodeClimate (static code analysis).

The pipeline primarily does the following:

  • Run tests
  • Build the binaries
  • Bump the semver version in the Git tags and push to GitHub
  • Release the binaries to the commit if it's tagged

The following are variables that need to be defined for your pipeline:

  • CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID: Code Climate
  • DOCKER_IMAGE_REGISTRY: Hostname of the Docker registry we are pushing to
  • DOCKER_IMAGE_NAMESPACE: Namespace of the Docker image (
  • DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME: Name of the Docker image (
  • DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME: Username for the Docker registry (when not specified, does not release to DockerHub)
  • DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD: Password for the Docker registry (when not specified, does not release to DockerHub)
  • GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN: GitHub personal access token for deploying binaries to the release page
  • GITHUB_REPOSITORY_URL: Clone URL of the GitHub repository (when not specified, does not release to GitHub)
  • GITHUB_SSH_DEPLOY_KEY: Base64 encoded private key that matches a public key listed in your Deploy Keys for the project. Run make ssh.keys to generate this.

You will also need to go to your GitHub repository's Settings > Deploy keys and add the public key generated from make ssh.keys (the public key should be at ./bin/, use the ./bin/id_rsa_b64 contents for the GITHUB_SSH_DEPLOY_KEY variable).

Architecture Notes



  • Watches the file system recursively at a directory level, watches new directories as they are created, sends notifications through a channel to the main process
  • Batches file system changes and notifies the main process through a channel


  • Handles the (re-)execution/termination of defined execution groups and commands
  • Triggered through a function call that will terminate existing pipelines and restart them

Main Process

  • Coordinates the batched file system changes from Watcher and triggers the Runner to start executing a pipeline



  • Set of execution groups that run in sequence
  • One pipeline per instantantiation of godev

Execution Groups

  • Group of commands to run in parallel
  • Execution groups run in sequence themselves


  • Atomic execution unit that runs a command using the user’s shell


Work Hours

This is a side-project of mine meant to support my own development needs. I have a day job, so unless I have an urgent need while using this in my professional work, most of my code-level work on this repository will be done during weekends. Pull requests are however supported throughout the week!(:

Thanks for understanding!

If You Really Like This

If you really like my work and would like to support me, you can find my Patreon at:


The binary and source code is licensed under the permissive MIT license. See the LICENSE file for the full text.

Cheers 😎

Leave me a 🌟 or watch this repository to indicate your interest in my sustained development on this. It'll help me decide whether or not I should deprecate this once my own use case for this is over.