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LINE Bot Workshop Preparation

  1. Sign up Line Developers
  2. Follow LINE official guideline create a channel, get Channel secret and Channel access token
  • At Step 4: When create a channel, choose Free planplan
  1. Install node.js, the version must be 8.12.0 or higher, also install command line tools
  2. Install the latest version of ngrok, be sure you can use it by terminal
  3. Install the latest version of git, be sure you can use it by terminal
  4. Install Postman and import KKBOX Open API collection
  5. Sign up for Heroku, go to Dashboard create a new app heroku
  6. Install Heroku CLI
  7. Sign up for OLAMI, go to Application Management create a new application, get the App Key and App Secret olami
  8. Sign up for KKBOX Developers, go to My Apps create new app, get the ID and Secret kkbox