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:tools lsp


This module integrates language servers into Doom Emacs. They provide features you’d expect from IDEs, like code completion, realtime linting, language-aware doom-package:imenu/doom-package:xref integration, jump-to-definition/references support, and more.

As of this writing, this is the state of LSP support in Doom Emacs:

ModuleMajor modesDefault language server
doom-module::lang ccc-mode, c++-mode, objc-modeccls, clangd
doom-module::lang clojureclojure-modeclojure-lsp
doom-module::lang csharpcsharp-modeomnisharp
doom-module::lang elixirelixir-modeelixir-ls
doom-module::lang fsharpfsharp-modeMono, .NET core
doom-module::lang gogo-modego-langserver
doom-module::lang haskellhaskell-modehaskell-language-server
doom-module::lang javajava-modelsp-java
doom-module::lang javascriptjs2-mode, rjsx-mode, typescript-modets-ls, deno-ls
doom-module::lang juliajulia-modeLanguageServer.jl
doom-module::lang ocamltuareg-modeocaml-language-server
doom-module::lang phpphp-modephp-language-server
doom-module::lang purescriptpurescript-modepurescript-language-server
doom-module::lang pythonpython-modelsp-python-ms
doom-module::lang rubyruby-modesolargraph
doom-module::lang rustrust-moderls
doom-module::lang scalascala-modemetals
doom-module::lang shsh-modebash-language-server
doom-module::lang swiftswift-modesourcekit
doom-module::lang webweb-mode, css-mode, scss-mode, sass-mode, less-css-modevscode-css-languageserver-bin, vscode-html-languageserver-bin
doom-module::lang zigzig-modezls


This module has no dedicated maintainers. Become a maintainer?

Module flags

Use Eglot instead of LSP-mode to implement the LSP client in Emacs.
Use lsp-ui-peek when looking up definitions and references with functionality from the doom-module::tools lookup module.


  • doom-package:lsp-mode
  • doom-package:lsp-ui
  • doom-package:lsp-ivy (doom-module::completion ivy)
  • doom-package:helm-lsp (doom-module::completion helm)
  • doom-package:consult-lsp (doom-module::completion vertico)
  • doom-package:eglot


No hacks documented for this module.


This module does not have a changelog yet.


Enable this module in your doom! block.

To get LSP working, you’ll need to do three things:

  1. Enable this module,
  2. Install a language server appropriate for your targeted language(s).
  3. Enable the doom-module:+lsp flag on the doom-module::lang modules you want to enable LSP support for.

Different languages will need different language servers, some of which doom-package:lsp-mode will prompt you to auto-install, but doom-package:eglot will not.

A table that lists available language servers and how to install them can be found on the lsp-mode project README. The documentation of the module for your targeted language will contain brief instructions as well.

For eglot users, a list of default servers supported is on Eglot’s README, including instructions to register your own.


🔨 This module’s usage documentation is incomplete. Complete it?

LSP-powered project search

Without the doom-module:+eglot flag, and when doom-module::completion ivy, doom-module::completion helm or doom-module::completion vertico is active, LSP is used to search a symbol indexed by the LSP server:

SPC c jJump to symbol in current workspace
SPC c JJump to symbol in any workspace

Differences between eglot and lsp-mode

The two projects are large and actively developed, so without writing a novel, it can only be compared in (very) broad strokes:

  • doom-package:lsp-mode tends to be more featureful, beginner-friendly (e.g. offers to install servers for you and has more helpful documentation), and has a user experience that feels familiar to modern editors/IDEs, but at the cost of performance (at baseline) and complexity (it has more moving parts and reinvents a number of wheels to achieve a slicker UI, like lsp-ui-peek, lsp-ui-sideline, etc).
  • doom-package:eglot has fewer bells and whistles: it relies on built-in Emacs functionality more (eldoc, xref, capf, project.el, etc), offers less pre-configuration for you, and is more performant than lsp-mode (again, at baseline). It also works with TRAMP out-of-the-box (lsp-mode needs some extra configuration).

💬 I recommend beginners use lsp-mode. More experienced users may also opt to disable many of its inessential features to gain back some ground on performance and complexity costs.

All that said, it’s easy to switch between the two implementations by swapping in/out the doom-module:+lsp or doom-module:+eglot flag when enabling this module.


🔨 This module’s configuration documentation is incomplete. Complete it?

Turn off lsp-mode’s intrusive features

Many users may not like how many UI elements that lsp-mode adds. They have some excellent documentation outlining what these features are called and how to turn them off.


Report an issue?

My language server is not found

Check the entry in the FAQ about “Doom can’t find my executables/doesn’t inherit the correct PATH

LSP/Eglot is not started automatically in my buffer

Make sure that you have enabled the doom-module:+lsp flag on the appropriate module(s) (in your doom! block in $DOOMDIR/init.el):

+(python +lsp)

LSP is slow

Follow lsp-tuning-guide to further fine-tune LSP mode performance.

Frequently asked questions

This module has no FAQs yet. Ask one?


🔨 This module has no appendix yet. Write one?