from problem 2, restructuring the code:
expects a str as input and returns that same str but with all vowels (A, E, I, O, and U) omitted. Whether inputted in uppercase or lowercase.
Then, in a file called implement one or more functions that collectively test your implementation of shorten thoroughly.
- Each of whose names should begin with test_
- Execute your tests with :
def main():
word = input("Input: ").strip()
def shorten(word):
vowels = ["A", "a", "E", "e", "I", "i", "O", "o", "U", "u"]
new_word_list = []
for c in word:
if c not vowels:
new_word = "".join(new_word_list)
return new_word
if __name__ == "__main__":
import pytest
from twttr import shorten
def test_alpha_lower():
assert shorten("twitter") == "twttr"
assert shorten("lazer") == "lzr"
def test_alpha_upper():
assert shorten("GOOGLECHROME") == "GGLCHRM"
assert shorten("TEST") == "TST"
def test_alphanum():
assert shorten("cs50") == "cs50"
assert shorten("Hai18") == "H18"
def test_punctuation():
assert shorten("Bar.Yohai") == "Br.Yh"
assert shorten("Hallo!") == "Hll!"
Reimplement Home Federal Saving Bank from Problem Set 1
value() expects a str as input and returns an int
- Namely 0 if that str starts with
, 20 if it starts with an"h"
, or 100 otherwise - Treat the str case-insensitively.
- Namely 0 if that str starts with
Assume that the string passed to value() will not contain leading spaces Only main should call print
Then, in a file called
implement 3 or more functions that collectively test your implementation of value() thoroughly.
- Each of whose names should begin with
- Execute your tests with :
def main():
while True:
greeting = input("Greeting: ")
if not greeting:
raise ValueError("Please enter greeting")
def value(greeting):
if greeting.startswith(("hello", "HELLO", "Hello")):
return 0
elif greeting.startswith(("h", "H")):
return 20
return 100
if __name__ == "__main__":
import pytest
from bank import value
def test_lower():
assert value("hello patrick") == 0
assert value("herrow") == 20
assert value("skamlikum") == 100
def test_upper():
assert value("HELLO BRO") == 0
assert value("HERROW MALFOY") == 20
assert value("S'UP") == 100
def test_up_low():
assert value("Hello!") == 0
assert value("hErrOW jUdE") == 20
assert value("Ello Bro") == 100
Reimplement Vanity Plate from Problem Set 2
- is_valid() expects a str as input. Returns True if that str meets all requirements. Returns False if it does not.
- main() only called if name == “”main
Then, in a file called
implement 4 or more functions that collectively test your implementation of is_valid() thoroughly.
- Each of whose names should begin with test_
- Execute your tests with :
def main():
plate = input("Plate: ").strip()
if is_valid(plate):
def is_valid(s):
zero_digit_found = False
if len(s) < 2 or len(s) > 6 or s[0].isalpha() == False
or s[1].isalpha() == False:
return False
for i, c in enumerate(s):
if c.isalnum() == False:
return False
if c.isdigit():
if c == "0" and zero_digit_found == False:
return False
elif c != "0":
zero_digit_found = True
if c.isalpha() and i != 0 and s[i - 1].isdigit():
return False
return True
if __name__ == "__main__":
import pytest
from plates import is_valid
def test_starts_2_letters():
assert is_valid("HELLO") == True
assert is_valid("AE332") == True
assert is_valid("A3356") == False
assert is_valid("5566O") == False
def test_min_2_characters():
assert is_valid("H") == False
assert is_valid("AA") == True
assert is_valid("5") == False
assert is_valid("AA5") == True
def test_max_6_letters():
assert is_valid("LAZERY") == True
assert is_valid("GOODBYE") == False
assert is_valid("EMET26") == True
assert is_valid("OK84567") == False
def test_number_placement():
assert is_valid("AA1826") == True
assert is_valid("AAA222") == True
assert is_valid("CS50P") == False
assert is_valid("ZZ44TP") == False
def test_zero_placement():
assert is_valid("CS50") == True
assert is_valid("CS05") == False
def test_special_characters():
assert is_valid("HELLO, WORLD") == False
assert is_valid("PI3.14") == False
assert is_valid("YO700!") == False
Reimplement Fuel Gauge from Problem Set 2
convert() expects a str in X/Y
format input
- Each of X and Y is an integer
- Returns that fraction as a percentage rounded to the nearest int between 0 and 100 inclusive.
- If X and/or Y is not an integer, or if X is greater than Y, then convert should raise a ValueError.
- If Y is 0 then convert should raise a ZeroDivisionError.
gauge() expects an int and returns a str that is:
- "E" if that int is less than or equal to 1
- "F" if that int is greater than or equal to 99
- 2Z%" otherwise, where Z is that same int
Then, in a file called
implement 2 or more functions that collectively test your implementation of convert() and gauge() thoroughly.
- Each of whose names should begin with test_
- Execute your tests with :
def main():
fraction = input("Fraction: ")
percentage = convert(fraction)
def convert(fraction):
x, y = fraction.split("/")
x = int(x)
y = int(y)
if y == 0:
raise ZeroDivisionError("Denominator should be greater than 0")
if x > y:
raise ValueError("Numerator should not be greater than denominator")
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("Please enter integer values")
return round((float(x / y) * 100))
def gauge(percentage):
if percentage <= 1:
return "E"
elif percentage >= 99:
return "F"
return str(percentage) + "%"
if __name__ == "__main__":
import pytest
from fuel import convert, gauge
def test_convert():
assert convert("3/4") == 75
assert convert("1/4") == 25
def test_convert_exceptions():
with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_gauge():
assert gauge(1) == "E"
assert gauge(99) == "F"
assert gauge(25) == "25%"
assert gauge(75) == "75%"