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CS50P - Problem Set 4


Implement a program that prompts the user for a str in English and then outputs the "emojized" version of that str. Converting any codes (:thumbs_up:) or aliases (:thumbsup:) to emoji

from emoji import emojize
s_parts = s.split(" ")
result = [ ]
for part in parts:
	if ":" in part and "_" in part:
	    result.append(emojize(part, language="alias"))
return f"Output: {" ".join(result)}"

Frank, Ian and Glen’s Letters

Implement a program that zero or two command-line arguments:

  • Zero if the user would like to output text in random font.

  • Two if the user would like to output text in a specific font, in which case the first of the two should be -f or –font, and the second of the two should be the name of the font.

  • Prompts the user for a str of text

  • Outputs that text in desired font

  • If the user provides two command-line arguments and the first is not -f or –font or the second is not the name of a font, the program should exit via sys.exit with an error message.

import sys
import random
from pyfiglet import Figlet
if len(sys.argv) == n:
sys.exit("Invalid usage")
if sys.argv[1] == "-f" or sys.argv[1] == "--font" and sys.argv[2] in fonts:

Adieu, Adieu

Implement a program that prompts the user for names, one per line, until the user inputs cmd-d. Assume that the user will input at least one name.

Bid adieu to those names:

  • Separating two names with one and
  • Three names with two commas and one and
  • n names with n-1 commas and one and

"Adieu, adieu, to Liesl"
"Adieu, adieu, to Liesl, and Friedrich"
"Adieu, adieu, to Liesl, Friedrich, and Louisa"
"Adieu, adieu, to Liesl, Friedrich, Louisa, and Kurt"

import inflect
p = inflect.engine()
names = [ ]
    name = input("Name: ")
except EOFError:
print(f"Adieu, adieu to {p.join(names, final_sep=",")}")

Guessing Game

Prompt user for a level, n.

  • If the user does not input a positive integer, the program should prompt again.
  • Randomly generates an integer between 1 and n, inclusive, using the random module.

Prompt the user to guess that integer

  • If the guess is not positive integer - prompt again
  • If the guess is smaller than that integer - output "Too small!"
  • If the guess is larger than that integer - output "Too large!"
  • If the guess is the same as that integer - output "Just right!"
import random
import sys
random.randint(1, n)
except ValueError

Little Professor

Prompt the user for a level n

  • If the user does not input 1,2 or 3, prompt again

Randomly generate 10 math problems formatted X + Y = . Wherein each of X and Y is a non-negative integer with n digits. No need to support other operations other than addition (+)

Prompt the user to solve each of those problems

  • If an answer is not correct (or not an integer), the program should output EEE and prompt the user again.
  • Allow the user up to three tries in total for that problem.
  • If the user still has not answered correctly after three tries, output the correct answer.

The program should ultimately output the user’s score: The number of correct answers out of 10.

  • get_level() to prompt (and if need be re-prompt) the user for a level and return 1, 2 or 3

  • generate_integer() returns randomly generated non-negative integer with level digits or raises a ValueError if level is not 1, 2 or 3

import random
def generate integer(level):
    if level == X:
	return random.randint(0,9)
for i in range(10):
	for j in range(3):
		answer = int(intput(f"{int_1} + {int_2} =  "))
	        if isinstance(answer, int) and answer == solution:
		        score += 1
    if j == 2:
        print(f”{int_1} + {int_2} = {solution}  ”)
i += 1
except ValueError

Bitcoin Price Index

Implement a program that:

  • Expects the user to specify as a command-line argument the number of Bitcoins, n, that they would like to buy.
    • If that argument cannot be converted to a float, the program should exit via sys.exit with an error message.

Queries the API for the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index at which returns a JSON object, among whose nested keys is the current price of Bitcoin as a float.

  • Be sure to catch any exceptions
  • Output the current cost of n Bitcoins in USD to four decimal places, using “,” as a thousands separator

import json
import requests
import sys
r = requests.get("")
r_json = r.json()
return r_json["bpi"]["USD"]["rate_float"]

To access a value inside a dictionary inside another inside another dictionary: ["key1"]["key2"]["key3"]

except requests.RequestException:
	sys.exit("Error with file")
bitcoins = float(sys.argv[1])
if __name__ == "__main__":