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Interact with jq in Neovim, using interactive buffers

Example screenshot

Like or Neovims builtin Treesitter playground (:InspectTree).



Using the default configuration with lazy.nvim as package manager:


This will lazy-load the plugin on :JqPlayground, as defined in the packspec (which Lazy supports) in this repo: pkg.json.

Other Package Managers

If you use another package manager than lazy.nvim, make sure to run the setup function to register the :JqPlayground command:



These are the options, along with their defaults. Set opts in lazy to this table, or pass the table to the setup() function.

  output_window = {
    split_direction = "right",
    width = nil,
    height = nil,
  query_window = {
    split_direction = "bottom",
    width = nil,
    height = 0.3,
  query_keymaps = {
    { "n", "<CR>" },
  • split_direction: can be "left", "right", "above" or "below". The split direction of the output window is relative to the input window, and the query window is relative to the output window.
  • width and height:
    • nil: use the default (half of current width/height)
    • 0-1: percentage of current width/height
    • >1: absolute width/height in number of characters or lines
  • query_keymaps: keymaps to refresh the output buffer. Should be given as a table of first two arguments for vim.keymap.set. Changing this setting will override the default keymap (<CR> in normal mode).


Navigate to a JSON file, and execute the command :JqPlayground. Two scratch buffers will be opened: a buffer for the JQ-filter and one for displaying the results. Simply press <CR> (enter), or your keymap from setup, in the filter window to refresh the results buffer.

You can also provide a filename to the :JqPlayground command. This is useful if the JSON file is very large and you don't want to open it in Neovim directly:

:JqPlayground sample.json


If you have a saved filter that you want to load into the filter window, then run:

:r /path/to/some/query.jq

If you want to save the current query or output json, navigate to that buffer and run:

:w /path/to/save/{query.jq,output.json}

If you want to use a keymap instead of the :JqPlayground command, use this:

vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>jq', vim.cmd.JqPlayground)

Start the JQ editor from the command line without loading the input file:

$ nvim +'JqPlayground input.json'