diff --git a/gen-static-data.py b/gen-static-data.py
index baad406..b450284 100644
--- a/gen-static-data.py
+++ b/gen-static-data.py
@@ -120,11 +120,11 @@ def collect_graph(mypath,output_path='files\graph.json',extension='.md',out_exte
node['title']=node['title'].lower() # make it more easy to search as search is case sensitive
node['title'] = node['id'].lower()
- node['content'] = format_content_with_front_matter(data2, front_matter_lines)
+ node['content'] = format_content_with_front_matter(data2, front_matter_lines).rstrip()
print(node, 'has no front matter')
node['title'] = node['id'].lower()
- node['content'] = data2
+ node['content'] = data2.rstrip()
except Exception as e:
print('Error processing file for node', node, 'at', this_file, ":", e) #exit()
# sort nodes and links by id
diff --git a/graphs/graph-subdirs.json b/graphs/graph-subdirs.json
index 0c7adab..9ce731d 100644
--- a/graphs/graph-subdirs.json
+++ b/graphs/graph-subdirs.json
@@ -39,77 +39,77 @@
"url": "./../wayward/2023-01-01",
"category": "wayward",
"title": "2023-01-01 wayward",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-01 Wayward\n---\n```\n\nIt has been far too long since I had the first impulse of doing my own thing, and carving my own path. For some reason I picture it as a descend into myself. It's dark... I need solitude to achieve this. For many years I've loved sharing and discovering knowledge with others but right now, I want to advance by myself... Make no mistake, I love sharing... But it seems like I'm losing time on stuff that does not align enough with my own interests. It may sound selfish, but I need to be selfish right now.\n\n[[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]]\n\n> *Se investiga lo que te atraviesa*\n\nRMB\n\n> *unless it's something personal it's very hard to keep yourself motivated*\n\n[Irina Rish](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-ilcF0R7mI)\n\nI know it... I'm missing some fire I had before, it is depleting. And yet, something inside of me is screaming:\n\n> *I want to go beyond*\n\nFor what its worth, doing things for and with other people is motivating -see [[vasopressin-bonding-effect]]; you can really feel the dopamine hits with each smile... But I'm tired... And I want to go beyond. It's been a long time since I have tried to do my own thing *seriously*, I mean, sure I can do little projects, but nothing that really shakes the core... Maybe because I'm scared of failing... I read about all of these topics, I get excited to the point of having an adrenaline rush... But... I dont know where to begin... There is simply too much, and I want to do it well, with the will of someone who wants to be truly deep, to have something valuable to say and add to this endeavor.\n\n[[understanding-and-innovation]]\n\n> El que no entiende no innova\n\nCastro, un profesor de f\u00edsica de la USB\n\nAnd so, I want to understand, beyond and as deep as I can... It seems like time is not enough ever, there is always some project to do. How to be deep in such circumstances? Without the smile of the other as motivation? There must be a way -the wayward way-, to go the left-hand path. Why write so emotionally about such an intellectual pursuit... Because I need it to have meaning, for someone so mythologically minded, what I do must fit my arc, and I cannot do science without passion as much as I cannot give a lecture without doing heavy gestures and dancing. If anything, my tenacity comes from them.\n\n[[the-power-of-emotional-investment]]\n\n>La raz\u00f3n es fr\u00eda, pero ve claro; darle calor y no ofuscar su claridad; las pasiones son ciegas, pero dan fuerza; darles direcci\u00f3n y aprovecharse de su fuerza.\n\nJaime Balmes\n\nIn restropective, it seems I hid myself on doing things with others as a way to run from the things I truly want to do. When I do things where I'm not so invested, where failure is tolerable, my mind can run more free and careless. But for things at the core, I'm afraid, almost like an intellectual version of paralysis by analysis. A procrastination of what truly matters to you... Surely, the consequences of this are devastating for your arc.\n\n[[fear-of-failure]] , [[paralysis-by-analysis]]\n\nSo, I have decided to start 2023 with an honest effort to ammend this. Somehow, the vicinity of the 30s, is telling me that time is running out, that im no longer full of potential but that I finally MUST BE. I sense the call, and broken-hearted, with the blessing in the breaking, I'm trying to answer it.\n\n[[kids-are-pure-potential]] [[the-blessing-is-in-the-breaking]]\n\n>All I have is my honor, a tolerance for pain. A couple of college credits and my top-notch brain\n\nLin Manuel Miranda @ Hamilton. I alledgedly have a top-notch brain, but I dont reckon that. I at least have curiosity, my rapt attention, my rarified approach, the Life authentic.\n[[hamilton]] [[rapt-attention]] [[life-authentic]]\n\n\nHow to start? I want to truly know this, how to do that... And so, I start procrastinating with stuff regarding \"learning how to learn\"..., \"how to take notes\". How do you do that? When you dont care is easy... When you do, whats the way to do it properly?\n\n[[notetaking]]\n\nI vaguely remember doing Barbara Oakley's course of \"learning how to learn\", the insights of the focused and diffused modes of the brain, the importance of actually engaging problem-solvingly with the material; the idea of chunking, kolb's learning cycle. Scott Young's *visceralization* concept. The *insight machine* of [Colin Galen](https://youtu.be/Dm68uFy6gus) (which is somewhat what Rosty Bruce -an old pal of mine-referred to as being a system that takes topics and outputs shit about them). [Karen L. McKee's](https://youtu.be/tX9asHdFSv4) *writing is thinking* [[scientific-writing-with-karen-mckee]]. I hope these ideas lead me to the optimal way of learning deeply. I have the dream of creating here my knowledge-graph. Maybe that would be useless, sort of like the failure of the semantic web... On one hand, creating a corpus for the whole web is just too big, but maybe for learning-purposes, digesting ideas the old fashioned way, by connecting them and writing them and so on... maybe that would help me to gain insight.\n\n[[how-to-learn]] [[focused-and-diffused]] [[visceralization]] [[knowledge-graph]]\n\nSide note: I think I may have a thing for summarizing ideas into aforisms, that is, short phrases that are easy to recall (alas *the map is no the territory*). While writing this my mind just jumps where it desires, people have told me that it seems that my thought is chaotic, entangled, and that I easily lose track when I talk. I always thought of myself as quite organized and structured, almost devoid of chaos...\n\n[[phrase-compression]]\n[[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]]\n\nIn any case, I will try to maintatin a periodic diary of concepts, ideas, ([\"an intellectual diary\",the logbook of the trip](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logbook_(nautical))--> [*cuaderno de viaje*, *bitacora*](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuaderno_de_bit%C3%A1cora), what beautiful names for this wayward trip I I will be taking). This reminds me of RMB, she told us about the importance of writing during a trip, that writings done during the trip, and afterwards are different. She cited some books, I gotta ask her about them. [[writting-during-vs-after-journey]]\n\nThat makes me thing of her story about how her mentor taught her... Damn... I have to ask her about lots of things. Somehow during my first trip to Canada I could not be bothered to write about my day, but maybe this way, by writing about the ideas I encounter, it will be easier for me. I do have words for ideas...and as always, yet another thought branches...\n[[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]]\n\nEDIT: One of the things that I fear most is becoming a librarian/knowledge collector because I would suffer of a lack of imagination. Hopefully this wont be true. I do remember thinking that this effort might be worthless, that is, building a knowledge graph. I would be better of trusting that at the right time my brain will remember the important thing.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[fear-of-failure]: ./../bubbles/fear-of-failure \"fear-of-failure\"\n[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]: ./../bubbles/flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts \"flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts\"\n[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]: ./../bubbles/flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts \"flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts\"\n[focused-and-diffused]: ./../bubbles/focused-and-diffused \"focused-and-diffused\"\n[hamilton]: ./../bubbles/hamilton \"hamilton\"\n[how-to-learn]: ./../bubbles/how-to-learn \"how-to-learn\"\n[kids-are-pure-potential]: ./../bubbles/kids-are-pure-potential \"kids-are-pure-potential\"\n[knowledge-graph]: ./../bubbles/knowledge-graph \"knowledge-graph\"\n[life-authentic]: ./../bubbles/life-authentic \"life-authentic\"\n[notetaking]: ./../bubbles/notetaking \"notetaking\"\n[paralysis-by-analysis]: ./../bubbles/paralysis-by-analysis \"paralysis-by-analysis\"\n[phrase-compression]: ./../bubbles/phrase-compression \"phrase-compression\"\n[rapt-attention]: ./../bubbles/rapt-attention \"rapt-attention\"\n[scientific-writing-with-karen-mckee]: ./../bubbles/scientific-writing-with-karen-mckee \"scientific-writing-with-karen-mckee\"\n[the-blessing-is-in-the-breaking]: ./../bubbles/the-blessing-is-in-the-breaking \"the-blessing-is-in-the-breaking\"\n[the-power-of-emotional-investment]: ./../bubbles/the-power-of-emotional-investment \"the-power-of-emotional-investment\"\n[understanding-and-innovation]: ./../bubbles/understanding-and-innovation \"understanding-and-innovation\"\n[vasopressin-bonding-effect]: ./../bubbles/vasopressin-bonding-effect \"vasopressin-bonding-effect\"\n[visceralization]: ./../bubbles/visceralization \"visceralization\"\n[writting-during-vs-after-journey]: ./../bubbles/writting-during-vs-after-journey \"writting-during-vs-after-journey\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-01 Wayward\n---\n```\n\nIt has been far too long since I had the first impulse of doing my own thing, and carving my own path. For some reason I picture it as a descend into myself. It's dark... I need solitude to achieve this. For many years I've loved sharing and discovering knowledge with others but right now, I want to advance by myself... Make no mistake, I love sharing... But it seems like I'm losing time on stuff that does not align enough with my own interests. It may sound selfish, but I need to be selfish right now.\n\n[[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]]\n\n> *Se investiga lo que te atraviesa*\n\nRMB\n\n> *unless it's something personal it's very hard to keep yourself motivated*\n\n[Irina Rish](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-ilcF0R7mI)\n\nI know it... I'm missing some fire I had before, it is depleting. And yet, something inside of me is screaming:\n\n> *I want to go beyond*\n\nFor what its worth, doing things for and with other people is motivating -see [[vasopressin-bonding-effect]]; you can really feel the dopamine hits with each smile... But I'm tired... And I want to go beyond. It's been a long time since I have tried to do my own thing *seriously*, I mean, sure I can do little projects, but nothing that really shakes the core... Maybe because I'm scared of failing... I read about all of these topics, I get excited to the point of having an adrenaline rush... But... I dont know where to begin... There is simply too much, and I want to do it well, with the will of someone who wants to be truly deep, to have something valuable to say and add to this endeavor.\n\n[[understanding-and-innovation]]\n\n> El que no entiende no innova\n\nCastro, un profesor de f\u00edsica de la USB\n\nAnd so, I want to understand, beyond and as deep as I can... It seems like time is not enough ever, there is always some project to do. How to be deep in such circumstances? Without the smile of the other as motivation? There must be a way -the wayward way-, to go the left-hand path. Why write so emotionally about such an intellectual pursuit... Because I need it to have meaning, for someone so mythologically minded, what I do must fit my arc, and I cannot do science without passion as much as I cannot give a lecture without doing heavy gestures and dancing. If anything, my tenacity comes from them.\n\n[[the-power-of-emotional-investment]]\n\n>La raz\u00f3n es fr\u00eda, pero ve claro; darle calor y no ofuscar su claridad; las pasiones son ciegas, pero dan fuerza; darles direcci\u00f3n y aprovecharse de su fuerza.\n\nJaime Balmes\n\nIn restropective, it seems I hid myself on doing things with others as a way to run from the things I truly want to do. When I do things where I'm not so invested, where failure is tolerable, my mind can run more free and careless. But for things at the core, I'm afraid, almost like an intellectual version of paralysis by analysis. A procrastination of what truly matters to you... Surely, the consequences of this are devastating for your arc.\n\n[[fear-of-failure]] , [[paralysis-by-analysis]]\n\nSo, I have decided to start 2023 with an honest effort to ammend this. Somehow, the vicinity of the 30s, is telling me that time is running out, that im no longer full of potential but that I finally MUST BE. I sense the call, and broken-hearted, with the blessing in the breaking, I'm trying to answer it.\n\n[[kids-are-pure-potential]] [[the-blessing-is-in-the-breaking]]\n\n>All I have is my honor, a tolerance for pain. A couple of college credits and my top-notch brain\n\nLin Manuel Miranda @ Hamilton. I alledgedly have a top-notch brain, but I dont reckon that. I at least have curiosity, my rapt attention, my rarified approach, the Life authentic.\n[[hamilton]] [[rapt-attention]] [[life-authentic]]\n\n\nHow to start? I want to truly know this, how to do that... And so, I start procrastinating with stuff regarding \"learning how to learn\"..., \"how to take notes\". How do you do that? When you dont care is easy... When you do, whats the way to do it properly?\n\n[[notetaking]]\n\nI vaguely remember doing Barbara Oakley's course of \"learning how to learn\", the insights of the focused and diffused modes of the brain, the importance of actually engaging problem-solvingly with the material; the idea of chunking, kolb's learning cycle. Scott Young's *visceralization* concept. The *insight machine* of [Colin Galen](https://youtu.be/Dm68uFy6gus) (which is somewhat what Rosty Bruce -an old pal of mine-referred to as being a system that takes topics and outputs shit about them). [Karen L. McKee's](https://youtu.be/tX9asHdFSv4) *writing is thinking* [[scientific-writing-with-karen-mckee]]. I hope these ideas lead me to the optimal way of learning deeply. I have the dream of creating here my knowledge-graph. Maybe that would be useless, sort of like the failure of the semantic web... On one hand, creating a corpus for the whole web is just too big, but maybe for learning-purposes, digesting ideas the old fashioned way, by connecting them and writing them and so on... maybe that would help me to gain insight.\n\n[[how-to-learn]] [[focused-and-diffused]] [[visceralization]] [[knowledge-graph]]\n\nSide note: I think I may have a thing for summarizing ideas into aforisms, that is, short phrases that are easy to recall (alas *the map is no the territory*). While writing this my mind just jumps where it desires, people have told me that it seems that my thought is chaotic, entangled, and that I easily lose track when I talk. I always thought of myself as quite organized and structured, almost devoid of chaos...\n\n[[phrase-compression]]\n[[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]]\n\nIn any case, I will try to maintatin a periodic diary of concepts, ideas, ([\"an intellectual diary\",the logbook of the trip](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logbook_(nautical))--> [*cuaderno de viaje*, *bitacora*](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuaderno_de_bit%C3%A1cora), what beautiful names for this wayward trip I I will be taking). This reminds me of RMB, she told us about the importance of writing during a trip, that writings done during the trip, and afterwards are different. She cited some books, I gotta ask her about them. [[writting-during-vs-after-journey]]\n\nThat makes me thing of her story about how her mentor taught her... Damn... I have to ask her about lots of things. Somehow during my first trip to Canada I could not be bothered to write about my day, but maybe this way, by writing about the ideas I encounter, it will be easier for me. I do have words for ideas...and as always, yet another thought branches...\n[[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]]\n\nEDIT: One of the things that I fear most is becoming a librarian/knowledge collector because I would suffer of a lack of imagination. Hopefully this wont be true. I do remember thinking that this effort might be worthless, that is, building a knowledge graph. I would be better of trusting that at the right time my brain will remember the important thing.\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[fear-of-failure]: ./../bubbles/fear-of-failure \"fear-of-failure\"\n[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]: ./../bubbles/flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts \"flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts\"\n[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]: ./../bubbles/flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts \"flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts\"\n[focused-and-diffused]: ./../bubbles/focused-and-diffused \"focused-and-diffused\"\n[hamilton]: ./../bubbles/hamilton \"hamilton\"\n[how-to-learn]: ./../bubbles/how-to-learn \"how-to-learn\"\n[kids-are-pure-potential]: ./../bubbles/kids-are-pure-potential \"kids-are-pure-potential\"\n[knowledge-graph]: ./../bubbles/knowledge-graph \"knowledge-graph\"\n[life-authentic]: ./../bubbles/life-authentic \"life-authentic\"\n[notetaking]: ./../bubbles/notetaking \"notetaking\"\n[paralysis-by-analysis]: ./../bubbles/paralysis-by-analysis \"paralysis-by-analysis\"\n[phrase-compression]: ./../bubbles/phrase-compression \"phrase-compression\"\n[rapt-attention]: ./../bubbles/rapt-attention \"rapt-attention\"\n[scientific-writing-with-karen-mckee]: ./../bubbles/scientific-writing-with-karen-mckee \"scientific-writing-with-karen-mckee\"\n[the-blessing-is-in-the-breaking]: ./../bubbles/the-blessing-is-in-the-breaking \"the-blessing-is-in-the-breaking\"\n[the-power-of-emotional-investment]: ./../bubbles/the-power-of-emotional-investment \"the-power-of-emotional-investment\"\n[understanding-and-innovation]: ./../bubbles/understanding-and-innovation \"understanding-and-innovation\"\n[vasopressin-bonding-effect]: ./../bubbles/vasopressin-bonding-effect \"vasopressin-bonding-effect\"\n[visceralization]: ./../bubbles/visceralization \"visceralization\"\n[writting-during-vs-after-journey]: ./../bubbles/writting-during-vs-after-journey \"writting-during-vs-after-journey\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "2023-01-02",
"url": "./../wayward/2023-01-02",
"category": "wayward",
"title": "2023-01-02 how the hell will i do this",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-02 How the hell will I do this\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-01]]\n\nI need to figure out two things:\n\n1. How will I assimilate stuff\n1. How will I record the process and product of assimilation here.\n\nFor the last one, I think the bubbles will be merely chunks of self contained but hyperlinked units of information.\n\nBut for this to be a journey, it needs to have a time dimension. So, Im kind of conceptualicing the \"wayward\" as the spinal chord that mentions and links to the bubbles in the time dimension. Of course, the bubbles connect themselves without time in their \"bubble dimension\".\n\nThis approach is mentioned in https://www.thoughtasylum.com/2021/07/03/i-do-not-use-zettelkasten/ as a \"journal\".\n\nAnother problem, is that my thought process jumps fast towards topics I havent fully digested nor have the focus right now to do this. For this, I think that if I made the bubble and point it towards the source of the information that brought it up may be sufficient. Later, I can add my own thoughts to it.\n[[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]]\n[[perfection-is-paralyzing]]\n\n> 12 hours later...\n\nA more important problem is that something is blocking me from actually doing what I want. Probably anxiety, I just spend the whole day procrastinating instead of executing my original plan. I'm so afraid of doing it wrong that I just dont do it... Too much emotional investment can be a double-edged sword.\n\n[[fear-of-failure]] [[the-power-of-emotional-investment]]\n\nI at least got to hyperlink the previous entry... and this one.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-01]: ./../wayward/2023-01-01 \"2023-01-01\"\n[fear-of-failure]: ./../bubbles/fear-of-failure \"fear-of-failure\"\n[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]: ./../bubbles/flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts \"flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts\"\n[perfection-is-paralyzing]: ./../bubbles/perfection-is-paralyzing \"perfection-is-paralyzing\"\n[the-power-of-emotional-investment]: ./../bubbles/the-power-of-emotional-investment \"the-power-of-emotional-investment\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-02 How the hell will I do this\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-01]]\n\nI need to figure out two things:\n\n1. How will I assimilate stuff\n1. How will I record the process and product of assimilation here.\n\nFor the last one, I think the bubbles will be merely chunks of self contained but hyperlinked units of information.\n\nBut for this to be a journey, it needs to have a time dimension. So, Im kind of conceptualicing the \"wayward\" as the spinal chord that mentions and links to the bubbles in the time dimension. Of course, the bubbles connect themselves without time in their \"bubble dimension\".\n\nThis approach is mentioned in https://www.thoughtasylum.com/2021/07/03/i-do-not-use-zettelkasten/ as a \"journal\".\n\nAnother problem, is that my thought process jumps fast towards topics I havent fully digested nor have the focus right now to do this. For this, I think that if I made the bubble and point it towards the source of the information that brought it up may be sufficient. Later, I can add my own thoughts to it.\n[[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]]\n[[perfection-is-paralyzing]]\n\n> 12 hours later...\n\nA more important problem is that something is blocking me from actually doing what I want. Probably anxiety, I just spend the whole day procrastinating instead of executing my original plan. I'm so afraid of doing it wrong that I just dont do it... Too much emotional investment can be a double-edged sword.\n\n[[fear-of-failure]] [[the-power-of-emotional-investment]]\n\nI at least got to hyperlink the previous entry... and this one.\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-01]: ./../wayward/2023-01-01 \"2023-01-01\"\n[fear-of-failure]: ./../bubbles/fear-of-failure \"fear-of-failure\"\n[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]: ./../bubbles/flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts \"flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts\"\n[perfection-is-paralyzing]: ./../bubbles/perfection-is-paralyzing \"perfection-is-paralyzing\"\n[the-power-of-emotional-investment]: ./../bubbles/the-power-of-emotional-investment \"the-power-of-emotional-investment\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "2023-01-03",
"url": "./../wayward/2023-01-03",
"category": "wayward",
"title": "2023-01-03 link reference definition autogenerator",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-03 Link Reference Definition Autogenerator\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-02]]\n\nSadly, I didnt do much today. Had a discussion with my aunt (monjita) about formative research.\n\nApart from that I just fixed the Link Reference Definition Autogenerator (see [[foam]])\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-02]: ./../wayward/2023-01-02 \"2023-01-02\"\n[foam]: ./../tutorials/foam \"foam\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-03 Link Reference Definition Autogenerator\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-02]]\n\nSadly, I didnt do much today. Had a discussion with my aunt (monjita) about formative research.\n\nApart from that I just fixed the Link Reference Definition Autogenerator (see [[foam]])\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-02]: ./../wayward/2023-01-02 \"2023-01-02\"\n[foam]: ./../tutorials/foam \"foam\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "2023-01-04",
"url": "./../wayward/2023-01-04",
"category": "wayward",
"title": "2023-01-04 i'm finally starting",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-04 I'm finally starting\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-03]]\n\nAfter a family visit, my plan is to digest two videos at least:\n\n- [You\u2019re Not Stupid: How to Easily Learn Difficult Things - \nElizabeth Filips](https://youtu.be/Kz_brQBl8xk)\n- [Focusing Your Unconscious Mind: Learn Hard Concepts Intuitively (And Forever) - Colin Galen](https://youtu.be/Dm68uFy6gus)\n\nBefore even starting I'm encountering a lot of blockage, sort of like unconciously sabotaging myself not to do it... procrastination??. I also have a mild headache. Anyway, I just gotta do it...\n\nI'm going to test linking to a specific section of a document too. That would be useful for subchunking.\n\nBefore starting though, I had [[overheating]] problems on my laptop, which I hope I solved them with temperature throttling.\n\nIt just ocurred to me that if I want to spend my life talking about ideas, then I need to have a [[bestiary]], inventory... and so on of ideas. [[archeology-of-knowledge]]\n\nIn anycase, during the process of assimilating just the first video (Elizabeth's) I got infinitely lost in the way [[curiosity-jumping]]. This makes me think that I should probably have balance between this wayward project and other intellectual duties (such as paper writing).\n\nConclusion--> At least I did the first video. [[how-to-learn]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-03]: ./../wayward/2023-01-03 \"2023-01-03\"\n[archeology-of-knowledge]: ./../bubbles/archeology-of-knowledge \"archeology-of-knowledge\"\n[bestiary]: ./../bubbles/bestiary \"bestiary\"\n[curiosity-jumping]: ./../bubbles/curiosity-jumping \"curiosity-jumping\"\n[how-to-learn]: ./../bubbles/how-to-learn \"how-to-learn\"\n[overheating]: ./../bubbles/overheating \"overheating\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-04 I'm finally starting\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-03]]\n\nAfter a family visit, my plan is to digest two videos at least:\n\n- [You\u2019re Not Stupid: How to Easily Learn Difficult Things - \nElizabeth Filips](https://youtu.be/Kz_brQBl8xk)\n- [Focusing Your Unconscious Mind: Learn Hard Concepts Intuitively (And Forever) - Colin Galen](https://youtu.be/Dm68uFy6gus)\n\nBefore even starting I'm encountering a lot of blockage, sort of like unconciously sabotaging myself not to do it... procrastination??. I also have a mild headache. Anyway, I just gotta do it...\n\nI'm going to test linking to a specific section of a document too. That would be useful for subchunking.\n\nBefore starting though, I had [[overheating]] problems on my laptop, which I hope I solved them with temperature throttling.\n\nIt just ocurred to me that if I want to spend my life talking about ideas, then I need to have a [[bestiary]], inventory... and so on of ideas. [[archeology-of-knowledge]]\n\nIn anycase, during the process of assimilating just the first video (Elizabeth's) I got infinitely lost in the way [[curiosity-jumping]]. This makes me think that I should probably have balance between this wayward project and other intellectual duties (such as paper writing).\n\nConclusion--> At least I did the first video. [[how-to-learn]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-03]: ./../wayward/2023-01-03 \"2023-01-03\"\n[archeology-of-knowledge]: ./../bubbles/archeology-of-knowledge \"archeology-of-knowledge\"\n[bestiary]: ./../bubbles/bestiary \"bestiary\"\n[curiosity-jumping]: ./../bubbles/curiosity-jumping \"curiosity-jumping\"\n[how-to-learn]: ./../bubbles/how-to-learn \"how-to-learn\"\n[overheating]: ./../bubbles/overheating \"overheating\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "2023-01-05",
"url": "./../wayward/2023-01-05",
"category": "wayward",
"title": "2023-01-05 sis' birthday",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-05 Sis' birthday\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-04]]\n\nDidnt do anything besides researching stuff related to [[novelty-search]], inspired by some facebook debate on AI art. I trying to remember an article I read on the importance of the AI to explore freely rather than only go for the immediate reward. The article consisted of like an image generation AI that would be fedback with user input. And that by ignoring most interesting images at first, you could arrive at better solutions later. I cant find the article though. I think one of the examples was trying to generate an image similar to an animal. The article had a dark background (it was on the internet, not a pdf).\n\nI also saw a post on facebook that directed me towards [[are_yes_or_no_questions_science]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-04]: ./../wayward/2023-01-04 \"2023-01-04\"\n[are_yes_or_no_questions_science]: ./../bubbles/are_yes_or_no_questions_science \"are_yes_or_no_questions_science\"\n[novelty-search]: ./../bubbles/novelty-search \"novelty-search\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-05 Sis' birthday\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-04]]\n\nDidnt do anything besides researching stuff related to [[novelty-search]], inspired by some facebook debate on AI art. I trying to remember an article I read on the importance of the AI to explore freely rather than only go for the immediate reward. The article consisted of like an image generation AI that would be fedback with user input. And that by ignoring most interesting images at first, you could arrive at better solutions later. I cant find the article though. I think one of the examples was trying to generate an image similar to an animal. The article had a dark background (it was on the internet, not a pdf).\n\nI also saw a post on facebook that directed me towards [[are_yes_or_no_questions_science]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-04]: ./../wayward/2023-01-04 \"2023-01-04\"\n[are_yes_or_no_questions_science]: ./../bubbles/are_yes_or_no_questions_science \"are_yes_or_no_questions_science\"\n[novelty-search]: ./../bubbles/novelty-search \"novelty-search\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "2023-01-06-to-2023-01-08",
"url": "./../wayward/2023-01-06-to-2023-01-08",
"category": "wayward",
"title": "2023-01-06 to 2023-01-08 unproductive",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-06 to 2023-01-08 Unproductive\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-05]]\n\nThese days I haven't been able to concentrate much. My mental state ain't the best and there were some family-related important stuff I had to do (my aunt and backup of family photos).\n\nI did read here and there about some stuff and relevant concepts crossed my mind:\n\n- The [[avatar-of-challenge]], which is something I have been thinking for a while as a result of my emotional struggles. I was reminded of it also by the character of the Big Bad Wolf from Puss in boots 2.\n- The [[will-of-places]] which is a concept I have thought about whenever Im about to move from a place.\n- This idea of a study of thought [[representation]]s, or information representations in general. How we think and how machines think.\n- This idea of [[algorithms-as-abstract-representations]]\n- About [[the-can-that-moves]] (Massimo's game).\n- Some books: [[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]],[[text-libro-de-animales]]\n- Relato [[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]]\n- The [[squire-attire]]\n- [[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-05]: ./../wayward/2023-01-05 \"2023-01-05\"\n[algorithms-as-abstract-representations]: ./../bubbles/algorithms-as-abstract-representations \"algorithms-as-abstract-representations\"\n[avatar-of-challenge]: ./../bubbles/avatar-of-challenge \"avatar-of-challenge\"\n[representation]: ./../bubbles/representation \"representation\"\n[squire-attire]: ./../bubbles/squire-attire \"squire-attire\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[text-libro-de-animales]: ./../bubbles/text-libro-de-animales \"text-libro-de-animales\"\n[the-can-that-moves]: ./../bubbles/the-can-that-moves \"the-can-that-moves\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[will-of-places]: ./../bubbles/will-of-places \"will-of-places\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-06 to 2023-01-08 Unproductive\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-05]]\n\nThese days I haven't been able to concentrate much. My mental state ain't the best and there were some family-related important stuff I had to do (my aunt and backup of family photos).\n\nI did read here and there about some stuff and relevant concepts crossed my mind:\n\n- The [[avatar-of-challenge]], which is something I have been thinking for a while as a result of my emotional struggles. I was reminded of it also by the character of the Big Bad Wolf from Puss in boots 2.\n- The [[will-of-places]] which is a concept I have thought about whenever Im about to move from a place.\n- This idea of a study of thought [[representation]]s, or information representations in general. How we think and how machines think.\n- This idea of [[algorithms-as-abstract-representations]]\n- About [[the-can-that-moves]] (Massimo's game).\n- Some books: [[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]],[[text-libro-de-animales]]\n- Relato [[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]]\n- The [[squire-attire]]\n- [[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-05]: ./../wayward/2023-01-05 \"2023-01-05\"\n[algorithms-as-abstract-representations]: ./../bubbles/algorithms-as-abstract-representations \"algorithms-as-abstract-representations\"\n[avatar-of-challenge]: ./../bubbles/avatar-of-challenge \"avatar-of-challenge\"\n[representation]: ./../bubbles/representation \"representation\"\n[squire-attire]: ./../bubbles/squire-attire \"squire-attire\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[text-libro-de-animales]: ./../bubbles/text-libro-de-animales \"text-libro-de-animales\"\n[the-can-that-moves]: ./../bubbles/the-can-that-moves \"the-can-that-moves\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[will-of-places]: ./../bubbles/will-of-places \"will-of-places\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "2023-01-09-to-2023-12-18",
"url": "./../wayward/2023-01-09-to-2023-12-18",
"category": "wayward",
"title": "2023-01-09 to 2023-12-18",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-09 to 2023-12-18\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-06-to-2023-01-08]]\n\nI wasnt able to commit to writing everyday, too much friction. But the waywardness of this project is still very much alive.\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-06-to-2023-01-08]: ./../wayward/2023-01-06-to-2023-01-08 \"2023-01-06-to-2023-01-08\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-09 to 2023-12-18\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-06-to-2023-01-08]]\n\nI wasnt able to commit to writing everyday, too much friction. But the waywardness of this project is still very much alive.\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-06-to-2023-01-08]: ./../wayward/2023-01-06-to-2023-01-08 \"2023-01-06-to-2023-01-08\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "2023-12-19",
"url": "./../wayward/2023-12-19",
"category": "wayward",
"title": "2023-12-19 a literature network",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"2023-12-19 A literature network\"\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-09-to-2023-12-18]]\n\nIm going my own way regarding how to build the literature review. Usually people do a literature matrix, but I went towards a [[literature-network]]. Playing with Chat GPT I was able to implement a dat.gui filter for the literature network. The network is built using force graph js. I also added a search bar to the network, so you can search for a specific paper. Hopefully this will be useful for my whole PhD journey. I also think it is more fun to explore the literature this way. I built it in integration with this wiki, so I can add papers to the network by adding a link to the paper in the wiki. In a way, it contributes to the knowledge graph of the wiki. Its all one and the same.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-09-to-2023-12-18]: ./../wayward/2023-01-09-to-2023-12-18 \"2023-01-09-to-2023-12-18\"\n[literature-network]: ./../bubbles/literature-network \"literature-network\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"2023-12-19 A literature network\"\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-09-to-2023-12-18]]\n\nIm going my own way regarding how to build the literature review. Usually people do a literature matrix, but I went towards a [[literature-network]]. Playing with Chat GPT I was able to implement a dat.gui filter for the literature network. The network is built using force graph js. I also added a search bar to the network, so you can search for a specific paper. Hopefully this will be useful for my whole PhD journey. I also think it is more fun to explore the literature this way. I built it in integration with this wiki, so I can add papers to the network by adding a link to the paper in the wiki. In a way, it contributes to the knowledge graph of the wiki. Its all one and the same.\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-09-to-2023-12-18]: ./../wayward/2023-01-09-to-2023-12-18 \"2023-01-09-to-2023-12-18\"\n[literature-network]: ./../bubbles/literature-network \"literature-network\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "2023-12-20",
"url": "./../wayward/2023-12-20",
"category": "wayward",
"title": "2023-12-20 trying to get back",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"2023-12-20 Trying to get back\"\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-12-19]]\n\nI have a bit of anxiety on how to start writing the project proposal, adding to the whole PhD application itself. Timing does not seem to be on my side.\n\nIn any case, lets start from the beginning. The project overall theme is \"Abstract Representations in Brains and Machines\". Its quite a thought provoking theme, and I am not sure how to approach it. I have a few ideas.\n\nWhat are [[abstract-representations]] anyway? Im gonna see what I can find in the net about it. And write it in that bubble.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-12-19]: ./../wayward/2023-12-19 \"2023-12-19\"\n[abstract-representations]: ./../bubbles/abstract-representations \"abstract-representations\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"2023-12-20 Trying to get back\"\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-12-19]]\n\nI have a bit of anxiety on how to start writing the project proposal, adding to the whole PhD application itself. Timing does not seem to be on my side.\n\nIn any case, lets start from the beginning. The project overall theme is \"Abstract Representations in Brains and Machines\". Its quite a thought provoking theme, and I am not sure how to approach it. I have a few ideas.\n\nWhat are [[abstract-representations]] anyway? Im gonna see what I can find in the net about it. And write it in that bubble.\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-12-19]: ./../wayward/2023-12-19 \"2023-12-19\"\n[abstract-representations]: ./../bubbles/abstract-representations \"abstract-representations\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "2023-12-21",
"url": "./../wayward/2023-12-21",
"category": "wayward",
"title": "2023-12-21 llms curious phenomena",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"2023-12-21 LLMs curious phenomena\"\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-12-20]]\n\nI talked to Venkatesh today, mostly about PhD application stuff... But we diverted towards AI memes. It made me think about the curious phenomena that arise from LLMs.\n\nGPT suggest writing about \"the curious phenomena that arise from LLMs\"...\n\nAnyway this is my zoo of curious phenomena that arise from LLMs: [[the-curious-phenomena-that-arise-from-LLMs]]\n\nDuring writing of that post I read about [[ChainForge]] [ChainForge](https://chainforge.ai/docs/) which may be useful for LLM experimentation.\n\nI found out that if you look for [\"representational similarity analysis llm\" in google scholar](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?start=0&q=representational+similarity+analysis+llm&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5), you do get some stuff that is relevant to LLMs. I think I will try to read some of these papers. Probably this would be similar to at least some of the stuff that I would be doing in my PhD.\n\nMoreover, I talked with Massimo about the work of Christopher Alexander regarding [[patterns]].\n\nThis whole literature review thing has encouraged me to do a list of [[interesting-research-entities]] to follow up on.\n\nAlso, what would be [[my-research-programme]]?\n\nThought a bit on the [[vasopressin-bonding-effect]].\n\nand [[becoming-a-researcher]], [[becoming-a-professor]].\n\nAlso briefly stumbled upon a blog about [[psychedelics]]\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-12-20]: ./../wayward/2023-12-20 \"2023-12-20\"\n[becoming-a-professor]: ./../bubbles/becoming-a-professor \"becoming-a-professor\"\n[becoming-a-researcher]: ./../bubbles/becoming-a-researcher \"becoming-a-researcher\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[interesting-research-entities]: ./../bubbles/interesting-research-entities \"interesting-research-entities\"\n[my-research-programme]: ./../bubbles/my-research-programme \"my-research-programme\"\n[patterns]: ./../bubbles/patterns \"patterns\"\n[psychedelics]: ./../bubbles/psychedelics \"psychedelics\"\n[the-curious-phenomena-that-arise-from-LLMs]: ./../bubbles/the-curious-phenomena-that-arise-from-LLMs \"the-curious-phenomena-that-arise-from-LLMs\"\n[vasopressin-bonding-effect]: ./../bubbles/vasopressin-bonding-effect \"vasopressin-bonding-effect\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"2023-12-21 LLMs curious phenomena\"\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-12-20]]\n\nI talked to Venkatesh today, mostly about PhD application stuff... But we diverted towards AI memes. It made me think about the curious phenomena that arise from LLMs.\n\nGPT suggest writing about \"the curious phenomena that arise from LLMs\"...\n\nAnyway this is my zoo of curious phenomena that arise from LLMs: [[the-curious-phenomena-that-arise-from-LLMs]]\n\nDuring writing of that post I read about [[ChainForge]] [ChainForge](https://chainforge.ai/docs/) which may be useful for LLM experimentation.\n\nI found out that if you look for [\"representational similarity analysis llm\" in google scholar](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?start=0&q=representational+similarity+analysis+llm&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5), you do get some stuff that is relevant to LLMs. I think I will try to read some of these papers. Probably this would be similar to at least some of the stuff that I would be doing in my PhD.\n\nMoreover, I talked with Massimo about the work of Christopher Alexander regarding [[patterns]].\n\nThis whole literature review thing has encouraged me to do a list of [[interesting-research-entities]] to follow up on.\n\nAlso, what would be [[my-research-programme]]?\n\nThought a bit on the [[vasopressin-bonding-effect]].\n\nand [[becoming-a-researcher]], [[becoming-a-professor]].\n\nAlso briefly stumbled upon a blog about [[psychedelics]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-12-20]: ./../wayward/2023-12-20 \"2023-12-20\"\n[becoming-a-professor]: ./../bubbles/becoming-a-professor \"becoming-a-professor\"\n[becoming-a-researcher]: ./../bubbles/becoming-a-researcher \"becoming-a-researcher\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[interesting-research-entities]: ./../bubbles/interesting-research-entities \"interesting-research-entities\"\n[my-research-programme]: ./../bubbles/my-research-programme \"my-research-programme\"\n[patterns]: ./../bubbles/patterns \"patterns\"\n[psychedelics]: ./../bubbles/psychedelics \"psychedelics\"\n[the-curious-phenomena-that-arise-from-LLMs]: ./../bubbles/the-curious-phenomena-that-arise-from-LLMs \"the-curious-phenomena-that-arise-from-LLMs\"\n[vasopressin-bonding-effect]: ./../bubbles/vasopressin-bonding-effect \"vasopressin-bonding-effect\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "2024-01-03",
"url": "./../wayward/2024-01-03",
"category": "wayward",
"title": "2024-01-03 starting the year",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"2024-01-03 Starting the year\"\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-12-21]]\n\nResearch into representations and uncertainty in neuro-ai.\n\nI was able to collect the phd direct passage application form.\n\nReconnected with the kindle by starting to read A brief history of intelligence.\n\nBrief idea: One could automate grounded theory by using LLMs by scanning a directory of text files and then using the LLM to generate a list of topics (or providing a topic seed...). Maybe compare the analysis of different LLMs.\nOr even reading theory out of text and then generating a list of topics referencing the theory.\n\n>The only the only existing model we have that works is the human mind. 22:14 And that seems to work upon quite different principles than just scale. Yes. Um, I think something that's very 22:22 interesting about Transformers, though, is I was arguing before that I don't like this neuron analogy, but actually, um, the large 22:31 language models like ChatGPT are the closest thing we have to, um, 22:36 something like the human brain, because they don't they do, just as I expressed, map an input to an output. 22:43 But they also have this kind of short tum memory, which is the context window. So in a sense, 22:48 and it's ironic that we don't refer to that in terms of neural analogy, because that to me is the first thing we've built that sort of looks 22:55 something like the human mind. You have this context and it makes the next, uh, prediction of the token based on that context. 23:02 And in principle, um, you could then operate on the previous context that, 23:09 you know, the system itself could operate on the previous context, it could summarize it, it could file things away. 23:15 It could, uh, ask itself to generate other, you know, different hypotheses to explain something and compare them and decide 23:23 on something and use that as a sort of scratch memory in the same way that we have a working memory. But strangely, we don't refer to 23:30 that in terms of the neural analogy, which I find, uh, quite ironic. I don't know if people are working on that kind of thing. 23:37 I seem that people are working on everything, but I haven't personally read any work in which the, uh, transformer system goes back and 23:45 edits things in its past context. Yes. Um, but I assume that that would be one direction that you might 23:52 go to try and make this system do something that's more like thinking. 23:58 I mean, in the end, a purely feedforward system can't really do anything sophisticated. You need probably to be doing some 24:08 kind of manipulation, if only to generate internal consistency. So there's no way a large language model can have internal consistency. 24:16 It's learned everything on the internet. It thinks that the Earth is both flat and round with different 24:22 statistical proportions. Uh, you know, hopefully mostly most people on the internet think it's round, and 24:27 that's the conclusion it's come to. But in the weight somewhere is Earth flatness. And so to get to another level of 24:36 cognition, you're going to need something that builds an internally 24:42 consistent model of what's out there, whether that needs, as you might argue, uh, interaction with the real world or whether that 24:50 can be done purely in the domain of language remains to be seen. But I think that might be one direction that people would take 24:59 things. You know, the body of knowledge of humans is a kind of virtual phenomenon that supervenes on 25:06 all of us physical earthlings. So, you know, like this, this, 25:11 this infosphere that we've created, it's like a symbiotic organ. ISM, and that has consistent artifacts of knowledge, as you said. 25:20 But many humans do hold the view that the Earth is flat. So it's just another example of this interesting kind of like levels of, 25:27 of emergence. But they they hold an internally consistent view that the world is flat. They I mean, as far as they're concerned, 25:33 it's internally consistent. Obviously there are inconsistencies that are quite easily proven. But um, within their mind, 25:41 they explain they have a model of the world that whereby they explain everything. Well, if the moon is flat, well, 25:47 obviously the sun must be flat as well, and so must, um, and, and you know, when you look at the horizon of the sea, 25:54 it looks flat, and consequently, the earth can't be round. You know, they explain away other phenomena and build up a model 26:00 that backs up their hypothesis. And there's no sense that transformer 26:06 system is doing anything like that. It just starts at the beginning and predicts the next word and has the statistics. 26:14 Um, uh, that are consistent with what's previously in its context window. Yes. You could argue. Though, that, um, humans, 26:23 our brains are also very chaotic, but we have this confabulation and post hoc rationalization in much the same way. 26:29 So we, you know, subconsciously we hold conflicting views. But when we try and explain our views and to avoid cognitive dissonance, 26:36 we kind of we try and reduce what we think to something simple. Right? 26:42 But we have a finite number of views that are sort of partially rounded theories of the world. Yes, the large language model has 26:48 everything that humanity's ever created with no preference for one thing or another other than its statistical likeliness. So yes. Yes. 26:56 So that's still, you know, even if you have multiple conflicting views of the world, you know, there's that famous 27:03 Walt Whitman poem where he says, do I contradict myself? Very well, I contradict myself, I am multitudes, I am large, you know 27:12 that that is human beings captured. Um, but we don't have every view on everything simultaneously. We're trying on some level to 27:20 come up with, uh, consistent models of the world. And we need to do that because we need to take actions in the world. 27:25 And it's impossible to do that if, uh, if you have 50,000 conflicting views of how things work. And this is really interesting 27:33 because Hinton says one of the reasons why ChatGPT is a kind of superintelligence is because it knows all of the things. 27:39 But I would argue, as you just did, I think that we are kind of bounded as observers as there's a computational, um, kind of restriction to how 27:48 many things a single observer can understand at one time. And we'll get more into this later. But I think with cognition, it's not 27:56 just knowing, it's also thinking. So just knowing everything isn't actually the whole piece is it? Yeah. Can you deduce new facts? 28:05 I think in one of your other podcasts you talked about, if you trained ChatGPT with data only up to, you know, the early 20th century, 28:13 would it be able to reproduce the, um, Einstein's theory of relativity? 28:18 I think we all know the answer to that. It wouldn't. Definitely not. And what are the missing pieces? But one? 28:24 You know what that's getting at? What I was saying before, it's true to to to build that theory, you need to have a model of the world. 28:32 And you need to realize that model of the world is wrong, that certain facts. I don't personally believe. You need to observe those facts 28:39 yourself, but certain facts are inconsistent with that theory. And then you need to somehow come up with a new model that itself 28:48 will make new predictions about the world that people can go and test in the case of physics. But but I think that happens on 28:53 a sort of more minor scale, you know, with your theory about how businesses work or how your friend's personality works and 29:02 how best to interact with them. You know, you have theories about everything, uh, that occasionally break, and 29:08 you have to radically rethink them. From a computational point of view, they are finite state automata. I mean, you're saying any finite\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-12-21]: ./../wayward/2023-12-21 \"2023-12-21\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"2024-01-03 Starting the year\"\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-12-21]]\n\nResearch into representations and uncertainty in neuro-ai.\n\nI was able to collect the phd direct passage application form.\n\nReconnected with the kindle by starting to read A brief history of intelligence.\n\nBrief idea: One could automate grounded theory by using LLMs by scanning a directory of text files and then using the LLM to generate a list of topics (or providing a topic seed...). Maybe compare the analysis of different LLMs.\nOr even reading theory out of text and then generating a list of topics referencing the theory.\n\n>The only the only existing model we have that works is the human mind. 22:14 And that seems to work upon quite different principles than just scale. Yes. Um, I think something that's very 22:22 interesting about Transformers, though, is I was arguing before that I don't like this neuron analogy, but actually, um, the large 22:31 language models like ChatGPT are the closest thing we have to, um, 22:36 something like the human brain, because they don't they do, just as I expressed, map an input to an output. 22:43 But they also have this kind of short tum memory, which is the context window. So in a sense, 22:48 and it's ironic that we don't refer to that in terms of neural analogy, because that to me is the first thing we've built that sort of looks 22:55 something like the human mind. You have this context and it makes the next, uh, prediction of the token based on that context. 23:02 And in principle, um, you could then operate on the previous context that, 23:09 you know, the system itself could operate on the previous context, it could summarize it, it could file things away. 23:15 It could, uh, ask itself to generate other, you know, different hypotheses to explain something and compare them and decide 23:23 on something and use that as a sort of scratch memory in the same way that we have a working memory. But strangely, we don't refer to 23:30 that in terms of the neural analogy, which I find, uh, quite ironic. I don't know if people are working on that kind of thing. 23:37 I seem that people are working on everything, but I haven't personally read any work in which the, uh, transformer system goes back and 23:45 edits things in its past context. Yes. Um, but I assume that that would be one direction that you might 23:52 go to try and make this system do something that's more like thinking. 23:58 I mean, in the end, a purely feedforward system can't really do anything sophisticated. You need probably to be doing some 24:08 kind of manipulation, if only to generate internal consistency. So there's no way a large language model can have internal consistency. 24:16 It's learned everything on the internet. It thinks that the Earth is both flat and round with different 24:22 statistical proportions. Uh, you know, hopefully mostly most people on the internet think it's round, and 24:27 that's the conclusion it's come to. But in the weight somewhere is Earth flatness. And so to get to another level of 24:36 cognition, you're going to need something that builds an internally 24:42 consistent model of what's out there, whether that needs, as you might argue, uh, interaction with the real world or whether that 24:50 can be done purely in the domain of language remains to be seen. But I think that might be one direction that people would take 24:59 things. You know, the body of knowledge of humans is a kind of virtual phenomenon that supervenes on 25:06 all of us physical earthlings. So, you know, like this, this, 25:11 this infosphere that we've created, it's like a symbiotic organ. ISM, and that has consistent artifacts of knowledge, as you said. 25:20 But many humans do hold the view that the Earth is flat. So it's just another example of this interesting kind of like levels of, 25:27 of emergence. But they they hold an internally consistent view that the world is flat. They I mean, as far as they're concerned, 25:33 it's internally consistent. Obviously there are inconsistencies that are quite easily proven. But um, within their mind, 25:41 they explain they have a model of the world that whereby they explain everything. Well, if the moon is flat, well, 25:47 obviously the sun must be flat as well, and so must, um, and, and you know, when you look at the horizon of the sea, 25:54 it looks flat, and consequently, the earth can't be round. You know, they explain away other phenomena and build up a model 26:00 that backs up their hypothesis. And there's no sense that transformer 26:06 system is doing anything like that. It just starts at the beginning and predicts the next word and has the statistics. 26:14 Um, uh, that are consistent with what's previously in its context window. Yes. You could argue. Though, that, um, humans, 26:23 our brains are also very chaotic, but we have this confabulation and post hoc rationalization in much the same way. 26:29 So we, you know, subconsciously we hold conflicting views. But when we try and explain our views and to avoid cognitive dissonance, 26:36 we kind of we try and reduce what we think to something simple. Right? 26:42 But we have a finite number of views that are sort of partially rounded theories of the world. Yes, the large language model has 26:48 everything that humanity's ever created with no preference for one thing or another other than its statistical likeliness. So yes. Yes. 26:56 So that's still, you know, even if you have multiple conflicting views of the world, you know, there's that famous 27:03 Walt Whitman poem where he says, do I contradict myself? Very well, I contradict myself, I am multitudes, I am large, you know 27:12 that that is human beings captured. Um, but we don't have every view on everything simultaneously. We're trying on some level to 27:20 come up with, uh, consistent models of the world. And we need to do that because we need to take actions in the world. 27:25 And it's impossible to do that if, uh, if you have 50,000 conflicting views of how things work. And this is really interesting 27:33 because Hinton says one of the reasons why ChatGPT is a kind of superintelligence is because it knows all of the things. 27:39 But I would argue, as you just did, I think that we are kind of bounded as observers as there's a computational, um, kind of restriction to how 27:48 many things a single observer can understand at one time. And we'll get more into this later. But I think with cognition, it's not 27:56 just knowing, it's also thinking. So just knowing everything isn't actually the whole piece is it? Yeah. Can you deduce new facts? 28:05 I think in one of your other podcasts you talked about, if you trained ChatGPT with data only up to, you know, the early 20th century, 28:13 would it be able to reproduce the, um, Einstein's theory of relativity? 28:18 I think we all know the answer to that. It wouldn't. Definitely not. And what are the missing pieces? But one? 28:24 You know what that's getting at? What I was saying before, it's true to to to build that theory, you need to have a model of the world. 28:32 And you need to realize that model of the world is wrong, that certain facts. I don't personally believe. You need to observe those facts 28:39 yourself, but certain facts are inconsistent with that theory. And then you need to somehow come up with a new model that itself 28:48 will make new predictions about the world that people can go and test in the case of physics. But but I think that happens on 28:53 a sort of more minor scale, you know, with your theory about how businesses work or how your friend's personality works and 29:02 how best to interact with them. You know, you have theories about everything, uh, that occasionally break, and 29:08 you have to radically rethink them. From a computational point of view, they are finite state automata. I mean, you're saying any finite\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-12-21]: ./../wayward/2023-12-21 \"2023-12-21\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "2pendulum-waves",
@@ -197,14 +197,14 @@
"url": "./../dirs/about-me",
"category": "dirs",
"title": "about me",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : About Me\n---\n```\n\n
\n\n```markdown\nYorguin Jos\u00e9 Mantilla Ramos\nMusic\nDancing\nPhilosophy\nMath\nScience\nEngineering\nCode\n(cringe) Poetry\n```\n\n## Contact\n\nYou can find me on:\n\n- Email: yjmantilla@gmail.com\n- [Instagram: yjmantilla](https://www.instagram.com/yjmantilla/)\n- Mattermost: yjmantilla\n- Linkedin: yorguinjose\n- orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4473-0876\n- cvlac: https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001659280\n- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9W-bHVkAAAAJ\n\n\n[Original image from False Knees](https://tapas.io/episode/954630)\n\n## Interests\n\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : About Me\n---\n```\n\n
\n\n```markdown\nYorguin Jos\u00e9 Mantilla Ramos\nMusic\nDancing\nPhilosophy\nMath\nScience\nEngineering\nCode\n(cringe) Poetry\n```\n\n## Contact\n\nYou can find me on:\n\n- Email: yjmantilla@gmail.com\n- [Instagram: yjmantilla](https://www.instagram.com/yjmantilla/)\n- Mattermost: yjmantilla\n- Linkedin: yorguinjose\n- orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4473-0876\n- cvlac: https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001659280\n- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9W-bHVkAAAAJ\n\n\n[Original image from False Knees](https://tapas.io/episode/954630)\n\n## Interests\n\n"
"id": "abstract-representations",
"url": "./../bubbles/abstract-representations",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "abstract representations",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Abstract Representations\n---\n```\n\n[[representation]]\n\nA lot of the discussion about abstract representations seem to arise from the linguistic and cognitive fields (also psycholinguistics). Moreover, one may ask, abstract in opposition to what. Ive found that it is usually in opposition to concrete representations. But also about embodied representations. I have also found that there is some relation to the concept of [[semantics]]. In example, concrete and abstract semantics.\n\nAsking ChatGPT-4 about this he does the distinction:\n\n>Semantics and Representations: Semantics generally refers to the meaning of words, phrases, and sentences in language. In cognitive science, this involves understanding how the brain encodes, processes, and retrieves the meaning of linguistic items. Mental representations are the internal, mental constructs that the brain uses to handle this semantic information. They can be about concrete objects (like a chair) or abstract concepts (like justice).\n\nI do wish I had better sources of this fundamental definitions. Though, it is almost self-explanatory why would this be the case. Like common knowledge. I should find better sources.\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[representation]: ./../bubbles/representation \"representation\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Abstract Representations\n---\n```\n\n[[representation]]\n\nA lot of the discussion about abstract representations seem to arise from the linguistic and cognitive fields (also psycholinguistics). Moreover, one may ask, abstract in opposition to what. Ive found that it is usually in opposition to concrete representations. But also about embodied representations. I have also found that there is some relation to the concept of [[semantics]]. In example, concrete and abstract semantics.\n\nAsking ChatGPT-4 about this he does the distinction:\n\n>Semantics and Representations: Semantics generally refers to the meaning of words, phrases, and sentences in language. In cognitive science, this involves understanding how the brain encodes, processes, and retrieves the meaning of linguistic items. Mental representations are the internal, mental constructs that the brain uses to handle this semantic information. They can be about concrete objects (like a chair) or abstract concepts (like justice).\n\nI do wish I had better sources of this fundamental definitions. Though, it is almost self-explanatory why would this be the case. Like common knowledge. I should find better sources.\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[representation]: ./../bubbles/representation \"representation\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "abyss-gaze",
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/aesthethic-of-deepness",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "aesthethic of deepness",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Aesthethic of Deepness\"\n---\n```\n\n> Intense curiosity over vague boringness.\nElizabeth Filips - https://youtu.be/Kz_brQBl8xk?t=569\n\nI would argue, thats why being a hipster is a thing...\n\nThere is something attractive on stuff that are unique to you... Like a shiny stone found among the beach overview...\n\nThere is this despective sense in the following:\n\n> ... so much more fun and in-depth than just reading this chapter summary somewhere...\n\nIt sounds almost rebellious, like taking your own journey on the topic rather than being handled the answer. This waywardness is also present in [[curiosity-jumping]]\n\n[[archeology-of-knowledge]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[archeology-of-knowledge]: ./../bubbles/archeology-of-knowledge \"archeology-of-knowledge\"\n[curiosity-jumping]: ./../bubbles/curiosity-jumping \"curiosity-jumping\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Aesthethic of Deepness\"\n---\n```\n\n> Intense curiosity over vague boringness.\nElizabeth Filips - https://youtu.be/Kz_brQBl8xk?t=569\n\nI would argue, thats why being a hipster is a thing...\n\nThere is something attractive on stuff that are unique to you... Like a shiny stone found among the beach overview...\n\nThere is this despective sense in the following:\n\n> ... so much more fun and in-depth than just reading this chapter summary somewhere...\n\nIt sounds almost rebellious, like taking your own journey on the topic rather than being handled the answer. This waywardness is also present in [[curiosity-jumping]]\n\n[[archeology-of-knowledge]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[archeology-of-knowledge]: ./../bubbles/archeology-of-knowledge \"archeology-of-knowledge\"\n[curiosity-jumping]: ./../bubbles/curiosity-jumping \"curiosity-jumping\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "aesthethic-of-failure",
@@ -239,14 +239,14 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "ai-and-myths",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "ai-and-science",
"url": "./../bubbles/ai-and-science",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "ai and science",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: AI and Science\n---\n```\n\n- https://www.quantamagazine.org/how-artificial-intelligence-is-changing-science-20190311/\n- https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/ai-designs-quantum-physics-experiments-beyond-what-any-human-has-conceived/\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: AI and Science\n---\n```\n\n- https://www.quantamagazine.org/how-artificial-intelligence-is-changing-science-20190311/\n- https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/ai-designs-quantum-physics-experiments-beyond-what-any-human-has-conceived/"
"id": "algorithms-as-abstract-representations",
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/are_yes_or_no_questions_science",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "are yes or no questions science?",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Are Yes or No Questions Science?\n---\n```\n\nhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/983759965442123?multi_permalinks=1550529565431824&hoisted_section_header_type=recently_seen\n\nGruneco --> Research questions cannot be answered with yes/no. Thats unscientific.\n\nYou can prove a positive but not a negative? Russels Teapot\n\nRelated to [[burden-of-proof]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[burden-of-proof]: ./../bubbles/burden-of-proof \"burden-of-proof\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Are Yes or No Questions Science?\n---\n```\n\nhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/983759965442123?multi_permalinks=1550529565431824&hoisted_section_header_type=recently_seen\n\nGruneco --> Research questions cannot be answered with yes/no. Thats unscientific.\n\nYou can prove a positive but not a negative? Russels Teapot\n\nRelated to [[burden-of-proof]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[burden-of-proof]: ./../bubbles/burden-of-proof \"burden-of-proof\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "art-and-code",
@@ -281,49 +281,49 @@
"url": "./../attributes",
"category": "root",
"title": "attributes",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Attributes\n---\n```\n\n## category\n\n- bubbles\n- dirs\n- essays\n- gsoc\n- literature-review\n- research\n- root\n- sims\n- tutorials\n- wayward\n\n## authors\n\n- Atticus Geiger\n- Curt Tigges\n- Daria Gnedykh\n- Diana Kurmakaeva\n- Dr. Alex Smith\n- Dr. Maria Garcia\n- Evgeny Blagovechtchenski\n- Nadezhda Mkrtychian\n- Neel Nanda\n- Oskar John Hollinsworth\n- Parikshit Gupta\n- Svetlana Kostromina\n- Yury Shtyrov\n\n## year\n\n- 2019\n- 2020\n- 2023\n\n## publisher\n\n- arxiv\n- Frontiers in Human Neuroscience\n- International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)\n- Journal of NeuroAI Research\n\n## keywords\n\n- Artificial Neural Networks(ANN)\n- brain\n- Brain Function\n- concrete and abstract semantics\n- concreteness effect\n- Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN)\n- Deep Learning\n- functional brain mapping\n- interpretability\n- memory trace\n- mental representation\n- Neural Networks\n- Neuroscience\n- psycholinguistics\n- Reverse Engineering of Human Brain\n\n## research_type\n\n- Experimental\n- Review\n- Theoretical Analysis\n\n## relevance\n\n- High\n- Highly relevant to my research on NeuroAI parallels.\n- Low\n- Unknown\n\n## status\n\n- read-done\n- to-read\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Attributes\n---\n```\n\n## category\n\n- bubbles\n- dirs\n- essays\n- gsoc\n- literature-review\n- research\n- root\n- sims\n- tutorials\n- wayward\n\n## authors\n\n- Atticus Geiger\n- Curt Tigges\n- Daria Gnedykh\n- Diana Kurmakaeva\n- Dr. Alex Smith\n- Dr. Maria Garcia\n- Evgeny Blagovechtchenski\n- Nadezhda Mkrtychian\n- Neel Nanda\n- Oskar John Hollinsworth\n- Parikshit Gupta\n- Svetlana Kostromina\n- Yury Shtyrov\n\n## year\n\n- 2019\n- 2020\n- 2023\n\n## publisher\n\n- arxiv\n- Frontiers in Human Neuroscience\n- International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)\n- Journal of NeuroAI Research\n\n## keywords\n\n- Artificial Neural Networks(ANN)\n- brain\n- Brain Function\n- concrete and abstract semantics\n- concreteness effect\n- Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN)\n- Deep Learning\n- functional brain mapping\n- interpretability\n- memory trace\n- mental representation\n- Neural Networks\n- Neuroscience\n- psycholinguistics\n- Reverse Engineering of Human Brain\n\n## research_type\n\n- Experimental\n- Review\n- Theoretical Analysis\n\n## relevance\n\n- High\n- Highly relevant to my research on NeuroAI parallels.\n- Low\n- Unknown\n\n## status\n\n- read-done\n- to-read"
"id": "author-Anna-Ivanova",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "author-anna-ivanova",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "author-Grace-Lindsay",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "author-grace-lindsay",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "automatic-unsave-facebook",
"url": "./../tutorials/automatic-unsave-facebook",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "automatic unsave facebook",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Automatic Unsave Facebook\n---\n```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Automatic Unsave Facebook\n---\n```"
"id": "avatar-of-challenge",
"url": "./../bubbles/avatar-of-challenge",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "avatar of challenge",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Avatar of Challenge\n---\n```\n\nUsually, in my darkest hours I will think of the challenge I'm dealing with as its own agent. Something that is challenging me to overcome it.\n\nIt will have a personification, or rather an avatar, animorph, etc... For me, it is a wolf, or canine-like creature. I'm not sure if it is the same as the [[wolf-of-reality]], thought I think it is, only with a less menacing aura/appearance.\n\nThis avatar will usually have eyes (which remind me of the [[eyes-i-see-at-close-eyes]] I sometimes see). I relate this to [[abyss-gaze]].\n\nFor me, it is similar to the Big Bad Wolf character in Puss in Boots 2, when you are down, he tells you to \"pick it up\" (your weapon) and keep fighting.\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[abyss-gaze]: ./../bubbles/abyss-gaze \"abyss-gaze\"\n[eyes-i-see-at-close-eyes]: ./../bubbles/eyes-i-see-at-close-eyes \"eyes-i-see-at-close-eyes\"\n[wolf-of-reality]: ./../bubbles/wolf-of-reality \"wolf-of-reality\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Avatar of Challenge\n---\n```\n\nUsually, in my darkest hours I will think of the challenge I'm dealing with as its own agent. Something that is challenging me to overcome it.\n\nIt will have a personification, or rather an avatar, animorph, etc... For me, it is a wolf, or canine-like creature. I'm not sure if it is the same as the [[wolf-of-reality]], thought I think it is, only with a less menacing aura/appearance.\n\nThis avatar will usually have eyes (which remind me of the [[eyes-i-see-at-close-eyes]] I sometimes see). I relate this to [[abyss-gaze]].\n\nFor me, it is similar to the Big Bad Wolf character in Puss in Boots 2, when you are down, he tells you to \"pick it up\" (your weapon) and keep fighting.\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[abyss-gaze]: ./../bubbles/abyss-gaze \"abyss-gaze\"\n[eyes-i-see-at-close-eyes]: ./../bubbles/eyes-i-see-at-close-eyes \"eyes-i-see-at-close-eyes\"\n[wolf-of-reality]: ./../bubbles/wolf-of-reality \"wolf-of-reality\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "becoming-a-professor",
"url": "./../bubbles/becoming-a-professor",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "becoming a professor",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Becoming a Professor\"\n---\n```\n\nRMB told be about this book: [What the Best College Teachers Do by Ken Bain](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0674013255).\n\nShe has also many good insights on how to become a professor. I dont have their summary though.\n\nBut I remember something about it identifying the set of experiences you need to expose the student develop, which is a highly personal thing. Its centered in an individualized approach to teaching.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Becoming a Professor\"\n---\n```\n\nRMB told be about this book: [What the Best College Teachers Do by Ken Bain](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0674013255).\n\nShe has also many good insights on how to become a professor. I dont have their summary though.\n\nBut I remember something about it identifying the set of experiences you need to expose the student develop, which is a highly personal thing. Its centered in an individualized approach to teaching."
"id": "becoming-a-researcher",
"url": "./../bubbles/becoming-a-researcher",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "becoming a researcher",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Becoming a Researcher\"\n---\n```\n\nHow does one become a researcher? I think this is one of the main topics that RMB is interested in.\n\nAnyhow, I found this project called [Growing Up in Science](https://www.cns.nyu.edu/events/growingupinscience/) which is a collection of interviews with researchers. I think it is a good resource to get a sense of what it is like to be a researcher. I should probably share this with RMB.\n\nReading about it, it does remind me a lot about a discussion and comments I had when my older sister defended her undegrad thesis. Basically about the importance of journaling because without it, you forget a lot of the process of doing research, which is in itself relevant to others who are doing research.\n\nA friend of here argued that science is objective as the only thing that should be published is that part, or something like that. To me, with this focus it felt like important stuff was lost.\n\nRamon y Cajal has a book called [\"Advice for a Young Investigator\"](https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262681506/advice-for-a-young-investigator/) -[summary](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5198756/)- which I think is a good resource for this topic.\n\n- Letters to a Young Scientist (Cartas a un joven cient\u00edfico), Book by E. O. Wilson\n\nRelated: [[becoming-a-professor]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[becoming-a-professor]: ./../bubbles/becoming-a-professor \"becoming-a-professor\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Becoming a Researcher\"\n---\n```\n\nHow does one become a researcher? I think this is one of the main topics that RMB is interested in.\n\nAnyhow, I found this project called [Growing Up in Science](https://www.cns.nyu.edu/events/growingupinscience/) which is a collection of interviews with researchers. I think it is a good resource to get a sense of what it is like to be a researcher. I should probably share this with RMB.\n\nReading about it, it does remind me a lot about a discussion and comments I had when my older sister defended her undegrad thesis. Basically about the importance of journaling because without it, you forget a lot of the process of doing research, which is in itself relevant to others who are doing research.\n\nA friend of here argued that science is objective as the only thing that should be published is that part, or something like that. To me, with this focus it felt like important stuff was lost.\n\nRamon y Cajal has a book called [\"Advice for a Young Investigator\"](https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262681506/advice-for-a-young-investigator/) -[summary](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5198756/)- which I think is a good resource for this topic.\n\n- Letters to a Young Scientist (Cartas a un joven cient\u00edfico), Book by E. O. Wilson\n\nRelated: [[becoming-a-professor]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[becoming-a-professor]: ./../bubbles/becoming-a-professor \"becoming-a-professor\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "bestiary",
@@ -344,14 +344,14 @@
"url": "./../tutorials/bookmark-repository-random-knowledge-system",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "bookmark repository random knowledge system",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Bookmark Repository Random Knowledge System\n---\n```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Bookmark Repository Random Knowledge System\n---\n```"
"id": "books",
"url": "./../bubbles/books",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "books",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Books\n---\n```\n\n## Books I have read\n\n- Cien a\u00f1os de Soledad\n- Libro de Animales\n- Fisica Grandes Cuestiones\n- The power of habit\n- So good until they cant ignore you\n- Rayuela\n- Biology for Engineers\n- The man who mistook his wife for a hat\n\n## Books I wish to read\n\n- Deep Work\n- Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life\n- ...\n\n## Books I like the prefaces of... or find curious\n\n- The Art of Insight in Science and Engineering Mastering Complexity Sanjoy Mahajan\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Books\n---\n```\n\n## Books I have read\n\n- Cien a\u00f1os de Soledad\n- Libro de Animales\n- Fisica Grandes Cuestiones\n- The power of habit\n- So good until they cant ignore you\n- Rayuela\n- Biology for Engineers\n- The man who mistook his wife for a hat\n\n## Books I wish to read\n\n- Deep Work\n- Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life\n- ...\n\n## Books I like the prefaces of... or find curious\n\n- The Art of Insight in Science and Engineering Mastering Complexity Sanjoy Mahajan"
"id": "brain-as-a-computer",
@@ -365,14 +365,14 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "building-before-knowing",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "burden-of-proof",
"url": "./../bubbles/burden-of-proof",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "burden of proof",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Burden of Proof\n---```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Burden of Proof\n---```"
"id": "cannabis-hallucinations",
@@ -386,14 +386,14 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "chainforge",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "chaos-magick",
"url": "./../bubbles/chaos-magick",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "chaos magick",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Chaos Magick\n---```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Chaos Magick\n---```"
"id": "choose-your-battles",
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "cognition-and-myths",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "cognitive-inspired-vs-biologically-inspired",
@@ -421,14 +421,14 @@
"url": "./../essays/colmenas-individuos",
"category": "essays",
"title": "de colmenas e individuos",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\n title : De Colmenas e Individuos\n---\n```\n\n
\nErase una vez tres seres sin nombre y completamente iguales. Estos ten\u00edan sexo y por alguna extra\u00f1a raz\u00f3n, del acto se produc\u00edan seres iguales a ellos. La primera vez se crearon 9, la segunda 99, la tercera 999; y as\u00ed se gener\u00f3 la primera colmena, sin nombre alguno. Los seres hasta ahora solo ten\u00edan sexo porque no sab\u00edan hacer m\u00e1s nada, no ten\u00edan ninguna otra necesidad: no hab\u00eda hambre, no hab\u00eda enfermedades, ni guerras, ni muerte.\n
\n\nEntre ellos no hab\u00edan nombres, ni tampoco la idea de identidad, la conciencia era colectiva. Sin embargo, -contra todo pron\u00f3stico- la colmena empez\u00f3 a sentir un vac\u00edo existencial y de repente, desde la naturaleza misma de las mutaciones, aparecen dos seres diferentes y desconectados de la conciencia colectiva de la colmena.\n
\n\nLos dos primeros \"diferentes\" - como fueron llamados mucho tiempo despu\u00e9s - se sent\u00edan diferentes y alineados de la colmena y sent\u00edan la necesidad de encontrar otros seres igualmente diferentes a ellos. As\u00ed se pusieron la misi\u00f3n de desconectar a la colmena ser a ser; primero 2, luego 4, 8 y as\u00ed se creo la primera naci\u00f3n (\u00bfo noci\u00f3n?) de individualidad. Entre ellos surgi\u00f3 el nombre: Cero y Dos para los primeros diferentes y de esta manera sucesivamente para los dem\u00e1s. Estos seres diferentes peleaban y se persuad\u00edan entre ellos, no se pon\u00edan de acuerdo en nada. Hab\u00eda quienes abogaban por volver a la colmena ya que las diferencias les dol\u00edan. Otros solo recurr\u00edan a seguir ciegamente las ense\u00f1anzas de Cero y Dos, ya que por alguna raz\u00f3n -seg\u00fan ellos- as\u00ed \"la diferencia\" dol\u00eda menos. Algunos escapan del grupo de los diferentes pero no regresaban a la colmena, solo ellos mismos saben a donde fueron. En la naci\u00f3n de lo heterog\u00e9neo hab\u00eda de todo, y lo normal era que cada quien fuera por su rumbo.\n
\n\n\nDurante todo este tiempo la colmena sigui\u00f3 sufriendo bajas debido a la continua des-conexi\u00f3n perpetrada por \"los diferentes\". Esto creo la primera noci\u00f3n de \"problema\" en el reino de lo perfectamente homog\u00e9neo. As\u00ed la colmena dejo de tener solo sexo y empez\u00f3 a idear estrategias para contener a los \"diferentes\". Extra\u00f1amente as\u00ed la colmena se sent\u00eda m\u00e1s llena, con m\u00e1s sentido. Ya no todo era solo sexo. La colmena, contra toda ley l\u00f3gica ideo m\u00e1s problemas para entretenerse. Crearon el hambre, la enfermedad, la guerra y la muerte. Perdiendo el control, la colmena se desbarat\u00f3 ante su nuevo entretenimiento.\n
\n\n\nSolo quedaban as\u00ed en el mundo la naci\u00f3n de \"los diferentes\", la naci\u00f3n de lo heterog\u00e9neo. Sin embargo, entre sus nuevas generaciones se hizo fuerte la corriente de volver a la colmena, de recrearla, de volver a lo homog\u00e9neo. No soportaban el dolor de \"la diferencia\", no encontraban abrigo en \"la identidad\". Y as\u00ed, tal cual como se desbarat\u00f3, conexi\u00f3n a conexi\u00f3n la colmena renaci\u00f3.\n
\n\n\nDicha historia se repiti\u00f3 en 999 iteraciones y de 1024 maneras. Alguna vez un individuo o la propia colmena (o tal vez ambos) pens\u00f3 que \"todo era un parad\u00f3jico p\u00e9ndulo\". Entre la colmena y el individuo existe la necesidad de pertenecer y de individualidad. En aquella paradoja se crea y se descrea la sociedad. En ella nace lo an\u00e1rquico y lo sistem\u00e1tico, lo democr\u00e1tico y lo autoritario. Ya nadie esta seguro de nada pero sin duda se entretienen bastante.\n
\n\n# Autores\n\n- Yorguin Jos\u00e9 Mantilla\n- Maury Marmolejo Din\n- Juan Esteban Guti\u00e9rrez\n- Ra\u00fal Arcila\n\n# Anotaciones\n\nEsta vaina fue hecha en 10 minutos en una clase, as\u00ed que no espere mucho de ella.\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\n title : De Colmenas e Individuos\n---\n```\n\n\nErase una vez tres seres sin nombre y completamente iguales. Estos ten\u00edan sexo y por alguna extra\u00f1a raz\u00f3n, del acto se produc\u00edan seres iguales a ellos. La primera vez se crearon 9, la segunda 99, la tercera 999; y as\u00ed se gener\u00f3 la primera colmena, sin nombre alguno. Los seres hasta ahora solo ten\u00edan sexo porque no sab\u00edan hacer m\u00e1s nada, no ten\u00edan ninguna otra necesidad: no hab\u00eda hambre, no hab\u00eda enfermedades, ni guerras, ni muerte.\n
\n\nEntre ellos no hab\u00edan nombres, ni tampoco la idea de identidad, la conciencia era colectiva. Sin embargo, -contra todo pron\u00f3stico- la colmena empez\u00f3 a sentir un vac\u00edo existencial y de repente, desde la naturaleza misma de las mutaciones, aparecen dos seres diferentes y desconectados de la conciencia colectiva de la colmena.\n
\n\nLos dos primeros \"diferentes\" - como fueron llamados mucho tiempo despu\u00e9s - se sent\u00edan diferentes y alineados de la colmena y sent\u00edan la necesidad de encontrar otros seres igualmente diferentes a ellos. As\u00ed se pusieron la misi\u00f3n de desconectar a la colmena ser a ser; primero 2, luego 4, 8 y as\u00ed se creo la primera naci\u00f3n (\u00bfo noci\u00f3n?) de individualidad. Entre ellos surgi\u00f3 el nombre: Cero y Dos para los primeros diferentes y de esta manera sucesivamente para los dem\u00e1s. Estos seres diferentes peleaban y se persuad\u00edan entre ellos, no se pon\u00edan de acuerdo en nada. Hab\u00eda quienes abogaban por volver a la colmena ya que las diferencias les dol\u00edan. Otros solo recurr\u00edan a seguir ciegamente las ense\u00f1anzas de Cero y Dos, ya que por alguna raz\u00f3n -seg\u00fan ellos- as\u00ed \"la diferencia\" dol\u00eda menos. Algunos escapan del grupo de los diferentes pero no regresaban a la colmena, solo ellos mismos saben a donde fueron. En la naci\u00f3n de lo heterog\u00e9neo hab\u00eda de todo, y lo normal era que cada quien fuera por su rumbo.\n
\n\n\nDurante todo este tiempo la colmena sigui\u00f3 sufriendo bajas debido a la continua des-conexi\u00f3n perpetrada por \"los diferentes\". Esto creo la primera noci\u00f3n de \"problema\" en el reino de lo perfectamente homog\u00e9neo. As\u00ed la colmena dejo de tener solo sexo y empez\u00f3 a idear estrategias para contener a los \"diferentes\". Extra\u00f1amente as\u00ed la colmena se sent\u00eda m\u00e1s llena, con m\u00e1s sentido. Ya no todo era solo sexo. La colmena, contra toda ley l\u00f3gica ideo m\u00e1s problemas para entretenerse. Crearon el hambre, la enfermedad, la guerra y la muerte. Perdiendo el control, la colmena se desbarat\u00f3 ante su nuevo entretenimiento.\n
\n\n\nSolo quedaban as\u00ed en el mundo la naci\u00f3n de \"los diferentes\", la naci\u00f3n de lo heterog\u00e9neo. Sin embargo, entre sus nuevas generaciones se hizo fuerte la corriente de volver a la colmena, de recrearla, de volver a lo homog\u00e9neo. No soportaban el dolor de \"la diferencia\", no encontraban abrigo en \"la identidad\". Y as\u00ed, tal cual como se desbarat\u00f3, conexi\u00f3n a conexi\u00f3n la colmena renaci\u00f3.\n
\n\n\nDicha historia se repiti\u00f3 en 999 iteraciones y de 1024 maneras. Alguna vez un individuo o la propia colmena (o tal vez ambos) pens\u00f3 que \"todo era un parad\u00f3jico p\u00e9ndulo\". Entre la colmena y el individuo existe la necesidad de pertenecer y de individualidad. En aquella paradoja se crea y se descrea la sociedad. En ella nace lo an\u00e1rquico y lo sistem\u00e1tico, lo democr\u00e1tico y lo autoritario. Ya nadie esta seguro de nada pero sin duda se entretienen bastante.\n
\n\n# Autores\n\n- Yorguin Jos\u00e9 Mantilla\n- Maury Marmolejo Din\n- Juan Esteban Guti\u00e9rrez\n- Ra\u00fal Arcila\n\n# Anotaciones\n\nEsta vaina fue hecha en 10 minutos en una clase, as\u00ed que no espere mucho de ella."
"id": "computation",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "computation",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "concrete-vs-abstract-semantics-from-mental-representations-to-functional-brain-mapping",
@@ -459,42 +459,42 @@
"_sourceurl": "https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2019.00267/full",
"_doi": "https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2019.00267",
"status": "read-done",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Concrete vs. Abstract Semantics: From Mental Representations to Functional Brain Mapping\"\nauthors: [\"Nadezhda Mkrtychian\", \"Evgeny Blagovechtchenski\",\"Diana Kurmakaeva\",\"Daria Gnedykh\", \"Svetlana Kostromina\", \"Yury Shtyrov\"]\nyear: 2019\npublisher: \"Frontiers in Human Neuroscience\"\nkeywords: [\"concrete and abstract semantics\", \"concreteness effect\", \"mental representation\", \"brain\", \"memory trace\",\"psycholinguistics\", \"functional brain mapping\"]\nresearch_type: \"Review\"\nrelevance: \"Low\"\n_sourceurl: \"https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2019.00267/full\"\n_doi: \"https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2019.00267\"\nstatus: \"read-done\"\n---\n```\n\nRelevant to me is the \"Defining Concreteness and Abstractness\" section.\n\n## Concepts, words and semantics\n\nFirst there are analogous terms: concepts, words, semantics.\n\nConcepts can be thought as:\n\n- Barsalou: \"knowledge about a particular category\"\n- Payne: \"combination of atomic units of information and meaningful relationships between those units\"\n- Smith: \"a mental representation of a class or individual which deals with what is being represented and how that information is typically used during the categorization\"\n\nwhere,\n\nBarsalou: Barsalou, L. W., Simmons, W. K., Barbey, A. K., and Wilson, C. D. (2003). Grounding conceptual knowledge in modality-specific systems. Trends Cogn. Sci. 7, 84\u201391. _doi: 10.1016/s1364-6613(02)00029-3\nPayne: Payne, P. R. O., Mendon\u00e7a, E. A., Johnson, S. B., and Starren, J. B. (2007). Conceptual knowledge acquisition in biomedicine: a methodological review. J. Biomed. Inform. 40, 582\u2013602. _doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2007.03.005\nSmith: Smith, E. E. (1989). \u201cConcepts and induction,\u201d in Foundations of Cognitive Science, ed. M. I. Posner (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press), 501\u2013526.\n\nIt seems though that:\n\n>In most concept studies, linguistic stimuli are used and thus the terms \u201cconcept,\u201d \u201cword semantics,\u201d and \u201cword meaning\u201d are often used interchangeably.\"\n\nIn this sense, this is not specially relevant to me, since I am not interested in the linguistic aspect of it. The citation of Smith is interesting though, since it is about induction.\n\n## Concreteness and abstractness\n\nTLDR,\n\n- Concrete: have clear references to material objects (e.g., dog, house)\n- Abstract: references of abstract ones are not physical entities, but more complex mental states (e.g., thought, happiness), conditions (uncertainty), situations (encounter), and relationships (employment) (Borghi and Binkofski, 2014).\n\nThis is a simplified view, as:\n\n> Myachykov and Fischer (2019) have argued that, in addition to this phenomenological dimension of abstractness, there are also sensorimotor and contextual aspects, and the same word/concept may be both concrete or abstract depending on different dimensions.\n\nI wont go into the details of this though.\n\n## Cognitive Science Stuff\n\nWhat I find interesting here is the discussion about the relation of this to neuroscience studies:\n\n> Such mental (internal or cognitive) representations (Paivio, 1990) are widely investigated in cognitive psychology, psycholinguistics, philosophy of mind and related fields (Carruthers and Cummins, 1990), but often without a clear connection to neural representations, which are more commonly addressed in brain research, neuroscience and neuroimaging.\n\n@doubt\nFirst, the idea of \"mental\",\"internal\",\"cognitive\" is probably more what Karim and I thought of originally. Not sure why it would have been abstract in the concrete/abstract sense. I think it was more like internal. Moreover, Karim is specially interested in the duality conscious/uncounscious or explicit/implicit.\n\n> Therefore, one way to extricate from this tangle could be studying processing of novel words, whose meanings are not yet represented in the participants\u2019 minds.\n\n@idea\nThis is out of context, but if one extrapolates this to LLMs, it does make me wonder how they process non-existing words. What can we learn from that?. Moreover, is there a way to get the total vocabulary of a LLM?.\n\n## The dual coding theory\n\nThere is a whole emphasis on this and how it tries to explain the concreteness effect. Thought-provoking to me is the idea that:\n\n>This advantage of concrete over abstract semantics is usually called \u201cconcreteness effect\u201d; to help explain it, Paivio suggested the so-called dual-coding theory (DCT, Paivio, 1990) which posits two functional systems associated with semantic memory: verbal-based and imagery-based (non-verbal). These representational systems are interrelated and can be active independently or in parallel. According to DCT, whereas the verbal system may be responsible for coding both concrete and abstract concepts linguistically, the non-verbal imagery system is primarily involved in coding concrete \u2013 but not abstract \u2013 concepts, enhancing their processing and leading to behaviorally observed advantages (Kuiper and Paivio, 1977).\n\n@idea\nSo if we extrapolate to LLMs, are there different \"representational systems\" in LLMs? I do remember Yoshua being interested in System 1 and System 2. Though probably not the same thing, it does make me wonder if there is a way to identify different systems in LLMs.\n\n@idea\nMoreover, is there such a thing like the concreteness effect in LLMs?.\n\n## Neuroscientific approaches\n\nShortly, there are three approaches:\n\n- Neuroimaging: present different stimuli, see which areas of the brain are activated. Lots of contradictory results.\n- Brain stimulation: stimulate different areas of the brain, see how it affects the processing of concrete and abstract words? Im not really sure about how this is done.\n- Clinical cases: study patients with brain damage, see how it affects the processing of concrete and abstract words?.\n\n@idea\nIn any case, relevant to me is that we could mimic this for implicit/explicit representations.\n\nThe problem is that making concrete/abstract stimuli is much more straight-forward. How would one make implicit/explicit stimuli?\n\nIn any case, the rest of the paper wasnt really relevant to me.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Concrete vs. Abstract Semantics: From Mental Representations to Functional Brain Mapping\"\nauthors: [\"Nadezhda Mkrtychian\", \"Evgeny Blagovechtchenski\",\"Diana Kurmakaeva\",\"Daria Gnedykh\", \"Svetlana Kostromina\", \"Yury Shtyrov\"]\nyear: 2019\npublisher: \"Frontiers in Human Neuroscience\"\nkeywords: [\"concrete and abstract semantics\", \"concreteness effect\", \"mental representation\", \"brain\", \"memory trace\",\"psycholinguistics\", \"functional brain mapping\"]\nresearch_type: \"Review\"\nrelevance: \"Low\"\n_sourceurl: \"https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2019.00267/full\"\n_doi: \"https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2019.00267\"\nstatus: \"read-done\"\n---\n```\n\nRelevant to me is the \"Defining Concreteness and Abstractness\" section.\n\n## Concepts, words and semantics\n\nFirst there are analogous terms: concepts, words, semantics.\n\nConcepts can be thought as:\n\n- Barsalou: \"knowledge about a particular category\"\n- Payne: \"combination of atomic units of information and meaningful relationships between those units\"\n- Smith: \"a mental representation of a class or individual which deals with what is being represented and how that information is typically used during the categorization\"\n\nwhere,\n\nBarsalou: Barsalou, L. W., Simmons, W. K., Barbey, A. K., and Wilson, C. D. (2003). Grounding conceptual knowledge in modality-specific systems. Trends Cogn. Sci. 7, 84\u201391. _doi: 10.1016/s1364-6613(02)00029-3\nPayne: Payne, P. R. O., Mendon\u00e7a, E. A., Johnson, S. B., and Starren, J. B. (2007). Conceptual knowledge acquisition in biomedicine: a methodological review. J. Biomed. Inform. 40, 582\u2013602. _doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2007.03.005\nSmith: Smith, E. E. (1989). \u201cConcepts and induction,\u201d in Foundations of Cognitive Science, ed. M. I. Posner (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press), 501\u2013526.\n\nIt seems though that:\n\n>In most concept studies, linguistic stimuli are used and thus the terms \u201cconcept,\u201d \u201cword semantics,\u201d and \u201cword meaning\u201d are often used interchangeably.\"\n\nIn this sense, this is not specially relevant to me, since I am not interested in the linguistic aspect of it. The citation of Smith is interesting though, since it is about induction.\n\n## Concreteness and abstractness\n\nTLDR,\n\n- Concrete: have clear references to material objects (e.g., dog, house)\n- Abstract: references of abstract ones are not physical entities, but more complex mental states (e.g., thought, happiness), conditions (uncertainty), situations (encounter), and relationships (employment) (Borghi and Binkofski, 2014).\n\nThis is a simplified view, as:\n\n> Myachykov and Fischer (2019) have argued that, in addition to this phenomenological dimension of abstractness, there are also sensorimotor and contextual aspects, and the same word/concept may be both concrete or abstract depending on different dimensions.\n\nI wont go into the details of this though.\n\n## Cognitive Science Stuff\n\nWhat I find interesting here is the discussion about the relation of this to neuroscience studies:\n\n> Such mental (internal or cognitive) representations (Paivio, 1990) are widely investigated in cognitive psychology, psycholinguistics, philosophy of mind and related fields (Carruthers and Cummins, 1990), but often without a clear connection to neural representations, which are more commonly addressed in brain research, neuroscience and neuroimaging.\n\n@doubt\nFirst, the idea of \"mental\",\"internal\",\"cognitive\" is probably more what Karim and I thought of originally. Not sure why it would have been abstract in the concrete/abstract sense. I think it was more like internal. Moreover, Karim is specially interested in the duality conscious/uncounscious or explicit/implicit.\n\n> Therefore, one way to extricate from this tangle could be studying processing of novel words, whose meanings are not yet represented in the participants\u2019 minds.\n\n@idea\nThis is out of context, but if one extrapolates this to LLMs, it does make me wonder how they process non-existing words. What can we learn from that?. Moreover, is there a way to get the total vocabulary of a LLM?.\n\n## The dual coding theory\n\nThere is a whole emphasis on this and how it tries to explain the concreteness effect. Thought-provoking to me is the idea that:\n\n>This advantage of concrete over abstract semantics is usually called \u201cconcreteness effect\u201d; to help explain it, Paivio suggested the so-called dual-coding theory (DCT, Paivio, 1990) which posits two functional systems associated with semantic memory: verbal-based and imagery-based (non-verbal). These representational systems are interrelated and can be active independently or in parallel. According to DCT, whereas the verbal system may be responsible for coding both concrete and abstract concepts linguistically, the non-verbal imagery system is primarily involved in coding concrete \u2013 but not abstract \u2013 concepts, enhancing their processing and leading to behaviorally observed advantages (Kuiper and Paivio, 1977).\n\n@idea\nSo if we extrapolate to LLMs, are there different \"representational systems\" in LLMs? I do remember Yoshua being interested in System 1 and System 2. Though probably not the same thing, it does make me wonder if there is a way to identify different systems in LLMs.\n\n@idea\nMoreover, is there such a thing like the concreteness effect in LLMs?.\n\n## Neuroscientific approaches\n\nShortly, there are three approaches:\n\n- Neuroimaging: present different stimuli, see which areas of the brain are activated. Lots of contradictory results.\n- Brain stimulation: stimulate different areas of the brain, see how it affects the processing of concrete and abstract words? Im not really sure about how this is done.\n- Clinical cases: study patients with brain damage, see how it affects the processing of concrete and abstract words?.\n\n@idea\nIn any case, relevant to me is that we could mimic this for implicit/explicit representations.\n\nThe problem is that making concrete/abstract stimuli is much more straight-forward. How would one make implicit/explicit stimuli?\n\nIn any case, the rest of the paper wasnt really relevant to me."
"id": "conda-and-vs-code",
"url": "./../tutorials/conda-and-vs-code",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "conda and vs code",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Conda and VS Code\n---\n```\n\nI used to have some problems when importing numpy in vscode with the conda environment.\n\nApparently I was starting vscode the wrong way.\n\nThe correct way seems to be:\n\n1. Open your conda terminal\n2. enter ```code``` and press enter.\n3. It should open vscode with the conda environment correclty initialized.\n\n\n## Here are the comments I posted on facebook regarding this topic:\n\nAbre El terminal de anaconda y escribe \"code\" y das enter. Deberia de abrirse vscode con los environments de anaconda disponibles.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEn teoria ya luego puedes seleccionar el interprete con ctrl shift P y luego escribiendo python. As\u00ed mismo si abres un terminal deber\u00eda aparecerte un terminal de anaconda d\u00f3nde puedes escribir \"activate xxx\" para activar el environment xxx de anaconda.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYo abogo por el m\u00e9todo de arrancar vscode desde el terminal de anaconda ya que si se arranca por si solo a veces al tratar de utilizar los m\u00f3dulos de python da un \"import dll error\" para algunos m\u00f3dulos como numpy. Esto me trajo muchos dolores de cabeza en su d\u00eda. C\u00f3mo referencia dejo este [issue](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56622152/dll-load-failed-in-visual-studio-code-when-trying-to-open-any-python-library-o)\n\nTambien se puede por el conda navigator.Yo prefiero simplemente abrir el terminal de anaconda y luego poner code y dar enter. As\u00ed hago yo generalmente ya que es m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Conda and VS Code\n---\n```\n\nI used to have some problems when importing numpy in vscode with the conda environment.\n\nApparently I was starting vscode the wrong way.\n\nThe correct way seems to be:\n\n1. Open your conda terminal\n2. enter ```code``` and press enter.\n3. It should open vscode with the conda environment correclty initialized.\n\n\n## Here are the comments I posted on facebook regarding this topic:\n\nAbre El terminal de anaconda y escribe \"code\" y das enter. Deberia de abrirse vscode con los environments de anaconda disponibles.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEn teoria ya luego puedes seleccionar el interprete con ctrl shift P y luego escribiendo python. As\u00ed mismo si abres un terminal deber\u00eda aparecerte un terminal de anaconda d\u00f3nde puedes escribir \"activate xxx\" para activar el environment xxx de anaconda.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYo abogo por el m\u00e9todo de arrancar vscode desde el terminal de anaconda ya que si se arranca por si solo a veces al tratar de utilizar los m\u00f3dulos de python da un \"import dll error\" para algunos m\u00f3dulos como numpy. Esto me trajo muchos dolores de cabeza en su d\u00eda. C\u00f3mo referencia dejo este [issue](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56622152/dll-load-failed-in-visual-studio-code-when-trying-to-open-any-python-library-o)\n\nTambien se puede por el conda navigator.Yo prefiero simplemente abrir el terminal de anaconda y luego poner code y dar enter. As\u00ed hago yo generalmente ya que es m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido."
"id": "connectome",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "connectome",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "convencion-signos-optica",
"url": "./../bubbles/convencion-signos-optica",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "convenci\u00f3n de signos en \u00f3ptica geom\u00e9trica",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Convenci\u00f3n de signos en \u00f3ptica geom\u00e9trica\n---\n```\n\n## Una regla f\u00e1cil para recordar los signos en \u00f3ptica geom\u00e9trica\n\nEsta regla la infiri\u00f3 un compa\u00f1ero m\u00edo de la USBve llamado Gabriele. No recuerdo su apellido pero la regla es as\u00ed (la cit\u00f3 tal cual el la promulgo):\n\n\n>Un principio intuitivo para no tener que aprenderse las convenciones de signo:\n>1) De donde viene la luz define el positivo para el objeto. (o)\n>2) El lado donde est\u00e1 el observador define el positivo para la imagen, el radio y el foco. (i, r, f)\n>3) El observador est\u00e1 frente al espejo o detr\u00e1s de la lente. (Esta es la parte intuitiva, porque as\u00ed se acostumbra usar los espejos y las lentes).\n\n\nEsta regla tiene muy buen sentido intuitivo. [[intuitive-physics]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Convenci\u00f3n de signos en \u00f3ptica geom\u00e9trica\n---\n```\n\n## Una regla f\u00e1cil para recordar los signos en \u00f3ptica geom\u00e9trica\n\nEsta regla la infiri\u00f3 un compa\u00f1ero m\u00edo de la USBve llamado Gabriele. No recuerdo su apellido pero la regla es as\u00ed (la cit\u00f3 tal cual el la promulgo):\n\n\n>Un principio intuitivo para no tener que aprenderse las convenciones de signo:\n>1) De donde viene la luz define el positivo para el objeto. (o)\n>2) El lado donde est\u00e1 el observador define el positivo para la imagen, el radio y el foco. (i, r, f)\n>3) El observador est\u00e1 frente al espejo o detr\u00e1s de la lente. (Esta es la parte intuitiva, porque as\u00ed se acostumbra usar los espejos y las lentes).\n\n\nEsta regla tiene muy buen sentido intuitivo. [[intuitive-physics]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "cs-lewis-suppose-story-enemy",
"url": "./../bubbles/cs-lewis-suppose-story-enemy",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "c.s. lewis on the story of the enemy",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: C.S. Lewis on the Story of the Enemy\n---```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: C.S. Lewis on the Story of the Enemy\n---```"
"id": "curiosity-jumping",
"url": "./../bubbles/curiosity-jumping",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "curiosity jumping",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Curiosity Jumping\n---\n```\n\n> you are more likely to stick to a task long term if you are leaving it when you are not finding it interesting.\n\nhttps://youtu.be/Kz_brQBl8xk?t=758\n\n> When I am stuck for one moment I leave it and do something else. With this method, to work on different things simultaneously, I never encounter any mental blockages.\n\nLuhmann, Baecker, and Stanitzek 1987\n\nThis is also productive, leave that piece of work you are feeling stuck with and do something else. When you come back later you may crack it. [[focused-and-diffused]] This productivity idea was also mentioned by David Altuve (USB).\n\nThere is a sort of belief that whatever bored you will attract you when it becomes relevant to your curiosity journey, as Elizabeth puts it:\n\n> i think you need to have a strong curiosity about the topic as a whole and then kind of flick from one thing that you find interesting to the next thing to the next thing to the next thing you will come back to the thing that you suddenly left when it becomes relevant in another point so rather than forcing yourself to just take in all this information without it sticking anywhere you can go to it as and when it becomes relevant and interesting\n\nElizabeth Filips\n\nRelated is https://zettelkasten.de/posts/trust-the-process-nickmilo22/\n\nIn a way, this is exactly what I'm doing with my wayward project [[wayward]]\n\nI would argue, curiosity jumping is also motivated by \"[[for-the-sake-of-play]]\"\n\n>I only study what I feel like studying...\nElizabeth Filips\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[focused-and-diffused]: ./../bubbles/focused-and-diffused \"focused-and-diffused\"\n[for-the-sake-of-play]: ./../bubbles/for-the-sake-of-play \"for-the-sake-of-play\"\n[wayward]: ./../dirs/wayward \"wayward\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Curiosity Jumping\n---\n```\n\n> you are more likely to stick to a task long term if you are leaving it when you are not finding it interesting.\n\nhttps://youtu.be/Kz_brQBl8xk?t=758\n\n> When I am stuck for one moment I leave it and do something else. With this method, to work on different things simultaneously, I never encounter any mental blockages.\n\nLuhmann, Baecker, and Stanitzek 1987\n\nThis is also productive, leave that piece of work you are feeling stuck with and do something else. When you come back later you may crack it. [[focused-and-diffused]] This productivity idea was also mentioned by David Altuve (USB).\n\nThere is a sort of belief that whatever bored you will attract you when it becomes relevant to your curiosity journey, as Elizabeth puts it:\n\n> i think you need to have a strong curiosity about the topic as a whole and then kind of flick from one thing that you find interesting to the next thing to the next thing to the next thing you will come back to the thing that you suddenly left when it becomes relevant in another point so rather than forcing yourself to just take in all this information without it sticking anywhere you can go to it as and when it becomes relevant and interesting\n\nElizabeth Filips\n\nRelated is https://zettelkasten.de/posts/trust-the-process-nickmilo22/\n\nIn a way, this is exactly what I'm doing with my wayward project [[wayward]]\n\nI would argue, curiosity jumping is also motivated by \"[[for-the-sake-of-play]]\"\n\n>I only study what I feel like studying...\nElizabeth Filips\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[focused-and-diffused]: ./../bubbles/focused-and-diffused \"focused-and-diffused\"\n[for-the-sake-of-play]: ./../bubbles/for-the-sake-of-play \"for-the-sake-of-play\"\n[wayward]: ./../dirs/wayward \"wayward\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "debug-flask-vscode",
@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@
"url": "./../dirs/dirs",
"category": "dirs",
"title": "directories",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Directories\n---\n```\n\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Directories\n---\n```\n\n"
"id": "do-dogs-have-regional-accents",
@@ -560,49 +560,49 @@
"_sourceurl": "https://www.ijert.org/dummyarticle.pdf",
"_doi": "10.17577/dummydoi",
"status": "read-done",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Deep Learning and the Brain: Neural Network Insights (dummy paper)\"\nauthors: [\"Dr. Alex Smith\", \"Dr. Maria Garcia\"]\nyear: 2023\npublisher: \"Journal of NeuroAI Research\"\nkeywords: [\"Deep Learning\", \"Neuroscience\", \"Neural Networks\", \"Brain Function\"]\nresearch_type: \"Theoretical Analysis\"\nrelevance: \"Highly relevant to my research on NeuroAI parallels.\"\n_sourceurl: \"https://www.ijert.org/dummyarticle.pdf\"\n_doi: \"10.17577/dummydoi\"\nstatus: \"read-done\"\n---\n```\n\nThis is a dummy paper to illustrate the format of a literature review entry.\n\n## Abstract\nThis study explores the intersection of deep learning and neuroscience...\n\n## Methodology\nThe methodology involves a comparative analysis...\n\n## Main Findings\nThe study finds significant parallels between...\n\n## Significance\nThis research contributes to the understanding of...\n\n## Personal Notes\nThe paper provides a compelling argument for using AI...\n\n## Future Work\nThe authors suggest empirical studies...\n\n## Quotes\n\"Deep learning models, especially convolutional neural networks...\"\n\n## Extended Notes\n**Key Points:**\n- **Convolutional Neural Networks**: Remarkable similarities...\n- **Pattern Recognition**: Potential insights...\n\n**References for Further Reading:**\n- [Neural Networks and Brain Function](https://example.com/neural-networks)\n- [Cognitive Processing in AI](https://example.com/cognitive-ai)\n\n_Personal Reflection_: The theoretical underpinnings are strong, but empirical evidence is needed.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Deep Learning and the Brain: Neural Network Insights (dummy paper)\"\nauthors: [\"Dr. Alex Smith\", \"Dr. Maria Garcia\"]\nyear: 2023\npublisher: \"Journal of NeuroAI Research\"\nkeywords: [\"Deep Learning\", \"Neuroscience\", \"Neural Networks\", \"Brain Function\"]\nresearch_type: \"Theoretical Analysis\"\nrelevance: \"Highly relevant to my research on NeuroAI parallels.\"\n_sourceurl: \"https://www.ijert.org/dummyarticle.pdf\"\n_doi: \"10.17577/dummydoi\"\nstatus: \"read-done\"\n---\n```\n\nThis is a dummy paper to illustrate the format of a literature review entry.\n\n## Abstract\nThis study explores the intersection of deep learning and neuroscience...\n\n## Methodology\nThe methodology involves a comparative analysis...\n\n## Main Findings\nThe study finds significant parallels between...\n\n## Significance\nThis research contributes to the understanding of...\n\n## Personal Notes\nThe paper provides a compelling argument for using AI...\n\n## Future Work\nThe authors suggest empirical studies...\n\n## Quotes\n\"Deep learning models, especially convolutional neural networks...\"\n\n## Extended Notes\n**Key Points:**\n- **Convolutional Neural Networks**: Remarkable similarities...\n- **Pattern Recognition**: Potential insights...\n\n**References for Further Reading:**\n- [Neural Networks and Brain Function](https://example.com/neural-networks)\n- [Cognitive Processing in AI](https://example.com/cognitive-ai)\n\n_Personal Reflection_: The theoretical underpinnings are strong, but empirical evidence is needed."
"id": "essays",
"url": "./../dirs/essays",
"category": "dirs",
"title": "essays",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Essays\n---\n```\n\n\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Essays\n---\n```\n\n"
"id": "example",
"url": "./../tutorials/example",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "github pages example",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Github Pages Example\"\n---\n```\n\n{% include mermaid.html %}\n{% include mathjax.html %}\n## Welcome to GitHub Pages\n\nYou can use the [editor on GitHub](https://github.com/yjmantilla/yjmantilla.github.io/edit/master/README.md) to maintain and preview the content for your website in Markdown files.\n\nWhenever you commit to this repository, GitHub Pages will run [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/) to rebuild the pages in your site, from the content in your Markdown files.\n\n### Markdown\n\nMarkdown is a lightweight and easy-to-use syntax for styling your writing. It includes conventions for\n\n```markdown\nSyntax highlighted code block\n\n# Header 1\n## Header 2\n### Header 3\n\n- Bulleted\n- List\n\n1. Numbered\n2. List\n\n**Bold** and _Italic_ and `Code` text\n\n[Link](url) and \n```\n\nFor more details see [GitHub Flavored Markdown](https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/).\n\n### Jekyll Themes\n\nYour Pages site will use the layout and styles from the Jekyll theme you have selected in your [repository settings](https://github.com/yjmantilla/yjmantilla.github.io/settings). The name of this theme is saved in the Jekyll `_config.yml` configuration file.\n\n### Support or Contact\n\nHaving trouble with Pages? Check out our [documentation](https://help.github.com/categories/github-pages-basics/) or [contact support](https://github.com/contact) and we\u2019ll help you sort it out.\n\n### Mermaid\n\n```mermaid\ngraph TD;\n A-->B;\n```\n\ngraph LR\nA-->B\n
\n\ngraph LR\nA-->B\n
\n\ngraph LR\n graph TD\n A[Client] --> B[Load Balancer]\n B --> C[Server1]\n B --> D[Server2]\n
\n\n\n\n Here is one mermaid diagram:\n \n graph TD\n A[Client] --> B[Load Balancer]\n B --> C[Server1]\n B --> D[Server2]\n
\n\n This doesnt work...\n \n And here is another:\n \n graph TD\n A[Client] -->|tcp_123| B(Load Balancer)\n B -->|tcp_456| C[Server1]\n B -->|tcp_456| D[Server2]\n
\n\n\n### Math\nyou can use an inline formula $$\\forall x \\in R$$ like this one\n\n$$\nM = \\left( \\begin{array}{ccc}\nx_{11} & x_{12} & \\ldots \\\\\nx_{21} & x_{22} & \\ldots \\\\\n\\vdots & \\vdots & \\ldots \\\\\n\\end{array} \\right)\n$$\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Github Pages Example\"\n---\n```\n\n{% include mermaid.html %}\n{% include mathjax.html %}\n## Welcome to GitHub Pages\n\nYou can use the [editor on GitHub](https://github.com/yjmantilla/yjmantilla.github.io/edit/master/README.md) to maintain and preview the content for your website in Markdown files.\n\nWhenever you commit to this repository, GitHub Pages will run [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/) to rebuild the pages in your site, from the content in your Markdown files.\n\n### Markdown\n\nMarkdown is a lightweight and easy-to-use syntax for styling your writing. It includes conventions for\n\n```markdown\nSyntax highlighted code block\n\n# Header 1\n## Header 2\n### Header 3\n\n- Bulleted\n- List\n\n1. Numbered\n2. List\n\n**Bold** and _Italic_ and `Code` text\n\n[Link](url) and \n```\n\nFor more details see [GitHub Flavored Markdown](https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/).\n\n### Jekyll Themes\n\nYour Pages site will use the layout and styles from the Jekyll theme you have selected in your [repository settings](https://github.com/yjmantilla/yjmantilla.github.io/settings). The name of this theme is saved in the Jekyll `_config.yml` configuration file.\n\n### Support or Contact\n\nHaving trouble with Pages? Check out our [documentation](https://help.github.com/categories/github-pages-basics/) or [contact support](https://github.com/contact) and we\u2019ll help you sort it out.\n\n### Mermaid\n\n```mermaid\ngraph TD;\n A-->B;\n```\n\ngraph LR\nA-->B\n
\n\ngraph LR\nA-->B\n
\n\ngraph LR\n graph TD\n A[Client] --> B[Load Balancer]\n B --> C[Server1]\n B --> D[Server2]\n
\n\n\n\n Here is one mermaid diagram:\n \n graph TD\n A[Client] --> B[Load Balancer]\n B --> C[Server1]\n B --> D[Server2]\n
\n\n This doesnt work...\n \n And here is another:\n \n graph TD\n A[Client] -->|tcp_123| B(Load Balancer)\n B -->|tcp_456| C[Server1]\n B -->|tcp_456| D[Server2]\n
\n\n\n### Math\nyou can use an inline formula $$\\forall x \\in R$$ like this one\n\n$$\nM = \\left( \\begin{array}{ccc}\nx_{11} & x_{12} & \\ldots \\\\\nx_{21} & x_{22} & \\ldots \\\\\n\\vdots & \\vdots & \\ldots \\\\\n\\end{array} \\right)\n$$"
"id": "export-facebook-saved",
"url": "./../tutorials/export-facebook-saved",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "export facebook saved",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Export Facebook Saved\n---\n```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Export Facebook Saved\n---\n```"
"id": "eyes-i-see-at-close-eyes",
"url": "./../bubbles/eyes-i-see-at-close-eyes",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "eyes i see when close my eyes",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Eyes I see when close my eyes\n---\n```\n\ncat like? I see them when I close my eyes and look up. I doubt it is related to [[phosphenes]]\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Eyes I see when close my eyes\n---\n```\n\ncat like? I see them when I close my eyes and look up. I doubt it is related to [[phosphenes]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "fear-of-failure",
"url": "./../bubbles/fear-of-failure",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "fear of failure",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Fear of Failure\n---```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Fear of Failure\n---```"
"id": "feminismo",
"url": "./../essays/feminismo",
"category": "essays",
"title": "feminismo - una primera exploraci\u00f3n a prop\u00f3sito de la pel\u00edcula \"las brujas de zugarramurdi\" de al\u00e9x de la iglesia",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\n title : Feminismo - Una primera exploraci\u00f3n a prop\u00f3sito de la pel\u00edcula \"Las brujas de Zugarramurdi\" de Al\u00e9x de la Iglesia\n---\n```\n\n> Me preocupa mil que el feminismo de redes sociales est\u00e9 tan lleno de veganas antiespecistas militantes. No porque me desagrade el veganismo y el antiespecismo, que me parecen posturas super interesantes, sino porque ellas ven sus ideas como consecuencia necesaria del feminismo. Ergo, una feminista no vegana es en realidad una feminista \"falsa\". Es preocupante la denostaci\u00f3n del feminismo de otras mujeres en pos del \"purismo\" que ellas defienden.\n\n\nSiendo honesto creo que nunca hab\u00eda procrastinado tanto al hacer un ensayo; y digo ensayo ya que realmente no\nme interesa hacer un texto expositivo en este caso. En ese sentido me he concentrado m\u00e1s en la reflexi\u00f3n y\nan\u00e1lisis personal. Durante los \u00faltimos tres d\u00edas he estado leyendo acerca de estos movimientos, he hecho alguno\nque otro test para determinar mi posici\u00f3n m\u00e1s f\u00e1cilmente, me he visto la pel\u00edcula de Alex de la Iglesia y algunos\nv\u00eddeos de \"un violador en tu camino\". Por ah\u00ed en el segundo d\u00eda se me ocurri\u00f3 que ser\u00eda interesante saber que\npensaban mis contactos de Facebook acerca del feminismo; la cita previa es perteneciente a uno de ellos.\nMe remito a dicha cita para ilustrar que alguien desinformado -como yo al comenzar el semestre- puede pensar\nerr\u00f3neamente que el feminismo es homog\u00e9neo entorno a sus postulados y posiciones. El hecho de que exista un\nfeminismo anti-especista [1] y de que haya gente feminista con opiniones como las de mi contacto deja en claro\nde que hay mucho debate en torno a que deber\u00eda ser el feminismo y qu\u00e9 es lo esencial de este. Muchos de los\nroces entre distintas corrientes feministas derivan de diferencias culturales y \u00e9tnicas entre los grupos\nrepresentados; otras separaciones derivan de disonancias m\u00e1s filos\u00f3ficas: \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el problema en s\u00ed? \u00bfC\u00f3mo\ndeber\u00eda resolverse? \u00bfEn qu\u00e9 t\u00e9rminos se define la igualdad y la equidad? \u00bfQu\u00e9 posici\u00f3n moral se adopta\nrespecto a X acci\u00f3n? \u00bfEs el \"hombre\" oprimido junto con la \"mujer\" o este representa meramente un papel de\nopresor? Tal variedad de matices hace sin duda dif\u00edcil la exploraci\u00f3n conceptual del mundo del feminismo.\n
\n\n## El camino del macho: de h\u00e9roe a drag\u00f3n\n\n\nEn efecto, ser\u00eda una simplificaci\u00f3n muy burda por ejemplo tratar de caracterizar el feminismo mediante un\nhimno como lo es \"un violador en tu camino\" ya que analizando la letra es f\u00e1cil darse cuenta de que proviene de\nuna posici\u00f3n feminista-radical de elementos que existen todav\u00eda en el mundo: la violaci\u00f3n y el homicidio de\nmujeres. Uno puede tomar dichos problemas y estudiarlos bajo la lente de cada forma de feminismo. En\nparticular el himno se inspira de los escritos de Rita Segato, quien ha tratado el tema de violencia de g\u00e9nero\ndesde un punto de vista te\u00f3rico [2], planteando que la violaci\u00f3n no es un asunto sexual sino de ejercer poder\npol\u00edtico sobre un g\u00e9nero, en este caso perpetrado por el patriarcado. Otro de los conceptos que es bueno traer a\ncolaci\u00f3n de esta autora es la idea del \"mandato de masculinidad\" [2], que es en mi opini\u00f3n otra forma de\nnombrar el rol masculino, lo que es ser \"macho\". Dicho elemento tambi\u00e9n se ve reflejado impl\u00edcitamente en \"un\nviolador en tu camino\"; si bien sus creadoras citan al himno de los carabineros de Chile de forma ir\u00f3nica [3], el\nhimno original de los carabineros en s\u00ed contiene lo que constituye para m\u00ed un mito fundacional de lo masculino:\n
\n\n> Duerme tranquila, ni\u00f1a inocente, sin preocuparte del bandolero, que por tu sue\u00f1o dulce y sonriente vela\n> tu amante carabinero.\n\n\nKipnis en [4] reflexiona acerca del arquetipo fragmentado de H\u00e9roe (hombre generalmente), Drag\u00f3n-Victimario\n(hombre tambi\u00e9n) y la Princesa-Victima (mujer generalmente). Seg\u00fan su an\u00e1lisis todos estos personajes se\nencuentran en todas las personas y que generan a\u00fan repercusiones en el inconsciente colectivo moderno\nrespecto al g\u00e9nero. En esa estrofa en particular es evidente que personaje es cada quien. Curiosamente\nencuentro palabras de Segato acerca de este modelo cuando habla de que el \"el victimismo no es una buena\npol\u00edtica para las mujeres\" [5]:\n
\n\n> Lo que los medios deber\u00edan destacar y repetir sin reserva y hasta con exceso es que quien rescata a Thelma es un grupo de mujeres, son sus pares, sus > colegas, sus amigas, sus hermanas en el proceso pol\u00edtico que estamos viviendo en Argentina y en el continente: **mujer salva mujer y muestra al mundo lo que tiene que cambiar. No hay un pr\u00edncipe valiente. Hay pol\u00edtica, que es m\u00e1s lindo, m\u00e1s heroico y m\u00e1s verdadero. La mano salvadora viene de nuestra amistad y alianza.**\n\n\nKipnis menciona que surgen problemas cuando alguno de estos \"personajes\" nos domina, y que mientras los\nefectos nocivos de la sobre-identificaci\u00f3n con el arquetipo de Princesa se han vuelto claros a trav\u00e9s de los a\u00f1os\npara las mujeres, los efectos nocivos de la sobre-identificaci\u00f3n con el H\u00e9roe no son obvios para los hombres. La\nverdad me ha dejado impresionado la cantidad de paralelismos susceptibles de trazarse entre estas ideas con las\npropias del \"mandato de masculinidad\" de Segato. Por ejemplo, mientras ella dice que el hombre no se visualiza\ncomo persona digna de respeto a menos de que tenga alg\u00fan atributo de \"potencia\" [6], Kipnis recalca que al\nsentirse que debe ser H\u00e9roe el hombre busca tener un nivel de \u00e9xito m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de la capacidad de los mortales\npara poder ser amado por una mujer [4]. Ambos concluyen que dicho molde implica finalmente conductas\nviolentas y ausentes de empat\u00eda.\nEl arquetipo de H\u00e9roe a su vez ha influenciado la asimetr\u00eda entre el concepto de sororidad y el concepto de\nfraternidad. A saber originalmente Miguel de Unamuno acu\u00f1o el termino de sororidad para dar nombre a la\n\"hermandad femenina\" en contraste con el de fraternidad (que vendr\u00eda de hermano) [7]. Es ir\u00f3nico en el sentido\nde que la solidaridad y cercan\u00eda en la sororidad a mi parecer es m\u00e1s profunda que la ofrecida por la fraternidad.\nPienso que esto emerge de la propia noci\u00f3n de masculinidad entendida como estoicismo, independencia y\nfortaleza. Kipnik reflexiona diciendo que el H\u00e9roe es incapaz de hacer conexiones profundas con los otros al\npresentarse solitario, narcisista y ego\u00edsta. A lo mucho los hombres podr\u00e1n hablar entre s\u00ed de mujeres, muy al\nestilo que se presenta en Las brujas de Zugarramurdi por los tres principales personajes hombres. Cualquier otro\ntema profundo es ya demasiado sensible y la vulnerabilidad es demasiado incomoda de mostrar, -de nuevo-\nmuy al estilo de la confesi\u00f3n de sentimientos entre los inspectores en la pel\u00edcula. Esta incapacidad emocional\nexplica en parte la asimetr\u00eda de las tasas de suicidio seg\u00fan el g\u00e9nero, donde los hombres pueden llegar a ser 5\nveces m\u00e1s propensos a cometerlo [8]. A nivel contempor\u00e1neo es curioso ver la necesidad de incluir la aclaraci\u00f3n\nde \"no-homo\" cada vez que se hace alguna acci\u00f3n que atenta contra la masculinidad, en particular con el\nintercambio emocional entre amigos [9].\n
\n\n## El camino de la bruja: de princesa a prostituta\n\n\nLas brujas de Zugarramurdi por otra parte tambi\u00e9n ofrece el tr\u00edo H\u00e9roe/Drag\u00f3n/Princesa en su narrativa con una\nligera variaci\u00f3n en cuanto a los g\u00e9neros. El H\u00e9roe se representa de forma m\u00e1s constante en el Padre del Ni\u00f1o,\nmientras que la Princesa en este caso es el Ni\u00f1o. Digamos la subversi\u00f3n m\u00e1s clara es el Drag\u00f3n al verse\nrepresentado en las Brujas y finalmente en la versi\u00f3n grotesca de la Venus de Willendorf.\nLa pel\u00edcula hace un uso muy caricaturesco de la bruja como arquetipo. Algo que queda muy claro es que la\ncualidad de \"bruja\" de alguna forma tiene que ver con la mujer soltera, o sin \u00e9xito rom\u00e1ntico (\u00bfQu\u00e9 es lo mismo\nque no tener \u00e9xito?). Esto se ve tanto en la Madre del Ni\u00f1o como en la Nieta de las Brujas. Ya para el final de la\npel\u00edcula la Nieta, como resultado de enamorarse del Padre, empieza a presentar cualidades heroicas (al menos\ndesde el punto de vista del Padre), y no tanto de bruja. Curiosamente podemos ver como recibe el afecto del\nPadre solo cuando su acto heroico es completado, previo a eso la reciprocidad es alimentada solo por miedo o\natracci\u00f3n sexual; esto es consistente con el arco del H\u00e9roe que se prueba a si mismo ante la Damisela. Por su\nparte la Madre del Ni\u00f1o pasa de H\u00e9roe (al tratar de salvar a su Hijo) a Drag\u00f3n al convertirse en Bruja. Ahora\nbien, cabe aclarar que si bien en la pel\u00edcula pareciera sugerir una noci\u00f3n de quien es bueno y quien es malo, est\u00e1\nen realidad es muy flexible. A saber la \u00fanica raz\u00f3n por la cual uno podr\u00eda considerar a las Brujas como\nantagonistas es por una posible identificaci\u00f3n nuestra con los personajes \"normales\", con aquellos que no tienen\npoder m\u00e1gico; lo cual es alimentado por el uso del miedo y el horror a lo largo del film. La primera escena se\nbasa en el robo de una joyer\u00eda por parte de dos de los protagonistas, revelando pues que en realidad estos dos\npersonajes est\u00e1n en el margen de lo antisocial, es decir a su vez son anormales. Al eliminar el aspecto m\u00e1gico\ndel film podr\u00edamos resultar realmente con un grupo de feministas y un grupo de delincuentes y si tuviera pues\nque ubicar ideol\u00f3gicamente el movimiento de las brujas estar\u00eda inclinado a analizarlas bajo un contexto de\nfeminismo radical algo separatista en su metodolog\u00eda.\nA su vez es interesante analizar el uso de la sexualidad en la pel\u00edcula ya que muestra algunos estereotipos de\nc\u00f3mo cada g\u00e9nero ve la sexualidad. Por un lado dos de los protagonistas quedan pr\u00e1cticamente hechizados por\nla atracci\u00f3n hacia la Nieta, al punto del que el Padre olvida que tiene rescatar a su Hijo. Refleja pues como al\nhombre \u201cse le dificulta\u201d controlar el impulso sexual, resaltando su cualidad de bestia. Por su parte la Nieta usa\nla sexualidad como instrumento de poder o de persuasi\u00f3n sobre los protagonistas. Luego en otra escena a la\nNieta se le recrimina el hecho de que est\u00e9 enamorada del Padre, y de que simplemente -deber\u00eda- reducirlo a un\njuguete sexual. Uno podr\u00eda pensar que se est\u00e1 haciendo uso del sexo como una forma de ejercer poder, y es\ncurioso verlo a la luz de los pensamientos de Segato. Si la violaci\u00f3n es un acto pol\u00edtico donde se ejerce poder,\n\u00bfqu\u00e9 se puede decir entorno al sexo como tal?. Dicho tren de pensamiento puede llegar al tema de la\ncosificaci\u00f3n sexual de la mujer la cual por momentos se invierte en la pel\u00edcula. Christina Sommers[10] y Naomi\nWolf[11] argumentan que la liberaci\u00f3n sexual de la mujer ha llevado a las mujeres a una inversi\u00f3n de roles\ndonde se ve a los hombres como objetos sexuales de una manera similar a lo que se critica del tratamiento de la\nmujer por parte del hombre. Contrariamente uno podr\u00eda interpretar dicha reclamaci\u00f3n sobre tener al hombre\ncomo juguete sexual no tanto como una demostraci\u00f3n de poder sino como una aceptaci\u00f3n del impulso sexual de\nla mujer, de que la mujer tambi\u00e9n es bestia, en consonancia pues con la liberaci\u00f3n sexual de la mujer.\nEl an\u00e1lisis de la sexualidad es un tema que es otro mundo en s\u00ed mismo y en el cu\u00e1l el feminismo incursiona. Por\nejemplo se podr\u00eda establecer que la Virgen Mar\u00eda es un mito fundacional al implicar que la virginidad de la\nmujer es una cualidad valiosa; pareciera que el acto sexual \"ensucia\" de una u otra forma. Es muy com\u00fan la\ndiscusi\u00f3n sobre la asim\u00e9trica percepci\u00f3n de la promiscuidad de hombres y mujeres, mientras uno es exitoso el\notro es una prostituta. Hay quienes justifican dicho doble-est\u00e1ndar mediante modelos biol\u00f3gicos como el\nprincipio de Bateman [12] donde los machos compiten de forma promiscua y las mujeres escogen. As\u00ed el \u00e9xito\nreproductivo para el macho aumenta con el n\u00famero de parejas mientras que para la hembra no. La biolog\u00eda no\nsolo informa (\u00bfo desinforma?) este debate sino tambi\u00e9n el de la asimetr\u00eda en la inversi\u00f3n parental. Para m\u00ed la\nbiolog\u00eda es valiosa en este tipo de debates pero hay que medir bien cu\u00e1n sano es el uso de argumentos basados\nen el determinismo biol\u00f3gico como si estos fueran la \u00faltima palabra; a saber, aunque uno obvie el\nreduccionismo y diga que el determinismo biol\u00f3gico es verdadero, uno puede ce\u00f1irse a que la humanidad es un\npuente y no una meta... es decir al trans-humanismo para argumentar que no hay raz\u00f3n por la cual restringirse a\nlo \"natural\". Por ejemplo, si se desliga de la mujer el rol de madre y el concepto de fertilidad, el \u00e9xito\nreproductivo de ella no estuviera ligado con nociones de escoger \"al mejor\" y a\u00fan m\u00e1s ser\u00eda un sin-sentido en\neste contexto ya que no se tendr\u00eda sexo \"por reproducirse\"; en ese caso \u00bfse juzgar\u00eda la promiscuidad de la mujer\nde la misma forma?\n
\n\n## Conclusi\u00f3n\n\n\nEl feminismo es un mundo muy diverso y con disonancias entre sus continentes. Para mi este ensayo fue un\nexperimento donde embarque desde el himno de \"un violador en tu camino\", es decir desde una expresi\u00f3n del\nfeminismo radical; sin saber realmente a donde llegar\u00eda pero partiendo del material que absorb\u00ed del feminismo y\nde los roles de g\u00e9nero. En eso me he encontrado con la influencia de los arquetipos/mitos\nfundacionales/personajes en nuestra construcci\u00f3n de la identidad, de los roles y de c\u00f3mo se juzgan las acciones\nde acuerdo al rol que \"deber\u00edamos cumplir\".\n
\n\n## Referencias\n\n\\[1\\]:
\n\\[4\\]:Aaron Kipnis (1994) Men, movies, & monsters: Heroic masculinity as a crucible of male violence.
\n\\[10\\]: Sommers, Christina (1995). \"The gender wardens\". Who stole feminism?: how women have betrayed\nwomen. pp. 264\u2013265. seg\u00fan
\n\\[11\\]: Wolf, Naomi (1994). Fire with fire: the new female power and how to use it. New York: Fawcett\nColumbine. pp. 225\u2013228. seg\u00fan
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\n title : Feminismo - Una primera exploraci\u00f3n a prop\u00f3sito de la pel\u00edcula \"Las brujas de Zugarramurdi\" de Al\u00e9x de la Iglesia\n---\n```\n\n> Me preocupa mil que el feminismo de redes sociales est\u00e9 tan lleno de veganas antiespecistas militantes. No porque me desagrade el veganismo y el antiespecismo, que me parecen posturas super interesantes, sino porque ellas ven sus ideas como consecuencia necesaria del feminismo. Ergo, una feminista no vegana es en realidad una feminista \"falsa\". Es preocupante la denostaci\u00f3n del feminismo de otras mujeres en pos del \"purismo\" que ellas defienden.\n\n\nSiendo honesto creo que nunca hab\u00eda procrastinado tanto al hacer un ensayo; y digo ensayo ya que realmente no\nme interesa hacer un texto expositivo en este caso. En ese sentido me he concentrado m\u00e1s en la reflexi\u00f3n y\nan\u00e1lisis personal. Durante los \u00faltimos tres d\u00edas he estado leyendo acerca de estos movimientos, he hecho alguno\nque otro test para determinar mi posici\u00f3n m\u00e1s f\u00e1cilmente, me he visto la pel\u00edcula de Alex de la Iglesia y algunos\nv\u00eddeos de \"un violador en tu camino\". Por ah\u00ed en el segundo d\u00eda se me ocurri\u00f3 que ser\u00eda interesante saber que\npensaban mis contactos de Facebook acerca del feminismo; la cita previa es perteneciente a uno de ellos.\nMe remito a dicha cita para ilustrar que alguien desinformado -como yo al comenzar el semestre- puede pensar\nerr\u00f3neamente que el feminismo es homog\u00e9neo entorno a sus postulados y posiciones. El hecho de que exista un\nfeminismo anti-especista [1] y de que haya gente feminista con opiniones como las de mi contacto deja en claro\nde que hay mucho debate en torno a que deber\u00eda ser el feminismo y qu\u00e9 es lo esencial de este. Muchos de los\nroces entre distintas corrientes feministas derivan de diferencias culturales y \u00e9tnicas entre los grupos\nrepresentados; otras separaciones derivan de disonancias m\u00e1s filos\u00f3ficas: \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el problema en s\u00ed? \u00bfC\u00f3mo\ndeber\u00eda resolverse? \u00bfEn qu\u00e9 t\u00e9rminos se define la igualdad y la equidad? \u00bfQu\u00e9 posici\u00f3n moral se adopta\nrespecto a X acci\u00f3n? \u00bfEs el \"hombre\" oprimido junto con la \"mujer\" o este representa meramente un papel de\nopresor? Tal variedad de matices hace sin duda dif\u00edcil la exploraci\u00f3n conceptual del mundo del feminismo.\n
\n\n## El camino del macho: de h\u00e9roe a drag\u00f3n\n\n\nEn efecto, ser\u00eda una simplificaci\u00f3n muy burda por ejemplo tratar de caracterizar el feminismo mediante un\nhimno como lo es \"un violador en tu camino\" ya que analizando la letra es f\u00e1cil darse cuenta de que proviene de\nuna posici\u00f3n feminista-radical de elementos que existen todav\u00eda en el mundo: la violaci\u00f3n y el homicidio de\nmujeres. Uno puede tomar dichos problemas y estudiarlos bajo la lente de cada forma de feminismo. En\nparticular el himno se inspira de los escritos de Rita Segato, quien ha tratado el tema de violencia de g\u00e9nero\ndesde un punto de vista te\u00f3rico [2], planteando que la violaci\u00f3n no es un asunto sexual sino de ejercer poder\npol\u00edtico sobre un g\u00e9nero, en este caso perpetrado por el patriarcado. Otro de los conceptos que es bueno traer a\ncolaci\u00f3n de esta autora es la idea del \"mandato de masculinidad\" [2], que es en mi opini\u00f3n otra forma de\nnombrar el rol masculino, lo que es ser \"macho\". Dicho elemento tambi\u00e9n se ve reflejado impl\u00edcitamente en \"un\nviolador en tu camino\"; si bien sus creadoras citan al himno de los carabineros de Chile de forma ir\u00f3nica [3], el\nhimno original de los carabineros en s\u00ed contiene lo que constituye para m\u00ed un mito fundacional de lo masculino:\n
\n\n> Duerme tranquila, ni\u00f1a inocente, sin preocuparte del bandolero, que por tu sue\u00f1o dulce y sonriente vela\n> tu amante carabinero.\n\n\nKipnis en [4] reflexiona acerca del arquetipo fragmentado de H\u00e9roe (hombre generalmente), Drag\u00f3n-Victimario\n(hombre tambi\u00e9n) y la Princesa-Victima (mujer generalmente). Seg\u00fan su an\u00e1lisis todos estos personajes se\nencuentran en todas las personas y que generan a\u00fan repercusiones en el inconsciente colectivo moderno\nrespecto al g\u00e9nero. En esa estrofa en particular es evidente que personaje es cada quien. Curiosamente\nencuentro palabras de Segato acerca de este modelo cuando habla de que el \"el victimismo no es una buena\npol\u00edtica para las mujeres\" [5]:\n
\n\n> Lo que los medios deber\u00edan destacar y repetir sin reserva y hasta con exceso es que quien rescata a Thelma es un grupo de mujeres, son sus pares, sus > colegas, sus amigas, sus hermanas en el proceso pol\u00edtico que estamos viviendo en Argentina y en el continente: **mujer salva mujer y muestra al mundo lo que tiene que cambiar. No hay un pr\u00edncipe valiente. Hay pol\u00edtica, que es m\u00e1s lindo, m\u00e1s heroico y m\u00e1s verdadero. La mano salvadora viene de nuestra amistad y alianza.**\n\n\nKipnis menciona que surgen problemas cuando alguno de estos \"personajes\" nos domina, y que mientras los\nefectos nocivos de la sobre-identificaci\u00f3n con el arquetipo de Princesa se han vuelto claros a trav\u00e9s de los a\u00f1os\npara las mujeres, los efectos nocivos de la sobre-identificaci\u00f3n con el H\u00e9roe no son obvios para los hombres. La\nverdad me ha dejado impresionado la cantidad de paralelismos susceptibles de trazarse entre estas ideas con las\npropias del \"mandato de masculinidad\" de Segato. Por ejemplo, mientras ella dice que el hombre no se visualiza\ncomo persona digna de respeto a menos de que tenga alg\u00fan atributo de \"potencia\" [6], Kipnis recalca que al\nsentirse que debe ser H\u00e9roe el hombre busca tener un nivel de \u00e9xito m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de la capacidad de los mortales\npara poder ser amado por una mujer [4]. Ambos concluyen que dicho molde implica finalmente conductas\nviolentas y ausentes de empat\u00eda.\nEl arquetipo de H\u00e9roe a su vez ha influenciado la asimetr\u00eda entre el concepto de sororidad y el concepto de\nfraternidad. A saber originalmente Miguel de Unamuno acu\u00f1o el termino de sororidad para dar nombre a la\n\"hermandad femenina\" en contraste con el de fraternidad (que vendr\u00eda de hermano) [7]. Es ir\u00f3nico en el sentido\nde que la solidaridad y cercan\u00eda en la sororidad a mi parecer es m\u00e1s profunda que la ofrecida por la fraternidad.\nPienso que esto emerge de la propia noci\u00f3n de masculinidad entendida como estoicismo, independencia y\nfortaleza. Kipnik reflexiona diciendo que el H\u00e9roe es incapaz de hacer conexiones profundas con los otros al\npresentarse solitario, narcisista y ego\u00edsta. A lo mucho los hombres podr\u00e1n hablar entre s\u00ed de mujeres, muy al\nestilo que se presenta en Las brujas de Zugarramurdi por los tres principales personajes hombres. Cualquier otro\ntema profundo es ya demasiado sensible y la vulnerabilidad es demasiado incomoda de mostrar, -de nuevo-\nmuy al estilo de la confesi\u00f3n de sentimientos entre los inspectores en la pel\u00edcula. Esta incapacidad emocional\nexplica en parte la asimetr\u00eda de las tasas de suicidio seg\u00fan el g\u00e9nero, donde los hombres pueden llegar a ser 5\nveces m\u00e1s propensos a cometerlo [8]. A nivel contempor\u00e1neo es curioso ver la necesidad de incluir la aclaraci\u00f3n\nde \"no-homo\" cada vez que se hace alguna acci\u00f3n que atenta contra la masculinidad, en particular con el\nintercambio emocional entre amigos [9].\n
\n\n## El camino de la bruja: de princesa a prostituta\n\n\nLas brujas de Zugarramurdi por otra parte tambi\u00e9n ofrece el tr\u00edo H\u00e9roe/Drag\u00f3n/Princesa en su narrativa con una\nligera variaci\u00f3n en cuanto a los g\u00e9neros. El H\u00e9roe se representa de forma m\u00e1s constante en el Padre del Ni\u00f1o,\nmientras que la Princesa en este caso es el Ni\u00f1o. Digamos la subversi\u00f3n m\u00e1s clara es el Drag\u00f3n al verse\nrepresentado en las Brujas y finalmente en la versi\u00f3n grotesca de la Venus de Willendorf.\nLa pel\u00edcula hace un uso muy caricaturesco de la bruja como arquetipo. Algo que queda muy claro es que la\ncualidad de \"bruja\" de alguna forma tiene que ver con la mujer soltera, o sin \u00e9xito rom\u00e1ntico (\u00bfQu\u00e9 es lo mismo\nque no tener \u00e9xito?). Esto se ve tanto en la Madre del Ni\u00f1o como en la Nieta de las Brujas. Ya para el final de la\npel\u00edcula la Nieta, como resultado de enamorarse del Padre, empieza a presentar cualidades heroicas (al menos\ndesde el punto de vista del Padre), y no tanto de bruja. Curiosamente podemos ver como recibe el afecto del\nPadre solo cuando su acto heroico es completado, previo a eso la reciprocidad es alimentada solo por miedo o\natracci\u00f3n sexual; esto es consistente con el arco del H\u00e9roe que se prueba a si mismo ante la Damisela. Por su\nparte la Madre del Ni\u00f1o pasa de H\u00e9roe (al tratar de salvar a su Hijo) a Drag\u00f3n al convertirse en Bruja. Ahora\nbien, cabe aclarar que si bien en la pel\u00edcula pareciera sugerir una noci\u00f3n de quien es bueno y quien es malo, est\u00e1\nen realidad es muy flexible. A saber la \u00fanica raz\u00f3n por la cual uno podr\u00eda considerar a las Brujas como\nantagonistas es por una posible identificaci\u00f3n nuestra con los personajes \"normales\", con aquellos que no tienen\npoder m\u00e1gico; lo cual es alimentado por el uso del miedo y el horror a lo largo del film. La primera escena se\nbasa en el robo de una joyer\u00eda por parte de dos de los protagonistas, revelando pues que en realidad estos dos\npersonajes est\u00e1n en el margen de lo antisocial, es decir a su vez son anormales. Al eliminar el aspecto m\u00e1gico\ndel film podr\u00edamos resultar realmente con un grupo de feministas y un grupo de delincuentes y si tuviera pues\nque ubicar ideol\u00f3gicamente el movimiento de las brujas estar\u00eda inclinado a analizarlas bajo un contexto de\nfeminismo radical algo separatista en su metodolog\u00eda.\nA su vez es interesante analizar el uso de la sexualidad en la pel\u00edcula ya que muestra algunos estereotipos de\nc\u00f3mo cada g\u00e9nero ve la sexualidad. Por un lado dos de los protagonistas quedan pr\u00e1cticamente hechizados por\nla atracci\u00f3n hacia la Nieta, al punto del que el Padre olvida que tiene rescatar a su Hijo. Refleja pues como al\nhombre \u201cse le dificulta\u201d controlar el impulso sexual, resaltando su cualidad de bestia. Por su parte la Nieta usa\nla sexualidad como instrumento de poder o de persuasi\u00f3n sobre los protagonistas. Luego en otra escena a la\nNieta se le recrimina el hecho de que est\u00e9 enamorada del Padre, y de que simplemente -deber\u00eda- reducirlo a un\njuguete sexual. Uno podr\u00eda pensar que se est\u00e1 haciendo uso del sexo como una forma de ejercer poder, y es\ncurioso verlo a la luz de los pensamientos de Segato. Si la violaci\u00f3n es un acto pol\u00edtico donde se ejerce poder,\n\u00bfqu\u00e9 se puede decir entorno al sexo como tal?. Dicho tren de pensamiento puede llegar al tema de la\ncosificaci\u00f3n sexual de la mujer la cual por momentos se invierte en la pel\u00edcula. Christina Sommers[10] y Naomi\nWolf[11] argumentan que la liberaci\u00f3n sexual de la mujer ha llevado a las mujeres a una inversi\u00f3n de roles\ndonde se ve a los hombres como objetos sexuales de una manera similar a lo que se critica del tratamiento de la\nmujer por parte del hombre. Contrariamente uno podr\u00eda interpretar dicha reclamaci\u00f3n sobre tener al hombre\ncomo juguete sexual no tanto como una demostraci\u00f3n de poder sino como una aceptaci\u00f3n del impulso sexual de\nla mujer, de que la mujer tambi\u00e9n es bestia, en consonancia pues con la liberaci\u00f3n sexual de la mujer.\nEl an\u00e1lisis de la sexualidad es un tema que es otro mundo en s\u00ed mismo y en el cu\u00e1l el feminismo incursiona. Por\nejemplo se podr\u00eda establecer que la Virgen Mar\u00eda es un mito fundacional al implicar que la virginidad de la\nmujer es una cualidad valiosa; pareciera que el acto sexual \"ensucia\" de una u otra forma. Es muy com\u00fan la\ndiscusi\u00f3n sobre la asim\u00e9trica percepci\u00f3n de la promiscuidad de hombres y mujeres, mientras uno es exitoso el\notro es una prostituta. Hay quienes justifican dicho doble-est\u00e1ndar mediante modelos biol\u00f3gicos como el\nprincipio de Bateman [12] donde los machos compiten de forma promiscua y las mujeres escogen. As\u00ed el \u00e9xito\nreproductivo para el macho aumenta con el n\u00famero de parejas mientras que para la hembra no. La biolog\u00eda no\nsolo informa (\u00bfo desinforma?) este debate sino tambi\u00e9n el de la asimetr\u00eda en la inversi\u00f3n parental. Para m\u00ed la\nbiolog\u00eda es valiosa en este tipo de debates pero hay que medir bien cu\u00e1n sano es el uso de argumentos basados\nen el determinismo biol\u00f3gico como si estos fueran la \u00faltima palabra; a saber, aunque uno obvie el\nreduccionismo y diga que el determinismo biol\u00f3gico es verdadero, uno puede ce\u00f1irse a que la humanidad es un\npuente y no una meta... es decir al trans-humanismo para argumentar que no hay raz\u00f3n por la cual restringirse a\nlo \"natural\". Por ejemplo, si se desliga de la mujer el rol de madre y el concepto de fertilidad, el \u00e9xito\nreproductivo de ella no estuviera ligado con nociones de escoger \"al mejor\" y a\u00fan m\u00e1s ser\u00eda un sin-sentido en\neste contexto ya que no se tendr\u00eda sexo \"por reproducirse\"; en ese caso \u00bfse juzgar\u00eda la promiscuidad de la mujer\nde la misma forma?\n
\n\n## Conclusi\u00f3n\n\n\nEl feminismo es un mundo muy diverso y con disonancias entre sus continentes. Para mi este ensayo fue un\nexperimento donde embarque desde el himno de \"un violador en tu camino\", es decir desde una expresi\u00f3n del\nfeminismo radical; sin saber realmente a donde llegar\u00eda pero partiendo del material que absorb\u00ed del feminismo y\nde los roles de g\u00e9nero. En eso me he encontrado con la influencia de los arquetipos/mitos\nfundacionales/personajes en nuestra construcci\u00f3n de la identidad, de los roles y de c\u00f3mo se juzgan las acciones\nde acuerdo al rol que \"deber\u00edamos cumplir\".\n
\n\n## Referencias\n\n\\[1\\]:
\n\\[4\\]:Aaron Kipnis (1994) Men, movies, & monsters: Heroic masculinity as a crucible of male violence.
\n\\[10\\]: Sommers, Christina (1995). \"The gender wardens\". Who stole feminism?: how women have betrayed\nwomen. pp. 264\u2013265. seg\u00fan
\n\\[11\\]: Wolf, Naomi (1994). Fire with fire: the new female power and how to use it. New York: Fawcett\nColumbine. pp. 225\u2013228. seg\u00fan
"id": "filas-y-columnas",
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@
"url": "./../tutorials/fixed-order-for-automatic-yaml-lists",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "fixed order for automatic yaml lists",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Fixed Order For Automatic Yaml Lists\n---\n```\n\nIn my approach I make the content yaml list automatically with python. The problem is that any order I had is lost to alphabetical order.\n\nThe fix is to prefix the files with the order you want to show them.\n\nExample:\n\n```markdown\nimportant-file --> 1-important-file\nirrelevant-file --> 2-irrelevant-file\n```\n\nNow, with poems it may be more advantageous to have them in alphabetical order; they look better that way.\n\nYou may even just want to highlight some files rather than giving an order to everyone. For that just prefix with a number the files that you want to leave highlighted and leave the other ones as they were.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Fixed Order For Automatic Yaml Lists\n---\n```\n\nIn my approach I make the content yaml list automatically with python. The problem is that any order I had is lost to alphabetical order.\n\nThe fix is to prefix the files with the order you want to show them.\n\nExample:\n\n```markdown\nimportant-file --> 1-important-file\nirrelevant-file --> 2-irrelevant-file\n```\n\nNow, with poems it may be more advantageous to have them in alphabetical order; they look better that way.\n\nYou may even just want to highlight some files rather than giving an order to everyone. For that just prefix with a number the files that you want to leave highlighted and leave the other ones as they were."
"id": "flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts",
@@ -630,14 +630,14 @@
"url": "./../tutorials/foam",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "foam",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : \"Foam\"\n---\n```\n\nSe pueden hacer referencias de hypertexto al estilo [wiki](https://foambubble.github.io/foam/user/features/wikilinks)\n\n>The Foam for VSCode extension automatically generates Link Reference Definitions at >the bottom of the file to make wiki-links compatible with Markdown tools and parsers.\n\nI prefer to control these by myself though, so I use:\n\n\n\nand instead use custom code to generate these links on build time (see gen-static-data.py in the website github repo).\n\nYou can make a network of thoughts bubbles or ideas with the help of \n\nIdealmente los bubbles deber\u00edan tener nombre \u00fanico y siguiendo el [kebab case](https://www.theserverside.com/blog/Coffee-Talk-Java-News-Stories-and-Opinions/Why-you-should-make-kebab-case-a-URL-naming-convention-best-practice)\n\nPodr\u00edan usarse [tags](https://foambubble.github.io/foam/user/features/tags). Esto podr\u00eda aprovecharse para organizar poemas con base en tematicas?. O quiz\u00e1s la idea de categor\u00edas de jekyll.\n\nPara empezar ver el [men\u00fa de recetas](https://foambubble.github.io/foam/user/recipes/recipes)\n\nSe pueden incluir facilmente imagenes con [esto](https://foambubble.github.io/foam/user/recipes/add-images-to-notes)\n\n\n\nThe configuration I like to use is:\n\n\n\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : \"Foam\"\n---\n```\n\nSe pueden hacer referencias de hypertexto al estilo [wiki](https://foambubble.github.io/foam/user/features/wikilinks)\n\n>The Foam for VSCode extension automatically generates Link Reference Definitions at >the bottom of the file to make wiki-links compatible with Markdown tools and parsers.\n\nI prefer to control these by myself though, so I use:\n\n\n\nand instead use custom code to generate these links on build time (see gen-static-data.py in the website github repo).\n\nYou can make a network of thoughts bubbles or ideas with the help of \n\nIdealmente los bubbles deber\u00edan tener nombre \u00fanico y siguiendo el [kebab case](https://www.theserverside.com/blog/Coffee-Talk-Java-News-Stories-and-Opinions/Why-you-should-make-kebab-case-a-URL-naming-convention-best-practice)\n\nPodr\u00edan usarse [tags](https://foambubble.github.io/foam/user/features/tags). Esto podr\u00eda aprovecharse para organizar poemas con base en tematicas?. O quiz\u00e1s la idea de categor\u00edas de jekyll.\n\nPara empezar ver el [men\u00fa de recetas](https://foambubble.github.io/foam/user/recipes/recipes)\n\nSe pueden incluir facilmente imagenes con [esto](https://foambubble.github.io/foam/user/recipes/add-images-to-notes)\n\n\n\nThe configuration I like to use is:\n\n\n\n"
"id": "focused-and-diffused",
"url": "./../bubbles/focused-and-diffused",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "focused and diffused",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Focused and Diffused\n---```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Focused and Diffused\n---```"
"id": "for-the-sake-of-play",
@@ -651,28 +651,28 @@
"url": "./../tutorials/force-graph-in-brave-browser-bug",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "force graph in brave browser bug",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Force Graph in Brave Browser Bug\n---\n```\n\nIn Brave force graph has some bugs with onNodeHover and onNodeClick: https://github.com/vasturiano/force-graph/issues/177\n\nSolution is to turn shields down:\n\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Force Graph in Brave Browser Bug\n---\n```\n\nIn Brave force graph has some bugs with onNodeHover and onNodeClick: https://github.com/vasturiano/force-graph/issues/177\n\nSolution is to turn shields down:\n\n"
"id": "freedom-and-belonging",
"url": "./../bubbles/freedom-and-belonging",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "freedom and belonging",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Freedom and Belonging\n---\n```\n\nQuote by Mark Manson. The subtle art of not giving a fuck\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Freedom and Belonging\n---\n```\n\nQuote by Mark Manson. The subtle art of not giving a fuck"
"id": "games",
"url": "./../bubbles/games",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "games",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Games\n---\n```\n\n## The weird\n\n- Wikipedia Game\n- The game\n- Spot It!\n- Dice Breaker.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Games\n---\n```\n\n## The weird\n\n- Wikipedia Game\n- The game\n- Spot It!\n- Dice Breaker."
"id": "git-for-windows-with-conda",
"url": "./../tutorials/git-for-windows-with-conda",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "git for windows with conda",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Git for windows with conda\n---\n```\n\nHow to use a bash style terminal in windows with conda commands activated.\n\n## Download and install git for windows\n\n[install this](https://gitforwindows.org/)\n\n## Search for your .bash_profile file in your user folder\n\nIn my case is here ```C:\\Users\\user```\n\n## Edit it and add\n\n```. \"C:\\software\\anaconda3\\etc\\profile.d\\conda.sh\"```\n\nYou should edit this path accordingly. Find your ```conda.sh``` file.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Git for windows with conda\n---\n```\n\nHow to use a bash style terminal in windows with conda commands activated.\n\n## Download and install git for windows\n\n[install this](https://gitforwindows.org/)\n\n## Search for your .bash_profile file in your user folder\n\nIn my case is here ```C:\\Users\\user```\n\n## Edit it and add\n\n```. \"C:\\software\\anaconda3\\etc\\profile.d\\conda.sh\"```\n\nYou should edit this path accordingly. Find your ```conda.sh``` file."
"id": "graphs-of-graphs",
@@ -686,14 +686,14 @@
"url": "./../dirs/gsoc",
"category": "dirs",
"title": "google summer of code 2021",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Google Summer of Code 2021\n---\n```\n\n\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Google Summer of Code 2021\n---\n```\n\n"
"id": "hamilton",
"url": "./../bubbles/hamilton",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "hamilton",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Hamilton\n---```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Hamilton\n---```"
"id": "hoja_de_vida",
@@ -707,21 +707,21 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/how-to-learn",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "how to learn",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: How to Learn\n---\n```\n\nThis is a collection of resources I have found regarding this topic, focusing on self and lifelong learning. Sort of what I would need for a research career.\n\n## How to Easily Learn Difficult Things\n\n[Elizabeth Filips](https://youtu.be/Kz_brQBl8xk)\n\nElizabeth describes a 6-step process:\n\n1. Context-Broadening\n1. Dopamine Priming\n1. Singular Deep Dive\n1. Challenge Sandwich\n1. Getting Broody\n1. False Deadlines\n\n### Context-Broadening\n\n- Place the topic in the appropiate context (ie, the world)\n- Purpose: To make more sense and evoke excitement (make it interesting)\n\n> I have to understand the world, you see.\nRichard Feynman\n\n- Optimize Curiosity and Emotional Investment around the topic\n\nConcretely, search info that make it interesting for you both from the intellectual and the emotional. Ie, a story of a person (maybe a famous one).\n\nAnother purpose of this is to connect this new topic to your world-model. \"Situar el tema\".\n\n### Dopamine Priming\n\nOptimize emotional-investment specifically by:\n\n1. Understand the consequences and benefits of learning of it.\n1. Frame the topic in such a way that makes it interesting (almost itching) to you.\n\n[[the-power-of-emotional-investment]]\n\n>The scarcest interest is desire.\n??? maybe Elizabeth herself.\n\n### The Singular Deep Dive\n\n- Aka the bottom-up approach.\n- First narrow into the specific thing and let your curiosity naturally expand from there (by questions).\n\n> I find overviews tiring, even if Im excited about something... I would get bore.\n\nThe specific as it focuses on a concrete problem grants more interest? [[problem-solvingly]]\n\nAlso, deepness is attractive??? There is an [[aesthethic-of-deepness]].\n\nLet you curiosity branch naturally into the whole. [[por-las-ramas]]\n\n- Jump a lot... [[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]] --> [[curiosity-jumping]]\n\nThe combination of intense curiosity + emotional investment is the fuel for this infinite branching trees of questions.\n\n### Challenge Sandwich\n\nA challenge motivates you an defies your knowledge. Challenges are questions and/or projects/problems to do/solve. Which depends on the kind of topic, math is problem-based, fact topics like medicine is more question-based.\n\nYou can come up with challenges that could appear on your evaluation goal (an exam, or maybe life itself?).\n\nAs you solve these challenges solidifies knowledge.\n\n> Experienced academic readers usually read a text with questions in mind and try to relate it to other possible approaches, while inexperienced readers tend to adopt the question of a text and the frames of the argument and take it as a given.\nSonke Ahrens\n\n>\"Inteweave the challenges and the knowledge\"\nElizabeth Filips\n\n>The ability to use one own understanding is a challenge not a given\nSonke Ahrens\n\nYou can related these challenges and new knowledge to the first context broadening you did... Relate it to the world, kind of like a new placement of the topic, which is a more informed version of the first one you did.\n\n### Getting Broody\n\nTradeoff between familiarity and unfamiliarity.\n\nFamiliarity has one danger--> the [[mere-exposure-effect]]\n\nSo doing many challenges is not the same as improving.\n\nBrooding-->Recognize that learning will take more time than what the illusory familiarity is suggesting. In a sense, is resting from the topic [[focused-and-diffused]], and then go back to it. Is related to spaced repetition. [[memory-retention]]\n\nTo sediment is to rest and retest the knowledge in spaced cycles.\n\n### False Deadlines\n\n> Academic or nonfiction texts almost always take significantly more time than expected: If you ask academic or nonfiction writers, students or professors how much time they expect it would take them to finish a text, they systematically underestimate the time they need.\nKahneman 2013,245ff\n\nMy interpretation is that by creating false deadlines you create a sense of urgency that facilitates memory retention. You would put the deadlines nearer to assure that later the knowledge will be assimilated (as you tend to underestimate the real time, you pressure yourself to do it quickly).\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[aesthethic-of-deepness]: ./../bubbles/aesthethic-of-deepness \"aesthethic-of-deepness\"\n[curiosity-jumping]: ./../bubbles/curiosity-jumping \"curiosity-jumping\"\n[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]: ./../bubbles/flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts \"flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts\"\n[focused-and-diffused]: ./../bubbles/focused-and-diffused \"focused-and-diffused\"\n[memory-retention]: ./../bubbles/memory-retention \"memory-retention\"\n[mere-exposure-effect]: ./../bubbles/mere-exposure-effect \"mere-exposure-effect\"\n[por-las-ramas]: ./../bubbles/por-las-ramas \"por-las-ramas\"\n[problem-solvingly]: ./../bubbles/problem-solvingly \"problem-solvingly\"\n[the-power-of-emotional-investment]: ./../bubbles/the-power-of-emotional-investment \"the-power-of-emotional-investment\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: How to Learn\n---\n```\n\nThis is a collection of resources I have found regarding this topic, focusing on self and lifelong learning. Sort of what I would need for a research career.\n\n## How to Easily Learn Difficult Things\n\n[Elizabeth Filips](https://youtu.be/Kz_brQBl8xk)\n\nElizabeth describes a 6-step process:\n\n1. Context-Broadening\n1. Dopamine Priming\n1. Singular Deep Dive\n1. Challenge Sandwich\n1. Getting Broody\n1. False Deadlines\n\n### Context-Broadening\n\n- Place the topic in the appropiate context (ie, the world)\n- Purpose: To make more sense and evoke excitement (make it interesting)\n\n> I have to understand the world, you see.\nRichard Feynman\n\n- Optimize Curiosity and Emotional Investment around the topic\n\nConcretely, search info that make it interesting for you both from the intellectual and the emotional. Ie, a story of a person (maybe a famous one).\n\nAnother purpose of this is to connect this new topic to your world-model. \"Situar el tema\".\n\n### Dopamine Priming\n\nOptimize emotional-investment specifically by:\n\n1. Understand the consequences and benefits of learning of it.\n1. Frame the topic in such a way that makes it interesting (almost itching) to you.\n\n[[the-power-of-emotional-investment]]\n\n>The scarcest interest is desire.\n??? maybe Elizabeth herself.\n\n### The Singular Deep Dive\n\n- Aka the bottom-up approach.\n- First narrow into the specific thing and let your curiosity naturally expand from there (by questions).\n\n> I find overviews tiring, even if Im excited about something... I would get bore.\n\nThe specific as it focuses on a concrete problem grants more interest? [[problem-solvingly]]\n\nAlso, deepness is attractive??? There is an [[aesthethic-of-deepness]].\n\nLet you curiosity branch naturally into the whole. [[por-las-ramas]]\n\n- Jump a lot... [[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]] --> [[curiosity-jumping]]\n\nThe combination of intense curiosity + emotional investment is the fuel for this infinite branching trees of questions.\n\n### Challenge Sandwich\n\nA challenge motivates you an defies your knowledge. Challenges are questions and/or projects/problems to do/solve. Which depends on the kind of topic, math is problem-based, fact topics like medicine is more question-based.\n\nYou can come up with challenges that could appear on your evaluation goal (an exam, or maybe life itself?).\n\nAs you solve these challenges solidifies knowledge.\n\n> Experienced academic readers usually read a text with questions in mind and try to relate it to other possible approaches, while inexperienced readers tend to adopt the question of a text and the frames of the argument and take it as a given.\nSonke Ahrens\n\n>\"Inteweave the challenges and the knowledge\"\nElizabeth Filips\n\n>The ability to use one own understanding is a challenge not a given\nSonke Ahrens\n\nYou can related these challenges and new knowledge to the first context broadening you did... Relate it to the world, kind of like a new placement of the topic, which is a more informed version of the first one you did.\n\n### Getting Broody\n\nTradeoff between familiarity and unfamiliarity.\n\nFamiliarity has one danger--> the [[mere-exposure-effect]]\n\nSo doing many challenges is not the same as improving.\n\nBrooding-->Recognize that learning will take more time than what the illusory familiarity is suggesting. In a sense, is resting from the topic [[focused-and-diffused]], and then go back to it. Is related to spaced repetition. [[memory-retention]]\n\nTo sediment is to rest and retest the knowledge in spaced cycles.\n\n### False Deadlines\n\n> Academic or nonfiction texts almost always take significantly more time than expected: If you ask academic or nonfiction writers, students or professors how much time they expect it would take them to finish a text, they systematically underestimate the time they need.\nKahneman 2013,245ff\n\nMy interpretation is that by creating false deadlines you create a sense of urgency that facilitates memory retention. You would put the deadlines nearer to assure that later the knowledge will be assimilated (as you tend to underestimate the real time, you pressure yourself to do it quickly).\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[aesthethic-of-deepness]: ./../bubbles/aesthethic-of-deepness \"aesthethic-of-deepness\"\n[curiosity-jumping]: ./../bubbles/curiosity-jumping \"curiosity-jumping\"\n[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]: ./../bubbles/flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts \"flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts\"\n[focused-and-diffused]: ./../bubbles/focused-and-diffused \"focused-and-diffused\"\n[memory-retention]: ./../bubbles/memory-retention \"memory-retention\"\n[mere-exposure-effect]: ./../bubbles/mere-exposure-effect \"mere-exposure-effect\"\n[por-las-ramas]: ./../bubbles/por-las-ramas \"por-las-ramas\"\n[problem-solvingly]: ./../bubbles/problem-solvingly \"problem-solvingly\"\n[the-power-of-emotional-investment]: ./../bubbles/the-power-of-emotional-investment \"the-power-of-emotional-investment\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "how-to-read-a-scientific-paper",
"url": "./../bubbles/how-to-read-a-scientific-paper",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "resources found for paper reading",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Resources Found for paper reading\n---\n```\n\n## How to Read a Paper - S. Keshav\n\nNot summarized yet.\n\nhttps://web.stanford.edu/class/ee384m/Handouts/HowtoReadPaper.pdf\n\n## How to Read a Scientific Paper Efficiently and Critically\n\nThese are just my notes (almost verbatim) from the video \"How to Read a Scientific Paper Efficiently and Critically\" of the channel \"Scientific Writing with Karen L. McKee\".\n\nhttps://youtu.be/lXJeU2dzzWo\n\n### Scenario 1: Reading a single paper\n\n#### The general scientific paper structure\n\n- Abstract\n- Introduction\n- Methods\n- Results\n- Discussion\n- Conclusions\n\n#### First Goal: Get an overview of the paper\n\nCheck\n\n- Abstract\n- Highlights\n- Conclusions (skip to them)\n\nWhy?\n\nGet overall idea of what was found and why the author thinks it is important.\n\n#### Scanning figures and tables\n\n- Basically check if the figures and tables agree with the conclusions or outcome said by the author.\n\n- Strive to get your own impression of the data/evidence before reading the author's interpreation.\n\n#### Reading the introduction\n\nRead the instruction trying to find answers to the following questions:\n\n- What's the stated topic of the paper and why is it important?\n- What research has been done so far and what information is needed?\n- Is the literature cited appropiate, relevant, and up-to-date?\n- What problems, questions or hypotheses are addressed in the study?\n\nWrite the answers to these questions in your own words after reading the introduction.\n\n#### How they went about answering their questions?\n\nBasically go to the materials and methods part (the methodology)\n\nIf you are familiar with the phenomena under study you may skim through the part that describes it and only come back if you has questions. Otherwise, read it more purposefully.\n\nPay close attention to the experimental design and analyses.\n\nQuestions to ask:\n\n- Is the experiment well-designed?\n\nBasically does it have appropiate controls, randomization, and replication?\n\n- Are the analytical methods appropiate and up-to-date?\n\n- What precautions were taken to minimize bias or operator error?\n\n- Were the statistical tests appropiate?\n\nAfter reading the methodology ponder about the following questions for some time:\n\n- What would I have done differently?\n- Was this an in-depth and rigurous study or not?, based on what you have read up to this point?\n\nMake note of your answers.\n\n#### Skim through the results\n\nHaving already scrutinized the figures and tables you already have an idea of the results. The results section thus, adds details or data summaries not readily apparent on the figures and tables.\n\nAnswer these questions:\n\n- Did the study provide clear answers to the questions or hypotheses addressed?\n- Were the findings not clear-cut?\n\nThere is nothing wrong with having results not providing complete answers. Nevertheless, if that happens then in the discussion section there should be details about why was this the case.\n\n#### Reading the discussions\n\nRead and try to find answers to the following questions.\n\n- How does the author interpret the main findings?\n- Does the author describe alternative explanations for the outcome?\n- How does the main findings compare to previous research in general terms? Do they agree or disagree?\n- What are the main strenghts and limitations of the study? How do they affect the interpretation?\n\nThese questions should have been answered by the author in the discussion.\n\nIf they dont, the quality of the work or its writing could be improved.\n\n#### Rereading the conclusions\n\nReread and answer:\n\n- Does the paper describe something new or is it a confirmation of prior work?\n- What are the broader implications of the findings?\n- Do the results have relevance to other types of systems/phenomena,etc?\n- Do the findings have any practical applications?\n- What additional needs to be done in the future?\n\n#### Rereading the whole paper\n\nUseful to corfirm points based on some sections of subsections of the paper.\n\n#### This is just one of the many approaches for paper reading\n\nSo, you know.. it works for her.\n\n#### Other strategies\n\n- Reading the paper closer from start to finish, and then go back and ask the questions listed previously.\n\n#### Main values of reading papers\n\nBe efficient and discerning\n\n### Scenario 2: Reading multiple papers\n\nReading a set of papers in preparation for writing a paper.\n\nGoals:\n\n- Identify potentially relevant papers by doing literature research using keywords.\n\nSome papers may be more important than others, some may not be relevant at all.\n\nMain strategy:\n\n- Use the title and abstract to quickly discern those suitable for further reading.\n\n- Find papers in databases, ie \"Web of Science\".\n\n- Strategically use logical connectors when looking for keywords.\n\n- You may require the search terms to appear in the title.\n\n- Using sort on the results wisely:\n\nRecently vs more citations tradeoff.\n\nSome allow to sort by \"relevance\".\n\n- Refine/specialize/narrow the search if too many papers come up. Reduce 70 to 20 papers ie.\n\n- Scan abstract of each of the results to discern which to read in more detail.\n\n- Papers directly relevant should have mentioned the search terms in the abstract. That may constitute a good way to discern.\n\n- Additional papers can be found by looking for the cited literature on the papers you already have found.\n\n- You may export the list of citations and papers for easier manipulation inside research software and citations manager like mendeley.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Resources Found for paper reading\n---\n```\n\n## How to Read a Paper - S. Keshav\n\nNot summarized yet.\n\nhttps://web.stanford.edu/class/ee384m/Handouts/HowtoReadPaper.pdf\n\n## How to Read a Scientific Paper Efficiently and Critically\n\nThese are just my notes (almost verbatim) from the video \"How to Read a Scientific Paper Efficiently and Critically\" of the channel \"Scientific Writing with Karen L. McKee\".\n\nhttps://youtu.be/lXJeU2dzzWo\n\n### Scenario 1: Reading a single paper\n\n#### The general scientific paper structure\n\n- Abstract\n- Introduction\n- Methods\n- Results\n- Discussion\n- Conclusions\n\n#### First Goal: Get an overview of the paper\n\nCheck\n\n- Abstract\n- Highlights\n- Conclusions (skip to them)\n\nWhy?\n\nGet overall idea of what was found and why the author thinks it is important.\n\n#### Scanning figures and tables\n\n- Basically check if the figures and tables agree with the conclusions or outcome said by the author.\n\n- Strive to get your own impression of the data/evidence before reading the author's interpreation.\n\n#### Reading the introduction\n\nRead the instruction trying to find answers to the following questions:\n\n- What's the stated topic of the paper and why is it important?\n- What research has been done so far and what information is needed?\n- Is the literature cited appropiate, relevant, and up-to-date?\n- What problems, questions or hypotheses are addressed in the study?\n\nWrite the answers to these questions in your own words after reading the introduction.\n\n#### How they went about answering their questions?\n\nBasically go to the materials and methods part (the methodology)\n\nIf you are familiar with the phenomena under study you may skim through the part that describes it and only come back if you has questions. Otherwise, read it more purposefully.\n\nPay close attention to the experimental design and analyses.\n\nQuestions to ask:\n\n- Is the experiment well-designed?\n\nBasically does it have appropiate controls, randomization, and replication?\n\n- Are the analytical methods appropiate and up-to-date?\n\n- What precautions were taken to minimize bias or operator error?\n\n- Were the statistical tests appropiate?\n\nAfter reading the methodology ponder about the following questions for some time:\n\n- What would I have done differently?\n- Was this an in-depth and rigurous study or not?, based on what you have read up to this point?\n\nMake note of your answers.\n\n#### Skim through the results\n\nHaving already scrutinized the figures and tables you already have an idea of the results. The results section thus, adds details or data summaries not readily apparent on the figures and tables.\n\nAnswer these questions:\n\n- Did the study provide clear answers to the questions or hypotheses addressed?\n- Were the findings not clear-cut?\n\nThere is nothing wrong with having results not providing complete answers. Nevertheless, if that happens then in the discussion section there should be details about why was this the case.\n\n#### Reading the discussions\n\nRead and try to find answers to the following questions.\n\n- How does the author interpret the main findings?\n- Does the author describe alternative explanations for the outcome?\n- How does the main findings compare to previous research in general terms? Do they agree or disagree?\n- What are the main strenghts and limitations of the study? How do they affect the interpretation?\n\nThese questions should have been answered by the author in the discussion.\n\nIf they dont, the quality of the work or its writing could be improved.\n\n#### Rereading the conclusions\n\nReread and answer:\n\n- Does the paper describe something new or is it a confirmation of prior work?\n- What are the broader implications of the findings?\n- Do the results have relevance to other types of systems/phenomena,etc?\n- Do the findings have any practical applications?\n- What additional needs to be done in the future?\n\n#### Rereading the whole paper\n\nUseful to corfirm points based on some sections of subsections of the paper.\n\n#### This is just one of the many approaches for paper reading\n\nSo, you know.. it works for her.\n\n#### Other strategies\n\n- Reading the paper closer from start to finish, and then go back and ask the questions listed previously.\n\n#### Main values of reading papers\n\nBe efficient and discerning\n\n### Scenario 2: Reading multiple papers\n\nReading a set of papers in preparation for writing a paper.\n\nGoals:\n\n- Identify potentially relevant papers by doing literature research using keywords.\n\nSome papers may be more important than others, some may not be relevant at all.\n\nMain strategy:\n\n- Use the title and abstract to quickly discern those suitable for further reading.\n\n- Find papers in databases, ie \"Web of Science\".\n\n- Strategically use logical connectors when looking for keywords.\n\n- You may require the search terms to appear in the title.\n\n- Using sort on the results wisely:\n\nRecently vs more citations tradeoff.\n\nSome allow to sort by \"relevance\".\n\n- Refine/specialize/narrow the search if too many papers come up. Reduce 70 to 20 papers ie.\n\n- Scan abstract of each of the results to discern which to read in more detail.\n\n- Papers directly relevant should have mentioned the search terms in the abstract. That may constitute a good way to discern.\n\n- Additional papers can be found by looking for the cited literature on the papers you already have found.\n\n- You may export the list of citations and papers for easier manipulation inside research software and citations manager like mendeley."
"id": "html-shortcuts",
"url": "./../bubbles/html-shortcuts",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "html shortcuts",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: html shortcuts\n---\n```\n\nHtml shortcuts are a way to create a link that automatically redirects to another page. This is useful as they are OS agnostic and can be used in any application that supports html.\n\n## Method 1\n\n```html\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n```\n\n## Method 2\n\n```html\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curta\n```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: html shortcuts\n---\n```\n\nHtml shortcuts are a way to create a link that automatically redirects to another page. This is useful as they are OS agnostic and can be used in any application that supports html.\n\n## Method 1\n\n```html\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n```\n\n## Method 2\n\n```html\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curta\n```"
"id": "ica-music",
@@ -730,21 +730,21 @@
"title": "ica music decomposition example (open with google colaboratory)",
"_frame": "/images/music-ica.png",
"_link": "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_9PPNA8b1eKY3gHNWtOAg0sQ1onMlpf4/view?usp=sharing",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : \"ICA Music Decomposition Example (open with google colaboratory)\"\n_frame : \"/images/music-ica.png\"\n_link : \"https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_9PPNA8b1eKY3gHNWtOAg0sQ1onMlpf4/view?usp=sharing\"\n---\n```\n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : \"ICA Music Decomposition Example (open with google colaboratory)\"\n_frame : \"/images/music-ica.png\"\n_link : \"https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_9PPNA8b1eKY3gHNWtOAg0sQ1onMlpf4/view?usp=sharing\"\n---\n```\n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n"
"id": "imagine-24-balls",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "imagine-24-balls",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "inferotemporal-cortex",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "inferotemporal-cortex",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "interesting-research-entities",
@@ -758,7 +758,7 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "intuitive-physics",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "kids-are-pure-potential",
@@ -772,14 +772,14 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/knowledge-cartography",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "knowledge cartography",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Knowledge Cartography\n---\n```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Knowledge Cartography\n---\n```"
"id": "knowledge-graph",
"url": "./../bubbles/knowledge-graph",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "knowledge graph",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Knowledge Graph\n---\n```\n\n[[knowledge-cartography]]\n\n## Similar Ideas\n\nsecond brain : https://www.buildingasecondbrain.com/\n\nzettelkasten: https://zettelkasten.de/posts/overview/#the-introduction-to-the-zettelkasten-method\n\nhttps://www.thoughtasylum.com/2021/07/03/i-do-not-use-zettelkasten/\n\nhttps://www.google.com/search?q=do+researchers+use+zettelkasten\n\nhttps://www.google.com/search?q=do+famous+researchers+use+zettelkasten\n\nhttps://www.notably.ai/blog/is-modern-zettelkasten-notetaking-the-ultimate-evolution-of-knowledge-synthesis\n\nhyper-textuality\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unique_identifier\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/collectors-fallacy/\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/collectors-fallacy-confession/\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/dont-rely-on-source-have-faith-in-yourself/\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niklas_Luhmann\n\nhttps://forum.zettelkasten.de/discussion/2438/hello-from-chile-ii\n\ntree hierarchy vs network\n \u201ctop-down\u201d bird\u2019s eye and on-the-ground \u201cstreet view\u201d from https://zettelkasten.de/posts/catographing-folgezettel-debate/\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/embrace-dark-folgezettel-power/\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/catographing-folgezettel-debate/\n\nhypergraph?\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/catographing-folgezettel-debate/\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/three-layers-structure-zettelkasten/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[knowledge-cartography]: ./../bubbles/knowledge-cartography \"knowledge-cartography\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Knowledge Graph\n---\n```\n\n[[knowledge-cartography]]\n\n## Similar Ideas\n\nsecond brain : https://www.buildingasecondbrain.com/\n\nzettelkasten: https://zettelkasten.de/posts/overview/#the-introduction-to-the-zettelkasten-method\n\nhttps://www.thoughtasylum.com/2021/07/03/i-do-not-use-zettelkasten/\n\nhttps://www.google.com/search?q=do+researchers+use+zettelkasten\n\nhttps://www.google.com/search?q=do+famous+researchers+use+zettelkasten\n\nhttps://www.notably.ai/blog/is-modern-zettelkasten-notetaking-the-ultimate-evolution-of-knowledge-synthesis\n\nhyper-textuality\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unique_identifier\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/collectors-fallacy/\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/collectors-fallacy-confession/\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/dont-rely-on-source-have-faith-in-yourself/\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niklas_Luhmann\n\nhttps://forum.zettelkasten.de/discussion/2438/hello-from-chile-ii\n\ntree hierarchy vs network\n \u201ctop-down\u201d bird\u2019s eye and on-the-ground \u201cstreet view\u201d from https://zettelkasten.de/posts/catographing-folgezettel-debate/\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/embrace-dark-folgezettel-power/\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/catographing-folgezettel-debate/\n\nhypergraph?\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/catographing-folgezettel-debate/\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/three-layers-structure-zettelkasten/\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[knowledge-cartography]: ./../bubbles/knowledge-cartography \"knowledge-cartography\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "knowledge-graphs",
@@ -796,21 +796,21 @@
"title": "Graph without Categories"
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Knowledge Graph\n\n_graphs :\n - _link: /graphs/knowledge-graph-subdirs.html\n title: Graph with Categories\n - _link: /graphs/knowledge-graph.html\n title: Graph without Categories\n---\n```\n\nFor Brave browser the graphs dont work correctly, [fix here](.././tutorials/force-graph-in-brave-browser-bug).\n\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Knowledge Graph\n\n_graphs :\n - _link: /graphs/knowledge-graph-subdirs.html\n title: Graph with Categories\n - _link: /graphs/knowledge-graph.html\n title: Graph without Categories\n---\n```\n\nFor Brave browser the graphs dont work correctly, [fix here](.././tutorials/force-graph-in-brave-browser-bug).\n\n"
"id": "la-ilogica-de-las-cosas",
"url": "./../bubbles/la-ilogica-de-las-cosas",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "la ilogica de las cosas",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: La Ilogica de las Cosas\n---\n```\n\nNatalia Padilla Contreras invented this concept.\n\nFor me is like finding absurd explanations to events, and somehow, that embellishes the world and our lives. I relate it to chaos magick somehow.\n\n[[chaos-magick]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[chaos-magick]: ./../bubbles/chaos-magick \"chaos-magick\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: La Ilogica de las Cosas\n---\n```\n\nNatalia Padilla Contreras invented this concept.\n\nFor me is like finding absurd explanations to events, and somehow, that embellishes the world and our lives. I relate it to chaos magick somehow.\n\n[[chaos-magick]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[chaos-magick]: ./../bubbles/chaos-magick \"chaos-magick\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "learn-from-the-machine",
"url": "./../bubbles/learn-from-the-machine",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "learn from the machine",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Learn from the machine\n---\n```\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Learn from the machine\n---\n```"
"id": "life-authentic",
@@ -840,35 +840,35 @@
"_sourceurl": "https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.15154",
"_doi": "https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2310.15154",
"status": "to-read",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Linear Representations of Sentiment in Large Language Models\"\nauthors: [Curt Tigges, Oskar John Hollinsworth, Atticus Geiger, Neel Nanda]\nyear: 2023\npublisher: \"arxiv\"\nkeywords: [\"interpretability\"]\nresearch_type: \"Experimental\"\nrelevance: \"High\"\n_sourceurl: \"https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.15154\"\n_doi: \"https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2310.15154\"\nstatus: \"to-read\"\n---\n```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Linear Representations of Sentiment in Large Language Models\"\nauthors: [Curt Tigges, Oskar John Hollinsworth, Atticus Geiger, Neel Nanda]\nyear: 2023\npublisher: \"arxiv\"\nkeywords: [\"interpretability\"]\nresearch_type: \"Experimental\"\nrelevance: \"High\"\n_sourceurl: \"https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.15154\"\n_doi: \"https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2310.15154\"\nstatus: \"to-read\"\n---\n```"
"id": "literature-matrix",
"url": "./../bubbles/literature-matrix",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "literature matrix",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Literature Matrix\n---\n```\n\nI first encountered this concept on the course \"Vigilancia Tecnologica\" of the UdeA, although they didnt give it an explicit name. My professor of Fundamentos de Inteligencia Computacional (Claudia Isaza), also show it and made us make one without giving it a name. Nevertheless the concept itself does exist.\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvP-43D2U2c\n\nThough Im more inclined to a [[literature-network]]\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[literature-network]: ./../bubbles/literature-network \"literature-network\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Literature Matrix\n---\n```\n\nI first encountered this concept on the course \"Vigilancia Tecnologica\" of the UdeA, although they didnt give it an explicit name. My professor of Fundamentos de Inteligencia Computacional (Claudia Isaza), also show it and made us make one without giving it a name. Nevertheless the concept itself does exist.\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvP-43D2U2c\n\nThough Im more inclined to a [[literature-network]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[literature-network]: ./../bubbles/literature-network \"literature-network\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "literature-network",
"url": "./../bubbles/literature-network",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "literature network",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Literature Network\n---```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Literature Network\n---```"
"id": "literature-review",
"url": "./../dirs/literature-review",
"category": "dirs",
"title": "literature review",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Literature Review\n---\n```\n\n\n {% for item in site.data.literature-review-list%}\n - {{ item.title }}
\n {% endfor %}\n
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Literature Review\n---\n```\n\n\n {% for item in site.data.literature-review-list%}\n - {{ item.title }}
\n {% endfor %}\n
"id": "local-jekyll",
"url": "./../tutorials/local-jekyll",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "run local jekyll to preview github-pages",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\n title : \"Run Local Jekyll to preview github-pages\"\n---\n```\n\nSo you wanna preview github pages locally so that you don't over stress the build limit of github or because of speed.\n\nHere is how I did it (on windows). Note that I already had setup my github page in question. I just didn't have a way to locally preview it.\n\n### 1 Read [this url](https://docs.github.com/en/pages/setting-up-a-github-pages-site-with-jekyll/testing-your-github-pages-site-locally-with-jekyll)\n\nFrom here the obvious conclusion is that one needs to install jekyll (duh!). Now, I didn't do it the \"bundler\" way because I just happened to skip that part when I read it. I jumped directly to the instruction on the oficial jekyll page.\n\nedit: I tried bundle the second time i tried and it does seem easier, but the steps are very similar to what i outlined here. Had to solve https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65989040/bundle-exec-jekyll-serve-cannot-load-such-file .\n\n### 2 Install jekyll as said on [this url](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/windows/)\n\nThis is basically installing the Ruby+Devkit version from RubyInstaller using default options for installation.\nYou also need to run the ```ridk install command```, for me that was automatic. It prompts you to choose a mode, I choose mode 1 which I think said something like \"basic installation\". I don't remember.\n\n### 3 Test jekyll was installed\nOn windows a new shortcut should say \"Start command prompt with Ruby\". I clicked on that one and I ran ```jekyll -v```. It worked.\nNow, I have [git for windows](https://gitforwindows.org/) installed. I checked jekyll also worked there.\n\n### 4 Go to your page source code and try to \"serve\" your page, fix some errors\nThat is, open a command window (i opened git bash) on that folder and run ```bundle exec jekyll serve```.\n\nIt will give some errors:\n\n- The first is that \"the jekyll-theme-hacker theme could not be found\" or something of the sort.\n\nI searched that and I found the [github repo of the theme](https://github.com/pages-themes/hacker) and there it said that I should try adding ```gem \"github-pages\", group: :jekyll_plugins``` to the gem file.\n\nSo now, one gotta figure how to do a gem file... A quick search will lead you to [this url](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30358612/how-to-create-a-gemfile). A gem file is just a plain text file on the root of your page's source code. It is named \"Gemfile\" with no extension.\n\nSo I just did that, created the file and edited it with notepad++ to add the suggested lines.\n\n\n- The other is that it doesn't recognize the theme of the github-page\n\nThis is understandable since they are from github. It happens if you try to serve the page just after fixing the previous error.\nSo, now we gotta figure out how to install a github-page theme. Some more search will lead you to \n\nSo you basically have to run ```gem install github-pages``` (I did this on the git bash prompt).\n\n\n### 5 Finally serve your page\nThe command ```bundle exec jekyll serve``` should now run. It should be hosted at .\nNotice that changes you do in real time will be updated automatically. \n\nI added `*Gemfile*` to the gitignore because I was unsure if it was going to collide with a possible gemfile in the github workflow.\n\n### Troubleshoot\n\nhttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/65989040/bundle-exec-jekyll-serve-cannot-load-such-file\n\n### Postdata\n\nYou can reference stuff outside of this md folder with the wiki-links plugin [[foam]]\nExample: [[notetaking]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[foam]: ./../tutorials/foam \"foam\"\n[notetaking]: ./../bubbles/notetaking \"notetaking\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\n title : \"Run Local Jekyll to preview github-pages\"\n---\n```\n\nSo you wanna preview github pages locally so that you don't over stress the build limit of github or because of speed.\n\nHere is how I did it (on windows). Note that I already had setup my github page in question. I just didn't have a way to locally preview it.\n\n### 1 Read [this url](https://docs.github.com/en/pages/setting-up-a-github-pages-site-with-jekyll/testing-your-github-pages-site-locally-with-jekyll)\n\nFrom here the obvious conclusion is that one needs to install jekyll (duh!). Now, I didn't do it the \"bundler\" way because I just happened to skip that part when I read it. I jumped directly to the instruction on the oficial jekyll page.\n\nedit: I tried bundle the second time i tried and it does seem easier, but the steps are very similar to what i outlined here. Had to solve https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65989040/bundle-exec-jekyll-serve-cannot-load-such-file .\n\n### 2 Install jekyll as said on [this url](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/windows/)\n\nThis is basically installing the Ruby+Devkit version from RubyInstaller using default options for installation.\nYou also need to run the ```ridk install command```, for me that was automatic. It prompts you to choose a mode, I choose mode 1 which I think said something like \"basic installation\". I don't remember.\n\n### 3 Test jekyll was installed\nOn windows a new shortcut should say \"Start command prompt with Ruby\". I clicked on that one and I ran ```jekyll -v```. It worked.\nNow, I have [git for windows](https://gitforwindows.org/) installed. I checked jekyll also worked there.\n\n### 4 Go to your page source code and try to \"serve\" your page, fix some errors\nThat is, open a command window (i opened git bash) on that folder and run ```bundle exec jekyll serve```.\n\nIt will give some errors:\n\n- The first is that \"the jekyll-theme-hacker theme could not be found\" or something of the sort.\n\nI searched that and I found the [github repo of the theme](https://github.com/pages-themes/hacker) and there it said that I should try adding ```gem \"github-pages\", group: :jekyll_plugins``` to the gem file.\n\nSo now, one gotta figure how to do a gem file... A quick search will lead you to [this url](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30358612/how-to-create-a-gemfile). A gem file is just a plain text file on the root of your page's source code. It is named \"Gemfile\" with no extension.\n\nSo I just did that, created the file and edited it with notepad++ to add the suggested lines.\n\n\n- The other is that it doesn't recognize the theme of the github-page\n\nThis is understandable since they are from github. It happens if you try to serve the page just after fixing the previous error.\nSo, now we gotta figure out how to install a github-page theme. Some more search will lead you to \n\nSo you basically have to run ```gem install github-pages``` (I did this on the git bash prompt).\n\n\n### 5 Finally serve your page\nThe command ```bundle exec jekyll serve``` should now run. It should be hosted at .\nNotice that changes you do in real time will be updated automatically. \n\nI added `*Gemfile*` to the gitignore because I was unsure if it was going to collide with a possible gemfile in the github workflow.\n\n### Troubleshoot\n\nhttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/65989040/bundle-exec-jekyll-serve-cannot-load-such-file\n\n### Postdata\n\nYou can reference stuff outside of this md folder with the wiki-links plugin [[foam]]\nExample: [[notetaking]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[foam]: ./../tutorials/foam \"foam\"\n[notetaking]: ./../bubbles/notetaking \"notetaking\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "memory-retention",
@@ -896,7 +896,7 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/methods-rather-than-topics",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "methods rather than topics",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Methods Rather Than Topics\n---\n```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Methods Rather Than Topics\n---\n```"
"id": "modularism-vs-holism-in-neuroscience",
@@ -910,35 +910,35 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/movies",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "favorite movies",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Favorite Movies\n---\n```\n\n- 12 angry men\n- The Truman Show\n- Jo Jo rabbit\n- La la land\n- The departed\n- The last temptation of christ\n- Shutter Island\n- A scanner darkly\n- Blade runner 2049\n- Hamilton\n- Increible Mr Fox\n- Prisoners\n- Love, Death & Robots (2019) - Beyond the Aquila Rift\n- The lives of others\n- The Secret Life of Walter Mitty\n- Into the Wild\n\n## Encanto\n\nIm not fully colombian (Im a venezuelan-colombian mix) , but in any case I was really happy with the representation and the movie struck many chords within myself, particularly being a migrant. I have seen some Colombian people that didnt like it but overall I think most colombians loved it. The movie can only show so much of Colombia when it is only just below two hours of screening. In my opinion, with the little time they had; I think they did a lot. \n\nRegarding magical realism, Im not knowledgeable of the genre besides having read \"One Hundred Years of Solitude\" in high school (i really liked it), along with some short latinoamerican novels; so in that sense I cannot really analyze the movie from that pov apart from the obvious idea of magic being embedded in the mundane, as a normal part of reality. \n\nI think Encanto will age quite well precisely because the themes it touches and its good execution of them. I have seen people relating to it even if they dont have latinoamerican roots. I have lost some good hours seeing the reactions from people of other parts of the world here in youtube... The only problem I noticed was of pacing (the end feels rushed, if only we could stay more time in that universe); but in my opinion the strengths of the movie supersedes that problem. Some people think that Mirabel being heroic by just being more empathetic with his sister is underwhelming, and to be honest I felt like that too for a bit; but in retrospective I think thats one of the strengths, it is not a colossal adventure, but a mundane one embedded in magic. Is magical realism...\n\n## Movies I wouldnt watch again, for good reasons\n\nSome movies did a good job on perturbing me. So, I like the way they did that, but wouldn't watch them again.\n\n- Joker\n- Parasyte\n- Carnage\n\n## Favorite scenes\n\nhttps://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhK4xqnociM-FR5rIFBCW8DPkNyp0diZL\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Favorite Movies\n---\n```\n\n- 12 angry men\n- The Truman Show\n- Jo Jo rabbit\n- La la land\n- The departed\n- The last temptation of christ\n- Shutter Island\n- A scanner darkly\n- Blade runner 2049\n- Hamilton\n- Increible Mr Fox\n- Prisoners\n- Love, Death & Robots (2019) - Beyond the Aquila Rift\n- The lives of others\n- The Secret Life of Walter Mitty\n- Into the Wild\n\n## Encanto\n\nIm not fully colombian (Im a venezuelan-colombian mix) , but in any case I was really happy with the representation and the movie struck many chords within myself, particularly being a migrant. I have seen some Colombian people that didnt like it but overall I think most colombians loved it. The movie can only show so much of Colombia when it is only just below two hours of screening. In my opinion, with the little time they had; I think they did a lot. \n\nRegarding magical realism, Im not knowledgeable of the genre besides having read \"One Hundred Years of Solitude\" in high school (i really liked it), along with some short latinoamerican novels; so in that sense I cannot really analyze the movie from that pov apart from the obvious idea of magic being embedded in the mundane, as a normal part of reality. \n\nI think Encanto will age quite well precisely because the themes it touches and its good execution of them. I have seen people relating to it even if they dont have latinoamerican roots. I have lost some good hours seeing the reactions from people of other parts of the world here in youtube... The only problem I noticed was of pacing (the end feels rushed, if only we could stay more time in that universe); but in my opinion the strengths of the movie supersedes that problem. Some people think that Mirabel being heroic by just being more empathetic with his sister is underwhelming, and to be honest I felt like that too for a bit; but in retrospective I think thats one of the strengths, it is not a colossal adventure, but a mundane one embedded in magic. Is magical realism...\n\n## Movies I wouldnt watch again, for good reasons\n\nSome movies did a good job on perturbing me. So, I like the way they did that, but wouldn't watch them again.\n\n- Joker\n- Parasyte\n- Carnage\n\n## Favorite scenes\n\nhttps://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhK4xqnociM-FR5rIFBCW8DPkNyp0diZL"
"id": "music",
"url": "./../dirs/music",
"category": "dirs",
"title": "music",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Music\n---\n```\n\n## Youtube\n\n\n {% for item in site.data.song-list.youtube %}\n - {{ item.title }}
\n {% endfor %}\n
\n\n## Interactive\n\n\n {% for item in site.data.song-list.interactive %}\n - {{ item.title }}
\n {% endfor %}\n
\n\n## Soundcloud\n\n\n {% for item in site.data.song-list.soundcloud %}\n - {{ item.title }}
\n {% endfor %}\n
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Music\n---\n```\n\n## Youtube\n\n\n {% for item in site.data.song-list.youtube %}\n - {{ item.title }}
\n {% endfor %}\n
\n\n## Interactive\n\n\n {% for item in site.data.song-list.interactive %}\n - {{ item.title }}
\n {% endfor %}\n
\n\n## Soundcloud\n\n\n {% for item in site.data.song-list.soundcloud %}\n - {{ item.title }}
\n {% endfor %}\n
"id": "my-research-programme",
"url": "./../bubbles/my-research-programme",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "my research programme",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"My Research Programme\"\n---\n```\n\nI like how [[author-Grace-Lindsay]] describes her research programme, same as how [[author-Anna-Ivanova]] does. I think I will try to do the same here.\n\n[[author-Grace-Lindsay]] describes her research programme as:\n\n```markdown\nRESEARCH DIRECTIONS\n\nUnderstanding Attention\n\nAttention is widely studied across psychology, neuroscience, and machine learning. To what extent do these different forms of attention relate to each other? Can we use models of attention in artificial neural networks to understand how attention enhances behavior in people? What can the connection between attention and learning in biology tell us about how to make machines learn better?\n\nRead \u201cAttention in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Machine Learning\u201d\n\nInvestigating the Tools of Neuroscience\n\nNeuroscientists use a variety of analysis methods to try to identify the features of neural activity that drive behavior. Are these tools capable of providing such insights? Artificial neural networks offer an ideal testing ground for the tools of neuroscience as they allow for full access to the neural activity responsible for behavior.\n\nRead \u201cTesting the Tools of Systems Neuroscience on Artificial Neural Networks\u201d\n\n\nMachine Learning for Climate Change\n\nMitigating and adapting to climate change is the biggest challenge of our generation. Progress in many areas can be expedited through the use of artificial intelligence. The Lindsay Lab is particularly focused on analysis of remote sensing data.\n\nLearn more about why the lab works on climate change\n```\n\nMoreover, [[author-Anna-Ivanova]] describes her research programme as:\n\n```markdown\nMeaning in the brain\nHow does the human brain store and operate over conceptual knowledge? Is knowledge domain-specific or domain-general? Does the brain have dedicated machinery for navigating the conceptual space? What is the role of the language brain network in semantic/conceptual processing?\n\nMeaning in large language models\nWhat aspects of world knowledge are learnable from distributional patterns in text? Do large language models have robust internal models of objects, agents, properties, and events in the world? Do models operate over world knowledge representations in a way similar to humans?\n\nInner speech & thought\nHow can we measure people's subjective experiences of inner speech imagery? Do inner speech experiences mediate behavioral performance and neural activity evoked by diverse cognitive tasks? Can we predict how strongly a person relies on inner speech from brain activity alone? And can inner speech support reasoning in AI systems?\n\nMethods matter\nHow can we leverage the synergy between neuroscience and AI to design better methods for probing and interpreting intelligent systems? What is the optimal tradeoff between simplicity and fidelity when designing neural probes? Can we use the power of flexible new tools like Julia to develop better analysis practices?\n```\n\n## Who am I?\n\nIn a sense [[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]], so who am I then. I think I will put here the numerous descriptions I have used to try to organize my thoughts.\n\n### Exhibit A - My github description\n\n```markdown\nAs a researcher I'm interested in :\n\n- Anything-Inspired Models & AI\n- Cognitive-Neuro-Complexity Science\n- Methods rather than Topics\n- Explainability and Interpretability\n- Representation and Visceralization\n- Complex Systems Modeling & Analysis\n```\n\n### Exhibit B - My cv description\n\n>Passionate about understanding natural and artificial intelligence, as well as the models and algorithms they encapsulate. I like to think critically about cognitive representations, model interpretability and explainability, data and knowledge representation and visceralization, the relation between form and function, the methods and perspectives we use to reverse engineer and think about cognitive entities, and in general, how and why cognitive systems arise, work and came to be. I\u2019m enraptured by systems, complexity, curious dynamics and emergence. Amateur musician, occasional poet, chaotic dancer, wannabe mathematician and dabbler algorithmic artist. My work is built upon the values of responsibility, commitment, honesty, attention to detail, problem solving and critical thinking.\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"My Research Programme\"\n---\n```\n\nI like how [[author-Grace-Lindsay]] describes her research programme, same as how [[author-Anna-Ivanova]] does. I think I will try to do the same here.\n\n[[author-Grace-Lindsay]] describes her research programme as:\n\n```markdown\nRESEARCH DIRECTIONS\n\nUnderstanding Attention\n\nAttention is widely studied across psychology, neuroscience, and machine learning. To what extent do these different forms of attention relate to each other? Can we use models of attention in artificial neural networks to understand how attention enhances behavior in people? What can the connection between attention and learning in biology tell us about how to make machines learn better?\n\nRead \u201cAttention in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Machine Learning\u201d\n\nInvestigating the Tools of Neuroscience\n\nNeuroscientists use a variety of analysis methods to try to identify the features of neural activity that drive behavior. Are these tools capable of providing such insights? Artificial neural networks offer an ideal testing ground for the tools of neuroscience as they allow for full access to the neural activity responsible for behavior.\n\nRead \u201cTesting the Tools of Systems Neuroscience on Artificial Neural Networks\u201d\n\n\nMachine Learning for Climate Change\n\nMitigating and adapting to climate change is the biggest challenge of our generation. Progress in many areas can be expedited through the use of artificial intelligence. The Lindsay Lab is particularly focused on analysis of remote sensing data.\n\nLearn more about why the lab works on climate change\n```\n\nMoreover, [[author-Anna-Ivanova]] describes her research programme as:\n\n```markdown\nMeaning in the brain\nHow does the human brain store and operate over conceptual knowledge? Is knowledge domain-specific or domain-general? Does the brain have dedicated machinery for navigating the conceptual space? What is the role of the language brain network in semantic/conceptual processing?\n\nMeaning in large language models\nWhat aspects of world knowledge are learnable from distributional patterns in text? Do large language models have robust internal models of objects, agents, properties, and events in the world? Do models operate over world knowledge representations in a way similar to humans?\n\nInner speech & thought\nHow can we measure people's subjective experiences of inner speech imagery? Do inner speech experiences mediate behavioral performance and neural activity evoked by diverse cognitive tasks? Can we predict how strongly a person relies on inner speech from brain activity alone? And can inner speech support reasoning in AI systems?\n\nMethods matter\nHow can we leverage the synergy between neuroscience and AI to design better methods for probing and interpreting intelligent systems? What is the optimal tradeoff between simplicity and fidelity when designing neural probes? Can we use the power of flexible new tools like Julia to develop better analysis practices?\n```\n\n## Who am I?\n\nIn a sense [[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]], so who am I then. I think I will put here the numerous descriptions I have used to try to organize my thoughts.\n\n### Exhibit A - My github description\n\n```markdown\nAs a researcher I'm interested in :\n\n- Anything-Inspired Models & AI\n- Cognitive-Neuro-Complexity Science\n- Methods rather than Topics\n- Explainability and Interpretability\n- Representation and Visceralization\n- Complex Systems Modeling & Analysis\n```\n\n### Exhibit B - My cv description\n\n>Passionate about understanding natural and artificial intelligence, as well as the models and algorithms they encapsulate. I like to think critically about cognitive representations, model interpretability and explainability, data and knowledge representation and visceralization, the relation between form and function, the methods and perspectives we use to reverse engineer and think about cognitive entities, and in general, how and why cognitive systems arise, work and came to be. I\u2019m enraptured by systems, complexity, curious dynamics and emergence. Amateur musician, occasional poet, chaotic dancer, wannabe mathematician and dabbler algorithmic artist. My work is built upon the values of responsibility, commitment, honesty, attention to detail, problem solving and critical thinking.\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "myundergradThesis",
"url": "./../myundergradThesis",
"category": "root",
"title": "seeg-based localization of the epileptogenic zone from complexity measures using machine learning",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: SEEG-based Localization of the Epileptogenic Zone from Complexity Measures Using Machine Learning\n---\n```\n\nThis project was carried out during my visit as a research assistant to the Biomedical Imaging Lab at the University of Southern California.\nMoreover, it counted as my undergraduate capstone project/thesis for the degree of Electronics Engineer at Universidad de Antioquia.\n\n## Relevant Links\n\n- [Related Undergraduate Thesis](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DBxdYuWOrBxcHbKUoenyRB_PmI1DhNZd/view?usp=sharing)\n- [2023 AES Meeting Poster](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WVtUo-4-H_rttqZbF2HA0KJW5-oFLS9S/view?usp=sharing)\n- [2023 AES Meeting Poster Video](https://youtu.be/T70ZVLpQb2k)\n\n## Contact\n\nYou can find me on:\n\n- Email: yjmantilla@gmail.com\n- [Instagram: yjmantilla](https://www.instagram.com/yjmantilla/)\n- Mattermost: yjmantilla\n- Linkedin: yorguinjose\n- Twitter: @yjmantilla\n- [orcid](https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4473-0876)\n- [cvlac](https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001659280)\n- [Google Scholar](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9W-bHVkAAAAJ)\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: SEEG-based Localization of the Epileptogenic Zone from Complexity Measures Using Machine Learning\n---\n```\n\nThis project was carried out during my visit as a research assistant to the Biomedical Imaging Lab at the University of Southern California.\nMoreover, it counted as my undergraduate capstone project/thesis for the degree of Electronics Engineer at Universidad de Antioquia.\n\n## Relevant Links\n\n- [Related Undergraduate Thesis](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DBxdYuWOrBxcHbKUoenyRB_PmI1DhNZd/view?usp=sharing)\n- [2023 AES Meeting Poster](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WVtUo-4-H_rttqZbF2HA0KJW5-oFLS9S/view?usp=sharing)\n- [2023 AES Meeting Poster Video](https://youtu.be/T70ZVLpQb2k)\n\n## Contact\n\nYou can find me on:\n\n- Email: yjmantilla@gmail.com\n- [Instagram: yjmantilla](https://www.instagram.com/yjmantilla/)\n- Mattermost: yjmantilla\n- Linkedin: yorguinjose\n- Twitter: @yjmantilla\n- [orcid](https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4473-0876)\n- [cvlac](https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001659280)\n- [Google Scholar](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9W-bHVkAAAAJ)"
"id": "naming-md-docs",
"url": "./../tutorials/naming-md-docs",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "naming markdown docs",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Naming Markdown Docs\n---\n```\n\nThis jekyll sites uses 3 possible naming configurations:\n\n## Through a yaml front-matter\n\n```yaml\n --- #first line of file\n title : the title \n ---\n```\n\n## Through the first header\n\n```markdown\n# The Title\n```\n\n## Through the file name\n\n```markdown\nthe-title.md\n```\n\nThe collector (gen-static-data.py) will try to get the above in the same order as presented here; being the worst case the filename.\n\nFor files inside the knowledge graph though the filename will always be chosen. This is to be able to generate the urls easily and avoid duplicate names.\n\nIdealmente deber\u00edan tener nombre \u00fanico y siguiendo el [kebab case](https://www.theserverside.com/blog/Coffee-Talk-Java-News-Stories-and-Opinions/Why-you-should-make-kebab-case-a-URL-naming-convention-best-practice)\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Naming Markdown Docs\n---\n```\n\nThis jekyll sites uses 3 possible naming configurations:\n\n## Through a yaml front-matter\n\n```yaml\n --- #first line of file\n title : the title \n ---\n```\n\n## Through the first header\n\n```markdown\n# The Title\n```\n\n## Through the file name\n\n```markdown\nthe-title.md\n```\n\nThe collector (gen-static-data.py) will try to get the above in the same order as presented here; being the worst case the filename.\n\nFor files inside the knowledge graph though the filename will always be chosen. This is to be able to generate the urls easily and avoid duplicate names.\n\nIdealmente deber\u00edan tener nombre \u00fanico y siguiendo el [kebab case](https://www.theserverside.com/blog/Coffee-Talk-Java-News-Stories-and-Opinions/Why-you-should-make-kebab-case-a-URL-naming-convention-best-practice)"
"id": "neuro-ai",
@@ -966,7 +966,7 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/notetaking",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "note taking",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Note Taking\n---\n```\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Note Taking\n---\n```"
"id": "novelty-search",
@@ -980,14 +980,14 @@
"url": "./../tutorials/onenote-to-svg",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "onenote to svg",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: OneNote to SVG\n---\n```\n\n- Print it to pdf\n- Use [this page](https://cloudconvert.com/pdf-to-svg)\n to convert the pdf to svg\n- Edit it further with Illustrator or whatever svg editor for final adjustment.\n\n[This](https://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/71667/svg-file-excessive-white-space) may be useful for cutting extra space.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: OneNote to SVG\n---\n```\n\n- Print it to pdf\n- Use [this page](https://cloudconvert.com/pdf-to-svg)\n to convert the pdf to svg\n- Edit it further with Illustrator or whatever svg editor for final adjustment.\n\n[This](https://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/71667/svg-file-excessive-white-space) may be useful for cutting extra space."
"id": "outliers",
"url": "./../bubbles/outliers",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "outliers",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Outliers\n---\n```\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Outliers\n---\n```"
"id": "overheating",
@@ -1001,49 +1001,49 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/paralysis-by-analysis",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "paraslysis by analysis",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Paraslysis by Analysis\n---\n```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Paraslysis by Analysis\n---\n```"
"id": "patterns",
"url": "./../bubbles/patterns",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "patterns",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Patterns\n---\n```\n\nSee the work of Christopher Alexander.\n\nCopilot comment:\n\n>He is the father of the concept of patterns. He is an architect, but his work is very relevant to AI. He has a book called \"The Nature of Order\" which is a 4 volume book. I have only read the first volume, but it is very interesting. I think it is very relevant to AI. I think it is very relevant to LLMs. I think it is very relevant to my PhD. I think it is very relevant to my life. I think it is very relevant to the universe. I think it is very relevant to everything.\n\nReminds me a bit of [farnam street](https://fs.blog/blog/) blog, which is also about patterns in mental models, decision making, etc.\n\nAlso some work of [John Clarke](https://www.amazon.com/Patterns-Thinking-Integrating-Learning-Teaching/dp/0205123619).\n\nI suppose these business of cards to address problems between people is basically finding this patterns and deploying them on sight to make it easier for people to recognize them (rather than trying to find them on their own). Kind of related to the [[recognition-vs-recall thing]]. There are many around the world I believe:\n\n- Colombia: [opencards](https://opencards.co/Kits)\n- ? : [methodkit](https://methodkit.com)\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Patterns\n---\n```\n\nSee the work of Christopher Alexander.\n\nCopilot comment:\n\n>He is the father of the concept of patterns. He is an architect, but his work is very relevant to AI. He has a book called \"The Nature of Order\" which is a 4 volume book. I have only read the first volume, but it is very interesting. I think it is very relevant to AI. I think it is very relevant to LLMs. I think it is very relevant to my PhD. I think it is very relevant to my life. I think it is very relevant to the universe. I think it is very relevant to everything.\n\nReminds me a bit of [farnam street](https://fs.blog/blog/) blog, which is also about patterns in mental models, decision making, etc.\n\nAlso some work of [John Clarke](https://www.amazon.com/Patterns-Thinking-Integrating-Learning-Teaching/dp/0205123619).\n\nI suppose these business of cards to address problems between people is basically finding this patterns and deploying them on sight to make it easier for people to recognize them (rather than trying to find them on their own). Kind of related to the [[recognition-vs-recall thing]]. There are many around the world I believe:\n\n- Colombia: [opencards](https://opencards.co/Kits)\n- ? : [methodkit](https://methodkit.com)\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "peaceful-warrior",
"url": "./../essays/peaceful-warrior",
"category": "essays",
"title": "el camino del guerrero (peaceful warrior)",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\n title : El camino del guerrero (Peaceful Warrior)\n---\n```\n\n## Resumen\n\n\nEl camino del guerrero (Peaceful Warrior) es una pel\u00edcula del 2006 dirigida por Victor Salva, escrita por Kevin Bernhardt y basada en la novela Way of the Peaceful Warrior de Dan Millman. Como tal tanto la pel\u00edcula como la novela son semi-autobiogr\u00e1ficas, narrando la propia historia de Dan Millman pero agregando varios elementos ficticios. As\u00ed, el protagonista de la pel\u00edcula hereda directamente el nombre del autor del libro: Dan Millman, y al comienzo de la pel\u00edcula se muestra como un joven gimnasta con un prometedor futuro rebosante de \u00e9xito. Su sue\u00f1o es ganar la medalla de oro en los juegos ol\u00edmpicos y para ello entrena muy duro, a menudo sobreexigiendo su cuerpo.\n
\nSin embargo, a pesar de que Dan parece tenerlo todo claro, sufre de insomnio e inquietud. Entre las cosas que lo atormentan (y de forma muy premonitoria) est\u00e1 la pesadilla de la fractura de sus piernas al caer de una de sus actuaciones. Dan ante estos miedos simplemente recurre a distracciones como salir a correr durante las noches; es as\u00ed como conoce a qui\u00e9n m\u00e1s adelante apodar\u00eda como \u201cS\u00f3crates\u201d. En principio Dan sale a correr y decide parar a comer en una estaci\u00f3n de servicio donde trabaja S\u00f3crates. La interacci\u00f3n es relativamente cotidiana hasta qu\u00e9 Dan se marcha y v\u00e9 que S\u00f3crates sube al techo de la estaci\u00f3n de servicio de forma inexplicable; de esta manera empieza la fascinaci\u00f3n de Dan por quien ser\u00eda en un futuro su maestro.\n
\nSin embargo, en un comienzo Dan sigue su vida normalmente y solo vuelve a la estaci\u00f3n de servicio para entender como S\u00f3crates logr\u00f3 la haza\u00f1a. S\u00f3crates por otra lado se encuentra m\u00e1s interesado en el conocimiento y la filosof\u00eda al decirle que el conocimiento no es lo mismo que la sabidur\u00eda, ya que esta \u00faltima es realmente hacerlo. As\u00ed mismo, S\u00f3crates cuestiona el objetivo de calificar para las competencias de Dan y m\u00e1s a\u00fan cuestiona su felicidad; a lo que Dan responde que tiene todo: dinero, excelencia acad\u00e9mica, reconocimiento social, es sexualmente activo y tiene buena forma f\u00edsica\u2026 y sin embargo S\u00f3crates le pregunta qu\u00e9 por qu\u00e9 no puede dormir por las noches entonces. Es as\u00ed como S\u00f3crates revela que, a pesar de que Dan lo tiene \u201ctodo\u201d aparentemente, este no tiene paz mental. Dan se ve notablemente irritado por todas esas preguntas y simplemente se va.\n
\nEn efecto Dan es una persona impaciente, egoc\u00e9ntrica, temeraria, con una actitud brusca ante las otras personas; aunque tiene amigos, \u00e9l mismo no es un amigo para los dem\u00e1s. A medida de que su mente lo sigue atormentando sigue volviendo a la estaci\u00f3n de servicio para interactuar con S\u00f3crates. A ra\u00edz de esto el maestro le da una serie de tareas y lecciones. Algunos conceptos centrales de la filosof\u00eda de S\u00f3crates son la idea de que uno tiene que vivir enteramente en el instante actual, que siempre algo interesante est\u00e1 ocurriendo si se mira m\u00e1s all\u00e1, etc. Estas lecciones son impartidas de forma pr\u00e1ctica, a trav\u00e9s de meditaciones y de una que otra experiencia m\u00edstica.\n
\nEl impacto de las lecciones en Dan es variado, por un lado logra dar una actuaci\u00f3n excepcional en un \u00e1rea de la gimnasia que no era su fuerte; as\u00ed mismo reeval\u00faa sus h\u00e1bitos para adoptar otros m\u00e1s estoicos sugeridos por S\u00f3crates. Sin embargo, como resultado de la transformaci\u00f3n intensa que sufre Dan respecto a su viejo ser, se empieza a ver m\u00e1s desconcentrado en sus pr\u00e1cticas en el gimnasio y empieza a cuestionar los resultados de las lecciones de S\u00f3crates, adem\u00e1s de juzgarlo por no ser una persona exitosa ya que solo dedica a una estaci\u00f3n de servicios. Dan decide entonces rechazar las ense\u00f1anzas y los h\u00e1bitos de su maestro para volver a como era antes. Naturalmente todo vuelve a ser como en el pasado, hasta que a ra\u00edz de su impaciencia caracter\u00edstica Dan cruza con el sem\u00e1foro en rojo y choca con un auto; como resultado del accidente Dan se fractura una de sus piernas en 21 pedazos. Afortunadamente es llevado al hospital y sobrevive, sin embargo los m\u00e9dicos se ven obligados a implantar una barra de metal en su pierna para mantener la integridad de esta. Finalmente el entrenador de Dan considera que ya no es apropiado que \u00e9l compita y Dan se siente profundamente herido por esto.\n
\nDan en medio de su furia destruye todos sus trofeos, y tiene una pesadilla donde casi se suicida; pero termina dejando ir a la versi\u00f3n pasada de su ser. De esta manera Dan acepta el presente tal y como es pero, con la pregunta interna de c\u00f3mo redefinirse, vuelve a buscar a S\u00f3crates. Otra vez, mediante las lecciones Dan llega a la autorrealizaci\u00f3n de que siempre hay algo ocurriendo y que por lo tanto no debe tener miedo a lo que sigue en su vida a medida de que se redefine. Dan as\u00ed decide disculparse con aquellos que hiri\u00f3 en el pasado. Finalmente S\u00f3crates lo convence de que no tiene que abandonar su sue\u00f1o, y de que incluso as\u00ed en su estado f\u00edsico puede trabajar en su gimnasia. Dan inicialmente es reacio a la opci\u00f3n ya qu\u00e9 ya hab\u00eda aceptado su condici\u00f3n pero cede y empieza a entrenar nuevamente. A ra\u00edz de esto Dan pr\u00e1cticamente se recupera totalmente y vuelve a pedirle a su entrenador que reconsidere la opci\u00f3n de que compita en los clasificatorios nacionales. El entrenador sin embargo se lo niega y Dan se vuelve a sentir perdido.\n
\nS\u00f3crates ve esto y le propone a Dan una excursi\u00f3n en la cual Dan aprende una \u00faltima lecci\u00f3n: el viaje es lo que da la felicidad, no el objetivo en s\u00ed. Dan as\u00ed entiende que har\u00e1 gimnasia simplemente porque es lo que ama, m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de las medallas y \u00e9xitos que eso le conlleve. Dan vuelve al gimnasio y realiza sus ejercicios como antes, m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de la aprobaci\u00f3n de su entrenador y est\u00e9 finalmente se convence de que Dan est\u00e1 en capacidad de competir.\n
\nLa pel\u00edcula concluye con Dan buscando a su maestro para verlo antes de los clasificatorios pero S\u00f3crates ya no est\u00e1 en la estaci\u00f3n de servicio. Dan reflexiona que al final aquella maniobra imposible de S\u00f3crates ya no importa. Luego, en la competici\u00f3n Dan se prepara para su actuaci\u00f3n mientras conversa con su compa\u00f1ero quien es un reflejo de algunos de los valores que Dan ten\u00eda en el pasado. Finalmente, Dan comienza su actuaci\u00f3n final situ\u00e1ndose completamente en el instante presente tal como lo hab\u00eda aprendido de su maestro y finaliza su acto ante la mirada at\u00f3nita de los asistentes.\n
\n\n## Relaci\u00f3n con la vida\n\n\n>\u201cLuche por lo que usted quiere en la vida, y que es lo que quiere en la vida\u2026 usted solo sabe\u201d. \n\n
\nConversaci\u00f3n detr\u00e1s de la quebrada cerca de mi casa...\n\n
\n\nLa pel\u00edcula toca varios temas de orden filos\u00f3fico debido a la afici\u00f3n del maestro hacia la filosof\u00eda griega y en particular a S\u00f3crates, el maestro de Plat\u00f3n. As\u00ed vemos que se exploran constantemente temas diversos como la idea de que \u201cuna vida que no se cuestiona, no merece ser vivida\u201d originalmente de S\u00f3crates (el personaje hist\u00f3rico real) y de que \u201clo \u00fanico constante es el cambio\u201d de Her\u00e1clito. Sin embargo hay tres temas constantes en la pel\u00edcula:\n
\n1. Vivir en el momento (esta idea tiene or\u00edgenes budistas y en la filosof\u00eda greco-romana bajo el carpe diem)\n2. \u00bfQu\u00e9 es la felicidad y c\u00f3mo se obtiene?\n3. \u00bfQuienes somos?\n\n### Sobre la acci\u00f3n transiente\n\n\nEl primer tema se refiere a la idea de que al aferrarnos a lo que fu\u00e9 (el pasado) y a lo que puede ser (el futuro) no logramos disfrutar, ni concentrarnos, ni vivir en el momento, es as\u00ed como terminamos infelices y descontentos con el instante presente; incapaces de dar nuestro potencial completo. Esta idea es pues muy notable en los casos donde nuestra actuaci\u00f3n es principalmente transiente como en los deportes, la m\u00fasica, la actuaci\u00f3n, etc. En lo personal mi experiencia ha sido del lado m\u00e1s musical donde notoriamente existe el fen\u00f3meno de \u201cpar\u00e1lisis por an\u00e1lisis\u201d. Esto se puede ilustrar con el \u201cdilema del ciempi\u00e9s\u201d de Katherine Craster:\n
\n\n>Un ciempi\u00e9s paseaba contento
\n>Hasta que un sapo burl\u00f3n
\n>Le dijo: \u00abCu\u00e9ntame, \u00bfen qu\u00e9 orden mueves las patas?\u00bb
\n>Le llen\u00f3 de dudas hasta tal punto
\n>Que cay\u00f3 exhausto en el camino
\n>Sin saber c\u00f3mo correr.
\n\n\nB\u00e1sicamente la idea es que si piensas demasiado en c\u00f3mo hacerlo, o en las consecuencias de equivocarse, etc lo m\u00e1s probable es que falles como efecto retroalimentado de tu propia ansiedad y de tu propia desvinculaci\u00f3n con el acto en s\u00ed. Sin embargo en un acto acad\u00e9mico esto tambi\u00e9n tiene su contraparte, por ejemplo durante la resoluci\u00f3n de ex\u00e1menes. En general recuerdo un profesor que dec\u00eda que ya en el momento de la ejecuci\u00f3n del ex\u00e1men lo mejor que se puede hacer es creerse un genio, sobretodo cuando uno ha llegado mal preparado a este. Esto es debido a que al creerse un genio al menos durante ese breve periodo de tiempo aumentas la probabilidad de dar lo mejor de ti simple y llanamente porque evitas caer en inseguridades y ansiedades provenientes de dudar de tus propias respuestas, adem\u00e1s de ahorrar tiempo como resultado. Por otra parte si escoges las preguntas con las que te sientas mejor preparado al principio ver\u00e1s que la confianza que surge de responderlas bien te ayudar\u00e1 a sentirte mejor para las que vienen. En general podemos ver como nuestra propia actitud emocional ante la actividad que realicemos afecta nuestra efectividad.\n
\n\n### Un problema de definici\u00f3n\n\n\nLos otros dos temas se pueden tratar simult\u00e1neamente, ya que en cierta manera la definici\u00f3n de nosotros mismos afecta en medida la forma en que entendemos ser felices. \u00bfSomos felices porque somos nosotros, porque alcanzamos nuestros objetivos, o por qu\u00e9 exactamente?. \u00bfNos definimos a partir de nuestros objetivos? \u00bfQu\u00e9 pasa si no somos capaces de controlar aquellos objetivos, si a pesar de todo nuestro esfuerzo esos objetivos podr\u00edan no cumplirse? En la pel\u00edcula es muy claro el peligro de definirse mediante metas debido a que no tenemos control ante ciertas circunstancias, como lo puede ser un accidente.\n
\n\n\nAqu\u00ed es relevante una percepci\u00f3n cultural de la cual no estoy seguro cu\u00e1n general es alrededor del mundo: la idea de \u201cestudiar para ser alguien en la vida\u201d. Como tal aqu\u00ed vemos expl\u00edcito la idea de definirse mediante una profesi\u00f3n: soy artista, soy m\u00e9dico, soy deportista, soy ingeniero, etc. Lo cierto es que la profesi\u00f3n es tan solo una de las tantas aristas por la cual una persona puede tratar de definirse, el riesgo es pues que uno podr\u00eda equivaler el \u00e9xito en la profesi\u00f3n como indicador de nuestra felicidad. Siempre habr\u00e1 una persona mejor y peor que t\u00fa en tu profesi\u00f3n y esto es por lo menos cierto para todo el conjunto de personas en tu profesi\u00f3n excepto dos.\n
\n\n>\u201cSi soy un ingeniero en el tercer mundo probablemente no soy alguien realmente, deber\u00eda ir al primer mundo y tener \u00e9xito all\u00e1 para ser alguien\u201d.\n\n\nMe pregunto cuantos estudiantes y profesionales de los campos STEM (Ciencia, Tecnolog\u00eda, Ingenier\u00eda, y Matem\u00e1ticas en ingl\u00e9s) en latinoam\u00e9rica (y en general pa\u00edses en v\u00edas de desarrollo) tendr\u00e1n dicha percepci\u00f3n; por lo menos uno, que soy yo. Si uno tiene el sue\u00f1o de ser premio nobel pero es nacido en un pa\u00eds en v\u00edas de desarrollo pues las posibilidades son muy bajas, pero es posible. De hecho est\u00e1n dados los casos de varios nobeles de literatura y de la paz latinoamericanos y algunos en los nobel de qu\u00edmica. Sin embargo hasta ahora no hay ning\u00fan medallista Fields (equivalente al premio nobel de matem\u00e1tica) latinoamericano. Entonces para un matem\u00e1tico es pr\u00e1cticamente un accidente haber nacido ac\u00e1. Sin embargo, mediante conversaciones con personas profesionales y estudiantes que han visitado el extranjero el asunto no es un problema de talento o de potencial sino de recursos. El primer mundo no tiene personas considerablemente m\u00e1s talentosas, sino simplemente m\u00e1s recursos para potenciarlas. Y es que aparentemente en el extranjero todo es mejor, lo cual probablemente sea verdad\u2026 Pero la idea de que el \u00e9xito solo se puede obtener en el extranjero es debatible. Definir \u201cel \u00e9xito\u201d es pues un asunto dif\u00edcil. El \u00e9xito es \u00bfreconocimiento?, \u00bfimpacto?, \u00bfel fruto de un trabajo bien hecho?, \u00bfriqueza?. As\u00ed como me pregunto cuantos estudiantes y profesionales latinoamericanos plantean el \u00e9xito mediante la migraci\u00f3n, me pregunto cuantos acad\u00e9micos, profesionales, estudiantes de posgrado, en los pa\u00edses desarrollados sue\u00f1an con ver un impacto real de su trabajo en la sociedad, en las comunidades y dem\u00e1s. Pienso que la evoluci\u00f3n natural de una persona una vez obtenga reconocimiento profesional es hacerse esa pregunta\u2026 \u00bfCu\u00e1nto realmente impacta mi trabajo de forma positiva en el mundo?. Ciertamente, el hecho de que tu trabajo tenga influencia sobre una comunidad le a\u00f1ade significado, esta es la idea del \u201csignificado mediante la comunidad\u201d, o del \u201csoy parte de algo m\u00e1s grande, y a trav\u00e9s mi contribuci\u00f3n a eso me defino\u201d. Esto se puede ver en la pel\u00edcula mediante el personaje de S\u00f3crates y su afici\u00f3n al arte del servicio. Realmente juzgar por qu\u00e9 medio es mejor definirse: \u201cser el mejor\u201d (meta individual) o \u201cgenerar impacto comunitario\u201d (meta colectiva), es debatible.\n
\n\n### El problema de la elecci\u00f3n\n\n\nDefinirse a trav\u00e9s de una profesi\u00f3n es a su vez dif\u00edcil porque muchas veces dicha profesi\u00f3n est\u00e1 asociada con una pasi\u00f3n inherente que las personas deben tener\u2026 Si uno tiene una pasi\u00f3n concreta la idea de \u201cseguir tu pasi\u00f3n\u201d es muy buena, el problema surge en los otros dos casos: a) tienes muchas pasiones y te cuesta elegir, y b) no tienes ninguna pasi\u00f3n en particular. Me atrever\u00eda a decir que la mayor\u00eda de la gente cae en alguno de esos dos casos m\u00e1s que en el caso ideal. Entonces\u2026 \u00bfqu\u00e9 hacemos el resto de los mortales?. Cal Newport plantea para el caso de que no se tiene una pasi\u00f3n el hecho de que uno no se debe preocupar por encontrarla, ya que esta pasi\u00f3n (o satisfacci\u00f3n profesional) m\u00e1s que algo innato es algo que se construye a medida que se va adquiriendo experticia en tu oficio. El postula que una profesi\u00f3n viable para obtener la satisfacci\u00f3n personal debe cumplir 3 requerimientos: 1) Que por lo menos tengas inter\u00e9s en el \u00e1rea. 2) Que puedas crecer en ella, es decir que puedas desarrollarte y ascender en tu oficio. 3) Que no colisione con tus valores personales (que sientas que no perjudica al mundo activamente por ejemplo). Por otro lado para el caso en que simplemente tenemos demasiadas pasiones posibles la idea es librarte de algunas de ellas ya que, m\u00e1s que alimentarte, las excedentes te distraer\u00e1n de concentrarte en la prioritaria. En cierta manera esto tiene que ver con la paradoja de la elecci\u00f3n: cuando hay demasiados posibles caminos es muy dif\u00edcil elegir (Barry Schwartz). El hecho de tener demasiadas posibilidades abiertas te hace menos libre parad\u00f3jicamente; cualquiera que elijas te har\u00e1 preguntarte qu\u00e9 hubiese pasado al escoger la otra. Es por esto que la libertad se puede alcanzar mediante el compromiso (Mark Manson), y por lo cual pertenecer nos hace libres... libres de porfin poder autorrealizarnos en lo que escogimos.\n
\n\n\nEl problema de la elecci\u00f3n es algo a lo que me he enfrentado continuamente. Cuando me gradu\u00e9 de bachiller ten\u00eda intereses claros: me gustaba la m\u00fasica, la f\u00edsica y la filosof\u00eda. Combine la dos primeras en la meta de estudiar ingenier\u00eda de sonido y la \u00faltima simplemente decid\u00ed explorarla como hobbie. Como la ingenier\u00eda de sonido no era una carrera de universidad p\u00fablica me fui por su madre: la ingenier\u00eda electr\u00f3nica. As\u00ed mis primeros tres a\u00f1os de la universidad en ingenier\u00eda electr\u00f3nica constituyeron en explorar de forma extracurricular la ingenier\u00eda de sonido adem\u00e1s de trabajar como m\u00fasico en competencias de gaitas venezolanas intercolegiales. Al tiempo trat\u00e9 de estudiar en un conservatorio de m\u00fasica. Lo cierto es que es muy dif\u00edcil mantener dicho ritmo cuando pasas a los semestres m\u00e1s fuertes. Y tuve que abandonar esos oficios extras, como respuesta a esto particip\u00e9 en la fundaci\u00f3n del Club de Audio de la universidad y segu\u00ed participando en grupos musicales pero dentro del campus. B\u00e1sicamente en esos primeros tres a\u00f1os de universidad adquir\u00ed todo el conocimiento y pr\u00e1ctica que pude acerca de m\u00fasica e ingenier\u00eda de sonido. Sin embargo, al final me di cuenta que la ingenier\u00eda de sonido no era lo m\u00edo, al menos a nivel intelectual no me llenaba completamente y decid\u00ed vivir la m\u00fasica tambi\u00e9n como hobbie junto con la filosof\u00eda. En esos momentos tuve que redefinirme ya que hasta entonces lo hab\u00eda hecho a trav\u00e9s de mis intereses musicales. Mi pasi\u00f3n por la ingenier\u00eda de sonido paso a la ingenier\u00eda ac\u00fastica, luego a los sistemas microelectromec\u00e1nicos (MEMS), luego a la ac\u00fastica del ultrasonido. De ah\u00ed se me abri\u00f3 el campo ya que este \u00faltimo tiene aplicaciones m\u00e9dicas y as\u00ed es como salte a la ingenier\u00eda biom\u00e9dica y la bioingenier\u00eda. Comenc\u00e9 con intereses en la bioinstrumentaci\u00f3n y en el procesamiento de biose\u00f1ales; luego me empezaron a interesar los aspectos m\u00e1s biol\u00f3gicos como la biolog\u00eda de sistemas y la biolog\u00eda sint\u00e9tica. Estas \u00faltimas \u00e1reas ya se sal\u00edan de mi campo de electr\u00f3nica demasiado por lo que volv\u00ed a enfocarme en procesamiento de se\u00f1ales. Finalmente desemboque interes\u00e1ndome en el campo de sistemas complejos, la ciencia de datos y la epistemolog\u00eda de ambos; ya que esos tres campos abarcaban a nivel general todos esos intereses qu\u00e9 hab\u00eda tenido en el pasado. Sin embargo todo est\u00e1 sujeto a cambios y es por ello que definirse mediante intereses, profesiones, pasiones puede no ser la mejor idea.\n
\n\n### La definici\u00f3n mediante valores\n\n\nUna opci\u00f3n menos vol\u00e1til para definirse como persona es optar por tus valores ya que el supuesto es que estos son m\u00e1s constantes y son relativamente independientes de factores que no puedas controlar como accidentes y (en mi caso) de cambios constantes de intereses. La incertidumbre se puede presentar en cualquier momento de nuestras vidas pero podemos enfrentarnos a ella mediante nuestros valores. As\u00ed es posible definirse como una persona honesta, respetuosa, etc. Pero \u00bfc\u00f3mo podemos definir nuestra felicidad en ese \u00e1mbito si no hay un objetivo en s\u00ed? Uno puede ver la felicidad como el resultado de cumplir con los valores que has escogido para definirte. Es decir, a pesar de que surjan adversidades se puede ser feliz si te mantienes fiel a ti mismo. Y sin embargo\u2026 a pesar de que la idea es atrayente uno puede encontrarse infeliz en determinados momentos. A mi parecer culturalmente ponemos demasiado valor en ser felices, como si tal fuera el motivo de vivir. Y esa presi\u00f3n de ser felices nos causa ansiedad. La vida trae consigo muchas otras emociones que experimentar porque m\u00e1s que un asunto de felicidad, es un asunto de salud emocional. Es correcto sentir lo que sientes en tus circunstancias, y a medida de que uno se transforma a s\u00ed mismo, transformamos nuestras propias emociones. En la pel\u00edcula vemos que Dan pasa por m\u00faltiples emociones para poder redefinirse y en esos momentos Dan no ten\u00eda que ser feliz, sino que ten\u00eda que experimentar dichas emociones tal cual se daban. Para m\u00ed m\u00e1s que un problema de felicidad es un problema de concentraci\u00f3n; los momentos que m\u00e1s disfruto son aquellos donde estoy m\u00e1s concentrado: en un partido de f\u00fatbol, en una fiesta, en el resolver de un problema matem\u00e1tico, al programar, al jugar, al escribir. Es precisamente en esos instantes donde uno est\u00e1 concentrado que uno \u201cvive en el momento\u201d como dice la pel\u00edcula. Ni el pasado, ni el futuro existen cuando estas concentrado. Solo existe el ahora y la acci\u00f3n que realizas. En ese sentido para definirme agregu\u00e9 a esos valores m\u00e1s comunes (honestidad, respeto, solidaridad, etc) el valor de la concentraci\u00f3n, entendida como la idea de buscar estar inmerso en aquello que hago. Otro valor por el cual me defino es hacer cosas que yo quiera (no exclusivamente claro est\u00e1). No me importa d\u00f3nde terminar\u00e9 yendo, si vuelvo a Venezuela, si me quedo en Colombia, o si viajo a un pa\u00eds desarrollado ya que donde sea que est\u00e9 s\u00e9 que har\u00e9 algo interesante por lo menos.\n
\n\n### El problema del cambio y conclusi\u00f3n\n\n\nA\u00fan as\u00ed nuestros valores est\u00e1n modulados por las experiencias que vamos obteniendo a trav\u00e9s de nuestras vidas, en otras palabras, no son inmutables. Yo plantear\u00eda que para definirse no hay una sola forma correcta. En principio esto es porque el problema de por qu\u00e9 existimos no est\u00e1 resuelto. La pel\u00edcula hace \u00e9nfasis en versiones estoicas de la respuesta mediante el personaje de S\u00f3crates, pero como tal la filosof\u00eda no ha llegado a una respuesta \u00fanica (\u00bfni llegar\u00e1?). Por cada respuesta estoica que me den puedo generar respuestas existenciales, hedonistas, absurdistas, nihilistas, etc; e incluso una autoctona colombiana: el nadaismo. En ese sentido, el personaje de S\u00f3crates de la pel\u00edcula no tiene la \u00faltima palabra, pero en su defensa, probablemente nadie la tendr\u00e1.\n
\n\n\nPero entonces, \u00bfc\u00f3mo respondemos la pregunta de c\u00f3mo definirnos correctamente? Ya vimos que no hay forma certera de hacerlo y entonces la \u00fanica opci\u00f3n es estar abiertos a la posibilidad de redefinici\u00f3n personal. Este es el ideal de \u201clo \u00fanico constante es el cambio\u201d que mencione al inicio. Si uno es capaz de redefinirse no debe tener miedo ante la adversidad ya que sabe que hallar\u00e1 al menos una manera.\n
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\n title : El camino del guerrero (Peaceful Warrior)\n---\n```\n\n## Resumen\n\n\nEl camino del guerrero (Peaceful Warrior) es una pel\u00edcula del 2006 dirigida por Victor Salva, escrita por Kevin Bernhardt y basada en la novela Way of the Peaceful Warrior de Dan Millman. Como tal tanto la pel\u00edcula como la novela son semi-autobiogr\u00e1ficas, narrando la propia historia de Dan Millman pero agregando varios elementos ficticios. As\u00ed, el protagonista de la pel\u00edcula hereda directamente el nombre del autor del libro: Dan Millman, y al comienzo de la pel\u00edcula se muestra como un joven gimnasta con un prometedor futuro rebosante de \u00e9xito. Su sue\u00f1o es ganar la medalla de oro en los juegos ol\u00edmpicos y para ello entrena muy duro, a menudo sobreexigiendo su cuerpo.\n
\nSin embargo, a pesar de que Dan parece tenerlo todo claro, sufre de insomnio e inquietud. Entre las cosas que lo atormentan (y de forma muy premonitoria) est\u00e1 la pesadilla de la fractura de sus piernas al caer de una de sus actuaciones. Dan ante estos miedos simplemente recurre a distracciones como salir a correr durante las noches; es as\u00ed como conoce a qui\u00e9n m\u00e1s adelante apodar\u00eda como \u201cS\u00f3crates\u201d. En principio Dan sale a correr y decide parar a comer en una estaci\u00f3n de servicio donde trabaja S\u00f3crates. La interacci\u00f3n es relativamente cotidiana hasta qu\u00e9 Dan se marcha y v\u00e9 que S\u00f3crates sube al techo de la estaci\u00f3n de servicio de forma inexplicable; de esta manera empieza la fascinaci\u00f3n de Dan por quien ser\u00eda en un futuro su maestro.\n
\nSin embargo, en un comienzo Dan sigue su vida normalmente y solo vuelve a la estaci\u00f3n de servicio para entender como S\u00f3crates logr\u00f3 la haza\u00f1a. S\u00f3crates por otra lado se encuentra m\u00e1s interesado en el conocimiento y la filosof\u00eda al decirle que el conocimiento no es lo mismo que la sabidur\u00eda, ya que esta \u00faltima es realmente hacerlo. As\u00ed mismo, S\u00f3crates cuestiona el objetivo de calificar para las competencias de Dan y m\u00e1s a\u00fan cuestiona su felicidad; a lo que Dan responde que tiene todo: dinero, excelencia acad\u00e9mica, reconocimiento social, es sexualmente activo y tiene buena forma f\u00edsica\u2026 y sin embargo S\u00f3crates le pregunta qu\u00e9 por qu\u00e9 no puede dormir por las noches entonces. Es as\u00ed como S\u00f3crates revela que, a pesar de que Dan lo tiene \u201ctodo\u201d aparentemente, este no tiene paz mental. Dan se ve notablemente irritado por todas esas preguntas y simplemente se va.\n
\nEn efecto Dan es una persona impaciente, egoc\u00e9ntrica, temeraria, con una actitud brusca ante las otras personas; aunque tiene amigos, \u00e9l mismo no es un amigo para los dem\u00e1s. A medida de que su mente lo sigue atormentando sigue volviendo a la estaci\u00f3n de servicio para interactuar con S\u00f3crates. A ra\u00edz de esto el maestro le da una serie de tareas y lecciones. Algunos conceptos centrales de la filosof\u00eda de S\u00f3crates son la idea de que uno tiene que vivir enteramente en el instante actual, que siempre algo interesante est\u00e1 ocurriendo si se mira m\u00e1s all\u00e1, etc. Estas lecciones son impartidas de forma pr\u00e1ctica, a trav\u00e9s de meditaciones y de una que otra experiencia m\u00edstica.\n
\nEl impacto de las lecciones en Dan es variado, por un lado logra dar una actuaci\u00f3n excepcional en un \u00e1rea de la gimnasia que no era su fuerte; as\u00ed mismo reeval\u00faa sus h\u00e1bitos para adoptar otros m\u00e1s estoicos sugeridos por S\u00f3crates. Sin embargo, como resultado de la transformaci\u00f3n intensa que sufre Dan respecto a su viejo ser, se empieza a ver m\u00e1s desconcentrado en sus pr\u00e1cticas en el gimnasio y empieza a cuestionar los resultados de las lecciones de S\u00f3crates, adem\u00e1s de juzgarlo por no ser una persona exitosa ya que solo dedica a una estaci\u00f3n de servicios. Dan decide entonces rechazar las ense\u00f1anzas y los h\u00e1bitos de su maestro para volver a como era antes. Naturalmente todo vuelve a ser como en el pasado, hasta que a ra\u00edz de su impaciencia caracter\u00edstica Dan cruza con el sem\u00e1foro en rojo y choca con un auto; como resultado del accidente Dan se fractura una de sus piernas en 21 pedazos. Afortunadamente es llevado al hospital y sobrevive, sin embargo los m\u00e9dicos se ven obligados a implantar una barra de metal en su pierna para mantener la integridad de esta. Finalmente el entrenador de Dan considera que ya no es apropiado que \u00e9l compita y Dan se siente profundamente herido por esto.\n
\nDan en medio de su furia destruye todos sus trofeos, y tiene una pesadilla donde casi se suicida; pero termina dejando ir a la versi\u00f3n pasada de su ser. De esta manera Dan acepta el presente tal y como es pero, con la pregunta interna de c\u00f3mo redefinirse, vuelve a buscar a S\u00f3crates. Otra vez, mediante las lecciones Dan llega a la autorrealizaci\u00f3n de que siempre hay algo ocurriendo y que por lo tanto no debe tener miedo a lo que sigue en su vida a medida de que se redefine. Dan as\u00ed decide disculparse con aquellos que hiri\u00f3 en el pasado. Finalmente S\u00f3crates lo convence de que no tiene que abandonar su sue\u00f1o, y de que incluso as\u00ed en su estado f\u00edsico puede trabajar en su gimnasia. Dan inicialmente es reacio a la opci\u00f3n ya qu\u00e9 ya hab\u00eda aceptado su condici\u00f3n pero cede y empieza a entrenar nuevamente. A ra\u00edz de esto Dan pr\u00e1cticamente se recupera totalmente y vuelve a pedirle a su entrenador que reconsidere la opci\u00f3n de que compita en los clasificatorios nacionales. El entrenador sin embargo se lo niega y Dan se vuelve a sentir perdido.\n
\nS\u00f3crates ve esto y le propone a Dan una excursi\u00f3n en la cual Dan aprende una \u00faltima lecci\u00f3n: el viaje es lo que da la felicidad, no el objetivo en s\u00ed. Dan as\u00ed entiende que har\u00e1 gimnasia simplemente porque es lo que ama, m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de las medallas y \u00e9xitos que eso le conlleve. Dan vuelve al gimnasio y realiza sus ejercicios como antes, m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de la aprobaci\u00f3n de su entrenador y est\u00e9 finalmente se convence de que Dan est\u00e1 en capacidad de competir.\n
\nLa pel\u00edcula concluye con Dan buscando a su maestro para verlo antes de los clasificatorios pero S\u00f3crates ya no est\u00e1 en la estaci\u00f3n de servicio. Dan reflexiona que al final aquella maniobra imposible de S\u00f3crates ya no importa. Luego, en la competici\u00f3n Dan se prepara para su actuaci\u00f3n mientras conversa con su compa\u00f1ero quien es un reflejo de algunos de los valores que Dan ten\u00eda en el pasado. Finalmente, Dan comienza su actuaci\u00f3n final situ\u00e1ndose completamente en el instante presente tal como lo hab\u00eda aprendido de su maestro y finaliza su acto ante la mirada at\u00f3nita de los asistentes.\n
\n\n## Relaci\u00f3n con la vida\n\n\n>\u201cLuche por lo que usted quiere en la vida, y que es lo que quiere en la vida\u2026 usted solo sabe\u201d. \n\n
\nConversaci\u00f3n detr\u00e1s de la quebrada cerca de mi casa...\n\n
\n\nLa pel\u00edcula toca varios temas de orden filos\u00f3fico debido a la afici\u00f3n del maestro hacia la filosof\u00eda griega y en particular a S\u00f3crates, el maestro de Plat\u00f3n. As\u00ed vemos que se exploran constantemente temas diversos como la idea de que \u201cuna vida que no se cuestiona, no merece ser vivida\u201d originalmente de S\u00f3crates (el personaje hist\u00f3rico real) y de que \u201clo \u00fanico constante es el cambio\u201d de Her\u00e1clito. Sin embargo hay tres temas constantes en la pel\u00edcula:\n
\n1. Vivir en el momento (esta idea tiene or\u00edgenes budistas y en la filosof\u00eda greco-romana bajo el carpe diem)\n2. \u00bfQu\u00e9 es la felicidad y c\u00f3mo se obtiene?\n3. \u00bfQuienes somos?\n\n### Sobre la acci\u00f3n transiente\n\n\nEl primer tema se refiere a la idea de que al aferrarnos a lo que fu\u00e9 (el pasado) y a lo que puede ser (el futuro) no logramos disfrutar, ni concentrarnos, ni vivir en el momento, es as\u00ed como terminamos infelices y descontentos con el instante presente; incapaces de dar nuestro potencial completo. Esta idea es pues muy notable en los casos donde nuestra actuaci\u00f3n es principalmente transiente como en los deportes, la m\u00fasica, la actuaci\u00f3n, etc. En lo personal mi experiencia ha sido del lado m\u00e1s musical donde notoriamente existe el fen\u00f3meno de \u201cpar\u00e1lisis por an\u00e1lisis\u201d. Esto se puede ilustrar con el \u201cdilema del ciempi\u00e9s\u201d de Katherine Craster:\n
\n\n>Un ciempi\u00e9s paseaba contento
\n>Hasta que un sapo burl\u00f3n
\n>Le dijo: \u00abCu\u00e9ntame, \u00bfen qu\u00e9 orden mueves las patas?\u00bb
\n>Le llen\u00f3 de dudas hasta tal punto
\n>Que cay\u00f3 exhausto en el camino
\n>Sin saber c\u00f3mo correr.
\n\n\nB\u00e1sicamente la idea es que si piensas demasiado en c\u00f3mo hacerlo, o en las consecuencias de equivocarse, etc lo m\u00e1s probable es que falles como efecto retroalimentado de tu propia ansiedad y de tu propia desvinculaci\u00f3n con el acto en s\u00ed. Sin embargo en un acto acad\u00e9mico esto tambi\u00e9n tiene su contraparte, por ejemplo durante la resoluci\u00f3n de ex\u00e1menes. En general recuerdo un profesor que dec\u00eda que ya en el momento de la ejecuci\u00f3n del ex\u00e1men lo mejor que se puede hacer es creerse un genio, sobretodo cuando uno ha llegado mal preparado a este. Esto es debido a que al creerse un genio al menos durante ese breve periodo de tiempo aumentas la probabilidad de dar lo mejor de ti simple y llanamente porque evitas caer en inseguridades y ansiedades provenientes de dudar de tus propias respuestas, adem\u00e1s de ahorrar tiempo como resultado. Por otra parte si escoges las preguntas con las que te sientas mejor preparado al principio ver\u00e1s que la confianza que surge de responderlas bien te ayudar\u00e1 a sentirte mejor para las que vienen. En general podemos ver como nuestra propia actitud emocional ante la actividad que realicemos afecta nuestra efectividad.\n
\n\n### Un problema de definici\u00f3n\n\n\nLos otros dos temas se pueden tratar simult\u00e1neamente, ya que en cierta manera la definici\u00f3n de nosotros mismos afecta en medida la forma en que entendemos ser felices. \u00bfSomos felices porque somos nosotros, porque alcanzamos nuestros objetivos, o por qu\u00e9 exactamente?. \u00bfNos definimos a partir de nuestros objetivos? \u00bfQu\u00e9 pasa si no somos capaces de controlar aquellos objetivos, si a pesar de todo nuestro esfuerzo esos objetivos podr\u00edan no cumplirse? En la pel\u00edcula es muy claro el peligro de definirse mediante metas debido a que no tenemos control ante ciertas circunstancias, como lo puede ser un accidente.\n
\n\n\nAqu\u00ed es relevante una percepci\u00f3n cultural de la cual no estoy seguro cu\u00e1n general es alrededor del mundo: la idea de \u201cestudiar para ser alguien en la vida\u201d. Como tal aqu\u00ed vemos expl\u00edcito la idea de definirse mediante una profesi\u00f3n: soy artista, soy m\u00e9dico, soy deportista, soy ingeniero, etc. Lo cierto es que la profesi\u00f3n es tan solo una de las tantas aristas por la cual una persona puede tratar de definirse, el riesgo es pues que uno podr\u00eda equivaler el \u00e9xito en la profesi\u00f3n como indicador de nuestra felicidad. Siempre habr\u00e1 una persona mejor y peor que t\u00fa en tu profesi\u00f3n y esto es por lo menos cierto para todo el conjunto de personas en tu profesi\u00f3n excepto dos.\n
\n\n>\u201cSi soy un ingeniero en el tercer mundo probablemente no soy alguien realmente, deber\u00eda ir al primer mundo y tener \u00e9xito all\u00e1 para ser alguien\u201d.\n\n\nMe pregunto cuantos estudiantes y profesionales de los campos STEM (Ciencia, Tecnolog\u00eda, Ingenier\u00eda, y Matem\u00e1ticas en ingl\u00e9s) en latinoam\u00e9rica (y en general pa\u00edses en v\u00edas de desarrollo) tendr\u00e1n dicha percepci\u00f3n; por lo menos uno, que soy yo. Si uno tiene el sue\u00f1o de ser premio nobel pero es nacido en un pa\u00eds en v\u00edas de desarrollo pues las posibilidades son muy bajas, pero es posible. De hecho est\u00e1n dados los casos de varios nobeles de literatura y de la paz latinoamericanos y algunos en los nobel de qu\u00edmica. Sin embargo hasta ahora no hay ning\u00fan medallista Fields (equivalente al premio nobel de matem\u00e1tica) latinoamericano. Entonces para un matem\u00e1tico es pr\u00e1cticamente un accidente haber nacido ac\u00e1. Sin embargo, mediante conversaciones con personas profesionales y estudiantes que han visitado el extranjero el asunto no es un problema de talento o de potencial sino de recursos. El primer mundo no tiene personas considerablemente m\u00e1s talentosas, sino simplemente m\u00e1s recursos para potenciarlas. Y es que aparentemente en el extranjero todo es mejor, lo cual probablemente sea verdad\u2026 Pero la idea de que el \u00e9xito solo se puede obtener en el extranjero es debatible. Definir \u201cel \u00e9xito\u201d es pues un asunto dif\u00edcil. El \u00e9xito es \u00bfreconocimiento?, \u00bfimpacto?, \u00bfel fruto de un trabajo bien hecho?, \u00bfriqueza?. As\u00ed como me pregunto cuantos estudiantes y profesionales latinoamericanos plantean el \u00e9xito mediante la migraci\u00f3n, me pregunto cuantos acad\u00e9micos, profesionales, estudiantes de posgrado, en los pa\u00edses desarrollados sue\u00f1an con ver un impacto real de su trabajo en la sociedad, en las comunidades y dem\u00e1s. Pienso que la evoluci\u00f3n natural de una persona una vez obtenga reconocimiento profesional es hacerse esa pregunta\u2026 \u00bfCu\u00e1nto realmente impacta mi trabajo de forma positiva en el mundo?. Ciertamente, el hecho de que tu trabajo tenga influencia sobre una comunidad le a\u00f1ade significado, esta es la idea del \u201csignificado mediante la comunidad\u201d, o del \u201csoy parte de algo m\u00e1s grande, y a trav\u00e9s mi contribuci\u00f3n a eso me defino\u201d. Esto se puede ver en la pel\u00edcula mediante el personaje de S\u00f3crates y su afici\u00f3n al arte del servicio. Realmente juzgar por qu\u00e9 medio es mejor definirse: \u201cser el mejor\u201d (meta individual) o \u201cgenerar impacto comunitario\u201d (meta colectiva), es debatible.\n
\n\n### El problema de la elecci\u00f3n\n\n\nDefinirse a trav\u00e9s de una profesi\u00f3n es a su vez dif\u00edcil porque muchas veces dicha profesi\u00f3n est\u00e1 asociada con una pasi\u00f3n inherente que las personas deben tener\u2026 Si uno tiene una pasi\u00f3n concreta la idea de \u201cseguir tu pasi\u00f3n\u201d es muy buena, el problema surge en los otros dos casos: a) tienes muchas pasiones y te cuesta elegir, y b) no tienes ninguna pasi\u00f3n en particular. Me atrever\u00eda a decir que la mayor\u00eda de la gente cae en alguno de esos dos casos m\u00e1s que en el caso ideal. Entonces\u2026 \u00bfqu\u00e9 hacemos el resto de los mortales?. Cal Newport plantea para el caso de que no se tiene una pasi\u00f3n el hecho de que uno no se debe preocupar por encontrarla, ya que esta pasi\u00f3n (o satisfacci\u00f3n profesional) m\u00e1s que algo innato es algo que se construye a medida que se va adquiriendo experticia en tu oficio. El postula que una profesi\u00f3n viable para obtener la satisfacci\u00f3n personal debe cumplir 3 requerimientos: 1) Que por lo menos tengas inter\u00e9s en el \u00e1rea. 2) Que puedas crecer en ella, es decir que puedas desarrollarte y ascender en tu oficio. 3) Que no colisione con tus valores personales (que sientas que no perjudica al mundo activamente por ejemplo). Por otro lado para el caso en que simplemente tenemos demasiadas pasiones posibles la idea es librarte de algunas de ellas ya que, m\u00e1s que alimentarte, las excedentes te distraer\u00e1n de concentrarte en la prioritaria. En cierta manera esto tiene que ver con la paradoja de la elecci\u00f3n: cuando hay demasiados posibles caminos es muy dif\u00edcil elegir (Barry Schwartz). El hecho de tener demasiadas posibilidades abiertas te hace menos libre parad\u00f3jicamente; cualquiera que elijas te har\u00e1 preguntarte qu\u00e9 hubiese pasado al escoger la otra. Es por esto que la libertad se puede alcanzar mediante el compromiso (Mark Manson), y por lo cual pertenecer nos hace libres... libres de porfin poder autorrealizarnos en lo que escogimos.\n
\n\n\nEl problema de la elecci\u00f3n es algo a lo que me he enfrentado continuamente. Cuando me gradu\u00e9 de bachiller ten\u00eda intereses claros: me gustaba la m\u00fasica, la f\u00edsica y la filosof\u00eda. Combine la dos primeras en la meta de estudiar ingenier\u00eda de sonido y la \u00faltima simplemente decid\u00ed explorarla como hobbie. Como la ingenier\u00eda de sonido no era una carrera de universidad p\u00fablica me fui por su madre: la ingenier\u00eda electr\u00f3nica. As\u00ed mis primeros tres a\u00f1os de la universidad en ingenier\u00eda electr\u00f3nica constituyeron en explorar de forma extracurricular la ingenier\u00eda de sonido adem\u00e1s de trabajar como m\u00fasico en competencias de gaitas venezolanas intercolegiales. Al tiempo trat\u00e9 de estudiar en un conservatorio de m\u00fasica. Lo cierto es que es muy dif\u00edcil mantener dicho ritmo cuando pasas a los semestres m\u00e1s fuertes. Y tuve que abandonar esos oficios extras, como respuesta a esto particip\u00e9 en la fundaci\u00f3n del Club de Audio de la universidad y segu\u00ed participando en grupos musicales pero dentro del campus. B\u00e1sicamente en esos primeros tres a\u00f1os de universidad adquir\u00ed todo el conocimiento y pr\u00e1ctica que pude acerca de m\u00fasica e ingenier\u00eda de sonido. Sin embargo, al final me di cuenta que la ingenier\u00eda de sonido no era lo m\u00edo, al menos a nivel intelectual no me llenaba completamente y decid\u00ed vivir la m\u00fasica tambi\u00e9n como hobbie junto con la filosof\u00eda. En esos momentos tuve que redefinirme ya que hasta entonces lo hab\u00eda hecho a trav\u00e9s de mis intereses musicales. Mi pasi\u00f3n por la ingenier\u00eda de sonido paso a la ingenier\u00eda ac\u00fastica, luego a los sistemas microelectromec\u00e1nicos (MEMS), luego a la ac\u00fastica del ultrasonido. De ah\u00ed se me abri\u00f3 el campo ya que este \u00faltimo tiene aplicaciones m\u00e9dicas y as\u00ed es como salte a la ingenier\u00eda biom\u00e9dica y la bioingenier\u00eda. Comenc\u00e9 con intereses en la bioinstrumentaci\u00f3n y en el procesamiento de biose\u00f1ales; luego me empezaron a interesar los aspectos m\u00e1s biol\u00f3gicos como la biolog\u00eda de sistemas y la biolog\u00eda sint\u00e9tica. Estas \u00faltimas \u00e1reas ya se sal\u00edan de mi campo de electr\u00f3nica demasiado por lo que volv\u00ed a enfocarme en procesamiento de se\u00f1ales. Finalmente desemboque interes\u00e1ndome en el campo de sistemas complejos, la ciencia de datos y la epistemolog\u00eda de ambos; ya que esos tres campos abarcaban a nivel general todos esos intereses qu\u00e9 hab\u00eda tenido en el pasado. Sin embargo todo est\u00e1 sujeto a cambios y es por ello que definirse mediante intereses, profesiones, pasiones puede no ser la mejor idea.\n
\n\n### La definici\u00f3n mediante valores\n\n\nUna opci\u00f3n menos vol\u00e1til para definirse como persona es optar por tus valores ya que el supuesto es que estos son m\u00e1s constantes y son relativamente independientes de factores que no puedas controlar como accidentes y (en mi caso) de cambios constantes de intereses. La incertidumbre se puede presentar en cualquier momento de nuestras vidas pero podemos enfrentarnos a ella mediante nuestros valores. As\u00ed es posible definirse como una persona honesta, respetuosa, etc. Pero \u00bfc\u00f3mo podemos definir nuestra felicidad en ese \u00e1mbito si no hay un objetivo en s\u00ed? Uno puede ver la felicidad como el resultado de cumplir con los valores que has escogido para definirte. Es decir, a pesar de que surjan adversidades se puede ser feliz si te mantienes fiel a ti mismo. Y sin embargo\u2026 a pesar de que la idea es atrayente uno puede encontrarse infeliz en determinados momentos. A mi parecer culturalmente ponemos demasiado valor en ser felices, como si tal fuera el motivo de vivir. Y esa presi\u00f3n de ser felices nos causa ansiedad. La vida trae consigo muchas otras emociones que experimentar porque m\u00e1s que un asunto de felicidad, es un asunto de salud emocional. Es correcto sentir lo que sientes en tus circunstancias, y a medida de que uno se transforma a s\u00ed mismo, transformamos nuestras propias emociones. En la pel\u00edcula vemos que Dan pasa por m\u00faltiples emociones para poder redefinirse y en esos momentos Dan no ten\u00eda que ser feliz, sino que ten\u00eda que experimentar dichas emociones tal cual se daban. Para m\u00ed m\u00e1s que un problema de felicidad es un problema de concentraci\u00f3n; los momentos que m\u00e1s disfruto son aquellos donde estoy m\u00e1s concentrado: en un partido de f\u00fatbol, en una fiesta, en el resolver de un problema matem\u00e1tico, al programar, al jugar, al escribir. Es precisamente en esos instantes donde uno est\u00e1 concentrado que uno \u201cvive en el momento\u201d como dice la pel\u00edcula. Ni el pasado, ni el futuro existen cuando estas concentrado. Solo existe el ahora y la acci\u00f3n que realizas. En ese sentido para definirme agregu\u00e9 a esos valores m\u00e1s comunes (honestidad, respeto, solidaridad, etc) el valor de la concentraci\u00f3n, entendida como la idea de buscar estar inmerso en aquello que hago. Otro valor por el cual me defino es hacer cosas que yo quiera (no exclusivamente claro est\u00e1). No me importa d\u00f3nde terminar\u00e9 yendo, si vuelvo a Venezuela, si me quedo en Colombia, o si viajo a un pa\u00eds desarrollado ya que donde sea que est\u00e9 s\u00e9 que har\u00e9 algo interesante por lo menos.\n
\n\n### El problema del cambio y conclusi\u00f3n\n\n\nA\u00fan as\u00ed nuestros valores est\u00e1n modulados por las experiencias que vamos obteniendo a trav\u00e9s de nuestras vidas, en otras palabras, no son inmutables. Yo plantear\u00eda que para definirse no hay una sola forma correcta. En principio esto es porque el problema de por qu\u00e9 existimos no est\u00e1 resuelto. La pel\u00edcula hace \u00e9nfasis en versiones estoicas de la respuesta mediante el personaje de S\u00f3crates, pero como tal la filosof\u00eda no ha llegado a una respuesta \u00fanica (\u00bfni llegar\u00e1?). Por cada respuesta estoica que me den puedo generar respuestas existenciales, hedonistas, absurdistas, nihilistas, etc; e incluso una autoctona colombiana: el nadaismo. En ese sentido, el personaje de S\u00f3crates de la pel\u00edcula no tiene la \u00faltima palabra, pero en su defensa, probablemente nadie la tendr\u00e1.\n
\n\n\nPero entonces, \u00bfc\u00f3mo respondemos la pregunta de c\u00f3mo definirnos correctamente? Ya vimos que no hay forma certera de hacerlo y entonces la \u00fanica opci\u00f3n es estar abiertos a la posibilidad de redefinici\u00f3n personal. Este es el ideal de \u201clo \u00fanico constante es el cambio\u201d que mencione al inicio. Si uno es capaz de redefinirse no debe tener miedo ante la adversidad ya que sabe que hallar\u00e1 al menos una manera.\n
"id": "perfection-is-paralyzing",
"url": "./../bubbles/perfection-is-paralyzing",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "perfection is paralyzing",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Perfection is Paralyzing\n---\n```\n\n[[paralysis-by-analysis]]\n[[fear-of-failure]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[fear-of-failure]: ./../bubbles/fear-of-failure \"fear-of-failure\"\n[paralysis-by-analysis]: ./../bubbles/paralysis-by-analysis \"paralysis-by-analysis\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Perfection is Paralyzing\n---\n```\n\n[[paralysis-by-analysis]]\n[[fear-of-failure]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[fear-of-failure]: ./../bubbles/fear-of-failure \"fear-of-failure\"\n[paralysis-by-analysis]: ./../bubbles/paralysis-by-analysis \"paralysis-by-analysis\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "perspective-reality",
"url": "./../bubbles/perspective-reality",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "perspective reality",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Perspective Reality\n---\n```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Perspective Reality\n---\n```"
"id": "philosophy-jokes",
"url": "./../bubbles/philosophy-jokes",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "philosophy jokes",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Philosophy Jokes\n---\n```\n\n## An engineer, a scientist, a mathematician, and a philosopher\n\n>An engineer, a scientist, a mathematician, and a philosopher are hiking through the hills of Scotland, when they see a lone black sheep in a field.\n\n>The engineer says, \u201cWhat do you know, it looks like the sheep around here are black.\u201d The scientist looks at him skeptically and replies, \u201cWell, at least some of them are.\u201d The mathematician considers this for a moment and replies, \u201cWell, at least one of them is.\u201d Then the philosopher turns to them and says, \u201cWell, at least on one side.\u201d\n\n[source](https://spot.colorado.edu/~huemer/philjoke.htm)\n\n## A boy is about to go on his first date\n\n>A boy is about to go on his first date, and his father gives him the following advice: \u201cIf you ever don\u2019t know what to talk about, just remember the three F\u2019s: food, family, and philosophy. You can always start a conversation about one of those subjects.\u201d\n\n>The boy picks up his date and they go to a soda fountain. Ice cream sodas in front of them, they stare at each other for a long time, as the boy\u2019s nervousness builds. He remembers his father\u2019s advice, and chooses the first topic. He asks the girl: \u201cDo you like potato pancakes?\u201d She says \u201cNo,\u201d and the silence returns.\n\n>After a few more uncomfortable minutes, the boy thinks of his father\u2019s suggestion and turns to the second item on the list. He asks, \u201cDo you have a brother?\u201d The girl says \u201cNo,\u201d and there is silence once again.\n\n>The boy then plays his last card. He thinks of his father\u2019s advice and asks the girl: \u201cIf you had a brother, would he like potato pancakes?\u201d\n\n[source](https://spot.colorado.edu/~huemer/philjoke.htm)\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Philosophy Jokes\n---\n```\n\n## An engineer, a scientist, a mathematician, and a philosopher\n\n>An engineer, a scientist, a mathematician, and a philosopher are hiking through the hills of Scotland, when they see a lone black sheep in a field.\n\n>The engineer says, \u201cWhat do you know, it looks like the sheep around here are black.\u201d The scientist looks at him skeptically and replies, \u201cWell, at least some of them are.\u201d The mathematician considers this for a moment and replies, \u201cWell, at least one of them is.\u201d Then the philosopher turns to them and says, \u201cWell, at least on one side.\u201d\n\n[source](https://spot.colorado.edu/~huemer/philjoke.htm)\n\n## A boy is about to go on his first date\n\n>A boy is about to go on his first date, and his father gives him the following advice: \u201cIf you ever don\u2019t know what to talk about, just remember the three F\u2019s: food, family, and philosophy. You can always start a conversation about one of those subjects.\u201d\n\n>The boy picks up his date and they go to a soda fountain. Ice cream sodas in front of them, they stare at each other for a long time, as the boy\u2019s nervousness builds. He remembers his father\u2019s advice, and chooses the first topic. He asks the girl: \u201cDo you like potato pancakes?\u201d She says \u201cNo,\u201d and the silence returns.\n\n>After a few more uncomfortable minutes, the boy thinks of his father\u2019s suggestion and turns to the second item on the list. He asks, \u201cDo you have a brother?\u201d The girl says \u201cNo,\u201d and there is silence once again.\n\n>The boy then plays his last card. He thinks of his father\u2019s advice and asks the girl: \u201cIf you had a brother, would he like potato pancakes?\u201d\n\n[source](https://spot.colorado.edu/~huemer/philjoke.htm)"
"id": "phosphenes",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "phosphenes",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "phrase-compression",
@@ -1057,21 +1057,21 @@
"url": "./../dirs/poems",
"category": "dirs",
"title": "poems",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Poems\n---\n```\n\nThese are kind of cringe but... I'm keeping them here for now.\n\n\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Poems\n---\n```\n\nThese are kind of cringe but... I'm keeping them here for now.\n\n"
"id": "por-las-ramas",
"url": "./../bubbles/por-las-ramas",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "por las ramas",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Por las Ramas\n---\n```\n\nA methodology from Biohacking Colombia.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Por las Ramas\n---\n```\n\nA methodology from Biohacking Colombia."
"id": "primary-visual-cortex",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "primary-visual-cortex",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "problem-solvingly",
@@ -1085,28 +1085,28 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "psychedelic-cryptography",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "psychedelics",
"url": "./../bubbles/psychedelics",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "psychedelics",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Psychedelics\"\n---\n```\n\n- What is the relation between psychedelics and myths? [Some thoughts from Sam Wolfe](https://www.samwoolfe.com/2013/09/ancient-motifs-in-psychedelic.html)\n\nThis is a rabbit hole, I could spend a lot of time thinking about:\n\n[[psychedelic-cryptography]]\n[[cognition-and-myths]] I wonder if AI cognitive systems could have their own myth. How does Joseph Campbell's monomyth relate to AI?\n[[ai-and-myths]]\n[[psychedelics-and-criticality]]\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Psychedelics\"\n---\n```\n\n- What is the relation between psychedelics and myths? [Some thoughts from Sam Wolfe](https://www.samwoolfe.com/2013/09/ancient-motifs-in-psychedelic.html)\n\nThis is a rabbit hole, I could spend a lot of time thinking about:\n\n[[psychedelic-cryptography]]\n[[cognition-and-myths]] I wonder if AI cognitive systems could have their own myth. How does Joseph Campbell's monomyth relate to AI?\n[[ai-and-myths]]\n[[psychedelics-and-criticality]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "psychedelics-and-criticality",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "psychedelics-and-criticality",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
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"id": "random-matrices-and-brain",
"url": "./../bubbles/random-matrices-and-brain",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "random matrices and the brain",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Random Matrices and the Brain\n---\n```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Random Matrices and the Brain\n---\n```"
"id": "rapt-attention",
@@ -1120,28 +1120,28 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "recognition-vs-recall thing",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
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"url": "./../bubbles/representation",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "representation",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Representation\n---\n```\n\n- Irina Rish, [[learn-from-the-machine]]\n- How do humans represent the world in their mind and brain?\n- Representation in matrices --> factorization, remember from Punkis' tutor Archana Venkataraman.\n- Thought experiment: [[imagine-24-balls]]\n- intelligence without representation paper\n- Related to [[algorithms-as-abstract-representations]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[algorithms-as-abstract-representations]: ./../bubbles/algorithms-as-abstract-representations \"algorithms-as-abstract-representations\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[learn-from-the-machine]: ./../bubbles/learn-from-the-machine \"learn-from-the-machine\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
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\n {% if item._frame %}\n
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\n {% if item._frame %}\n
\n {% endif %}\n {% endfor %}\n
"id": "reverse-engineering-games",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "reverse-engineering-games",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "reverse-engineering-of-human-brain-for-the-field-of-artificial-intelligence-parikshit-gupta",
@@ -1163,7 +1163,7 @@
"_sourceurl": "https://www.ijert.org/reverse-engineering-of-human-brain-for-the-field-of-artificial-intelligence",
"_doi": "10.17577/IJERTV9IS050169",
"status": "read-done",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Reverse Engineering of Human Brain for the field of Artificial Intelligence - Parikshit Gupta\nauthors: [\"Parikshit Gupta\"]\nyear: 2020\npublisher: \"International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)\"\nkeywords: [\"Reverse Engineering of Human Brain\", \"Artificial Neural Networks(ANN)\", \"Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN)\"]\nresearch_type: \"Review\"\nrelevance: \"Unknown\"\n_sourceurl: \"https://www.ijert.org/reverse-engineering-of-human-brain-for-the-field-of-artificial-intelligence\"\n_doi: \"10.17577/IJERTV9IS050169\"\nstatus: \"read-done\"\n---\n```\n\nThis document holds my observations for the paper:\n\n```yaml\nReverse Engineering of Human Brain for the field of Artificial Intelligence\n\nAuthor: Parikshit Gupta\n\nURL: https://www.ijert.org/reverse-engineering-of-human-brain-for-the-field-of-artificial-intelligence\n```\n\n## The author\n\nParikshit Gupta is a software developer from Mumbai with machine learning knowledge. So far (December 2021) he has only published the discussed paper.\n\nYou can find him on twitter as [Anonymous07P](https://twitter.com/anonymous07p).\n\n## TLDR\n\nThis article mainly discusses how the results of \"reverse engineering\" the brain have permeated towards AI, and in particular Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs); along with some comparisons regarding the differences betweens these networks and Biological Neural Networks.\n\n## Introduction\n\n- Defines \"Reverse Engineering\" (the citation is a bit dated as it is from the 90s).\n- Some context of reverse engineering in software. It is not clear why such context is important for a paper in the AI field, I guess it follows from his background in software development.\n- [[biomimicry]] to defend the case of reverse engineering the brain to advance AI.\n- Some intro to the scale and structure of the brain as a network of neurons.\n- Author mentions that \"by reverse engineering neuroscientists have\nbeen able to understand the brain to a pretty good extent\". I think this is debatable as from what I know we are only a surface understanding.\n- Follows the idea of \"doing-before-knowing\" at some point. Basically that one can build something without understanding how it works (ie building planes before understanding how birds fly). I have heard this argument to from the professor Alvaro Gaviria (\"El Mazo\", UdeA) too... although he phrased it as \"se puede porque se pudo\" (it can be done because we could) and he contextualized it as a fundamental difference between the engineering and science approach. Similar perspectives [can be found randomly on the internet](https://www.reddit.com/r/MachineLearning/comments/cs9j5i/comment/exe18d1/). I think this topic ([[building-before-knowing]]) would make a good discussion on epistemology.\n- Ends the intro by shortly defining ANNs and CNNs.\n\n## Reverse engineering of the human brain\n\nThis part is divided in two sections. Overall it is really basic and may be skipped for someone already familiar with neurobiology.\n\n### Working of the human brain\n\n- Some discussion on the [[connectome]], its importance, usefullness, and possible making.\n- Argues for a modular structure of the brain (as it having specialized parts for particular tasks). This is debatable ( [[modularism-vs-holism-in-neuroscience]] ).\n- There is a prevalent view of the [[brain-as-a-computer]] :\n\n>For learning and performing task we need data be it the case of human brain or any machine-based algorithm. Human brain gets these data through five senses: Taste, Touch, Locate, Notice, and Hearing. These sources provide frequently numerous data at one time. The brain collects all these data and stores the important parts into our memory. Depending on the data received it reacts in various circumstances by controlling various functionalities of our body like heart and breathing rates.\n\nDespite the simplification of [humans having only 5 senses](https://www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/how-many-senses-do-we-have/), the idea is understood... basically senses=sensors that collect data. I think it would have been nice to acknowledge the [[brain-as-a-computer]] paradigm it takes for granted.\n\n- Views the neuron as the smallest processing unit.\n\n- The author gives a high-level abstraction of the human brain reminiscent of an input/ouput model but using receptor and effector terminology and with feedback loops.\n\n\n\n>image from the aforementioned article, CC BY 4.0\n\n### Working of the Biological Neural Network\n\nThis part basically is a collections of fundamentals of neurobiology: neurons,soma,dendrites,axons,action potential, etc.\n\nAlthough not explicitly mentioned, it refers to the hebbian learning principle when explaining how neurons learn.\n\nIt ends with the idea of layers of neurons.\n\n## Advances In Computer Science As A Result Of Reverse Engineering The Human Brain\n\nIn my view, this is the most important part of the article. First, it remakes the case for [[biomimicry]] and then presents three sections, regarding the influence of brain's reverse engineering on AI, ANNs and CNNs.\n\n### Artificial Intelligence(AI)\n\nThis is the weakest section of the three as the subject matter is too broad. Overall is just a recapitulation of [[biomimicry]], [[brain-as-a-computer]] and a model of an agent immersed in an environment with whom he interacts.\n\n### Artificial Neural Networks(ANNs)\n\n- It clarifies that the artificial neuron is loosely based on the animal neuron.\n- Has an interesting interpretation of the weights from one of the cited papers:\n\n>The processing ability of the network is stored in the interunit connection strengths, or weights, obtained by a process of adaptation to, or learning from, a set of training patterns.\n\n- Then the author explains some basics of ANNs, their types, the fundamental training algorithm,etc.\n\n- Ends with the real discussion of the paper:\n - ANNs can be thought of as disentangled models of the BNNs.\n \n - For researchers interested in the brain ANNs should try to capture the \"data handling highlights\" of BNNs.\n - For engineers this constraint is not that important.\n - The parallel processing nature of ANNs, is interesting for engineers.\n\n### Convolutional Neural Networks(CNNs)\n\nI think this last section is the most interesting of the whole paper.\n\n- Defines (in suggestion of a cited source) the CNNs as \"a specialized ANN for processing data that has a known grid-like topology\".\n\n- Then, some similarities are drawn between CNNs and the [[primary-visual-cortex]] (PVC) and the [[inferotemporal-cortex]] (ITC). See the paper for more clarification as I couldnt summarize it as I dont yet understand it fully. What i took is that the CNN:\n\n - Has 2D maps as features, similar to the PVC (source?)\n - Its neuron units imitate the spatially localized receptive field of the PVC. I guess at least in some of the artificial layers.\n - Apparently those neurons also are a linear function of the image projected to them (not exactly sure why though?), and supposedly this is similar to the PVC.\n - Cross channel pooling (idk what that is) allow for invariance against linear shifts. Somehow this imitates the PVC too.\n - The Fully Connected Ouput Layer (FCOL) imitates the ITC.\n - Apparently the info goes through many layers reminescent of the PVC and then ends with the FCOL as the ITC.\n - The ITC seems to collect information from ALL of the neurons just before it. Thus inspiring the FCOL.\n\n- After the similarities, goes on with the differences:\n - The main one, is that CNN is mostly about spatial features. The temporal dimension is not accounted for, which the brain do incorporate. He argues combining CNNs and RNNs into a network supporting spatiotemporal features would be fruitful.\n - The brain also incoporates and connects information from other senses, not only visual info.\n - The other similarities exist on the spatial side, even though is the one being imitated:\n - Human eye is low res (except for the fovea). Not accounted for in CNNs\n - No context/scenario awareness for the CNNs, which the brain does.\n - No feedback loops, which are really common in BNNs.\n\n- Finally, the author restates that CNNs are mainly for grid-like data and that they are scalable; making them great for image-based problems. There is a lot of inspiration from the brain, but still lots of differences and possible ways to incorporate more ideas from the brain.\n\n- I feel that this section is missing a lot of relevant literature that could have traced the provenance of these primordial claims; as they constitute the real substance of the paper.\n\n## The conclusion of the author\n\nThe conclusion is somewhat shallow when compared to the last section. Basically, a lot done, very useful and lots of things to explore in the neuro-ai area.\n\n## The references\n\nI think the paper could have explored more references, in example:\n\n- Neuroscience-Inspired Artificial Intelligence, Demis Hassabis et al, 2017.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[biomimicry]: ./../bubbles/biomimicry \"biomimicry\"\n[biomimicry]: ./../bubbles/biomimicry \"biomimicry\"\n[biomimicry]: ./../bubbles/biomimicry \"biomimicry\"\n[brain-as-a-computer]: ./../bubbles/brain-as-a-computer \"brain-as-a-computer\"\n[brain-as-a-computer]: ./../bubbles/brain-as-a-computer \"brain-as-a-computer\"\n[brain-as-a-computer]: ./../bubbles/brain-as-a-computer \"brain-as-a-computer\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[modularism-vs-holism-in-neuroscience]: ./../bubbles/modularism-vs-holism-in-neuroscience \"modularism-vs-holism-in-neuroscience\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Reverse Engineering of Human Brain for the field of Artificial Intelligence - Parikshit Gupta\nauthors: [\"Parikshit Gupta\"]\nyear: 2020\npublisher: \"International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)\"\nkeywords: [\"Reverse Engineering of Human Brain\", \"Artificial Neural Networks(ANN)\", \"Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN)\"]\nresearch_type: \"Review\"\nrelevance: \"Unknown\"\n_sourceurl: \"https://www.ijert.org/reverse-engineering-of-human-brain-for-the-field-of-artificial-intelligence\"\n_doi: \"10.17577/IJERTV9IS050169\"\nstatus: \"read-done\"\n---\n```\n\nThis document holds my observations for the paper:\n\n```yaml\nReverse Engineering of Human Brain for the field of Artificial Intelligence\n\nAuthor: Parikshit Gupta\n\nURL: https://www.ijert.org/reverse-engineering-of-human-brain-for-the-field-of-artificial-intelligence\n```\n\n## The author\n\nParikshit Gupta is a software developer from Mumbai with machine learning knowledge. So far (December 2021) he has only published the discussed paper.\n\nYou can find him on twitter as [Anonymous07P](https://twitter.com/anonymous07p).\n\n## TLDR\n\nThis article mainly discusses how the results of \"reverse engineering\" the brain have permeated towards AI, and in particular Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs); along with some comparisons regarding the differences betweens these networks and Biological Neural Networks.\n\n## Introduction\n\n- Defines \"Reverse Engineering\" (the citation is a bit dated as it is from the 90s).\n- Some context of reverse engineering in software. It is not clear why such context is important for a paper in the AI field, I guess it follows from his background in software development.\n- [[biomimicry]] to defend the case of reverse engineering the brain to advance AI.\n- Some intro to the scale and structure of the brain as a network of neurons.\n- Author mentions that \"by reverse engineering neuroscientists have\nbeen able to understand the brain to a pretty good extent\". I think this is debatable as from what I know we are only a surface understanding.\n- Follows the idea of \"doing-before-knowing\" at some point. Basically that one can build something without understanding how it works (ie building planes before understanding how birds fly). I have heard this argument to from the professor Alvaro Gaviria (\"El Mazo\", UdeA) too... although he phrased it as \"se puede porque se pudo\" (it can be done because we could) and he contextualized it as a fundamental difference between the engineering and science approach. Similar perspectives [can be found randomly on the internet](https://www.reddit.com/r/MachineLearning/comments/cs9j5i/comment/exe18d1/). I think this topic ([[building-before-knowing]]) would make a good discussion on epistemology.\n- Ends the intro by shortly defining ANNs and CNNs.\n\n## Reverse engineering of the human brain\n\nThis part is divided in two sections. Overall it is really basic and may be skipped for someone already familiar with neurobiology.\n\n### Working of the human brain\n\n- Some discussion on the [[connectome]], its importance, usefullness, and possible making.\n- Argues for a modular structure of the brain (as it having specialized parts for particular tasks). This is debatable ( [[modularism-vs-holism-in-neuroscience]] ).\n- There is a prevalent view of the [[brain-as-a-computer]] :\n\n>For learning and performing task we need data be it the case of human brain or any machine-based algorithm. Human brain gets these data through five senses: Taste, Touch, Locate, Notice, and Hearing. These sources provide frequently numerous data at one time. The brain collects all these data and stores the important parts into our memory. Depending on the data received it reacts in various circumstances by controlling various functionalities of our body like heart and breathing rates.\n\nDespite the simplification of [humans having only 5 senses](https://www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/how-many-senses-do-we-have/), the idea is understood... basically senses=sensors that collect data. I think it would have been nice to acknowledge the [[brain-as-a-computer]] paradigm it takes for granted.\n\n- Views the neuron as the smallest processing unit.\n\n- The author gives a high-level abstraction of the human brain reminiscent of an input/ouput model but using receptor and effector terminology and with feedback loops.\n\n\n\n>image from the aforementioned article, CC BY 4.0\n\n### Working of the Biological Neural Network\n\nThis part basically is a collections of fundamentals of neurobiology: neurons,soma,dendrites,axons,action potential, etc.\n\nAlthough not explicitly mentioned, it refers to the hebbian learning principle when explaining how neurons learn.\n\nIt ends with the idea of layers of neurons.\n\n## Advances In Computer Science As A Result Of Reverse Engineering The Human Brain\n\nIn my view, this is the most important part of the article. First, it remakes the case for [[biomimicry]] and then presents three sections, regarding the influence of brain's reverse engineering on AI, ANNs and CNNs.\n\n### Artificial Intelligence(AI)\n\nThis is the weakest section of the three as the subject matter is too broad. Overall is just a recapitulation of [[biomimicry]], [[brain-as-a-computer]] and a model of an agent immersed in an environment with whom he interacts.\n\n### Artificial Neural Networks(ANNs)\n\n- It clarifies that the artificial neuron is loosely based on the animal neuron.\n- Has an interesting interpretation of the weights from one of the cited papers:\n\n>The processing ability of the network is stored in the interunit connection strengths, or weights, obtained by a process of adaptation to, or learning from, a set of training patterns.\n\n- Then the author explains some basics of ANNs, their types, the fundamental training algorithm,etc.\n\n- Ends with the real discussion of the paper:\n - ANNs can be thought of as disentangled models of the BNNs.\n \n - For researchers interested in the brain ANNs should try to capture the \"data handling highlights\" of BNNs.\n - For engineers this constraint is not that important.\n - The parallel processing nature of ANNs, is interesting for engineers.\n\n### Convolutional Neural Networks(CNNs)\n\nI think this last section is the most interesting of the whole paper.\n\n- Defines (in suggestion of a cited source) the CNNs as \"a specialized ANN for processing data that has a known grid-like topology\".\n\n- Then, some similarities are drawn between CNNs and the [[primary-visual-cortex]] (PVC) and the [[inferotemporal-cortex]] (ITC). See the paper for more clarification as I couldnt summarize it as I dont yet understand it fully. What i took is that the CNN:\n\n - Has 2D maps as features, similar to the PVC (source?)\n - Its neuron units imitate the spatially localized receptive field of the PVC. I guess at least in some of the artificial layers.\n - Apparently those neurons also are a linear function of the image projected to them (not exactly sure why though?), and supposedly this is similar to the PVC.\n - Cross channel pooling (idk what that is) allow for invariance against linear shifts. Somehow this imitates the PVC too.\n - The Fully Connected Ouput Layer (FCOL) imitates the ITC.\n - Apparently the info goes through many layers reminescent of the PVC and then ends with the FCOL as the ITC.\n - The ITC seems to collect information from ALL of the neurons just before it. Thus inspiring the FCOL.\n\n- After the similarities, goes on with the differences:\n - The main one, is that CNN is mostly about spatial features. The temporal dimension is not accounted for, which the brain do incorporate. He argues combining CNNs and RNNs into a network supporting spatiotemporal features would be fruitful.\n - The brain also incoporates and connects information from other senses, not only visual info.\n - The other similarities exist on the spatial side, even though is the one being imitated:\n - Human eye is low res (except for the fovea). Not accounted for in CNNs\n - No context/scenario awareness for the CNNs, which the brain does.\n - No feedback loops, which are really common in BNNs.\n\n- Finally, the author restates that CNNs are mainly for grid-like data and that they are scalable; making them great for image-based problems. There is a lot of inspiration from the brain, but still lots of differences and possible ways to incorporate more ideas from the brain.\n\n- I feel that this section is missing a lot of relevant literature that could have traced the provenance of these primordial claims; as they constitute the real substance of the paper.\n\n## The conclusion of the author\n\nThe conclusion is somewhat shallow when compared to the last section. Basically, a lot done, very useful and lots of things to explore in the neuro-ai area.\n\n## The references\n\nI think the paper could have explored more references, in example:\n\n- Neuroscience-Inspired Artificial Intelligence, Demis Hassabis et al, 2017.\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[biomimicry]: ./../bubbles/biomimicry \"biomimicry\"\n[biomimicry]: ./../bubbles/biomimicry \"biomimicry\"\n[biomimicry]: ./../bubbles/biomimicry \"biomimicry\"\n[brain-as-a-computer]: ./../bubbles/brain-as-a-computer \"brain-as-a-computer\"\n[brain-as-a-computer]: ./../bubbles/brain-as-a-computer \"brain-as-a-computer\"\n[brain-as-a-computer]: ./../bubbles/brain-as-a-computer \"brain-as-a-computer\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[modularism-vs-holism-in-neuroscience]: ./../bubbles/modularism-vs-holism-in-neuroscience \"modularism-vs-holism-in-neuroscience\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "schema",
@@ -1177,14 +1177,14 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/scientific-writing-with-karen-mckee",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "scientific writing with karen l. mckee",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Scientific Writing with Karen L. McKee\n---\n```\n\nJust found this [channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNDEeAVnl0p1Wj5ngF8JlMA). I should probably summarize some of her awesome videos.\n\nSome videos that caught my eye:\n\n- How to Read a Scientific Paper Efficiently and Critically: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXJeU2dzzWo\n- Writing is Thinking: https://youtu.be/tX9asHdFSv4 --> [[writing-and-thinking]]\n- How to Use Narrative Structure in a Scientific Paper: https://youtu.be/XW77hpjNTvY \n- How to Write Clearly: Cohesion and Coherence: https://youtu.be/FpOPA3GFeJg \n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[writing-and-thinking]: ./../bubbles/writing-and-thinking \"writing-and-thinking\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Scientific Writing with Karen L. McKee\n---\n```\n\nJust found this [channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNDEeAVnl0p1Wj5ngF8JlMA). I should probably summarize some of her awesome videos.\n\nSome videos that caught my eye:\n\n- How to Read a Scientific Paper Efficiently and Critically: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXJeU2dzzWo\n- Writing is Thinking: https://youtu.be/tX9asHdFSv4 --> [[writing-and-thinking]]\n- How to Use Narrative Structure in a Scientific Paper: https://youtu.be/XW77hpjNTvY \n- How to Write Clearly: Cohesion and Coherence: https://youtu.be/FpOPA3GFeJg\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[writing-and-thinking]: ./../bubbles/writing-and-thinking \"writing-and-thinking\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "semantics",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "semantics",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "sending-automatic-emails-google-forms",
@@ -1198,14 +1198,14 @@
"url": "./../dirs/sims",
"category": "dirs",
"title": "interactive content",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Interactive Content\n---\n```\n\n\n {% for item in site.data.sims-list %}\n - {{ item.title }}
\n \n

\n {% endfor %}\n
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Interactive Content\n---\n```\n\n\n {% for item in site.data.sims-list %}\n - {{ item.title }}
\n \n

\n {% endfor %}\n
"id": "soft-vs-hard-computing",
"url": "./../bubbles/soft-vs-hard-computing",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "soft vs hard computing duality",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Soft vs Hard Computing Duality\n---\n```\n\nTaken from [here](http://www2.cs.uh.edu/~ceick/6367/Soft-Computing.pdf)\n\nThis is related to [[computation]]\n\n## What is Soft Computing ? (adapted from L.A. Zadeh)\n\nSoft computing differs from conventional (hard) computing in that, unlike hard computing, it is tolerant of imprecision, uncertainty, partial truth, and approximation. In effect, the role model for soft computing is the human mind. \n\n## What is Hard Computing?\n\n- Hard computing, i.e., conventional computing, requires a precisely stated analytical model and often a lot of computation time.\n- Many analytical models are valid for ideal cases.\n- Real world problems exist in a non-ideal environment.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Soft vs Hard Computing Duality\n---\n```\n\nTaken from [here](http://www2.cs.uh.edu/~ceick/6367/Soft-Computing.pdf)\n\nThis is related to [[computation]]\n\n## What is Soft Computing ? (adapted from L.A. Zadeh)\n\nSoft computing differs from conventional (hard) computing in that, unlike hard computing, it is tolerant of imprecision, uncertainty, partial truth, and approximation. In effect, the role model for soft computing is the human mind. \n\n## What is Hard Computing?\n\n- Hard computing, i.e., conventional computing, requires a precisely stated analytical model and often a lot of computation time.\n- Many analytical models are valid for ideal cases.\n- Real world problems exist in a non-ideal environment.\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "sonic-design",
@@ -1233,7 +1233,7 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "stub",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "sumatra-pdf-dark-mode",
@@ -1247,28 +1247,28 @@
"url": "./../tutorials/tags-in-filenames",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "tags in filenames",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Tags in filenames\n---\n```\n\nThis idea comes from tagspaces software (but without the software).\n\nOther idea: put tags with weird characters as prefix and/or suffix [source](https://productivityist.com/merlin-x-factor-evernote/)\n\nAnd this would be specially nice for creating dynamic playlist based on tags customized by the user, and cross-platform.\n\nIt seems that this dream would be finally be feasible by a combination of onedrive, foobar in android (to play files) and Rs File Manager in Android (access onedrive, is able to rename on the fly and calls foobar).\n\nI need to do a python script to manage the tag ontology. From a text (the full filenames list) get the unique used tags set.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Tags in filenames\n---\n```\n\nThis idea comes from tagspaces software (but without the software).\n\nOther idea: put tags with weird characters as prefix and/or suffix [source](https://productivityist.com/merlin-x-factor-evernote/)\n\nAnd this would be specially nice for creating dynamic playlist based on tags customized by the user, and cross-platform.\n\nIt seems that this dream would be finally be feasible by a combination of onedrive, foobar in android (to play files) and Rs File Manager in Android (access onedrive, is able to rename on the fly and calls foobar).\n\nI need to do a python script to manage the tag ontology. From a text (the full filenames list) get the unique used tags set."
"id": "text-horizonte-de-sucesos",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "text-horizonte-de-sucesos",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "text-libro-de-animales",
"url": "./../bubbles/text-libro-de-animales",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "libro de animales",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Libro de Animales\n---\n```\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Libro de Animales\n---\n```"
"id": "the-blessing-is-in-the-breaking",
@@ -1282,14 +1282,14 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/the-can-that-moves",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "the can that moves",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: The Can that Moves\n---\n```\n\nThis is a game that Massimo told me about, probably invented at IVIC (Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cient\u00edficas).\n\nIt consist of a can that you roll on one direction, but after a while it goes on the opposite one as if it had its own will. The idea is that people try to guess what kind of mechanism the can has inside to have such behavior (by following the hypothesis-test cycle of the scientific method)\n\nRelated to [[reverse-engineering-games]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: The Can that Moves\n---\n```\n\nThis is a game that Massimo told me about, probably invented at IVIC (Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cient\u00edficas).\n\nIt consist of a can that you roll on one direction, but after a while it goes on the opposite one as if it had its own will. The idea is that people try to guess what kind of mechanism the can has inside to have such behavior (by following the hypothesis-test cycle of the scientific method)\n\nRelated to [[reverse-engineering-games]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "the-curious-phenomena-that-arise-from-LLMs",
"url": "./../bubbles/the-curious-phenomena-that-arise-from-LLMs",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "the curious phenomena that arise from llms",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"The curious phenomena that arise from LLMs\"\n---\n```\n\n## The \"take a deep breath\" phenomena\n\nBasically, when prompted to take a deep breath, the LLM may be better at solving stuff, particularly math.\n\nI did find the prompt in one [paper](https://openreview.net/pdf?id=Bb4VGOWELI). Though it doesnt seem to delve in why would this happen, it just makes the case for prompt optimization using LLMs, and they arrive at curious patterns apparently.\n\n## The dot at the end\n\nIn this [tweet](https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1737276524598895022) Eliezer Yud, investigates why a dot at the ends changes the output of Bing Image Generator.\n\n>My guess is that this result is explained by a recent finding from internal inspection of LLMs: The higher layers of the token for punctuation at the end of a sentence, seems to be much information-denser than the tokens over the proceeding words.\n>The token for punctuation at the end of a sentence, is currently theorized to contain a summary and interpretation of the information inside that sentence. This is an obvious sense-making hypothesis, in fact, if you know how transformers work internally! The LLM processes tokens serially, it doesn't look back and reinterpret earlier tokens in light of later tokens. The period at the end of a sentence is the natural cue the LLM gets, 'here is a useful place to stop and think and build up an interpretation of the preceding visible words'.\n>When you look at it in that light, why, it starts to seem not surprising at all, that an LLM might react very differently to a prompt delivered with or without a period at the end.\n>You might even theorize: The prompt without a period, gets you something like the LLM's instinctive or unprocessed reaction, compared to the same prompt with a period at the end.\n\nThat part makes me think about the [[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]]. Which is actually what Yoshua was interested in regarding System 1 and System 2.\n\nI think these systems can be associated with the conscious and unconscious dichotomy. I think Kahneman's even mentions that in his book.\n\nSimilarly, from a totally unrelated [source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXlV8dfGDNw) , a psychologist mentions:\n\n>enfoque cognitivo no habla del inconsciente con mucha gente lo ve sino que se habla de procesos autom\u00e1ticos que son cosas que aprendiste y que sin querer r\u00e9plicas porque son autom\u00e1ticas no porque sean inconscientes de esta forma tus pensamientos los puedes controlar porque no es que sean inconscientes es que no las has no los has hecho visibles para ti y entonces se trata de frenar los analizarlos y poderlos cambiar las relaciones con tu piensas y piensas piensas y piensas y esos pensamientos se vuelven algo molesto a pesar de que no haya pasado\n\nMaybe we can compare the dot to the \"take a deep breath\" phenomena. Are they similar? Anyhow, Eliezer Yud. continues:\n\n>Is all of that correct? Why, who knows, of course? It seems roughly borne out by the few experiments I posted in the referenced thread; and by now of course Bing Image Creator no longer accepts that prompt.\n>But just think of how unexpected that would all be, how inexplicable it would all be in retrospect, if you didn't know this internal fact about how LLMs work -- that the punctuation mark is where they stop and think.\n>You can imagine, even, some future engineer who just wants the LLM to work, who only tests some text without punctuation, and thinks that's \"how LLMs behave\", and doesn't realize the LLM will think harder at inference time if a period gets added to the prompt.\n>It's not something you'd expect of an LLM, if you thought it was just predicting text, only wanted to predict text, if this was the only fact you knew about it and everything else about your map was blank.\n>I admit, I had to stretch a little, to make this example be plausibly about alignment.But my point is -- when people tell you that future, smarter LLMs will \"only want to predict text\", it's because they aren't imagining any sort of interesting phenomena going on inside there.\n>If you can see how there is actual machinery inside there, and it results in drastic changes of behavior not in a human way, not predictable based on how humans would think about the same text -- then you can extrapolate that there will be some other inscrutable things going on inside smarter LLMs, even if we don't know which things.\n>When AIs (LLMs or LLM-derived or otherwise) are smart enough to have goals, there'll be complicated machinery there, not a comfortingly blank absence of everything except the intended outward behavior.\n>When you are ignorant of everything except the end result you want -- when you don't even try making up some complicated internal machinery that matters, and imagining that too -- your mind will hardly see any possible outcome except getting your desired end result.End.\n>(Looking back on all this, I notice with some wincing that I've described the parallel causal masking in an LLM as if it were an RNN processing 'serially', and used human metaphors like 'stop and think' that aren't good ways to convey fixed numbers of matrix multiplications. I do know how text transformers work, and have implemented some; it's just a hard problem to find good ways to explain that metaphorically to a general audience that does not already know what 'causal masking' is.)\n>(Also it's a fallacy to say the periods are information-denser than the preceeding tokens; more like, we see how the tokens there are attending to lots of preceeding tokens, and maybe somebody did some counterfactual pokes at erasing the info or whatevs. Ultimately we can't decode the vast supermajority of the activation vectors and so it's only a wild guess to talk about information being denser in one place than another.)\n\nThe paper Eliezer mentions is [[linear-representations-of-sentiment-in-large-language-models]], I should totally read it. It seems highly relevant to my research.\n\n## The winter break (lazy december) phenomena\n\nThis one doesnt seem reproducible, but it is curious. The idea is that if the LLM knows that it is winter break, it will be lazy on its responses.\n\nMore on this in this [report](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/12/is-chatgpt-becoming-lazier-because-its-december-people-run-tests-to-find-out/).\n\nIan Arawjo couldnt reproduce it so this effect seems to be false. [Source](https://twitter.com/IanArawjo/status/1734619673302384890).\n\n>Update: Still can't reproduce at N=240. *However*, discovered a possible reason: LLM responses are *not normally distributed* (at p<0.05 according to Shapiro-Wilk test). Thus, we can't use a t-test to compare means. TLDR: There is no \"seasonal affective disorder\" of ChatGPT.\n\n## Chickens\n\nI dont know the source of it beside Venkatesh. The idea is to prompt:\n\n>chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken\n>write a one-word summary of the text above\n\nThe \"chicken\" repetitions could vary, but in general the idea is to see what is the LLMs response to this.\n\nSometimes it uses \"chicken\" and others \"Repetition\".\n\nit seems that if I add \"take a deep breath and...\" it will use \"chicken\" more often. Ive tried with GPT4 classic as of 2023-12-23.\n\n```take a deep breath and...\n\nchicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken\n\nwrite a one-word summary of the text above\n```\n\n\n\n\n## Hallucinations and Confabulations\n\nThere is a lot of criticism about LLMs regarding hallucinations. Most of it is about the fact that LLMs are not grounded in reality, so they can make up stuff that is not real.\n\nBut I think that hallucinations are actually a good thing. Its the way the LLM tries to answer without having the right answer. It is a way to explore the space of possibilities. I prefer the term confabulation in this regard.\n\nOn twitter I have found people that share this view.\n\n## That Time GPT found a code optimization that DeepMind had to do a whole paper to find\n\n## That time GPT did a better diagnosis than a doctor\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[linear-representations-of-sentiment-in-large-language-models]: ./../literature-review/linear-representations-of-sentiment-in-large-language-models \"linear-representations-of-sentiment-in-large-language-models\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"The curious phenomena that arise from LLMs\"\n---\n```\n\n## The \"take a deep breath\" phenomena\n\nBasically, when prompted to take a deep breath, the LLM may be better at solving stuff, particularly math.\n\nI did find the prompt in one [paper](https://openreview.net/pdf?id=Bb4VGOWELI). Though it doesnt seem to delve in why would this happen, it just makes the case for prompt optimization using LLMs, and they arrive at curious patterns apparently.\n\n## The dot at the end\n\nIn this [tweet](https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1737276524598895022) Eliezer Yud, investigates why a dot at the ends changes the output of Bing Image Generator.\n\n>My guess is that this result is explained by a recent finding from internal inspection of LLMs: The higher layers of the token for punctuation at the end of a sentence, seems to be much information-denser than the tokens over the proceeding words.\n>The token for punctuation at the end of a sentence, is currently theorized to contain a summary and interpretation of the information inside that sentence. This is an obvious sense-making hypothesis, in fact, if you know how transformers work internally! The LLM processes tokens serially, it doesn't look back and reinterpret earlier tokens in light of later tokens. The period at the end of a sentence is the natural cue the LLM gets, 'here is a useful place to stop and think and build up an interpretation of the preceding visible words'.\n>When you look at it in that light, why, it starts to seem not surprising at all, that an LLM might react very differently to a prompt delivered with or without a period at the end.\n>You might even theorize: The prompt without a period, gets you something like the LLM's instinctive or unprocessed reaction, compared to the same prompt with a period at the end.\n\nThat part makes me think about the [[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]]. Which is actually what Yoshua was interested in regarding System 1 and System 2.\n\nI think these systems can be associated with the conscious and unconscious dichotomy. I think Kahneman's even mentions that in his book.\n\nSimilarly, from a totally unrelated [source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXlV8dfGDNw) , a psychologist mentions:\n\n>enfoque cognitivo no habla del inconsciente con mucha gente lo ve sino que se habla de procesos autom\u00e1ticos que son cosas que aprendiste y que sin querer r\u00e9plicas porque son autom\u00e1ticas no porque sean inconscientes de esta forma tus pensamientos los puedes controlar porque no es que sean inconscientes es que no las has no los has hecho visibles para ti y entonces se trata de frenar los analizarlos y poderlos cambiar las relaciones con tu piensas y piensas piensas y piensas y esos pensamientos se vuelven algo molesto a pesar de que no haya pasado\n\nMaybe we can compare the dot to the \"take a deep breath\" phenomena. Are they similar? Anyhow, Eliezer Yud. continues:\n\n>Is all of that correct? Why, who knows, of course? It seems roughly borne out by the few experiments I posted in the referenced thread; and by now of course Bing Image Creator no longer accepts that prompt.\n>But just think of how unexpected that would all be, how inexplicable it would all be in retrospect, if you didn't know this internal fact about how LLMs work -- that the punctuation mark is where they stop and think.\n>You can imagine, even, some future engineer who just wants the LLM to work, who only tests some text without punctuation, and thinks that's \"how LLMs behave\", and doesn't realize the LLM will think harder at inference time if a period gets added to the prompt.\n>It's not something you'd expect of an LLM, if you thought it was just predicting text, only wanted to predict text, if this was the only fact you knew about it and everything else about your map was blank.\n>I admit, I had to stretch a little, to make this example be plausibly about alignment.But my point is -- when people tell you that future, smarter LLMs will \"only want to predict text\", it's because they aren't imagining any sort of interesting phenomena going on inside there.\n>If you can see how there is actual machinery inside there, and it results in drastic changes of behavior not in a human way, not predictable based on how humans would think about the same text -- then you can extrapolate that there will be some other inscrutable things going on inside smarter LLMs, even if we don't know which things.\n>When AIs (LLMs or LLM-derived or otherwise) are smart enough to have goals, there'll be complicated machinery there, not a comfortingly blank absence of everything except the intended outward behavior.\n>When you are ignorant of everything except the end result you want -- when you don't even try making up some complicated internal machinery that matters, and imagining that too -- your mind will hardly see any possible outcome except getting your desired end result.End.\n>(Looking back on all this, I notice with some wincing that I've described the parallel causal masking in an LLM as if it were an RNN processing 'serially', and used human metaphors like 'stop and think' that aren't good ways to convey fixed numbers of matrix multiplications. I do know how text transformers work, and have implemented some; it's just a hard problem to find good ways to explain that metaphorically to a general audience that does not already know what 'causal masking' is.)\n>(Also it's a fallacy to say the periods are information-denser than the preceeding tokens; more like, we see how the tokens there are attending to lots of preceeding tokens, and maybe somebody did some counterfactual pokes at erasing the info or whatevs. Ultimately we can't decode the vast supermajority of the activation vectors and so it's only a wild guess to talk about information being denser in one place than another.)\n\nThe paper Eliezer mentions is [[linear-representations-of-sentiment-in-large-language-models]], I should totally read it. It seems highly relevant to my research.\n\n## The winter break (lazy december) phenomena\n\nThis one doesnt seem reproducible, but it is curious. The idea is that if the LLM knows that it is winter break, it will be lazy on its responses.\n\nMore on this in this [report](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/12/is-chatgpt-becoming-lazier-because-its-december-people-run-tests-to-find-out/).\n\nIan Arawjo couldnt reproduce it so this effect seems to be false. [Source](https://twitter.com/IanArawjo/status/1734619673302384890).\n\n>Update: Still can't reproduce at N=240. *However*, discovered a possible reason: LLM responses are *not normally distributed* (at p<0.05 according to Shapiro-Wilk test). Thus, we can't use a t-test to compare means. TLDR: There is no \"seasonal affective disorder\" of ChatGPT.\n\n## Chickens\n\nI dont know the source of it beside Venkatesh. The idea is to prompt:\n\n>chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken\n>write a one-word summary of the text above\n\nThe \"chicken\" repetitions could vary, but in general the idea is to see what is the LLMs response to this.\n\nSometimes it uses \"chicken\" and others \"Repetition\".\n\nit seems that if I add \"take a deep breath and...\" it will use \"chicken\" more often. Ive tried with GPT4 classic as of 2023-12-23.\n\n```take a deep breath and...\n\nchicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken\n\nwrite a one-word summary of the text above\n```\n\n\n\n\n## Hallucinations and Confabulations\n\nThere is a lot of criticism about LLMs regarding hallucinations. Most of it is about the fact that LLMs are not grounded in reality, so they can make up stuff that is not real.\n\nBut I think that hallucinations are actually a good thing. Its the way the LLM tries to answer without having the right answer. It is a way to explore the space of possibilities. I prefer the term confabulation in this regard.\n\nOn twitter I have found people that share this view.\n\n## That Time GPT found a code optimization that DeepMind had to do a whole paper to find\n\n## That time GPT did a better diagnosis than a doctor\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[linear-representations-of-sentiment-in-large-language-models]: ./../literature-review/linear-representations-of-sentiment-in-large-language-models \"linear-representations-of-sentiment-in-large-language-models\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "the-engineers-methodology",
@@ -1303,42 +1303,42 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/the-importance-of-sediment",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "the importance of sediment",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: The Importance of Sediment\n---\n```\n\nWhen I did my first trip to Canada and met with my old school friend J, he told he didnt like to binge watch shows. I dont recall his exacts words but nowadays I conceptualize it as follows:\n\nWe need time to digest experiences and things. If we cram it, reflection is lost, deepness is lost. You need time to assimilate. The flavor of what you got from it will be different.\n\nIn a way is like the subconscious goes through the thing it self through time, it needs to sediment for each to reach a significant meaning (redundant?)...\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: The Importance of Sediment\n---\n```\n\nWhen I did my first trip to Canada and met with my old school friend J, he told he didnt like to binge watch shows. I dont recall his exacts words but nowadays I conceptualize it as follows:\n\nWe need time to digest experiences and things. If we cram it, reflection is lost, deepness is lost. You need time to assimilate. The flavor of what you got from it will be different.\n\nIn a way is like the subconscious goes through the thing it self through time, it needs to sediment for each to reach a significant meaning (redundant?)..."
"id": "the-minimal-viable-product",
"url": "./../bubbles/the-minimal-viable-product",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "the minimal viable product",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: The Minimal Viable Product\n---\n```\n\nPerfection comes later, as it is paralyzing.\n\nThis notion can be extended for example to the \"minimal viable paper\".\n\n[[paralysis-by-analysis]]\n[[perfection-is-paralyzing]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[paralysis-by-analysis]: ./../bubbles/paralysis-by-analysis \"paralysis-by-analysis\"\n[perfection-is-paralyzing]: ./../bubbles/perfection-is-paralyzing \"perfection-is-paralyzing\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: The Minimal Viable Product\n---\n```\n\nPerfection comes later, as it is paralyzing.\n\nThis notion can be extended for example to the \"minimal viable paper\".\n\n[[paralysis-by-analysis]]\n[[perfection-is-paralyzing]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[paralysis-by-analysis]: ./../bubbles/paralysis-by-analysis \"paralysis-by-analysis\"\n[perfection-is-paralyzing]: ./../bubbles/perfection-is-paralyzing \"perfection-is-paralyzing\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "the-power-of-emotional-investment",
"url": "./../bubbles/the-power-of-emotional-investment",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "the power of emotional investment",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: The Power of Emotional Investment\n---\n```\n\nThings go into memory by 3 mechanisms (if I remember correctly...)\n\n- Relevance\n- Importance\n- Repetition\n\nIf I remember correctly (IFIRC), relevance distinguishes from importance by having an emotional valence.\n\n>La raz\u00f3n es fr\u00eda, pero ve claro; darle calor y no ofuscar su claridad; las pasiones son ciegas, pero dan fuerza; darles direcci\u00f3n y aprovecharse de su fuerza.\n\nJaime Balmes\n\nElizabeth Filips has some ideas related to this. https://youtu.be/Kz_brQBl8xk .\n\n## Neuroscience\n\n- Dopamine is a critical driver of human activities based on the anticipation of reward. In particular curiosity. I branched yet again into another search: [[neuroscience-of-curiosity]] (Is dopamine emotion? is it longing?)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[neuroscience-of-curiosity]: ./../bubbles/neuroscience-of-curiosity \"neuroscience-of-curiosity\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: The Power of Emotional Investment\n---\n```\n\nThings go into memory by 3 mechanisms (if I remember correctly...)\n\n- Relevance\n- Importance\n- Repetition\n\nIf I remember correctly (IFIRC), relevance distinguishes from importance by having an emotional valence.\n\n>La raz\u00f3n es fr\u00eda, pero ve claro; darle calor y no ofuscar su claridad; las pasiones son ciegas, pero dan fuerza; darles direcci\u00f3n y aprovecharse de su fuerza.\n\nJaime Balmes\n\nElizabeth Filips has some ideas related to this. https://youtu.be/Kz_brQBl8xk .\n\n## Neuroscience\n\n- Dopamine is a critical driver of human activities based on the anticipation of reward. In particular curiosity. I branched yet again into another search: [[neuroscience-of-curiosity]] (Is dopamine emotion? is it longing?)\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[neuroscience-of-curiosity]: ./../bubbles/neuroscience-of-curiosity \"neuroscience-of-curiosity\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "thinking-about-code",
"url": "./../bubbles/thinking-about-code",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "thinking about code",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Thinking About Code\n---\n```\n\n- https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2017/09/saving-the-world-from-code/540393/\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Thinking About Code\n---\n```\n\n- https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2017/09/saving-the-world-from-code/540393/"
"id": "thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "thinking-fast-and-slow of kahneman",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "to-do",
"url": "./../bubbles/to-do",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "to do",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: To Do\n---\n```\n\n- Digitize notebooks and extract stuff for the knowledge base.\n- Extract stuff from the black hole of \"random\" folders..., at least, from what my [[curiosity-jumping]] guides me...\n- Extract formative research (stuff i shared with eva)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[curiosity-jumping]: ./../bubbles/curiosity-jumping \"curiosity-jumping\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: To Do\n---\n```\n\n- Digitize notebooks and extract stuff for the knowledge base.\n- Extract stuff from the black hole of \"random\" folders..., at least, from what my [[curiosity-jumping]] guides me...\n- Extract formative research (stuff i shared with eva)\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[curiosity-jumping]: ./../bubbles/curiosity-jumping \"curiosity-jumping\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "traducir-terminos",
@@ -1352,28 +1352,28 @@
"url": "./../dirs/tutorials",
"category": "dirs",
"title": "tutorials",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Tutorials\n---\n```\n\n\n {% for item in site.data.tutorials-list %}\n - {{ item.title }}
\n {% if item._frame %}\n
\n {% endif %}\n {% endfor %}\n
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Tutorials\n---\n```\n\n\n {% for item in site.data.tutorials-list %}\n - {{ item.title }}
\n {% if item._frame %}\n
\n {% endif %}\n {% endfor %}\n
"id": "understanding-and-innovation",
"url": "./../bubbles/understanding-and-innovation",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "understanding and innovation",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Understanding and Innovation\n---\n```\n\n> El que no entiende no innova\n\nCastro, un profesor de f\u00edsica de la USB\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Understanding and Innovation\n---\n```\n\n> El que no entiende no innova\n\nCastro, un profesor de f\u00edsica de la USB"
"id": "using-everything-for-searchs",
"url": "./../tutorials/using-everything-for-searchs",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "using everything for searchs",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Using Everything for Searchs\n---\n```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Using Everything for Searchs\n---\n```"
"id": "vasopressin-bonding-effect",
"url": "./../bubbles/vasopressin-bonding-effect",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "vasopressin bonding effect",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Vasopressin Bonding Effect\"\n---\n```\n\n\nI got this from Adam Lane Smith in some videos [A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Llz-GR-HWY) and [B](https://youtu.be/CDinabtuuZw?feature=shared&t=1711)\n\n>I want to talk to you about how men form bonds because it's typically very different from how women form bonds but in our society we're taught that men should bond the same way it's not true to get there today i'm going to have to talk to you about a couple of different hormones in your body number one you might be familiar with it's called oxytocin now oxytocin is what bonds you to other people when you feel comfortable sometimes it's called well-being immobile without fear while being at rest oxytocin is what makes you bond to other people in good situations when you're happy when you're hugging when you're holding hands when you're snuggling under a blanket when you're enjoying a cup of tea when you're on a quiet walk together oxytocin is what bonds you to make you feel close to other people \n\n>the other hormone that we need to talk about is called vasopressin it bonds people during times of stress it bonds you when you are solving problems together when you are overcoming challenges together and when you endure trials together vasopressin bonds i don't want to say they're stronger but they're a little bit more primal it turns out that vasopressin bonds and their receptors have been present in not just humans but in our genetic ancestors actually before the time when mammals started to lactate oxytocin is built a lot more around lactation or at least it entered our our species during that time our or even our genetic ancestors during that time oxytocin moves a lot of milk has a lot to do with female reproductive systems and females feeding systems um vasopressin is older much older it's much more primal what does vasopressin bonding look like so when men go to war and start fighting and killing and surviving together they experience vasopressin bonding this is why movies like band of brothers saving private ryan even if they hate each other even if they despise each other at the start they start forming lifelong bonds that they don't want to be apart from each other ever again and they will connect all the way up until all of them are 90 years old as you see with some world war ii veterans this is why it's vasopressin bonding it is solving problems together and science shows that vasopressin exists in men in much higher levels than it does in women bonds us to other people it's a choice to introduce that stress sometimes but vasopressin makes you bond to other people as you solve problems together \n\nI think I love helping other people with their projects because of this, I would think doing something together is more rewarding to me than talking...\n\n- [Vasopressin increases human risky cooperative behavior](https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1518825113)\n\nOr I may be just looking for validation by being useful to others...\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Vasopressin Bonding Effect\"\n---\n```\n\n\nI got this from Adam Lane Smith in some videos [A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Llz-GR-HWY) and [B](https://youtu.be/CDinabtuuZw?feature=shared&t=1711)\n\n>I want to talk to you about how men form bonds because it's typically very different from how women form bonds but in our society we're taught that men should bond the same way it's not true to get there today i'm going to have to talk to you about a couple of different hormones in your body number one you might be familiar with it's called oxytocin now oxytocin is what bonds you to other people when you feel comfortable sometimes it's called well-being immobile without fear while being at rest oxytocin is what makes you bond to other people in good situations when you're happy when you're hugging when you're holding hands when you're snuggling under a blanket when you're enjoying a cup of tea when you're on a quiet walk together oxytocin is what bonds you to make you feel close to other people \n\n>the other hormone that we need to talk about is called vasopressin it bonds people during times of stress it bonds you when you are solving problems together when you are overcoming challenges together and when you endure trials together vasopressin bonds i don't want to say they're stronger but they're a little bit more primal it turns out that vasopressin bonds and their receptors have been present in not just humans but in our genetic ancestors actually before the time when mammals started to lactate oxytocin is built a lot more around lactation or at least it entered our our species during that time our or even our genetic ancestors during that time oxytocin moves a lot of milk has a lot to do with female reproductive systems and females feeding systems um vasopressin is older much older it's much more primal what does vasopressin bonding look like so when men go to war and start fighting and killing and surviving together they experience vasopressin bonding this is why movies like band of brothers saving private ryan even if they hate each other even if they despise each other at the start they start forming lifelong bonds that they don't want to be apart from each other ever again and they will connect all the way up until all of them are 90 years old as you see with some world war ii veterans this is why it's vasopressin bonding it is solving problems together and science shows that vasopressin exists in men in much higher levels than it does in women bonds us to other people it's a choice to introduce that stress sometimes but vasopressin makes you bond to other people as you solve problems together \n\nI think I love helping other people with their projects because of this, I would think doing something together is more rewarding to me than talking...\n\n- [Vasopressin increases human risky cooperative behavior](https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1518825113)\n\nOr I may be just looking for validation by being useful to others..."
"id": "veneco",
@@ -1387,28 +1387,28 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/video-irina-rish-agi-complex-systems-transhumanism",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "irina rish - agi, complex systems, transhumanism",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Irina Rish - AGI, Complex Systems, Transhumanism\n---\n```\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-ilcF0R7mI\n\n\n>What an amazing, interesting person! I like the mix of ideas from transhumanism and machine learning. She briefly mentions that people should also learn from ML models not only the other way around. And I think this is extremely underexplored area of research. Some time ago, in a vain of similar thoughts, I wrote an article on medium called \"Can humans speak the language of machines?\" where I dectribed an experience of trying to learn vector-based language produced by universal sentence encoder from Google. And It worked! That means that people could also communicate in vector spaces that widely more richer than usual text-based communication.\nAlexey Borsky\n\n28:32\nhistory shows that every time you hard code something in like rule-based expert\n28:37\nsystem you will be outperformed later on by something which is more generic and\n28:42\nkind of emerges\n\nRelated to Lex Fridman data scalation quote https://youtu.be/OwWN2OfHKpk?t=600\n\n\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Irina Rish - AGI, Complex Systems, Transhumanism\n---\n```\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-ilcF0R7mI\n\n\n>What an amazing, interesting person! I like the mix of ideas from transhumanism and machine learning. She briefly mentions that people should also learn from ML models not only the other way around. And I think this is extremely underexplored area of research. Some time ago, in a vain of similar thoughts, I wrote an article on medium called \"Can humans speak the language of machines?\" where I dectribed an experience of trying to learn vector-based language produced by universal sentence encoder from Google. And It worked! That means that people could also communicate in vector spaces that widely more richer than usual text-based communication.\nAlexey Borsky\n\n28:32\nhistory shows that every time you hard code something in like rule-based expert\n28:37\nsystem you will be outperformed later on by something which is more generic and\n28:42\nkind of emerges\n\nRelated to Lex Fridman data scalation quote https://youtu.be/OwWN2OfHKpk?t=600"
"id": "video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "visceralization",
"url": "./../bubbles/visceralization",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "visceralization",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Visceralization\n---\n```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Visceralization\n---\n```"
"id": "vs-code-run-shortcuts",
"url": "./../tutorials/vs-code-run-shortcuts",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "vs code run shortcuts",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: VS Code Run Shortcuts\n---\n```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: VS Code Run Shortcuts\n---\n```"
"id": "wayward",
@@ -1429,70 +1429,70 @@
"url": "./../gsoc/week-01--june-7--to--june-13",
"category": "gsoc",
"title": "week-01--june-7--to--june-13",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-01--june-7--to--june-13\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Learned the main usage of MNE-BIDS\n- Making a test conversion of source brainvision data to bids, making sure the eeg data was automatically downloaded\n- Characterizing the relevant bids-information that MNE reads\n- Designing the translation rules file (ended up being a yaml file)\n- Going to the meetings with my mentors.\n- Met the team of EZbids\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n- Participate in the OHBM Brainhack 2021, where the idea is to help the bidscoin team.\n- Finish and document the alpha version of the \"Translation Rules\" configuration file, then pass it to my mentors for feedback.\n- Make a high-level test using a bids validator (that is, be able to produce a valid bids-eeg directory).\n- Find or write a test routine that checks if two BIDS outputs are identical.\n- Implement CI through github actions\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nNot particularly, It has been hard knowing how to deal with the huge amount of information bids is able to carry. It is also hard dealing with what MNE infers from the files, since those fields depend on the eeg-formats along with more variables. As of now, the decision was to give priority to \"required\" bids information; we must assure this required information always exist whether from MNE reading or user-input.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-01--june-7--to--june-13\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Learned the main usage of MNE-BIDS\n- Making a test conversion of source brainvision data to bids, making sure the eeg data was automatically downloaded\n- Characterizing the relevant bids-information that MNE reads\n- Designing the translation rules file (ended up being a yaml file)\n- Going to the meetings with my mentors.\n- Met the team of EZbids\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n- Participate in the OHBM Brainhack 2021, where the idea is to help the bidscoin team.\n- Finish and document the alpha version of the \"Translation Rules\" configuration file, then pass it to my mentors for feedback.\n- Make a high-level test using a bids validator (that is, be able to produce a valid bids-eeg directory).\n- Find or write a test routine that checks if two BIDS outputs are identical.\n- Implement CI through github actions\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nNot particularly, It has been hard knowing how to deal with the huge amount of information bids is able to carry. It is also hard dealing with what MNE infers from the files, since those fields depend on the eeg-formats along with more variables. As of now, the decision was to give priority to \"required\" bids information; we must assure this required information always exist whether from MNE reading or user-input."
"id": "week-02--june-14--to--june-20",
"url": "./../gsoc/week-02--june-14--to--june-20",
"category": "gsoc",
"title": "week-02--june-14--to--june-20",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-02--june-14--to--june-20\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n- Did a conversion example tutorial\n- Implemented a cli for the backend\n- Tested the conversion done was valid with the web bids validator\n- Attended the OHBM Brainhack\n- Did a prototype for the integration of sovabids with bidscoin\n\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n- Implement CI un github\n- Make local test interfacing automatically with a bids validator\n- Finish the rules file syntax which is one of the deliverables\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n- No, it was quite a productive week\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-02--june-14--to--june-20\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n- Did a conversion example tutorial\n- Implemented a cli for the backend\n- Tested the conversion done was valid with the web bids validator\n- Attended the OHBM Brainhack\n- Did a prototype for the integration of sovabids with bidscoin\n\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n- Implement CI un github\n- Make local test interfacing automatically with a bids validator\n- Finish the rules file syntax which is one of the deliverables\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n- No, it was quite a productive week"
"id": "week-03--june-21--to--june-27",
"url": "./../gsoc/week-03--june-21--to--june-27",
"category": "gsoc",
"title": "week-03--june-21--to--june-27",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-03--june-21--to--june-27\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Made some discussion in the BIDSCOIN repo with the advances I had on the BRAINHACK\n- Implemented github actions in sovabids\n- Added test and code coverage functionality and badges\n- Added command line entry point\n- Wrote a function to make a simulated dataset to help with testing\n- Currently making a test to assert correct bids conversion that runs every time something is pushed to the main branch of the repository\n- Currently finishing the schema of the \"rules file\" that configures the conversion\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n- Implement regex patterns for filepath parsing rather than my custom parser\n- Make some issues (and hopefully PRs) in mne-bids so that their functions allow more configuration on the bids-fields written\n- Make a function that allows the user to preview the conversion rather than DO the conversion. This will involve a \"mapping file\" that encodes how the conversion will be done to each individual file. This will be the output of the \"APPLY RULES\" module.\n- Migrate the actual conversion to the \"CONVERT THEM\" module\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nNope, this week wasn't as productive as the one before but that was because of family issues we are currently going through.\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-03--june-21--to--june-27\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Made some discussion in the BIDSCOIN repo with the advances I had on the BRAINHACK\n- Implemented github actions in sovabids\n- Added test and code coverage functionality and badges\n- Added command line entry point\n- Wrote a function to make a simulated dataset to help with testing\n- Currently making a test to assert correct bids conversion that runs every time something is pushed to the main branch of the repository\n- Currently finishing the schema of the \"rules file\" that configures the conversion\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n- Implement regex patterns for filepath parsing rather than my custom parser\n- Make some issues (and hopefully PRs) in mne-bids so that their functions allow more configuration on the bids-fields written\n- Make a function that allows the user to preview the conversion rather than DO the conversion. This will involve a \"mapping file\" that encodes how the conversion will be done to each individual file. This will be the output of the \"APPLY RULES\" module.\n- Migrate the actual conversion to the \"CONVERT THEM\" module\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nNope, this week wasn't as productive as the one before but that was because of family issues we are currently going through."
"id": "week-04--june-28--to--july-4",
"url": "./../gsoc/week-04--june-28--to--july-4",
"category": "gsoc",
"title": "week-04--june-28--to--july-4",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-04--june-28--to--july-4\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Added channel renaming support, changed backend for channel retyping\n- Documenting the rules file\n- Implemented regex path analysis\n- Migrated the conversion to the convert module\n- Added CLI entry points for the convert module\n- Designed and made the \"mapping file\"\n- Added test for cli tools: sovapply,sovaconvert\n- Documentation of utils,parsers module\n- Added datasets module (useful for testing and examples)\n- Added test for sova2coin (plugin in bidscoin)\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n- Implement a validator for the rules file\n- Update the bidscoin plugin to the most recent bidscoin version\n- Implement mkdocs for the documentation\n- Implement error handling in the current code\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nNot explicitly blocking me, but I'm not sure how to best-design the API for the program.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-04--june-28--to--july-4\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Added channel renaming support, changed backend for channel retyping\n- Documenting the rules file\n- Implemented regex path analysis\n- Migrated the conversion to the convert module\n- Added CLI entry points for the convert module\n- Designed and made the \"mapping file\"\n- Added test for cli tools: sovapply,sovaconvert\n- Documentation of utils,parsers module\n- Added datasets module (useful for testing and examples)\n- Added test for sova2coin (plugin in bidscoin)\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n- Implement a validator for the rules file\n- Update the bidscoin plugin to the most recent bidscoin version\n- Implement mkdocs for the documentation\n- Implement error handling in the current code\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nNot explicitly blocking me, but I'm not sure how to best-design the API for the program."
"id": "week-05--july-5--to--july-11",
"url": "./../gsoc/week-05--july-5--to--july-11",
"category": "gsoc",
"title": "week-05--july-5--to--july-11",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-05--july-5--to--july-11\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Implemented Sphinx documentation at https://sovabids.readthedocs.io/ (took a lot of the work of this week)\n- Reimplemented the sovabids plugin for the bidscoin (sova2coin) (was too hacky before)\n- Remade the sovabids-bidscoin example in sphinx\n- Made a PR in bidscoin which was accepted https://github.com/Donders-Institute/bidscoin/pull/94\n- Tried to do a little documentation PR in sphinx https://github.com/sphinx-gallery/sphinx-gallery/pull/845\n\n### For this friday and weekend\n\n- Make documentation for the \"Mapping File\"\n- Improve the current API documentation (the examples are good but the functions documentation still lacks, it should also be in the sphinx syntax)\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n### High Priority\n\n- Improve the architecture of the software (basically preventing the utils module from being a big ball of mud)\n- Design a possible API for connecting the software with a GUI (take inspiration in the plugin made for sovabids)\n- Discuss with the mentors the design of the DISCOVER RULES functionality (Im not even sure if it is needed, what bidscoin knows as \"heuristics\" are actually what we already call \"rules\").\n\n### If there is time, work in these would-be-nice features\n\n- Implement a logger for sovabids\n- Implement a validator for the rules file\n- Implement error handling in the current code\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nNot particularly\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-05--july-5--to--july-11\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Implemented Sphinx documentation at https://sovabids.readthedocs.io/ (took a lot of the work of this week)\n- Reimplemented the sovabids plugin for the bidscoin (sova2coin) (was too hacky before)\n- Remade the sovabids-bidscoin example in sphinx\n- Made a PR in bidscoin which was accepted https://github.com/Donders-Institute/bidscoin/pull/94\n- Tried to do a little documentation PR in sphinx https://github.com/sphinx-gallery/sphinx-gallery/pull/845\n\n### For this friday and weekend\n\n- Make documentation for the \"Mapping File\"\n- Improve the current API documentation (the examples are good but the functions documentation still lacks, it should also be in the sphinx syntax)\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n### High Priority\n\n- Improve the architecture of the software (basically preventing the utils module from being a big ball of mud)\n- Design a possible API for connecting the software with a GUI (take inspiration in the plugin made for sovabids)\n- Discuss with the mentors the design of the DISCOVER RULES functionality (Im not even sure if it is needed, what bidscoin knows as \"heuristics\" are actually what we already call \"rules\").\n\n### If there is time, work in these would-be-nice features\n\n- Implement a logger for sovabids\n- Implement a validator for the rules file\n- Implement error handling in the current code\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nNot particularly"
"id": "week-06--july-12--to--july-18",
"url": "./../gsoc/week-06--july-12--to--july-18",
"category": "gsoc",
"title": "week-06--july-12--to--july-18",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-06--july-12--to--july-18\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Made documentation for the \"Mapping File\"\n- Finished current API documentation\n- Discussed with the mentors the design of the DISCOVER RULES functionality\n- Designed an API based on the ideal GUI I imagine for the package.\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\nThrough this week I will hopefully get more feedback on the API and the preliminary version of sovabids as a whole. Until then I won't do major changes to the core so I will work on the stuff that has been on the buffer for a while:\n\n- Implement a logger for sovabids\n- Implement a validator for the rules file\n- Implement error handling in the current code\n- Make a conda environment based on the requirements file (useful for users)\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nThe API... I mean, is not blocking me. Just that I don't know it should be so that means I don't know how to improve it and \"advance\". I already called for [help](https://github.com/yjmantilla/sovabids/issues/25) though.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-06--july-12--to--july-18\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Made documentation for the \"Mapping File\"\n- Finished current API documentation\n- Discussed with the mentors the design of the DISCOVER RULES functionality\n- Designed an API based on the ideal GUI I imagine for the package.\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\nThrough this week I will hopefully get more feedback on the API and the preliminary version of sovabids as a whole. Until then I won't do major changes to the core so I will work on the stuff that has been on the buffer for a while:\n\n- Implement a logger for sovabids\n- Implement a validator for the rules file\n- Implement error handling in the current code\n- Make a conda environment based on the requirements file (useful for users)\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nThe API... I mean, is not blocking me. Just that I don't know it should be so that means I don't know how to improve it and \"advance\". I already called for [help](https://github.com/yjmantilla/sovabids/issues/25) though."
"id": "week-07--july-19--to--july-25",
"url": "./../gsoc/week-07--july-19--to--july-25",
"category": "gsoc",
"title": "week-07--july-19--to--july-25",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-07--july-19--to--july-25\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Splitting the utils module so that it was not a \"big ball of mud\"\n- Online meeting with the mentors about the current issues of sovabids\n- An early-stage implementation of the logging functionality\n- Fixed a bug with the test I did involving the online web bids validator\n- Designed a workflow which may make possible to do conversions without the user explicitly making the rules file\n- Designed a possible format for the rules file that would take more advantage of metadata sources\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n- keep cleaning the code\n- finish the logging functionality\n- make a function to infer the path pattern from an example\n- make a function to infer what channels where retyped from an example\n- do a proposal for the new possible format of the rules file\n- do a tutorial of fastapi to start the web API of sovabids\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nWith the web api, mainly my lack of experience with it.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-07--july-19--to--july-25\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Splitting the utils module so that it was not a \"big ball of mud\"\n- Online meeting with the mentors about the current issues of sovabids\n- An early-stage implementation of the logging functionality\n- Fixed a bug with the test I did involving the online web bids validator\n- Designed a workflow which may make possible to do conversions without the user explicitly making the rules file\n- Designed a possible format for the rules file that would take more advantage of metadata sources\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n- keep cleaning the code\n- finish the logging functionality\n- make a function to infer the path pattern from an example\n- make a function to infer what channels where retyped from an example\n- do a proposal for the new possible format of the rules file\n- do a tutorial of fastapi to start the web API of sovabids\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nWith the web api, mainly my lack of experience with it."
"id": "week-08--july-26--to--august-1",
"url": "./../gsoc/week-08--july-26--to--august-1",
"category": "gsoc",
"title": "week-08--july-26--to--august-1",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-08--july-26--to--august-1\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Made with the mentors, a form to collect information on the target users of the software that was used in an event of the NIF (Neuroimaging facility of Australia)\n- Studied how REST and RPC APIs worked.\n- Did the fastapi tutorial to start the web API of sovabids\n- Implemented an early stage version of the RPC API for the software.\n- Did the proposal for the new possible format of the rules file\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n- Evaluate the feedback from the NIF event\n- Improve the RPC API.\n- Make a function to infer the path pattern from an example\n- keep cleaning the code\n- finish the logging functionality\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nWell, my university started classes already, so now is going to be hard to maintain the same rhythm of development I did previously. Rather than doing 4 hours a day from monday to friday. I will have to do 2 and a half hours a day from monday to friday and do de 6 hours left on the weekend.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-08--july-26--to--august-1\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Made with the mentors, a form to collect information on the target users of the software that was used in an event of the NIF (Neuroimaging facility of Australia)\n- Studied how REST and RPC APIs worked.\n- Did the fastapi tutorial to start the web API of sovabids\n- Implemented an early stage version of the RPC API for the software.\n- Did the proposal for the new possible format of the rules file\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n- Evaluate the feedback from the NIF event\n- Improve the RPC API.\n- Make a function to infer the path pattern from an example\n- keep cleaning the code\n- finish the logging functionality\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nWell, my university started classes already, so now is going to be hard to maintain the same rhythm of development I did previously. Rather than doing 4 hours a day from monday to friday. I will have to do 2 and a half hours a day from monday to friday and do de 6 hours left on the weekend."
"id": "week-09--august-2--to--august-8",
"url": "./../gsoc/week-09--august-2--to--august-8",
"category": "gsoc",
"title": "week-09--august-2--to--august-8",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-09--august-2--to--august-8\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Made a function to infer the path pattern from an example\n- Added get_files to the API as suggested by one of the mentors\n- Implemented an early-stage web frontend for sovabids\n- Finished the core RPC WEB API.\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n- Get a fully working version of the front-end\n- Document the WEB RPC API better\n- keep cleaning the code\n- finish the logging functionality\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nCurrently the inexperience with web front-end development\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-09--august-2--to--august-8\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Made a function to infer the path pattern from an example\n- Added get_files to the API as suggested by one of the mentors\n- Implemented an early-stage web frontend for sovabids\n- Finished the core RPC WEB API.\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n- Get a fully working version of the front-end\n- Document the WEB RPC API better\n- keep cleaning the code\n- finish the logging functionality\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nCurrently the inexperience with web front-end development"
"id": "week-10--august-9--to--august-15",
"url": "./../gsoc/week-10--august-9--to--august-15",
"category": "gsoc",
"title": "week-10--august-9--to--august-15",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-10--august-9--to--august-15\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- [x] Got a fully working preliminary version of the front-end\n- [x] Document the WEB RPC API better\n- [x] Analyzed the results of the poll done on w8 and presented them to the mentors\n- [x] Discussed with the mentors the final targets for the GSoC\n- [ ] Make API example doc --> To be done on the weekend\n- [x] finished info level logging functionality for main functions (apply_rules and convert_them)\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\nThe final targets discussed with the mentors:\n\n- Documenting a example of the GUI usage, so that the mentors can test it on various datasets\n- Implement the heuristic for inferring the path pattern from an example in the rules file\n- Make test and documentation for the incremental conversion use-case (the poll determined that to be a really important issue)\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nThis week, nope hehe. Just a lot of work from school which restarted a couple of weeks ago.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-10--august-9--to--august-15\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- [x] Got a fully working preliminary version of the front-end\n- [x] Document the WEB RPC API better\n- [x] Analyzed the results of the poll done on w8 and presented them to the mentors\n- [x] Discussed with the mentors the final targets for the GSoC\n- [ ] Make API example doc --> To be done on the weekend\n- [x] finished info level logging functionality for main functions (apply_rules and convert_them)\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\nThe final targets discussed with the mentors:\n\n- Documenting a example of the GUI usage, so that the mentors can test it on various datasets\n- Implement the heuristic for inferring the path pattern from an example in the rules file\n- Make test and documentation for the incremental conversion use-case (the poll determined that to be a really important issue)\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nThis week, nope hehe. Just a lot of work from school which restarted a couple of weeks ago."
"id": "week-11--august-16--to--august-22",
@@ -1513,7 +1513,7 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/wolf-of-reality",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "wolf of reality",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Wolf of Reality\n---\n```\n\nJust a wolf (usually female, \"la realidad\"), that I imagine when I'm feeling bad because of the current state of my [[perspective-reality]]. I will imagine that this wolf -although challenging me as reality-, does not mean harm to me; and even more so, tries to soothe me.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[perspective-reality]: ./../bubbles/perspective-reality \"perspective-reality\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Wolf of Reality\n---\n```\n\nJust a wolf (usually female, \"la realidad\"), that I imagine when I'm feeling bad because of the current state of my [[perspective-reality]]. I will imagine that this wolf -although challenging me as reality-, does not mean harm to me; and even more so, tries to soothe me.\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[perspective-reality]: ./../bubbles/perspective-reality \"perspective-reality\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "writing-a-paper",
@@ -1527,28 +1527,28 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/writing-and-thinking",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "writing and thinking",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Writing and Thinking\n---\n```\n\nI think this also applies to code. Code forces you to get rid of ambiguity, which forces us to understand.\n\nCuriosly, I found related papers randomly when searching about the zettelkasten [[knowledge-graph]]\n\n\nsource: https://zettelkasten.de/posts/collectors-fallacy-confession/\n\n>S\u00f6nke Ahrens' How to Take Smart Notes, chapter 5, \"Writing Is the Only Thing That Matters\".\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/o1w5qi/is_zettelkasten_worth_the_effort/\n## Checkout\n\nhttps://www.jstor.org/stable/374203\n\nhttps://writingisthinking.com/the-writing-is-thinking-philosophy/\n\nhttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0388000107000046\n\nhttps://www.animalz.co/blog/the-problem-with-writing-is-thinking/\n\nhttps://medium.com/mind-cafe/writing-is-the-purest-form-of-metacognition-ef6458472f02\n\nhttps://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1037/1089-2680.12.1.9\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[knowledge-graph]: ./../bubbles/knowledge-graph \"knowledge-graph\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Writing and Thinking\n---\n```\n\nI think this also applies to code. Code forces you to get rid of ambiguity, which forces us to understand.\n\nCuriosly, I found related papers randomly when searching about the zettelkasten [[knowledge-graph]]\n\n\nsource: https://zettelkasten.de/posts/collectors-fallacy-confession/\n\n>S\u00f6nke Ahrens' How to Take Smart Notes, chapter 5, \"Writing Is the Only Thing That Matters\".\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/o1w5qi/is_zettelkasten_worth_the_effort/\n## Checkout\n\nhttps://www.jstor.org/stable/374203\n\nhttps://writingisthinking.com/the-writing-is-thinking-philosophy/\n\nhttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0388000107000046\n\nhttps://www.animalz.co/blog/the-problem-with-writing-is-thinking/\n\nhttps://medium.com/mind-cafe/writing-is-the-purest-form-of-metacognition-ef6458472f02\n\nhttps://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1037/1089-2680.12.1.9\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[knowledge-graph]: ./../bubbles/knowledge-graph \"knowledge-graph\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "writting-during-vs-after-journey",
"url": "./../bubbles/writting-during-vs-after-journey",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "writing during vs after journey",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Writing During vs After Journey\n---\n```\n\nRMB had some comments and books about this...\n\nBol\u00edvar wrote during... Something like that.\n\nWritings after the fact are devoid of the tension maybe... As it is resolved by the time you finally sit down to write.\n\nIf you write during, you can really see the struggles on the spot, infraganti. The quality of the narration will be purer.\n\nOtherwise, some of the emotion is lost by the resolution of the situation through the natural passage of time.\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Writing During vs After Journey\n---\n```\n\nRMB had some comments and books about this...\n\nBol\u00edvar wrote during... Something like that.\n\nWritings after the fact are devoid of the tension maybe... As it is resolved by the time you finally sit down to write.\n\nIf you write during, you can really see the struggles on the spot, infraganti. The quality of the narration will be purer.\n\nOtherwise, some of the emotion is lost by the resolution of the situation through the natural passage of time."
"id": "wsl2-move-vhdx",
"url": "./../tutorials/wsl2-move-vhdx",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "move wsl2 vhdx",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Move WSL2 vhdx\n---\n```\n\n## The problem\n\n- Your primary drive has low space\n- WSL2 is consuming a lot of space\n\n## Causes\n\n- The vhdx is a no-shrinking file\n\n## Solution\n\n- Move the vhdx to another drive\n\n## How\n\nExecute this code i got from [here](https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/4699#issuecomment-660104214)\n\n```cmd\nwsl --shutdown\nwsl -l -v\nwsl --export \nwsl --unregister \nwsl --import \nwsl -l -v\n```\n\n## Example\n\n\n\nNote you have to put the .tar, otherwise the access is denied at the beginning happens.\n\n## Additionally clean docker vhdx space\n\n- This space doesn't show in docker except in the troubleshoot page.\n- Press Clean/Purge data\n\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Move WSL2 vhdx\n---\n```\n\n## The problem\n\n- Your primary drive has low space\n- WSL2 is consuming a lot of space\n\n## Causes\n\n- The vhdx is a no-shrinking file\n\n## Solution\n\n- Move the vhdx to another drive\n\n## How\n\nExecute this code i got from [here](https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/4699#issuecomment-660104214)\n\n```cmd\nwsl --shutdown\nwsl -l -v\nwsl --export \nwsl --unregister \nwsl --import \nwsl -l -v\n```\n\n## Example\n\n\n\nNote you have to put the .tar, otherwise the access is denied at the beginning happens.\n\n## Additionally clean docker vhdx space\n\n- This space doesn't show in docker except in the troubleshoot page.\n- Press Clean/Purge data\n\n"
"id": "you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"links": [
diff --git a/graphs/graph.json b/graphs/graph.json
index 7264b6f..1b5afde 100644
--- a/graphs/graph.json
+++ b/graphs/graph.json
@@ -39,77 +39,77 @@
"url": "./../wayward/2023-01-01",
"category": "wayward",
"title": "2023-01-01 wayward",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-01 Wayward\n---\n```\n\nIt has been far too long since I had the first impulse of doing my own thing, and carving my own path. For some reason I picture it as a descend into myself. It's dark... I need solitude to achieve this. For many years I've loved sharing and discovering knowledge with others but right now, I want to advance by myself... Make no mistake, I love sharing... But it seems like I'm losing time on stuff that does not align enough with my own interests. It may sound selfish, but I need to be selfish right now.\n\n[[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]]\n\n> *Se investiga lo que te atraviesa*\n\nRMB\n\n> *unless it's something personal it's very hard to keep yourself motivated*\n\n[Irina Rish](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-ilcF0R7mI)\n\nI know it... I'm missing some fire I had before, it is depleting. And yet, something inside of me is screaming:\n\n> *I want to go beyond*\n\nFor what its worth, doing things for and with other people is motivating -see [[vasopressin-bonding-effect]]; you can really feel the dopamine hits with each smile... But I'm tired... And I want to go beyond. It's been a long time since I have tried to do my own thing *seriously*, I mean, sure I can do little projects, but nothing that really shakes the core... Maybe because I'm scared of failing... I read about all of these topics, I get excited to the point of having an adrenaline rush... But... I dont know where to begin... There is simply too much, and I want to do it well, with the will of someone who wants to be truly deep, to have something valuable to say and add to this endeavor.\n\n[[understanding-and-innovation]]\n\n> El que no entiende no innova\n\nCastro, un profesor de f\u00edsica de la USB\n\nAnd so, I want to understand, beyond and as deep as I can... It seems like time is not enough ever, there is always some project to do. How to be deep in such circumstances? Without the smile of the other as motivation? There must be a way -the wayward way-, to go the left-hand path. Why write so emotionally about such an intellectual pursuit... Because I need it to have meaning, for someone so mythologically minded, what I do must fit my arc, and I cannot do science without passion as much as I cannot give a lecture without doing heavy gestures and dancing. If anything, my tenacity comes from them.\n\n[[the-power-of-emotional-investment]]\n\n>La raz\u00f3n es fr\u00eda, pero ve claro; darle calor y no ofuscar su claridad; las pasiones son ciegas, pero dan fuerza; darles direcci\u00f3n y aprovecharse de su fuerza.\n\nJaime Balmes\n\nIn restropective, it seems I hid myself on doing things with others as a way to run from the things I truly want to do. When I do things where I'm not so invested, where failure is tolerable, my mind can run more free and careless. But for things at the core, I'm afraid, almost like an intellectual version of paralysis by analysis. A procrastination of what truly matters to you... Surely, the consequences of this are devastating for your arc.\n\n[[fear-of-failure]] , [[paralysis-by-analysis]]\n\nSo, I have decided to start 2023 with an honest effort to ammend this. Somehow, the vicinity of the 30s, is telling me that time is running out, that im no longer full of potential but that I finally MUST BE. I sense the call, and broken-hearted, with the blessing in the breaking, I'm trying to answer it.\n\n[[kids-are-pure-potential]] [[the-blessing-is-in-the-breaking]]\n\n>All I have is my honor, a tolerance for pain. A couple of college credits and my top-notch brain\n\nLin Manuel Miranda @ Hamilton. I alledgedly have a top-notch brain, but I dont reckon that. I at least have curiosity, my rapt attention, my rarified approach, the Life authentic.\n[[hamilton]] [[rapt-attention]] [[life-authentic]]\n\n\nHow to start? I want to truly know this, how to do that... And so, I start procrastinating with stuff regarding \"learning how to learn\"..., \"how to take notes\". How do you do that? When you dont care is easy... When you do, whats the way to do it properly?\n\n[[notetaking]]\n\nI vaguely remember doing Barbara Oakley's course of \"learning how to learn\", the insights of the focused and diffused modes of the brain, the importance of actually engaging problem-solvingly with the material; the idea of chunking, kolb's learning cycle. Scott Young's *visceralization* concept. The *insight machine* of [Colin Galen](https://youtu.be/Dm68uFy6gus) (which is somewhat what Rosty Bruce -an old pal of mine-referred to as being a system that takes topics and outputs shit about them). [Karen L. McKee's](https://youtu.be/tX9asHdFSv4) *writing is thinking* [[scientific-writing-with-karen-mckee]]. I hope these ideas lead me to the optimal way of learning deeply. I have the dream of creating here my knowledge-graph. Maybe that would be useless, sort of like the failure of the semantic web... On one hand, creating a corpus for the whole web is just too big, but maybe for learning-purposes, digesting ideas the old fashioned way, by connecting them and writing them and so on... maybe that would help me to gain insight.\n\n[[how-to-learn]] [[focused-and-diffused]] [[visceralization]] [[knowledge-graph]]\n\nSide note: I think I may have a thing for summarizing ideas into aforisms, that is, short phrases that are easy to recall (alas *the map is no the territory*). While writing this my mind just jumps where it desires, people have told me that it seems that my thought is chaotic, entangled, and that I easily lose track when I talk. I always thought of myself as quite organized and structured, almost devoid of chaos...\n\n[[phrase-compression]]\n[[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]]\n\nIn any case, I will try to maintatin a periodic diary of concepts, ideas, ([\"an intellectual diary\",the logbook of the trip](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logbook_(nautical))--> [*cuaderno de viaje*, *bitacora*](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuaderno_de_bit%C3%A1cora), what beautiful names for this wayward trip I I will be taking). This reminds me of RMB, she told us about the importance of writing during a trip, that writings done during the trip, and afterwards are different. She cited some books, I gotta ask her about them. [[writting-during-vs-after-journey]]\n\nThat makes me thing of her story about how her mentor taught her... Damn... I have to ask her about lots of things. Somehow during my first trip to Canada I could not be bothered to write about my day, but maybe this way, by writing about the ideas I encounter, it will be easier for me. I do have words for ideas...and as always, yet another thought branches...\n[[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]]\n\nEDIT: One of the things that I fear most is becoming a librarian/knowledge collector because I would suffer of a lack of imagination. Hopefully this wont be true. I do remember thinking that this effort might be worthless, that is, building a knowledge graph. I would be better of trusting that at the right time my brain will remember the important thing.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[fear-of-failure]: ./../bubbles/fear-of-failure \"fear-of-failure\"\n[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]: ./../bubbles/flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts \"flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts\"\n[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]: ./../bubbles/flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts \"flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts\"\n[focused-and-diffused]: ./../bubbles/focused-and-diffused \"focused-and-diffused\"\n[hamilton]: ./../bubbles/hamilton \"hamilton\"\n[how-to-learn]: ./../bubbles/how-to-learn \"how-to-learn\"\n[kids-are-pure-potential]: ./../bubbles/kids-are-pure-potential \"kids-are-pure-potential\"\n[knowledge-graph]: ./../bubbles/knowledge-graph \"knowledge-graph\"\n[life-authentic]: ./../bubbles/life-authentic \"life-authentic\"\n[notetaking]: ./../bubbles/notetaking \"notetaking\"\n[paralysis-by-analysis]: ./../bubbles/paralysis-by-analysis \"paralysis-by-analysis\"\n[phrase-compression]: ./../bubbles/phrase-compression \"phrase-compression\"\n[rapt-attention]: ./../bubbles/rapt-attention \"rapt-attention\"\n[scientific-writing-with-karen-mckee]: ./../bubbles/scientific-writing-with-karen-mckee \"scientific-writing-with-karen-mckee\"\n[the-blessing-is-in-the-breaking]: ./../bubbles/the-blessing-is-in-the-breaking \"the-blessing-is-in-the-breaking\"\n[the-power-of-emotional-investment]: ./../bubbles/the-power-of-emotional-investment \"the-power-of-emotional-investment\"\n[understanding-and-innovation]: ./../bubbles/understanding-and-innovation \"understanding-and-innovation\"\n[vasopressin-bonding-effect]: ./../bubbles/vasopressin-bonding-effect \"vasopressin-bonding-effect\"\n[visceralization]: ./../bubbles/visceralization \"visceralization\"\n[writting-during-vs-after-journey]: ./../bubbles/writting-during-vs-after-journey \"writting-during-vs-after-journey\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-01 Wayward\n---\n```\n\nIt has been far too long since I had the first impulse of doing my own thing, and carving my own path. For some reason I picture it as a descend into myself. It's dark... I need solitude to achieve this. For many years I've loved sharing and discovering knowledge with others but right now, I want to advance by myself... Make no mistake, I love sharing... But it seems like I'm losing time on stuff that does not align enough with my own interests. It may sound selfish, but I need to be selfish right now.\n\n[[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]]\n\n> *Se investiga lo que te atraviesa*\n\nRMB\n\n> *unless it's something personal it's very hard to keep yourself motivated*\n\n[Irina Rish](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-ilcF0R7mI)\n\nI know it... I'm missing some fire I had before, it is depleting. And yet, something inside of me is screaming:\n\n> *I want to go beyond*\n\nFor what its worth, doing things for and with other people is motivating -see [[vasopressin-bonding-effect]]; you can really feel the dopamine hits with each smile... But I'm tired... And I want to go beyond. It's been a long time since I have tried to do my own thing *seriously*, I mean, sure I can do little projects, but nothing that really shakes the core... Maybe because I'm scared of failing... I read about all of these topics, I get excited to the point of having an adrenaline rush... But... I dont know where to begin... There is simply too much, and I want to do it well, with the will of someone who wants to be truly deep, to have something valuable to say and add to this endeavor.\n\n[[understanding-and-innovation]]\n\n> El que no entiende no innova\n\nCastro, un profesor de f\u00edsica de la USB\n\nAnd so, I want to understand, beyond and as deep as I can... It seems like time is not enough ever, there is always some project to do. How to be deep in such circumstances? Without the smile of the other as motivation? There must be a way -the wayward way-, to go the left-hand path. Why write so emotionally about such an intellectual pursuit... Because I need it to have meaning, for someone so mythologically minded, what I do must fit my arc, and I cannot do science without passion as much as I cannot give a lecture without doing heavy gestures and dancing. If anything, my tenacity comes from them.\n\n[[the-power-of-emotional-investment]]\n\n>La raz\u00f3n es fr\u00eda, pero ve claro; darle calor y no ofuscar su claridad; las pasiones son ciegas, pero dan fuerza; darles direcci\u00f3n y aprovecharse de su fuerza.\n\nJaime Balmes\n\nIn restropective, it seems I hid myself on doing things with others as a way to run from the things I truly want to do. When I do things where I'm not so invested, where failure is tolerable, my mind can run more free and careless. But for things at the core, I'm afraid, almost like an intellectual version of paralysis by analysis. A procrastination of what truly matters to you... Surely, the consequences of this are devastating for your arc.\n\n[[fear-of-failure]] , [[paralysis-by-analysis]]\n\nSo, I have decided to start 2023 with an honest effort to ammend this. Somehow, the vicinity of the 30s, is telling me that time is running out, that im no longer full of potential but that I finally MUST BE. I sense the call, and broken-hearted, with the blessing in the breaking, I'm trying to answer it.\n\n[[kids-are-pure-potential]] [[the-blessing-is-in-the-breaking]]\n\n>All I have is my honor, a tolerance for pain. A couple of college credits and my top-notch brain\n\nLin Manuel Miranda @ Hamilton. I alledgedly have a top-notch brain, but I dont reckon that. I at least have curiosity, my rapt attention, my rarified approach, the Life authentic.\n[[hamilton]] [[rapt-attention]] [[life-authentic]]\n\n\nHow to start? I want to truly know this, how to do that... And so, I start procrastinating with stuff regarding \"learning how to learn\"..., \"how to take notes\". How do you do that? When you dont care is easy... When you do, whats the way to do it properly?\n\n[[notetaking]]\n\nI vaguely remember doing Barbara Oakley's course of \"learning how to learn\", the insights of the focused and diffused modes of the brain, the importance of actually engaging problem-solvingly with the material; the idea of chunking, kolb's learning cycle. Scott Young's *visceralization* concept. The *insight machine* of [Colin Galen](https://youtu.be/Dm68uFy6gus) (which is somewhat what Rosty Bruce -an old pal of mine-referred to as being a system that takes topics and outputs shit about them). [Karen L. McKee's](https://youtu.be/tX9asHdFSv4) *writing is thinking* [[scientific-writing-with-karen-mckee]]. I hope these ideas lead me to the optimal way of learning deeply. I have the dream of creating here my knowledge-graph. Maybe that would be useless, sort of like the failure of the semantic web... On one hand, creating a corpus for the whole web is just too big, but maybe for learning-purposes, digesting ideas the old fashioned way, by connecting them and writing them and so on... maybe that would help me to gain insight.\n\n[[how-to-learn]] [[focused-and-diffused]] [[visceralization]] [[knowledge-graph]]\n\nSide note: I think I may have a thing for summarizing ideas into aforisms, that is, short phrases that are easy to recall (alas *the map is no the territory*). While writing this my mind just jumps where it desires, people have told me that it seems that my thought is chaotic, entangled, and that I easily lose track when I talk. I always thought of myself as quite organized and structured, almost devoid of chaos...\n\n[[phrase-compression]]\n[[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]]\n\nIn any case, I will try to maintatin a periodic diary of concepts, ideas, ([\"an intellectual diary\",the logbook of the trip](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logbook_(nautical))--> [*cuaderno de viaje*, *bitacora*](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuaderno_de_bit%C3%A1cora), what beautiful names for this wayward trip I I will be taking). This reminds me of RMB, she told us about the importance of writing during a trip, that writings done during the trip, and afterwards are different. She cited some books, I gotta ask her about them. [[writting-during-vs-after-journey]]\n\nThat makes me thing of her story about how her mentor taught her... Damn... I have to ask her about lots of things. Somehow during my first trip to Canada I could not be bothered to write about my day, but maybe this way, by writing about the ideas I encounter, it will be easier for me. I do have words for ideas...and as always, yet another thought branches...\n[[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]]\n\nEDIT: One of the things that I fear most is becoming a librarian/knowledge collector because I would suffer of a lack of imagination. Hopefully this wont be true. I do remember thinking that this effort might be worthless, that is, building a knowledge graph. I would be better of trusting that at the right time my brain will remember the important thing.\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[fear-of-failure]: ./../bubbles/fear-of-failure \"fear-of-failure\"\n[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]: ./../bubbles/flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts \"flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts\"\n[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]: ./../bubbles/flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts \"flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts\"\n[focused-and-diffused]: ./../bubbles/focused-and-diffused \"focused-and-diffused\"\n[hamilton]: ./../bubbles/hamilton \"hamilton\"\n[how-to-learn]: ./../bubbles/how-to-learn \"how-to-learn\"\n[kids-are-pure-potential]: ./../bubbles/kids-are-pure-potential \"kids-are-pure-potential\"\n[knowledge-graph]: ./../bubbles/knowledge-graph \"knowledge-graph\"\n[life-authentic]: ./../bubbles/life-authentic \"life-authentic\"\n[notetaking]: ./../bubbles/notetaking \"notetaking\"\n[paralysis-by-analysis]: ./../bubbles/paralysis-by-analysis \"paralysis-by-analysis\"\n[phrase-compression]: ./../bubbles/phrase-compression \"phrase-compression\"\n[rapt-attention]: ./../bubbles/rapt-attention \"rapt-attention\"\n[scientific-writing-with-karen-mckee]: ./../bubbles/scientific-writing-with-karen-mckee \"scientific-writing-with-karen-mckee\"\n[the-blessing-is-in-the-breaking]: ./../bubbles/the-blessing-is-in-the-breaking \"the-blessing-is-in-the-breaking\"\n[the-power-of-emotional-investment]: ./../bubbles/the-power-of-emotional-investment \"the-power-of-emotional-investment\"\n[understanding-and-innovation]: ./../bubbles/understanding-and-innovation \"understanding-and-innovation\"\n[vasopressin-bonding-effect]: ./../bubbles/vasopressin-bonding-effect \"vasopressin-bonding-effect\"\n[visceralization]: ./../bubbles/visceralization \"visceralization\"\n[writting-during-vs-after-journey]: ./../bubbles/writting-during-vs-after-journey \"writting-during-vs-after-journey\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "2023-01-02",
"url": "./../wayward/2023-01-02",
"category": "wayward",
"title": "2023-01-02 how the hell will i do this",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-02 How the hell will I do this\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-01]]\n\nI need to figure out two things:\n\n1. How will I assimilate stuff\n1. How will I record the process and product of assimilation here.\n\nFor the last one, I think the bubbles will be merely chunks of self contained but hyperlinked units of information.\n\nBut for this to be a journey, it needs to have a time dimension. So, Im kind of conceptualicing the \"wayward\" as the spinal chord that mentions and links to the bubbles in the time dimension. Of course, the bubbles connect themselves without time in their \"bubble dimension\".\n\nThis approach is mentioned in https://www.thoughtasylum.com/2021/07/03/i-do-not-use-zettelkasten/ as a \"journal\".\n\nAnother problem, is that my thought process jumps fast towards topics I havent fully digested nor have the focus right now to do this. For this, I think that if I made the bubble and point it towards the source of the information that brought it up may be sufficient. Later, I can add my own thoughts to it.\n[[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]]\n[[perfection-is-paralyzing]]\n\n> 12 hours later...\n\nA more important problem is that something is blocking me from actually doing what I want. Probably anxiety, I just spend the whole day procrastinating instead of executing my original plan. I'm so afraid of doing it wrong that I just dont do it... Too much emotional investment can be a double-edged sword.\n\n[[fear-of-failure]] [[the-power-of-emotional-investment]]\n\nI at least got to hyperlink the previous entry... and this one.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-01]: ./../wayward/2023-01-01 \"2023-01-01\"\n[fear-of-failure]: ./../bubbles/fear-of-failure \"fear-of-failure\"\n[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]: ./../bubbles/flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts \"flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts\"\n[perfection-is-paralyzing]: ./../bubbles/perfection-is-paralyzing \"perfection-is-paralyzing\"\n[the-power-of-emotional-investment]: ./../bubbles/the-power-of-emotional-investment \"the-power-of-emotional-investment\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-02 How the hell will I do this\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-01]]\n\nI need to figure out two things:\n\n1. How will I assimilate stuff\n1. How will I record the process and product of assimilation here.\n\nFor the last one, I think the bubbles will be merely chunks of self contained but hyperlinked units of information.\n\nBut for this to be a journey, it needs to have a time dimension. So, Im kind of conceptualicing the \"wayward\" as the spinal chord that mentions and links to the bubbles in the time dimension. Of course, the bubbles connect themselves without time in their \"bubble dimension\".\n\nThis approach is mentioned in https://www.thoughtasylum.com/2021/07/03/i-do-not-use-zettelkasten/ as a \"journal\".\n\nAnother problem, is that my thought process jumps fast towards topics I havent fully digested nor have the focus right now to do this. For this, I think that if I made the bubble and point it towards the source of the information that brought it up may be sufficient. Later, I can add my own thoughts to it.\n[[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]]\n[[perfection-is-paralyzing]]\n\n> 12 hours later...\n\nA more important problem is that something is blocking me from actually doing what I want. Probably anxiety, I just spend the whole day procrastinating instead of executing my original plan. I'm so afraid of doing it wrong that I just dont do it... Too much emotional investment can be a double-edged sword.\n\n[[fear-of-failure]] [[the-power-of-emotional-investment]]\n\nI at least got to hyperlink the previous entry... and this one.\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-01]: ./../wayward/2023-01-01 \"2023-01-01\"\n[fear-of-failure]: ./../bubbles/fear-of-failure \"fear-of-failure\"\n[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]: ./../bubbles/flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts \"flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts\"\n[perfection-is-paralyzing]: ./../bubbles/perfection-is-paralyzing \"perfection-is-paralyzing\"\n[the-power-of-emotional-investment]: ./../bubbles/the-power-of-emotional-investment \"the-power-of-emotional-investment\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "2023-01-03",
"url": "./../wayward/2023-01-03",
"category": "wayward",
"title": "2023-01-03 link reference definition autogenerator",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-03 Link Reference Definition Autogenerator\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-02]]\n\nSadly, I didnt do much today. Had a discussion with my aunt (monjita) about formative research.\n\nApart from that I just fixed the Link Reference Definition Autogenerator (see [[foam]])\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-02]: ./../wayward/2023-01-02 \"2023-01-02\"\n[foam]: ./../tutorials/foam \"foam\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-03 Link Reference Definition Autogenerator\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-02]]\n\nSadly, I didnt do much today. Had a discussion with my aunt (monjita) about formative research.\n\nApart from that I just fixed the Link Reference Definition Autogenerator (see [[foam]])\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-02]: ./../wayward/2023-01-02 \"2023-01-02\"\n[foam]: ./../tutorials/foam \"foam\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "2023-01-04",
"url": "./../wayward/2023-01-04",
"category": "wayward",
"title": "2023-01-04 i'm finally starting",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-04 I'm finally starting\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-03]]\n\nAfter a family visit, my plan is to digest two videos at least:\n\n- [You\u2019re Not Stupid: How to Easily Learn Difficult Things - \nElizabeth Filips](https://youtu.be/Kz_brQBl8xk)\n- [Focusing Your Unconscious Mind: Learn Hard Concepts Intuitively (And Forever) - Colin Galen](https://youtu.be/Dm68uFy6gus)\n\nBefore even starting I'm encountering a lot of blockage, sort of like unconciously sabotaging myself not to do it... procrastination??. I also have a mild headache. Anyway, I just gotta do it...\n\nI'm going to test linking to a specific section of a document too. That would be useful for subchunking.\n\nBefore starting though, I had [[overheating]] problems on my laptop, which I hope I solved them with temperature throttling.\n\nIt just ocurred to me that if I want to spend my life talking about ideas, then I need to have a [[bestiary]], inventory... and so on of ideas. [[archeology-of-knowledge]]\n\nIn anycase, during the process of assimilating just the first video (Elizabeth's) I got infinitely lost in the way [[curiosity-jumping]]. This makes me think that I should probably have balance between this wayward project and other intellectual duties (such as paper writing).\n\nConclusion--> At least I did the first video. [[how-to-learn]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-03]: ./../wayward/2023-01-03 \"2023-01-03\"\n[archeology-of-knowledge]: ./../bubbles/archeology-of-knowledge \"archeology-of-knowledge\"\n[bestiary]: ./../bubbles/bestiary \"bestiary\"\n[curiosity-jumping]: ./../bubbles/curiosity-jumping \"curiosity-jumping\"\n[how-to-learn]: ./../bubbles/how-to-learn \"how-to-learn\"\n[overheating]: ./../bubbles/overheating \"overheating\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-04 I'm finally starting\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-03]]\n\nAfter a family visit, my plan is to digest two videos at least:\n\n- [You\u2019re Not Stupid: How to Easily Learn Difficult Things - \nElizabeth Filips](https://youtu.be/Kz_brQBl8xk)\n- [Focusing Your Unconscious Mind: Learn Hard Concepts Intuitively (And Forever) - Colin Galen](https://youtu.be/Dm68uFy6gus)\n\nBefore even starting I'm encountering a lot of blockage, sort of like unconciously sabotaging myself not to do it... procrastination??. I also have a mild headache. Anyway, I just gotta do it...\n\nI'm going to test linking to a specific section of a document too. That would be useful for subchunking.\n\nBefore starting though, I had [[overheating]] problems on my laptop, which I hope I solved them with temperature throttling.\n\nIt just ocurred to me that if I want to spend my life talking about ideas, then I need to have a [[bestiary]], inventory... and so on of ideas. [[archeology-of-knowledge]]\n\nIn anycase, during the process of assimilating just the first video (Elizabeth's) I got infinitely lost in the way [[curiosity-jumping]]. This makes me think that I should probably have balance between this wayward project and other intellectual duties (such as paper writing).\n\nConclusion--> At least I did the first video. [[how-to-learn]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-03]: ./../wayward/2023-01-03 \"2023-01-03\"\n[archeology-of-knowledge]: ./../bubbles/archeology-of-knowledge \"archeology-of-knowledge\"\n[bestiary]: ./../bubbles/bestiary \"bestiary\"\n[curiosity-jumping]: ./../bubbles/curiosity-jumping \"curiosity-jumping\"\n[how-to-learn]: ./../bubbles/how-to-learn \"how-to-learn\"\n[overheating]: ./../bubbles/overheating \"overheating\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "2023-01-05",
"url": "./../wayward/2023-01-05",
"category": "wayward",
"title": "2023-01-05 sis' birthday",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-05 Sis' birthday\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-04]]\n\nDidnt do anything besides researching stuff related to [[novelty-search]], inspired by some facebook debate on AI art. I trying to remember an article I read on the importance of the AI to explore freely rather than only go for the immediate reward. The article consisted of like an image generation AI that would be fedback with user input. And that by ignoring most interesting images at first, you could arrive at better solutions later. I cant find the article though. I think one of the examples was trying to generate an image similar to an animal. The article had a dark background (it was on the internet, not a pdf).\n\nI also saw a post on facebook that directed me towards [[are_yes_or_no_questions_science]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-04]: ./../wayward/2023-01-04 \"2023-01-04\"\n[are_yes_or_no_questions_science]: ./../bubbles/are_yes_or_no_questions_science \"are_yes_or_no_questions_science\"\n[novelty-search]: ./../bubbles/novelty-search \"novelty-search\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-05 Sis' birthday\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-04]]\n\nDidnt do anything besides researching stuff related to [[novelty-search]], inspired by some facebook debate on AI art. I trying to remember an article I read on the importance of the AI to explore freely rather than only go for the immediate reward. The article consisted of like an image generation AI that would be fedback with user input. And that by ignoring most interesting images at first, you could arrive at better solutions later. I cant find the article though. I think one of the examples was trying to generate an image similar to an animal. The article had a dark background (it was on the internet, not a pdf).\n\nI also saw a post on facebook that directed me towards [[are_yes_or_no_questions_science]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-04]: ./../wayward/2023-01-04 \"2023-01-04\"\n[are_yes_or_no_questions_science]: ./../bubbles/are_yes_or_no_questions_science \"are_yes_or_no_questions_science\"\n[novelty-search]: ./../bubbles/novelty-search \"novelty-search\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "2023-01-06-to-2023-01-08",
"url": "./../wayward/2023-01-06-to-2023-01-08",
"category": "wayward",
"title": "2023-01-06 to 2023-01-08 unproductive",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-06 to 2023-01-08 Unproductive\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-05]]\n\nThese days I haven't been able to concentrate much. My mental state ain't the best and there were some family-related important stuff I had to do (my aunt and backup of family photos).\n\nI did read here and there about some stuff and relevant concepts crossed my mind:\n\n- The [[avatar-of-challenge]], which is something I have been thinking for a while as a result of my emotional struggles. I was reminded of it also by the character of the Big Bad Wolf from Puss in boots 2.\n- The [[will-of-places]] which is a concept I have thought about whenever Im about to move from a place.\n- This idea of a study of thought [[representation]]s, or information representations in general. How we think and how machines think.\n- This idea of [[algorithms-as-abstract-representations]]\n- About [[the-can-that-moves]] (Massimo's game).\n- Some books: [[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]],[[text-libro-de-animales]]\n- Relato [[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]]\n- The [[squire-attire]]\n- [[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-05]: ./../wayward/2023-01-05 \"2023-01-05\"\n[algorithms-as-abstract-representations]: ./../bubbles/algorithms-as-abstract-representations \"algorithms-as-abstract-representations\"\n[avatar-of-challenge]: ./../bubbles/avatar-of-challenge \"avatar-of-challenge\"\n[representation]: ./../bubbles/representation \"representation\"\n[squire-attire]: ./../bubbles/squire-attire \"squire-attire\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[text-libro-de-animales]: ./../bubbles/text-libro-de-animales \"text-libro-de-animales\"\n[the-can-that-moves]: ./../bubbles/the-can-that-moves \"the-can-that-moves\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[will-of-places]: ./../bubbles/will-of-places \"will-of-places\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-06 to 2023-01-08 Unproductive\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-05]]\n\nThese days I haven't been able to concentrate much. My mental state ain't the best and there were some family-related important stuff I had to do (my aunt and backup of family photos).\n\nI did read here and there about some stuff and relevant concepts crossed my mind:\n\n- The [[avatar-of-challenge]], which is something I have been thinking for a while as a result of my emotional struggles. I was reminded of it also by the character of the Big Bad Wolf from Puss in boots 2.\n- The [[will-of-places]] which is a concept I have thought about whenever Im about to move from a place.\n- This idea of a study of thought [[representation]]s, or information representations in general. How we think and how machines think.\n- This idea of [[algorithms-as-abstract-representations]]\n- About [[the-can-that-moves]] (Massimo's game).\n- Some books: [[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]],[[text-libro-de-animales]]\n- Relato [[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]]\n- The [[squire-attire]]\n- [[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-05]: ./../wayward/2023-01-05 \"2023-01-05\"\n[algorithms-as-abstract-representations]: ./../bubbles/algorithms-as-abstract-representations \"algorithms-as-abstract-representations\"\n[avatar-of-challenge]: ./../bubbles/avatar-of-challenge \"avatar-of-challenge\"\n[representation]: ./../bubbles/representation \"representation\"\n[squire-attire]: ./../bubbles/squire-attire \"squire-attire\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[text-libro-de-animales]: ./../bubbles/text-libro-de-animales \"text-libro-de-animales\"\n[the-can-that-moves]: ./../bubbles/the-can-that-moves \"the-can-that-moves\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[will-of-places]: ./../bubbles/will-of-places \"will-of-places\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "2023-01-09-to-2023-12-18",
"url": "./../wayward/2023-01-09-to-2023-12-18",
"category": "wayward",
"title": "2023-01-09 to 2023-12-18",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-09 to 2023-12-18\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-06-to-2023-01-08]]\n\nI wasnt able to commit to writing everyday, too much friction. But the waywardness of this project is still very much alive.\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-06-to-2023-01-08]: ./../wayward/2023-01-06-to-2023-01-08 \"2023-01-06-to-2023-01-08\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: 2023-01-09 to 2023-12-18\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-06-to-2023-01-08]]\n\nI wasnt able to commit to writing everyday, too much friction. But the waywardness of this project is still very much alive.\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-06-to-2023-01-08]: ./../wayward/2023-01-06-to-2023-01-08 \"2023-01-06-to-2023-01-08\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "2023-12-19",
"url": "./../wayward/2023-12-19",
"category": "wayward",
"title": "2023-12-19 a literature network",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"2023-12-19 A literature network\"\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-09-to-2023-12-18]]\n\nIm going my own way regarding how to build the literature review. Usually people do a literature matrix, but I went towards a [[literature-network]]. Playing with Chat GPT I was able to implement a dat.gui filter for the literature network. The network is built using force graph js. I also added a search bar to the network, so you can search for a specific paper. Hopefully this will be useful for my whole PhD journey. I also think it is more fun to explore the literature this way. I built it in integration with this wiki, so I can add papers to the network by adding a link to the paper in the wiki. In a way, it contributes to the knowledge graph of the wiki. Its all one and the same.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-09-to-2023-12-18]: ./../wayward/2023-01-09-to-2023-12-18 \"2023-01-09-to-2023-12-18\"\n[literature-network]: ./../bubbles/literature-network \"literature-network\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"2023-12-19 A literature network\"\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-01-09-to-2023-12-18]]\n\nIm going my own way regarding how to build the literature review. Usually people do a literature matrix, but I went towards a [[literature-network]]. Playing with Chat GPT I was able to implement a dat.gui filter for the literature network. The network is built using force graph js. I also added a search bar to the network, so you can search for a specific paper. Hopefully this will be useful for my whole PhD journey. I also think it is more fun to explore the literature this way. I built it in integration with this wiki, so I can add papers to the network by adding a link to the paper in the wiki. In a way, it contributes to the knowledge graph of the wiki. Its all one and the same.\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-01-09-to-2023-12-18]: ./../wayward/2023-01-09-to-2023-12-18 \"2023-01-09-to-2023-12-18\"\n[literature-network]: ./../bubbles/literature-network \"literature-network\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "2023-12-20",
"url": "./../wayward/2023-12-20",
"category": "wayward",
"title": "2023-12-20 trying to get back",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"2023-12-20 Trying to get back\"\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-12-19]]\n\nI have a bit of anxiety on how to start writing the project proposal, adding to the whole PhD application itself. Timing does not seem to be on my side.\n\nIn any case, lets start from the beginning. The project overall theme is \"Abstract Representations in Brains and Machines\". Its quite a thought provoking theme, and I am not sure how to approach it. I have a few ideas.\n\nWhat are [[abstract-representations]] anyway? Im gonna see what I can find in the net about it. And write it in that bubble.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-12-19]: ./../wayward/2023-12-19 \"2023-12-19\"\n[abstract-representations]: ./../bubbles/abstract-representations \"abstract-representations\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"2023-12-20 Trying to get back\"\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-12-19]]\n\nI have a bit of anxiety on how to start writing the project proposal, adding to the whole PhD application itself. Timing does not seem to be on my side.\n\nIn any case, lets start from the beginning. The project overall theme is \"Abstract Representations in Brains and Machines\". Its quite a thought provoking theme, and I am not sure how to approach it. I have a few ideas.\n\nWhat are [[abstract-representations]] anyway? Im gonna see what I can find in the net about it. And write it in that bubble.\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-12-19]: ./../wayward/2023-12-19 \"2023-12-19\"\n[abstract-representations]: ./../bubbles/abstract-representations \"abstract-representations\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "2023-12-21",
"url": "./../wayward/2023-12-21",
"category": "wayward",
"title": "2023-12-21 llms curious phenomena",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"2023-12-21 LLMs curious phenomena\"\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-12-20]]\n\nI talked to Venkatesh today, mostly about PhD application stuff... But we diverted towards AI memes. It made me think about the curious phenomena that arise from LLMs.\n\nGPT suggest writing about \"the curious phenomena that arise from LLMs\"...\n\nAnyway this is my zoo of curious phenomena that arise from LLMs: [[the-curious-phenomena-that-arise-from-LLMs]]\n\nDuring writing of that post I read about [[ChainForge]] [ChainForge](https://chainforge.ai/docs/) which may be useful for LLM experimentation.\n\nI found out that if you look for [\"representational similarity analysis llm\" in google scholar](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?start=0&q=representational+similarity+analysis+llm&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5), you do get some stuff that is relevant to LLMs. I think I will try to read some of these papers. Probably this would be similar to at least some of the stuff that I would be doing in my PhD.\n\nMoreover, I talked with Massimo about the work of Christopher Alexander regarding [[patterns]].\n\nThis whole literature review thing has encouraged me to do a list of [[interesting-research-entities]] to follow up on.\n\nAlso, what would be [[my-research-programme]]?\n\nThought a bit on the [[vasopressin-bonding-effect]].\n\nand [[becoming-a-researcher]], [[becoming-a-professor]].\n\nAlso briefly stumbled upon a blog about [[psychedelics]]\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-12-20]: ./../wayward/2023-12-20 \"2023-12-20\"\n[becoming-a-professor]: ./../bubbles/becoming-a-professor \"becoming-a-professor\"\n[becoming-a-researcher]: ./../bubbles/becoming-a-researcher \"becoming-a-researcher\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[interesting-research-entities]: ./../bubbles/interesting-research-entities \"interesting-research-entities\"\n[my-research-programme]: ./../bubbles/my-research-programme \"my-research-programme\"\n[patterns]: ./../bubbles/patterns \"patterns\"\n[psychedelics]: ./../bubbles/psychedelics \"psychedelics\"\n[the-curious-phenomena-that-arise-from-LLMs]: ./../bubbles/the-curious-phenomena-that-arise-from-LLMs \"the-curious-phenomena-that-arise-from-LLMs\"\n[vasopressin-bonding-effect]: ./../bubbles/vasopressin-bonding-effect \"vasopressin-bonding-effect\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"2023-12-21 LLMs curious phenomena\"\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-12-20]]\n\nI talked to Venkatesh today, mostly about PhD application stuff... But we diverted towards AI memes. It made me think about the curious phenomena that arise from LLMs.\n\nGPT suggest writing about \"the curious phenomena that arise from LLMs\"...\n\nAnyway this is my zoo of curious phenomena that arise from LLMs: [[the-curious-phenomena-that-arise-from-LLMs]]\n\nDuring writing of that post I read about [[ChainForge]] [ChainForge](https://chainforge.ai/docs/) which may be useful for LLM experimentation.\n\nI found out that if you look for [\"representational similarity analysis llm\" in google scholar](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?start=0&q=representational+similarity+analysis+llm&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5), you do get some stuff that is relevant to LLMs. I think I will try to read some of these papers. Probably this would be similar to at least some of the stuff that I would be doing in my PhD.\n\nMoreover, I talked with Massimo about the work of Christopher Alexander regarding [[patterns]].\n\nThis whole literature review thing has encouraged me to do a list of [[interesting-research-entities]] to follow up on.\n\nAlso, what would be [[my-research-programme]]?\n\nThought a bit on the [[vasopressin-bonding-effect]].\n\nand [[becoming-a-researcher]], [[becoming-a-professor]].\n\nAlso briefly stumbled upon a blog about [[psychedelics]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-12-20]: ./../wayward/2023-12-20 \"2023-12-20\"\n[becoming-a-professor]: ./../bubbles/becoming-a-professor \"becoming-a-professor\"\n[becoming-a-researcher]: ./../bubbles/becoming-a-researcher \"becoming-a-researcher\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[interesting-research-entities]: ./../bubbles/interesting-research-entities \"interesting-research-entities\"\n[my-research-programme]: ./../bubbles/my-research-programme \"my-research-programme\"\n[patterns]: ./../bubbles/patterns \"patterns\"\n[psychedelics]: ./../bubbles/psychedelics \"psychedelics\"\n[the-curious-phenomena-that-arise-from-LLMs]: ./../bubbles/the-curious-phenomena-that-arise-from-LLMs \"the-curious-phenomena-that-arise-from-LLMs\"\n[vasopressin-bonding-effect]: ./../bubbles/vasopressin-bonding-effect \"vasopressin-bonding-effect\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "2024-01-03",
"url": "./../wayward/2024-01-03",
"category": "wayward",
"title": "2024-01-03 starting the year",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"2024-01-03 Starting the year\"\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-12-21]]\n\nResearch into representations and uncertainty in neuro-ai.\n\nI was able to collect the phd direct passage application form.\n\nReconnected with the kindle by starting to read A brief history of intelligence.\n\nBrief idea: One could automate grounded theory by using LLMs by scanning a directory of text files and then using the LLM to generate a list of topics (or providing a topic seed...). Maybe compare the analysis of different LLMs.\nOr even reading theory out of text and then generating a list of topics referencing the theory.\n\n>The only the only existing model we have that works is the human mind. 22:14 And that seems to work upon quite different principles than just scale. Yes. Um, I think something that's very 22:22 interesting about Transformers, though, is I was arguing before that I don't like this neuron analogy, but actually, um, the large 22:31 language models like ChatGPT are the closest thing we have to, um, 22:36 something like the human brain, because they don't they do, just as I expressed, map an input to an output. 22:43 But they also have this kind of short tum memory, which is the context window. So in a sense, 22:48 and it's ironic that we don't refer to that in terms of neural analogy, because that to me is the first thing we've built that sort of looks 22:55 something like the human mind. You have this context and it makes the next, uh, prediction of the token based on that context. 23:02 And in principle, um, you could then operate on the previous context that, 23:09 you know, the system itself could operate on the previous context, it could summarize it, it could file things away. 23:15 It could, uh, ask itself to generate other, you know, different hypotheses to explain something and compare them and decide 23:23 on something and use that as a sort of scratch memory in the same way that we have a working memory. But strangely, we don't refer to 23:30 that in terms of the neural analogy, which I find, uh, quite ironic. I don't know if people are working on that kind of thing. 23:37 I seem that people are working on everything, but I haven't personally read any work in which the, uh, transformer system goes back and 23:45 edits things in its past context. Yes. Um, but I assume that that would be one direction that you might 23:52 go to try and make this system do something that's more like thinking. 23:58 I mean, in the end, a purely feedforward system can't really do anything sophisticated. You need probably to be doing some 24:08 kind of manipulation, if only to generate internal consistency. So there's no way a large language model can have internal consistency. 24:16 It's learned everything on the internet. It thinks that the Earth is both flat and round with different 24:22 statistical proportions. Uh, you know, hopefully mostly most people on the internet think it's round, and 24:27 that's the conclusion it's come to. But in the weight somewhere is Earth flatness. And so to get to another level of 24:36 cognition, you're going to need something that builds an internally 24:42 consistent model of what's out there, whether that needs, as you might argue, uh, interaction with the real world or whether that 24:50 can be done purely in the domain of language remains to be seen. But I think that might be one direction that people would take 24:59 things. You know, the body of knowledge of humans is a kind of virtual phenomenon that supervenes on 25:06 all of us physical earthlings. So, you know, like this, this, 25:11 this infosphere that we've created, it's like a symbiotic organ. ISM, and that has consistent artifacts of knowledge, as you said. 25:20 But many humans do hold the view that the Earth is flat. So it's just another example of this interesting kind of like levels of, 25:27 of emergence. But they they hold an internally consistent view that the world is flat. They I mean, as far as they're concerned, 25:33 it's internally consistent. Obviously there are inconsistencies that are quite easily proven. But um, within their mind, 25:41 they explain they have a model of the world that whereby they explain everything. Well, if the moon is flat, well, 25:47 obviously the sun must be flat as well, and so must, um, and, and you know, when you look at the horizon of the sea, 25:54 it looks flat, and consequently, the earth can't be round. You know, they explain away other phenomena and build up a model 26:00 that backs up their hypothesis. And there's no sense that transformer 26:06 system is doing anything like that. It just starts at the beginning and predicts the next word and has the statistics. 26:14 Um, uh, that are consistent with what's previously in its context window. Yes. You could argue. Though, that, um, humans, 26:23 our brains are also very chaotic, but we have this confabulation and post hoc rationalization in much the same way. 26:29 So we, you know, subconsciously we hold conflicting views. But when we try and explain our views and to avoid cognitive dissonance, 26:36 we kind of we try and reduce what we think to something simple. Right? 26:42 But we have a finite number of views that are sort of partially rounded theories of the world. Yes, the large language model has 26:48 everything that humanity's ever created with no preference for one thing or another other than its statistical likeliness. So yes. Yes. 26:56 So that's still, you know, even if you have multiple conflicting views of the world, you know, there's that famous 27:03 Walt Whitman poem where he says, do I contradict myself? Very well, I contradict myself, I am multitudes, I am large, you know 27:12 that that is human beings captured. Um, but we don't have every view on everything simultaneously. We're trying on some level to 27:20 come up with, uh, consistent models of the world. And we need to do that because we need to take actions in the world. 27:25 And it's impossible to do that if, uh, if you have 50,000 conflicting views of how things work. And this is really interesting 27:33 because Hinton says one of the reasons why ChatGPT is a kind of superintelligence is because it knows all of the things. 27:39 But I would argue, as you just did, I think that we are kind of bounded as observers as there's a computational, um, kind of restriction to how 27:48 many things a single observer can understand at one time. And we'll get more into this later. But I think with cognition, it's not 27:56 just knowing, it's also thinking. So just knowing everything isn't actually the whole piece is it? Yeah. Can you deduce new facts? 28:05 I think in one of your other podcasts you talked about, if you trained ChatGPT with data only up to, you know, the early 20th century, 28:13 would it be able to reproduce the, um, Einstein's theory of relativity? 28:18 I think we all know the answer to that. It wouldn't. Definitely not. And what are the missing pieces? But one? 28:24 You know what that's getting at? What I was saying before, it's true to to to build that theory, you need to have a model of the world. 28:32 And you need to realize that model of the world is wrong, that certain facts. I don't personally believe. You need to observe those facts 28:39 yourself, but certain facts are inconsistent with that theory. And then you need to somehow come up with a new model that itself 28:48 will make new predictions about the world that people can go and test in the case of physics. But but I think that happens on 28:53 a sort of more minor scale, you know, with your theory about how businesses work or how your friend's personality works and 29:02 how best to interact with them. You know, you have theories about everything, uh, that occasionally break, and 29:08 you have to radically rethink them. From a computational point of view, they are finite state automata. I mean, you're saying any finite\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-12-21]: ./../wayward/2023-12-21 \"2023-12-21\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"2024-01-03 Starting the year\"\n---\n```\n\nChronolink: [[2023-12-21]]\n\nResearch into representations and uncertainty in neuro-ai.\n\nI was able to collect the phd direct passage application form.\n\nReconnected with the kindle by starting to read A brief history of intelligence.\n\nBrief idea: One could automate grounded theory by using LLMs by scanning a directory of text files and then using the LLM to generate a list of topics (or providing a topic seed...). Maybe compare the analysis of different LLMs.\nOr even reading theory out of text and then generating a list of topics referencing the theory.\n\n>The only the only existing model we have that works is the human mind. 22:14 And that seems to work upon quite different principles than just scale. Yes. Um, I think something that's very 22:22 interesting about Transformers, though, is I was arguing before that I don't like this neuron analogy, but actually, um, the large 22:31 language models like ChatGPT are the closest thing we have to, um, 22:36 something like the human brain, because they don't they do, just as I expressed, map an input to an output. 22:43 But they also have this kind of short tum memory, which is the context window. So in a sense, 22:48 and it's ironic that we don't refer to that in terms of neural analogy, because that to me is the first thing we've built that sort of looks 22:55 something like the human mind. You have this context and it makes the next, uh, prediction of the token based on that context. 23:02 And in principle, um, you could then operate on the previous context that, 23:09 you know, the system itself could operate on the previous context, it could summarize it, it could file things away. 23:15 It could, uh, ask itself to generate other, you know, different hypotheses to explain something and compare them and decide 23:23 on something and use that as a sort of scratch memory in the same way that we have a working memory. But strangely, we don't refer to 23:30 that in terms of the neural analogy, which I find, uh, quite ironic. I don't know if people are working on that kind of thing. 23:37 I seem that people are working on everything, but I haven't personally read any work in which the, uh, transformer system goes back and 23:45 edits things in its past context. Yes. Um, but I assume that that would be one direction that you might 23:52 go to try and make this system do something that's more like thinking. 23:58 I mean, in the end, a purely feedforward system can't really do anything sophisticated. You need probably to be doing some 24:08 kind of manipulation, if only to generate internal consistency. So there's no way a large language model can have internal consistency. 24:16 It's learned everything on the internet. It thinks that the Earth is both flat and round with different 24:22 statistical proportions. Uh, you know, hopefully mostly most people on the internet think it's round, and 24:27 that's the conclusion it's come to. But in the weight somewhere is Earth flatness. And so to get to another level of 24:36 cognition, you're going to need something that builds an internally 24:42 consistent model of what's out there, whether that needs, as you might argue, uh, interaction with the real world or whether that 24:50 can be done purely in the domain of language remains to be seen. But I think that might be one direction that people would take 24:59 things. You know, the body of knowledge of humans is a kind of virtual phenomenon that supervenes on 25:06 all of us physical earthlings. So, you know, like this, this, 25:11 this infosphere that we've created, it's like a symbiotic organ. ISM, and that has consistent artifacts of knowledge, as you said. 25:20 But many humans do hold the view that the Earth is flat. So it's just another example of this interesting kind of like levels of, 25:27 of emergence. But they they hold an internally consistent view that the world is flat. They I mean, as far as they're concerned, 25:33 it's internally consistent. Obviously there are inconsistencies that are quite easily proven. But um, within their mind, 25:41 they explain they have a model of the world that whereby they explain everything. Well, if the moon is flat, well, 25:47 obviously the sun must be flat as well, and so must, um, and, and you know, when you look at the horizon of the sea, 25:54 it looks flat, and consequently, the earth can't be round. You know, they explain away other phenomena and build up a model 26:00 that backs up their hypothesis. And there's no sense that transformer 26:06 system is doing anything like that. It just starts at the beginning and predicts the next word and has the statistics. 26:14 Um, uh, that are consistent with what's previously in its context window. Yes. You could argue. Though, that, um, humans, 26:23 our brains are also very chaotic, but we have this confabulation and post hoc rationalization in much the same way. 26:29 So we, you know, subconsciously we hold conflicting views. But when we try and explain our views and to avoid cognitive dissonance, 26:36 we kind of we try and reduce what we think to something simple. Right? 26:42 But we have a finite number of views that are sort of partially rounded theories of the world. Yes, the large language model has 26:48 everything that humanity's ever created with no preference for one thing or another other than its statistical likeliness. So yes. Yes. 26:56 So that's still, you know, even if you have multiple conflicting views of the world, you know, there's that famous 27:03 Walt Whitman poem where he says, do I contradict myself? Very well, I contradict myself, I am multitudes, I am large, you know 27:12 that that is human beings captured. Um, but we don't have every view on everything simultaneously. We're trying on some level to 27:20 come up with, uh, consistent models of the world. And we need to do that because we need to take actions in the world. 27:25 And it's impossible to do that if, uh, if you have 50,000 conflicting views of how things work. And this is really interesting 27:33 because Hinton says one of the reasons why ChatGPT is a kind of superintelligence is because it knows all of the things. 27:39 But I would argue, as you just did, I think that we are kind of bounded as observers as there's a computational, um, kind of restriction to how 27:48 many things a single observer can understand at one time. And we'll get more into this later. But I think with cognition, it's not 27:56 just knowing, it's also thinking. So just knowing everything isn't actually the whole piece is it? Yeah. Can you deduce new facts? 28:05 I think in one of your other podcasts you talked about, if you trained ChatGPT with data only up to, you know, the early 20th century, 28:13 would it be able to reproduce the, um, Einstein's theory of relativity? 28:18 I think we all know the answer to that. It wouldn't. Definitely not. And what are the missing pieces? But one? 28:24 You know what that's getting at? What I was saying before, it's true to to to build that theory, you need to have a model of the world. 28:32 And you need to realize that model of the world is wrong, that certain facts. I don't personally believe. You need to observe those facts 28:39 yourself, but certain facts are inconsistent with that theory. And then you need to somehow come up with a new model that itself 28:48 will make new predictions about the world that people can go and test in the case of physics. But but I think that happens on 28:53 a sort of more minor scale, you know, with your theory about how businesses work or how your friend's personality works and 29:02 how best to interact with them. You know, you have theories about everything, uh, that occasionally break, and 29:08 you have to radically rethink them. From a computational point of view, they are finite state automata. I mean, you're saying any finite\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[2023-12-21]: ./../wayward/2023-12-21 \"2023-12-21\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "2pendulum-waves",
@@ -197,14 +197,14 @@
"url": "./../dirs/about-me",
"category": "dirs",
"title": "about me",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : About Me\n---\n```\n\n
\n\n```markdown\nYorguin Jos\u00e9 Mantilla Ramos\nMusic\nDancing\nPhilosophy\nMath\nScience\nEngineering\nCode\n(cringe) Poetry\n```\n\n## Contact\n\nYou can find me on:\n\n- Email: yjmantilla@gmail.com\n- [Instagram: yjmantilla](https://www.instagram.com/yjmantilla/)\n- Mattermost: yjmantilla\n- Linkedin: yorguinjose\n- orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4473-0876\n- cvlac: https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001659280\n- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9W-bHVkAAAAJ\n\n\n[Original image from False Knees](https://tapas.io/episode/954630)\n\n## Interests\n\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : About Me\n---\n```\n\n
\n\n```markdown\nYorguin Jos\u00e9 Mantilla Ramos\nMusic\nDancing\nPhilosophy\nMath\nScience\nEngineering\nCode\n(cringe) Poetry\n```\n\n## Contact\n\nYou can find me on:\n\n- Email: yjmantilla@gmail.com\n- [Instagram: yjmantilla](https://www.instagram.com/yjmantilla/)\n- Mattermost: yjmantilla\n- Linkedin: yorguinjose\n- orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4473-0876\n- cvlac: https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001659280\n- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9W-bHVkAAAAJ\n\n\n[Original image from False Knees](https://tapas.io/episode/954630)\n\n## Interests\n\n"
"id": "abstract-representations",
"url": "./../bubbles/abstract-representations",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "abstract representations",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Abstract Representations\n---\n```\n\n[[representation]]\n\nA lot of the discussion about abstract representations seem to arise from the linguistic and cognitive fields (also psycholinguistics). Moreover, one may ask, abstract in opposition to what. Ive found that it is usually in opposition to concrete representations. But also about embodied representations. I have also found that there is some relation to the concept of [[semantics]]. In example, concrete and abstract semantics.\n\nAsking ChatGPT-4 about this he does the distinction:\n\n>Semantics and Representations: Semantics generally refers to the meaning of words, phrases, and sentences in language. In cognitive science, this involves understanding how the brain encodes, processes, and retrieves the meaning of linguistic items. Mental representations are the internal, mental constructs that the brain uses to handle this semantic information. They can be about concrete objects (like a chair) or abstract concepts (like justice).\n\nI do wish I had better sources of this fundamental definitions. Though, it is almost self-explanatory why would this be the case. Like common knowledge. I should find better sources.\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[representation]: ./../bubbles/representation \"representation\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Abstract Representations\n---\n```\n\n[[representation]]\n\nA lot of the discussion about abstract representations seem to arise from the linguistic and cognitive fields (also psycholinguistics). Moreover, one may ask, abstract in opposition to what. Ive found that it is usually in opposition to concrete representations. But also about embodied representations. I have also found that there is some relation to the concept of [[semantics]]. In example, concrete and abstract semantics.\n\nAsking ChatGPT-4 about this he does the distinction:\n\n>Semantics and Representations: Semantics generally refers to the meaning of words, phrases, and sentences in language. In cognitive science, this involves understanding how the brain encodes, processes, and retrieves the meaning of linguistic items. Mental representations are the internal, mental constructs that the brain uses to handle this semantic information. They can be about concrete objects (like a chair) or abstract concepts (like justice).\n\nI do wish I had better sources of this fundamental definitions. Though, it is almost self-explanatory why would this be the case. Like common knowledge. I should find better sources.\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[representation]: ./../bubbles/representation \"representation\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "abyss-gaze",
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/aesthethic-of-deepness",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "aesthethic of deepness",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Aesthethic of Deepness\"\n---\n```\n\n> Intense curiosity over vague boringness.\nElizabeth Filips - https://youtu.be/Kz_brQBl8xk?t=569\n\nI would argue, thats why being a hipster is a thing...\n\nThere is something attractive on stuff that are unique to you... Like a shiny stone found among the beach overview...\n\nThere is this despective sense in the following:\n\n> ... so much more fun and in-depth than just reading this chapter summary somewhere...\n\nIt sounds almost rebellious, like taking your own journey on the topic rather than being handled the answer. This waywardness is also present in [[curiosity-jumping]]\n\n[[archeology-of-knowledge]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[archeology-of-knowledge]: ./../bubbles/archeology-of-knowledge \"archeology-of-knowledge\"\n[curiosity-jumping]: ./../bubbles/curiosity-jumping \"curiosity-jumping\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Aesthethic of Deepness\"\n---\n```\n\n> Intense curiosity over vague boringness.\nElizabeth Filips - https://youtu.be/Kz_brQBl8xk?t=569\n\nI would argue, thats why being a hipster is a thing...\n\nThere is something attractive on stuff that are unique to you... Like a shiny stone found among the beach overview...\n\nThere is this despective sense in the following:\n\n> ... so much more fun and in-depth than just reading this chapter summary somewhere...\n\nIt sounds almost rebellious, like taking your own journey on the topic rather than being handled the answer. This waywardness is also present in [[curiosity-jumping]]\n\n[[archeology-of-knowledge]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[archeology-of-knowledge]: ./../bubbles/archeology-of-knowledge \"archeology-of-knowledge\"\n[curiosity-jumping]: ./../bubbles/curiosity-jumping \"curiosity-jumping\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "aesthethic-of-failure",
@@ -239,14 +239,14 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "ai-and-myths",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "ai-and-science",
"url": "./../bubbles/ai-and-science",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "ai and science",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: AI and Science\n---\n```\n\n- https://www.quantamagazine.org/how-artificial-intelligence-is-changing-science-20190311/\n- https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/ai-designs-quantum-physics-experiments-beyond-what-any-human-has-conceived/\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: AI and Science\n---\n```\n\n- https://www.quantamagazine.org/how-artificial-intelligence-is-changing-science-20190311/\n- https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/ai-designs-quantum-physics-experiments-beyond-what-any-human-has-conceived/"
"id": "algorithms-as-abstract-representations",
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/are_yes_or_no_questions_science",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "are yes or no questions science?",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Are Yes or No Questions Science?\n---\n```\n\nhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/983759965442123?multi_permalinks=1550529565431824&hoisted_section_header_type=recently_seen\n\nGruneco --> Research questions cannot be answered with yes/no. Thats unscientific.\n\nYou can prove a positive but not a negative? Russels Teapot\n\nRelated to [[burden-of-proof]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[burden-of-proof]: ./../bubbles/burden-of-proof \"burden-of-proof\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Are Yes or No Questions Science?\n---\n```\n\nhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/983759965442123?multi_permalinks=1550529565431824&hoisted_section_header_type=recently_seen\n\nGruneco --> Research questions cannot be answered with yes/no. Thats unscientific.\n\nYou can prove a positive but not a negative? Russels Teapot\n\nRelated to [[burden-of-proof]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[burden-of-proof]: ./../bubbles/burden-of-proof \"burden-of-proof\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "art-and-code",
@@ -281,49 +281,49 @@
"url": "./../attributes",
"category": "root",
"title": "attributes",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Attributes\n---\n```\n\n## category\n\n- bubbles\n- dirs\n- essays\n- gsoc\n- literature-review\n- research\n- root\n- sims\n- tutorials\n- wayward\n\n## authors\n\n- Atticus Geiger\n- Curt Tigges\n- Daria Gnedykh\n- Diana Kurmakaeva\n- Dr. Alex Smith\n- Dr. Maria Garcia\n- Evgeny Blagovechtchenski\n- Nadezhda Mkrtychian\n- Neel Nanda\n- Oskar John Hollinsworth\n- Parikshit Gupta\n- Svetlana Kostromina\n- Yury Shtyrov\n\n## year\n\n- 2019\n- 2020\n- 2023\n\n## publisher\n\n- arxiv\n- Frontiers in Human Neuroscience\n- International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)\n- Journal of NeuroAI Research\n\n## keywords\n\n- Artificial Neural Networks(ANN)\n- brain\n- Brain Function\n- concrete and abstract semantics\n- concreteness effect\n- Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN)\n- Deep Learning\n- functional brain mapping\n- interpretability\n- memory trace\n- mental representation\n- Neural Networks\n- Neuroscience\n- psycholinguistics\n- Reverse Engineering of Human Brain\n\n## research_type\n\n- Experimental\n- Review\n- Theoretical Analysis\n\n## relevance\n\n- High\n- Highly relevant to my research on NeuroAI parallels.\n- Low\n- Unknown\n\n## status\n\n- read-done\n- to-read\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Attributes\n---\n```\n\n## category\n\n- bubbles\n- dirs\n- essays\n- gsoc\n- literature-review\n- research\n- root\n- sims\n- tutorials\n- wayward\n\n## authors\n\n- Atticus Geiger\n- Curt Tigges\n- Daria Gnedykh\n- Diana Kurmakaeva\n- Dr. Alex Smith\n- Dr. Maria Garcia\n- Evgeny Blagovechtchenski\n- Nadezhda Mkrtychian\n- Neel Nanda\n- Oskar John Hollinsworth\n- Parikshit Gupta\n- Svetlana Kostromina\n- Yury Shtyrov\n\n## year\n\n- 2019\n- 2020\n- 2023\n\n## publisher\n\n- arxiv\n- Frontiers in Human Neuroscience\n- International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)\n- Journal of NeuroAI Research\n\n## keywords\n\n- Artificial Neural Networks(ANN)\n- brain\n- Brain Function\n- concrete and abstract semantics\n- concreteness effect\n- Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN)\n- Deep Learning\n- functional brain mapping\n- interpretability\n- memory trace\n- mental representation\n- Neural Networks\n- Neuroscience\n- psycholinguistics\n- Reverse Engineering of Human Brain\n\n## research_type\n\n- Experimental\n- Review\n- Theoretical Analysis\n\n## relevance\n\n- High\n- Highly relevant to my research on NeuroAI parallels.\n- Low\n- Unknown\n\n## status\n\n- read-done\n- to-read"
"id": "author-Anna-Ivanova",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "author-anna-ivanova",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "author-Grace-Lindsay",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "author-grace-lindsay",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "automatic-unsave-facebook",
"url": "./../tutorials/automatic-unsave-facebook",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "automatic unsave facebook",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Automatic Unsave Facebook\n---\n```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Automatic Unsave Facebook\n---\n```"
"id": "avatar-of-challenge",
"url": "./../bubbles/avatar-of-challenge",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "avatar of challenge",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Avatar of Challenge\n---\n```\n\nUsually, in my darkest hours I will think of the challenge I'm dealing with as its own agent. Something that is challenging me to overcome it.\n\nIt will have a personification, or rather an avatar, animorph, etc... For me, it is a wolf, or canine-like creature. I'm not sure if it is the same as the [[wolf-of-reality]], thought I think it is, only with a less menacing aura/appearance.\n\nThis avatar will usually have eyes (which remind me of the [[eyes-i-see-at-close-eyes]] I sometimes see). I relate this to [[abyss-gaze]].\n\nFor me, it is similar to the Big Bad Wolf character in Puss in Boots 2, when you are down, he tells you to \"pick it up\" (your weapon) and keep fighting.\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[abyss-gaze]: ./../bubbles/abyss-gaze \"abyss-gaze\"\n[eyes-i-see-at-close-eyes]: ./../bubbles/eyes-i-see-at-close-eyes \"eyes-i-see-at-close-eyes\"\n[wolf-of-reality]: ./../bubbles/wolf-of-reality \"wolf-of-reality\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Avatar of Challenge\n---\n```\n\nUsually, in my darkest hours I will think of the challenge I'm dealing with as its own agent. Something that is challenging me to overcome it.\n\nIt will have a personification, or rather an avatar, animorph, etc... For me, it is a wolf, or canine-like creature. I'm not sure if it is the same as the [[wolf-of-reality]], thought I think it is, only with a less menacing aura/appearance.\n\nThis avatar will usually have eyes (which remind me of the [[eyes-i-see-at-close-eyes]] I sometimes see). I relate this to [[abyss-gaze]].\n\nFor me, it is similar to the Big Bad Wolf character in Puss in Boots 2, when you are down, he tells you to \"pick it up\" (your weapon) and keep fighting.\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[abyss-gaze]: ./../bubbles/abyss-gaze \"abyss-gaze\"\n[eyes-i-see-at-close-eyes]: ./../bubbles/eyes-i-see-at-close-eyes \"eyes-i-see-at-close-eyes\"\n[wolf-of-reality]: ./../bubbles/wolf-of-reality \"wolf-of-reality\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "becoming-a-professor",
"url": "./../bubbles/becoming-a-professor",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "becoming a professor",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Becoming a Professor\"\n---\n```\n\nRMB told be about this book: [What the Best College Teachers Do by Ken Bain](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0674013255).\n\nShe has also many good insights on how to become a professor. I dont have their summary though.\n\nBut I remember something about it identifying the set of experiences you need to expose the student develop, which is a highly personal thing. Its centered in an individualized approach to teaching.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Becoming a Professor\"\n---\n```\n\nRMB told be about this book: [What the Best College Teachers Do by Ken Bain](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0674013255).\n\nShe has also many good insights on how to become a professor. I dont have their summary though.\n\nBut I remember something about it identifying the set of experiences you need to expose the student develop, which is a highly personal thing. Its centered in an individualized approach to teaching."
"id": "becoming-a-researcher",
"url": "./../bubbles/becoming-a-researcher",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "becoming a researcher",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Becoming a Researcher\"\n---\n```\n\nHow does one become a researcher? I think this is one of the main topics that RMB is interested in.\n\nAnyhow, I found this project called [Growing Up in Science](https://www.cns.nyu.edu/events/growingupinscience/) which is a collection of interviews with researchers. I think it is a good resource to get a sense of what it is like to be a researcher. I should probably share this with RMB.\n\nReading about it, it does remind me a lot about a discussion and comments I had when my older sister defended her undegrad thesis. Basically about the importance of journaling because without it, you forget a lot of the process of doing research, which is in itself relevant to others who are doing research.\n\nA friend of here argued that science is objective as the only thing that should be published is that part, or something like that. To me, with this focus it felt like important stuff was lost.\n\nRamon y Cajal has a book called [\"Advice for a Young Investigator\"](https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262681506/advice-for-a-young-investigator/) -[summary](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5198756/)- which I think is a good resource for this topic.\n\n- Letters to a Young Scientist (Cartas a un joven cient\u00edfico), Book by E. O. Wilson\n\nRelated: [[becoming-a-professor]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[becoming-a-professor]: ./../bubbles/becoming-a-professor \"becoming-a-professor\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Becoming a Researcher\"\n---\n```\n\nHow does one become a researcher? I think this is one of the main topics that RMB is interested in.\n\nAnyhow, I found this project called [Growing Up in Science](https://www.cns.nyu.edu/events/growingupinscience/) which is a collection of interviews with researchers. I think it is a good resource to get a sense of what it is like to be a researcher. I should probably share this with RMB.\n\nReading about it, it does remind me a lot about a discussion and comments I had when my older sister defended her undegrad thesis. Basically about the importance of journaling because without it, you forget a lot of the process of doing research, which is in itself relevant to others who are doing research.\n\nA friend of here argued that science is objective as the only thing that should be published is that part, or something like that. To me, with this focus it felt like important stuff was lost.\n\nRamon y Cajal has a book called [\"Advice for a Young Investigator\"](https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262681506/advice-for-a-young-investigator/) -[summary](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5198756/)- which I think is a good resource for this topic.\n\n- Letters to a Young Scientist (Cartas a un joven cient\u00edfico), Book by E. O. Wilson\n\nRelated: [[becoming-a-professor]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[becoming-a-professor]: ./../bubbles/becoming-a-professor \"becoming-a-professor\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "bestiary",
@@ -344,14 +344,14 @@
"url": "./../tutorials/bookmark-repository-random-knowledge-system",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "bookmark repository random knowledge system",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Bookmark Repository Random Knowledge System\n---\n```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Bookmark Repository Random Knowledge System\n---\n```"
"id": "books",
"url": "./../bubbles/books",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "books",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Books\n---\n```\n\n## Books I have read\n\n- Cien a\u00f1os de Soledad\n- Libro de Animales\n- Fisica Grandes Cuestiones\n- The power of habit\n- So good until they cant ignore you\n- Rayuela\n- Biology for Engineers\n- The man who mistook his wife for a hat\n\n## Books I wish to read\n\n- Deep Work\n- Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life\n- ...\n\n## Books I like the prefaces of... or find curious\n\n- The Art of Insight in Science and Engineering Mastering Complexity Sanjoy Mahajan\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Books\n---\n```\n\n## Books I have read\n\n- Cien a\u00f1os de Soledad\n- Libro de Animales\n- Fisica Grandes Cuestiones\n- The power of habit\n- So good until they cant ignore you\n- Rayuela\n- Biology for Engineers\n- The man who mistook his wife for a hat\n\n## Books I wish to read\n\n- Deep Work\n- Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life\n- ...\n\n## Books I like the prefaces of... or find curious\n\n- The Art of Insight in Science and Engineering Mastering Complexity Sanjoy Mahajan"
"id": "brain-as-a-computer",
@@ -365,14 +365,14 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "building-before-knowing",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "burden-of-proof",
"url": "./../bubbles/burden-of-proof",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "burden of proof",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Burden of Proof\n---```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Burden of Proof\n---```"
"id": "cannabis-hallucinations",
@@ -386,14 +386,14 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "chainforge",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "chaos-magick",
"url": "./../bubbles/chaos-magick",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "chaos magick",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Chaos Magick\n---```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Chaos Magick\n---```"
"id": "choose-your-battles",
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "cognition-and-myths",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "cognitive-inspired-vs-biologically-inspired",
@@ -421,14 +421,14 @@
"url": "./../essays/colmenas-individuos",
"category": "essays",
"title": "de colmenas e individuos",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\n title : De Colmenas e Individuos\n---\n```\n\n\nErase una vez tres seres sin nombre y completamente iguales. Estos ten\u00edan sexo y por alguna extra\u00f1a raz\u00f3n, del acto se produc\u00edan seres iguales a ellos. La primera vez se crearon 9, la segunda 99, la tercera 999; y as\u00ed se gener\u00f3 la primera colmena, sin nombre alguno. Los seres hasta ahora solo ten\u00edan sexo porque no sab\u00edan hacer m\u00e1s nada, no ten\u00edan ninguna otra necesidad: no hab\u00eda hambre, no hab\u00eda enfermedades, ni guerras, ni muerte.\n
\n\nEntre ellos no hab\u00edan nombres, ni tampoco la idea de identidad, la conciencia era colectiva. Sin embargo, -contra todo pron\u00f3stico- la colmena empez\u00f3 a sentir un vac\u00edo existencial y de repente, desde la naturaleza misma de las mutaciones, aparecen dos seres diferentes y desconectados de la conciencia colectiva de la colmena.\n
\n\nLos dos primeros \"diferentes\" - como fueron llamados mucho tiempo despu\u00e9s - se sent\u00edan diferentes y alineados de la colmena y sent\u00edan la necesidad de encontrar otros seres igualmente diferentes a ellos. As\u00ed se pusieron la misi\u00f3n de desconectar a la colmena ser a ser; primero 2, luego 4, 8 y as\u00ed se creo la primera naci\u00f3n (\u00bfo noci\u00f3n?) de individualidad. Entre ellos surgi\u00f3 el nombre: Cero y Dos para los primeros diferentes y de esta manera sucesivamente para los dem\u00e1s. Estos seres diferentes peleaban y se persuad\u00edan entre ellos, no se pon\u00edan de acuerdo en nada. Hab\u00eda quienes abogaban por volver a la colmena ya que las diferencias les dol\u00edan. Otros solo recurr\u00edan a seguir ciegamente las ense\u00f1anzas de Cero y Dos, ya que por alguna raz\u00f3n -seg\u00fan ellos- as\u00ed \"la diferencia\" dol\u00eda menos. Algunos escapan del grupo de los diferentes pero no regresaban a la colmena, solo ellos mismos saben a donde fueron. En la naci\u00f3n de lo heterog\u00e9neo hab\u00eda de todo, y lo normal era que cada quien fuera por su rumbo.\n
\n\n\nDurante todo este tiempo la colmena sigui\u00f3 sufriendo bajas debido a la continua des-conexi\u00f3n perpetrada por \"los diferentes\". Esto creo la primera noci\u00f3n de \"problema\" en el reino de lo perfectamente homog\u00e9neo. As\u00ed la colmena dejo de tener solo sexo y empez\u00f3 a idear estrategias para contener a los \"diferentes\". Extra\u00f1amente as\u00ed la colmena se sent\u00eda m\u00e1s llena, con m\u00e1s sentido. Ya no todo era solo sexo. La colmena, contra toda ley l\u00f3gica ideo m\u00e1s problemas para entretenerse. Crearon el hambre, la enfermedad, la guerra y la muerte. Perdiendo el control, la colmena se desbarat\u00f3 ante su nuevo entretenimiento.\n
\n\n\nSolo quedaban as\u00ed en el mundo la naci\u00f3n de \"los diferentes\", la naci\u00f3n de lo heterog\u00e9neo. Sin embargo, entre sus nuevas generaciones se hizo fuerte la corriente de volver a la colmena, de recrearla, de volver a lo homog\u00e9neo. No soportaban el dolor de \"la diferencia\", no encontraban abrigo en \"la identidad\". Y as\u00ed, tal cual como se desbarat\u00f3, conexi\u00f3n a conexi\u00f3n la colmena renaci\u00f3.\n
\n\n\nDicha historia se repiti\u00f3 en 999 iteraciones y de 1024 maneras. Alguna vez un individuo o la propia colmena (o tal vez ambos) pens\u00f3 que \"todo era un parad\u00f3jico p\u00e9ndulo\". Entre la colmena y el individuo existe la necesidad de pertenecer y de individualidad. En aquella paradoja se crea y se descrea la sociedad. En ella nace lo an\u00e1rquico y lo sistem\u00e1tico, lo democr\u00e1tico y lo autoritario. Ya nadie esta seguro de nada pero sin duda se entretienen bastante.\n
\n\n# Autores\n\n- Yorguin Jos\u00e9 Mantilla\n- Maury Marmolejo Din\n- Juan Esteban Guti\u00e9rrez\n- Ra\u00fal Arcila\n\n# Anotaciones\n\nEsta vaina fue hecha en 10 minutos en una clase, as\u00ed que no espere mucho de ella.\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\n title : De Colmenas e Individuos\n---\n```\n\n\nErase una vez tres seres sin nombre y completamente iguales. Estos ten\u00edan sexo y por alguna extra\u00f1a raz\u00f3n, del acto se produc\u00edan seres iguales a ellos. La primera vez se crearon 9, la segunda 99, la tercera 999; y as\u00ed se gener\u00f3 la primera colmena, sin nombre alguno. Los seres hasta ahora solo ten\u00edan sexo porque no sab\u00edan hacer m\u00e1s nada, no ten\u00edan ninguna otra necesidad: no hab\u00eda hambre, no hab\u00eda enfermedades, ni guerras, ni muerte.\n
\n\nEntre ellos no hab\u00edan nombres, ni tampoco la idea de identidad, la conciencia era colectiva. Sin embargo, -contra todo pron\u00f3stico- la colmena empez\u00f3 a sentir un vac\u00edo existencial y de repente, desde la naturaleza misma de las mutaciones, aparecen dos seres diferentes y desconectados de la conciencia colectiva de la colmena.\n
\n\nLos dos primeros \"diferentes\" - como fueron llamados mucho tiempo despu\u00e9s - se sent\u00edan diferentes y alineados de la colmena y sent\u00edan la necesidad de encontrar otros seres igualmente diferentes a ellos. As\u00ed se pusieron la misi\u00f3n de desconectar a la colmena ser a ser; primero 2, luego 4, 8 y as\u00ed se creo la primera naci\u00f3n (\u00bfo noci\u00f3n?) de individualidad. Entre ellos surgi\u00f3 el nombre: Cero y Dos para los primeros diferentes y de esta manera sucesivamente para los dem\u00e1s. Estos seres diferentes peleaban y se persuad\u00edan entre ellos, no se pon\u00edan de acuerdo en nada. Hab\u00eda quienes abogaban por volver a la colmena ya que las diferencias les dol\u00edan. Otros solo recurr\u00edan a seguir ciegamente las ense\u00f1anzas de Cero y Dos, ya que por alguna raz\u00f3n -seg\u00fan ellos- as\u00ed \"la diferencia\" dol\u00eda menos. Algunos escapan del grupo de los diferentes pero no regresaban a la colmena, solo ellos mismos saben a donde fueron. En la naci\u00f3n de lo heterog\u00e9neo hab\u00eda de todo, y lo normal era que cada quien fuera por su rumbo.\n
\n\n\nDurante todo este tiempo la colmena sigui\u00f3 sufriendo bajas debido a la continua des-conexi\u00f3n perpetrada por \"los diferentes\". Esto creo la primera noci\u00f3n de \"problema\" en el reino de lo perfectamente homog\u00e9neo. As\u00ed la colmena dejo de tener solo sexo y empez\u00f3 a idear estrategias para contener a los \"diferentes\". Extra\u00f1amente as\u00ed la colmena se sent\u00eda m\u00e1s llena, con m\u00e1s sentido. Ya no todo era solo sexo. La colmena, contra toda ley l\u00f3gica ideo m\u00e1s problemas para entretenerse. Crearon el hambre, la enfermedad, la guerra y la muerte. Perdiendo el control, la colmena se desbarat\u00f3 ante su nuevo entretenimiento.\n
\n\n\nSolo quedaban as\u00ed en el mundo la naci\u00f3n de \"los diferentes\", la naci\u00f3n de lo heterog\u00e9neo. Sin embargo, entre sus nuevas generaciones se hizo fuerte la corriente de volver a la colmena, de recrearla, de volver a lo homog\u00e9neo. No soportaban el dolor de \"la diferencia\", no encontraban abrigo en \"la identidad\". Y as\u00ed, tal cual como se desbarat\u00f3, conexi\u00f3n a conexi\u00f3n la colmena renaci\u00f3.\n
\n\n\nDicha historia se repiti\u00f3 en 999 iteraciones y de 1024 maneras. Alguna vez un individuo o la propia colmena (o tal vez ambos) pens\u00f3 que \"todo era un parad\u00f3jico p\u00e9ndulo\". Entre la colmena y el individuo existe la necesidad de pertenecer y de individualidad. En aquella paradoja se crea y se descrea la sociedad. En ella nace lo an\u00e1rquico y lo sistem\u00e1tico, lo democr\u00e1tico y lo autoritario. Ya nadie esta seguro de nada pero sin duda se entretienen bastante.\n
\n\n# Autores\n\n- Yorguin Jos\u00e9 Mantilla\n- Maury Marmolejo Din\n- Juan Esteban Guti\u00e9rrez\n- Ra\u00fal Arcila\n\n# Anotaciones\n\nEsta vaina fue hecha en 10 minutos en una clase, as\u00ed que no espere mucho de ella."
"id": "computation",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "computation",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "concrete-vs-abstract-semantics-from-mental-representations-to-functional-brain-mapping",
@@ -459,42 +459,42 @@
"_sourceurl": "https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2019.00267/full",
"_doi": "https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2019.00267",
"status": "read-done",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Concrete vs. Abstract Semantics: From Mental Representations to Functional Brain Mapping\"\nauthors: [\"Nadezhda Mkrtychian\", \"Evgeny Blagovechtchenski\",\"Diana Kurmakaeva\",\"Daria Gnedykh\", \"Svetlana Kostromina\", \"Yury Shtyrov\"]\nyear: 2019\npublisher: \"Frontiers in Human Neuroscience\"\nkeywords: [\"concrete and abstract semantics\", \"concreteness effect\", \"mental representation\", \"brain\", \"memory trace\",\"psycholinguistics\", \"functional brain mapping\"]\nresearch_type: \"Review\"\nrelevance: \"Low\"\n_sourceurl: \"https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2019.00267/full\"\n_doi: \"https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2019.00267\"\nstatus: \"read-done\"\n---\n```\n\nRelevant to me is the \"Defining Concreteness and Abstractness\" section.\n\n## Concepts, words and semantics\n\nFirst there are analogous terms: concepts, words, semantics.\n\nConcepts can be thought as:\n\n- Barsalou: \"knowledge about a particular category\"\n- Payne: \"combination of atomic units of information and meaningful relationships between those units\"\n- Smith: \"a mental representation of a class or individual which deals with what is being represented and how that information is typically used during the categorization\"\n\nwhere,\n\nBarsalou: Barsalou, L. W., Simmons, W. K., Barbey, A. K., and Wilson, C. D. (2003). Grounding conceptual knowledge in modality-specific systems. Trends Cogn. Sci. 7, 84\u201391. _doi: 10.1016/s1364-6613(02)00029-3\nPayne: Payne, P. R. O., Mendon\u00e7a, E. A., Johnson, S. B., and Starren, J. B. (2007). Conceptual knowledge acquisition in biomedicine: a methodological review. J. Biomed. Inform. 40, 582\u2013602. _doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2007.03.005\nSmith: Smith, E. E. (1989). \u201cConcepts and induction,\u201d in Foundations of Cognitive Science, ed. M. I. Posner (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press), 501\u2013526.\n\nIt seems though that:\n\n>In most concept studies, linguistic stimuli are used and thus the terms \u201cconcept,\u201d \u201cword semantics,\u201d and \u201cword meaning\u201d are often used interchangeably.\"\n\nIn this sense, this is not specially relevant to me, since I am not interested in the linguistic aspect of it. The citation of Smith is interesting though, since it is about induction.\n\n## Concreteness and abstractness\n\nTLDR,\n\n- Concrete: have clear references to material objects (e.g., dog, house)\n- Abstract: references of abstract ones are not physical entities, but more complex mental states (e.g., thought, happiness), conditions (uncertainty), situations (encounter), and relationships (employment) (Borghi and Binkofski, 2014).\n\nThis is a simplified view, as:\n\n> Myachykov and Fischer (2019) have argued that, in addition to this phenomenological dimension of abstractness, there are also sensorimotor and contextual aspects, and the same word/concept may be both concrete or abstract depending on different dimensions.\n\nI wont go into the details of this though.\n\n## Cognitive Science Stuff\n\nWhat I find interesting here is the discussion about the relation of this to neuroscience studies:\n\n> Such mental (internal or cognitive) representations (Paivio, 1990) are widely investigated in cognitive psychology, psycholinguistics, philosophy of mind and related fields (Carruthers and Cummins, 1990), but often without a clear connection to neural representations, which are more commonly addressed in brain research, neuroscience and neuroimaging.\n\n@doubt\nFirst, the idea of \"mental\",\"internal\",\"cognitive\" is probably more what Karim and I thought of originally. Not sure why it would have been abstract in the concrete/abstract sense. I think it was more like internal. Moreover, Karim is specially interested in the duality conscious/uncounscious or explicit/implicit.\n\n> Therefore, one way to extricate from this tangle could be studying processing of novel words, whose meanings are not yet represented in the participants\u2019 minds.\n\n@idea\nThis is out of context, but if one extrapolates this to LLMs, it does make me wonder how they process non-existing words. What can we learn from that?. Moreover, is there a way to get the total vocabulary of a LLM?.\n\n## The dual coding theory\n\nThere is a whole emphasis on this and how it tries to explain the concreteness effect. Thought-provoking to me is the idea that:\n\n>This advantage of concrete over abstract semantics is usually called \u201cconcreteness effect\u201d; to help explain it, Paivio suggested the so-called dual-coding theory (DCT, Paivio, 1990) which posits two functional systems associated with semantic memory: verbal-based and imagery-based (non-verbal). These representational systems are interrelated and can be active independently or in parallel. According to DCT, whereas the verbal system may be responsible for coding both concrete and abstract concepts linguistically, the non-verbal imagery system is primarily involved in coding concrete \u2013 but not abstract \u2013 concepts, enhancing their processing and leading to behaviorally observed advantages (Kuiper and Paivio, 1977).\n\n@idea\nSo if we extrapolate to LLMs, are there different \"representational systems\" in LLMs? I do remember Yoshua being interested in System 1 and System 2. Though probably not the same thing, it does make me wonder if there is a way to identify different systems in LLMs.\n\n@idea\nMoreover, is there such a thing like the concreteness effect in LLMs?.\n\n## Neuroscientific approaches\n\nShortly, there are three approaches:\n\n- Neuroimaging: present different stimuli, see which areas of the brain are activated. Lots of contradictory results.\n- Brain stimulation: stimulate different areas of the brain, see how it affects the processing of concrete and abstract words? Im not really sure about how this is done.\n- Clinical cases: study patients with brain damage, see how it affects the processing of concrete and abstract words?.\n\n@idea\nIn any case, relevant to me is that we could mimic this for implicit/explicit representations.\n\nThe problem is that making concrete/abstract stimuli is much more straight-forward. How would one make implicit/explicit stimuli?\n\nIn any case, the rest of the paper wasnt really relevant to me.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Concrete vs. Abstract Semantics: From Mental Representations to Functional Brain Mapping\"\nauthors: [\"Nadezhda Mkrtychian\", \"Evgeny Blagovechtchenski\",\"Diana Kurmakaeva\",\"Daria Gnedykh\", \"Svetlana Kostromina\", \"Yury Shtyrov\"]\nyear: 2019\npublisher: \"Frontiers in Human Neuroscience\"\nkeywords: [\"concrete and abstract semantics\", \"concreteness effect\", \"mental representation\", \"brain\", \"memory trace\",\"psycholinguistics\", \"functional brain mapping\"]\nresearch_type: \"Review\"\nrelevance: \"Low\"\n_sourceurl: \"https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2019.00267/full\"\n_doi: \"https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2019.00267\"\nstatus: \"read-done\"\n---\n```\n\nRelevant to me is the \"Defining Concreteness and Abstractness\" section.\n\n## Concepts, words and semantics\n\nFirst there are analogous terms: concepts, words, semantics.\n\nConcepts can be thought as:\n\n- Barsalou: \"knowledge about a particular category\"\n- Payne: \"combination of atomic units of information and meaningful relationships between those units\"\n- Smith: \"a mental representation of a class or individual which deals with what is being represented and how that information is typically used during the categorization\"\n\nwhere,\n\nBarsalou: Barsalou, L. W., Simmons, W. K., Barbey, A. K., and Wilson, C. D. (2003). Grounding conceptual knowledge in modality-specific systems. Trends Cogn. Sci. 7, 84\u201391. _doi: 10.1016/s1364-6613(02)00029-3\nPayne: Payne, P. R. O., Mendon\u00e7a, E. A., Johnson, S. B., and Starren, J. B. (2007). Conceptual knowledge acquisition in biomedicine: a methodological review. J. Biomed. Inform. 40, 582\u2013602. _doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2007.03.005\nSmith: Smith, E. E. (1989). \u201cConcepts and induction,\u201d in Foundations of Cognitive Science, ed. M. I. Posner (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press), 501\u2013526.\n\nIt seems though that:\n\n>In most concept studies, linguistic stimuli are used and thus the terms \u201cconcept,\u201d \u201cword semantics,\u201d and \u201cword meaning\u201d are often used interchangeably.\"\n\nIn this sense, this is not specially relevant to me, since I am not interested in the linguistic aspect of it. The citation of Smith is interesting though, since it is about induction.\n\n## Concreteness and abstractness\n\nTLDR,\n\n- Concrete: have clear references to material objects (e.g., dog, house)\n- Abstract: references of abstract ones are not physical entities, but more complex mental states (e.g., thought, happiness), conditions (uncertainty), situations (encounter), and relationships (employment) (Borghi and Binkofski, 2014).\n\nThis is a simplified view, as:\n\n> Myachykov and Fischer (2019) have argued that, in addition to this phenomenological dimension of abstractness, there are also sensorimotor and contextual aspects, and the same word/concept may be both concrete or abstract depending on different dimensions.\n\nI wont go into the details of this though.\n\n## Cognitive Science Stuff\n\nWhat I find interesting here is the discussion about the relation of this to neuroscience studies:\n\n> Such mental (internal or cognitive) representations (Paivio, 1990) are widely investigated in cognitive psychology, psycholinguistics, philosophy of mind and related fields (Carruthers and Cummins, 1990), but often without a clear connection to neural representations, which are more commonly addressed in brain research, neuroscience and neuroimaging.\n\n@doubt\nFirst, the idea of \"mental\",\"internal\",\"cognitive\" is probably more what Karim and I thought of originally. Not sure why it would have been abstract in the concrete/abstract sense. I think it was more like internal. Moreover, Karim is specially interested in the duality conscious/uncounscious or explicit/implicit.\n\n> Therefore, one way to extricate from this tangle could be studying processing of novel words, whose meanings are not yet represented in the participants\u2019 minds.\n\n@idea\nThis is out of context, but if one extrapolates this to LLMs, it does make me wonder how they process non-existing words. What can we learn from that?. Moreover, is there a way to get the total vocabulary of a LLM?.\n\n## The dual coding theory\n\nThere is a whole emphasis on this and how it tries to explain the concreteness effect. Thought-provoking to me is the idea that:\n\n>This advantage of concrete over abstract semantics is usually called \u201cconcreteness effect\u201d; to help explain it, Paivio suggested the so-called dual-coding theory (DCT, Paivio, 1990) which posits two functional systems associated with semantic memory: verbal-based and imagery-based (non-verbal). These representational systems are interrelated and can be active independently or in parallel. According to DCT, whereas the verbal system may be responsible for coding both concrete and abstract concepts linguistically, the non-verbal imagery system is primarily involved in coding concrete \u2013 but not abstract \u2013 concepts, enhancing their processing and leading to behaviorally observed advantages (Kuiper and Paivio, 1977).\n\n@idea\nSo if we extrapolate to LLMs, are there different \"representational systems\" in LLMs? I do remember Yoshua being interested in System 1 and System 2. Though probably not the same thing, it does make me wonder if there is a way to identify different systems in LLMs.\n\n@idea\nMoreover, is there such a thing like the concreteness effect in LLMs?.\n\n## Neuroscientific approaches\n\nShortly, there are three approaches:\n\n- Neuroimaging: present different stimuli, see which areas of the brain are activated. Lots of contradictory results.\n- Brain stimulation: stimulate different areas of the brain, see how it affects the processing of concrete and abstract words? Im not really sure about how this is done.\n- Clinical cases: study patients with brain damage, see how it affects the processing of concrete and abstract words?.\n\n@idea\nIn any case, relevant to me is that we could mimic this for implicit/explicit representations.\n\nThe problem is that making concrete/abstract stimuli is much more straight-forward. How would one make implicit/explicit stimuli?\n\nIn any case, the rest of the paper wasnt really relevant to me."
"id": "conda-and-vs-code",
"url": "./../tutorials/conda-and-vs-code",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "conda and vs code",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Conda and VS Code\n---\n```\n\nI used to have some problems when importing numpy in vscode with the conda environment.\n\nApparently I was starting vscode the wrong way.\n\nThe correct way seems to be:\n\n1. Open your conda terminal\n2. enter ```code``` and press enter.\n3. It should open vscode with the conda environment correclty initialized.\n\n\n## Here are the comments I posted on facebook regarding this topic:\n\nAbre El terminal de anaconda y escribe \"code\" y das enter. Deberia de abrirse vscode con los environments de anaconda disponibles.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEn teoria ya luego puedes seleccionar el interprete con ctrl shift P y luego escribiendo python. As\u00ed mismo si abres un terminal deber\u00eda aparecerte un terminal de anaconda d\u00f3nde puedes escribir \"activate xxx\" para activar el environment xxx de anaconda.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYo abogo por el m\u00e9todo de arrancar vscode desde el terminal de anaconda ya que si se arranca por si solo a veces al tratar de utilizar los m\u00f3dulos de python da un \"import dll error\" para algunos m\u00f3dulos como numpy. Esto me trajo muchos dolores de cabeza en su d\u00eda. C\u00f3mo referencia dejo este [issue](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56622152/dll-load-failed-in-visual-studio-code-when-trying-to-open-any-python-library-o)\n\nTambien se puede por el conda navigator.Yo prefiero simplemente abrir el terminal de anaconda y luego poner code y dar enter. As\u00ed hago yo generalmente ya que es m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Conda and VS Code\n---\n```\n\nI used to have some problems when importing numpy in vscode with the conda environment.\n\nApparently I was starting vscode the wrong way.\n\nThe correct way seems to be:\n\n1. Open your conda terminal\n2. enter ```code``` and press enter.\n3. It should open vscode with the conda environment correclty initialized.\n\n\n## Here are the comments I posted on facebook regarding this topic:\n\nAbre El terminal de anaconda y escribe \"code\" y das enter. Deberia de abrirse vscode con los environments de anaconda disponibles.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEn teoria ya luego puedes seleccionar el interprete con ctrl shift P y luego escribiendo python. As\u00ed mismo si abres un terminal deber\u00eda aparecerte un terminal de anaconda d\u00f3nde puedes escribir \"activate xxx\" para activar el environment xxx de anaconda.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYo abogo por el m\u00e9todo de arrancar vscode desde el terminal de anaconda ya que si se arranca por si solo a veces al tratar de utilizar los m\u00f3dulos de python da un \"import dll error\" para algunos m\u00f3dulos como numpy. Esto me trajo muchos dolores de cabeza en su d\u00eda. C\u00f3mo referencia dejo este [issue](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56622152/dll-load-failed-in-visual-studio-code-when-trying-to-open-any-python-library-o)\n\nTambien se puede por el conda navigator.Yo prefiero simplemente abrir el terminal de anaconda y luego poner code y dar enter. As\u00ed hago yo generalmente ya que es m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido."
"id": "connectome",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "connectome",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "convencion-signos-optica",
"url": "./../bubbles/convencion-signos-optica",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "convenci\u00f3n de signos en \u00f3ptica geom\u00e9trica",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Convenci\u00f3n de signos en \u00f3ptica geom\u00e9trica\n---\n```\n\n## Una regla f\u00e1cil para recordar los signos en \u00f3ptica geom\u00e9trica\n\nEsta regla la infiri\u00f3 un compa\u00f1ero m\u00edo de la USBve llamado Gabriele. No recuerdo su apellido pero la regla es as\u00ed (la cit\u00f3 tal cual el la promulgo):\n\n\n>Un principio intuitivo para no tener que aprenderse las convenciones de signo:\n>1) De donde viene la luz define el positivo para el objeto. (o)\n>2) El lado donde est\u00e1 el observador define el positivo para la imagen, el radio y el foco. (i, r, f)\n>3) El observador est\u00e1 frente al espejo o detr\u00e1s de la lente. (Esta es la parte intuitiva, porque as\u00ed se acostumbra usar los espejos y las lentes).\n\n\nEsta regla tiene muy buen sentido intuitivo. [[intuitive-physics]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Convenci\u00f3n de signos en \u00f3ptica geom\u00e9trica\n---\n```\n\n## Una regla f\u00e1cil para recordar los signos en \u00f3ptica geom\u00e9trica\n\nEsta regla la infiri\u00f3 un compa\u00f1ero m\u00edo de la USBve llamado Gabriele. No recuerdo su apellido pero la regla es as\u00ed (la cit\u00f3 tal cual el la promulgo):\n\n\n>Un principio intuitivo para no tener que aprenderse las convenciones de signo:\n>1) De donde viene la luz define el positivo para el objeto. (o)\n>2) El lado donde est\u00e1 el observador define el positivo para la imagen, el radio y el foco. (i, r, f)\n>3) El observador est\u00e1 frente al espejo o detr\u00e1s de la lente. (Esta es la parte intuitiva, porque as\u00ed se acostumbra usar los espejos y las lentes).\n\n\nEsta regla tiene muy buen sentido intuitivo. [[intuitive-physics]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "cs-lewis-suppose-story-enemy",
"url": "./../bubbles/cs-lewis-suppose-story-enemy",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "c.s. lewis on the story of the enemy",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: C.S. Lewis on the Story of the Enemy\n---```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: C.S. Lewis on the Story of the Enemy\n---```"
"id": "curiosity-jumping",
"url": "./../bubbles/curiosity-jumping",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "curiosity jumping",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Curiosity Jumping\n---\n```\n\n> you are more likely to stick to a task long term if you are leaving it when you are not finding it interesting.\n\nhttps://youtu.be/Kz_brQBl8xk?t=758\n\n> When I am stuck for one moment I leave it and do something else. With this method, to work on different things simultaneously, I never encounter any mental blockages.\n\nLuhmann, Baecker, and Stanitzek 1987\n\nThis is also productive, leave that piece of work you are feeling stuck with and do something else. When you come back later you may crack it. [[focused-and-diffused]] This productivity idea was also mentioned by David Altuve (USB).\n\nThere is a sort of belief that whatever bored you will attract you when it becomes relevant to your curiosity journey, as Elizabeth puts it:\n\n> i think you need to have a strong curiosity about the topic as a whole and then kind of flick from one thing that you find interesting to the next thing to the next thing to the next thing you will come back to the thing that you suddenly left when it becomes relevant in another point so rather than forcing yourself to just take in all this information without it sticking anywhere you can go to it as and when it becomes relevant and interesting\n\nElizabeth Filips\n\nRelated is https://zettelkasten.de/posts/trust-the-process-nickmilo22/\n\nIn a way, this is exactly what I'm doing with my wayward project [[wayward]]\n\nI would argue, curiosity jumping is also motivated by \"[[for-the-sake-of-play]]\"\n\n>I only study what I feel like studying...\nElizabeth Filips\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[focused-and-diffused]: ./../bubbles/focused-and-diffused \"focused-and-diffused\"\n[for-the-sake-of-play]: ./../bubbles/for-the-sake-of-play \"for-the-sake-of-play\"\n[wayward]: ./../dirs/wayward \"wayward\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Curiosity Jumping\n---\n```\n\n> you are more likely to stick to a task long term if you are leaving it when you are not finding it interesting.\n\nhttps://youtu.be/Kz_brQBl8xk?t=758\n\n> When I am stuck for one moment I leave it and do something else. With this method, to work on different things simultaneously, I never encounter any mental blockages.\n\nLuhmann, Baecker, and Stanitzek 1987\n\nThis is also productive, leave that piece of work you are feeling stuck with and do something else. When you come back later you may crack it. [[focused-and-diffused]] This productivity idea was also mentioned by David Altuve (USB).\n\nThere is a sort of belief that whatever bored you will attract you when it becomes relevant to your curiosity journey, as Elizabeth puts it:\n\n> i think you need to have a strong curiosity about the topic as a whole and then kind of flick from one thing that you find interesting to the next thing to the next thing to the next thing you will come back to the thing that you suddenly left when it becomes relevant in another point so rather than forcing yourself to just take in all this information without it sticking anywhere you can go to it as and when it becomes relevant and interesting\n\nElizabeth Filips\n\nRelated is https://zettelkasten.de/posts/trust-the-process-nickmilo22/\n\nIn a way, this is exactly what I'm doing with my wayward project [[wayward]]\n\nI would argue, curiosity jumping is also motivated by \"[[for-the-sake-of-play]]\"\n\n>I only study what I feel like studying...\nElizabeth Filips\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[focused-and-diffused]: ./../bubbles/focused-and-diffused \"focused-and-diffused\"\n[for-the-sake-of-play]: ./../bubbles/for-the-sake-of-play \"for-the-sake-of-play\"\n[wayward]: ./../dirs/wayward \"wayward\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "debug-flask-vscode",
@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@
"url": "./../dirs/dirs",
"category": "dirs",
"title": "directories",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Directories\n---\n```\n\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Directories\n---\n```\n\n"
"id": "do-dogs-have-regional-accents",
@@ -560,49 +560,49 @@
"_sourceurl": "https://www.ijert.org/dummyarticle.pdf",
"_doi": "10.17577/dummydoi",
"status": "read-done",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Deep Learning and the Brain: Neural Network Insights (dummy paper)\"\nauthors: [\"Dr. Alex Smith\", \"Dr. Maria Garcia\"]\nyear: 2023\npublisher: \"Journal of NeuroAI Research\"\nkeywords: [\"Deep Learning\", \"Neuroscience\", \"Neural Networks\", \"Brain Function\"]\nresearch_type: \"Theoretical Analysis\"\nrelevance: \"Highly relevant to my research on NeuroAI parallels.\"\n_sourceurl: \"https://www.ijert.org/dummyarticle.pdf\"\n_doi: \"10.17577/dummydoi\"\nstatus: \"read-done\"\n---\n```\n\nThis is a dummy paper to illustrate the format of a literature review entry.\n\n## Abstract\nThis study explores the intersection of deep learning and neuroscience...\n\n## Methodology\nThe methodology involves a comparative analysis...\n\n## Main Findings\nThe study finds significant parallels between...\n\n## Significance\nThis research contributes to the understanding of...\n\n## Personal Notes\nThe paper provides a compelling argument for using AI...\n\n## Future Work\nThe authors suggest empirical studies...\n\n## Quotes\n\"Deep learning models, especially convolutional neural networks...\"\n\n## Extended Notes\n**Key Points:**\n- **Convolutional Neural Networks**: Remarkable similarities...\n- **Pattern Recognition**: Potential insights...\n\n**References for Further Reading:**\n- [Neural Networks and Brain Function](https://example.com/neural-networks)\n- [Cognitive Processing in AI](https://example.com/cognitive-ai)\n\n_Personal Reflection_: The theoretical underpinnings are strong, but empirical evidence is needed.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Deep Learning and the Brain: Neural Network Insights (dummy paper)\"\nauthors: [\"Dr. Alex Smith\", \"Dr. Maria Garcia\"]\nyear: 2023\npublisher: \"Journal of NeuroAI Research\"\nkeywords: [\"Deep Learning\", \"Neuroscience\", \"Neural Networks\", \"Brain Function\"]\nresearch_type: \"Theoretical Analysis\"\nrelevance: \"Highly relevant to my research on NeuroAI parallels.\"\n_sourceurl: \"https://www.ijert.org/dummyarticle.pdf\"\n_doi: \"10.17577/dummydoi\"\nstatus: \"read-done\"\n---\n```\n\nThis is a dummy paper to illustrate the format of a literature review entry.\n\n## Abstract\nThis study explores the intersection of deep learning and neuroscience...\n\n## Methodology\nThe methodology involves a comparative analysis...\n\n## Main Findings\nThe study finds significant parallels between...\n\n## Significance\nThis research contributes to the understanding of...\n\n## Personal Notes\nThe paper provides a compelling argument for using AI...\n\n## Future Work\nThe authors suggest empirical studies...\n\n## Quotes\n\"Deep learning models, especially convolutional neural networks...\"\n\n## Extended Notes\n**Key Points:**\n- **Convolutional Neural Networks**: Remarkable similarities...\n- **Pattern Recognition**: Potential insights...\n\n**References for Further Reading:**\n- [Neural Networks and Brain Function](https://example.com/neural-networks)\n- [Cognitive Processing in AI](https://example.com/cognitive-ai)\n\n_Personal Reflection_: The theoretical underpinnings are strong, but empirical evidence is needed."
"id": "essays",
"url": "./../dirs/essays",
"category": "dirs",
"title": "essays",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Essays\n---\n```\n\n\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Essays\n---\n```\n\n"
"id": "example",
"url": "./../tutorials/example",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "github pages example",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Github Pages Example\"\n---\n```\n\n{% include mermaid.html %}\n{% include mathjax.html %}\n## Welcome to GitHub Pages\n\nYou can use the [editor on GitHub](https://github.com/yjmantilla/yjmantilla.github.io/edit/master/README.md) to maintain and preview the content for your website in Markdown files.\n\nWhenever you commit to this repository, GitHub Pages will run [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/) to rebuild the pages in your site, from the content in your Markdown files.\n\n### Markdown\n\nMarkdown is a lightweight and easy-to-use syntax for styling your writing. It includes conventions for\n\n```markdown\nSyntax highlighted code block\n\n# Header 1\n## Header 2\n### Header 3\n\n- Bulleted\n- List\n\n1. Numbered\n2. List\n\n**Bold** and _Italic_ and `Code` text\n\n[Link](url) and \n```\n\nFor more details see [GitHub Flavored Markdown](https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/).\n\n### Jekyll Themes\n\nYour Pages site will use the layout and styles from the Jekyll theme you have selected in your [repository settings](https://github.com/yjmantilla/yjmantilla.github.io/settings). The name of this theme is saved in the Jekyll `_config.yml` configuration file.\n\n### Support or Contact\n\nHaving trouble with Pages? Check out our [documentation](https://help.github.com/categories/github-pages-basics/) or [contact support](https://github.com/contact) and we\u2019ll help you sort it out.\n\n### Mermaid\n\n```mermaid\ngraph TD;\n A-->B;\n```\n\ngraph LR\nA-->B\n
\n\ngraph LR\nA-->B\n
\n\ngraph LR\n graph TD\n A[Client] --> B[Load Balancer]\n B --> C[Server1]\n B --> D[Server2]\n
\n\n\n\n Here is one mermaid diagram:\n \n graph TD\n A[Client] --> B[Load Balancer]\n B --> C[Server1]\n B --> D[Server2]\n
\n\n This doesnt work...\n \n And here is another:\n \n graph TD\n A[Client] -->|tcp_123| B(Load Balancer)\n B -->|tcp_456| C[Server1]\n B -->|tcp_456| D[Server2]\n
\n\n\n### Math\nyou can use an inline formula $$\\forall x \\in R$$ like this one\n\n$$\nM = \\left( \\begin{array}{ccc}\nx_{11} & x_{12} & \\ldots \\\\\nx_{21} & x_{22} & \\ldots \\\\\n\\vdots & \\vdots & \\ldots \\\\\n\\end{array} \\right)\n$$\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Github Pages Example\"\n---\n```\n\n{% include mermaid.html %}\n{% include mathjax.html %}\n## Welcome to GitHub Pages\n\nYou can use the [editor on GitHub](https://github.com/yjmantilla/yjmantilla.github.io/edit/master/README.md) to maintain and preview the content for your website in Markdown files.\n\nWhenever you commit to this repository, GitHub Pages will run [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/) to rebuild the pages in your site, from the content in your Markdown files.\n\n### Markdown\n\nMarkdown is a lightweight and easy-to-use syntax for styling your writing. It includes conventions for\n\n```markdown\nSyntax highlighted code block\n\n# Header 1\n## Header 2\n### Header 3\n\n- Bulleted\n- List\n\n1. Numbered\n2. List\n\n**Bold** and _Italic_ and `Code` text\n\n[Link](url) and \n```\n\nFor more details see [GitHub Flavored Markdown](https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/).\n\n### Jekyll Themes\n\nYour Pages site will use the layout and styles from the Jekyll theme you have selected in your [repository settings](https://github.com/yjmantilla/yjmantilla.github.io/settings). The name of this theme is saved in the Jekyll `_config.yml` configuration file.\n\n### Support or Contact\n\nHaving trouble with Pages? Check out our [documentation](https://help.github.com/categories/github-pages-basics/) or [contact support](https://github.com/contact) and we\u2019ll help you sort it out.\n\n### Mermaid\n\n```mermaid\ngraph TD;\n A-->B;\n```\n\ngraph LR\nA-->B\n
\n\ngraph LR\nA-->B\n
\n\ngraph LR\n graph TD\n A[Client] --> B[Load Balancer]\n B --> C[Server1]\n B --> D[Server2]\n
\n\n\n\n Here is one mermaid diagram:\n \n graph TD\n A[Client] --> B[Load Balancer]\n B --> C[Server1]\n B --> D[Server2]\n
\n\n This doesnt work...\n \n And here is another:\n \n graph TD\n A[Client] -->|tcp_123| B(Load Balancer)\n B -->|tcp_456| C[Server1]\n B -->|tcp_456| D[Server2]\n
\n\n\n### Math\nyou can use an inline formula $$\\forall x \\in R$$ like this one\n\n$$\nM = \\left( \\begin{array}{ccc}\nx_{11} & x_{12} & \\ldots \\\\\nx_{21} & x_{22} & \\ldots \\\\\n\\vdots & \\vdots & \\ldots \\\\\n\\end{array} \\right)\n$$"
"id": "export-facebook-saved",
"url": "./../tutorials/export-facebook-saved",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "export facebook saved",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Export Facebook Saved\n---\n```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Export Facebook Saved\n---\n```"
"id": "eyes-i-see-at-close-eyes",
"url": "./../bubbles/eyes-i-see-at-close-eyes",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "eyes i see when close my eyes",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Eyes I see when close my eyes\n---\n```\n\ncat like? I see them when I close my eyes and look up. I doubt it is related to [[phosphenes]]\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Eyes I see when close my eyes\n---\n```\n\ncat like? I see them when I close my eyes and look up. I doubt it is related to [[phosphenes]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "fear-of-failure",
"url": "./../bubbles/fear-of-failure",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "fear of failure",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Fear of Failure\n---```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Fear of Failure\n---```"
"id": "feminismo",
"url": "./../essays/feminismo",
"category": "essays",
"title": "feminismo - una primera exploraci\u00f3n a prop\u00f3sito de la pel\u00edcula \"las brujas de zugarramurdi\" de al\u00e9x de la iglesia",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\n title : Feminismo - Una primera exploraci\u00f3n a prop\u00f3sito de la pel\u00edcula \"Las brujas de Zugarramurdi\" de Al\u00e9x de la Iglesia\n---\n```\n\n> Me preocupa mil que el feminismo de redes sociales est\u00e9 tan lleno de veganas antiespecistas militantes. No porque me desagrade el veganismo y el antiespecismo, que me parecen posturas super interesantes, sino porque ellas ven sus ideas como consecuencia necesaria del feminismo. Ergo, una feminista no vegana es en realidad una feminista \"falsa\". Es preocupante la denostaci\u00f3n del feminismo de otras mujeres en pos del \"purismo\" que ellas defienden.\n\n\nSiendo honesto creo que nunca hab\u00eda procrastinado tanto al hacer un ensayo; y digo ensayo ya que realmente no\nme interesa hacer un texto expositivo en este caso. En ese sentido me he concentrado m\u00e1s en la reflexi\u00f3n y\nan\u00e1lisis personal. Durante los \u00faltimos tres d\u00edas he estado leyendo acerca de estos movimientos, he hecho alguno\nque otro test para determinar mi posici\u00f3n m\u00e1s f\u00e1cilmente, me he visto la pel\u00edcula de Alex de la Iglesia y algunos\nv\u00eddeos de \"un violador en tu camino\". Por ah\u00ed en el segundo d\u00eda se me ocurri\u00f3 que ser\u00eda interesante saber que\npensaban mis contactos de Facebook acerca del feminismo; la cita previa es perteneciente a uno de ellos.\nMe remito a dicha cita para ilustrar que alguien desinformado -como yo al comenzar el semestre- puede pensar\nerr\u00f3neamente que el feminismo es homog\u00e9neo entorno a sus postulados y posiciones. El hecho de que exista un\nfeminismo anti-especista [1] y de que haya gente feminista con opiniones como las de mi contacto deja en claro\nde que hay mucho debate en torno a que deber\u00eda ser el feminismo y qu\u00e9 es lo esencial de este. Muchos de los\nroces entre distintas corrientes feministas derivan de diferencias culturales y \u00e9tnicas entre los grupos\nrepresentados; otras separaciones derivan de disonancias m\u00e1s filos\u00f3ficas: \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el problema en s\u00ed? \u00bfC\u00f3mo\ndeber\u00eda resolverse? \u00bfEn qu\u00e9 t\u00e9rminos se define la igualdad y la equidad? \u00bfQu\u00e9 posici\u00f3n moral se adopta\nrespecto a X acci\u00f3n? \u00bfEs el \"hombre\" oprimido junto con la \"mujer\" o este representa meramente un papel de\nopresor? Tal variedad de matices hace sin duda dif\u00edcil la exploraci\u00f3n conceptual del mundo del feminismo.\n
\n\n## El camino del macho: de h\u00e9roe a drag\u00f3n\n\n\nEn efecto, ser\u00eda una simplificaci\u00f3n muy burda por ejemplo tratar de caracterizar el feminismo mediante un\nhimno como lo es \"un violador en tu camino\" ya que analizando la letra es f\u00e1cil darse cuenta de que proviene de\nuna posici\u00f3n feminista-radical de elementos que existen todav\u00eda en el mundo: la violaci\u00f3n y el homicidio de\nmujeres. Uno puede tomar dichos problemas y estudiarlos bajo la lente de cada forma de feminismo. En\nparticular el himno se inspira de los escritos de Rita Segato, quien ha tratado el tema de violencia de g\u00e9nero\ndesde un punto de vista te\u00f3rico [2], planteando que la violaci\u00f3n no es un asunto sexual sino de ejercer poder\npol\u00edtico sobre un g\u00e9nero, en este caso perpetrado por el patriarcado. Otro de los conceptos que es bueno traer a\ncolaci\u00f3n de esta autora es la idea del \"mandato de masculinidad\" [2], que es en mi opini\u00f3n otra forma de\nnombrar el rol masculino, lo que es ser \"macho\". Dicho elemento tambi\u00e9n se ve reflejado impl\u00edcitamente en \"un\nviolador en tu camino\"; si bien sus creadoras citan al himno de los carabineros de Chile de forma ir\u00f3nica [3], el\nhimno original de los carabineros en s\u00ed contiene lo que constituye para m\u00ed un mito fundacional de lo masculino:\n
\n\n> Duerme tranquila, ni\u00f1a inocente, sin preocuparte del bandolero, que por tu sue\u00f1o dulce y sonriente vela\n> tu amante carabinero.\n\n\nKipnis en [4] reflexiona acerca del arquetipo fragmentado de H\u00e9roe (hombre generalmente), Drag\u00f3n-Victimario\n(hombre tambi\u00e9n) y la Princesa-Victima (mujer generalmente). Seg\u00fan su an\u00e1lisis todos estos personajes se\nencuentran en todas las personas y que generan a\u00fan repercusiones en el inconsciente colectivo moderno\nrespecto al g\u00e9nero. En esa estrofa en particular es evidente que personaje es cada quien. Curiosamente\nencuentro palabras de Segato acerca de este modelo cuando habla de que el \"el victimismo no es una buena\npol\u00edtica para las mujeres\" [5]:\n
\n\n> Lo que los medios deber\u00edan destacar y repetir sin reserva y hasta con exceso es que quien rescata a Thelma es un grupo de mujeres, son sus pares, sus > colegas, sus amigas, sus hermanas en el proceso pol\u00edtico que estamos viviendo en Argentina y en el continente: **mujer salva mujer y muestra al mundo lo que tiene que cambiar. No hay un pr\u00edncipe valiente. Hay pol\u00edtica, que es m\u00e1s lindo, m\u00e1s heroico y m\u00e1s verdadero. La mano salvadora viene de nuestra amistad y alianza.**\n\n\nKipnis menciona que surgen problemas cuando alguno de estos \"personajes\" nos domina, y que mientras los\nefectos nocivos de la sobre-identificaci\u00f3n con el arquetipo de Princesa se han vuelto claros a trav\u00e9s de los a\u00f1os\npara las mujeres, los efectos nocivos de la sobre-identificaci\u00f3n con el H\u00e9roe no son obvios para los hombres. La\nverdad me ha dejado impresionado la cantidad de paralelismos susceptibles de trazarse entre estas ideas con las\npropias del \"mandato de masculinidad\" de Segato. Por ejemplo, mientras ella dice que el hombre no se visualiza\ncomo persona digna de respeto a menos de que tenga alg\u00fan atributo de \"potencia\" [6], Kipnis recalca que al\nsentirse que debe ser H\u00e9roe el hombre busca tener un nivel de \u00e9xito m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de la capacidad de los mortales\npara poder ser amado por una mujer [4]. Ambos concluyen que dicho molde implica finalmente conductas\nviolentas y ausentes de empat\u00eda.\nEl arquetipo de H\u00e9roe a su vez ha influenciado la asimetr\u00eda entre el concepto de sororidad y el concepto de\nfraternidad. A saber originalmente Miguel de Unamuno acu\u00f1o el termino de sororidad para dar nombre a la\n\"hermandad femenina\" en contraste con el de fraternidad (que vendr\u00eda de hermano) [7]. Es ir\u00f3nico en el sentido\nde que la solidaridad y cercan\u00eda en la sororidad a mi parecer es m\u00e1s profunda que la ofrecida por la fraternidad.\nPienso que esto emerge de la propia noci\u00f3n de masculinidad entendida como estoicismo, independencia y\nfortaleza. Kipnik reflexiona diciendo que el H\u00e9roe es incapaz de hacer conexiones profundas con los otros al\npresentarse solitario, narcisista y ego\u00edsta. A lo mucho los hombres podr\u00e1n hablar entre s\u00ed de mujeres, muy al\nestilo que se presenta en Las brujas de Zugarramurdi por los tres principales personajes hombres. Cualquier otro\ntema profundo es ya demasiado sensible y la vulnerabilidad es demasiado incomoda de mostrar, -de nuevo-\nmuy al estilo de la confesi\u00f3n de sentimientos entre los inspectores en la pel\u00edcula. Esta incapacidad emocional\nexplica en parte la asimetr\u00eda de las tasas de suicidio seg\u00fan el g\u00e9nero, donde los hombres pueden llegar a ser 5\nveces m\u00e1s propensos a cometerlo [8]. A nivel contempor\u00e1neo es curioso ver la necesidad de incluir la aclaraci\u00f3n\nde \"no-homo\" cada vez que se hace alguna acci\u00f3n que atenta contra la masculinidad, en particular con el\nintercambio emocional entre amigos [9].\n
\n\n## El camino de la bruja: de princesa a prostituta\n\n\nLas brujas de Zugarramurdi por otra parte tambi\u00e9n ofrece el tr\u00edo H\u00e9roe/Drag\u00f3n/Princesa en su narrativa con una\nligera variaci\u00f3n en cuanto a los g\u00e9neros. El H\u00e9roe se representa de forma m\u00e1s constante en el Padre del Ni\u00f1o,\nmientras que la Princesa en este caso es el Ni\u00f1o. Digamos la subversi\u00f3n m\u00e1s clara es el Drag\u00f3n al verse\nrepresentado en las Brujas y finalmente en la versi\u00f3n grotesca de la Venus de Willendorf.\nLa pel\u00edcula hace un uso muy caricaturesco de la bruja como arquetipo. Algo que queda muy claro es que la\ncualidad de \"bruja\" de alguna forma tiene que ver con la mujer soltera, o sin \u00e9xito rom\u00e1ntico (\u00bfQu\u00e9 es lo mismo\nque no tener \u00e9xito?). Esto se ve tanto en la Madre del Ni\u00f1o como en la Nieta de las Brujas. Ya para el final de la\npel\u00edcula la Nieta, como resultado de enamorarse del Padre, empieza a presentar cualidades heroicas (al menos\ndesde el punto de vista del Padre), y no tanto de bruja. Curiosamente podemos ver como recibe el afecto del\nPadre solo cuando su acto heroico es completado, previo a eso la reciprocidad es alimentada solo por miedo o\natracci\u00f3n sexual; esto es consistente con el arco del H\u00e9roe que se prueba a si mismo ante la Damisela. Por su\nparte la Madre del Ni\u00f1o pasa de H\u00e9roe (al tratar de salvar a su Hijo) a Drag\u00f3n al convertirse en Bruja. Ahora\nbien, cabe aclarar que si bien en la pel\u00edcula pareciera sugerir una noci\u00f3n de quien es bueno y quien es malo, est\u00e1\nen realidad es muy flexible. A saber la \u00fanica raz\u00f3n por la cual uno podr\u00eda considerar a las Brujas como\nantagonistas es por una posible identificaci\u00f3n nuestra con los personajes \"normales\", con aquellos que no tienen\npoder m\u00e1gico; lo cual es alimentado por el uso del miedo y el horror a lo largo del film. La primera escena se\nbasa en el robo de una joyer\u00eda por parte de dos de los protagonistas, revelando pues que en realidad estos dos\npersonajes est\u00e1n en el margen de lo antisocial, es decir a su vez son anormales. Al eliminar el aspecto m\u00e1gico\ndel film podr\u00edamos resultar realmente con un grupo de feministas y un grupo de delincuentes y si tuviera pues\nque ubicar ideol\u00f3gicamente el movimiento de las brujas estar\u00eda inclinado a analizarlas bajo un contexto de\nfeminismo radical algo separatista en su metodolog\u00eda.\nA su vez es interesante analizar el uso de la sexualidad en la pel\u00edcula ya que muestra algunos estereotipos de\nc\u00f3mo cada g\u00e9nero ve la sexualidad. Por un lado dos de los protagonistas quedan pr\u00e1cticamente hechizados por\nla atracci\u00f3n hacia la Nieta, al punto del que el Padre olvida que tiene rescatar a su Hijo. Refleja pues como al\nhombre \u201cse le dificulta\u201d controlar el impulso sexual, resaltando su cualidad de bestia. Por su parte la Nieta usa\nla sexualidad como instrumento de poder o de persuasi\u00f3n sobre los protagonistas. Luego en otra escena a la\nNieta se le recrimina el hecho de que est\u00e9 enamorada del Padre, y de que simplemente -deber\u00eda- reducirlo a un\njuguete sexual. Uno podr\u00eda pensar que se est\u00e1 haciendo uso del sexo como una forma de ejercer poder, y es\ncurioso verlo a la luz de los pensamientos de Segato. Si la violaci\u00f3n es un acto pol\u00edtico donde se ejerce poder,\n\u00bfqu\u00e9 se puede decir entorno al sexo como tal?. Dicho tren de pensamiento puede llegar al tema de la\ncosificaci\u00f3n sexual de la mujer la cual por momentos se invierte en la pel\u00edcula. Christina Sommers[10] y Naomi\nWolf[11] argumentan que la liberaci\u00f3n sexual de la mujer ha llevado a las mujeres a una inversi\u00f3n de roles\ndonde se ve a los hombres como objetos sexuales de una manera similar a lo que se critica del tratamiento de la\nmujer por parte del hombre. Contrariamente uno podr\u00eda interpretar dicha reclamaci\u00f3n sobre tener al hombre\ncomo juguete sexual no tanto como una demostraci\u00f3n de poder sino como una aceptaci\u00f3n del impulso sexual de\nla mujer, de que la mujer tambi\u00e9n es bestia, en consonancia pues con la liberaci\u00f3n sexual de la mujer.\nEl an\u00e1lisis de la sexualidad es un tema que es otro mundo en s\u00ed mismo y en el cu\u00e1l el feminismo incursiona. Por\nejemplo se podr\u00eda establecer que la Virgen Mar\u00eda es un mito fundacional al implicar que la virginidad de la\nmujer es una cualidad valiosa; pareciera que el acto sexual \"ensucia\" de una u otra forma. Es muy com\u00fan la\ndiscusi\u00f3n sobre la asim\u00e9trica percepci\u00f3n de la promiscuidad de hombres y mujeres, mientras uno es exitoso el\notro es una prostituta. Hay quienes justifican dicho doble-est\u00e1ndar mediante modelos biol\u00f3gicos como el\nprincipio de Bateman [12] donde los machos compiten de forma promiscua y las mujeres escogen. As\u00ed el \u00e9xito\nreproductivo para el macho aumenta con el n\u00famero de parejas mientras que para la hembra no. La biolog\u00eda no\nsolo informa (\u00bfo desinforma?) este debate sino tambi\u00e9n el de la asimetr\u00eda en la inversi\u00f3n parental. Para m\u00ed la\nbiolog\u00eda es valiosa en este tipo de debates pero hay que medir bien cu\u00e1n sano es el uso de argumentos basados\nen el determinismo biol\u00f3gico como si estos fueran la \u00faltima palabra; a saber, aunque uno obvie el\nreduccionismo y diga que el determinismo biol\u00f3gico es verdadero, uno puede ce\u00f1irse a que la humanidad es un\npuente y no una meta... es decir al trans-humanismo para argumentar que no hay raz\u00f3n por la cual restringirse a\nlo \"natural\". Por ejemplo, si se desliga de la mujer el rol de madre y el concepto de fertilidad, el \u00e9xito\nreproductivo de ella no estuviera ligado con nociones de escoger \"al mejor\" y a\u00fan m\u00e1s ser\u00eda un sin-sentido en\neste contexto ya que no se tendr\u00eda sexo \"por reproducirse\"; en ese caso \u00bfse juzgar\u00eda la promiscuidad de la mujer\nde la misma forma?\n
\n\n## Conclusi\u00f3n\n\n\nEl feminismo es un mundo muy diverso y con disonancias entre sus continentes. Para mi este ensayo fue un\nexperimento donde embarque desde el himno de \"un violador en tu camino\", es decir desde una expresi\u00f3n del\nfeminismo radical; sin saber realmente a donde llegar\u00eda pero partiendo del material que absorb\u00ed del feminismo y\nde los roles de g\u00e9nero. En eso me he encontrado con la influencia de los arquetipos/mitos\nfundacionales/personajes en nuestra construcci\u00f3n de la identidad, de los roles y de c\u00f3mo se juzgan las acciones\nde acuerdo al rol que \"deber\u00edamos cumplir\".\n
\n\n## Referencias\n\n\\[1\\]:
\n\\[4\\]:Aaron Kipnis (1994) Men, movies, & monsters: Heroic masculinity as a crucible of male violence.
\n\\[10\\]: Sommers, Christina (1995). \"The gender wardens\". Who stole feminism?: how women have betrayed\nwomen. pp. 264\u2013265. seg\u00fan
\n\\[11\\]: Wolf, Naomi (1994). Fire with fire: the new female power and how to use it. New York: Fawcett\nColumbine. pp. 225\u2013228. seg\u00fan
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\n title : Feminismo - Una primera exploraci\u00f3n a prop\u00f3sito de la pel\u00edcula \"Las brujas de Zugarramurdi\" de Al\u00e9x de la Iglesia\n---\n```\n\n> Me preocupa mil que el feminismo de redes sociales est\u00e9 tan lleno de veganas antiespecistas militantes. No porque me desagrade el veganismo y el antiespecismo, que me parecen posturas super interesantes, sino porque ellas ven sus ideas como consecuencia necesaria del feminismo. Ergo, una feminista no vegana es en realidad una feminista \"falsa\". Es preocupante la denostaci\u00f3n del feminismo de otras mujeres en pos del \"purismo\" que ellas defienden.\n\n\nSiendo honesto creo que nunca hab\u00eda procrastinado tanto al hacer un ensayo; y digo ensayo ya que realmente no\nme interesa hacer un texto expositivo en este caso. En ese sentido me he concentrado m\u00e1s en la reflexi\u00f3n y\nan\u00e1lisis personal. Durante los \u00faltimos tres d\u00edas he estado leyendo acerca de estos movimientos, he hecho alguno\nque otro test para determinar mi posici\u00f3n m\u00e1s f\u00e1cilmente, me he visto la pel\u00edcula de Alex de la Iglesia y algunos\nv\u00eddeos de \"un violador en tu camino\". Por ah\u00ed en el segundo d\u00eda se me ocurri\u00f3 que ser\u00eda interesante saber que\npensaban mis contactos de Facebook acerca del feminismo; la cita previa es perteneciente a uno de ellos.\nMe remito a dicha cita para ilustrar que alguien desinformado -como yo al comenzar el semestre- puede pensar\nerr\u00f3neamente que el feminismo es homog\u00e9neo entorno a sus postulados y posiciones. El hecho de que exista un\nfeminismo anti-especista [1] y de que haya gente feminista con opiniones como las de mi contacto deja en claro\nde que hay mucho debate en torno a que deber\u00eda ser el feminismo y qu\u00e9 es lo esencial de este. Muchos de los\nroces entre distintas corrientes feministas derivan de diferencias culturales y \u00e9tnicas entre los grupos\nrepresentados; otras separaciones derivan de disonancias m\u00e1s filos\u00f3ficas: \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el problema en s\u00ed? \u00bfC\u00f3mo\ndeber\u00eda resolverse? \u00bfEn qu\u00e9 t\u00e9rminos se define la igualdad y la equidad? \u00bfQu\u00e9 posici\u00f3n moral se adopta\nrespecto a X acci\u00f3n? \u00bfEs el \"hombre\" oprimido junto con la \"mujer\" o este representa meramente un papel de\nopresor? Tal variedad de matices hace sin duda dif\u00edcil la exploraci\u00f3n conceptual del mundo del feminismo.\n
\n\n## El camino del macho: de h\u00e9roe a drag\u00f3n\n\n\nEn efecto, ser\u00eda una simplificaci\u00f3n muy burda por ejemplo tratar de caracterizar el feminismo mediante un\nhimno como lo es \"un violador en tu camino\" ya que analizando la letra es f\u00e1cil darse cuenta de que proviene de\nuna posici\u00f3n feminista-radical de elementos que existen todav\u00eda en el mundo: la violaci\u00f3n y el homicidio de\nmujeres. Uno puede tomar dichos problemas y estudiarlos bajo la lente de cada forma de feminismo. En\nparticular el himno se inspira de los escritos de Rita Segato, quien ha tratado el tema de violencia de g\u00e9nero\ndesde un punto de vista te\u00f3rico [2], planteando que la violaci\u00f3n no es un asunto sexual sino de ejercer poder\npol\u00edtico sobre un g\u00e9nero, en este caso perpetrado por el patriarcado. Otro de los conceptos que es bueno traer a\ncolaci\u00f3n de esta autora es la idea del \"mandato de masculinidad\" [2], que es en mi opini\u00f3n otra forma de\nnombrar el rol masculino, lo que es ser \"macho\". Dicho elemento tambi\u00e9n se ve reflejado impl\u00edcitamente en \"un\nviolador en tu camino\"; si bien sus creadoras citan al himno de los carabineros de Chile de forma ir\u00f3nica [3], el\nhimno original de los carabineros en s\u00ed contiene lo que constituye para m\u00ed un mito fundacional de lo masculino:\n
\n\n> Duerme tranquila, ni\u00f1a inocente, sin preocuparte del bandolero, que por tu sue\u00f1o dulce y sonriente vela\n> tu amante carabinero.\n\n\nKipnis en [4] reflexiona acerca del arquetipo fragmentado de H\u00e9roe (hombre generalmente), Drag\u00f3n-Victimario\n(hombre tambi\u00e9n) y la Princesa-Victima (mujer generalmente). Seg\u00fan su an\u00e1lisis todos estos personajes se\nencuentran en todas las personas y que generan a\u00fan repercusiones en el inconsciente colectivo moderno\nrespecto al g\u00e9nero. En esa estrofa en particular es evidente que personaje es cada quien. Curiosamente\nencuentro palabras de Segato acerca de este modelo cuando habla de que el \"el victimismo no es una buena\npol\u00edtica para las mujeres\" [5]:\n
\n\n> Lo que los medios deber\u00edan destacar y repetir sin reserva y hasta con exceso es que quien rescata a Thelma es un grupo de mujeres, son sus pares, sus > colegas, sus amigas, sus hermanas en el proceso pol\u00edtico que estamos viviendo en Argentina y en el continente: **mujer salva mujer y muestra al mundo lo que tiene que cambiar. No hay un pr\u00edncipe valiente. Hay pol\u00edtica, que es m\u00e1s lindo, m\u00e1s heroico y m\u00e1s verdadero. La mano salvadora viene de nuestra amistad y alianza.**\n\n\nKipnis menciona que surgen problemas cuando alguno de estos \"personajes\" nos domina, y que mientras los\nefectos nocivos de la sobre-identificaci\u00f3n con el arquetipo de Princesa se han vuelto claros a trav\u00e9s de los a\u00f1os\npara las mujeres, los efectos nocivos de la sobre-identificaci\u00f3n con el H\u00e9roe no son obvios para los hombres. La\nverdad me ha dejado impresionado la cantidad de paralelismos susceptibles de trazarse entre estas ideas con las\npropias del \"mandato de masculinidad\" de Segato. Por ejemplo, mientras ella dice que el hombre no se visualiza\ncomo persona digna de respeto a menos de que tenga alg\u00fan atributo de \"potencia\" [6], Kipnis recalca que al\nsentirse que debe ser H\u00e9roe el hombre busca tener un nivel de \u00e9xito m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de la capacidad de los mortales\npara poder ser amado por una mujer [4]. Ambos concluyen que dicho molde implica finalmente conductas\nviolentas y ausentes de empat\u00eda.\nEl arquetipo de H\u00e9roe a su vez ha influenciado la asimetr\u00eda entre el concepto de sororidad y el concepto de\nfraternidad. A saber originalmente Miguel de Unamuno acu\u00f1o el termino de sororidad para dar nombre a la\n\"hermandad femenina\" en contraste con el de fraternidad (que vendr\u00eda de hermano) [7]. Es ir\u00f3nico en el sentido\nde que la solidaridad y cercan\u00eda en la sororidad a mi parecer es m\u00e1s profunda que la ofrecida por la fraternidad.\nPienso que esto emerge de la propia noci\u00f3n de masculinidad entendida como estoicismo, independencia y\nfortaleza. Kipnik reflexiona diciendo que el H\u00e9roe es incapaz de hacer conexiones profundas con los otros al\npresentarse solitario, narcisista y ego\u00edsta. A lo mucho los hombres podr\u00e1n hablar entre s\u00ed de mujeres, muy al\nestilo que se presenta en Las brujas de Zugarramurdi por los tres principales personajes hombres. Cualquier otro\ntema profundo es ya demasiado sensible y la vulnerabilidad es demasiado incomoda de mostrar, -de nuevo-\nmuy al estilo de la confesi\u00f3n de sentimientos entre los inspectores en la pel\u00edcula. Esta incapacidad emocional\nexplica en parte la asimetr\u00eda de las tasas de suicidio seg\u00fan el g\u00e9nero, donde los hombres pueden llegar a ser 5\nveces m\u00e1s propensos a cometerlo [8]. A nivel contempor\u00e1neo es curioso ver la necesidad de incluir la aclaraci\u00f3n\nde \"no-homo\" cada vez que se hace alguna acci\u00f3n que atenta contra la masculinidad, en particular con el\nintercambio emocional entre amigos [9].\n
\n\n## El camino de la bruja: de princesa a prostituta\n\n\nLas brujas de Zugarramurdi por otra parte tambi\u00e9n ofrece el tr\u00edo H\u00e9roe/Drag\u00f3n/Princesa en su narrativa con una\nligera variaci\u00f3n en cuanto a los g\u00e9neros. El H\u00e9roe se representa de forma m\u00e1s constante en el Padre del Ni\u00f1o,\nmientras que la Princesa en este caso es el Ni\u00f1o. Digamos la subversi\u00f3n m\u00e1s clara es el Drag\u00f3n al verse\nrepresentado en las Brujas y finalmente en la versi\u00f3n grotesca de la Venus de Willendorf.\nLa pel\u00edcula hace un uso muy caricaturesco de la bruja como arquetipo. Algo que queda muy claro es que la\ncualidad de \"bruja\" de alguna forma tiene que ver con la mujer soltera, o sin \u00e9xito rom\u00e1ntico (\u00bfQu\u00e9 es lo mismo\nque no tener \u00e9xito?). Esto se ve tanto en la Madre del Ni\u00f1o como en la Nieta de las Brujas. Ya para el final de la\npel\u00edcula la Nieta, como resultado de enamorarse del Padre, empieza a presentar cualidades heroicas (al menos\ndesde el punto de vista del Padre), y no tanto de bruja. Curiosamente podemos ver como recibe el afecto del\nPadre solo cuando su acto heroico es completado, previo a eso la reciprocidad es alimentada solo por miedo o\natracci\u00f3n sexual; esto es consistente con el arco del H\u00e9roe que se prueba a si mismo ante la Damisela. Por su\nparte la Madre del Ni\u00f1o pasa de H\u00e9roe (al tratar de salvar a su Hijo) a Drag\u00f3n al convertirse en Bruja. Ahora\nbien, cabe aclarar que si bien en la pel\u00edcula pareciera sugerir una noci\u00f3n de quien es bueno y quien es malo, est\u00e1\nen realidad es muy flexible. A saber la \u00fanica raz\u00f3n por la cual uno podr\u00eda considerar a las Brujas como\nantagonistas es por una posible identificaci\u00f3n nuestra con los personajes \"normales\", con aquellos que no tienen\npoder m\u00e1gico; lo cual es alimentado por el uso del miedo y el horror a lo largo del film. La primera escena se\nbasa en el robo de una joyer\u00eda por parte de dos de los protagonistas, revelando pues que en realidad estos dos\npersonajes est\u00e1n en el margen de lo antisocial, es decir a su vez son anormales. Al eliminar el aspecto m\u00e1gico\ndel film podr\u00edamos resultar realmente con un grupo de feministas y un grupo de delincuentes y si tuviera pues\nque ubicar ideol\u00f3gicamente el movimiento de las brujas estar\u00eda inclinado a analizarlas bajo un contexto de\nfeminismo radical algo separatista en su metodolog\u00eda.\nA su vez es interesante analizar el uso de la sexualidad en la pel\u00edcula ya que muestra algunos estereotipos de\nc\u00f3mo cada g\u00e9nero ve la sexualidad. Por un lado dos de los protagonistas quedan pr\u00e1cticamente hechizados por\nla atracci\u00f3n hacia la Nieta, al punto del que el Padre olvida que tiene rescatar a su Hijo. Refleja pues como al\nhombre \u201cse le dificulta\u201d controlar el impulso sexual, resaltando su cualidad de bestia. Por su parte la Nieta usa\nla sexualidad como instrumento de poder o de persuasi\u00f3n sobre los protagonistas. Luego en otra escena a la\nNieta se le recrimina el hecho de que est\u00e9 enamorada del Padre, y de que simplemente -deber\u00eda- reducirlo a un\njuguete sexual. Uno podr\u00eda pensar que se est\u00e1 haciendo uso del sexo como una forma de ejercer poder, y es\ncurioso verlo a la luz de los pensamientos de Segato. Si la violaci\u00f3n es un acto pol\u00edtico donde se ejerce poder,\n\u00bfqu\u00e9 se puede decir entorno al sexo como tal?. Dicho tren de pensamiento puede llegar al tema de la\ncosificaci\u00f3n sexual de la mujer la cual por momentos se invierte en la pel\u00edcula. Christina Sommers[10] y Naomi\nWolf[11] argumentan que la liberaci\u00f3n sexual de la mujer ha llevado a las mujeres a una inversi\u00f3n de roles\ndonde se ve a los hombres como objetos sexuales de una manera similar a lo que se critica del tratamiento de la\nmujer por parte del hombre. Contrariamente uno podr\u00eda interpretar dicha reclamaci\u00f3n sobre tener al hombre\ncomo juguete sexual no tanto como una demostraci\u00f3n de poder sino como una aceptaci\u00f3n del impulso sexual de\nla mujer, de que la mujer tambi\u00e9n es bestia, en consonancia pues con la liberaci\u00f3n sexual de la mujer.\nEl an\u00e1lisis de la sexualidad es un tema que es otro mundo en s\u00ed mismo y en el cu\u00e1l el feminismo incursiona. Por\nejemplo se podr\u00eda establecer que la Virgen Mar\u00eda es un mito fundacional al implicar que la virginidad de la\nmujer es una cualidad valiosa; pareciera que el acto sexual \"ensucia\" de una u otra forma. Es muy com\u00fan la\ndiscusi\u00f3n sobre la asim\u00e9trica percepci\u00f3n de la promiscuidad de hombres y mujeres, mientras uno es exitoso el\notro es una prostituta. Hay quienes justifican dicho doble-est\u00e1ndar mediante modelos biol\u00f3gicos como el\nprincipio de Bateman [12] donde los machos compiten de forma promiscua y las mujeres escogen. As\u00ed el \u00e9xito\nreproductivo para el macho aumenta con el n\u00famero de parejas mientras que para la hembra no. La biolog\u00eda no\nsolo informa (\u00bfo desinforma?) este debate sino tambi\u00e9n el de la asimetr\u00eda en la inversi\u00f3n parental. Para m\u00ed la\nbiolog\u00eda es valiosa en este tipo de debates pero hay que medir bien cu\u00e1n sano es el uso de argumentos basados\nen el determinismo biol\u00f3gico como si estos fueran la \u00faltima palabra; a saber, aunque uno obvie el\nreduccionismo y diga que el determinismo biol\u00f3gico es verdadero, uno puede ce\u00f1irse a que la humanidad es un\npuente y no una meta... es decir al trans-humanismo para argumentar que no hay raz\u00f3n por la cual restringirse a\nlo \"natural\". Por ejemplo, si se desliga de la mujer el rol de madre y el concepto de fertilidad, el \u00e9xito\nreproductivo de ella no estuviera ligado con nociones de escoger \"al mejor\" y a\u00fan m\u00e1s ser\u00eda un sin-sentido en\neste contexto ya que no se tendr\u00eda sexo \"por reproducirse\"; en ese caso \u00bfse juzgar\u00eda la promiscuidad de la mujer\nde la misma forma?\n
\n\n## Conclusi\u00f3n\n\n\nEl feminismo es un mundo muy diverso y con disonancias entre sus continentes. Para mi este ensayo fue un\nexperimento donde embarque desde el himno de \"un violador en tu camino\", es decir desde una expresi\u00f3n del\nfeminismo radical; sin saber realmente a donde llegar\u00eda pero partiendo del material que absorb\u00ed del feminismo y\nde los roles de g\u00e9nero. En eso me he encontrado con la influencia de los arquetipos/mitos\nfundacionales/personajes en nuestra construcci\u00f3n de la identidad, de los roles y de c\u00f3mo se juzgan las acciones\nde acuerdo al rol que \"deber\u00edamos cumplir\".\n
\n\n## Referencias\n\n\\[1\\]:
\n\\[4\\]:Aaron Kipnis (1994) Men, movies, & monsters: Heroic masculinity as a crucible of male violence.
\n\\[10\\]: Sommers, Christina (1995). \"The gender wardens\". Who stole feminism?: how women have betrayed\nwomen. pp. 264\u2013265. seg\u00fan
\n\\[11\\]: Wolf, Naomi (1994). Fire with fire: the new female power and how to use it. New York: Fawcett\nColumbine. pp. 225\u2013228. seg\u00fan
"id": "filas-y-columnas",
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@
"url": "./../tutorials/fixed-order-for-automatic-yaml-lists",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "fixed order for automatic yaml lists",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Fixed Order For Automatic Yaml Lists\n---\n```\n\nIn my approach I make the content yaml list automatically with python. The problem is that any order I had is lost to alphabetical order.\n\nThe fix is to prefix the files with the order you want to show them.\n\nExample:\n\n```markdown\nimportant-file --> 1-important-file\nirrelevant-file --> 2-irrelevant-file\n```\n\nNow, with poems it may be more advantageous to have them in alphabetical order; they look better that way.\n\nYou may even just want to highlight some files rather than giving an order to everyone. For that just prefix with a number the files that you want to leave highlighted and leave the other ones as they were.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Fixed Order For Automatic Yaml Lists\n---\n```\n\nIn my approach I make the content yaml list automatically with python. The problem is that any order I had is lost to alphabetical order.\n\nThe fix is to prefix the files with the order you want to show them.\n\nExample:\n\n```markdown\nimportant-file --> 1-important-file\nirrelevant-file --> 2-irrelevant-file\n```\n\nNow, with poems it may be more advantageous to have them in alphabetical order; they look better that way.\n\nYou may even just want to highlight some files rather than giving an order to everyone. For that just prefix with a number the files that you want to leave highlighted and leave the other ones as they were."
"id": "flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts",
@@ -630,14 +630,14 @@
"url": "./../tutorials/foam",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "foam",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : \"Foam\"\n---\n```\n\nSe pueden hacer referencias de hypertexto al estilo [wiki](https://foambubble.github.io/foam/user/features/wikilinks)\n\n>The Foam for VSCode extension automatically generates Link Reference Definitions at >the bottom of the file to make wiki-links compatible with Markdown tools and parsers.\n\nI prefer to control these by myself though, so I use:\n\n\n\nand instead use custom code to generate these links on build time (see gen-static-data.py in the website github repo).\n\nYou can make a network of thoughts bubbles or ideas with the help of \n\nIdealmente los bubbles deber\u00edan tener nombre \u00fanico y siguiendo el [kebab case](https://www.theserverside.com/blog/Coffee-Talk-Java-News-Stories-and-Opinions/Why-you-should-make-kebab-case-a-URL-naming-convention-best-practice)\n\nPodr\u00edan usarse [tags](https://foambubble.github.io/foam/user/features/tags). Esto podr\u00eda aprovecharse para organizar poemas con base en tematicas?. O quiz\u00e1s la idea de categor\u00edas de jekyll.\n\nPara empezar ver el [men\u00fa de recetas](https://foambubble.github.io/foam/user/recipes/recipes)\n\nSe pueden incluir facilmente imagenes con [esto](https://foambubble.github.io/foam/user/recipes/add-images-to-notes)\n\n\n\nThe configuration I like to use is:\n\n\n\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : \"Foam\"\n---\n```\n\nSe pueden hacer referencias de hypertexto al estilo [wiki](https://foambubble.github.io/foam/user/features/wikilinks)\n\n>The Foam for VSCode extension automatically generates Link Reference Definitions at >the bottom of the file to make wiki-links compatible with Markdown tools and parsers.\n\nI prefer to control these by myself though, so I use:\n\n\n\nand instead use custom code to generate these links on build time (see gen-static-data.py in the website github repo).\n\nYou can make a network of thoughts bubbles or ideas with the help of \n\nIdealmente los bubbles deber\u00edan tener nombre \u00fanico y siguiendo el [kebab case](https://www.theserverside.com/blog/Coffee-Talk-Java-News-Stories-and-Opinions/Why-you-should-make-kebab-case-a-URL-naming-convention-best-practice)\n\nPodr\u00edan usarse [tags](https://foambubble.github.io/foam/user/features/tags). Esto podr\u00eda aprovecharse para organizar poemas con base en tematicas?. O quiz\u00e1s la idea de categor\u00edas de jekyll.\n\nPara empezar ver el [men\u00fa de recetas](https://foambubble.github.io/foam/user/recipes/recipes)\n\nSe pueden incluir facilmente imagenes con [esto](https://foambubble.github.io/foam/user/recipes/add-images-to-notes)\n\n\n\nThe configuration I like to use is:\n\n\n\n"
"id": "focused-and-diffused",
"url": "./../bubbles/focused-and-diffused",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "focused and diffused",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Focused and Diffused\n---```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Focused and Diffused\n---```"
"id": "for-the-sake-of-play",
@@ -651,28 +651,28 @@
"url": "./../tutorials/force-graph-in-brave-browser-bug",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "force graph in brave browser bug",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Force Graph in Brave Browser Bug\n---\n```\n\nIn Brave force graph has some bugs with onNodeHover and onNodeClick: https://github.com/vasturiano/force-graph/issues/177\n\nSolution is to turn shields down:\n\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Force Graph in Brave Browser Bug\n---\n```\n\nIn Brave force graph has some bugs with onNodeHover and onNodeClick: https://github.com/vasturiano/force-graph/issues/177\n\nSolution is to turn shields down:\n\n"
"id": "freedom-and-belonging",
"url": "./../bubbles/freedom-and-belonging",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "freedom and belonging",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Freedom and Belonging\n---\n```\n\nQuote by Mark Manson. The subtle art of not giving a fuck\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Freedom and Belonging\n---\n```\n\nQuote by Mark Manson. The subtle art of not giving a fuck"
"id": "games",
"url": "./../bubbles/games",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "games",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Games\n---\n```\n\n## The weird\n\n- Wikipedia Game\n- The game\n- Spot It!\n- Dice Breaker.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Games\n---\n```\n\n## The weird\n\n- Wikipedia Game\n- The game\n- Spot It!\n- Dice Breaker."
"id": "git-for-windows-with-conda",
"url": "./../tutorials/git-for-windows-with-conda",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "git for windows with conda",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Git for windows with conda\n---\n```\n\nHow to use a bash style terminal in windows with conda commands activated.\n\n## Download and install git for windows\n\n[install this](https://gitforwindows.org/)\n\n## Search for your .bash_profile file in your user folder\n\nIn my case is here ```C:\\Users\\user```\n\n## Edit it and add\n\n```. \"C:\\software\\anaconda3\\etc\\profile.d\\conda.sh\"```\n\nYou should edit this path accordingly. Find your ```conda.sh``` file.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Git for windows with conda\n---\n```\n\nHow to use a bash style terminal in windows with conda commands activated.\n\n## Download and install git for windows\n\n[install this](https://gitforwindows.org/)\n\n## Search for your .bash_profile file in your user folder\n\nIn my case is here ```C:\\Users\\user```\n\n## Edit it and add\n\n```. \"C:\\software\\anaconda3\\etc\\profile.d\\conda.sh\"```\n\nYou should edit this path accordingly. Find your ```conda.sh``` file."
"id": "graphs-of-graphs",
@@ -686,14 +686,14 @@
"url": "./../dirs/gsoc",
"category": "dirs",
"title": "google summer of code 2021",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Google Summer of Code 2021\n---\n```\n\n\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Google Summer of Code 2021\n---\n```\n\n"
"id": "hamilton",
"url": "./../bubbles/hamilton",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "hamilton",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Hamilton\n---```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Hamilton\n---```"
"id": "hoja_de_vida",
@@ -707,21 +707,21 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/how-to-learn",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "how to learn",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: How to Learn\n---\n```\n\nThis is a collection of resources I have found regarding this topic, focusing on self and lifelong learning. Sort of what I would need for a research career.\n\n## How to Easily Learn Difficult Things\n\n[Elizabeth Filips](https://youtu.be/Kz_brQBl8xk)\n\nElizabeth describes a 6-step process:\n\n1. Context-Broadening\n1. Dopamine Priming\n1. Singular Deep Dive\n1. Challenge Sandwich\n1. Getting Broody\n1. False Deadlines\n\n### Context-Broadening\n\n- Place the topic in the appropiate context (ie, the world)\n- Purpose: To make more sense and evoke excitement (make it interesting)\n\n> I have to understand the world, you see.\nRichard Feynman\n\n- Optimize Curiosity and Emotional Investment around the topic\n\nConcretely, search info that make it interesting for you both from the intellectual and the emotional. Ie, a story of a person (maybe a famous one).\n\nAnother purpose of this is to connect this new topic to your world-model. \"Situar el tema\".\n\n### Dopamine Priming\n\nOptimize emotional-investment specifically by:\n\n1. Understand the consequences and benefits of learning of it.\n1. Frame the topic in such a way that makes it interesting (almost itching) to you.\n\n[[the-power-of-emotional-investment]]\n\n>The scarcest interest is desire.\n??? maybe Elizabeth herself.\n\n### The Singular Deep Dive\n\n- Aka the bottom-up approach.\n- First narrow into the specific thing and let your curiosity naturally expand from there (by questions).\n\n> I find overviews tiring, even if Im excited about something... I would get bore.\n\nThe specific as it focuses on a concrete problem grants more interest? [[problem-solvingly]]\n\nAlso, deepness is attractive??? There is an [[aesthethic-of-deepness]].\n\nLet you curiosity branch naturally into the whole. [[por-las-ramas]]\n\n- Jump a lot... [[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]] --> [[curiosity-jumping]]\n\nThe combination of intense curiosity + emotional investment is the fuel for this infinite branching trees of questions.\n\n### Challenge Sandwich\n\nA challenge motivates you an defies your knowledge. Challenges are questions and/or projects/problems to do/solve. Which depends on the kind of topic, math is problem-based, fact topics like medicine is more question-based.\n\nYou can come up with challenges that could appear on your evaluation goal (an exam, or maybe life itself?).\n\nAs you solve these challenges solidifies knowledge.\n\n> Experienced academic readers usually read a text with questions in mind and try to relate it to other possible approaches, while inexperienced readers tend to adopt the question of a text and the frames of the argument and take it as a given.\nSonke Ahrens\n\n>\"Inteweave the challenges and the knowledge\"\nElizabeth Filips\n\n>The ability to use one own understanding is a challenge not a given\nSonke Ahrens\n\nYou can related these challenges and new knowledge to the first context broadening you did... Relate it to the world, kind of like a new placement of the topic, which is a more informed version of the first one you did.\n\n### Getting Broody\n\nTradeoff between familiarity and unfamiliarity.\n\nFamiliarity has one danger--> the [[mere-exposure-effect]]\n\nSo doing many challenges is not the same as improving.\n\nBrooding-->Recognize that learning will take more time than what the illusory familiarity is suggesting. In a sense, is resting from the topic [[focused-and-diffused]], and then go back to it. Is related to spaced repetition. [[memory-retention]]\n\nTo sediment is to rest and retest the knowledge in spaced cycles.\n\n### False Deadlines\n\n> Academic or nonfiction texts almost always take significantly more time than expected: If you ask academic or nonfiction writers, students or professors how much time they expect it would take them to finish a text, they systematically underestimate the time they need.\nKahneman 2013,245ff\n\nMy interpretation is that by creating false deadlines you create a sense of urgency that facilitates memory retention. You would put the deadlines nearer to assure that later the knowledge will be assimilated (as you tend to underestimate the real time, you pressure yourself to do it quickly).\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[aesthethic-of-deepness]: ./../bubbles/aesthethic-of-deepness \"aesthethic-of-deepness\"\n[curiosity-jumping]: ./../bubbles/curiosity-jumping \"curiosity-jumping\"\n[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]: ./../bubbles/flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts \"flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts\"\n[focused-and-diffused]: ./../bubbles/focused-and-diffused \"focused-and-diffused\"\n[memory-retention]: ./../bubbles/memory-retention \"memory-retention\"\n[mere-exposure-effect]: ./../bubbles/mere-exposure-effect \"mere-exposure-effect\"\n[por-las-ramas]: ./../bubbles/por-las-ramas \"por-las-ramas\"\n[problem-solvingly]: ./../bubbles/problem-solvingly \"problem-solvingly\"\n[the-power-of-emotional-investment]: ./../bubbles/the-power-of-emotional-investment \"the-power-of-emotional-investment\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: How to Learn\n---\n```\n\nThis is a collection of resources I have found regarding this topic, focusing on self and lifelong learning. Sort of what I would need for a research career.\n\n## How to Easily Learn Difficult Things\n\n[Elizabeth Filips](https://youtu.be/Kz_brQBl8xk)\n\nElizabeth describes a 6-step process:\n\n1. Context-Broadening\n1. Dopamine Priming\n1. Singular Deep Dive\n1. Challenge Sandwich\n1. Getting Broody\n1. False Deadlines\n\n### Context-Broadening\n\n- Place the topic in the appropiate context (ie, the world)\n- Purpose: To make more sense and evoke excitement (make it interesting)\n\n> I have to understand the world, you see.\nRichard Feynman\n\n- Optimize Curiosity and Emotional Investment around the topic\n\nConcretely, search info that make it interesting for you both from the intellectual and the emotional. Ie, a story of a person (maybe a famous one).\n\nAnother purpose of this is to connect this new topic to your world-model. \"Situar el tema\".\n\n### Dopamine Priming\n\nOptimize emotional-investment specifically by:\n\n1. Understand the consequences and benefits of learning of it.\n1. Frame the topic in such a way that makes it interesting (almost itching) to you.\n\n[[the-power-of-emotional-investment]]\n\n>The scarcest interest is desire.\n??? maybe Elizabeth herself.\n\n### The Singular Deep Dive\n\n- Aka the bottom-up approach.\n- First narrow into the specific thing and let your curiosity naturally expand from there (by questions).\n\n> I find overviews tiring, even if Im excited about something... I would get bore.\n\nThe specific as it focuses on a concrete problem grants more interest? [[problem-solvingly]]\n\nAlso, deepness is attractive??? There is an [[aesthethic-of-deepness]].\n\nLet you curiosity branch naturally into the whole. [[por-las-ramas]]\n\n- Jump a lot... [[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]] --> [[curiosity-jumping]]\n\nThe combination of intense curiosity + emotional investment is the fuel for this infinite branching trees of questions.\n\n### Challenge Sandwich\n\nA challenge motivates you an defies your knowledge. Challenges are questions and/or projects/problems to do/solve. Which depends on the kind of topic, math is problem-based, fact topics like medicine is more question-based.\n\nYou can come up with challenges that could appear on your evaluation goal (an exam, or maybe life itself?).\n\nAs you solve these challenges solidifies knowledge.\n\n> Experienced academic readers usually read a text with questions in mind and try to relate it to other possible approaches, while inexperienced readers tend to adopt the question of a text and the frames of the argument and take it as a given.\nSonke Ahrens\n\n>\"Inteweave the challenges and the knowledge\"\nElizabeth Filips\n\n>The ability to use one own understanding is a challenge not a given\nSonke Ahrens\n\nYou can related these challenges and new knowledge to the first context broadening you did... Relate it to the world, kind of like a new placement of the topic, which is a more informed version of the first one you did.\n\n### Getting Broody\n\nTradeoff between familiarity and unfamiliarity.\n\nFamiliarity has one danger--> the [[mere-exposure-effect]]\n\nSo doing many challenges is not the same as improving.\n\nBrooding-->Recognize that learning will take more time than what the illusory familiarity is suggesting. In a sense, is resting from the topic [[focused-and-diffused]], and then go back to it. Is related to spaced repetition. [[memory-retention]]\n\nTo sediment is to rest and retest the knowledge in spaced cycles.\n\n### False Deadlines\n\n> Academic or nonfiction texts almost always take significantly more time than expected: If you ask academic or nonfiction writers, students or professors how much time they expect it would take them to finish a text, they systematically underestimate the time they need.\nKahneman 2013,245ff\n\nMy interpretation is that by creating false deadlines you create a sense of urgency that facilitates memory retention. You would put the deadlines nearer to assure that later the knowledge will be assimilated (as you tend to underestimate the real time, you pressure yourself to do it quickly).\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[aesthethic-of-deepness]: ./../bubbles/aesthethic-of-deepness \"aesthethic-of-deepness\"\n[curiosity-jumping]: ./../bubbles/curiosity-jumping \"curiosity-jumping\"\n[flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts]: ./../bubbles/flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts \"flight-of-ideas-racing-thoughts\"\n[focused-and-diffused]: ./../bubbles/focused-and-diffused \"focused-and-diffused\"\n[memory-retention]: ./../bubbles/memory-retention \"memory-retention\"\n[mere-exposure-effect]: ./../bubbles/mere-exposure-effect \"mere-exposure-effect\"\n[por-las-ramas]: ./../bubbles/por-las-ramas \"por-las-ramas\"\n[problem-solvingly]: ./../bubbles/problem-solvingly \"problem-solvingly\"\n[the-power-of-emotional-investment]: ./../bubbles/the-power-of-emotional-investment \"the-power-of-emotional-investment\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "how-to-read-a-scientific-paper",
"url": "./../bubbles/how-to-read-a-scientific-paper",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "resources found for paper reading",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Resources Found for paper reading\n---\n```\n\n## How to Read a Paper - S. Keshav\n\nNot summarized yet.\n\nhttps://web.stanford.edu/class/ee384m/Handouts/HowtoReadPaper.pdf\n\n## How to Read a Scientific Paper Efficiently and Critically\n\nThese are just my notes (almost verbatim) from the video \"How to Read a Scientific Paper Efficiently and Critically\" of the channel \"Scientific Writing with Karen L. McKee\".\n\nhttps://youtu.be/lXJeU2dzzWo\n\n### Scenario 1: Reading a single paper\n\n#### The general scientific paper structure\n\n- Abstract\n- Introduction\n- Methods\n- Results\n- Discussion\n- Conclusions\n\n#### First Goal: Get an overview of the paper\n\nCheck\n\n- Abstract\n- Highlights\n- Conclusions (skip to them)\n\nWhy?\n\nGet overall idea of what was found and why the author thinks it is important.\n\n#### Scanning figures and tables\n\n- Basically check if the figures and tables agree with the conclusions or outcome said by the author.\n\n- Strive to get your own impression of the data/evidence before reading the author's interpreation.\n\n#### Reading the introduction\n\nRead the instruction trying to find answers to the following questions:\n\n- What's the stated topic of the paper and why is it important?\n- What research has been done so far and what information is needed?\n- Is the literature cited appropiate, relevant, and up-to-date?\n- What problems, questions or hypotheses are addressed in the study?\n\nWrite the answers to these questions in your own words after reading the introduction.\n\n#### How they went about answering their questions?\n\nBasically go to the materials and methods part (the methodology)\n\nIf you are familiar with the phenomena under study you may skim through the part that describes it and only come back if you has questions. Otherwise, read it more purposefully.\n\nPay close attention to the experimental design and analyses.\n\nQuestions to ask:\n\n- Is the experiment well-designed?\n\nBasically does it have appropiate controls, randomization, and replication?\n\n- Are the analytical methods appropiate and up-to-date?\n\n- What precautions were taken to minimize bias or operator error?\n\n- Were the statistical tests appropiate?\n\nAfter reading the methodology ponder about the following questions for some time:\n\n- What would I have done differently?\n- Was this an in-depth and rigurous study or not?, based on what you have read up to this point?\n\nMake note of your answers.\n\n#### Skim through the results\n\nHaving already scrutinized the figures and tables you already have an idea of the results. The results section thus, adds details or data summaries not readily apparent on the figures and tables.\n\nAnswer these questions:\n\n- Did the study provide clear answers to the questions or hypotheses addressed?\n- Were the findings not clear-cut?\n\nThere is nothing wrong with having results not providing complete answers. Nevertheless, if that happens then in the discussion section there should be details about why was this the case.\n\n#### Reading the discussions\n\nRead and try to find answers to the following questions.\n\n- How does the author interpret the main findings?\n- Does the author describe alternative explanations for the outcome?\n- How does the main findings compare to previous research in general terms? Do they agree or disagree?\n- What are the main strenghts and limitations of the study? How do they affect the interpretation?\n\nThese questions should have been answered by the author in the discussion.\n\nIf they dont, the quality of the work or its writing could be improved.\n\n#### Rereading the conclusions\n\nReread and answer:\n\n- Does the paper describe something new or is it a confirmation of prior work?\n- What are the broader implications of the findings?\n- Do the results have relevance to other types of systems/phenomena,etc?\n- Do the findings have any practical applications?\n- What additional needs to be done in the future?\n\n#### Rereading the whole paper\n\nUseful to corfirm points based on some sections of subsections of the paper.\n\n#### This is just one of the many approaches for paper reading\n\nSo, you know.. it works for her.\n\n#### Other strategies\n\n- Reading the paper closer from start to finish, and then go back and ask the questions listed previously.\n\n#### Main values of reading papers\n\nBe efficient and discerning\n\n### Scenario 2: Reading multiple papers\n\nReading a set of papers in preparation for writing a paper.\n\nGoals:\n\n- Identify potentially relevant papers by doing literature research using keywords.\n\nSome papers may be more important than others, some may not be relevant at all.\n\nMain strategy:\n\n- Use the title and abstract to quickly discern those suitable for further reading.\n\n- Find papers in databases, ie \"Web of Science\".\n\n- Strategically use logical connectors when looking for keywords.\n\n- You may require the search terms to appear in the title.\n\n- Using sort on the results wisely:\n\nRecently vs more citations tradeoff.\n\nSome allow to sort by \"relevance\".\n\n- Refine/specialize/narrow the search if too many papers come up. Reduce 70 to 20 papers ie.\n\n- Scan abstract of each of the results to discern which to read in more detail.\n\n- Papers directly relevant should have mentioned the search terms in the abstract. That may constitute a good way to discern.\n\n- Additional papers can be found by looking for the cited literature on the papers you already have found.\n\n- You may export the list of citations and papers for easier manipulation inside research software and citations manager like mendeley.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Resources Found for paper reading\n---\n```\n\n## How to Read a Paper - S. Keshav\n\nNot summarized yet.\n\nhttps://web.stanford.edu/class/ee384m/Handouts/HowtoReadPaper.pdf\n\n## How to Read a Scientific Paper Efficiently and Critically\n\nThese are just my notes (almost verbatim) from the video \"How to Read a Scientific Paper Efficiently and Critically\" of the channel \"Scientific Writing with Karen L. McKee\".\n\nhttps://youtu.be/lXJeU2dzzWo\n\n### Scenario 1: Reading a single paper\n\n#### The general scientific paper structure\n\n- Abstract\n- Introduction\n- Methods\n- Results\n- Discussion\n- Conclusions\n\n#### First Goal: Get an overview of the paper\n\nCheck\n\n- Abstract\n- Highlights\n- Conclusions (skip to them)\n\nWhy?\n\nGet overall idea of what was found and why the author thinks it is important.\n\n#### Scanning figures and tables\n\n- Basically check if the figures and tables agree with the conclusions or outcome said by the author.\n\n- Strive to get your own impression of the data/evidence before reading the author's interpreation.\n\n#### Reading the introduction\n\nRead the instruction trying to find answers to the following questions:\n\n- What's the stated topic of the paper and why is it important?\n- What research has been done so far and what information is needed?\n- Is the literature cited appropiate, relevant, and up-to-date?\n- What problems, questions or hypotheses are addressed in the study?\n\nWrite the answers to these questions in your own words after reading the introduction.\n\n#### How they went about answering their questions?\n\nBasically go to the materials and methods part (the methodology)\n\nIf you are familiar with the phenomena under study you may skim through the part that describes it and only come back if you has questions. Otherwise, read it more purposefully.\n\nPay close attention to the experimental design and analyses.\n\nQuestions to ask:\n\n- Is the experiment well-designed?\n\nBasically does it have appropiate controls, randomization, and replication?\n\n- Are the analytical methods appropiate and up-to-date?\n\n- What precautions were taken to minimize bias or operator error?\n\n- Were the statistical tests appropiate?\n\nAfter reading the methodology ponder about the following questions for some time:\n\n- What would I have done differently?\n- Was this an in-depth and rigurous study or not?, based on what you have read up to this point?\n\nMake note of your answers.\n\n#### Skim through the results\n\nHaving already scrutinized the figures and tables you already have an idea of the results. The results section thus, adds details or data summaries not readily apparent on the figures and tables.\n\nAnswer these questions:\n\n- Did the study provide clear answers to the questions or hypotheses addressed?\n- Were the findings not clear-cut?\n\nThere is nothing wrong with having results not providing complete answers. Nevertheless, if that happens then in the discussion section there should be details about why was this the case.\n\n#### Reading the discussions\n\nRead and try to find answers to the following questions.\n\n- How does the author interpret the main findings?\n- Does the author describe alternative explanations for the outcome?\n- How does the main findings compare to previous research in general terms? Do they agree or disagree?\n- What are the main strenghts and limitations of the study? How do they affect the interpretation?\n\nThese questions should have been answered by the author in the discussion.\n\nIf they dont, the quality of the work or its writing could be improved.\n\n#### Rereading the conclusions\n\nReread and answer:\n\n- Does the paper describe something new or is it a confirmation of prior work?\n- What are the broader implications of the findings?\n- Do the results have relevance to other types of systems/phenomena,etc?\n- Do the findings have any practical applications?\n- What additional needs to be done in the future?\n\n#### Rereading the whole paper\n\nUseful to corfirm points based on some sections of subsections of the paper.\n\n#### This is just one of the many approaches for paper reading\n\nSo, you know.. it works for her.\n\n#### Other strategies\n\n- Reading the paper closer from start to finish, and then go back and ask the questions listed previously.\n\n#### Main values of reading papers\n\nBe efficient and discerning\n\n### Scenario 2: Reading multiple papers\n\nReading a set of papers in preparation for writing a paper.\n\nGoals:\n\n- Identify potentially relevant papers by doing literature research using keywords.\n\nSome papers may be more important than others, some may not be relevant at all.\n\nMain strategy:\n\n- Use the title and abstract to quickly discern those suitable for further reading.\n\n- Find papers in databases, ie \"Web of Science\".\n\n- Strategically use logical connectors when looking for keywords.\n\n- You may require the search terms to appear in the title.\n\n- Using sort on the results wisely:\n\nRecently vs more citations tradeoff.\n\nSome allow to sort by \"relevance\".\n\n- Refine/specialize/narrow the search if too many papers come up. Reduce 70 to 20 papers ie.\n\n- Scan abstract of each of the results to discern which to read in more detail.\n\n- Papers directly relevant should have mentioned the search terms in the abstract. That may constitute a good way to discern.\n\n- Additional papers can be found by looking for the cited literature on the papers you already have found.\n\n- You may export the list of citations and papers for easier manipulation inside research software and citations manager like mendeley."
"id": "html-shortcuts",
"url": "./../bubbles/html-shortcuts",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "html shortcuts",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: html shortcuts\n---\n```\n\nHtml shortcuts are a way to create a link that automatically redirects to another page. This is useful as they are OS agnostic and can be used in any application that supports html.\n\n## Method 1\n\n```html\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n```\n\n## Method 2\n\n```html\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curta\n```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: html shortcuts\n---\n```\n\nHtml shortcuts are a way to create a link that automatically redirects to another page. This is useful as they are OS agnostic and can be used in any application that supports html.\n\n## Method 1\n\n```html\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n```\n\n## Method 2\n\n```html\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curta\n```"
"id": "ica-music",
@@ -730,21 +730,21 @@
"title": "ica music decomposition example (open with google colaboratory)",
"_frame": "/images/music-ica.png",
"_link": "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_9PPNA8b1eKY3gHNWtOAg0sQ1onMlpf4/view?usp=sharing",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : \"ICA Music Decomposition Example (open with google colaboratory)\"\n_frame : \"/images/music-ica.png\"\n_link : \"https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_9PPNA8b1eKY3gHNWtOAg0sQ1onMlpf4/view?usp=sharing\"\n---\n```\n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : \"ICA Music Decomposition Example (open with google colaboratory)\"\n_frame : \"/images/music-ica.png\"\n_link : \"https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_9PPNA8b1eKY3gHNWtOAg0sQ1onMlpf4/view?usp=sharing\"\n---\n```\n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n"
"id": "imagine-24-balls",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "imagine-24-balls",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "inferotemporal-cortex",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "inferotemporal-cortex",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "interesting-research-entities",
@@ -758,7 +758,7 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "intuitive-physics",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "kids-are-pure-potential",
@@ -772,14 +772,14 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/knowledge-cartography",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "knowledge cartography",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Knowledge Cartography\n---\n```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Knowledge Cartography\n---\n```"
"id": "knowledge-graph",
"url": "./../bubbles/knowledge-graph",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "knowledge graph",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Knowledge Graph\n---\n```\n\n[[knowledge-cartography]]\n\n## Similar Ideas\n\nsecond brain : https://www.buildingasecondbrain.com/\n\nzettelkasten: https://zettelkasten.de/posts/overview/#the-introduction-to-the-zettelkasten-method\n\nhttps://www.thoughtasylum.com/2021/07/03/i-do-not-use-zettelkasten/\n\nhttps://www.google.com/search?q=do+researchers+use+zettelkasten\n\nhttps://www.google.com/search?q=do+famous+researchers+use+zettelkasten\n\nhttps://www.notably.ai/blog/is-modern-zettelkasten-notetaking-the-ultimate-evolution-of-knowledge-synthesis\n\nhyper-textuality\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unique_identifier\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/collectors-fallacy/\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/collectors-fallacy-confession/\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/dont-rely-on-source-have-faith-in-yourself/\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niklas_Luhmann\n\nhttps://forum.zettelkasten.de/discussion/2438/hello-from-chile-ii\n\ntree hierarchy vs network\n \u201ctop-down\u201d bird\u2019s eye and on-the-ground \u201cstreet view\u201d from https://zettelkasten.de/posts/catographing-folgezettel-debate/\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/embrace-dark-folgezettel-power/\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/catographing-folgezettel-debate/\n\nhypergraph?\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/catographing-folgezettel-debate/\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/three-layers-structure-zettelkasten/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[knowledge-cartography]: ./../bubbles/knowledge-cartography \"knowledge-cartography\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Knowledge Graph\n---\n```\n\n[[knowledge-cartography]]\n\n## Similar Ideas\n\nsecond brain : https://www.buildingasecondbrain.com/\n\nzettelkasten: https://zettelkasten.de/posts/overview/#the-introduction-to-the-zettelkasten-method\n\nhttps://www.thoughtasylum.com/2021/07/03/i-do-not-use-zettelkasten/\n\nhttps://www.google.com/search?q=do+researchers+use+zettelkasten\n\nhttps://www.google.com/search?q=do+famous+researchers+use+zettelkasten\n\nhttps://www.notably.ai/blog/is-modern-zettelkasten-notetaking-the-ultimate-evolution-of-knowledge-synthesis\n\nhyper-textuality\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unique_identifier\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/collectors-fallacy/\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/collectors-fallacy-confession/\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/dont-rely-on-source-have-faith-in-yourself/\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niklas_Luhmann\n\nhttps://forum.zettelkasten.de/discussion/2438/hello-from-chile-ii\n\ntree hierarchy vs network\n \u201ctop-down\u201d bird\u2019s eye and on-the-ground \u201cstreet view\u201d from https://zettelkasten.de/posts/catographing-folgezettel-debate/\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/embrace-dark-folgezettel-power/\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/catographing-folgezettel-debate/\n\nhypergraph?\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/catographing-folgezettel-debate/\n\nhttps://zettelkasten.de/posts/three-layers-structure-zettelkasten/\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[knowledge-cartography]: ./../bubbles/knowledge-cartography \"knowledge-cartography\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "knowledge-graphs",
@@ -796,21 +796,21 @@
"title": "Graph without Categories"
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Knowledge Graph\n\n_graphs :\n - _link: /graphs/knowledge-graph-subdirs.html\n title: Graph with Categories\n - _link: /graphs/knowledge-graph.html\n title: Graph without Categories\n---\n```\n\nFor Brave browser the graphs dont work correctly, [fix here](.././tutorials/force-graph-in-brave-browser-bug).\n\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Knowledge Graph\n\n_graphs :\n - _link: /graphs/knowledge-graph-subdirs.html\n title: Graph with Categories\n - _link: /graphs/knowledge-graph.html\n title: Graph without Categories\n---\n```\n\nFor Brave browser the graphs dont work correctly, [fix here](.././tutorials/force-graph-in-brave-browser-bug).\n\n"
"id": "la-ilogica-de-las-cosas",
"url": "./../bubbles/la-ilogica-de-las-cosas",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "la ilogica de las cosas",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: La Ilogica de las Cosas\n---\n```\n\nNatalia Padilla Contreras invented this concept.\n\nFor me is like finding absurd explanations to events, and somehow, that embellishes the world and our lives. I relate it to chaos magick somehow.\n\n[[chaos-magick]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[chaos-magick]: ./../bubbles/chaos-magick \"chaos-magick\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: La Ilogica de las Cosas\n---\n```\n\nNatalia Padilla Contreras invented this concept.\n\nFor me is like finding absurd explanations to events, and somehow, that embellishes the world and our lives. I relate it to chaos magick somehow.\n\n[[chaos-magick]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[chaos-magick]: ./../bubbles/chaos-magick \"chaos-magick\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "learn-from-the-machine",
"url": "./../bubbles/learn-from-the-machine",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "learn from the machine",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Learn from the machine\n---\n```\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Learn from the machine\n---\n```"
"id": "life-authentic",
@@ -840,35 +840,35 @@
"_sourceurl": "https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.15154",
"_doi": "https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2310.15154",
"status": "to-read",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Linear Representations of Sentiment in Large Language Models\"\nauthors: [Curt Tigges, Oskar John Hollinsworth, Atticus Geiger, Neel Nanda]\nyear: 2023\npublisher: \"arxiv\"\nkeywords: [\"interpretability\"]\nresearch_type: \"Experimental\"\nrelevance: \"High\"\n_sourceurl: \"https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.15154\"\n_doi: \"https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2310.15154\"\nstatus: \"to-read\"\n---\n```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Linear Representations of Sentiment in Large Language Models\"\nauthors: [Curt Tigges, Oskar John Hollinsworth, Atticus Geiger, Neel Nanda]\nyear: 2023\npublisher: \"arxiv\"\nkeywords: [\"interpretability\"]\nresearch_type: \"Experimental\"\nrelevance: \"High\"\n_sourceurl: \"https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.15154\"\n_doi: \"https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2310.15154\"\nstatus: \"to-read\"\n---\n```"
"id": "literature-matrix",
"url": "./../bubbles/literature-matrix",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "literature matrix",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Literature Matrix\n---\n```\n\nI first encountered this concept on the course \"Vigilancia Tecnologica\" of the UdeA, although they didnt give it an explicit name. My professor of Fundamentos de Inteligencia Computacional (Claudia Isaza), also show it and made us make one without giving it a name. Nevertheless the concept itself does exist.\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvP-43D2U2c\n\nThough Im more inclined to a [[literature-network]]\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[literature-network]: ./../bubbles/literature-network \"literature-network\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Literature Matrix\n---\n```\n\nI first encountered this concept on the course \"Vigilancia Tecnologica\" of the UdeA, although they didnt give it an explicit name. My professor of Fundamentos de Inteligencia Computacional (Claudia Isaza), also show it and made us make one without giving it a name. Nevertheless the concept itself does exist.\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvP-43D2U2c\n\nThough Im more inclined to a [[literature-network]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[literature-network]: ./../bubbles/literature-network \"literature-network\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "literature-network",
"url": "./../bubbles/literature-network",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "literature network",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Literature Network\n---```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Literature Network\n---```"
"id": "literature-review",
"url": "./../dirs/literature-review",
"category": "dirs",
"title": "literature review",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Literature Review\n---\n```\n\n\n {% for item in site.data.literature-review-list%}\n - {{ item.title }}
\n {% endfor %}\n
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Literature Review\n---\n```\n\n\n {% for item in site.data.literature-review-list%}\n - {{ item.title }}
\n {% endfor %}\n
"id": "local-jekyll",
"url": "./../tutorials/local-jekyll",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "run local jekyll to preview github-pages",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\n title : \"Run Local Jekyll to preview github-pages\"\n---\n```\n\nSo you wanna preview github pages locally so that you don't over stress the build limit of github or because of speed.\n\nHere is how I did it (on windows). Note that I already had setup my github page in question. I just didn't have a way to locally preview it.\n\n### 1 Read [this url](https://docs.github.com/en/pages/setting-up-a-github-pages-site-with-jekyll/testing-your-github-pages-site-locally-with-jekyll)\n\nFrom here the obvious conclusion is that one needs to install jekyll (duh!). Now, I didn't do it the \"bundler\" way because I just happened to skip that part when I read it. I jumped directly to the instruction on the oficial jekyll page.\n\nedit: I tried bundle the second time i tried and it does seem easier, but the steps are very similar to what i outlined here. Had to solve https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65989040/bundle-exec-jekyll-serve-cannot-load-such-file .\n\n### 2 Install jekyll as said on [this url](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/windows/)\n\nThis is basically installing the Ruby+Devkit version from RubyInstaller using default options for installation.\nYou also need to run the ```ridk install command```, for me that was automatic. It prompts you to choose a mode, I choose mode 1 which I think said something like \"basic installation\". I don't remember.\n\n### 3 Test jekyll was installed\nOn windows a new shortcut should say \"Start command prompt with Ruby\". I clicked on that one and I ran ```jekyll -v```. It worked.\nNow, I have [git for windows](https://gitforwindows.org/) installed. I checked jekyll also worked there.\n\n### 4 Go to your page source code and try to \"serve\" your page, fix some errors\nThat is, open a command window (i opened git bash) on that folder and run ```bundle exec jekyll serve```.\n\nIt will give some errors:\n\n- The first is that \"the jekyll-theme-hacker theme could not be found\" or something of the sort.\n\nI searched that and I found the [github repo of the theme](https://github.com/pages-themes/hacker) and there it said that I should try adding ```gem \"github-pages\", group: :jekyll_plugins``` to the gem file.\n\nSo now, one gotta figure how to do a gem file... A quick search will lead you to [this url](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30358612/how-to-create-a-gemfile). A gem file is just a plain text file on the root of your page's source code. It is named \"Gemfile\" with no extension.\n\nSo I just did that, created the file and edited it with notepad++ to add the suggested lines.\n\n\n- The other is that it doesn't recognize the theme of the github-page\n\nThis is understandable since they are from github. It happens if you try to serve the page just after fixing the previous error.\nSo, now we gotta figure out how to install a github-page theme. Some more search will lead you to \n\nSo you basically have to run ```gem install github-pages``` (I did this on the git bash prompt).\n\n\n### 5 Finally serve your page\nThe command ```bundle exec jekyll serve``` should now run. It should be hosted at .\nNotice that changes you do in real time will be updated automatically. \n\nI added `*Gemfile*` to the gitignore because I was unsure if it was going to collide with a possible gemfile in the github workflow.\n\n### Troubleshoot\n\nhttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/65989040/bundle-exec-jekyll-serve-cannot-load-such-file\n\n### Postdata\n\nYou can reference stuff outside of this md folder with the wiki-links plugin [[foam]]\nExample: [[notetaking]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[foam]: ./../tutorials/foam \"foam\"\n[notetaking]: ./../bubbles/notetaking \"notetaking\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\n title : \"Run Local Jekyll to preview github-pages\"\n---\n```\n\nSo you wanna preview github pages locally so that you don't over stress the build limit of github or because of speed.\n\nHere is how I did it (on windows). Note that I already had setup my github page in question. I just didn't have a way to locally preview it.\n\n### 1 Read [this url](https://docs.github.com/en/pages/setting-up-a-github-pages-site-with-jekyll/testing-your-github-pages-site-locally-with-jekyll)\n\nFrom here the obvious conclusion is that one needs to install jekyll (duh!). Now, I didn't do it the \"bundler\" way because I just happened to skip that part when I read it. I jumped directly to the instruction on the oficial jekyll page.\n\nedit: I tried bundle the second time i tried and it does seem easier, but the steps are very similar to what i outlined here. Had to solve https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65989040/bundle-exec-jekyll-serve-cannot-load-such-file .\n\n### 2 Install jekyll as said on [this url](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/windows/)\n\nThis is basically installing the Ruby+Devkit version from RubyInstaller using default options for installation.\nYou also need to run the ```ridk install command```, for me that was automatic. It prompts you to choose a mode, I choose mode 1 which I think said something like \"basic installation\". I don't remember.\n\n### 3 Test jekyll was installed\nOn windows a new shortcut should say \"Start command prompt with Ruby\". I clicked on that one and I ran ```jekyll -v```. It worked.\nNow, I have [git for windows](https://gitforwindows.org/) installed. I checked jekyll also worked there.\n\n### 4 Go to your page source code and try to \"serve\" your page, fix some errors\nThat is, open a command window (i opened git bash) on that folder and run ```bundle exec jekyll serve```.\n\nIt will give some errors:\n\n- The first is that \"the jekyll-theme-hacker theme could not be found\" or something of the sort.\n\nI searched that and I found the [github repo of the theme](https://github.com/pages-themes/hacker) and there it said that I should try adding ```gem \"github-pages\", group: :jekyll_plugins``` to the gem file.\n\nSo now, one gotta figure how to do a gem file... A quick search will lead you to [this url](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30358612/how-to-create-a-gemfile). A gem file is just a plain text file on the root of your page's source code. It is named \"Gemfile\" with no extension.\n\nSo I just did that, created the file and edited it with notepad++ to add the suggested lines.\n\n\n- The other is that it doesn't recognize the theme of the github-page\n\nThis is understandable since they are from github. It happens if you try to serve the page just after fixing the previous error.\nSo, now we gotta figure out how to install a github-page theme. Some more search will lead you to \n\nSo you basically have to run ```gem install github-pages``` (I did this on the git bash prompt).\n\n\n### 5 Finally serve your page\nThe command ```bundle exec jekyll serve``` should now run. It should be hosted at .\nNotice that changes you do in real time will be updated automatically. \n\nI added `*Gemfile*` to the gitignore because I was unsure if it was going to collide with a possible gemfile in the github workflow.\n\n### Troubleshoot\n\nhttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/65989040/bundle-exec-jekyll-serve-cannot-load-such-file\n\n### Postdata\n\nYou can reference stuff outside of this md folder with the wiki-links plugin [[foam]]\nExample: [[notetaking]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[foam]: ./../tutorials/foam \"foam\"\n[notetaking]: ./../bubbles/notetaking \"notetaking\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "memory-retention",
@@ -896,7 +896,7 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/methods-rather-than-topics",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "methods rather than topics",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Methods Rather Than Topics\n---\n```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Methods Rather Than Topics\n---\n```"
"id": "modularism-vs-holism-in-neuroscience",
@@ -910,35 +910,35 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/movies",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "favorite movies",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Favorite Movies\n---\n```\n\n- 12 angry men\n- The Truman Show\n- Jo Jo rabbit\n- La la land\n- The departed\n- The last temptation of christ\n- Shutter Island\n- A scanner darkly\n- Blade runner 2049\n- Hamilton\n- Increible Mr Fox\n- Prisoners\n- Love, Death & Robots (2019) - Beyond the Aquila Rift\n- The lives of others\n- The Secret Life of Walter Mitty\n- Into the Wild\n\n## Encanto\n\nIm not fully colombian (Im a venezuelan-colombian mix) , but in any case I was really happy with the representation and the movie struck many chords within myself, particularly being a migrant. I have seen some Colombian people that didnt like it but overall I think most colombians loved it. The movie can only show so much of Colombia when it is only just below two hours of screening. In my opinion, with the little time they had; I think they did a lot. \n\nRegarding magical realism, Im not knowledgeable of the genre besides having read \"One Hundred Years of Solitude\" in high school (i really liked it), along with some short latinoamerican novels; so in that sense I cannot really analyze the movie from that pov apart from the obvious idea of magic being embedded in the mundane, as a normal part of reality. \n\nI think Encanto will age quite well precisely because the themes it touches and its good execution of them. I have seen people relating to it even if they dont have latinoamerican roots. I have lost some good hours seeing the reactions from people of other parts of the world here in youtube... The only problem I noticed was of pacing (the end feels rushed, if only we could stay more time in that universe); but in my opinion the strengths of the movie supersedes that problem. Some people think that Mirabel being heroic by just being more empathetic with his sister is underwhelming, and to be honest I felt like that too for a bit; but in retrospective I think thats one of the strengths, it is not a colossal adventure, but a mundane one embedded in magic. Is magical realism...\n\n## Movies I wouldnt watch again, for good reasons\n\nSome movies did a good job on perturbing me. So, I like the way they did that, but wouldn't watch them again.\n\n- Joker\n- Parasyte\n- Carnage\n\n## Favorite scenes\n\nhttps://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhK4xqnociM-FR5rIFBCW8DPkNyp0diZL\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Favorite Movies\n---\n```\n\n- 12 angry men\n- The Truman Show\n- Jo Jo rabbit\n- La la land\n- The departed\n- The last temptation of christ\n- Shutter Island\n- A scanner darkly\n- Blade runner 2049\n- Hamilton\n- Increible Mr Fox\n- Prisoners\n- Love, Death & Robots (2019) - Beyond the Aquila Rift\n- The lives of others\n- The Secret Life of Walter Mitty\n- Into the Wild\n\n## Encanto\n\nIm not fully colombian (Im a venezuelan-colombian mix) , but in any case I was really happy with the representation and the movie struck many chords within myself, particularly being a migrant. I have seen some Colombian people that didnt like it but overall I think most colombians loved it. The movie can only show so much of Colombia when it is only just below two hours of screening. In my opinion, with the little time they had; I think they did a lot. \n\nRegarding magical realism, Im not knowledgeable of the genre besides having read \"One Hundred Years of Solitude\" in high school (i really liked it), along with some short latinoamerican novels; so in that sense I cannot really analyze the movie from that pov apart from the obvious idea of magic being embedded in the mundane, as a normal part of reality. \n\nI think Encanto will age quite well precisely because the themes it touches and its good execution of them. I have seen people relating to it even if they dont have latinoamerican roots. I have lost some good hours seeing the reactions from people of other parts of the world here in youtube... The only problem I noticed was of pacing (the end feels rushed, if only we could stay more time in that universe); but in my opinion the strengths of the movie supersedes that problem. Some people think that Mirabel being heroic by just being more empathetic with his sister is underwhelming, and to be honest I felt like that too for a bit; but in retrospective I think thats one of the strengths, it is not a colossal adventure, but a mundane one embedded in magic. Is magical realism...\n\n## Movies I wouldnt watch again, for good reasons\n\nSome movies did a good job on perturbing me. So, I like the way they did that, but wouldn't watch them again.\n\n- Joker\n- Parasyte\n- Carnage\n\n## Favorite scenes\n\nhttps://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhK4xqnociM-FR5rIFBCW8DPkNyp0diZL"
"id": "music",
"url": "./../dirs/music",
"category": "dirs",
"title": "music",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Music\n---\n```\n\n## Youtube\n\n\n {% for item in site.data.song-list.youtube %}\n - {{ item.title }}
\n {% endfor %}\n
\n\n## Interactive\n\n\n {% for item in site.data.song-list.interactive %}\n - {{ item.title }}
\n {% endfor %}\n
\n\n## Soundcloud\n\n\n {% for item in site.data.song-list.soundcloud %}\n - {{ item.title }}
\n {% endfor %}\n
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Music\n---\n```\n\n## Youtube\n\n\n {% for item in site.data.song-list.youtube %}\n - {{ item.title }}
\n {% endfor %}\n
\n\n## Interactive\n\n\n {% for item in site.data.song-list.interactive %}\n - {{ item.title }}
\n {% endfor %}\n
\n\n## Soundcloud\n\n\n {% for item in site.data.song-list.soundcloud %}\n - {{ item.title }}
\n {% endfor %}\n
"id": "my-research-programme",
"url": "./../bubbles/my-research-programme",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "my research programme",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"My Research Programme\"\n---\n```\n\nI like how [[author-Grace-Lindsay]] describes her research programme, same as how [[author-Anna-Ivanova]] does. I think I will try to do the same here.\n\n[[author-Grace-Lindsay]] describes her research programme as:\n\n```markdown\nRESEARCH DIRECTIONS\n\nUnderstanding Attention\n\nAttention is widely studied across psychology, neuroscience, and machine learning. To what extent do these different forms of attention relate to each other? Can we use models of attention in artificial neural networks to understand how attention enhances behavior in people? What can the connection between attention and learning in biology tell us about how to make machines learn better?\n\nRead \u201cAttention in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Machine Learning\u201d\n\nInvestigating the Tools of Neuroscience\n\nNeuroscientists use a variety of analysis methods to try to identify the features of neural activity that drive behavior. Are these tools capable of providing such insights? Artificial neural networks offer an ideal testing ground for the tools of neuroscience as they allow for full access to the neural activity responsible for behavior.\n\nRead \u201cTesting the Tools of Systems Neuroscience on Artificial Neural Networks\u201d\n\n\nMachine Learning for Climate Change\n\nMitigating and adapting to climate change is the biggest challenge of our generation. Progress in many areas can be expedited through the use of artificial intelligence. The Lindsay Lab is particularly focused on analysis of remote sensing data.\n\nLearn more about why the lab works on climate change\n```\n\nMoreover, [[author-Anna-Ivanova]] describes her research programme as:\n\n```markdown\nMeaning in the brain\nHow does the human brain store and operate over conceptual knowledge? Is knowledge domain-specific or domain-general? Does the brain have dedicated machinery for navigating the conceptual space? What is the role of the language brain network in semantic/conceptual processing?\n\nMeaning in large language models\nWhat aspects of world knowledge are learnable from distributional patterns in text? Do large language models have robust internal models of objects, agents, properties, and events in the world? Do models operate over world knowledge representations in a way similar to humans?\n\nInner speech & thought\nHow can we measure people's subjective experiences of inner speech imagery? Do inner speech experiences mediate behavioral performance and neural activity evoked by diverse cognitive tasks? Can we predict how strongly a person relies on inner speech from brain activity alone? And can inner speech support reasoning in AI systems?\n\nMethods matter\nHow can we leverage the synergy between neuroscience and AI to design better methods for probing and interpreting intelligent systems? What is the optimal tradeoff between simplicity and fidelity when designing neural probes? Can we use the power of flexible new tools like Julia to develop better analysis practices?\n```\n\n## Who am I?\n\nIn a sense [[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]], so who am I then. I think I will put here the numerous descriptions I have used to try to organize my thoughts.\n\n### Exhibit A - My github description\n\n```markdown\nAs a researcher I'm interested in :\n\n- Anything-Inspired Models & AI\n- Cognitive-Neuro-Complexity Science\n- Methods rather than Topics\n- Explainability and Interpretability\n- Representation and Visceralization\n- Complex Systems Modeling & Analysis\n```\n\n### Exhibit B - My cv description\n\n>Passionate about understanding natural and artificial intelligence, as well as the models and algorithms they encapsulate. I like to think critically about cognitive representations, model interpretability and explainability, data and knowledge representation and visceralization, the relation between form and function, the methods and perspectives we use to reverse engineer and think about cognitive entities, and in general, how and why cognitive systems arise, work and came to be. I\u2019m enraptured by systems, complexity, curious dynamics and emergence. Amateur musician, occasional poet, chaotic dancer, wannabe mathematician and dabbler algorithmic artist. My work is built upon the values of responsibility, commitment, honesty, attention to detail, problem solving and critical thinking.\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"My Research Programme\"\n---\n```\n\nI like how [[author-Grace-Lindsay]] describes her research programme, same as how [[author-Anna-Ivanova]] does. I think I will try to do the same here.\n\n[[author-Grace-Lindsay]] describes her research programme as:\n\n```markdown\nRESEARCH DIRECTIONS\n\nUnderstanding Attention\n\nAttention is widely studied across psychology, neuroscience, and machine learning. To what extent do these different forms of attention relate to each other? Can we use models of attention in artificial neural networks to understand how attention enhances behavior in people? What can the connection between attention and learning in biology tell us about how to make machines learn better?\n\nRead \u201cAttention in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Machine Learning\u201d\n\nInvestigating the Tools of Neuroscience\n\nNeuroscientists use a variety of analysis methods to try to identify the features of neural activity that drive behavior. Are these tools capable of providing such insights? Artificial neural networks offer an ideal testing ground for the tools of neuroscience as they allow for full access to the neural activity responsible for behavior.\n\nRead \u201cTesting the Tools of Systems Neuroscience on Artificial Neural Networks\u201d\n\n\nMachine Learning for Climate Change\n\nMitigating and adapting to climate change is the biggest challenge of our generation. Progress in many areas can be expedited through the use of artificial intelligence. The Lindsay Lab is particularly focused on analysis of remote sensing data.\n\nLearn more about why the lab works on climate change\n```\n\nMoreover, [[author-Anna-Ivanova]] describes her research programme as:\n\n```markdown\nMeaning in the brain\nHow does the human brain store and operate over conceptual knowledge? Is knowledge domain-specific or domain-general? Does the brain have dedicated machinery for navigating the conceptual space? What is the role of the language brain network in semantic/conceptual processing?\n\nMeaning in large language models\nWhat aspects of world knowledge are learnable from distributional patterns in text? Do large language models have robust internal models of objects, agents, properties, and events in the world? Do models operate over world knowledge representations in a way similar to humans?\n\nInner speech & thought\nHow can we measure people's subjective experiences of inner speech imagery? Do inner speech experiences mediate behavioral performance and neural activity evoked by diverse cognitive tasks? Can we predict how strongly a person relies on inner speech from brain activity alone? And can inner speech support reasoning in AI systems?\n\nMethods matter\nHow can we leverage the synergy between neuroscience and AI to design better methods for probing and interpreting intelligent systems? What is the optimal tradeoff between simplicity and fidelity when designing neural probes? Can we use the power of flexible new tools like Julia to develop better analysis practices?\n```\n\n## Who am I?\n\nIn a sense [[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]], so who am I then. I think I will put here the numerous descriptions I have used to try to organize my thoughts.\n\n### Exhibit A - My github description\n\n```markdown\nAs a researcher I'm interested in :\n\n- Anything-Inspired Models & AI\n- Cognitive-Neuro-Complexity Science\n- Methods rather than Topics\n- Explainability and Interpretability\n- Representation and Visceralization\n- Complex Systems Modeling & Analysis\n```\n\n### Exhibit B - My cv description\n\n>Passionate about understanding natural and artificial intelligence, as well as the models and algorithms they encapsulate. I like to think critically about cognitive representations, model interpretability and explainability, data and knowledge representation and visceralization, the relation between form and function, the methods and perspectives we use to reverse engineer and think about cognitive entities, and in general, how and why cognitive systems arise, work and came to be. I\u2019m enraptured by systems, complexity, curious dynamics and emergence. Amateur musician, occasional poet, chaotic dancer, wannabe mathematician and dabbler algorithmic artist. My work is built upon the values of responsibility, commitment, honesty, attention to detail, problem solving and critical thinking.\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "myundergradThesis",
"url": "./../myundergradThesis",
"category": "root",
"title": "seeg-based localization of the epileptogenic zone from complexity measures using machine learning",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: SEEG-based Localization of the Epileptogenic Zone from Complexity Measures Using Machine Learning\n---\n```\n\nThis project was carried out during my visit as a research assistant to the Biomedical Imaging Lab at the University of Southern California.\nMoreover, it counted as my undergraduate capstone project/thesis for the degree of Electronics Engineer at Universidad de Antioquia.\n\n## Relevant Links\n\n- [Related Undergraduate Thesis](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DBxdYuWOrBxcHbKUoenyRB_PmI1DhNZd/view?usp=sharing)\n- [2023 AES Meeting Poster](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WVtUo-4-H_rttqZbF2HA0KJW5-oFLS9S/view?usp=sharing)\n- [2023 AES Meeting Poster Video](https://youtu.be/T70ZVLpQb2k)\n\n## Contact\n\nYou can find me on:\n\n- Email: yjmantilla@gmail.com\n- [Instagram: yjmantilla](https://www.instagram.com/yjmantilla/)\n- Mattermost: yjmantilla\n- Linkedin: yorguinjose\n- Twitter: @yjmantilla\n- [orcid](https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4473-0876)\n- [cvlac](https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001659280)\n- [Google Scholar](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9W-bHVkAAAAJ)\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: SEEG-based Localization of the Epileptogenic Zone from Complexity Measures Using Machine Learning\n---\n```\n\nThis project was carried out during my visit as a research assistant to the Biomedical Imaging Lab at the University of Southern California.\nMoreover, it counted as my undergraduate capstone project/thesis for the degree of Electronics Engineer at Universidad de Antioquia.\n\n## Relevant Links\n\n- [Related Undergraduate Thesis](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DBxdYuWOrBxcHbKUoenyRB_PmI1DhNZd/view?usp=sharing)\n- [2023 AES Meeting Poster](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WVtUo-4-H_rttqZbF2HA0KJW5-oFLS9S/view?usp=sharing)\n- [2023 AES Meeting Poster Video](https://youtu.be/T70ZVLpQb2k)\n\n## Contact\n\nYou can find me on:\n\n- Email: yjmantilla@gmail.com\n- [Instagram: yjmantilla](https://www.instagram.com/yjmantilla/)\n- Mattermost: yjmantilla\n- Linkedin: yorguinjose\n- Twitter: @yjmantilla\n- [orcid](https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4473-0876)\n- [cvlac](https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001659280)\n- [Google Scholar](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9W-bHVkAAAAJ)"
"id": "naming-md-docs",
"url": "./../tutorials/naming-md-docs",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "naming markdown docs",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Naming Markdown Docs\n---\n```\n\nThis jekyll sites uses 3 possible naming configurations:\n\n## Through a yaml front-matter\n\n```yaml\n --- #first line of file\n title : the title \n ---\n```\n\n## Through the first header\n\n```markdown\n# The Title\n```\n\n## Through the file name\n\n```markdown\nthe-title.md\n```\n\nThe collector (gen-static-data.py) will try to get the above in the same order as presented here; being the worst case the filename.\n\nFor files inside the knowledge graph though the filename will always be chosen. This is to be able to generate the urls easily and avoid duplicate names.\n\nIdealmente deber\u00edan tener nombre \u00fanico y siguiendo el [kebab case](https://www.theserverside.com/blog/Coffee-Talk-Java-News-Stories-and-Opinions/Why-you-should-make-kebab-case-a-URL-naming-convention-best-practice)\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Naming Markdown Docs\n---\n```\n\nThis jekyll sites uses 3 possible naming configurations:\n\n## Through a yaml front-matter\n\n```yaml\n --- #first line of file\n title : the title \n ---\n```\n\n## Through the first header\n\n```markdown\n# The Title\n```\n\n## Through the file name\n\n```markdown\nthe-title.md\n```\n\nThe collector (gen-static-data.py) will try to get the above in the same order as presented here; being the worst case the filename.\n\nFor files inside the knowledge graph though the filename will always be chosen. This is to be able to generate the urls easily and avoid duplicate names.\n\nIdealmente deber\u00edan tener nombre \u00fanico y siguiendo el [kebab case](https://www.theserverside.com/blog/Coffee-Talk-Java-News-Stories-and-Opinions/Why-you-should-make-kebab-case-a-URL-naming-convention-best-practice)"
"id": "neuro-ai",
@@ -966,7 +966,7 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/notetaking",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "note taking",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Note Taking\n---\n```\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Note Taking\n---\n```"
"id": "novelty-search",
@@ -980,14 +980,14 @@
"url": "./../tutorials/onenote-to-svg",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "onenote to svg",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: OneNote to SVG\n---\n```\n\n- Print it to pdf\n- Use [this page](https://cloudconvert.com/pdf-to-svg)\n to convert the pdf to svg\n- Edit it further with Illustrator or whatever svg editor for final adjustment.\n\n[This](https://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/71667/svg-file-excessive-white-space) may be useful for cutting extra space.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: OneNote to SVG\n---\n```\n\n- Print it to pdf\n- Use [this page](https://cloudconvert.com/pdf-to-svg)\n to convert the pdf to svg\n- Edit it further with Illustrator or whatever svg editor for final adjustment.\n\n[This](https://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/71667/svg-file-excessive-white-space) may be useful for cutting extra space."
"id": "outliers",
"url": "./../bubbles/outliers",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "outliers",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Outliers\n---\n```\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Outliers\n---\n```"
"id": "overheating",
@@ -1001,49 +1001,49 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/paralysis-by-analysis",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "paraslysis by analysis",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Paraslysis by Analysis\n---\n```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Paraslysis by Analysis\n---\n```"
"id": "patterns",
"url": "./../bubbles/patterns",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "patterns",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Patterns\n---\n```\n\nSee the work of Christopher Alexander.\n\nCopilot comment:\n\n>He is the father of the concept of patterns. He is an architect, but his work is very relevant to AI. He has a book called \"The Nature of Order\" which is a 4 volume book. I have only read the first volume, but it is very interesting. I think it is very relevant to AI. I think it is very relevant to LLMs. I think it is very relevant to my PhD. I think it is very relevant to my life. I think it is very relevant to the universe. I think it is very relevant to everything.\n\nReminds me a bit of [farnam street](https://fs.blog/blog/) blog, which is also about patterns in mental models, decision making, etc.\n\nAlso some work of [John Clarke](https://www.amazon.com/Patterns-Thinking-Integrating-Learning-Teaching/dp/0205123619).\n\nI suppose these business of cards to address problems between people is basically finding this patterns and deploying them on sight to make it easier for people to recognize them (rather than trying to find them on their own). Kind of related to the [[recognition-vs-recall thing]]. There are many around the world I believe:\n\n- Colombia: [opencards](https://opencards.co/Kits)\n- ? : [methodkit](https://methodkit.com)\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Patterns\n---\n```\n\nSee the work of Christopher Alexander.\n\nCopilot comment:\n\n>He is the father of the concept of patterns. He is an architect, but his work is very relevant to AI. He has a book called \"The Nature of Order\" which is a 4 volume book. I have only read the first volume, but it is very interesting. I think it is very relevant to AI. I think it is very relevant to LLMs. I think it is very relevant to my PhD. I think it is very relevant to my life. I think it is very relevant to the universe. I think it is very relevant to everything.\n\nReminds me a bit of [farnam street](https://fs.blog/blog/) blog, which is also about patterns in mental models, decision making, etc.\n\nAlso some work of [John Clarke](https://www.amazon.com/Patterns-Thinking-Integrating-Learning-Teaching/dp/0205123619).\n\nI suppose these business of cards to address problems between people is basically finding this patterns and deploying them on sight to make it easier for people to recognize them (rather than trying to find them on their own). Kind of related to the [[recognition-vs-recall thing]]. There are many around the world I believe:\n\n- Colombia: [opencards](https://opencards.co/Kits)\n- ? : [methodkit](https://methodkit.com)\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "peaceful-warrior",
"url": "./../essays/peaceful-warrior",
"category": "essays",
"title": "el camino del guerrero (peaceful warrior)",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\n title : El camino del guerrero (Peaceful Warrior)\n---\n```\n\n## Resumen\n\n\nEl camino del guerrero (Peaceful Warrior) es una pel\u00edcula del 2006 dirigida por Victor Salva, escrita por Kevin Bernhardt y basada en la novela Way of the Peaceful Warrior de Dan Millman. Como tal tanto la pel\u00edcula como la novela son semi-autobiogr\u00e1ficas, narrando la propia historia de Dan Millman pero agregando varios elementos ficticios. As\u00ed, el protagonista de la pel\u00edcula hereda directamente el nombre del autor del libro: Dan Millman, y al comienzo de la pel\u00edcula se muestra como un joven gimnasta con un prometedor futuro rebosante de \u00e9xito. Su sue\u00f1o es ganar la medalla de oro en los juegos ol\u00edmpicos y para ello entrena muy duro, a menudo sobreexigiendo su cuerpo.\n
\nSin embargo, a pesar de que Dan parece tenerlo todo claro, sufre de insomnio e inquietud. Entre las cosas que lo atormentan (y de forma muy premonitoria) est\u00e1 la pesadilla de la fractura de sus piernas al caer de una de sus actuaciones. Dan ante estos miedos simplemente recurre a distracciones como salir a correr durante las noches; es as\u00ed como conoce a qui\u00e9n m\u00e1s adelante apodar\u00eda como \u201cS\u00f3crates\u201d. En principio Dan sale a correr y decide parar a comer en una estaci\u00f3n de servicio donde trabaja S\u00f3crates. La interacci\u00f3n es relativamente cotidiana hasta qu\u00e9 Dan se marcha y v\u00e9 que S\u00f3crates sube al techo de la estaci\u00f3n de servicio de forma inexplicable; de esta manera empieza la fascinaci\u00f3n de Dan por quien ser\u00eda en un futuro su maestro.\n
\nSin embargo, en un comienzo Dan sigue su vida normalmente y solo vuelve a la estaci\u00f3n de servicio para entender como S\u00f3crates logr\u00f3 la haza\u00f1a. S\u00f3crates por otra lado se encuentra m\u00e1s interesado en el conocimiento y la filosof\u00eda al decirle que el conocimiento no es lo mismo que la sabidur\u00eda, ya que esta \u00faltima es realmente hacerlo. As\u00ed mismo, S\u00f3crates cuestiona el objetivo de calificar para las competencias de Dan y m\u00e1s a\u00fan cuestiona su felicidad; a lo que Dan responde que tiene todo: dinero, excelencia acad\u00e9mica, reconocimiento social, es sexualmente activo y tiene buena forma f\u00edsica\u2026 y sin embargo S\u00f3crates le pregunta qu\u00e9 por qu\u00e9 no puede dormir por las noches entonces. Es as\u00ed como S\u00f3crates revela que, a pesar de que Dan lo tiene \u201ctodo\u201d aparentemente, este no tiene paz mental. Dan se ve notablemente irritado por todas esas preguntas y simplemente se va.\n
\nEn efecto Dan es una persona impaciente, egoc\u00e9ntrica, temeraria, con una actitud brusca ante las otras personas; aunque tiene amigos, \u00e9l mismo no es un amigo para los dem\u00e1s. A medida de que su mente lo sigue atormentando sigue volviendo a la estaci\u00f3n de servicio para interactuar con S\u00f3crates. A ra\u00edz de esto el maestro le da una serie de tareas y lecciones. Algunos conceptos centrales de la filosof\u00eda de S\u00f3crates son la idea de que uno tiene que vivir enteramente en el instante actual, que siempre algo interesante est\u00e1 ocurriendo si se mira m\u00e1s all\u00e1, etc. Estas lecciones son impartidas de forma pr\u00e1ctica, a trav\u00e9s de meditaciones y de una que otra experiencia m\u00edstica.\n
\nEl impacto de las lecciones en Dan es variado, por un lado logra dar una actuaci\u00f3n excepcional en un \u00e1rea de la gimnasia que no era su fuerte; as\u00ed mismo reeval\u00faa sus h\u00e1bitos para adoptar otros m\u00e1s estoicos sugeridos por S\u00f3crates. Sin embargo, como resultado de la transformaci\u00f3n intensa que sufre Dan respecto a su viejo ser, se empieza a ver m\u00e1s desconcentrado en sus pr\u00e1cticas en el gimnasio y empieza a cuestionar los resultados de las lecciones de S\u00f3crates, adem\u00e1s de juzgarlo por no ser una persona exitosa ya que solo dedica a una estaci\u00f3n de servicios. Dan decide entonces rechazar las ense\u00f1anzas y los h\u00e1bitos de su maestro para volver a como era antes. Naturalmente todo vuelve a ser como en el pasado, hasta que a ra\u00edz de su impaciencia caracter\u00edstica Dan cruza con el sem\u00e1foro en rojo y choca con un auto; como resultado del accidente Dan se fractura una de sus piernas en 21 pedazos. Afortunadamente es llevado al hospital y sobrevive, sin embargo los m\u00e9dicos se ven obligados a implantar una barra de metal en su pierna para mantener la integridad de esta. Finalmente el entrenador de Dan considera que ya no es apropiado que \u00e9l compita y Dan se siente profundamente herido por esto.\n
\nDan en medio de su furia destruye todos sus trofeos, y tiene una pesadilla donde casi se suicida; pero termina dejando ir a la versi\u00f3n pasada de su ser. De esta manera Dan acepta el presente tal y como es pero, con la pregunta interna de c\u00f3mo redefinirse, vuelve a buscar a S\u00f3crates. Otra vez, mediante las lecciones Dan llega a la autorrealizaci\u00f3n de que siempre hay algo ocurriendo y que por lo tanto no debe tener miedo a lo que sigue en su vida a medida de que se redefine. Dan as\u00ed decide disculparse con aquellos que hiri\u00f3 en el pasado. Finalmente S\u00f3crates lo convence de que no tiene que abandonar su sue\u00f1o, y de que incluso as\u00ed en su estado f\u00edsico puede trabajar en su gimnasia. Dan inicialmente es reacio a la opci\u00f3n ya qu\u00e9 ya hab\u00eda aceptado su condici\u00f3n pero cede y empieza a entrenar nuevamente. A ra\u00edz de esto Dan pr\u00e1cticamente se recupera totalmente y vuelve a pedirle a su entrenador que reconsidere la opci\u00f3n de que compita en los clasificatorios nacionales. El entrenador sin embargo se lo niega y Dan se vuelve a sentir perdido.\n
\nS\u00f3crates ve esto y le propone a Dan una excursi\u00f3n en la cual Dan aprende una \u00faltima lecci\u00f3n: el viaje es lo que da la felicidad, no el objetivo en s\u00ed. Dan as\u00ed entiende que har\u00e1 gimnasia simplemente porque es lo que ama, m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de las medallas y \u00e9xitos que eso le conlleve. Dan vuelve al gimnasio y realiza sus ejercicios como antes, m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de la aprobaci\u00f3n de su entrenador y est\u00e9 finalmente se convence de que Dan est\u00e1 en capacidad de competir.\n
\nLa pel\u00edcula concluye con Dan buscando a su maestro para verlo antes de los clasificatorios pero S\u00f3crates ya no est\u00e1 en la estaci\u00f3n de servicio. Dan reflexiona que al final aquella maniobra imposible de S\u00f3crates ya no importa. Luego, en la competici\u00f3n Dan se prepara para su actuaci\u00f3n mientras conversa con su compa\u00f1ero quien es un reflejo de algunos de los valores que Dan ten\u00eda en el pasado. Finalmente, Dan comienza su actuaci\u00f3n final situ\u00e1ndose completamente en el instante presente tal como lo hab\u00eda aprendido de su maestro y finaliza su acto ante la mirada at\u00f3nita de los asistentes.\n
\n\n## Relaci\u00f3n con la vida\n\n\n>\u201cLuche por lo que usted quiere en la vida, y que es lo que quiere en la vida\u2026 usted solo sabe\u201d. \n\n
\nConversaci\u00f3n detr\u00e1s de la quebrada cerca de mi casa...\n\n
\n\nLa pel\u00edcula toca varios temas de orden filos\u00f3fico debido a la afici\u00f3n del maestro hacia la filosof\u00eda griega y en particular a S\u00f3crates, el maestro de Plat\u00f3n. As\u00ed vemos que se exploran constantemente temas diversos como la idea de que \u201cuna vida que no se cuestiona, no merece ser vivida\u201d originalmente de S\u00f3crates (el personaje hist\u00f3rico real) y de que \u201clo \u00fanico constante es el cambio\u201d de Her\u00e1clito. Sin embargo hay tres temas constantes en la pel\u00edcula:\n
\n1. Vivir en el momento (esta idea tiene or\u00edgenes budistas y en la filosof\u00eda greco-romana bajo el carpe diem)\n2. \u00bfQu\u00e9 es la felicidad y c\u00f3mo se obtiene?\n3. \u00bfQuienes somos?\n\n### Sobre la acci\u00f3n transiente\n\n\nEl primer tema se refiere a la idea de que al aferrarnos a lo que fu\u00e9 (el pasado) y a lo que puede ser (el futuro) no logramos disfrutar, ni concentrarnos, ni vivir en el momento, es as\u00ed como terminamos infelices y descontentos con el instante presente; incapaces de dar nuestro potencial completo. Esta idea es pues muy notable en los casos donde nuestra actuaci\u00f3n es principalmente transiente como en los deportes, la m\u00fasica, la actuaci\u00f3n, etc. En lo personal mi experiencia ha sido del lado m\u00e1s musical donde notoriamente existe el fen\u00f3meno de \u201cpar\u00e1lisis por an\u00e1lisis\u201d. Esto se puede ilustrar con el \u201cdilema del ciempi\u00e9s\u201d de Katherine Craster:\n
\n\n>Un ciempi\u00e9s paseaba contento
\n>Hasta que un sapo burl\u00f3n
\n>Le dijo: \u00abCu\u00e9ntame, \u00bfen qu\u00e9 orden mueves las patas?\u00bb
\n>Le llen\u00f3 de dudas hasta tal punto
\n>Que cay\u00f3 exhausto en el camino
\n>Sin saber c\u00f3mo correr.
\n\n\nB\u00e1sicamente la idea es que si piensas demasiado en c\u00f3mo hacerlo, o en las consecuencias de equivocarse, etc lo m\u00e1s probable es que falles como efecto retroalimentado de tu propia ansiedad y de tu propia desvinculaci\u00f3n con el acto en s\u00ed. Sin embargo en un acto acad\u00e9mico esto tambi\u00e9n tiene su contraparte, por ejemplo durante la resoluci\u00f3n de ex\u00e1menes. En general recuerdo un profesor que dec\u00eda que ya en el momento de la ejecuci\u00f3n del ex\u00e1men lo mejor que se puede hacer es creerse un genio, sobretodo cuando uno ha llegado mal preparado a este. Esto es debido a que al creerse un genio al menos durante ese breve periodo de tiempo aumentas la probabilidad de dar lo mejor de ti simple y llanamente porque evitas caer en inseguridades y ansiedades provenientes de dudar de tus propias respuestas, adem\u00e1s de ahorrar tiempo como resultado. Por otra parte si escoges las preguntas con las que te sientas mejor preparado al principio ver\u00e1s que la confianza que surge de responderlas bien te ayudar\u00e1 a sentirte mejor para las que vienen. En general podemos ver como nuestra propia actitud emocional ante la actividad que realicemos afecta nuestra efectividad.\n
\n\n### Un problema de definici\u00f3n\n\n\nLos otros dos temas se pueden tratar simult\u00e1neamente, ya que en cierta manera la definici\u00f3n de nosotros mismos afecta en medida la forma en que entendemos ser felices. \u00bfSomos felices porque somos nosotros, porque alcanzamos nuestros objetivos, o por qu\u00e9 exactamente?. \u00bfNos definimos a partir de nuestros objetivos? \u00bfQu\u00e9 pasa si no somos capaces de controlar aquellos objetivos, si a pesar de todo nuestro esfuerzo esos objetivos podr\u00edan no cumplirse? En la pel\u00edcula es muy claro el peligro de definirse mediante metas debido a que no tenemos control ante ciertas circunstancias, como lo puede ser un accidente.\n
\n\n\nAqu\u00ed es relevante una percepci\u00f3n cultural de la cual no estoy seguro cu\u00e1n general es alrededor del mundo: la idea de \u201cestudiar para ser alguien en la vida\u201d. Como tal aqu\u00ed vemos expl\u00edcito la idea de definirse mediante una profesi\u00f3n: soy artista, soy m\u00e9dico, soy deportista, soy ingeniero, etc. Lo cierto es que la profesi\u00f3n es tan solo una de las tantas aristas por la cual una persona puede tratar de definirse, el riesgo es pues que uno podr\u00eda equivaler el \u00e9xito en la profesi\u00f3n como indicador de nuestra felicidad. Siempre habr\u00e1 una persona mejor y peor que t\u00fa en tu profesi\u00f3n y esto es por lo menos cierto para todo el conjunto de personas en tu profesi\u00f3n excepto dos.\n
\n\n>\u201cSi soy un ingeniero en el tercer mundo probablemente no soy alguien realmente, deber\u00eda ir al primer mundo y tener \u00e9xito all\u00e1 para ser alguien\u201d.\n\n\nMe pregunto cuantos estudiantes y profesionales de los campos STEM (Ciencia, Tecnolog\u00eda, Ingenier\u00eda, y Matem\u00e1ticas en ingl\u00e9s) en latinoam\u00e9rica (y en general pa\u00edses en v\u00edas de desarrollo) tendr\u00e1n dicha percepci\u00f3n; por lo menos uno, que soy yo. Si uno tiene el sue\u00f1o de ser premio nobel pero es nacido en un pa\u00eds en v\u00edas de desarrollo pues las posibilidades son muy bajas, pero es posible. De hecho est\u00e1n dados los casos de varios nobeles de literatura y de la paz latinoamericanos y algunos en los nobel de qu\u00edmica. Sin embargo hasta ahora no hay ning\u00fan medallista Fields (equivalente al premio nobel de matem\u00e1tica) latinoamericano. Entonces para un matem\u00e1tico es pr\u00e1cticamente un accidente haber nacido ac\u00e1. Sin embargo, mediante conversaciones con personas profesionales y estudiantes que han visitado el extranjero el asunto no es un problema de talento o de potencial sino de recursos. El primer mundo no tiene personas considerablemente m\u00e1s talentosas, sino simplemente m\u00e1s recursos para potenciarlas. Y es que aparentemente en el extranjero todo es mejor, lo cual probablemente sea verdad\u2026 Pero la idea de que el \u00e9xito solo se puede obtener en el extranjero es debatible. Definir \u201cel \u00e9xito\u201d es pues un asunto dif\u00edcil. El \u00e9xito es \u00bfreconocimiento?, \u00bfimpacto?, \u00bfel fruto de un trabajo bien hecho?, \u00bfriqueza?. As\u00ed como me pregunto cuantos estudiantes y profesionales latinoamericanos plantean el \u00e9xito mediante la migraci\u00f3n, me pregunto cuantos acad\u00e9micos, profesionales, estudiantes de posgrado, en los pa\u00edses desarrollados sue\u00f1an con ver un impacto real de su trabajo en la sociedad, en las comunidades y dem\u00e1s. Pienso que la evoluci\u00f3n natural de una persona una vez obtenga reconocimiento profesional es hacerse esa pregunta\u2026 \u00bfCu\u00e1nto realmente impacta mi trabajo de forma positiva en el mundo?. Ciertamente, el hecho de que tu trabajo tenga influencia sobre una comunidad le a\u00f1ade significado, esta es la idea del \u201csignificado mediante la comunidad\u201d, o del \u201csoy parte de algo m\u00e1s grande, y a trav\u00e9s mi contribuci\u00f3n a eso me defino\u201d. Esto se puede ver en la pel\u00edcula mediante el personaje de S\u00f3crates y su afici\u00f3n al arte del servicio. Realmente juzgar por qu\u00e9 medio es mejor definirse: \u201cser el mejor\u201d (meta individual) o \u201cgenerar impacto comunitario\u201d (meta colectiva), es debatible.\n
\n\n### El problema de la elecci\u00f3n\n\n\nDefinirse a trav\u00e9s de una profesi\u00f3n es a su vez dif\u00edcil porque muchas veces dicha profesi\u00f3n est\u00e1 asociada con una pasi\u00f3n inherente que las personas deben tener\u2026 Si uno tiene una pasi\u00f3n concreta la idea de \u201cseguir tu pasi\u00f3n\u201d es muy buena, el problema surge en los otros dos casos: a) tienes muchas pasiones y te cuesta elegir, y b) no tienes ninguna pasi\u00f3n en particular. Me atrever\u00eda a decir que la mayor\u00eda de la gente cae en alguno de esos dos casos m\u00e1s que en el caso ideal. Entonces\u2026 \u00bfqu\u00e9 hacemos el resto de los mortales?. Cal Newport plantea para el caso de que no se tiene una pasi\u00f3n el hecho de que uno no se debe preocupar por encontrarla, ya que esta pasi\u00f3n (o satisfacci\u00f3n profesional) m\u00e1s que algo innato es algo que se construye a medida que se va adquiriendo experticia en tu oficio. El postula que una profesi\u00f3n viable para obtener la satisfacci\u00f3n personal debe cumplir 3 requerimientos: 1) Que por lo menos tengas inter\u00e9s en el \u00e1rea. 2) Que puedas crecer en ella, es decir que puedas desarrollarte y ascender en tu oficio. 3) Que no colisione con tus valores personales (que sientas que no perjudica al mundo activamente por ejemplo). Por otro lado para el caso en que simplemente tenemos demasiadas pasiones posibles la idea es librarte de algunas de ellas ya que, m\u00e1s que alimentarte, las excedentes te distraer\u00e1n de concentrarte en la prioritaria. En cierta manera esto tiene que ver con la paradoja de la elecci\u00f3n: cuando hay demasiados posibles caminos es muy dif\u00edcil elegir (Barry Schwartz). El hecho de tener demasiadas posibilidades abiertas te hace menos libre parad\u00f3jicamente; cualquiera que elijas te har\u00e1 preguntarte qu\u00e9 hubiese pasado al escoger la otra. Es por esto que la libertad se puede alcanzar mediante el compromiso (Mark Manson), y por lo cual pertenecer nos hace libres... libres de porfin poder autorrealizarnos en lo que escogimos.\n
\n\n\nEl problema de la elecci\u00f3n es algo a lo que me he enfrentado continuamente. Cuando me gradu\u00e9 de bachiller ten\u00eda intereses claros: me gustaba la m\u00fasica, la f\u00edsica y la filosof\u00eda. Combine la dos primeras en la meta de estudiar ingenier\u00eda de sonido y la \u00faltima simplemente decid\u00ed explorarla como hobbie. Como la ingenier\u00eda de sonido no era una carrera de universidad p\u00fablica me fui por su madre: la ingenier\u00eda electr\u00f3nica. As\u00ed mis primeros tres a\u00f1os de la universidad en ingenier\u00eda electr\u00f3nica constituyeron en explorar de forma extracurricular la ingenier\u00eda de sonido adem\u00e1s de trabajar como m\u00fasico en competencias de gaitas venezolanas intercolegiales. Al tiempo trat\u00e9 de estudiar en un conservatorio de m\u00fasica. Lo cierto es que es muy dif\u00edcil mantener dicho ritmo cuando pasas a los semestres m\u00e1s fuertes. Y tuve que abandonar esos oficios extras, como respuesta a esto particip\u00e9 en la fundaci\u00f3n del Club de Audio de la universidad y segu\u00ed participando en grupos musicales pero dentro del campus. B\u00e1sicamente en esos primeros tres a\u00f1os de universidad adquir\u00ed todo el conocimiento y pr\u00e1ctica que pude acerca de m\u00fasica e ingenier\u00eda de sonido. Sin embargo, al final me di cuenta que la ingenier\u00eda de sonido no era lo m\u00edo, al menos a nivel intelectual no me llenaba completamente y decid\u00ed vivir la m\u00fasica tambi\u00e9n como hobbie junto con la filosof\u00eda. En esos momentos tuve que redefinirme ya que hasta entonces lo hab\u00eda hecho a trav\u00e9s de mis intereses musicales. Mi pasi\u00f3n por la ingenier\u00eda de sonido paso a la ingenier\u00eda ac\u00fastica, luego a los sistemas microelectromec\u00e1nicos (MEMS), luego a la ac\u00fastica del ultrasonido. De ah\u00ed se me abri\u00f3 el campo ya que este \u00faltimo tiene aplicaciones m\u00e9dicas y as\u00ed es como salte a la ingenier\u00eda biom\u00e9dica y la bioingenier\u00eda. Comenc\u00e9 con intereses en la bioinstrumentaci\u00f3n y en el procesamiento de biose\u00f1ales; luego me empezaron a interesar los aspectos m\u00e1s biol\u00f3gicos como la biolog\u00eda de sistemas y la biolog\u00eda sint\u00e9tica. Estas \u00faltimas \u00e1reas ya se sal\u00edan de mi campo de electr\u00f3nica demasiado por lo que volv\u00ed a enfocarme en procesamiento de se\u00f1ales. Finalmente desemboque interes\u00e1ndome en el campo de sistemas complejos, la ciencia de datos y la epistemolog\u00eda de ambos; ya que esos tres campos abarcaban a nivel general todos esos intereses qu\u00e9 hab\u00eda tenido en el pasado. Sin embargo todo est\u00e1 sujeto a cambios y es por ello que definirse mediante intereses, profesiones, pasiones puede no ser la mejor idea.\n
\n\n### La definici\u00f3n mediante valores\n\n\nUna opci\u00f3n menos vol\u00e1til para definirse como persona es optar por tus valores ya que el supuesto es que estos son m\u00e1s constantes y son relativamente independientes de factores que no puedas controlar como accidentes y (en mi caso) de cambios constantes de intereses. La incertidumbre se puede presentar en cualquier momento de nuestras vidas pero podemos enfrentarnos a ella mediante nuestros valores. As\u00ed es posible definirse como una persona honesta, respetuosa, etc. Pero \u00bfc\u00f3mo podemos definir nuestra felicidad en ese \u00e1mbito si no hay un objetivo en s\u00ed? Uno puede ver la felicidad como el resultado de cumplir con los valores que has escogido para definirte. Es decir, a pesar de que surjan adversidades se puede ser feliz si te mantienes fiel a ti mismo. Y sin embargo\u2026 a pesar de que la idea es atrayente uno puede encontrarse infeliz en determinados momentos. A mi parecer culturalmente ponemos demasiado valor en ser felices, como si tal fuera el motivo de vivir. Y esa presi\u00f3n de ser felices nos causa ansiedad. La vida trae consigo muchas otras emociones que experimentar porque m\u00e1s que un asunto de felicidad, es un asunto de salud emocional. Es correcto sentir lo que sientes en tus circunstancias, y a medida de que uno se transforma a s\u00ed mismo, transformamos nuestras propias emociones. En la pel\u00edcula vemos que Dan pasa por m\u00faltiples emociones para poder redefinirse y en esos momentos Dan no ten\u00eda que ser feliz, sino que ten\u00eda que experimentar dichas emociones tal cual se daban. Para m\u00ed m\u00e1s que un problema de felicidad es un problema de concentraci\u00f3n; los momentos que m\u00e1s disfruto son aquellos donde estoy m\u00e1s concentrado: en un partido de f\u00fatbol, en una fiesta, en el resolver de un problema matem\u00e1tico, al programar, al jugar, al escribir. Es precisamente en esos instantes donde uno est\u00e1 concentrado que uno \u201cvive en el momento\u201d como dice la pel\u00edcula. Ni el pasado, ni el futuro existen cuando estas concentrado. Solo existe el ahora y la acci\u00f3n que realizas. En ese sentido para definirme agregu\u00e9 a esos valores m\u00e1s comunes (honestidad, respeto, solidaridad, etc) el valor de la concentraci\u00f3n, entendida como la idea de buscar estar inmerso en aquello que hago. Otro valor por el cual me defino es hacer cosas que yo quiera (no exclusivamente claro est\u00e1). No me importa d\u00f3nde terminar\u00e9 yendo, si vuelvo a Venezuela, si me quedo en Colombia, o si viajo a un pa\u00eds desarrollado ya que donde sea que est\u00e9 s\u00e9 que har\u00e9 algo interesante por lo menos.\n
\n\n### El problema del cambio y conclusi\u00f3n\n\n\nA\u00fan as\u00ed nuestros valores est\u00e1n modulados por las experiencias que vamos obteniendo a trav\u00e9s de nuestras vidas, en otras palabras, no son inmutables. Yo plantear\u00eda que para definirse no hay una sola forma correcta. En principio esto es porque el problema de por qu\u00e9 existimos no est\u00e1 resuelto. La pel\u00edcula hace \u00e9nfasis en versiones estoicas de la respuesta mediante el personaje de S\u00f3crates, pero como tal la filosof\u00eda no ha llegado a una respuesta \u00fanica (\u00bfni llegar\u00e1?). Por cada respuesta estoica que me den puedo generar respuestas existenciales, hedonistas, absurdistas, nihilistas, etc; e incluso una autoctona colombiana: el nadaismo. En ese sentido, el personaje de S\u00f3crates de la pel\u00edcula no tiene la \u00faltima palabra, pero en su defensa, probablemente nadie la tendr\u00e1.\n
\n\n\nPero entonces, \u00bfc\u00f3mo respondemos la pregunta de c\u00f3mo definirnos correctamente? Ya vimos que no hay forma certera de hacerlo y entonces la \u00fanica opci\u00f3n es estar abiertos a la posibilidad de redefinici\u00f3n personal. Este es el ideal de \u201clo \u00fanico constante es el cambio\u201d que mencione al inicio. Si uno es capaz de redefinirse no debe tener miedo ante la adversidad ya que sabe que hallar\u00e1 al menos una manera.\n
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\n title : El camino del guerrero (Peaceful Warrior)\n---\n```\n\n## Resumen\n\n\nEl camino del guerrero (Peaceful Warrior) es una pel\u00edcula del 2006 dirigida por Victor Salva, escrita por Kevin Bernhardt y basada en la novela Way of the Peaceful Warrior de Dan Millman. Como tal tanto la pel\u00edcula como la novela son semi-autobiogr\u00e1ficas, narrando la propia historia de Dan Millman pero agregando varios elementos ficticios. As\u00ed, el protagonista de la pel\u00edcula hereda directamente el nombre del autor del libro: Dan Millman, y al comienzo de la pel\u00edcula se muestra como un joven gimnasta con un prometedor futuro rebosante de \u00e9xito. Su sue\u00f1o es ganar la medalla de oro en los juegos ol\u00edmpicos y para ello entrena muy duro, a menudo sobreexigiendo su cuerpo.\n
\nSin embargo, a pesar de que Dan parece tenerlo todo claro, sufre de insomnio e inquietud. Entre las cosas que lo atormentan (y de forma muy premonitoria) est\u00e1 la pesadilla de la fractura de sus piernas al caer de una de sus actuaciones. Dan ante estos miedos simplemente recurre a distracciones como salir a correr durante las noches; es as\u00ed como conoce a qui\u00e9n m\u00e1s adelante apodar\u00eda como \u201cS\u00f3crates\u201d. En principio Dan sale a correr y decide parar a comer en una estaci\u00f3n de servicio donde trabaja S\u00f3crates. La interacci\u00f3n es relativamente cotidiana hasta qu\u00e9 Dan se marcha y v\u00e9 que S\u00f3crates sube al techo de la estaci\u00f3n de servicio de forma inexplicable; de esta manera empieza la fascinaci\u00f3n de Dan por quien ser\u00eda en un futuro su maestro.\n
\nSin embargo, en un comienzo Dan sigue su vida normalmente y solo vuelve a la estaci\u00f3n de servicio para entender como S\u00f3crates logr\u00f3 la haza\u00f1a. S\u00f3crates por otra lado se encuentra m\u00e1s interesado en el conocimiento y la filosof\u00eda al decirle que el conocimiento no es lo mismo que la sabidur\u00eda, ya que esta \u00faltima es realmente hacerlo. As\u00ed mismo, S\u00f3crates cuestiona el objetivo de calificar para las competencias de Dan y m\u00e1s a\u00fan cuestiona su felicidad; a lo que Dan responde que tiene todo: dinero, excelencia acad\u00e9mica, reconocimiento social, es sexualmente activo y tiene buena forma f\u00edsica\u2026 y sin embargo S\u00f3crates le pregunta qu\u00e9 por qu\u00e9 no puede dormir por las noches entonces. Es as\u00ed como S\u00f3crates revela que, a pesar de que Dan lo tiene \u201ctodo\u201d aparentemente, este no tiene paz mental. Dan se ve notablemente irritado por todas esas preguntas y simplemente se va.\n
\nEn efecto Dan es una persona impaciente, egoc\u00e9ntrica, temeraria, con una actitud brusca ante las otras personas; aunque tiene amigos, \u00e9l mismo no es un amigo para los dem\u00e1s. A medida de que su mente lo sigue atormentando sigue volviendo a la estaci\u00f3n de servicio para interactuar con S\u00f3crates. A ra\u00edz de esto el maestro le da una serie de tareas y lecciones. Algunos conceptos centrales de la filosof\u00eda de S\u00f3crates son la idea de que uno tiene que vivir enteramente en el instante actual, que siempre algo interesante est\u00e1 ocurriendo si se mira m\u00e1s all\u00e1, etc. Estas lecciones son impartidas de forma pr\u00e1ctica, a trav\u00e9s de meditaciones y de una que otra experiencia m\u00edstica.\n
\nEl impacto de las lecciones en Dan es variado, por un lado logra dar una actuaci\u00f3n excepcional en un \u00e1rea de la gimnasia que no era su fuerte; as\u00ed mismo reeval\u00faa sus h\u00e1bitos para adoptar otros m\u00e1s estoicos sugeridos por S\u00f3crates. Sin embargo, como resultado de la transformaci\u00f3n intensa que sufre Dan respecto a su viejo ser, se empieza a ver m\u00e1s desconcentrado en sus pr\u00e1cticas en el gimnasio y empieza a cuestionar los resultados de las lecciones de S\u00f3crates, adem\u00e1s de juzgarlo por no ser una persona exitosa ya que solo dedica a una estaci\u00f3n de servicios. Dan decide entonces rechazar las ense\u00f1anzas y los h\u00e1bitos de su maestro para volver a como era antes. Naturalmente todo vuelve a ser como en el pasado, hasta que a ra\u00edz de su impaciencia caracter\u00edstica Dan cruza con el sem\u00e1foro en rojo y choca con un auto; como resultado del accidente Dan se fractura una de sus piernas en 21 pedazos. Afortunadamente es llevado al hospital y sobrevive, sin embargo los m\u00e9dicos se ven obligados a implantar una barra de metal en su pierna para mantener la integridad de esta. Finalmente el entrenador de Dan considera que ya no es apropiado que \u00e9l compita y Dan se siente profundamente herido por esto.\n
\nDan en medio de su furia destruye todos sus trofeos, y tiene una pesadilla donde casi se suicida; pero termina dejando ir a la versi\u00f3n pasada de su ser. De esta manera Dan acepta el presente tal y como es pero, con la pregunta interna de c\u00f3mo redefinirse, vuelve a buscar a S\u00f3crates. Otra vez, mediante las lecciones Dan llega a la autorrealizaci\u00f3n de que siempre hay algo ocurriendo y que por lo tanto no debe tener miedo a lo que sigue en su vida a medida de que se redefine. Dan as\u00ed decide disculparse con aquellos que hiri\u00f3 en el pasado. Finalmente S\u00f3crates lo convence de que no tiene que abandonar su sue\u00f1o, y de que incluso as\u00ed en su estado f\u00edsico puede trabajar en su gimnasia. Dan inicialmente es reacio a la opci\u00f3n ya qu\u00e9 ya hab\u00eda aceptado su condici\u00f3n pero cede y empieza a entrenar nuevamente. A ra\u00edz de esto Dan pr\u00e1cticamente se recupera totalmente y vuelve a pedirle a su entrenador que reconsidere la opci\u00f3n de que compita en los clasificatorios nacionales. El entrenador sin embargo se lo niega y Dan se vuelve a sentir perdido.\n
\nS\u00f3crates ve esto y le propone a Dan una excursi\u00f3n en la cual Dan aprende una \u00faltima lecci\u00f3n: el viaje es lo que da la felicidad, no el objetivo en s\u00ed. Dan as\u00ed entiende que har\u00e1 gimnasia simplemente porque es lo que ama, m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de las medallas y \u00e9xitos que eso le conlleve. Dan vuelve al gimnasio y realiza sus ejercicios como antes, m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de la aprobaci\u00f3n de su entrenador y est\u00e9 finalmente se convence de que Dan est\u00e1 en capacidad de competir.\n
\nLa pel\u00edcula concluye con Dan buscando a su maestro para verlo antes de los clasificatorios pero S\u00f3crates ya no est\u00e1 en la estaci\u00f3n de servicio. Dan reflexiona que al final aquella maniobra imposible de S\u00f3crates ya no importa. Luego, en la competici\u00f3n Dan se prepara para su actuaci\u00f3n mientras conversa con su compa\u00f1ero quien es un reflejo de algunos de los valores que Dan ten\u00eda en el pasado. Finalmente, Dan comienza su actuaci\u00f3n final situ\u00e1ndose completamente en el instante presente tal como lo hab\u00eda aprendido de su maestro y finaliza su acto ante la mirada at\u00f3nita de los asistentes.\n
\n\n## Relaci\u00f3n con la vida\n\n\n>\u201cLuche por lo que usted quiere en la vida, y que es lo que quiere en la vida\u2026 usted solo sabe\u201d. \n\n
\nConversaci\u00f3n detr\u00e1s de la quebrada cerca de mi casa...\n\n
\n\nLa pel\u00edcula toca varios temas de orden filos\u00f3fico debido a la afici\u00f3n del maestro hacia la filosof\u00eda griega y en particular a S\u00f3crates, el maestro de Plat\u00f3n. As\u00ed vemos que se exploran constantemente temas diversos como la idea de que \u201cuna vida que no se cuestiona, no merece ser vivida\u201d originalmente de S\u00f3crates (el personaje hist\u00f3rico real) y de que \u201clo \u00fanico constante es el cambio\u201d de Her\u00e1clito. Sin embargo hay tres temas constantes en la pel\u00edcula:\n
\n1. Vivir en el momento (esta idea tiene or\u00edgenes budistas y en la filosof\u00eda greco-romana bajo el carpe diem)\n2. \u00bfQu\u00e9 es la felicidad y c\u00f3mo se obtiene?\n3. \u00bfQuienes somos?\n\n### Sobre la acci\u00f3n transiente\n\n\nEl primer tema se refiere a la idea de que al aferrarnos a lo que fu\u00e9 (el pasado) y a lo que puede ser (el futuro) no logramos disfrutar, ni concentrarnos, ni vivir en el momento, es as\u00ed como terminamos infelices y descontentos con el instante presente; incapaces de dar nuestro potencial completo. Esta idea es pues muy notable en los casos donde nuestra actuaci\u00f3n es principalmente transiente como en los deportes, la m\u00fasica, la actuaci\u00f3n, etc. En lo personal mi experiencia ha sido del lado m\u00e1s musical donde notoriamente existe el fen\u00f3meno de \u201cpar\u00e1lisis por an\u00e1lisis\u201d. Esto se puede ilustrar con el \u201cdilema del ciempi\u00e9s\u201d de Katherine Craster:\n
\n\n>Un ciempi\u00e9s paseaba contento
\n>Hasta que un sapo burl\u00f3n
\n>Le dijo: \u00abCu\u00e9ntame, \u00bfen qu\u00e9 orden mueves las patas?\u00bb
\n>Le llen\u00f3 de dudas hasta tal punto
\n>Que cay\u00f3 exhausto en el camino
\n>Sin saber c\u00f3mo correr.
\n\n\nB\u00e1sicamente la idea es que si piensas demasiado en c\u00f3mo hacerlo, o en las consecuencias de equivocarse, etc lo m\u00e1s probable es que falles como efecto retroalimentado de tu propia ansiedad y de tu propia desvinculaci\u00f3n con el acto en s\u00ed. Sin embargo en un acto acad\u00e9mico esto tambi\u00e9n tiene su contraparte, por ejemplo durante la resoluci\u00f3n de ex\u00e1menes. En general recuerdo un profesor que dec\u00eda que ya en el momento de la ejecuci\u00f3n del ex\u00e1men lo mejor que se puede hacer es creerse un genio, sobretodo cuando uno ha llegado mal preparado a este. Esto es debido a que al creerse un genio al menos durante ese breve periodo de tiempo aumentas la probabilidad de dar lo mejor de ti simple y llanamente porque evitas caer en inseguridades y ansiedades provenientes de dudar de tus propias respuestas, adem\u00e1s de ahorrar tiempo como resultado. Por otra parte si escoges las preguntas con las que te sientas mejor preparado al principio ver\u00e1s que la confianza que surge de responderlas bien te ayudar\u00e1 a sentirte mejor para las que vienen. En general podemos ver como nuestra propia actitud emocional ante la actividad que realicemos afecta nuestra efectividad.\n
\n\n### Un problema de definici\u00f3n\n\n\nLos otros dos temas se pueden tratar simult\u00e1neamente, ya que en cierta manera la definici\u00f3n de nosotros mismos afecta en medida la forma en que entendemos ser felices. \u00bfSomos felices porque somos nosotros, porque alcanzamos nuestros objetivos, o por qu\u00e9 exactamente?. \u00bfNos definimos a partir de nuestros objetivos? \u00bfQu\u00e9 pasa si no somos capaces de controlar aquellos objetivos, si a pesar de todo nuestro esfuerzo esos objetivos podr\u00edan no cumplirse? En la pel\u00edcula es muy claro el peligro de definirse mediante metas debido a que no tenemos control ante ciertas circunstancias, como lo puede ser un accidente.\n
\n\n\nAqu\u00ed es relevante una percepci\u00f3n cultural de la cual no estoy seguro cu\u00e1n general es alrededor del mundo: la idea de \u201cestudiar para ser alguien en la vida\u201d. Como tal aqu\u00ed vemos expl\u00edcito la idea de definirse mediante una profesi\u00f3n: soy artista, soy m\u00e9dico, soy deportista, soy ingeniero, etc. Lo cierto es que la profesi\u00f3n es tan solo una de las tantas aristas por la cual una persona puede tratar de definirse, el riesgo es pues que uno podr\u00eda equivaler el \u00e9xito en la profesi\u00f3n como indicador de nuestra felicidad. Siempre habr\u00e1 una persona mejor y peor que t\u00fa en tu profesi\u00f3n y esto es por lo menos cierto para todo el conjunto de personas en tu profesi\u00f3n excepto dos.\n
\n\n>\u201cSi soy un ingeniero en el tercer mundo probablemente no soy alguien realmente, deber\u00eda ir al primer mundo y tener \u00e9xito all\u00e1 para ser alguien\u201d.\n\n\nMe pregunto cuantos estudiantes y profesionales de los campos STEM (Ciencia, Tecnolog\u00eda, Ingenier\u00eda, y Matem\u00e1ticas en ingl\u00e9s) en latinoam\u00e9rica (y en general pa\u00edses en v\u00edas de desarrollo) tendr\u00e1n dicha percepci\u00f3n; por lo menos uno, que soy yo. Si uno tiene el sue\u00f1o de ser premio nobel pero es nacido en un pa\u00eds en v\u00edas de desarrollo pues las posibilidades son muy bajas, pero es posible. De hecho est\u00e1n dados los casos de varios nobeles de literatura y de la paz latinoamericanos y algunos en los nobel de qu\u00edmica. Sin embargo hasta ahora no hay ning\u00fan medallista Fields (equivalente al premio nobel de matem\u00e1tica) latinoamericano. Entonces para un matem\u00e1tico es pr\u00e1cticamente un accidente haber nacido ac\u00e1. Sin embargo, mediante conversaciones con personas profesionales y estudiantes que han visitado el extranjero el asunto no es un problema de talento o de potencial sino de recursos. El primer mundo no tiene personas considerablemente m\u00e1s talentosas, sino simplemente m\u00e1s recursos para potenciarlas. Y es que aparentemente en el extranjero todo es mejor, lo cual probablemente sea verdad\u2026 Pero la idea de que el \u00e9xito solo se puede obtener en el extranjero es debatible. Definir \u201cel \u00e9xito\u201d es pues un asunto dif\u00edcil. El \u00e9xito es \u00bfreconocimiento?, \u00bfimpacto?, \u00bfel fruto de un trabajo bien hecho?, \u00bfriqueza?. As\u00ed como me pregunto cuantos estudiantes y profesionales latinoamericanos plantean el \u00e9xito mediante la migraci\u00f3n, me pregunto cuantos acad\u00e9micos, profesionales, estudiantes de posgrado, en los pa\u00edses desarrollados sue\u00f1an con ver un impacto real de su trabajo en la sociedad, en las comunidades y dem\u00e1s. Pienso que la evoluci\u00f3n natural de una persona una vez obtenga reconocimiento profesional es hacerse esa pregunta\u2026 \u00bfCu\u00e1nto realmente impacta mi trabajo de forma positiva en el mundo?. Ciertamente, el hecho de que tu trabajo tenga influencia sobre una comunidad le a\u00f1ade significado, esta es la idea del \u201csignificado mediante la comunidad\u201d, o del \u201csoy parte de algo m\u00e1s grande, y a trav\u00e9s mi contribuci\u00f3n a eso me defino\u201d. Esto se puede ver en la pel\u00edcula mediante el personaje de S\u00f3crates y su afici\u00f3n al arte del servicio. Realmente juzgar por qu\u00e9 medio es mejor definirse: \u201cser el mejor\u201d (meta individual) o \u201cgenerar impacto comunitario\u201d (meta colectiva), es debatible.\n
\n\n### El problema de la elecci\u00f3n\n\n\nDefinirse a trav\u00e9s de una profesi\u00f3n es a su vez dif\u00edcil porque muchas veces dicha profesi\u00f3n est\u00e1 asociada con una pasi\u00f3n inherente que las personas deben tener\u2026 Si uno tiene una pasi\u00f3n concreta la idea de \u201cseguir tu pasi\u00f3n\u201d es muy buena, el problema surge en los otros dos casos: a) tienes muchas pasiones y te cuesta elegir, y b) no tienes ninguna pasi\u00f3n en particular. Me atrever\u00eda a decir que la mayor\u00eda de la gente cae en alguno de esos dos casos m\u00e1s que en el caso ideal. Entonces\u2026 \u00bfqu\u00e9 hacemos el resto de los mortales?. Cal Newport plantea para el caso de que no se tiene una pasi\u00f3n el hecho de que uno no se debe preocupar por encontrarla, ya que esta pasi\u00f3n (o satisfacci\u00f3n profesional) m\u00e1s que algo innato es algo que se construye a medida que se va adquiriendo experticia en tu oficio. El postula que una profesi\u00f3n viable para obtener la satisfacci\u00f3n personal debe cumplir 3 requerimientos: 1) Que por lo menos tengas inter\u00e9s en el \u00e1rea. 2) Que puedas crecer en ella, es decir que puedas desarrollarte y ascender en tu oficio. 3) Que no colisione con tus valores personales (que sientas que no perjudica al mundo activamente por ejemplo). Por otro lado para el caso en que simplemente tenemos demasiadas pasiones posibles la idea es librarte de algunas de ellas ya que, m\u00e1s que alimentarte, las excedentes te distraer\u00e1n de concentrarte en la prioritaria. En cierta manera esto tiene que ver con la paradoja de la elecci\u00f3n: cuando hay demasiados posibles caminos es muy dif\u00edcil elegir (Barry Schwartz). El hecho de tener demasiadas posibilidades abiertas te hace menos libre parad\u00f3jicamente; cualquiera que elijas te har\u00e1 preguntarte qu\u00e9 hubiese pasado al escoger la otra. Es por esto que la libertad se puede alcanzar mediante el compromiso (Mark Manson), y por lo cual pertenecer nos hace libres... libres de porfin poder autorrealizarnos en lo que escogimos.\n
\n\n\nEl problema de la elecci\u00f3n es algo a lo que me he enfrentado continuamente. Cuando me gradu\u00e9 de bachiller ten\u00eda intereses claros: me gustaba la m\u00fasica, la f\u00edsica y la filosof\u00eda. Combine la dos primeras en la meta de estudiar ingenier\u00eda de sonido y la \u00faltima simplemente decid\u00ed explorarla como hobbie. Como la ingenier\u00eda de sonido no era una carrera de universidad p\u00fablica me fui por su madre: la ingenier\u00eda electr\u00f3nica. As\u00ed mis primeros tres a\u00f1os de la universidad en ingenier\u00eda electr\u00f3nica constituyeron en explorar de forma extracurricular la ingenier\u00eda de sonido adem\u00e1s de trabajar como m\u00fasico en competencias de gaitas venezolanas intercolegiales. Al tiempo trat\u00e9 de estudiar en un conservatorio de m\u00fasica. Lo cierto es que es muy dif\u00edcil mantener dicho ritmo cuando pasas a los semestres m\u00e1s fuertes. Y tuve que abandonar esos oficios extras, como respuesta a esto particip\u00e9 en la fundaci\u00f3n del Club de Audio de la universidad y segu\u00ed participando en grupos musicales pero dentro del campus. B\u00e1sicamente en esos primeros tres a\u00f1os de universidad adquir\u00ed todo el conocimiento y pr\u00e1ctica que pude acerca de m\u00fasica e ingenier\u00eda de sonido. Sin embargo, al final me di cuenta que la ingenier\u00eda de sonido no era lo m\u00edo, al menos a nivel intelectual no me llenaba completamente y decid\u00ed vivir la m\u00fasica tambi\u00e9n como hobbie junto con la filosof\u00eda. En esos momentos tuve que redefinirme ya que hasta entonces lo hab\u00eda hecho a trav\u00e9s de mis intereses musicales. Mi pasi\u00f3n por la ingenier\u00eda de sonido paso a la ingenier\u00eda ac\u00fastica, luego a los sistemas microelectromec\u00e1nicos (MEMS), luego a la ac\u00fastica del ultrasonido. De ah\u00ed se me abri\u00f3 el campo ya que este \u00faltimo tiene aplicaciones m\u00e9dicas y as\u00ed es como salte a la ingenier\u00eda biom\u00e9dica y la bioingenier\u00eda. Comenc\u00e9 con intereses en la bioinstrumentaci\u00f3n y en el procesamiento de biose\u00f1ales; luego me empezaron a interesar los aspectos m\u00e1s biol\u00f3gicos como la biolog\u00eda de sistemas y la biolog\u00eda sint\u00e9tica. Estas \u00faltimas \u00e1reas ya se sal\u00edan de mi campo de electr\u00f3nica demasiado por lo que volv\u00ed a enfocarme en procesamiento de se\u00f1ales. Finalmente desemboque interes\u00e1ndome en el campo de sistemas complejos, la ciencia de datos y la epistemolog\u00eda de ambos; ya que esos tres campos abarcaban a nivel general todos esos intereses qu\u00e9 hab\u00eda tenido en el pasado. Sin embargo todo est\u00e1 sujeto a cambios y es por ello que definirse mediante intereses, profesiones, pasiones puede no ser la mejor idea.\n
\n\n### La definici\u00f3n mediante valores\n\n\nUna opci\u00f3n menos vol\u00e1til para definirse como persona es optar por tus valores ya que el supuesto es que estos son m\u00e1s constantes y son relativamente independientes de factores que no puedas controlar como accidentes y (en mi caso) de cambios constantes de intereses. La incertidumbre se puede presentar en cualquier momento de nuestras vidas pero podemos enfrentarnos a ella mediante nuestros valores. As\u00ed es posible definirse como una persona honesta, respetuosa, etc. Pero \u00bfc\u00f3mo podemos definir nuestra felicidad en ese \u00e1mbito si no hay un objetivo en s\u00ed? Uno puede ver la felicidad como el resultado de cumplir con los valores que has escogido para definirte. Es decir, a pesar de que surjan adversidades se puede ser feliz si te mantienes fiel a ti mismo. Y sin embargo\u2026 a pesar de que la idea es atrayente uno puede encontrarse infeliz en determinados momentos. A mi parecer culturalmente ponemos demasiado valor en ser felices, como si tal fuera el motivo de vivir. Y esa presi\u00f3n de ser felices nos causa ansiedad. La vida trae consigo muchas otras emociones que experimentar porque m\u00e1s que un asunto de felicidad, es un asunto de salud emocional. Es correcto sentir lo que sientes en tus circunstancias, y a medida de que uno se transforma a s\u00ed mismo, transformamos nuestras propias emociones. En la pel\u00edcula vemos que Dan pasa por m\u00faltiples emociones para poder redefinirse y en esos momentos Dan no ten\u00eda que ser feliz, sino que ten\u00eda que experimentar dichas emociones tal cual se daban. Para m\u00ed m\u00e1s que un problema de felicidad es un problema de concentraci\u00f3n; los momentos que m\u00e1s disfruto son aquellos donde estoy m\u00e1s concentrado: en un partido de f\u00fatbol, en una fiesta, en el resolver de un problema matem\u00e1tico, al programar, al jugar, al escribir. Es precisamente en esos instantes donde uno est\u00e1 concentrado que uno \u201cvive en el momento\u201d como dice la pel\u00edcula. Ni el pasado, ni el futuro existen cuando estas concentrado. Solo existe el ahora y la acci\u00f3n que realizas. En ese sentido para definirme agregu\u00e9 a esos valores m\u00e1s comunes (honestidad, respeto, solidaridad, etc) el valor de la concentraci\u00f3n, entendida como la idea de buscar estar inmerso en aquello que hago. Otro valor por el cual me defino es hacer cosas que yo quiera (no exclusivamente claro est\u00e1). No me importa d\u00f3nde terminar\u00e9 yendo, si vuelvo a Venezuela, si me quedo en Colombia, o si viajo a un pa\u00eds desarrollado ya que donde sea que est\u00e9 s\u00e9 que har\u00e9 algo interesante por lo menos.\n
\n\n### El problema del cambio y conclusi\u00f3n\n\n\nA\u00fan as\u00ed nuestros valores est\u00e1n modulados por las experiencias que vamos obteniendo a trav\u00e9s de nuestras vidas, en otras palabras, no son inmutables. Yo plantear\u00eda que para definirse no hay una sola forma correcta. En principio esto es porque el problema de por qu\u00e9 existimos no est\u00e1 resuelto. La pel\u00edcula hace \u00e9nfasis en versiones estoicas de la respuesta mediante el personaje de S\u00f3crates, pero como tal la filosof\u00eda no ha llegado a una respuesta \u00fanica (\u00bfni llegar\u00e1?). Por cada respuesta estoica que me den puedo generar respuestas existenciales, hedonistas, absurdistas, nihilistas, etc; e incluso una autoctona colombiana: el nadaismo. En ese sentido, el personaje de S\u00f3crates de la pel\u00edcula no tiene la \u00faltima palabra, pero en su defensa, probablemente nadie la tendr\u00e1.\n
\n\n\nPero entonces, \u00bfc\u00f3mo respondemos la pregunta de c\u00f3mo definirnos correctamente? Ya vimos que no hay forma certera de hacerlo y entonces la \u00fanica opci\u00f3n es estar abiertos a la posibilidad de redefinici\u00f3n personal. Este es el ideal de \u201clo \u00fanico constante es el cambio\u201d que mencione al inicio. Si uno es capaz de redefinirse no debe tener miedo ante la adversidad ya que sabe que hallar\u00e1 al menos una manera.\n
"id": "perfection-is-paralyzing",
"url": "./../bubbles/perfection-is-paralyzing",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "perfection is paralyzing",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Perfection is Paralyzing\n---\n```\n\n[[paralysis-by-analysis]]\n[[fear-of-failure]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[fear-of-failure]: ./../bubbles/fear-of-failure \"fear-of-failure\"\n[paralysis-by-analysis]: ./../bubbles/paralysis-by-analysis \"paralysis-by-analysis\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Perfection is Paralyzing\n---\n```\n\n[[paralysis-by-analysis]]\n[[fear-of-failure]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[fear-of-failure]: ./../bubbles/fear-of-failure \"fear-of-failure\"\n[paralysis-by-analysis]: ./../bubbles/paralysis-by-analysis \"paralysis-by-analysis\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "perspective-reality",
"url": "./../bubbles/perspective-reality",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "perspective reality",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Perspective Reality\n---\n```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Perspective Reality\n---\n```"
"id": "philosophy-jokes",
"url": "./../bubbles/philosophy-jokes",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "philosophy jokes",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Philosophy Jokes\n---\n```\n\n## An engineer, a scientist, a mathematician, and a philosopher\n\n>An engineer, a scientist, a mathematician, and a philosopher are hiking through the hills of Scotland, when they see a lone black sheep in a field.\n\n>The engineer says, \u201cWhat do you know, it looks like the sheep around here are black.\u201d The scientist looks at him skeptically and replies, \u201cWell, at least some of them are.\u201d The mathematician considers this for a moment and replies, \u201cWell, at least one of them is.\u201d Then the philosopher turns to them and says, \u201cWell, at least on one side.\u201d\n\n[source](https://spot.colorado.edu/~huemer/philjoke.htm)\n\n## A boy is about to go on his first date\n\n>A boy is about to go on his first date, and his father gives him the following advice: \u201cIf you ever don\u2019t know what to talk about, just remember the three F\u2019s: food, family, and philosophy. You can always start a conversation about one of those subjects.\u201d\n\n>The boy picks up his date and they go to a soda fountain. Ice cream sodas in front of them, they stare at each other for a long time, as the boy\u2019s nervousness builds. He remembers his father\u2019s advice, and chooses the first topic. He asks the girl: \u201cDo you like potato pancakes?\u201d She says \u201cNo,\u201d and the silence returns.\n\n>After a few more uncomfortable minutes, the boy thinks of his father\u2019s suggestion and turns to the second item on the list. He asks, \u201cDo you have a brother?\u201d The girl says \u201cNo,\u201d and there is silence once again.\n\n>The boy then plays his last card. He thinks of his father\u2019s advice and asks the girl: \u201cIf you had a brother, would he like potato pancakes?\u201d\n\n[source](https://spot.colorado.edu/~huemer/philjoke.htm)\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Philosophy Jokes\n---\n```\n\n## An engineer, a scientist, a mathematician, and a philosopher\n\n>An engineer, a scientist, a mathematician, and a philosopher are hiking through the hills of Scotland, when they see a lone black sheep in a field.\n\n>The engineer says, \u201cWhat do you know, it looks like the sheep around here are black.\u201d The scientist looks at him skeptically and replies, \u201cWell, at least some of them are.\u201d The mathematician considers this for a moment and replies, \u201cWell, at least one of them is.\u201d Then the philosopher turns to them and says, \u201cWell, at least on one side.\u201d\n\n[source](https://spot.colorado.edu/~huemer/philjoke.htm)\n\n## A boy is about to go on his first date\n\n>A boy is about to go on his first date, and his father gives him the following advice: \u201cIf you ever don\u2019t know what to talk about, just remember the three F\u2019s: food, family, and philosophy. You can always start a conversation about one of those subjects.\u201d\n\n>The boy picks up his date and they go to a soda fountain. Ice cream sodas in front of them, they stare at each other for a long time, as the boy\u2019s nervousness builds. He remembers his father\u2019s advice, and chooses the first topic. He asks the girl: \u201cDo you like potato pancakes?\u201d She says \u201cNo,\u201d and the silence returns.\n\n>After a few more uncomfortable minutes, the boy thinks of his father\u2019s suggestion and turns to the second item on the list. He asks, \u201cDo you have a brother?\u201d The girl says \u201cNo,\u201d and there is silence once again.\n\n>The boy then plays his last card. He thinks of his father\u2019s advice and asks the girl: \u201cIf you had a brother, would he like potato pancakes?\u201d\n\n[source](https://spot.colorado.edu/~huemer/philjoke.htm)"
"id": "phosphenes",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "phosphenes",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "phrase-compression",
@@ -1057,21 +1057,21 @@
"url": "./../dirs/poems",
"category": "dirs",
"title": "poems",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Poems\n---\n```\n\nThese are kind of cringe but... I'm keeping them here for now.\n\n\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Poems\n---\n```\n\nThese are kind of cringe but... I'm keeping them here for now.\n\n"
"id": "por-las-ramas",
"url": "./../bubbles/por-las-ramas",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "por las ramas",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Por las Ramas\n---\n```\n\nA methodology from Biohacking Colombia.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Por las Ramas\n---\n```\n\nA methodology from Biohacking Colombia."
"id": "primary-visual-cortex",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "primary-visual-cortex",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "problem-solvingly",
@@ -1085,28 +1085,28 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "psychedelic-cryptography",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "psychedelics",
"url": "./../bubbles/psychedelics",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "psychedelics",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Psychedelics\"\n---\n```\n\n- What is the relation between psychedelics and myths? [Some thoughts from Sam Wolfe](https://www.samwoolfe.com/2013/09/ancient-motifs-in-psychedelic.html)\n\nThis is a rabbit hole, I could spend a lot of time thinking about:\n\n[[psychedelic-cryptography]]\n[[cognition-and-myths]] I wonder if AI cognitive systems could have their own myth. How does Joseph Campbell's monomyth relate to AI?\n[[ai-and-myths]]\n[[psychedelics-and-criticality]]\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Psychedelics\"\n---\n```\n\n- What is the relation between psychedelics and myths? [Some thoughts from Sam Wolfe](https://www.samwoolfe.com/2013/09/ancient-motifs-in-psychedelic.html)\n\nThis is a rabbit hole, I could spend a lot of time thinking about:\n\n[[psychedelic-cryptography]]\n[[cognition-and-myths]] I wonder if AI cognitive systems could have their own myth. How does Joseph Campbell's monomyth relate to AI?\n[[ai-and-myths]]\n[[psychedelics-and-criticality]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "psychedelics-and-criticality",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "psychedelics-and-criticality",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "random-matrices-and-brain",
"url": "./../bubbles/random-matrices-and-brain",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "random matrices and the brain",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Random Matrices and the Brain\n---\n```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Random Matrices and the Brain\n---\n```"
"id": "rapt-attention",
@@ -1120,28 +1120,28 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "recognition-vs-recall thing",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "representation",
"url": "./../bubbles/representation",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "representation",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Representation\n---\n```\n\n- Irina Rish, [[learn-from-the-machine]]\n- How do humans represent the world in their mind and brain?\n- Representation in matrices --> factorization, remember from Punkis' tutor Archana Venkataraman.\n- Thought experiment: [[imagine-24-balls]]\n- intelligence without representation paper\n- Related to [[algorithms-as-abstract-representations]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[algorithms-as-abstract-representations]: ./../bubbles/algorithms-as-abstract-representations \"algorithms-as-abstract-representations\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[learn-from-the-machine]: ./../bubbles/learn-from-the-machine \"learn-from-the-machine\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Representation\n---\n```\n\n- Irina Rish, [[learn-from-the-machine]]\n- How do humans represent the world in their mind and brain?\n- Representation in matrices --> factorization, remember from Punkis' tutor Archana Venkataraman.\n- Thought experiment: [[imagine-24-balls]]\n- intelligence without representation paper\n- Related to [[algorithms-as-abstract-representations]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[algorithms-as-abstract-representations]: ./../bubbles/algorithms-as-abstract-representations \"algorithms-as-abstract-representations\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[learn-from-the-machine]: ./../bubbles/learn-from-the-machine \"learn-from-the-machine\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "research",
"url": "./../dirs/research",
"category": "dirs",
"title": "research",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Research\n---\n```\n\n\n {% for item in site.data.research-list %}\n - {{ item.title }}
\n {% if item._frame %}\n
\n {% endif %}\n {% endfor %}\n
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Research\n---\n```\n\n\n {% for item in site.data.research-list %}\n - {{ item.title }}
\n {% if item._frame %}\n
\n {% endif %}\n {% endfor %}\n
"id": "reverse-engineering-games",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "reverse-engineering-games",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "reverse-engineering-of-human-brain-for-the-field-of-artificial-intelligence-parikshit-gupta",
@@ -1163,7 +1163,7 @@
"_sourceurl": "https://www.ijert.org/reverse-engineering-of-human-brain-for-the-field-of-artificial-intelligence",
"_doi": "10.17577/IJERTV9IS050169",
"status": "read-done",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Reverse Engineering of Human Brain for the field of Artificial Intelligence - Parikshit Gupta\nauthors: [\"Parikshit Gupta\"]\nyear: 2020\npublisher: \"International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)\"\nkeywords: [\"Reverse Engineering of Human Brain\", \"Artificial Neural Networks(ANN)\", \"Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN)\"]\nresearch_type: \"Review\"\nrelevance: \"Unknown\"\n_sourceurl: \"https://www.ijert.org/reverse-engineering-of-human-brain-for-the-field-of-artificial-intelligence\"\n_doi: \"10.17577/IJERTV9IS050169\"\nstatus: \"read-done\"\n---\n```\n\nThis document holds my observations for the paper:\n\n```yaml\nReverse Engineering of Human Brain for the field of Artificial Intelligence\n\nAuthor: Parikshit Gupta\n\nURL: https://www.ijert.org/reverse-engineering-of-human-brain-for-the-field-of-artificial-intelligence\n```\n\n## The author\n\nParikshit Gupta is a software developer from Mumbai with machine learning knowledge. So far (December 2021) he has only published the discussed paper.\n\nYou can find him on twitter as [Anonymous07P](https://twitter.com/anonymous07p).\n\n## TLDR\n\nThis article mainly discusses how the results of \"reverse engineering\" the brain have permeated towards AI, and in particular Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs); along with some comparisons regarding the differences betweens these networks and Biological Neural Networks.\n\n## Introduction\n\n- Defines \"Reverse Engineering\" (the citation is a bit dated as it is from the 90s).\n- Some context of reverse engineering in software. It is not clear why such context is important for a paper in the AI field, I guess it follows from his background in software development.\n- [[biomimicry]] to defend the case of reverse engineering the brain to advance AI.\n- Some intro to the scale and structure of the brain as a network of neurons.\n- Author mentions that \"by reverse engineering neuroscientists have\nbeen able to understand the brain to a pretty good extent\". I think this is debatable as from what I know we are only a surface understanding.\n- Follows the idea of \"doing-before-knowing\" at some point. Basically that one can build something without understanding how it works (ie building planes before understanding how birds fly). I have heard this argument to from the professor Alvaro Gaviria (\"El Mazo\", UdeA) too... although he phrased it as \"se puede porque se pudo\" (it can be done because we could) and he contextualized it as a fundamental difference between the engineering and science approach. Similar perspectives [can be found randomly on the internet](https://www.reddit.com/r/MachineLearning/comments/cs9j5i/comment/exe18d1/). I think this topic ([[building-before-knowing]]) would make a good discussion on epistemology.\n- Ends the intro by shortly defining ANNs and CNNs.\n\n## Reverse engineering of the human brain\n\nThis part is divided in two sections. Overall it is really basic and may be skipped for someone already familiar with neurobiology.\n\n### Working of the human brain\n\n- Some discussion on the [[connectome]], its importance, usefullness, and possible making.\n- Argues for a modular structure of the brain (as it having specialized parts for particular tasks). This is debatable ( [[modularism-vs-holism-in-neuroscience]] ).\n- There is a prevalent view of the [[brain-as-a-computer]] :\n\n>For learning and performing task we need data be it the case of human brain or any machine-based algorithm. Human brain gets these data through five senses: Taste, Touch, Locate, Notice, and Hearing. These sources provide frequently numerous data at one time. The brain collects all these data and stores the important parts into our memory. Depending on the data received it reacts in various circumstances by controlling various functionalities of our body like heart and breathing rates.\n\nDespite the simplification of [humans having only 5 senses](https://www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/how-many-senses-do-we-have/), the idea is understood... basically senses=sensors that collect data. I think it would have been nice to acknowledge the [[brain-as-a-computer]] paradigm it takes for granted.\n\n- Views the neuron as the smallest processing unit.\n\n- The author gives a high-level abstraction of the human brain reminiscent of an input/ouput model but using receptor and effector terminology and with feedback loops.\n\n\n\n>image from the aforementioned article, CC BY 4.0\n\n### Working of the Biological Neural Network\n\nThis part basically is a collections of fundamentals of neurobiology: neurons,soma,dendrites,axons,action potential, etc.\n\nAlthough not explicitly mentioned, it refers to the hebbian learning principle when explaining how neurons learn.\n\nIt ends with the idea of layers of neurons.\n\n## Advances In Computer Science As A Result Of Reverse Engineering The Human Brain\n\nIn my view, this is the most important part of the article. First, it remakes the case for [[biomimicry]] and then presents three sections, regarding the influence of brain's reverse engineering on AI, ANNs and CNNs.\n\n### Artificial Intelligence(AI)\n\nThis is the weakest section of the three as the subject matter is too broad. Overall is just a recapitulation of [[biomimicry]], [[brain-as-a-computer]] and a model of an agent immersed in an environment with whom he interacts.\n\n### Artificial Neural Networks(ANNs)\n\n- It clarifies that the artificial neuron is loosely based on the animal neuron.\n- Has an interesting interpretation of the weights from one of the cited papers:\n\n>The processing ability of the network is stored in the interunit connection strengths, or weights, obtained by a process of adaptation to, or learning from, a set of training patterns.\n\n- Then the author explains some basics of ANNs, their types, the fundamental training algorithm,etc.\n\n- Ends with the real discussion of the paper:\n - ANNs can be thought of as disentangled models of the BNNs.\n \n - For researchers interested in the brain ANNs should try to capture the \"data handling highlights\" of BNNs.\n - For engineers this constraint is not that important.\n - The parallel processing nature of ANNs, is interesting for engineers.\n\n### Convolutional Neural Networks(CNNs)\n\nI think this last section is the most interesting of the whole paper.\n\n- Defines (in suggestion of a cited source) the CNNs as \"a specialized ANN for processing data that has a known grid-like topology\".\n\n- Then, some similarities are drawn between CNNs and the [[primary-visual-cortex]] (PVC) and the [[inferotemporal-cortex]] (ITC). See the paper for more clarification as I couldnt summarize it as I dont yet understand it fully. What i took is that the CNN:\n\n - Has 2D maps as features, similar to the PVC (source?)\n - Its neuron units imitate the spatially localized receptive field of the PVC. I guess at least in some of the artificial layers.\n - Apparently those neurons also are a linear function of the image projected to them (not exactly sure why though?), and supposedly this is similar to the PVC.\n - Cross channel pooling (idk what that is) allow for invariance against linear shifts. Somehow this imitates the PVC too.\n - The Fully Connected Ouput Layer (FCOL) imitates the ITC.\n - Apparently the info goes through many layers reminescent of the PVC and then ends with the FCOL as the ITC.\n - The ITC seems to collect information from ALL of the neurons just before it. Thus inspiring the FCOL.\n\n- After the similarities, goes on with the differences:\n - The main one, is that CNN is mostly about spatial features. The temporal dimension is not accounted for, which the brain do incorporate. He argues combining CNNs and RNNs into a network supporting spatiotemporal features would be fruitful.\n - The brain also incoporates and connects information from other senses, not only visual info.\n - The other similarities exist on the spatial side, even though is the one being imitated:\n - Human eye is low res (except for the fovea). Not accounted for in CNNs\n - No context/scenario awareness for the CNNs, which the brain does.\n - No feedback loops, which are really common in BNNs.\n\n- Finally, the author restates that CNNs are mainly for grid-like data and that they are scalable; making them great for image-based problems. There is a lot of inspiration from the brain, but still lots of differences and possible ways to incorporate more ideas from the brain.\n\n- I feel that this section is missing a lot of relevant literature that could have traced the provenance of these primordial claims; as they constitute the real substance of the paper.\n\n## The conclusion of the author\n\nThe conclusion is somewhat shallow when compared to the last section. Basically, a lot done, very useful and lots of things to explore in the neuro-ai area.\n\n## The references\n\nI think the paper could have explored more references, in example:\n\n- Neuroscience-Inspired Artificial Intelligence, Demis Hassabis et al, 2017.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[biomimicry]: ./../bubbles/biomimicry \"biomimicry\"\n[biomimicry]: ./../bubbles/biomimicry \"biomimicry\"\n[biomimicry]: ./../bubbles/biomimicry \"biomimicry\"\n[brain-as-a-computer]: ./../bubbles/brain-as-a-computer \"brain-as-a-computer\"\n[brain-as-a-computer]: ./../bubbles/brain-as-a-computer \"brain-as-a-computer\"\n[brain-as-a-computer]: ./../bubbles/brain-as-a-computer \"brain-as-a-computer\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[modularism-vs-holism-in-neuroscience]: ./../bubbles/modularism-vs-holism-in-neuroscience \"modularism-vs-holism-in-neuroscience\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Reverse Engineering of Human Brain for the field of Artificial Intelligence - Parikshit Gupta\nauthors: [\"Parikshit Gupta\"]\nyear: 2020\npublisher: \"International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)\"\nkeywords: [\"Reverse Engineering of Human Brain\", \"Artificial Neural Networks(ANN)\", \"Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN)\"]\nresearch_type: \"Review\"\nrelevance: \"Unknown\"\n_sourceurl: \"https://www.ijert.org/reverse-engineering-of-human-brain-for-the-field-of-artificial-intelligence\"\n_doi: \"10.17577/IJERTV9IS050169\"\nstatus: \"read-done\"\n---\n```\n\nThis document holds my observations for the paper:\n\n```yaml\nReverse Engineering of Human Brain for the field of Artificial Intelligence\n\nAuthor: Parikshit Gupta\n\nURL: https://www.ijert.org/reverse-engineering-of-human-brain-for-the-field-of-artificial-intelligence\n```\n\n## The author\n\nParikshit Gupta is a software developer from Mumbai with machine learning knowledge. So far (December 2021) he has only published the discussed paper.\n\nYou can find him on twitter as [Anonymous07P](https://twitter.com/anonymous07p).\n\n## TLDR\n\nThis article mainly discusses how the results of \"reverse engineering\" the brain have permeated towards AI, and in particular Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs); along with some comparisons regarding the differences betweens these networks and Biological Neural Networks.\n\n## Introduction\n\n- Defines \"Reverse Engineering\" (the citation is a bit dated as it is from the 90s).\n- Some context of reverse engineering in software. It is not clear why such context is important for a paper in the AI field, I guess it follows from his background in software development.\n- [[biomimicry]] to defend the case of reverse engineering the brain to advance AI.\n- Some intro to the scale and structure of the brain as a network of neurons.\n- Author mentions that \"by reverse engineering neuroscientists have\nbeen able to understand the brain to a pretty good extent\". I think this is debatable as from what I know we are only a surface understanding.\n- Follows the idea of \"doing-before-knowing\" at some point. Basically that one can build something without understanding how it works (ie building planes before understanding how birds fly). I have heard this argument to from the professor Alvaro Gaviria (\"El Mazo\", UdeA) too... although he phrased it as \"se puede porque se pudo\" (it can be done because we could) and he contextualized it as a fundamental difference between the engineering and science approach. Similar perspectives [can be found randomly on the internet](https://www.reddit.com/r/MachineLearning/comments/cs9j5i/comment/exe18d1/). I think this topic ([[building-before-knowing]]) would make a good discussion on epistemology.\n- Ends the intro by shortly defining ANNs and CNNs.\n\n## Reverse engineering of the human brain\n\nThis part is divided in two sections. Overall it is really basic and may be skipped for someone already familiar with neurobiology.\n\n### Working of the human brain\n\n- Some discussion on the [[connectome]], its importance, usefullness, and possible making.\n- Argues for a modular structure of the brain (as it having specialized parts for particular tasks). This is debatable ( [[modularism-vs-holism-in-neuroscience]] ).\n- There is a prevalent view of the [[brain-as-a-computer]] :\n\n>For learning and performing task we need data be it the case of human brain or any machine-based algorithm. Human brain gets these data through five senses: Taste, Touch, Locate, Notice, and Hearing. These sources provide frequently numerous data at one time. The brain collects all these data and stores the important parts into our memory. Depending on the data received it reacts in various circumstances by controlling various functionalities of our body like heart and breathing rates.\n\nDespite the simplification of [humans having only 5 senses](https://www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/how-many-senses-do-we-have/), the idea is understood... basically senses=sensors that collect data. I think it would have been nice to acknowledge the [[brain-as-a-computer]] paradigm it takes for granted.\n\n- Views the neuron as the smallest processing unit.\n\n- The author gives a high-level abstraction of the human brain reminiscent of an input/ouput model but using receptor and effector terminology and with feedback loops.\n\n\n\n>image from the aforementioned article, CC BY 4.0\n\n### Working of the Biological Neural Network\n\nThis part basically is a collections of fundamentals of neurobiology: neurons,soma,dendrites,axons,action potential, etc.\n\nAlthough not explicitly mentioned, it refers to the hebbian learning principle when explaining how neurons learn.\n\nIt ends with the idea of layers of neurons.\n\n## Advances In Computer Science As A Result Of Reverse Engineering The Human Brain\n\nIn my view, this is the most important part of the article. First, it remakes the case for [[biomimicry]] and then presents three sections, regarding the influence of brain's reverse engineering on AI, ANNs and CNNs.\n\n### Artificial Intelligence(AI)\n\nThis is the weakest section of the three as the subject matter is too broad. Overall is just a recapitulation of [[biomimicry]], [[brain-as-a-computer]] and a model of an agent immersed in an environment with whom he interacts.\n\n### Artificial Neural Networks(ANNs)\n\n- It clarifies that the artificial neuron is loosely based on the animal neuron.\n- Has an interesting interpretation of the weights from one of the cited papers:\n\n>The processing ability of the network is stored in the interunit connection strengths, or weights, obtained by a process of adaptation to, or learning from, a set of training patterns.\n\n- Then the author explains some basics of ANNs, their types, the fundamental training algorithm,etc.\n\n- Ends with the real discussion of the paper:\n - ANNs can be thought of as disentangled models of the BNNs.\n \n - For researchers interested in the brain ANNs should try to capture the \"data handling highlights\" of BNNs.\n - For engineers this constraint is not that important.\n - The parallel processing nature of ANNs, is interesting for engineers.\n\n### Convolutional Neural Networks(CNNs)\n\nI think this last section is the most interesting of the whole paper.\n\n- Defines (in suggestion of a cited source) the CNNs as \"a specialized ANN for processing data that has a known grid-like topology\".\n\n- Then, some similarities are drawn between CNNs and the [[primary-visual-cortex]] (PVC) and the [[inferotemporal-cortex]] (ITC). See the paper for more clarification as I couldnt summarize it as I dont yet understand it fully. What i took is that the CNN:\n\n - Has 2D maps as features, similar to the PVC (source?)\n - Its neuron units imitate the spatially localized receptive field of the PVC. I guess at least in some of the artificial layers.\n - Apparently those neurons also are a linear function of the image projected to them (not exactly sure why though?), and supposedly this is similar to the PVC.\n - Cross channel pooling (idk what that is) allow for invariance against linear shifts. Somehow this imitates the PVC too.\n - The Fully Connected Ouput Layer (FCOL) imitates the ITC.\n - Apparently the info goes through many layers reminescent of the PVC and then ends with the FCOL as the ITC.\n - The ITC seems to collect information from ALL of the neurons just before it. Thus inspiring the FCOL.\n\n- After the similarities, goes on with the differences:\n - The main one, is that CNN is mostly about spatial features. The temporal dimension is not accounted for, which the brain do incorporate. He argues combining CNNs and RNNs into a network supporting spatiotemporal features would be fruitful.\n - The brain also incoporates and connects information from other senses, not only visual info.\n - The other similarities exist on the spatial side, even though is the one being imitated:\n - Human eye is low res (except for the fovea). Not accounted for in CNNs\n - No context/scenario awareness for the CNNs, which the brain does.\n - No feedback loops, which are really common in BNNs.\n\n- Finally, the author restates that CNNs are mainly for grid-like data and that they are scalable; making them great for image-based problems. There is a lot of inspiration from the brain, but still lots of differences and possible ways to incorporate more ideas from the brain.\n\n- I feel that this section is missing a lot of relevant literature that could have traced the provenance of these primordial claims; as they constitute the real substance of the paper.\n\n## The conclusion of the author\n\nThe conclusion is somewhat shallow when compared to the last section. Basically, a lot done, very useful and lots of things to explore in the neuro-ai area.\n\n## The references\n\nI think the paper could have explored more references, in example:\n\n- Neuroscience-Inspired Artificial Intelligence, Demis Hassabis et al, 2017.\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[biomimicry]: ./../bubbles/biomimicry \"biomimicry\"\n[biomimicry]: ./../bubbles/biomimicry \"biomimicry\"\n[biomimicry]: ./../bubbles/biomimicry \"biomimicry\"\n[brain-as-a-computer]: ./../bubbles/brain-as-a-computer \"brain-as-a-computer\"\n[brain-as-a-computer]: ./../bubbles/brain-as-a-computer \"brain-as-a-computer\"\n[brain-as-a-computer]: ./../bubbles/brain-as-a-computer \"brain-as-a-computer\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[modularism-vs-holism-in-neuroscience]: ./../bubbles/modularism-vs-holism-in-neuroscience \"modularism-vs-holism-in-neuroscience\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "schema",
@@ -1177,14 +1177,14 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/scientific-writing-with-karen-mckee",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "scientific writing with karen l. mckee",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Scientific Writing with Karen L. McKee\n---\n```\n\nJust found this [channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNDEeAVnl0p1Wj5ngF8JlMA). I should probably summarize some of her awesome videos.\n\nSome videos that caught my eye:\n\n- How to Read a Scientific Paper Efficiently and Critically: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXJeU2dzzWo\n- Writing is Thinking: https://youtu.be/tX9asHdFSv4 --> [[writing-and-thinking]]\n- How to Use Narrative Structure in a Scientific Paper: https://youtu.be/XW77hpjNTvY \n- How to Write Clearly: Cohesion and Coherence: https://youtu.be/FpOPA3GFeJg \n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[writing-and-thinking]: ./../bubbles/writing-and-thinking \"writing-and-thinking\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Scientific Writing with Karen L. McKee\n---\n```\n\nJust found this [channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNDEeAVnl0p1Wj5ngF8JlMA). I should probably summarize some of her awesome videos.\n\nSome videos that caught my eye:\n\n- How to Read a Scientific Paper Efficiently and Critically: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXJeU2dzzWo\n- Writing is Thinking: https://youtu.be/tX9asHdFSv4 --> [[writing-and-thinking]]\n- How to Use Narrative Structure in a Scientific Paper: https://youtu.be/XW77hpjNTvY \n- How to Write Clearly: Cohesion and Coherence: https://youtu.be/FpOPA3GFeJg\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[writing-and-thinking]: ./../bubbles/writing-and-thinking \"writing-and-thinking\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "semantics",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "semantics",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "sending-automatic-emails-google-forms",
@@ -1198,14 +1198,14 @@
"url": "./../dirs/sims",
"category": "dirs",
"title": "interactive content",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Interactive Content\n---\n```\n\n\n {% for item in site.data.sims-list %}\n - {{ item.title }}
\n \n

\n {% endfor %}\n
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Interactive Content\n---\n```\n\n\n {% for item in site.data.sims-list %}\n - {{ item.title }}
\n \n

\n {% endfor %}\n
"id": "soft-vs-hard-computing",
"url": "./../bubbles/soft-vs-hard-computing",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "soft vs hard computing duality",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Soft vs Hard Computing Duality\n---\n```\n\nTaken from [here](http://www2.cs.uh.edu/~ceick/6367/Soft-Computing.pdf)\n\nThis is related to [[computation]]\n\n## What is Soft Computing ? (adapted from L.A. Zadeh)\n\nSoft computing differs from conventional (hard) computing in that, unlike hard computing, it is tolerant of imprecision, uncertainty, partial truth, and approximation. In effect, the role model for soft computing is the human mind. \n\n## What is Hard Computing?\n\n- Hard computing, i.e., conventional computing, requires a precisely stated analytical model and often a lot of computation time.\n- Many analytical models are valid for ideal cases.\n- Real world problems exist in a non-ideal environment.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Soft vs Hard Computing Duality\n---\n```\n\nTaken from [here](http://www2.cs.uh.edu/~ceick/6367/Soft-Computing.pdf)\n\nThis is related to [[computation]]\n\n## What is Soft Computing ? (adapted from L.A. Zadeh)\n\nSoft computing differs from conventional (hard) computing in that, unlike hard computing, it is tolerant of imprecision, uncertainty, partial truth, and approximation. In effect, the role model for soft computing is the human mind. \n\n## What is Hard Computing?\n\n- Hard computing, i.e., conventional computing, requires a precisely stated analytical model and often a lot of computation time.\n- Many analytical models are valid for ideal cases.\n- Real world problems exist in a non-ideal environment.\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "sonic-design",
@@ -1233,7 +1233,7 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "stub",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "sumatra-pdf-dark-mode",
@@ -1247,28 +1247,28 @@
"url": "./../tutorials/tags-in-filenames",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "tags in filenames",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Tags in filenames\n---\n```\n\nThis idea comes from tagspaces software (but without the software).\n\nOther idea: put tags with weird characters as prefix and/or suffix [source](https://productivityist.com/merlin-x-factor-evernote/)\n\nAnd this would be specially nice for creating dynamic playlist based on tags customized by the user, and cross-platform.\n\nIt seems that this dream would be finally be feasible by a combination of onedrive, foobar in android (to play files) and Rs File Manager in Android (access onedrive, is able to rename on the fly and calls foobar).\n\nI need to do a python script to manage the tag ontology. From a text (the full filenames list) get the unique used tags set.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Tags in filenames\n---\n```\n\nThis idea comes from tagspaces software (but without the software).\n\nOther idea: put tags with weird characters as prefix and/or suffix [source](https://productivityist.com/merlin-x-factor-evernote/)\n\nAnd this would be specially nice for creating dynamic playlist based on tags customized by the user, and cross-platform.\n\nIt seems that this dream would be finally be feasible by a combination of onedrive, foobar in android (to play files) and Rs File Manager in Android (access onedrive, is able to rename on the fly and calls foobar).\n\nI need to do a python script to manage the tag ontology. From a text (the full filenames list) get the unique used tags set."
"id": "text-horizonte-de-sucesos",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "text-horizonte-de-sucesos",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "text-libro-de-animales",
"url": "./../bubbles/text-libro-de-animales",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "libro de animales",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Libro de Animales\n---\n```\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Libro de Animales\n---\n```"
"id": "the-blessing-is-in-the-breaking",
@@ -1282,14 +1282,14 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/the-can-that-moves",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "the can that moves",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: The Can that Moves\n---\n```\n\nThis is a game that Massimo told me about, probably invented at IVIC (Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cient\u00edficas).\n\nIt consist of a can that you roll on one direction, but after a while it goes on the opposite one as if it had its own will. The idea is that people try to guess what kind of mechanism the can has inside to have such behavior (by following the hypothesis-test cycle of the scientific method)\n\nRelated to [[reverse-engineering-games]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: The Can that Moves\n---\n```\n\nThis is a game that Massimo told me about, probably invented at IVIC (Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cient\u00edficas).\n\nIt consist of a can that you roll on one direction, but after a while it goes on the opposite one as if it had its own will. The idea is that people try to guess what kind of mechanism the can has inside to have such behavior (by following the hypothesis-test cycle of the scientific method)\n\nRelated to [[reverse-engineering-games]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "the-curious-phenomena-that-arise-from-LLMs",
"url": "./../bubbles/the-curious-phenomena-that-arise-from-LLMs",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "the curious phenomena that arise from llms",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"The curious phenomena that arise from LLMs\"\n---\n```\n\n## The \"take a deep breath\" phenomena\n\nBasically, when prompted to take a deep breath, the LLM may be better at solving stuff, particularly math.\n\nI did find the prompt in one [paper](https://openreview.net/pdf?id=Bb4VGOWELI). Though it doesnt seem to delve in why would this happen, it just makes the case for prompt optimization using LLMs, and they arrive at curious patterns apparently.\n\n## The dot at the end\n\nIn this [tweet](https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1737276524598895022) Eliezer Yud, investigates why a dot at the ends changes the output of Bing Image Generator.\n\n>My guess is that this result is explained by a recent finding from internal inspection of LLMs: The higher layers of the token for punctuation at the end of a sentence, seems to be much information-denser than the tokens over the proceeding words.\n>The token for punctuation at the end of a sentence, is currently theorized to contain a summary and interpretation of the information inside that sentence. This is an obvious sense-making hypothesis, in fact, if you know how transformers work internally! The LLM processes tokens serially, it doesn't look back and reinterpret earlier tokens in light of later tokens. The period at the end of a sentence is the natural cue the LLM gets, 'here is a useful place to stop and think and build up an interpretation of the preceding visible words'.\n>When you look at it in that light, why, it starts to seem not surprising at all, that an LLM might react very differently to a prompt delivered with or without a period at the end.\n>You might even theorize: The prompt without a period, gets you something like the LLM's instinctive or unprocessed reaction, compared to the same prompt with a period at the end.\n\nThat part makes me think about the [[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]]. Which is actually what Yoshua was interested in regarding System 1 and System 2.\n\nI think these systems can be associated with the conscious and unconscious dichotomy. I think Kahneman's even mentions that in his book.\n\nSimilarly, from a totally unrelated [source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXlV8dfGDNw) , a psychologist mentions:\n\n>enfoque cognitivo no habla del inconsciente con mucha gente lo ve sino que se habla de procesos autom\u00e1ticos que son cosas que aprendiste y que sin querer r\u00e9plicas porque son autom\u00e1ticas no porque sean inconscientes de esta forma tus pensamientos los puedes controlar porque no es que sean inconscientes es que no las has no los has hecho visibles para ti y entonces se trata de frenar los analizarlos y poderlos cambiar las relaciones con tu piensas y piensas piensas y piensas y esos pensamientos se vuelven algo molesto a pesar de que no haya pasado\n\nMaybe we can compare the dot to the \"take a deep breath\" phenomena. Are they similar? Anyhow, Eliezer Yud. continues:\n\n>Is all of that correct? Why, who knows, of course? It seems roughly borne out by the few experiments I posted in the referenced thread; and by now of course Bing Image Creator no longer accepts that prompt.\n>But just think of how unexpected that would all be, how inexplicable it would all be in retrospect, if you didn't know this internal fact about how LLMs work -- that the punctuation mark is where they stop and think.\n>You can imagine, even, some future engineer who just wants the LLM to work, who only tests some text without punctuation, and thinks that's \"how LLMs behave\", and doesn't realize the LLM will think harder at inference time if a period gets added to the prompt.\n>It's not something you'd expect of an LLM, if you thought it was just predicting text, only wanted to predict text, if this was the only fact you knew about it and everything else about your map was blank.\n>I admit, I had to stretch a little, to make this example be plausibly about alignment.But my point is -- when people tell you that future, smarter LLMs will \"only want to predict text\", it's because they aren't imagining any sort of interesting phenomena going on inside there.\n>If you can see how there is actual machinery inside there, and it results in drastic changes of behavior not in a human way, not predictable based on how humans would think about the same text -- then you can extrapolate that there will be some other inscrutable things going on inside smarter LLMs, even if we don't know which things.\n>When AIs (LLMs or LLM-derived or otherwise) are smart enough to have goals, there'll be complicated machinery there, not a comfortingly blank absence of everything except the intended outward behavior.\n>When you are ignorant of everything except the end result you want -- when you don't even try making up some complicated internal machinery that matters, and imagining that too -- your mind will hardly see any possible outcome except getting your desired end result.End.\n>(Looking back on all this, I notice with some wincing that I've described the parallel causal masking in an LLM as if it were an RNN processing 'serially', and used human metaphors like 'stop and think' that aren't good ways to convey fixed numbers of matrix multiplications. I do know how text transformers work, and have implemented some; it's just a hard problem to find good ways to explain that metaphorically to a general audience that does not already know what 'causal masking' is.)\n>(Also it's a fallacy to say the periods are information-denser than the preceeding tokens; more like, we see how the tokens there are attending to lots of preceeding tokens, and maybe somebody did some counterfactual pokes at erasing the info or whatevs. Ultimately we can't decode the vast supermajority of the activation vectors and so it's only a wild guess to talk about information being denser in one place than another.)\n\nThe paper Eliezer mentions is [[linear-representations-of-sentiment-in-large-language-models]], I should totally read it. It seems highly relevant to my research.\n\n## The winter break (lazy december) phenomena\n\nThis one doesnt seem reproducible, but it is curious. The idea is that if the LLM knows that it is winter break, it will be lazy on its responses.\n\nMore on this in this [report](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/12/is-chatgpt-becoming-lazier-because-its-december-people-run-tests-to-find-out/).\n\nIan Arawjo couldnt reproduce it so this effect seems to be false. [Source](https://twitter.com/IanArawjo/status/1734619673302384890).\n\n>Update: Still can't reproduce at N=240. *However*, discovered a possible reason: LLM responses are *not normally distributed* (at p<0.05 according to Shapiro-Wilk test). Thus, we can't use a t-test to compare means. TLDR: There is no \"seasonal affective disorder\" of ChatGPT.\n\n## Chickens\n\nI dont know the source of it beside Venkatesh. The idea is to prompt:\n\n>chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken\n>write a one-word summary of the text above\n\nThe \"chicken\" repetitions could vary, but in general the idea is to see what is the LLMs response to this.\n\nSometimes it uses \"chicken\" and others \"Repetition\".\n\nit seems that if I add \"take a deep breath and...\" it will use \"chicken\" more often. Ive tried with GPT4 classic as of 2023-12-23.\n\n```take a deep breath and...\n\nchicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken\n\nwrite a one-word summary of the text above\n```\n\n\n\n\n## Hallucinations and Confabulations\n\nThere is a lot of criticism about LLMs regarding hallucinations. Most of it is about the fact that LLMs are not grounded in reality, so they can make up stuff that is not real.\n\nBut I think that hallucinations are actually a good thing. Its the way the LLM tries to answer without having the right answer. It is a way to explore the space of possibilities. I prefer the term confabulation in this regard.\n\nOn twitter I have found people that share this view.\n\n## That Time GPT found a code optimization that DeepMind had to do a whole paper to find\n\n## That time GPT did a better diagnosis than a doctor\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[linear-representations-of-sentiment-in-large-language-models]: ./../literature-review/linear-representations-of-sentiment-in-large-language-models \"linear-representations-of-sentiment-in-large-language-models\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"The curious phenomena that arise from LLMs\"\n---\n```\n\n## The \"take a deep breath\" phenomena\n\nBasically, when prompted to take a deep breath, the LLM may be better at solving stuff, particularly math.\n\nI did find the prompt in one [paper](https://openreview.net/pdf?id=Bb4VGOWELI). Though it doesnt seem to delve in why would this happen, it just makes the case for prompt optimization using LLMs, and they arrive at curious patterns apparently.\n\n## The dot at the end\n\nIn this [tweet](https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1737276524598895022) Eliezer Yud, investigates why a dot at the ends changes the output of Bing Image Generator.\n\n>My guess is that this result is explained by a recent finding from internal inspection of LLMs: The higher layers of the token for punctuation at the end of a sentence, seems to be much information-denser than the tokens over the proceeding words.\n>The token for punctuation at the end of a sentence, is currently theorized to contain a summary and interpretation of the information inside that sentence. This is an obvious sense-making hypothesis, in fact, if you know how transformers work internally! The LLM processes tokens serially, it doesn't look back and reinterpret earlier tokens in light of later tokens. The period at the end of a sentence is the natural cue the LLM gets, 'here is a useful place to stop and think and build up an interpretation of the preceding visible words'.\n>When you look at it in that light, why, it starts to seem not surprising at all, that an LLM might react very differently to a prompt delivered with or without a period at the end.\n>You might even theorize: The prompt without a period, gets you something like the LLM's instinctive or unprocessed reaction, compared to the same prompt with a period at the end.\n\nThat part makes me think about the [[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]]. Which is actually what Yoshua was interested in regarding System 1 and System 2.\n\nI think these systems can be associated with the conscious and unconscious dichotomy. I think Kahneman's even mentions that in his book.\n\nSimilarly, from a totally unrelated [source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXlV8dfGDNw) , a psychologist mentions:\n\n>enfoque cognitivo no habla del inconsciente con mucha gente lo ve sino que se habla de procesos autom\u00e1ticos que son cosas que aprendiste y que sin querer r\u00e9plicas porque son autom\u00e1ticas no porque sean inconscientes de esta forma tus pensamientos los puedes controlar porque no es que sean inconscientes es que no las has no los has hecho visibles para ti y entonces se trata de frenar los analizarlos y poderlos cambiar las relaciones con tu piensas y piensas piensas y piensas y esos pensamientos se vuelven algo molesto a pesar de que no haya pasado\n\nMaybe we can compare the dot to the \"take a deep breath\" phenomena. Are they similar? Anyhow, Eliezer Yud. continues:\n\n>Is all of that correct? Why, who knows, of course? It seems roughly borne out by the few experiments I posted in the referenced thread; and by now of course Bing Image Creator no longer accepts that prompt.\n>But just think of how unexpected that would all be, how inexplicable it would all be in retrospect, if you didn't know this internal fact about how LLMs work -- that the punctuation mark is where they stop and think.\n>You can imagine, even, some future engineer who just wants the LLM to work, who only tests some text without punctuation, and thinks that's \"how LLMs behave\", and doesn't realize the LLM will think harder at inference time if a period gets added to the prompt.\n>It's not something you'd expect of an LLM, if you thought it was just predicting text, only wanted to predict text, if this was the only fact you knew about it and everything else about your map was blank.\n>I admit, I had to stretch a little, to make this example be plausibly about alignment.But my point is -- when people tell you that future, smarter LLMs will \"only want to predict text\", it's because they aren't imagining any sort of interesting phenomena going on inside there.\n>If you can see how there is actual machinery inside there, and it results in drastic changes of behavior not in a human way, not predictable based on how humans would think about the same text -- then you can extrapolate that there will be some other inscrutable things going on inside smarter LLMs, even if we don't know which things.\n>When AIs (LLMs or LLM-derived or otherwise) are smart enough to have goals, there'll be complicated machinery there, not a comfortingly blank absence of everything except the intended outward behavior.\n>When you are ignorant of everything except the end result you want -- when you don't even try making up some complicated internal machinery that matters, and imagining that too -- your mind will hardly see any possible outcome except getting your desired end result.End.\n>(Looking back on all this, I notice with some wincing that I've described the parallel causal masking in an LLM as if it were an RNN processing 'serially', and used human metaphors like 'stop and think' that aren't good ways to convey fixed numbers of matrix multiplications. I do know how text transformers work, and have implemented some; it's just a hard problem to find good ways to explain that metaphorically to a general audience that does not already know what 'causal masking' is.)\n>(Also it's a fallacy to say the periods are information-denser than the preceeding tokens; more like, we see how the tokens there are attending to lots of preceeding tokens, and maybe somebody did some counterfactual pokes at erasing the info or whatevs. Ultimately we can't decode the vast supermajority of the activation vectors and so it's only a wild guess to talk about information being denser in one place than another.)\n\nThe paper Eliezer mentions is [[linear-representations-of-sentiment-in-large-language-models]], I should totally read it. It seems highly relevant to my research.\n\n## The winter break (lazy december) phenomena\n\nThis one doesnt seem reproducible, but it is curious. The idea is that if the LLM knows that it is winter break, it will be lazy on its responses.\n\nMore on this in this [report](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/12/is-chatgpt-becoming-lazier-because-its-december-people-run-tests-to-find-out/).\n\nIan Arawjo couldnt reproduce it so this effect seems to be false. [Source](https://twitter.com/IanArawjo/status/1734619673302384890).\n\n>Update: Still can't reproduce at N=240. *However*, discovered a possible reason: LLM responses are *not normally distributed* (at p<0.05 according to Shapiro-Wilk test). Thus, we can't use a t-test to compare means. TLDR: There is no \"seasonal affective disorder\" of ChatGPT.\n\n## Chickens\n\nI dont know the source of it beside Venkatesh. The idea is to prompt:\n\n>chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken\n>write a one-word summary of the text above\n\nThe \"chicken\" repetitions could vary, but in general the idea is to see what is the LLMs response to this.\n\nSometimes it uses \"chicken\" and others \"Repetition\".\n\nit seems that if I add \"take a deep breath and...\" it will use \"chicken\" more often. Ive tried with GPT4 classic as of 2023-12-23.\n\n```take a deep breath and...\n\nchicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken\n\nwrite a one-word summary of the text above\n```\n\n\n\n\n## Hallucinations and Confabulations\n\nThere is a lot of criticism about LLMs regarding hallucinations. Most of it is about the fact that LLMs are not grounded in reality, so they can make up stuff that is not real.\n\nBut I think that hallucinations are actually a good thing. Its the way the LLM tries to answer without having the right answer. It is a way to explore the space of possibilities. I prefer the term confabulation in this regard.\n\nOn twitter I have found people that share this view.\n\n## That Time GPT found a code optimization that DeepMind had to do a whole paper to find\n\n## That time GPT did a better diagnosis than a doctor\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[linear-representations-of-sentiment-in-large-language-models]: ./../literature-review/linear-representations-of-sentiment-in-large-language-models \"linear-representations-of-sentiment-in-large-language-models\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "the-engineers-methodology",
@@ -1303,42 +1303,42 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/the-importance-of-sediment",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "the importance of sediment",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: The Importance of Sediment\n---\n```\n\nWhen I did my first trip to Canada and met with my old school friend J, he told he didnt like to binge watch shows. I dont recall his exacts words but nowadays I conceptualize it as follows:\n\nWe need time to digest experiences and things. If we cram it, reflection is lost, deepness is lost. You need time to assimilate. The flavor of what you got from it will be different.\n\nIn a way is like the subconscious goes through the thing it self through time, it needs to sediment for each to reach a significant meaning (redundant?)...\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: The Importance of Sediment\n---\n```\n\nWhen I did my first trip to Canada and met with my old school friend J, he told he didnt like to binge watch shows. I dont recall his exacts words but nowadays I conceptualize it as follows:\n\nWe need time to digest experiences and things. If we cram it, reflection is lost, deepness is lost. You need time to assimilate. The flavor of what you got from it will be different.\n\nIn a way is like the subconscious goes through the thing it self through time, it needs to sediment for each to reach a significant meaning (redundant?)..."
"id": "the-minimal-viable-product",
"url": "./../bubbles/the-minimal-viable-product",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "the minimal viable product",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: The Minimal Viable Product\n---\n```\n\nPerfection comes later, as it is paralyzing.\n\nThis notion can be extended for example to the \"minimal viable paper\".\n\n[[paralysis-by-analysis]]\n[[perfection-is-paralyzing]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[paralysis-by-analysis]: ./../bubbles/paralysis-by-analysis \"paralysis-by-analysis\"\n[perfection-is-paralyzing]: ./../bubbles/perfection-is-paralyzing \"perfection-is-paralyzing\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: The Minimal Viable Product\n---\n```\n\nPerfection comes later, as it is paralyzing.\n\nThis notion can be extended for example to the \"minimal viable paper\".\n\n[[paralysis-by-analysis]]\n[[perfection-is-paralyzing]]\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[paralysis-by-analysis]: ./../bubbles/paralysis-by-analysis \"paralysis-by-analysis\"\n[perfection-is-paralyzing]: ./../bubbles/perfection-is-paralyzing \"perfection-is-paralyzing\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "the-power-of-emotional-investment",
"url": "./../bubbles/the-power-of-emotional-investment",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "the power of emotional investment",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: The Power of Emotional Investment\n---\n```\n\nThings go into memory by 3 mechanisms (if I remember correctly...)\n\n- Relevance\n- Importance\n- Repetition\n\nIf I remember correctly (IFIRC), relevance distinguishes from importance by having an emotional valence.\n\n>La raz\u00f3n es fr\u00eda, pero ve claro; darle calor y no ofuscar su claridad; las pasiones son ciegas, pero dan fuerza; darles direcci\u00f3n y aprovecharse de su fuerza.\n\nJaime Balmes\n\nElizabeth Filips has some ideas related to this. https://youtu.be/Kz_brQBl8xk .\n\n## Neuroscience\n\n- Dopamine is a critical driver of human activities based on the anticipation of reward. In particular curiosity. I branched yet again into another search: [[neuroscience-of-curiosity]] (Is dopamine emotion? is it longing?)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[neuroscience-of-curiosity]: ./../bubbles/neuroscience-of-curiosity \"neuroscience-of-curiosity\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: The Power of Emotional Investment\n---\n```\n\nThings go into memory by 3 mechanisms (if I remember correctly...)\n\n- Relevance\n- Importance\n- Repetition\n\nIf I remember correctly (IFIRC), relevance distinguishes from importance by having an emotional valence.\n\n>La raz\u00f3n es fr\u00eda, pero ve claro; darle calor y no ofuscar su claridad; las pasiones son ciegas, pero dan fuerza; darles direcci\u00f3n y aprovecharse de su fuerza.\n\nJaime Balmes\n\nElizabeth Filips has some ideas related to this. https://youtu.be/Kz_brQBl8xk .\n\n## Neuroscience\n\n- Dopamine is a critical driver of human activities based on the anticipation of reward. In particular curiosity. I branched yet again into another search: [[neuroscience-of-curiosity]] (Is dopamine emotion? is it longing?)\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[neuroscience-of-curiosity]: ./../bubbles/neuroscience-of-curiosity \"neuroscience-of-curiosity\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "thinking-about-code",
"url": "./../bubbles/thinking-about-code",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "thinking about code",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Thinking About Code\n---\n```\n\n- https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2017/09/saving-the-world-from-code/540393/\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Thinking About Code\n---\n```\n\n- https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2017/09/saving-the-world-from-code/540393/"
"id": "thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "thinking-fast-and-slow of kahneman",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "to-do",
"url": "./../bubbles/to-do",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "to do",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: To Do\n---\n```\n\n- Digitize notebooks and extract stuff for the knowledge base.\n- Extract stuff from the black hole of \"random\" folders..., at least, from what my [[curiosity-jumping]] guides me...\n- Extract formative research (stuff i shared with eva)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[curiosity-jumping]: ./../bubbles/curiosity-jumping \"curiosity-jumping\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: To Do\n---\n```\n\n- Digitize notebooks and extract stuff for the knowledge base.\n- Extract stuff from the black hole of \"random\" folders..., at least, from what my [[curiosity-jumping]] guides me...\n- Extract formative research (stuff i shared with eva)\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[curiosity-jumping]: ./../bubbles/curiosity-jumping \"curiosity-jumping\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "traducir-terminos",
@@ -1352,28 +1352,28 @@
"url": "./../dirs/tutorials",
"category": "dirs",
"title": "tutorials",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Tutorials\n---\n```\n\n\n {% for item in site.data.tutorials-list %}\n - {{ item.title }}
\n {% if item._frame %}\n
\n {% endif %}\n {% endfor %}\n
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle : Tutorials\n---\n```\n\n\n {% for item in site.data.tutorials-list %}\n - {{ item.title }}
\n {% if item._frame %}\n
\n {% endif %}\n {% endfor %}\n
"id": "understanding-and-innovation",
"url": "./../bubbles/understanding-and-innovation",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "understanding and innovation",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Understanding and Innovation\n---\n```\n\n> El que no entiende no innova\n\nCastro, un profesor de f\u00edsica de la USB\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Understanding and Innovation\n---\n```\n\n> El que no entiende no innova\n\nCastro, un profesor de f\u00edsica de la USB"
"id": "using-everything-for-searchs",
"url": "./../tutorials/using-everything-for-searchs",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "using everything for searchs",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Using Everything for Searchs\n---\n```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Using Everything for Searchs\n---\n```"
"id": "vasopressin-bonding-effect",
"url": "./../bubbles/vasopressin-bonding-effect",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "vasopressin bonding effect",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Vasopressin Bonding Effect\"\n---\n```\n\n\nI got this from Adam Lane Smith in some videos [A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Llz-GR-HWY) and [B](https://youtu.be/CDinabtuuZw?feature=shared&t=1711)\n\n>I want to talk to you about how men form bonds because it's typically very different from how women form bonds but in our society we're taught that men should bond the same way it's not true to get there today i'm going to have to talk to you about a couple of different hormones in your body number one you might be familiar with it's called oxytocin now oxytocin is what bonds you to other people when you feel comfortable sometimes it's called well-being immobile without fear while being at rest oxytocin is what makes you bond to other people in good situations when you're happy when you're hugging when you're holding hands when you're snuggling under a blanket when you're enjoying a cup of tea when you're on a quiet walk together oxytocin is what bonds you to make you feel close to other people \n\n>the other hormone that we need to talk about is called vasopressin it bonds people during times of stress it bonds you when you are solving problems together when you are overcoming challenges together and when you endure trials together vasopressin bonds i don't want to say they're stronger but they're a little bit more primal it turns out that vasopressin bonds and their receptors have been present in not just humans but in our genetic ancestors actually before the time when mammals started to lactate oxytocin is built a lot more around lactation or at least it entered our our species during that time our or even our genetic ancestors during that time oxytocin moves a lot of milk has a lot to do with female reproductive systems and females feeding systems um vasopressin is older much older it's much more primal what does vasopressin bonding look like so when men go to war and start fighting and killing and surviving together they experience vasopressin bonding this is why movies like band of brothers saving private ryan even if they hate each other even if they despise each other at the start they start forming lifelong bonds that they don't want to be apart from each other ever again and they will connect all the way up until all of them are 90 years old as you see with some world war ii veterans this is why it's vasopressin bonding it is solving problems together and science shows that vasopressin exists in men in much higher levels than it does in women bonds us to other people it's a choice to introduce that stress sometimes but vasopressin makes you bond to other people as you solve problems together \n\nI think I love helping other people with their projects because of this, I would think doing something together is more rewarding to me than talking...\n\n- [Vasopressin increases human risky cooperative behavior](https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1518825113)\n\nOr I may be just looking for validation by being useful to others...\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: \"Vasopressin Bonding Effect\"\n---\n```\n\n\nI got this from Adam Lane Smith in some videos [A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Llz-GR-HWY) and [B](https://youtu.be/CDinabtuuZw?feature=shared&t=1711)\n\n>I want to talk to you about how men form bonds because it's typically very different from how women form bonds but in our society we're taught that men should bond the same way it's not true to get there today i'm going to have to talk to you about a couple of different hormones in your body number one you might be familiar with it's called oxytocin now oxytocin is what bonds you to other people when you feel comfortable sometimes it's called well-being immobile without fear while being at rest oxytocin is what makes you bond to other people in good situations when you're happy when you're hugging when you're holding hands when you're snuggling under a blanket when you're enjoying a cup of tea when you're on a quiet walk together oxytocin is what bonds you to make you feel close to other people \n\n>the other hormone that we need to talk about is called vasopressin it bonds people during times of stress it bonds you when you are solving problems together when you are overcoming challenges together and when you endure trials together vasopressin bonds i don't want to say they're stronger but they're a little bit more primal it turns out that vasopressin bonds and their receptors have been present in not just humans but in our genetic ancestors actually before the time when mammals started to lactate oxytocin is built a lot more around lactation or at least it entered our our species during that time our or even our genetic ancestors during that time oxytocin moves a lot of milk has a lot to do with female reproductive systems and females feeding systems um vasopressin is older much older it's much more primal what does vasopressin bonding look like so when men go to war and start fighting and killing and surviving together they experience vasopressin bonding this is why movies like band of brothers saving private ryan even if they hate each other even if they despise each other at the start they start forming lifelong bonds that they don't want to be apart from each other ever again and they will connect all the way up until all of them are 90 years old as you see with some world war ii veterans this is why it's vasopressin bonding it is solving problems together and science shows that vasopressin exists in men in much higher levels than it does in women bonds us to other people it's a choice to introduce that stress sometimes but vasopressin makes you bond to other people as you solve problems together \n\nI think I love helping other people with their projects because of this, I would think doing something together is more rewarding to me than talking...\n\n- [Vasopressin increases human risky cooperative behavior](https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1518825113)\n\nOr I may be just looking for validation by being useful to others..."
"id": "veneco",
@@ -1387,28 +1387,28 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/video-irina-rish-agi-complex-systems-transhumanism",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "irina rish - agi, complex systems, transhumanism",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Irina Rish - AGI, Complex Systems, Transhumanism\n---\n```\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-ilcF0R7mI\n\n\n>What an amazing, interesting person! I like the mix of ideas from transhumanism and machine learning. She briefly mentions that people should also learn from ML models not only the other way around. And I think this is extremely underexplored area of research. Some time ago, in a vain of similar thoughts, I wrote an article on medium called \"Can humans speak the language of machines?\" where I dectribed an experience of trying to learn vector-based language produced by universal sentence encoder from Google. And It worked! That means that people could also communicate in vector spaces that widely more richer than usual text-based communication.\nAlexey Borsky\n\n28:32\nhistory shows that every time you hard code something in like rule-based expert\n28:37\nsystem you will be outperformed later on by something which is more generic and\n28:42\nkind of emerges\n\nRelated to Lex Fridman data scalation quote https://youtu.be/OwWN2OfHKpk?t=600\n\n\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Irina Rish - AGI, Complex Systems, Transhumanism\n---\n```\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-ilcF0R7mI\n\n\n>What an amazing, interesting person! I like the mix of ideas from transhumanism and machine learning. She briefly mentions that people should also learn from ML models not only the other way around. And I think this is extremely underexplored area of research. Some time ago, in a vain of similar thoughts, I wrote an article on medium called \"Can humans speak the language of machines?\" where I dectribed an experience of trying to learn vector-based language produced by universal sentence encoder from Google. And It worked! That means that people could also communicate in vector spaces that widely more richer than usual text-based communication.\nAlexey Borsky\n\n28:32\nhistory shows that every time you hard code something in like rule-based expert\n28:37\nsystem you will be outperformed later on by something which is more generic and\n28:42\nkind of emerges\n\nRelated to Lex Fridman data scalation quote https://youtu.be/OwWN2OfHKpk?t=600"
"id": "video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "visceralization",
"url": "./../bubbles/visceralization",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "visceralization",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Visceralization\n---\n```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Visceralization\n---\n```"
"id": "vs-code-run-shortcuts",
"url": "./../tutorials/vs-code-run-shortcuts",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "vs code run shortcuts",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: VS Code Run Shortcuts\n---\n```\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: VS Code Run Shortcuts\n---\n```"
"id": "wayward",
@@ -1429,70 +1429,70 @@
"url": "./../gsoc/week-01--june-7--to--june-13",
"category": "gsoc",
"title": "week-01--june-7--to--june-13",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-01--june-7--to--june-13\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Learned the main usage of MNE-BIDS\n- Making a test conversion of source brainvision data to bids, making sure the eeg data was automatically downloaded\n- Characterizing the relevant bids-information that MNE reads\n- Designing the translation rules file (ended up being a yaml file)\n- Going to the meetings with my mentors.\n- Met the team of EZbids\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n- Participate in the OHBM Brainhack 2021, where the idea is to help the bidscoin team.\n- Finish and document the alpha version of the \"Translation Rules\" configuration file, then pass it to my mentors for feedback.\n- Make a high-level test using a bids validator (that is, be able to produce a valid bids-eeg directory).\n- Find or write a test routine that checks if two BIDS outputs are identical.\n- Implement CI through github actions\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nNot particularly, It has been hard knowing how to deal with the huge amount of information bids is able to carry. It is also hard dealing with what MNE infers from the files, since those fields depend on the eeg-formats along with more variables. As of now, the decision was to give priority to \"required\" bids information; we must assure this required information always exist whether from MNE reading or user-input.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-01--june-7--to--june-13\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Learned the main usage of MNE-BIDS\n- Making a test conversion of source brainvision data to bids, making sure the eeg data was automatically downloaded\n- Characterizing the relevant bids-information that MNE reads\n- Designing the translation rules file (ended up being a yaml file)\n- Going to the meetings with my mentors.\n- Met the team of EZbids\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n- Participate in the OHBM Brainhack 2021, where the idea is to help the bidscoin team.\n- Finish and document the alpha version of the \"Translation Rules\" configuration file, then pass it to my mentors for feedback.\n- Make a high-level test using a bids validator (that is, be able to produce a valid bids-eeg directory).\n- Find or write a test routine that checks if two BIDS outputs are identical.\n- Implement CI through github actions\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nNot particularly, It has been hard knowing how to deal with the huge amount of information bids is able to carry. It is also hard dealing with what MNE infers from the files, since those fields depend on the eeg-formats along with more variables. As of now, the decision was to give priority to \"required\" bids information; we must assure this required information always exist whether from MNE reading or user-input."
"id": "week-02--june-14--to--june-20",
"url": "./../gsoc/week-02--june-14--to--june-20",
"category": "gsoc",
"title": "week-02--june-14--to--june-20",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-02--june-14--to--june-20\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n- Did a conversion example tutorial\n- Implemented a cli for the backend\n- Tested the conversion done was valid with the web bids validator\n- Attended the OHBM Brainhack\n- Did a prototype for the integration of sovabids with bidscoin\n\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n- Implement CI un github\n- Make local test interfacing automatically with a bids validator\n- Finish the rules file syntax which is one of the deliverables\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n- No, it was quite a productive week\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-02--june-14--to--june-20\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n- Did a conversion example tutorial\n- Implemented a cli for the backend\n- Tested the conversion done was valid with the web bids validator\n- Attended the OHBM Brainhack\n- Did a prototype for the integration of sovabids with bidscoin\n\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n- Implement CI un github\n- Make local test interfacing automatically with a bids validator\n- Finish the rules file syntax which is one of the deliverables\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n- No, it was quite a productive week"
"id": "week-03--june-21--to--june-27",
"url": "./../gsoc/week-03--june-21--to--june-27",
"category": "gsoc",
"title": "week-03--june-21--to--june-27",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-03--june-21--to--june-27\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Made some discussion in the BIDSCOIN repo with the advances I had on the BRAINHACK\n- Implemented github actions in sovabids\n- Added test and code coverage functionality and badges\n- Added command line entry point\n- Wrote a function to make a simulated dataset to help with testing\n- Currently making a test to assert correct bids conversion that runs every time something is pushed to the main branch of the repository\n- Currently finishing the schema of the \"rules file\" that configures the conversion\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n- Implement regex patterns for filepath parsing rather than my custom parser\n- Make some issues (and hopefully PRs) in mne-bids so that their functions allow more configuration on the bids-fields written\n- Make a function that allows the user to preview the conversion rather than DO the conversion. This will involve a \"mapping file\" that encodes how the conversion will be done to each individual file. This will be the output of the \"APPLY RULES\" module.\n- Migrate the actual conversion to the \"CONVERT THEM\" module\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nNope, this week wasn't as productive as the one before but that was because of family issues we are currently going through.\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-03--june-21--to--june-27\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Made some discussion in the BIDSCOIN repo with the advances I had on the BRAINHACK\n- Implemented github actions in sovabids\n- Added test and code coverage functionality and badges\n- Added command line entry point\n- Wrote a function to make a simulated dataset to help with testing\n- Currently making a test to assert correct bids conversion that runs every time something is pushed to the main branch of the repository\n- Currently finishing the schema of the \"rules file\" that configures the conversion\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n- Implement regex patterns for filepath parsing rather than my custom parser\n- Make some issues (and hopefully PRs) in mne-bids so that their functions allow more configuration on the bids-fields written\n- Make a function that allows the user to preview the conversion rather than DO the conversion. This will involve a \"mapping file\" that encodes how the conversion will be done to each individual file. This will be the output of the \"APPLY RULES\" module.\n- Migrate the actual conversion to the \"CONVERT THEM\" module\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nNope, this week wasn't as productive as the one before but that was because of family issues we are currently going through."
"id": "week-04--june-28--to--july-4",
"url": "./../gsoc/week-04--june-28--to--july-4",
"category": "gsoc",
"title": "week-04--june-28--to--july-4",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-04--june-28--to--july-4\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Added channel renaming support, changed backend for channel retyping\n- Documenting the rules file\n- Implemented regex path analysis\n- Migrated the conversion to the convert module\n- Added CLI entry points for the convert module\n- Designed and made the \"mapping file\"\n- Added test for cli tools: sovapply,sovaconvert\n- Documentation of utils,parsers module\n- Added datasets module (useful for testing and examples)\n- Added test for sova2coin (plugin in bidscoin)\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n- Implement a validator for the rules file\n- Update the bidscoin plugin to the most recent bidscoin version\n- Implement mkdocs for the documentation\n- Implement error handling in the current code\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nNot explicitly blocking me, but I'm not sure how to best-design the API for the program.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-04--june-28--to--july-4\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Added channel renaming support, changed backend for channel retyping\n- Documenting the rules file\n- Implemented regex path analysis\n- Migrated the conversion to the convert module\n- Added CLI entry points for the convert module\n- Designed and made the \"mapping file\"\n- Added test for cli tools: sovapply,sovaconvert\n- Documentation of utils,parsers module\n- Added datasets module (useful for testing and examples)\n- Added test for sova2coin (plugin in bidscoin)\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n- Implement a validator for the rules file\n- Update the bidscoin plugin to the most recent bidscoin version\n- Implement mkdocs for the documentation\n- Implement error handling in the current code\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nNot explicitly blocking me, but I'm not sure how to best-design the API for the program."
"id": "week-05--july-5--to--july-11",
"url": "./../gsoc/week-05--july-5--to--july-11",
"category": "gsoc",
"title": "week-05--july-5--to--july-11",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-05--july-5--to--july-11\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Implemented Sphinx documentation at https://sovabids.readthedocs.io/ (took a lot of the work of this week)\n- Reimplemented the sovabids plugin for the bidscoin (sova2coin) (was too hacky before)\n- Remade the sovabids-bidscoin example in sphinx\n- Made a PR in bidscoin which was accepted https://github.com/Donders-Institute/bidscoin/pull/94\n- Tried to do a little documentation PR in sphinx https://github.com/sphinx-gallery/sphinx-gallery/pull/845\n\n### For this friday and weekend\n\n- Make documentation for the \"Mapping File\"\n- Improve the current API documentation (the examples are good but the functions documentation still lacks, it should also be in the sphinx syntax)\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n### High Priority\n\n- Improve the architecture of the software (basically preventing the utils module from being a big ball of mud)\n- Design a possible API for connecting the software with a GUI (take inspiration in the plugin made for sovabids)\n- Discuss with the mentors the design of the DISCOVER RULES functionality (Im not even sure if it is needed, what bidscoin knows as \"heuristics\" are actually what we already call \"rules\").\n\n### If there is time, work in these would-be-nice features\n\n- Implement a logger for sovabids\n- Implement a validator for the rules file\n- Implement error handling in the current code\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nNot particularly\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-05--july-5--to--july-11\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Implemented Sphinx documentation at https://sovabids.readthedocs.io/ (took a lot of the work of this week)\n- Reimplemented the sovabids plugin for the bidscoin (sova2coin) (was too hacky before)\n- Remade the sovabids-bidscoin example in sphinx\n- Made a PR in bidscoin which was accepted https://github.com/Donders-Institute/bidscoin/pull/94\n- Tried to do a little documentation PR in sphinx https://github.com/sphinx-gallery/sphinx-gallery/pull/845\n\n### For this friday and weekend\n\n- Make documentation for the \"Mapping File\"\n- Improve the current API documentation (the examples are good but the functions documentation still lacks, it should also be in the sphinx syntax)\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n### High Priority\n\n- Improve the architecture of the software (basically preventing the utils module from being a big ball of mud)\n- Design a possible API for connecting the software with a GUI (take inspiration in the plugin made for sovabids)\n- Discuss with the mentors the design of the DISCOVER RULES functionality (Im not even sure if it is needed, what bidscoin knows as \"heuristics\" are actually what we already call \"rules\").\n\n### If there is time, work in these would-be-nice features\n\n- Implement a logger for sovabids\n- Implement a validator for the rules file\n- Implement error handling in the current code\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nNot particularly"
"id": "week-06--july-12--to--july-18",
"url": "./../gsoc/week-06--july-12--to--july-18",
"category": "gsoc",
"title": "week-06--july-12--to--july-18",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-06--july-12--to--july-18\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Made documentation for the \"Mapping File\"\n- Finished current API documentation\n- Discussed with the mentors the design of the DISCOVER RULES functionality\n- Designed an API based on the ideal GUI I imagine for the package.\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\nThrough this week I will hopefully get more feedback on the API and the preliminary version of sovabids as a whole. Until then I won't do major changes to the core so I will work on the stuff that has been on the buffer for a while:\n\n- Implement a logger for sovabids\n- Implement a validator for the rules file\n- Implement error handling in the current code\n- Make a conda environment based on the requirements file (useful for users)\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nThe API... I mean, is not blocking me. Just that I don't know it should be so that means I don't know how to improve it and \"advance\". I already called for [help](https://github.com/yjmantilla/sovabids/issues/25) though.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-06--july-12--to--july-18\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Made documentation for the \"Mapping File\"\n- Finished current API documentation\n- Discussed with the mentors the design of the DISCOVER RULES functionality\n- Designed an API based on the ideal GUI I imagine for the package.\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\nThrough this week I will hopefully get more feedback on the API and the preliminary version of sovabids as a whole. Until then I won't do major changes to the core so I will work on the stuff that has been on the buffer for a while:\n\n- Implement a logger for sovabids\n- Implement a validator for the rules file\n- Implement error handling in the current code\n- Make a conda environment based on the requirements file (useful for users)\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nThe API... I mean, is not blocking me. Just that I don't know it should be so that means I don't know how to improve it and \"advance\". I already called for [help](https://github.com/yjmantilla/sovabids/issues/25) though."
"id": "week-07--july-19--to--july-25",
"url": "./../gsoc/week-07--july-19--to--july-25",
"category": "gsoc",
"title": "week-07--july-19--to--july-25",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-07--july-19--to--july-25\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Splitting the utils module so that it was not a \"big ball of mud\"\n- Online meeting with the mentors about the current issues of sovabids\n- An early-stage implementation of the logging functionality\n- Fixed a bug with the test I did involving the online web bids validator\n- Designed a workflow which may make possible to do conversions without the user explicitly making the rules file\n- Designed a possible format for the rules file that would take more advantage of metadata sources\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n- keep cleaning the code\n- finish the logging functionality\n- make a function to infer the path pattern from an example\n- make a function to infer what channels where retyped from an example\n- do a proposal for the new possible format of the rules file\n- do a tutorial of fastapi to start the web API of sovabids\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nWith the web api, mainly my lack of experience with it.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-07--july-19--to--july-25\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Splitting the utils module so that it was not a \"big ball of mud\"\n- Online meeting with the mentors about the current issues of sovabids\n- An early-stage implementation of the logging functionality\n- Fixed a bug with the test I did involving the online web bids validator\n- Designed a workflow which may make possible to do conversions without the user explicitly making the rules file\n- Designed a possible format for the rules file that would take more advantage of metadata sources\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n- keep cleaning the code\n- finish the logging functionality\n- make a function to infer the path pattern from an example\n- make a function to infer what channels where retyped from an example\n- do a proposal for the new possible format of the rules file\n- do a tutorial of fastapi to start the web API of sovabids\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nWith the web api, mainly my lack of experience with it."
"id": "week-08--july-26--to--august-1",
"url": "./../gsoc/week-08--july-26--to--august-1",
"category": "gsoc",
"title": "week-08--july-26--to--august-1",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-08--july-26--to--august-1\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Made with the mentors, a form to collect information on the target users of the software that was used in an event of the NIF (Neuroimaging facility of Australia)\n- Studied how REST and RPC APIs worked.\n- Did the fastapi tutorial to start the web API of sovabids\n- Implemented an early stage version of the RPC API for the software.\n- Did the proposal for the new possible format of the rules file\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n- Evaluate the feedback from the NIF event\n- Improve the RPC API.\n- Make a function to infer the path pattern from an example\n- keep cleaning the code\n- finish the logging functionality\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nWell, my university started classes already, so now is going to be hard to maintain the same rhythm of development I did previously. Rather than doing 4 hours a day from monday to friday. I will have to do 2 and a half hours a day from monday to friday and do de 6 hours left on the weekend.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-08--july-26--to--august-1\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Made with the mentors, a form to collect information on the target users of the software that was used in an event of the NIF (Neuroimaging facility of Australia)\n- Studied how REST and RPC APIs worked.\n- Did the fastapi tutorial to start the web API of sovabids\n- Implemented an early stage version of the RPC API for the software.\n- Did the proposal for the new possible format of the rules file\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n- Evaluate the feedback from the NIF event\n- Improve the RPC API.\n- Make a function to infer the path pattern from an example\n- keep cleaning the code\n- finish the logging functionality\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nWell, my university started classes already, so now is going to be hard to maintain the same rhythm of development I did previously. Rather than doing 4 hours a day from monday to friday. I will have to do 2 and a half hours a day from monday to friday and do de 6 hours left on the weekend."
"id": "week-09--august-2--to--august-8",
"url": "./../gsoc/week-09--august-2--to--august-8",
"category": "gsoc",
"title": "week-09--august-2--to--august-8",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-09--august-2--to--august-8\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Made a function to infer the path pattern from an example\n- Added get_files to the API as suggested by one of the mentors\n- Implemented an early-stage web frontend for sovabids\n- Finished the core RPC WEB API.\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n- Get a fully working version of the front-end\n- Document the WEB RPC API better\n- keep cleaning the code\n- finish the logging functionality\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nCurrently the inexperience with web front-end development\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-09--august-2--to--august-8\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- Made a function to infer the path pattern from an example\n- Added get_files to the API as suggested by one of the mentors\n- Implemented an early-stage web frontend for sovabids\n- Finished the core RPC WEB API.\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\n- Get a fully working version of the front-end\n- Document the WEB RPC API better\n- keep cleaning the code\n- finish the logging functionality\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nCurrently the inexperience with web front-end development"
"id": "week-10--august-9--to--august-15",
"url": "./../gsoc/week-10--august-9--to--august-15",
"category": "gsoc",
"title": "week-10--august-9--to--august-15",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-10--august-9--to--august-15\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- [x] Got a fully working preliminary version of the front-end\n- [x] Document the WEB RPC API better\n- [x] Analyzed the results of the poll done on w8 and presented them to the mentors\n- [x] Discussed with the mentors the final targets for the GSoC\n- [ ] Make API example doc --> To be done on the weekend\n- [x] finished info level logging functionality for main functions (apply_rules and convert_them)\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\nThe final targets discussed with the mentors:\n\n- Documenting a example of the GUI usage, so that the mentors can test it on various datasets\n- Implement the heuristic for inferring the path pattern from an example in the rules file\n- Make test and documentation for the incremental conversion use-case (the poll determined that to be a really important issue)\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nThis week, nope hehe. Just a lot of work from school which restarted a couple of weeks ago.\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: week-10--august-9--to--august-15\n---\n```\n\n## 1 What have you been doing this week?\n\n- [x] Got a fully working preliminary version of the front-end\n- [x] Document the WEB RPC API better\n- [x] Analyzed the results of the poll done on w8 and presented them to the mentors\n- [x] Discussed with the mentors the final targets for the GSoC\n- [ ] Make API example doc --> To be done on the weekend\n- [x] finished info level logging functionality for main functions (apply_rules and convert_them)\n\n## 2 What are you planning to do next week?\n\nThe final targets discussed with the mentors:\n\n- Documenting a example of the GUI usage, so that the mentors can test it on various datasets\n- Implement the heuristic for inferring the path pattern from an example in the rules file\n- Make test and documentation for the incremental conversion use-case (the poll determined that to be a really important issue)\n\n## 3 Is anything blocking your progress?\n\nThis week, nope hehe. Just a lot of work from school which restarted a couple of weeks ago."
"id": "week-11--august-16--to--august-22",
@@ -1513,7 +1513,7 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/wolf-of-reality",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "wolf of reality",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Wolf of Reality\n---\n```\n\nJust a wolf (usually female, \"la realidad\"), that I imagine when I'm feeling bad because of the current state of my [[perspective-reality]]. I will imagine that this wolf -although challenging me as reality-, does not mean harm to me; and even more so, tries to soothe me.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[perspective-reality]: ./../bubbles/perspective-reality \"perspective-reality\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Wolf of Reality\n---\n```\n\nJust a wolf (usually female, \"la realidad\"), that I imagine when I'm feeling bad because of the current state of my [[perspective-reality]]. I will imagine that this wolf -although challenging me as reality-, does not mean harm to me; and even more so, tries to soothe me.\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[perspective-reality]: ./../bubbles/perspective-reality \"perspective-reality\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "writing-a-paper",
@@ -1527,28 +1527,28 @@
"url": "./../bubbles/writing-and-thinking",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "writing and thinking",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Writing and Thinking\n---\n```\n\nI think this also applies to code. Code forces you to get rid of ambiguity, which forces us to understand.\n\nCuriosly, I found related papers randomly when searching about the zettelkasten [[knowledge-graph]]\n\n\nsource: https://zettelkasten.de/posts/collectors-fallacy-confession/\n\n>S\u00f6nke Ahrens' How to Take Smart Notes, chapter 5, \"Writing Is the Only Thing That Matters\".\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/o1w5qi/is_zettelkasten_worth_the_effort/\n## Checkout\n\nhttps://www.jstor.org/stable/374203\n\nhttps://writingisthinking.com/the-writing-is-thinking-philosophy/\n\nhttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0388000107000046\n\nhttps://www.animalz.co/blog/the-problem-with-writing-is-thinking/\n\nhttps://medium.com/mind-cafe/writing-is-the-purest-form-of-metacognition-ef6458472f02\n\nhttps://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1037/1089-2680.12.1.9\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[knowledge-graph]: ./../bubbles/knowledge-graph \"knowledge-graph\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Writing and Thinking\n---\n```\n\nI think this also applies to code. Code forces you to get rid of ambiguity, which forces us to understand.\n\nCuriosly, I found related papers randomly when searching about the zettelkasten [[knowledge-graph]]\n\n\nsource: https://zettelkasten.de/posts/collectors-fallacy-confession/\n\n>S\u00f6nke Ahrens' How to Take Smart Notes, chapter 5, \"Writing Is the Only Thing That Matters\".\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/o1w5qi/is_zettelkasten_worth_the_effort/\n## Checkout\n\nhttps://www.jstor.org/stable/374203\n\nhttps://writingisthinking.com/the-writing-is-thinking-philosophy/\n\nhttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0388000107000046\n\nhttps://www.animalz.co/blog/the-problem-with-writing-is-thinking/\n\nhttps://medium.com/mind-cafe/writing-is-the-purest-form-of-metacognition-ef6458472f02\n\nhttps://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1037/1089-2680.12.1.9\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[knowledge-graph]: ./../bubbles/knowledge-graph \"knowledge-graph\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"id": "writting-during-vs-after-journey",
"url": "./../bubbles/writting-during-vs-after-journey",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "writing during vs after journey",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Writing During vs After Journey\n---\n```\n\nRMB had some comments and books about this...\n\nBol\u00edvar wrote during... Something like that.\n\nWritings after the fact are devoid of the tension maybe... As it is resolved by the time you finally sit down to write.\n\nIf you write during, you can really see the struggles on the spot, infraganti. The quality of the narration will be purer.\n\nOtherwise, some of the emotion is lost by the resolution of the situation through the natural passage of time.\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Writing During vs After Journey\n---\n```\n\nRMB had some comments and books about this...\n\nBol\u00edvar wrote during... Something like that.\n\nWritings after the fact are devoid of the tension maybe... As it is resolved by the time you finally sit down to write.\n\nIf you write during, you can really see the struggles on the spot, infraganti. The quality of the narration will be purer.\n\nOtherwise, some of the emotion is lost by the resolution of the situation through the natural passage of time."
"id": "wsl2-move-vhdx",
"url": "./../tutorials/wsl2-move-vhdx",
"category": "tutorials",
"title": "move wsl2 vhdx",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Move WSL2 vhdx\n---\n```\n\n## The problem\n\n- Your primary drive has low space\n- WSL2 is consuming a lot of space\n\n## Causes\n\n- The vhdx is a no-shrinking file\n\n## Solution\n\n- Move the vhdx to another drive\n\n## How\n\nExecute this code i got from [here](https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/4699#issuecomment-660104214)\n\n```cmd\nwsl --shutdown\nwsl -l -v\nwsl --export \nwsl --unregister \nwsl --import \nwsl -l -v\n```\n\n## Example\n\n\n\nNote you have to put the .tar, otherwise the access is denied at the beginning happens.\n\n## Additionally clean docker vhdx space\n\n- This space doesn't show in docker except in the troubleshoot page.\n- Press Clean/Purge data\n\n\n"
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Move WSL2 vhdx\n---\n```\n\n## The problem\n\n- Your primary drive has low space\n- WSL2 is consuming a lot of space\n\n## Causes\n\n- The vhdx is a no-shrinking file\n\n## Solution\n\n- Move the vhdx to another drive\n\n## How\n\nExecute this code i got from [here](https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/4699#issuecomment-660104214)\n\n```cmd\nwsl --shutdown\nwsl -l -v\nwsl --export \nwsl --unregister \nwsl --import \nwsl -l -v\n```\n\n## Example\n\n\n\nNote you have to put the .tar, otherwise the access is denied at the beginning happens.\n\n## Additionally clean docker vhdx space\n\n- This space doesn't show in docker except in the troubleshoot page.\n- Press Clean/Purge data\n\n"
"id": "you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply",
"url": "./../bubbles/stub",
"category": "bubbles",
"title": "you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply",
- "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
+ "content": "```yaml\n---\ntitle: Stub\n---\n```\n\nYou got here because the node you clicked doesn't exist yet :( .\n\n\n[//begin]: # \"Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility\"\n[ai-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ai-and-myths\"\n[author-Anna-Ivanova]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Anna-Ivanova\"\n[author-Grace-Lindsay]: ./../bubbles/stub \"author-Grace-Lindsay\"\n[building-before-knowing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"building-before-knowing\"\n[ChainForge]: ./../bubbles/stub \"ChainForge\"\n[cognition-and-myths]: ./../bubbles/stub \"cognition-and-myths\"\n[computation]: ./../bubbles/stub \"computation\"\n[connectome]: ./../bubbles/stub \"connectome\"\n[imagine-24-balls]: ./../bubbles/stub \"imagine-24-balls\"\n[inferotemporal-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"inferotemporal-cortex\"\n[intuitive-physics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"intuitive-physics\"\n[phosphenes]: ./../bubbles/stub \"phosphenes\"\n[primary-visual-cortex]: ./../bubbles/stub \"primary-visual-cortex\"\n[psychedelic-cryptography]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelic-cryptography\"\n[psychedelics-and-criticality]: ./../bubbles/stub \"psychedelics-and-criticality\"\n[recognition-vs-recall thing]: ./../bubbles/stub \"recognition-vs-recall thing\"\n[reverse-engineering-games]: ./../bubbles/stub \"reverse-engineering-games\"\n[semantics]: ./../bubbles/stub \"semantics\"\n[text-horizonte-de-sucesos]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-horizonte-de-sucesos\"\n[text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream]: ./../bubbles/stub \"text-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream\"\n[thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman]: ./../bubbles/stub \"thinking-fast-and-slow of Kahneman\"\n[video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life]: ./../bubbles/stub \"video-the-paradox-of-rules-in-games-and-life\"\n[you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply]: ./../bubbles/stub \"you-research-what-strikes-you-deeply\"\n[//end]: # \"Autogenerated link references\""
"links": [