This is the open source code of Gatsby content site, my personal blog at
Before you clone this project, make sure the Netlify status above is Success. If the Netlify status shows Failed, the code may not work well on Netlify temporarilly.
You can download or clone this project from git hub.
git clone
Install it:
npm install
Before setting environmental variables, you can register Netlify, Contentful, Mailchimp, Algolia, Formspree, Facebook for Developers, and Google Analytics.
In your local developement environment, create and setting your own .env.development
and .env.production
, and setting environment variables which you can take example.env
as reference.
├── node_modules
├── src
├── .env.development
├── .env.production
├── .gitignore
├── .prettierrc
├── example.env
├── gatsby-browser.js
├── gatsby-config.js
├── gatsby-node.js
├── gatsby-ssr.js
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
//save as .env.development
In ./src/utils/api.js
, change the setting of the endpointOfFormspree
export const endpointOfFormspree = ''
In gatsby-config.js
, change tackingIds:
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-google-gtag`,
options: {
// You can add multiple tracking ids and a pageview event will be fired for all of them.
trackingIds: [
"G-xxxxxxxxxx", // Google Analytics / GA
gtagConfig: {
anonymize_ip: true,
pluginConfig: {
// Puts tracking script in the head instead of the body
head: false,
// Setting this parameter is also optional
Also, in gatsby-browser.js
, change the tracking ID G-xxxxxxxxxx
window["ga-disable-G-xxxxxxxxxx"] = true
Last, in ./src/components/Layout/layout.js
, change the tracking ID G-xxxxxxxxxx
const onAccept = () => {
window["ga-disable-G-xxxxxxxxxx"] = false
In ./src/utils/api.js
, change the setting of the facebookAppId
export const facebookAppId = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
You may need the same content types with this project in the Contentful CMS so that you can run this project properly, then you can change the content types and corresponding code. The content type of this project in Contentful is provided here.
Make sure to replace "your-space-id" in the content-type.json
with your own space id of Contentful.
You can import it to your space in Contentful with the steps below:
Install contentful-cli.
npm install -g contentful-cli
contentful login
Login to browser, and paste the token to the terminal for authentication.
Import content type to your space in Contentful CMS, and logout.
contentful space import --content-model-only content-type.json
contentful logout
Please reference document of Contentful for more information.
Run the app when you are developing:
gatsby develop
Build the app at your local develop environment:
gatsby build
gatsby serve
Before deploy to Netlify, remember to set the environmental variables on the Netlify.
The code used for generating this web site are licensed as MIT.