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Yegappan Lakshmanan edited this page Jul 8, 2023 · 37 revisions

Language Server Specific Configuration

Information about using various language servers with the LSP plugin is below. A sample VimScript code snippet is given for each language server to register the server with the LSP plugin. A sample absolute path to the language server executable is used in these examples. You may need to modify the path to match where the language server is installed in your system. In some cases, it may be simpler to add the language server path to the PATH environment variable.

Angular Language Server

Language: Angular Templates

Home Page:

Sample code to add the angular language server to the LSP plugin:

call LspAddServer([#{name: 'angular',
                 \   filetype: 'html',
                 \   path: '/usr/local/bin/ngserver.cmd',
                 \   args: ['--stdio', '--ngProbeLocations', '/usr/local/bin/@angular/language-service', '--tsProbeLocations', '/usr/local/bin/typescript']
                 \ }])

Command to install the angular language server on Linux:

npm install -g @angular/language-server @angular/language-service typescript

AWK Language Server

Language: AWK scripts

Home Page:

Sample code to add the awk language server to the LSP plugin:

" Awk
call LspAddServer([#{name: 'awkls',
                 \   filetype: 'awk',
                 \   path: '/usr/local/bin/awk-language-server',
                 \   args: []
                 \ }])

Command to install the awk language server on Linux:

npm install -g awk-language-server

Bash Language Server

Language: Bash shell scripts

Home Page:

Sample code to add the bash language server to the LSP plugin:

" Bash
call LspAddServer([#{name: 'bashls',
                 \   filetype: 'sh',
                 \   path: '/usr/local/bin/bash-language-server',
                 \   args: ['start']
                 \ }])


Language: C/C++

Home Page:

Sample code to add the clangd language server to the LSP plugin:

call LspAddServer([#{name: 'clangd',
                 \   filetype: ['c', 'cpp'],
                 \   path: '/usr/local/bin/clangd',
                 \   args: ['--background-index', '--clang-tidy']
                 \ }])

CSS Language Server

Language: CSS

Home Page:

Sample code to add the CSS language server to the LSP plugin:

call LspAddServer([#{name: 'cssls',
                 \   filetype: 'css',
                 \   path: '/usr/local/node_modules/.bin/css-languageserver',
                 \   args: ['--stdio'],
                 \ }])

Note: The CSS language server supports code completion only if the snippetSupport option is enabled.


Language: Dart

Home Page:

Sample code to add the dart language server to the LSP plugin:

call LspAddServer([#{name: 'dart',
                 \   filetype: ['dart'],
                 \   path: '/usr/lib/dart/bin/dart',
                 \   args: ['language-server', '--client-id', 'vim']
                 \ }])


Language: Typescript/Javascript

Home Page:

Sample code to add the deno language server to the LSP plugin:

call LspAddServer([#{name: 'deno',
                 \   filetype: ['javascript', 'typescript'],
                 \   path: '/usr/local/bin/deno',
                 \   args: ['lsp'],
                 \   debug: v:true,
                 \   initializationOptions: #{
                 \        enable: v:true,
                 \        lint: v:true
                 \   }
                 \ }])

Eclipse Java Language Server

Language: Java

Home Page:

Sample code to add the Eclipse Java Development Tools (JDT) language server to the LSP plugin:

call LspAddServer([#{name: 'jdtls',
                 \   filetype: 'java',
                 \   path: '/usr/local/jdtls/bin/jdtls',
                 \   args: []
                 \   initializationOptions: {
                 \       settings: {
                 \           java: {
                 \               completion: {
                 \                   filteredTypes: ["com.sun.*", "java.awt.*", "jdk.*", "org.graalvm.*", "sun.*", "javax.awt.*", "javax.swing.*"],
                 \               },
                 \           },
                 \       },
                 \   },
                 \ }])

The Eclipse Java language server wiki page has more information about the jdtls language server initialization options. In the above example, the filteredTypes item is not mandatory to use the JDT language server with the LSP plugin. It is included here only as an example.

EFM Language Server

Language: General Purpose Language Server

Home Page:

Sample code to add the efm language server to the LSP plugin:

call LspAddServer([#{name: 'efm-langserver',
		 \   filetype: ['javascript', 'typescript'],
                 \   path: '/usr/local/bin/efm-langserver',
                 \   args: [],
		 \   initializationOptions: #{
		 \       documentFormatting: v:true
		 \   },
		 \   workspaceConfig: #{
		 \     languages: #{
		 \       javascript: [
		 \         #{
		 \            lintCommand: "eslint -f unix --stdin --stdin-filename ${INPUT}",
		 \            lintStdin: true,
		 \            lintFormats: ["%f:%l:%c: %m"],
		 \            formatCommand: "eslint --fix-to-stdout --stdin --stdin-filename=${INPUT}",
		 \            formatStdin: v:true
		 \         }
		 \       ],
		 \       typescript: [
		 \         #{
		 \            lintCommand: "eslint -f unix --stdin --stdin-filename ${INPUT}",
		 \            lintStdin: v:true,
		 \            lintFormats: ["%f:%l:%c: %m"],
		 \            formatCommand: "eslint --fix-to-stdout --stdin --stdin-filename=${INPUT}",
		 \            formatStdin: v:true
		 \          }
		 \       ]
		 \     }
		 \   }
                 \ }])

Fortran Language Server

Language: Fortran

Home Page:

Sample code to add the fortran language server to the LSP plugin:

call LspAddServer([#{name: 'fortls',
                 \   filetype: 'fortran',
                 \   path: '/usr/local/bin/fortls',
                 \   args: ['--use_signature_help', '--hover_signature']
                 \ }])


Language: Go

Home Page:

Sample code to add the gopls language server to the LSP plugin:

call LspAddServer([#{name: 'gopls',
                 \   filetype: 'go',
                 \   path: '/usr/local/bin/gopls',
                 \   args: ['serve']
                 \ }])

Server Configuration:

To enable the inlay hint support, include the following in the above code to add the gopls language server:

    \   workspaceConfig: #{
    \     gopls: #{
    \       hints: #{
    \         assignVariableTypes: v:true,
    \         compositeLiteralFields: v:true,
    \         compositeLiteralTypes: v:true,
    \         constantValues: v:true,
    \         functionTypeParameters: v:true,
    \         parameterNames: v:true,
    \         rangeVariableTypes: v:true
    \       }
    \     }
    \   }

HTML Language Server

Language: html

Home Page:

Sample code to add the HTML language server to the LSP plugin:

call LspAddServer([#{name: 'htmlls',
                 \   filetype: 'html',
                 \   path: '/usr/local/node_modules/.bin/html-languageserver',
                 \   args: ['--stdio'],
                 \ }])

Note: The HTML language server supports code completion only if the snippetSupport option is enabled.

Lua Language Server

Language: Lua

Home Page:

Sample code to add the luals language server to the LSP plugin:

call LspAddServer([#{name: 'luals',
                 \   filetype: 'lua',
                 \   path: '/usr/local/luals/bin/lua-language-server',
                 \   args: [],
                 \ }])

Server Configuration:

To enable the inlay hint support, include the following in the above code to add the Lua language server:

    \   workspaceConfig: #{
    \     Lua: #{
    \       hint: #{
    \         enable: v:true,
    \       }
    \     }
    \   }

Omnisharp Language Server

Language: C#

Home Page:

Sample code to add the omnisharp language server to the LSP plugin:

call LspAddServer([#{name: 'omnisharp',
                 \   filetype: 'cs',
                 \   path: expand('$HOME/omnisharp/omnisharp.exe'),
                 \   args: ['--z', '--languageserver', '--encoding', 'utf-8'],
                 \ }])

Perl Navigator

Language: Perl

Home Page:

Sample code to add the Perl Navigator language server to the LSP plugin:

call LspAddServer([#{name: 'perlnavigator',
                 \   filetype: ['perl'],
                 \   path: '/usr/bin/node',
                 \   args: ['/usr/local/PerlNavigator/server/out/server.js', '--stdio']
                 \ }])

PHP Intelephense

Language: PHP

Home Page:

Sample code to add the intelephense language server to the LSP plugin:

call LspAddServer([#{name: 'intelephense',
                 \   filetype: ['php'],
                 \   path: '/usr/local/bin/intelephense',
                 \   args: ['--stdio']
                 \ }])


Language: Python

Home Page:

Sample code to add the pylsp language server to the LSP plugin:

call LspAddServer([#{name: 'pylsp',
                 \   filetype: 'python',
                 \   path: '/usr/local/bin/pylsp',
                 \   args: []
                 \ }])


Language: Python

Home Page:

Sample code to add the pyright language server to the LSP plugin:

call LspAddServer([#{name: 'pyright',
                 \   filetype: 'python',
                 \   path: '/usr/local/node_modules/.bin/pyright-langserver',
                 \   args: ['--stdio'],
                 \   workspaceConfig: #{
                 \     python: #{
                 \       pythonPath: '/usr/bin/python3.10'
                 \   }}
                 \ }])

Command to install the pyright language server on Linux:

   $ npm install -g pyright


Language: Rust

Home Page:

Sample code to add the rust-analyzer language server to the LSP plugin:

call LspAddServer([#{name: 'rustanalyzer',
                 \   filetype: ['rust'],
                 \   path: '/usr/local/bin/rust-analyzer-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu',
                 \   args: [],
                 \   syncInit: v:true
                 \ }])

Server Configuration:

To enable the inlay hint support, include the following in the above code to add the rust-analyzer language server:

    \  initializationOptions: #{
    \    inlayHints: #{
    \      typeHints: #{
    \        enable: v:true
    \      },
    \      parameterHints: #{
    \        enable: v:true
    \      }
    \    },
    \  }


Language: Ruby

Home Page:

Sample code to add the Solargraph language server to the LSP plugin:

call LspAddServer([#{name: 'solargraph'
                 \   filetype: ['ruby'],
                 \   path: 'solargraph',
                 \   args: ['stdio']
                 \ }])

Swift Language Server

Language: Swift

Home Page:

Sample code to add the swift language server to the LSP plugin:

call LspAddServer([#{name: 'swiftls'
                 \   filetype: ['swift'],
                 \   path: '/usr/bin/xcrun',
                 \   args: ['sourcekit-lsp']
                 \ }])

Typescript/Javascript Language Server

Language: Typescript/JavaScript

Home Page:

Sample code to add the typescript/javascript language server to the LSP plugin:

call LspAddServer([#{name: 'tsserver'
                 \   filetype: ['javascript', 'typescript'],
                 \   path: '/usr/local/bin/typescript-language-server',
                 \   args: ['stdio']
                 \ }])


Language: Vimscript

Home Page:

Sample code to add the Vimscript language server to the LSP plugin:

call LspAddServer([#{name: 'vimls',
                 \   filetype: 'vim',
                 \   path: '/usr/local/bin/vim-language-server',
                 \   args: ['--stdio']
                 \ }])

Volar Server

Language: Vue

Home Page:

Sample code to add the Volar language server to the LSP plugin:

call LspAddServer([#{name: 'volar-server',
                 \   filetype: ['vue', 'typescript'],
                 \   path: '/usr/local/node_modules/.bin/volar-server',
                 \   args: ['--stdio'],
                 \   initializationOptions: #{
                 \       typescript: #{
                 \           tsdk: '/usr/local/node_modules/typescript/lib'
                 \       }
                 \   }
                 \ }])
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