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gl-streaming internals

This document attempts to describe the structure of the code, still in part inherited from previous projects. It is surely incomplete, possibly not 100% accurate, and subject to change, hopefully to make the system better. It will from time to time lag behind the actual code, check this file's last modification date, and please report problems you may notice.

basic high-level structure

  1. Application makes EGL/GLES2 API calls, through custom libEGL and libGLES2 libraries, implemented by the clientegl and clientgles modules

  2. API calls are marshalled into messages, described in gls_command.h, sent using a user-selectable transport, and possibly wait for a reply before the API returns control to the application

  3. The server side can work in two ways, depending on the selected transport:

    • either we launch a one-shot server process, handling a single connection before exiting (e.g. stdio transport, or tcp in no-fork mode),
    • or a main server process just listens for connections, and forks a dedicated "child" process to handle each incoming client (e.g. tcp transport in default mode)
  4. Server "child" receives packets with recvr in a dedicated thread, managed from glserver and puts them in a ring buffer

  5. A server thread from glserver executes commands from the ring, with implementations from serveregl and servergles modules

  6. Serverside implementations for calls with output parameters marshall a message like on client side and sends it back; client receives them from its own recvr thread, and received synchronously

data handling


Client-side API implementations are essentially forwarding the call parameters to the server (and receiving output data if any).

Every command message contains a command identifier, defined in gls_command.h, which in most cases uniquely map to an API call.

Small fixed-sized input parameters are filled into a per-API-call data structure, located in out_buf buffer provided to the client-side implementations as temporary space for message composition before sending.

Larger input data is sent with a SEND_DATA message pior to the command message itself.

When a client starts, it sends a special HANDSHAKE message to check the server's protocol version, and get the size of the server-created window.


queuing to ring buffer

To avoid dynamic allocation, a fixed-size ring of fixed-size packet buffers is pre-allocated. Data received from the network lands here as long as there is space in the ring. It may be necessary to adjust the compile-time RING_SIZE_ORDER if "ring full" is reported (causing throttling of network reception).

Incoming SEND_DATA messages too large for a ring packet get a newly-allocated buffer just for them. They still use a ring packet preserving the order of arrival, and it contains the gls_cmd_send_data_t header, including a pointer to the allocated data (a temporary hack which brings a nasty zero field to the protocol just to reserve space for that pointer).

dequeuing and execution

When dequeuing an API command message from the ring, it gets passed by pointer to the API implementation.

SEND_DATA message are handled according to where they were stored:

  • those small enough to fit in a ring slot (dataptr == NULL) are copied in tmp_buf to free their slot

  • the larger ones get their dataptr stored in pool.mallocated alongside the (unused) tmp_buf; that points to the SEND_DATA header, and we need it for free() later, and the data encapsulated within it is stored a ref in pool.data_payload

API commands expecting input from a SEND_DATA message just use it from there, according to the whether pool.mallocated is NULL or holds a pointer (in which case it is finally freed after use).

output from API commands

A message with output parameters uses has its client-side implementation use wait_for_data(), which expects to receive a SEND_DATA message in client ring, and subsequently reads those results from tmp_buf just like the server does with large inputs.

batched commands

Upstream used a batching mechanism to send several API calls in a single UDP packet. This has been culled from the current codebase as premature optimisation and because of inherent limitations (see older INTERNALS).

special client work

On client side, we try to keep the code minimal, just piping data to the server. However, not all API calls are simple enough for this to be possible. Some exceptions are:

eglQueryString and glGetString

The strings a client app can retrieve with those calls are specified to be static strings. Forwarding each call to the server would not only be inefficient (which is not a problem in itself, as this ought not to be a frequently-repeated call), but also raises memory management issues.

For eglQueryString we have to wait until a valid EGLDisplay is passed to fetch any string other than client-extension. However since the returned strings have to be static, we cannot even afford a realloc() call after a single API call. We thus have to store client-extension in a separate storage buffer, and it will be queried and cached on first call. All others, display-dependant, will be all queried and stored the first time any of them is requested. All further requests will hit the cache.

The glGetString case is simpler but has the same "static string" requirement; we can just fetch all valid strings to populate the cache on first call.

eglGetError, glGetError and GLS-level errors

Sometimes we can report at GLS client level an error before even sending a command to the server. This is currently implemented for EGL through the client_egl_error variable. It can be set by any egl* function, and gets reset by send_packet to avoid hiding later errors.

For lack of a generic error code, we often use EGL_BAD_ACCESS.


What a client app wants is to get a callable function pointer, so we could just check the availability of an implementation in GLS using dlsym. However there are reasons to make the call on the server first:

  • we don't want to return a function pointer if the server does not implement it
  • when the client will make that call, we want to have the function pointer ready, so the server will use also cache the returned value


GLS cannot know which window is going to be used for rendering, before the client app creates a Window Surface for it. At this point we inspect the window, and send a CREATE_WINDOW message so the server can emulate what was already done on client side.

glVertexAttribPointer client-array case

glVertexAttribPointer interprets differently its pointer parameter, depending whether a VBO is active (in which case it is an offset into the VBO) or not (in which case it is a pointer to client array).

The problem is that the client-array call does not specify the array size, so the client cannot easily transfer the data at this point. The vertex attributes set this way are used later, eg. by glDrawArrays, and those calls are the ones getting the number of vertices for which attributes are given... so the data can only be transferred to the server at that time. Then we cannot know either, if the data will be reused and should be kept in server memory for a later call, so to avoid leaking the server's memory we basically have to retransfer the data every time it is used (we could also come with other solutions, like implementing a fixed-sized server cache for those arrays; it seems unreasonably difficult to find out by ourselves and give hints to the server, without app's cooperation).

Thus this implementation defers the glVertexAttribPointer calls pointing to client-data, and additionally creates a VBO to hold the attribute data (this is what upstream calls GLS_EMULATE_VBO, has been cleaned up and is unconditionally activated for lack of an alternative, though we could implement a no-VBO version).

Some optimisations could be done, eg. send data block only once in the case of interleaved attributes in the same client array. Upstream code did this to some extent (only if attribute 0 was active and with dubious array-bounds handling), but this has been discarded as premature optimisation.

Note: the glBindBuffer doc says the buffer "name" is "local to the shared object space of the current GL rendering context". Since we're not tracking any context we can assume this will break when more than one shared object space gets used.

eglQuerySurface and size attributes

Currently we use a single (fixed-size) window on server side, created when launching the server. This usually does not match the size of the window created by client apps. When an app queries the width or height of the window surface to fit rendering to this size, querying the server for the real EGLSurface size gives unintended results (and in the case where a demo app like es2tri checks the size matches its expectations, can result in early abort).

special client work still to be done


This gets a client-side Pixmap and, which needs to be transfered ot the server first. Needs a custom data struct and a WARN_INEFFICIENT, or shared memory.

current implementation shortcuts

large buffers

(some items here have been improved on, would need a reality check)

Large data buffers cause problems to the fixed-size tmp_buf. Currently the code drops data that does not fit in the buffer, and the commands suffering this loss will not be executed as they will miss input.

Also, usage of oversized arrays in non-SEND_DATA "just to be sure we don't miss something" is still too common today.

As well, a number of calls don't properly check the size of data blocks will fit in the space reserved for them.

shared memory

Some calls are complicated by the server lacking direct memory access to the client's. Examples include glVertexAttribPointer as mentionned above, or eglCreatePixmapSurface, which can be emulated at a cost. Explicit memory mapping like the GL_OES_mapbuffer extension bring this to another level, which can probably not be efficiently implemented by a network transport.

However, in the case of a virtual machine, we can study the implications of establishing real memory sharing.

displays, windows, input

The window creation by client app is done out of the EGL scope, and is not intercepted. It is still drawn, and gets shown with a background that will stay black.

On server side, the rendering window is created when we know the size we want it to get, that is when the client app make a call such as eglCreateWindowSurface.

There are several options for improving window/input operation, including:

  • intercept the creation of local window and of further calls targetting it, and forward events back: this is the best-performance option on GPU side, but requires one of:
    • X11-level proxying
    • GLS support feature allowing GLS-awareness in window-managing layers (GLFW, SDL2, ...)
  • change render to happen in an offscreen GPU buffer and stream it back to local window: definitely less complex than window interception, and we can think of shared-memory optimization for the local case, but will require to make use of hardware video (de)compression to be of use through the network
  • arrange for the GPU to display the buffer over the window, keeping both low GPU impact and avoidance of window interception: naturally not possible for remote usage, likely not transparent eg. when moving windows
  • in QubesOS case with sys-gui-gpu the wm already runs on server side, so it should be possible to integrate at this level with minimal overhead