2.1.1 (2021-02-03)
NFR: Add license (apache 2.0)
2.1.0 (2020-11-25)
Filebeat 7.0 sets ilm on by default so we need to be able to configure this, the new config options are:
- setup.ilm.enabled
- setup.ilm.rollover_alias
- setup.ilm.pattern
- setup.ilm.policy_name
- setup.ilm.policy_file
- setup.ilm.check_exits
- setup.ilm.overwrite
2.0.1 (2020-11-20)
Minor tweak to enable/disable module
- Only attempt to enable if it is disabled, only disable if it is enabled
2.0.0 (2020-11-03)
1.0.4 (2019-12-09)
Ensure Apt update runs before package installation
- Credit to Thodoris Sotiropoulos - theosotr
NFR: Fix README format
Add support for the following config options to logstash output
- ttl
- bulk_max_size
Update input type setting in filebeats configuration to conform to 6.X syntax
Update both logstash output and elasticsearch output for filebeat 5.X syntax
- Rename params to reflect which filebeat output they affect
- Typecast all params
- Expand elasticsearch output support with templates and ssl
- Add support for prospector fields
- tags
- Support JSON messages with the following options
Credit to https://github.com/hundredacres
Remove unintended blank line in filebeats.yml
Add exclude_line config option
Add include_line config option
Add bootstrapping of filebeat service
Support puppetlabs apt module 2.3
- Bump dependency on puppetlabs apt
Add support for prospector fields
- Added new prospector option, fields
- Thanks for the contribution @belskiiartem
Adding logstash output
- Added new parameters for logstash output
- Added param to specify index to ship for both elasticsearch and logstash
- Added service_state param to allow for overriding
- Added loadbalancing param for logstash output
Fix documentation issues
- Minor indetation in documentation
Fix documentation issues
- Fix code examples in README, still trying to get a hang of this
Fix documentation issues
- Fix code examples in README
Minor update to include multiple prospectors
- This update allows for an array of hashes to configure multiple prospectors
- This includes setting of input_type and document type in each hash
First major release with tested (on our environment) log exporting
- Added logging options for filebeats
- Minor bug fixes
- Added TLS/SSL support
- Added protocol option
First working release of basic puppet filebeats module
- This version only included very basic funcionality for installing and configuring file beats on Debian Wheezy
- Fixed minor resource ordering issues
- Fixed some typos in the filebeat template
- Fixed service notify errors
- Added shield username and password options