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For developers

We are developing and testing the RBC software under Linux using Conda packaging system as it conveniently provides all the necessary dependencies for the RBC package as well as OmniSciDB software.

Setting up a development environments

To create the needed development environments, follow the instructions below.

  • Install and setup conda (unless it is already installed):
bash -b -p $HOME/miniconda3
source $HOME/miniconda3/bin/activate
conda init bash  # or zsh when on macOS Catalina
  • Create rbc-dev environment:
conda env create -n rbc-dev \
  • Create omniscidb-dev environment:
conda env create -n omniscidb-dev \

It is recommended to keep the rbc and omniscidb development environments separate to minimize the risk for any software version conflict.


OmniSciDB can be built for CPU-only or CUDA-enabled mode.

For CUDA-enabled OmniSciDB development, create omniscidb-cuda-dev environment:

conda env create -n omniscidb-cuda-dev \

In addition, make sure that your system has CUDA Toolkit installed and the CUDA driver functional (run nvidia-smi to verify).
Otherwise, here follow instructions for installing the CUDA Toolkit (requires sudo privileges, the highest CUDA Toolkit version that OmniSciDB currently supports is 11.0):

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/src/cuda-installers
cd /usr/local/src/cuda-installers
sudo wget
sudo bash --toolkit --toolkitpath=/usr/local/cuda-11.0.3/ --installpath=/usr/local/cuda-11.0.3/ --override --no-opengl-libs --no-man-page --no-drm --silent

sudo sh /usr/local/src/cuda-installers/
│ CUDA Installer                                                               │
│ - [X] Driver                                                                 │
│      [X] 450.51.06                                                           │
│ + [ ] CUDA Toolkit 11.0                                                      │
│   [ ] CUDA Samples 11.0                                                      │
│   [ ] CUDA Demo Suite 11.0                                                   │
│   [ ] CUDA Documentation 11.0                                                │
│   Options                                                                    │
│   Install                                                                    │
#   ^--- X-select only Driver and PRESS Install

Checkout source codes and development tools

  • Checkout rbc sources:
mkdir -p ~/git/xnd-project
cd ~/git/xnd-project

# If you are a member of xnd-project organization, use

git clone [email protected]:xnd-project/rbc.git

# else fork and clone your rbc fork,
# or use

git clone
  • Checkout omniscidb sources:
mkdir -p ~/git/omnisci
cd ~/git/omnisci

# If you are a member of omnisci organization, use

git clone [email protected]:omnisci/omniscidb-internal.git

# Otherwise, fork and clone the fork.
# Or use

git clone
  • Although the omniscidb-dev conda environment contains all the prerequisites for building and running OmniSciDB server within the conda environment, we slightly adjust the conda environment to make the management of the building process for different build targets easier. For that, always use the following script for activating the omniscidb-dev conda environment:
cd ~/git/omnisci/

The script must be sourced (but not run via bash or another shell) to the existing session. When doing that, various information will be shown about how to develop the OmniSciDB software within a Conda environment.

  • The activate script above uses a custom script /usr/local/cuda/ for setting CUDA environment variables for conda environment. Use the following commands to install the script:
cd ~/git/omnisci/
sudo ln -s ~/git/omnisci/ /usr/local/cuda/



The basic workflow for developing and testing RBC package contains the following commands:

cd ~/git/xnd-project/rbc
conda activate rbc-dev
python develop

# Possible commands for running rbc tests

pytest -sv -r A rbc/tests
pytest -sv -r A rbc/tests -x -k <test function>

The omniscidb related rbc tests are run only when the omniscidb server is running. The server must be run using the options --enable-runtime-udf --enable-table-functions , see OmniSciDB development section below.

By default, it is assumed that the omniscidb server can be accessed behind the localhost ports 6274. Only in the case, the server is running elsewhere, one needs to configure the rbc testing environment as follows:

  • Create a configuration file with the following content (update credentials as needed):
# OmniSciDB user name
name: admin
# OmniSciDB user password
password: HyperInteractive

# OmniSciDB server host name or IP
host: localhost
# OmniSciDB server port
port: 6274
  • The default location for the configuration file depends on the system but one can set an environment variable OMNISCI_CLIENT_CONF that should contain a full path to the configuration file. Default locations of the configuration file are:
# Linux, macOS:
# Windows:


The basic workflow for developing and testing OmniSciDB software in the context of RBC development is as follows:

cd ~/git/omnisci/omniscidb-internal  # or git/omnisci/omniscidb
source ~/git/omnisci/

mkdir -p build && cd build
cmake -Wno-dev $CMAKE_OPTIONS_CUDA ..
make -j $NCORES

that will build CUDA-enabled omniscidb server. See the stdout instruction from the activate script about how to build CPU-only omniscidb server, for instance.

To run omniscidb test-suite (the current working directory must be the build directory):

mkdir tmp && bin/initdb tmp
make sanity_tests

To run omniscidb server for testing RBC package:

mkdir data && bin/initdb data
bin/omnisci_server --enable-runtime-udf --enable-table-functions