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#57. Movies: serious or entertaining?

The question of what kind of movie to watch is a familiar one in my home. While my father does not care for movies a great deal, my mother is very fond of this kind of entertainment. Unfortunately, her tastes are very different from mine, and she mostly likes movies that fall into the light entertainment category. I, on the other hand, do not enjoy watching movies that aim only to amuse. Generally, I derive a greater sense of enjoyment from movies that get me to think, because I can find better light entertainment elsewhere and I consider movies a serious art form. Sometimes, of course, I enjoy movies that amuse or entertain lightly in order to distract myself from the seriousness of everyday life. Humorous movies such as slapstick comedies are my favorites amongst the amusing ones, and every once in a while I even enjoy a romantic comedy. These movies offer a kind of escape. However, there are other ways of distraction that I prefer. For example, I enjoy taking long walks or listening to music much more than I enjoy watching a flick that means to accomplish nothing more than diversion. Movies, to me, are serious business.

I tend to look at movies as an art form that should engage its audience and also challenge them. Of course there are different ways to accomplish these two goals. A director might make creative use of stylistic means such as editing or lighting or camera movement. Together with the screenwriter he/she might find ways to present a relationship between classical or stereotypical characters in a complex and innovative way. Ideally, he/she will present an important social issue from a point of view that has not been thoroughly discussed. Thus, through his/her work, he/she will make his/her audience think about questions they had not considered before. Thereby, they will add to the discussion and make a contribution to culture and society. In my opinion, this is the goal of all art and thus it should be the goal of movie making.


57. 电影:严肃还是娱乐?




Word List

  • category [ˈkætiˌgɔ:ri] n. 种类;范畴
  • escape [iˈskeip] n. 逃,逃往
  • amuse [əˈmju:z] v. 使发笑,使愉快
  • flick [flik] n. 电影
  • sense [sens] n. 感觉;意义
  • accomplish [əˈka:mpliʃ] v. 完成,达到,实现
  • distract [disˈtrækt] v. 转移,分散
  • humorous [ˈhju:mərəs] adj.滑稽的,诙谐的
  • diversion [daiˈvə:ʒən] n. 转移,转换
  • engage [ənˈgeidʒ] v. 从事,使参加
  • slapstick [ˈslæpˌstik] n.闹剧,搞笑的戏剧
  • stylistic [staiˈlistik] adj. 格式上的,体裁上的
  • comedy [ˈka:midi] n.喜剧;喜剧性的事情
  • amongst [əˈmʌŋst] prep. 在…之中
  • screenwriter [ˈskri:nˌraitə] n. 剧作家,编剧家
  • romantic [rəuˈmæntik] adj. 传奇式的,浪漫的
  • innovative [ˈinəˌveitiv] adj. 创新的