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Richard Osborne
Apr 29, 2013
36be314 · Apr 29, 2013


123 lines (102 loc) · 6.36 KB


File metadata and controls

123 lines (102 loc) · 6.36 KB

AXE's Simulation Model

AXE models the system being simulated as a set of entities (e.g. Threads, Ports, etc.) that communicate (e.g. by calling each other's member functions). An entity may update its state either when it receives a message or when time is advanced.

Entities that update their state as time is advanced inherit from the Runnable class and provide a run() method that simulates the behavior of that entity. Runnables are scheduled using a priority queue that is ordered by the time at which the entity should next run.

Conceptually the run() advances the state of the Runnable until either it either runs out of work to or until the time exceeds the time at which the next Runnable is due to run. When the time splice expires if the Runnable has more work to do it should schedule itself so it gets run when the time of the next activity for that Runnable is reached.

However a Runnable is allowed to break these rules so long as it externally appears to behave as if these rules are followed. This opens the door to some optimizations that improve simulator performance:

  • The run() method may simulate past the end of its timeslice so long as it doesn't affect other entities and it can't be affected by other entities. Note that the run() method is still required to eventually yield to allow other Runnables to make progress.
  • When the state of a Runnable is due to change in future it only needs to schedule if the change might affect other entities. If the change won't affect other entites it may choose to delay updating its state until it becomes necessary (e.g. when it is queried by another entity).

To further improve performance we allow a Thread's run method to also simulate past the end of its timeslice in the following cases:

  • A thread does not need to yield after every instruction even though another thread might affect it by writing a register with tsetr or by killing it with freer.
  • A thread does not need to yield before a memory operation even if another thread may read or write to that memory location.

Although this could cause the behaviour of an application to change due to a different interleaving of actions by a pair of threads, in practice most applications do not rely on exact timing of instruction execution to order interactions between threads.

Instruction dispatch

The run() method of the Thread class is responsible for executing instructions. AXE emulates the XCore's instruction set using a mixture of interpretation and dynamic binary translation.

For each memory in the system there is a decode cache that maps addresses to functions pointers that should be called when the pc of a Thread is equal to that address.

Initially the decode cache maps every address to the DECODE function. When the DECODE function is called it decodes the instruction and updates decode cache entry to map to a function pointer that implements the decoded instruction. When the DECODE function retuns the thread will re-execute the decode cache entry and the function implementing the decoded instruction will run. This will perform the operation and advance the pc to the address of the next instruction. The thread will continue to execute instructions using this dispatch mechanism until its timeslice expires.

Dynamic binary translation

To improve performance AXE makes uses of dynamic binary translation. Instead of inserting function pointers that implement single instructions into the decode cache AXE can insert functions that implement entire blocks of instructions. These functions are generated at runtime using LLVM's just-in-time (JIT) code generation system.

JIT compilation provides the following speed ups over iterpretation:

  • With interpretation one instruction is executed in each iteration of the dispatch loop. However with JIT compilation an entire block of instructions can be dispatched in one go, reducing the average overhead of dispatching instructions.
  • The generated code can be optimized across instruction boundaries. For example machine state can be cached in registers within the generated function.

The possible speedups must be balanced against the time required to generate the code. If a block of instructions is executed only a few times then the amount of time saved executing the instructions may be less than the extra time spent JIT compiling the code. Because of this AXE only JIT compiles blocks that are frequently executed.

The executionFrequency member of the DecodeCache class tracks the number of times each candidate for starting a new block has executed. When an instruction that may branch is executed we increment the execution count of the next address to execute after the instruction. When the execution count of an instruction reaches a certain threshold we use the JIT compiler to compile the block of instructions starting with that instruction into native machine code. The block is terminated by the first instruction that may branch.

Basic block chaining

To further improve performance AXE tries to chain together compiled blocks using jumps in order to avoid unnecessarily returning to the dispatch loop. This is implemented as follows:

  • When generating code for a block the function is compiled using LLVM's fastcc calling convention to guarantee efficient tail calls. For each block we also generate a trampoline function that uses the standard C calling convention and calls the function for the block. This trampoline allows the block function to be called from the dispatch loop.
  • When a block is compiled if a successor of block has already been compiled a tail call to the successor block is inserted. LLVM's tail call recursion will turn this into a jump.
  • When a block is compiled if a successor block has not been compiled a stub function is created for that successor and a tail call to the stub is inserted. The stub function increments the execution frequency of the successor block and returns to the dispatch loop.
  • When a stub has been executed anough the block it corresponds to is JIT compiled. LLVM's LLVMRecompileAndRelinkFunction() is called to replace the stub with the newly compiled function for the block. Any predecessor that jumped to the stub will now jump to function for the block.