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BoucherS edited this page Jun 14, 2017 · 2 revisions


Derives from Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.AutoSelectTextBox

Represents a control that limits the value extracted from the inputted text to be within the bounds determined by the MinValue and MaxValue properties.


|| Property || Description | BeepOnError | Gets or sets a value indicating if a system beep is raised when an inputted character is rejected. | FormatProvider | Gets or sets the IFormatProvider that will be used to perform type validation. | HasParsingError | Gets a value indicating that an error occurred while parsing the inputted text. | HasValidationError | Gets a value indicating whether an error occurred during the validation of the Value. | IsValueOutOfRange | Gets a value indicating if the value is out of range. | MaxValue | Gets or sets the maximum accepted value. | MinValue | Gets or sets the minimum accepted value. | NullValue | Gets or sets a value representing the control's null value. | Value | Gets or sets the control's value. | ValueDataType | Gets or sets the type of the control's Value.


|| Event || Description | QueryTextFromValue | Raised when a value is being queried to return its string representation. | QueryValueFromText | Raised when inputted text is queried to return its corresponding value.

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