Please see either ImageDecoding notebook for the full project specs + methodology (it is in walkthough format). Here is the introduction:
Method and Dataset Description First, we want to upload the fmri data to make predictions. The data I chose to upload for this analysis is from a study by Haxby et al. that showed significant differnces in brain reigion activation for 'house' and 'people' stimuli.
According to the website where the data is found ( The dataset consists of 6 subjects with 12 runs per subject. In each run, the subjects passively viewed greyscale images of eight object categories, grouped in 24s blocks separated by rest periods. Each image was shown for 500ms and was followed by a 1500ms inter-stimulus interval. Full-brain fMRI data were recorded with a volume repetition time of 2.5s, thus, a stimulus block was covered by roughly 9 volumes.