Update system: sudo pacman -Syu
List installed packages: pacman -Q
Search installed packages: pacman -Qs <name>
Search all packages: pacman -Ss <name>
Install package: sudo pacman -S <name>
Remove package, its dependencies, and config file backups: sudo pacman -Rns <name>
Clean old packages in cache: pacman -Sc
- Update repositories:
sudo pacman -Syu
- Grab the package: curl -0
<package_url | https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/ya/yaourt/yaourt.tar.gz>
- Untar package:
tar xzvf <package.tar.gz>
- Change into package directory:
cd <package>
- Build and install:
makepkg -si
Check status: archlinux-java status
Set default version: archlinux-java set <version>
Find path of current working directory: pwd
Change directory to home: cd
or cd ~
Change directory one step back: cd ..
Change directory any particular location: cd <path_of_the_location>
List files and directories: ls
, ls -a
, ls -R
Copy file between locations: cp <path_of_source_file> <path_of_destination_dir>
Move file between locations: mv <path_of_source_file> <path_of_destination_dir>
Create new folder: mkdir <directory_name>
Delete file or directory: rm -rf <file_or_folder_name>
View your terminal commands history: sudo history