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UserNotificationsUI iOS xcode14.3 beta1

Alex Soto edited this page Feb 16, 2023 · 2 revisions


diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2022-11-10 19:17:41
+++ /Applications/	2023-02-12 00:11:27
@@ -17,56 +17,212 @@
 @class UNNotificationAction;
 @class UNNotificationResponse;
+/// Constants indicating the type of media button to display.
 typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, UNNotificationContentExtensionMediaPlayPauseButtonType) {
+    /// No media button.
+    ///
+    /// Specify this option when you don't want a media button. This is the
+    /// default option.
+    /// A standard play/pause button.
+    ///
+    /// This button is always visible. When tapped, its appearance changes
+    /// between the play and pause icons and triggers the appropriate play and
+    /// pause actions.
+    /// A partially transparent play/pause button that is layered on top of your
+    /// media content.
+    ///
+    /// This button draws a play icon over the content initially. When playback
+    /// begins, the button disappears. Tapping the content again pauses playback and
+    /// displays the play button again.
 } API_AVAILABLE(ios(10.0), macCatalyst(14.0), macos(11.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+/// Constants indicating the preferred response to a notification.
 typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, UNNotificationContentExtensionResponseOption) {
+    /// Don't dismiss the notification interface.
+    ///
+    /// The content extension handles the selected action.
+    /// Dismiss the notification interface.
+    ///
+    /// The content extension handles the selected action.
+    /// Dismiss the notification interface and forward the notification to the app.
+    ///
+    /// Choose this option when you want the app to respond to the action or handle
+    /// it.
 } API_AVAILABLE(ios(10.0), macCatalyst(14.0), macos(11.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
 API_AVAILABLE(ios(10.0), macCatalyst(14.0), macos(11.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos)
+/// An object that presents a custom interface for a delivered local or remote
+/// notification.
+/// The `UNNotificationContentExtension` protocol provides the entry point for
+/// a notification content app extension, which displays a custom interface for
+/// your app’s notifications. You adopt this protocol in the custom
+/// <doc://>
+/// subclass that you use to present your interface. You create this type of
+/// extension to improve the way your notifications are presented, possibly by
+/// adding custom colors and branding, or by incorporating media and other
+/// dynamic content into your notification interface.
+/// To define a notification content app extension, add a notification content
+/// extension target to the Xcode project containing your app. The default Xcode
+/// template contains a source file and storyboard for your view controller. The
+/// `Info.plist` file of the extension comes mostly configured. Specifically,
+/// the `NSExtensionPointIdentifier` key is set to the value
+/// ``, and the
+/// `NSExtensionMainStoryboard` key is set to the name of the project’s
+/// storyboard file. However, the `NSExtensionAttribute` key contains a
+/// dictionary of additional keys and values, which are listed in the following table.
+/// | Key | Value |
+/// | --- | ----- |
+/// | `UNNotificationExtensionCategory` (Required) | A string or an array of strings. Each string contains the identifier of a category declared by the app using the <doc://> class. |
+/// | `UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio` (Required) | A floating-point number that represents the initial size of your view controller’s view expressed as a ratio of its height to its width. The system uses this value to set the initial size of the view controller while your extension is loading. For example, a value of 0.5 results in a view controller whose height is half its width. You can change the size of your view controller after your extension loads. |
+/// | `UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden` | A Boolean. When set to <doc://>, the system displays only your custom view controller in the notification interface. When set to <doc://>, the system displays the default notification content in addition to your view controller’s content. Custom action buttons and the Dismiss button are always displayed, regardless of this setting. If you don't specify this key, the default value is set to <doc://>. |
+/// | `UNNotificationExtensionOverridesDefaultTitle` | A Boolean. When set to <doc://>, the system uses the <doc://> property of your view controller as the title of the notification. When set to <doc://>, the system sets the notification's title to the name of your app. If you don't specify this key, the default value is set to <doc://>. |
+/// If the notification category includes custom actions, the system
+/// automatically adds action buttons to your notification interface; don't
+/// create those buttons yourself. If your view controller implements the
+/// optional
+/// ``UNNotificationContentExtension/didReceiveNotificationResponse:completionHandler:``
+/// method, the system calls that method to respond to any selected actions. If
+/// your view controller doesn't implement that method, the system delivers the
+/// selected action to your app for handling.
+/// The system prevents the delivery of touch events to your view controller
+/// while it is onscreen. Do not install gesture recognizers or rely on touch
+/// events in your interface.
+/// For information about how to implement your notification content app
+/// extension, see <doc:customizing-the-appearance-of-notifications>.
 @protocol UNNotificationContentExtension <NSObject>
-// This will be called to send the notification to be displayed by
-// the extension. If the extension is being displayed and more related
-// notifications arrive (eg. more messages for the same conversation)
-// the same method will be called for each new notification.
+/// Delivers a new notification to your notification content app extension.
+/// In your implementation of this method, use the contents of `notification` to
+/// configure your view controller. This method may be called multiple times
+/// while your view controller is visible. Specifically, it is called again when
+/// a new notification arrives whose
+/// <doc://>
+/// value matches the thread identifier of the notification already being
+/// displayed. The method is called on the main thread of your notification
+/// content app extension.
+/// If you want to accommodate new content in your interface, you can change the
+/// height of your view controller's view. Change only the height; width values
+/// are ignored. You can then add subviews to fill the additional space with
+/// your content.
+/// - Parameters:
+///   - notification: The notification that arrived.
 - (void)didReceiveNotification:(UNNotification *)notification;
-// If implemented, the method will be called when the user taps on one
-// of the notification actions. The completion handler can be called
-// after handling the action to dismiss the notification and forward the
-// action to the app if necessary.
+/// Handles a notification action selected by the user.
+/// > Concurrency Note: You can call this method from synchronous code using a completion handler,
+/// > as shown on this page, or you can call it as an asynchronous method that has the
+/// > following declaration:
+/// >
+/// > ```swift
+/// > optional func didReceive(_ response: UNNotificationResponse) async -> UNNotificationContentExtensionResponseOption
+/// > ```
+/// >
+/// > For information about concurrency and asynchronous code in Swift, see <doc://>.
+/// Implement this method when you want your view controller to handle actions
+/// selected by the user. Use your implementation to perform the associated task
+/// and then execute the `completion` block. If you implement this method, you
+/// must handle all actions defined in all categories managed by your
+/// Notification Content app extension. If you don't implement this method, the
+/// system notifies your app when the user selects an action.
+/// - Parameters:
+///   - response: The response object that identifies the user-selected action.
+/// Use this object to get information about the notification and the user’s
+/// response.
+///   - completion: The block to execute when you are finished performing the
+/// action. You must call this block at some point during your implementation.
+/// The block has no return value and takes the following parameter:
+///     - term `dismiss`: The response you want to take for the notification. For a list of
+/// possible options, see
+/// ``UserNotificationsUI/UNNotificationContentExtensionResponseOption``.
 - (void)didReceiveNotificationResponse:(UNNotificationResponse *)response completionHandler:(void (^)(UNNotificationContentExtensionResponseOption option))completion;
-// Implementing this method and returning a button type other that "None" will
-// make the notification attempt to draw a play/pause button correctly styled
-// for that type.
+/// The type of media button type to display.
+/// Implement this property when you want the system to display a media playback
+/// button in your notification interface. Return an appropriate constant
+/// indicating the type of button you want. If you don't implement this
+/// property, the system behaves as if you set the value to
+/// ``UNNotificationContentExtensionMediaPlayPauseButtonType/UNNotificationContentExtensionMediaPlayPauseButtonTypeNone``.
 @property (nonatomic, readonly, assign) UNNotificationContentExtensionMediaPlayPauseButtonType mediaPlayPauseButtonType;
-// Implementing this method and returning a non-empty frame will make
-// the notification draw a button that allows the user to play and pause
-// media content embedded in the notification.
+/// The frame rectangle to use for displaying a media playback button.
+/// If you support the playback of media directly from your notification
+/// interface, implement this property and use it to return a nonempty rectangle
+/// specified in the coordinate system of your view controller’s view. The
+/// system draws a button in the provided rectangle that lets the user play and
+/// pause your media content. The system handles the drawing of the button for
+/// you and calls the ``UNNotificationContentExtension/mediaPlay`` and
+/// ``UNNotificationContentExtension/mediaPause`` methods in response to user
+/// interactions. You can place this button anywhere in your view controller’s
+/// view.
+/// If you don't implement this property, the system doesn't draw a media
+/// playback button.
 @property (nonatomic, readonly, assign) CGRect mediaPlayPauseButtonFrame;
-// The tint color to use for the button.
+/// The tint color for the media playback button.
+/// If you implement the
+/// ``UNNotificationContentExtension/mediaPlayPauseButtonFrame`` property, you
+/// can also implement this property and use it to specify the tint color to
+/// apply to the button. If you don't implement this property, the system uses a
+/// default color for the tint color.
 @property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSColor *mediaPlayPauseButtonTintColor;
+/// The tint color for the media playback button.
+/// If you implement the
+/// ``UNNotificationContentExtension/mediaPlayPauseButtonFrame`` property, you
+/// can also implement this property and use it to specify the tint color to
+/// apply to the button. If you don't implement this property, the system uses a
+/// default color for the tint color.
 @property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) UIColor *mediaPlayPauseButtonTintColor;
-// Called when the user taps the play or pause button.
+/// Tells you to begin playback of your media content.
+/// Don't call this method yourself. If you implement the
+/// ``UNNotificationContentExtension/mediaPlayPauseButtonFrame`` property in
+/// your view controller, the system calls this method when the user wants to
+/// begin playback of your media. Use your implementation of this method to
+/// initiate playback.
 - (void)mediaPlay;
+/// Tells you to pause playback of your media content.
+/// Don't call this method yourself. If you implement the
+/// ``UNNotificationContentExtension/mediaPlayPauseButtonFrame`` property in
+/// your view controller, the system calls this method when the user wants to
+/// stop playback of your media. Use your implementation of this method to pause
+/// playback at the current location.
 - (void)mediaPause;
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