- Retry an operation for transient faults.
Strategy Name | Situation | Operation |
Cancel | The failure isn't transient or is unlikely to be successful if repeated. | Cancel the operation and report an exception. |
Retry | The failure is unlikely to be repeated. | Retry the failing request again immediately. |
Retry after delay | The failure is unlikely to be repeated after a short period of time. | Wait for a suitable time before retrying the request. |
- The time between retries should be specified.
- fixed time
- increasing time
- The maximum number of retries should be specified.
- For some noncritical operations, it's better to fail fast rather than retry several times and impact the throughput of the application.
- It's useful for the retry policy to adjust the time between retry attempts based on the type of the exception.
Topic | Consideration | Possible Solution Options |
Duplicate execution | Retries could cause the operation to be executed more than once, with unintended side effects. |