Name | Description |
EC2 | Create and run virtual servers. |
Lightsail | Launch and manage virtual private servers. |
Elastic Beanstalk | Run and manage web apps. |
Name | Description |
Lambda | Run code without provisioning or managing servers. |
SAM | Build serverless applications. |
Name | Description |
ECR | Store, manage, and deploy container images. |
ECS | Run containers. |
EKS | Run Kubernetes. |
Name | Description |
Aurora | High performance AWS-developed relational database engine. |
RDS | Set up, operate, and scale a relational database (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server). |
DynamoDB | NoSQL database. |
DocumentDB | Document database. |
Neptune | Graph database. |
Timestream | Time series database. |
QLDB | Ledger database. |
ElastiCache | In-memory caching service. |
MemoryDB | Redis-compatible, durable, in-memory database service. |
Keyspaces | Cassandra-compatible database. |
Name | Description |
S3 | Object storage |
S3 Glacier | Low-cost archive storage |
EBS | Block storage volumes for EC2 |
Name | Description |
MQ | Message broker service to set up and operate message brokers. |
SQS | Message queues. |
EventBridge | Serverless event bus for SaaS apps and AWS services. |
Name | Description |
SNS | Pub/sub, SMS, email, and mobile push notifications |
SES | High-scale inbound and outbound email. |
Name | Description |
CloudWatch | Monitor resources and applications. |
CloudTrail | Track and monitor activities by users, roles, or AWS services. |
CloudFormation | Create and manage resources with templates. |
Name | Description |
IAM | |
KMS | Create and manage encryption keys. |
CloudHSM | Hardware-based key storage for regulatory compliance. |
Certificate Manager | Provision, manage, and deploy SSL/TLS certificates. |