Name | Abbreviation | Size (base 2) | Conversion |
bit | b | 1/8 | |
Byte | B | 1 | 1 B = 8 b |
Kilobyte | KB | 210 | 1 KB = 210 B |
Megabyte | MB | 220 | 1 MB = 210 KB |
Gigabyte | GB | 230 | 1 GB = 210 MB |
Terabyte | TB | 240 | 1 TB = 210 GB |
Petabyte | PB | 250 | 1 PB = 210 TB |
Exabyte | EB | 260 | 1 EB = 210 PB |
Zettabyte | ZB | 270 | 1 ZB = 210 EB |
Yottabyte | YB | 280 | 1 YB = 210 ZB |
- Queries per second (QPS): The number of queries (requests) a server can be responded to.
- Transactions per second (TPS): The number of transactions a server can handle.
- Response time (RT): The time period between the client sends a request and the client receives the response.
- Concurrency: The number of requests/transactions can be handle concurrently.
- QPS is often associated with individual queries or requests
- TPS typically measures the rate of complete transactions, which may involve multiple requests.
- Examples
- One transaction can be one access to a web page. But during this transaction, the client can send 3 requests to the server.
QPS = Councurrency / RT