Use the selection tool in the top-right corner to choose the base layer for the map. Currently the Austrian OpenData map and orthophoto are available as well as an OpenStreetMap layer.
Drag the map to navigate, or use the arrow buttons (as long as the map is focused). Use the zoom
tool in the top-left corner, the +
and -
keys, or the mousewheel for zooming.
A feature collection is a group of multiple features like POIs that can be edited together. Those terms have the same meaning as in the GeoJSON standard.
All GeoJSON types can be imported and then exported again. The following types of features can be created and edited:
- Arbitrary list of POIs
- Track with generated periodic markers for distances (e.g. per kilometer)
- Grid markers
- Image overlay
See the description of each type of feature for specific usage.
The list of added feature collection is shown in the bottom-left corner as soon as a feature collection is added.
Click the feature collection to choose another one. You can also switch collections by using the <
and >
The feature collection controls are also shown in the bottom-left corner as soon as a collection is selected. You can also press the assigned keyboard shortcut.
Create a new collection of arbitrary POIs. Shortcut:
Creat a new grid marker collection. Shortcut:
Unselect the currently selected feature collection. Shortcut:
Edit the currently selected feature collection. Shortcut:
Delete the currently selected feature collection permanently. Shortcut:
Export the currently selected feature collection. Browsers sometimes block multiple successive downloads, so an exception for this has to be added. Shortcut:
Additional controls are added based on the currently selected feature collection.
Existing feature collections can be loaded by dragging a single exported JSON config file onto the map.