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We’re starting a new regular feature on this blog today. We’d like to keep everyone up-to-date about the happenings all across the WordPress open source project and highlight how you can get involved, so we’ll be posting a roundup of all the major WordPress news at the end of every month.
\nAside from other general news, the three big events in June were the release of WordPress 4.8, WordCamp Europe 2017, and the WordPress Community Summit. Read on to hear more about these as well as other interesting stories from around the WordPress world.
\nOn June 8, a week before the Community Summit and WordCamp Europe, WordPress 4.8 was released.You can read the Field Guide for a comprehensive overview of all the features of this release (the News and Events widget in the dashboard is one of the major highlights).
\nMost people would either have their version auto-updated, or their hosts would have updated it for them. For the rest, the updates have gone smoothly with no major issues reported so far.
\nThis WordPress release saw contributions from 346 individuals; you can find their names in the announcement post. To get involved in building WordPress core, jump into the #core channel in the Making WordPress Slack group, and follow the Core team blog.
\nWordCamp Europe 2017 was held in Paris between June 15-17. The event began with a Contributor Day, followed by two days of talks and community goodness. The talks were live-streamed, but you can still catch all the recordings on WordPress.tv. The organisers also published a handy wrap-up of the event.
\nWordCamp Europe exists to bring together the WordPress community from all over the continent, as well as to inspire local communities everywhere to get their own events going — to that end, the event was a great success, as a host of new meetup groups have popped up in the weeks following WordCamp Europe.
\nThe work that Contributor Day participants accomplished was both varied and valuable, covering all aspects of the WordPress project — have a look through the Make blogs for updates from each team.
\nFinally, we also learned during the event that WordCamp Europe 2018 will be held in Belgrade, Serbia, continuing the tradition of exploring locations and communities across the continent.
\nThe fourth WordPress Community Summit took place during the two days leading up to WordCamp Europe 2017. This event is an invite-only unconference where people from all over the WordPress community come together to discuss some of the more difficult issues in the community, as well as to make plans for the year ahead in each of the contribution teams.
\nAs the Summit is designed to be a safe space for all attendees, the notes from each discussion are in the process of being anonymized before we publish them on the Summit blog (so stay tuned – they’ll show up there over the next few weeks).
\nYou can already see the final list of topics that were proposed for the event here (although a few more were added during the course of the two day Summit).
\nAs part of the push to be more intentional in marketing WordPress (as per Matt Mullenweg’s 2016 State of the Word), the Marketing team has launched two significant drives to obtain more information about who uses WordPress and how that information can shape their outreach and messaging efforts.
\nThe team is looking for WordPress case studies and is asking users, agencies, and freelancers to take a WordPress usage survey. This will go a long way towards establishing a marketing base for WordPress as a platform and as a community — and many people in the community are looking forward to seeing this area develop further.
\nTo get involved in the WordPress Marketing team, you can visit their team blog.
\nFor some time now, the Core team has been hard at work on a brand-new text editor for WordPress — this project has been dubbed “Gutenberg.” The project’s ultimate goal is to replace the existing TinyMCE editor, but for now it is in beta and available for public testing — you can download it here as a plugin and install it on any WordPress site.
\nThis feature is still in beta, so we don’t recommend using it on a production site. If you test it out, though, you’ll find that it is a wholly different experience to what you are used to in WordPress. It’s a more streamlined, altogether cleaner approach to the text-editing experience than we’ve had before, and something that many people are understandably excited about. Matt Mullenweg discussed the purpose of Gutenberg in more detail during his Q&A at WordCamp Europe.
\nThere are already a few reviews out from Brian Jackson at Kinsta, Aaron Jorbin, and Matt Cromwell (among many others). Keep in mind that the project is in constant evolution at this stage; when it eventually lands in WordPress core (probably in v5.0), it could look very different from its current iteration — that’s what makes this beta stage and user testing so important.
\nTo get involved with shaping the future of Gutenberg, please test it out, and join the #core-editor channel in the Making WordPress Slack group. You can also visit the project’s GitHub repository to report issues and contribute to the codebase.
\nIf you have a story we should consider including in the next “Month in WordPress” post, please submit it here.
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\nThough some updates seem minor, they’ve been built by hundreds of contributors with you in mind. Get ready for new features you’ll welcome like an old friend: link improvements, three new media widgets covering images, audio, and video, an updated text widget that supports visual editing, and an upgraded news section in your dashboard which brings in nearby and upcoming WordPress events.
\nAdding an image to a widget is now a simple task that is achievable for any WordPress user without needing to know code. Simply insert your image right within the widget settings. Try adding something like a headshot or a photo of your latest weekend adventure — and see it appear automatically.
\nA welcome video is a great way to humanize the branding of your website. You can now add any video from the Media Library to a sidebar on your site with the new Video widget. Use this to showcase a welcome video to introduce visitors to your site or promote your latest and greatest content.
\nAre you a podcaster, musician, or avid blogger? Adding a widget with your audio file has never been easier. Upload your audio file to the Media Library, go to the widget settings, select your file, and you’re ready for listeners. This would be a easy way to add a more personal welcome message, too!
\nThis feature deserves a parade down the center of town! Rich-text editing capabilities are now native for Text widgets. Add a widget anywhere and format away. Create lists, add emphasis, and quickly and easily insert links. Have fun with your newfound formatting powers, and watch what you can accomplish in a short amount of time.
\nHave you ever tried updating a link, or the text around a link, and found you can’t seem to edit it correctly? When you edit the text after the link, your new text also ends up linked. Or you edit the text in the link, but your text ends up outside of it. This can be frustrating! With link boundaries, a great new feature, the process is streamlined and your links will work well. You’ll be happier. We promise.
\nDid you know that WordPress has a thriving offline community with groups meeting regularly in more than 400 cities around the world? WordPress now draws your attention to the events that help you continue improving your WordPress skills, meet friends, and, of course, publish!
\nThis is quickly becoming one of our favorite features. While you are in the dashboard (because you’re running updates and writing posts, right?) all upcoming WordCamps and official WordPress Meetups — local to you — will be displayed.
\nBeing part of the community can help you improve your WordPress skills and network with people you wouldn’t otherwise meet. Now you can easily find your local events just by logging in to your dashboard and looking at the new Events and News dashboard widget.
\nNew CSS rules mean extraneous content (like “Add New” links) no longer need to be included in admin-area headings. These panel headings improve the experience for people using assistive technologies.
\nAs fewer and fewer browsers support Silverlight, file formats which require the presence of the Silverlight plugin are being removed from core support. Files will still display as a download link, but will no longer be embedded automatically.
\nNew capabilities have been introduced to 4.8 with an eye towards removing calls to
. Additionally, new hooks and tweaks to more granularly control site and user counts per network have been added.
With the addition of TinyMCE to the text widget in 4.8 comes a new JavaScript API for instantiating the editor after page load. This can be used to add an editor instance to any text area, and customize it with buttons and functions. Great for plugin authors!
\nThe introduction of a new base media widget REST API schema to 4.8 opens up possibilities for even more media widgets (like galleries or playlists) in the future. The three new media widgets are powered by a shared base class that covers most of the interactions with the media modal. That class also makes it easier to create new media widgets and paves the way for more to come.
\nRejoice! New responsive breakpoints have been added to the customizer sidebar to make it wider on high-resolution screens. Customizer controls should use percentage-based widths instead of pixels.
\nThis release was led by Matt and Jeff Paul, with the help of the following fabulous folks. There are 346 contributors with props in this release, with 106 of them contributing for the first time. Pull up some Bill Evans on your music service of choice, and check out some of their profiles:
\n1naveengiri, 4nickpick, Aaron D. Campbell, Aaron Jorbin, abhishek, Abhishek Kumar, abrain, Adam Harley (Kawauso), Adam Silverstein, Adam Soucie, Afzal Multani, Ahmad Awais, ajoah, Alex Concha, Alex Floyd Marshall, Alex King, Alex Shiels, Andrea Fercia, Andrea Middleton, Andrew Nacin, Andrew Ozz, Andrew Rockwell, Andy Mercer, Ankit K Gupta, arena94, Arshid, Arun, asalce, ashokkumar24, Barry Ceelen, bcworkz, Bharat Kambariya, Blobfolio, bonger, Boone B. Gorges, Boro Sitnikovski, Brad Touesnard, Brady Vercher, Brandon Kraft, Brandon Lavigne, Bridget Willard, Bunty, Cami Kaos, Carl Alberto, Casey Driscoll, cazm, ccprog, Chandra Patel, chesio, chetansatasiya, Chirag Patel, Chouby, Chris Klosowski, Chris Mok, chriseverson, Christian Chung, Corey McKrill, Courtney P.K., Cristiano Zanca, csloisel, Curdin Krummenacher, Cyrus Collier, Daniel Bachhuber , Daniel Llewellyn, Daniele Scasciafratte, Darren Ethier (nerrad), Darshan_dj, darthaud, Daryl L. L. Houston (dllh), David A. Kennedy, David Anderson, David Binovec, David Herrera, David Shanske, davidbenton, designsimply, Dhanendran, Dharmesh Patel, Dhaval Parekh, dingo-d, Dion Hulse, Dominik Schilling, Dotan Cohen, DoubleH, DreamOn11, Drew Jaynes, Drivingralle, dspilka, Edwin Cromley, Ejner Galaz, Ella Iseulde Van Dorpe, emirpprime, Eric Andrew Lewis, Erick Hitter, Ethan Allen, Fabien Quatravaux, Felix Arntz, fibonaccina, Florian TIAR, Francesca Marano, Frank Neumann-Staude, Franz Josef Kaiser, Gabriel Maldonado, Garth Mortensen, Gary Cao, Gary Pendergast, Gennady Kovshenin, George Stephanis, Gustave F. Gerhardt, hedgefield, Helen Hou-Sandí, helgatheviking, Hristo Pandjarov, Ian Dunn, ig_communitysites, Igor Zinovyev, imath, Ipstenu (Mika Epstein), Irene Strikkers, Ivan Stefanov, ivantedja, J.D. Grimes, Jack Reichert, Jake Spurlock, James Nylen, Jaydeep Rami, jazbek, Jeff Bowen, Jeff Farthing, Jeff Paul, Jeffrey de Wit, Jen Miller, Jeremy Felt, Jeremy Pry, jesseenterprises, Jignesh Nakrani, Jip Moors, jjcomack, Joe Dolson, Joe Hoyle, Joe McGill, John Blackbourn, John James Jacoby, John Regan, Jonathan Desrosiers, Jonny Harris, Joost de Valk, Josepha, Josh Pollock, Juhi Saxena, Justin Kopepasah, Justin McGuire, Justin Tucker, K.Adam White, kafleg, Kailey (trepmal), karinedo, Kathryn, kaushik, Keanan Koppenhaver, keesiemeijer, Kelly Dwan, Kite, kjellr, Konstantin Kovshenin, Konstantin Obenland, kostasx, kubik-rubik, KUCKLU, Lance Willett, Laurel Fulford, Lee Willis, leemon, LewisCowles, LiamMcArthur, Lucas Stark, lukasbesch, Luke Cavanagh, Maedah Batool, Mahesh Prajapati, mantismamita, Marin Atanasov, Mario Aguiar, Mark Jaquith, Mark Root-Wiley, Mark Uraine, Marko Heijnen, Matheus Martins, MatheusGimenez, mathieuhays, matias, Matt Wiebe, Matthew Boynes, Matthew Haines-Young, mattyrob, Maxime Culea, Mayo Moriyama, Mayur Keshwani, Mel Choyce, Menaka S., Michael Arestad, michalzuber, michelleweber, Miina Sikk, Mike Crantea, Mike Hansen, Mike Jolley, Mike Little, Mike Nelson, Mike Schroder, Milan Dinić, Milind More, Mithun Raval, MMDeveloper, Mohammad Jangda, mohanjith, monikarao, Morgan Estes, moto hachi ( mt8.biz ), MrGregWaugh, mschadegg, Muhammet Arslan, MULTIDOTS, Naoko Takano, Naomi C. Bush, Nate Reist, Ned Zimmerman, Nick Halsey , Nicklas Sundberg, Nikhil Chavan, Nitin Kevadiya, Nitish Kaila, nobremarcos, NoseGraze, nullvariable, odyssey, page-carbajal, Pascal Birchler, Paul Bearne, Paul Biron, Paul de Wouters, Paul Ryan, pavelevap, Payton Swick, pdufour, Perdaan, Peter Wilson, Philip John, Piotr Delawski, Piotr Soluch, postpostmodern, Pranali Patel, Pratik Shrestha, Presskopp, printsachen1, Priyanka Behera, prosti, ptbello, Rachel Baker, Rafael Ehlers, raggedrobins, raisonon, Rami Yushuvaev, ramiabraham, ranh, RC Lations, redrambles, reidbusi, reldev, rellect, RENAUT, rensw90, reportermike, Rian Rietveld, Riddhi Mehta, Robbie Cahill, Robert O\'Rourke, Robin Cornett, runciters, Ryan Boren, Ryan McCue, Ryan Welcher, Sagar Bhatt, Sagar Jadhav, Sagar Prajapati, Sal Ferrarello, Samantha Miller, Sami Keijonen, Samuel Sidler, Sanket Parmar, sathyapulse, sboisvert, Scott Reilly, Scott Taylor, Sean Hayes, Sebastian Pisula, Sergey Biryukov, sfpt, sgolemon, Shady Sharaf, shanee, Shashwat Mittal, shazahm1, shulard, slbmeh, Soren Wrede, Stanimir Stoyanov, Stephane Daury (stephdau), Stephen Edgar, Stephen Harris, Steven Word, Storm Rockwell, Sudar Muthu, Supercoder, Sybre Waaijer, szaqal21, taggon, Takayuki Miyauchi, Takayuki Miyoshi, Tammie Lister, technopolitica, teinertb, tejas5989, terwdan, tharsheblows, theMikeD, thepelkus, Thorsten Frommen, Timmy Crawford, Timothy Jacobs, timph, tmatsuur, tomdxw, Topher, Travis Smith, triplejumper12, truongwp, tymvie, Ulrich, Utkarsh, vaishu.agola27, vortfu, Weston Ruter, wpfo, xrmx, ze3kr, and Zeljko Ascic.\n\n
Finally, thanks to all the community translators who worked on WordPress 4.8. Their efforts bring WordPress 4.8 fully translated to 38 languages at release time with more on the way.
\nDo you want to report on WordPress 4.8? We’ve compiled a press kit featuring information about the release features, and some media assets to help you along.
\nIf you want to follow along or help out, check out Make WordPress and our core development blog. Thanks for choosing WordPress — we hope you enjoy!
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\nWe’ve made a handful of changes since releasing RC 1 last week. For more details about what’s new in version 4.8, check out the Beta 1, Beta 2, and RC1 blog posts.
\nThink you’ve found a bug? Please post to the Alpha/Beta support forum. If any known issues come up, you’ll be able to find them here.
\nHappy testing!
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\nTo test WordPress 4.8, you can use the WordPress Beta Tester plugin or you can download the release candidate here (zip).
\nWe’ve made a handful of changes since releasing Beta 2 earlier this week. For more details about what’s new in version 4.8, check out the Beta 1 and Beta 2 blog posts.
\nThink you’ve found a bug? Please post to the Alpha/Beta support forum. If any known issues come up, you’ll be able to find them here.
\nDevelopers, please test your plugins and themes against WordPress 4.8 and update your plugin’s Tested up to version in the readme to 4.8. If you find compatibility problems please be sure to post to the support forums so we can figure those out before the final release – we work hard to avoid breaking things. An in-depth field guide to developer-focused changes is coming soon on the core development blog.
\nDo you speak a language other than English? Help us translate WordPress into more than 100 languages!
\nThis release’s haiku is courtesy of @matveb:
\nÉrrese uno
\nCien veces y más
\nErre ce dos
Thanks for your continued help testing out the latest versions of WordPress.
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\nFor more information on what’s new in 4.8, check out the Beta 1 blog post. Since then, we’ve made over 50 changes in Beta 2.
\nDo you speak a language other than English? Help us translate WordPress into more than 100 languages!
\nIf you think you’ve found a bug, you can post to the Alpha/Beta area in the support forums. We’d love to hear from you! If you’re comfortable writing a reproducible bug report, file one on WordPress Trac, where you can also find a list of known bugs.
\nWordPress four point eight
\nOne step closer to release
\nPlease test Beta 2!
WordPress 4.7.5 is now available. This is a security release for all previous versions and we strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately.
\nWordPress versions 4.7.4 and earlier are affected by six security issues:
\nThank you to the reporters of these issues for practicing responsible disclosure.
\nIn addition to the security issues above, WordPress 4.7.5 contains 3 maintenance fixes to the 4.7 release series. For more information, see the release notes or consult the list of changes.
\nDownload WordPress 4.7.5 or venture over to Dashboard → Updates and simply click “Update Now.” Sites that support automatic background updates are already beginning to update to WordPress 4.7.5.
\nThanks to everyone who contributed to 4.7.5.
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\nHackerOne is a platform for security researchers to securely and responsibly report vulnerabilities to our team. It provides tools that improve the quality and consistency of communication with reporters, and will reduce the time spent on responding to commonly reported issues. This frees our team to spend more time working on improving the security of WordPress.
\nThe security team has been working on this project for quite some time. Nikolay Bachiyski started the team working on it just over a year ago. We ran it as a private program while we worked out our procedures and processes, and are excited to finally make it public.
\nWith the announcement of the WordPress HackerOne program we are also introducing bug bounties. Bug bounties let us reward reporters for disclosing issues to us and helping us secure our products and infrastructure. We’ve already awarded more than $3,700 in bounties to seven different reporters! We are thankful to Automattic for paying the bounties on behalf of the WordPress project.
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\nThe first beta of 4.8 is now available for testing. You can use the beta tester plugin (or just run trunk) to try the latest and greatest, and each of these areas could use a ton of testing. Our goals are to make editing posts with links more intuitive, make widgets easier for new users and more convenient for existing ones, and get many more people aware of and attending our community events.
\nFour point eight is here
\nSmall changes with a big punch
\nBig ones come later
After almost sixty million downloads of WordPress 4.7, we are pleased to announce the immediate availability of WordPress 4.7.4, a maintenance release.
\nThis release contains 47 maintenance fixes and enhancements, chief among them an incompatibility between the upcoming Chrome version and the visual editor, inconsistencies in media handling, and further improvements to the REST API. For a full list of changes, consult the release notes and the list of changes.
\nDownload WordPress 4.7.4 or visit Dashboard → Updates and simply click “Update Now.” Sites that support automatic background updates are already beginning to update to WordPress 4.7.4.
\nThanks to everyone who contributed to 4.7.4:
\nAaron Jorbin, Adam Silverstein, Andrea Fercia, Andrew Ozz, aussieguy123, Blobfolio, boldwater, Boone Gorges, Boro Sitnikovski, chesio, Curdin Krummenacher, Daniel Bachhuber, Darren Ethier (nerrad), David A. Kennedy, davidbenton, David Herrera, Dion Hulse, Dominik Schilling (ocean90), eclev91, Ella Van Dorpe, Gustave F. Gerhardt, ig_communitysites, James Nylen, Joe Dolson, John Blackbourn, karinedo, lukasbesch, maguiar, MatheusGimenez, Matthew Boynes, Matt Wiebe, Mayur Keshwani, Mel Choyce, Nick Halsey, Pascal Birchler, Peter Wilson, Piotr Delawski, Pratik Shrestha, programmin, Rachel Baker, sagarkbhatt, Sagar Prajapati, sboisvert, Scott Taylor, Sergey Biryukov, Stephen Edgar, Sybre Waaijer, Timmy Crawford, vortfu, and Weston Ruter.
WordPress 4.7.3 is now available. This is a security release for all previous versions and we strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately.
\nWordPress versions 4.7.2 and earlier are affected by six security issues:
\nThank you to the reporters for practicing responsible disclosure.
\nIn addition to the security issues above, WordPress 4.7.3 contains 39 maintenance fixes to the 4.7 release series. For more information, see the release notes or consult the list of changes.
\nDownload WordPress 4.7.3 or venture over to Dashboard → Updates and simply click “Update Now.” Sites that support automatic background updates are already beginning to update to WordPress 4.7.3.
\nThanks to everyone who contributed to 4.7.3: Aaron D. Campbell, Adam Silverstein, Alex Concha, Andrea Fercia, Andrew Ozz, asalce, blobfolio, bonger, Boone Gorges, Boro Sitnikovski, Brady Vercher, Brandon Lavigne, Bunty, ccprog, chetansatasiya, David A. Kennedy, David Herrera, Dhanendran, Dion Hulse, Dominik Schilling (ocean90), Drivingralle, Ella Van Dorpe, Gary Pendergast, Ian Dunn, Ipstenu (Mika Epstein), James Nylen, jazbek, Jeremy Felt, Jeremy Pry, Joe Hoyle, Joe McGill, John Blackbourn, John James Jacoby, Jonathan Desrosiers, Kelly Dwan, Marko Heijnen, MatheusGimenez, Mike Nelson, Mike Schroder, Muhammet Arslan, Nick Halsey, Pascal Birchler, Paul Bearne, pavelevap, Peter Wilson, Rachel Baker, reldev, Robert O’Rourke, Ryan Welcher, Sanket Parmar, Sean Hayes, Sergey Biryukov, Stephen Edgar, triplejumper12, Weston Ruter, and wpfo.
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\nAside from other general news, the three big events in June were the release of WordPress 4.8, WordCamp Europe 2017, and the WordPress Community Summit. Read on to hear more about these as well as other interesting stories from around the WordPress world.
\nOn June 8, a week before the Community Summit and WordCamp Europe, WordPress 4.8 was released.You can read the Field Guide for a comprehensive overview of all the features of this release (the News and Events widget in the dashboard is one of the major highlights).
\nMost people would either have their version auto-updated, or their hosts would have updated it for them. For the rest, the updates have gone smoothly with no major issues reported so far.
\nThis WordPress release saw contributions from 346 individuals; you can find their names in the announcement post. To get involved in building WordPress core, jump into the #core channel in the Making WordPress Slack group, and follow the Core team blog.
\nWordCamp Europe 2017 was held in Paris between June 15-17. The event began with a Contributor Day, followed by two days of talks and community goodness. The talks were live-streamed, but you can still catch all the recordings on WordPress.tv. The organisers also published a handy wrap-up of the event.
\nWordCamp Europe exists to bring together the WordPress community from all over the continent, as well as to inspire local communities everywhere to get their own events going — to that end, the event was a great success, as a host of new meetup groups have popped up in the weeks following WordCamp Europe.
\nThe work that Contributor Day participants accomplished was both varied and valuable, covering all aspects of the WordPress project — have a look through the Make blogs for updates from each team.
\nFinally, we also learned during the event that WordCamp Europe 2018 will be held in Belgrade, Serbia, continuing the tradition of exploring locations and communities across the continent.
\nThe fourth WordPress Community Summit took place during the two days leading up to WordCamp Europe 2017. This event is an invite-only unconference where people from all over the WordPress community come together to discuss some of the more difficult issues in the community, as well as to make plans for the year ahead in each of the contribution teams.
\nAs the Summit is designed to be a safe space for all attendees, the notes from each discussion are in the process of being anonymized before we publish them on the Summit blog (so stay tuned – they’ll show up there over the next few weeks).
\nYou can already see the final list of topics that were proposed for the event here (although a few more were added during the course of the two day Summit).
\nAs part of the push to be more intentional in marketing WordPress (as per Matt Mullenweg’s 2016 State of the Word), the Marketing team has launched two significant drives to obtain more information about who uses WordPress and how that information can shape their outreach and messaging efforts.
\nThe team is looking for WordPress case studies and is asking users, agencies, and freelancers to take a WordPress usage survey. This will go a long way towards establishing a marketing base for WordPress as a platform and as a community — and many people in the community are looking forward to seeing this area develop further.
\nTo get involved in the WordPress Marketing team, you can visit their team blog.
\nFor some time now, the Core team has been hard at work on a brand-new text editor for WordPress — this project has been dubbed “Gutenberg.” The project’s ultimate goal is to replace the existing TinyMCE editor, but for now it is in beta and available for public testing — you can download it here as a plugin and install it on any WordPress site.
\nThis feature is still in beta, so we don’t recommend using it on a production site. If you test it out, though, you’ll find that it is a wholly different experience to what you are used to in WordPress. It’s a more streamlined, altogether cleaner approach to the text-editing experience than we’ve had before, and something that many people are understandably excited about. Matt Mullenweg discussed the purpose of Gutenberg in more detail during his Q&A at WordCamp Europe.
\nThere are already a few reviews out from Brian Jackson at Kinsta, Aaron Jorbin, and Matt Cromwell (among many others). Keep in mind that the project is in constant evolution at this stage; when it eventually lands in WordPress core (probably in v5.0), it could look very different from its current iteration — that’s what makes this beta stage and user testing so important.
\nTo get involved with shaping the future of Gutenberg, please test it out, and join the #core-editor channel in the Making WordPress Slack group. You can also visit the project’s GitHub repository to report issues and contribute to the codebase.
\nIf you have a story we should consider including in the next “Month in WordPress” post, please submit it here.
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\nThough some updates seem minor, they’ve been built by hundreds of contributors with you in mind. Get ready for new features you’ll welcome like an old friend: link improvements, three new media widgets covering images, audio, and video, an updated text widget that supports visual editing, and an upgraded news section in your dashboard which brings in nearby and upcoming WordPress events.
\nAdding an image to a widget is now a simple task that is achievable for any WordPress user without needing to know code. Simply insert your image right within the widget settings. Try adding something like a headshot or a photo of your latest weekend adventure — and see it appear automatically.
\nA welcome video is a great way to humanize the branding of your website. You can now add any video from the Media Library to a sidebar on your site with the new Video widget. Use this to showcase a welcome video to introduce visitors to your site or promote your latest and greatest content.
\nAre you a podcaster, musician, or avid blogger? Adding a widget with your audio file has never been easier. Upload your audio file to the Media Library, go to the widget settings, select your file, and you’re ready for listeners. This would be a easy way to add a more personal welcome message, too!
\nThis feature deserves a parade down the center of town! Rich-text editing capabilities are now native for Text widgets. Add a widget anywhere and format away. Create lists, add emphasis, and quickly and easily insert links. Have fun with your newfound formatting powers, and watch what you can accomplish in a short amount of time.
\nHave you ever tried updating a link, or the text around a link, and found you can’t seem to edit it correctly? When you edit the text after the link, your new text also ends up linked. Or you edit the text in the link, but your text ends up outside of it. This can be frustrating! With link boundaries, a great new feature, the process is streamlined and your links will work well. You’ll be happier. We promise.
\nDid you know that WordPress has a thriving offline community with groups meeting regularly in more than 400 cities around the world? WordPress now draws your attention to the events that help you continue improving your WordPress skills, meet friends, and, of course, publish!
\nThis is quickly becoming one of our favorite features. While you are in the dashboard (because you’re running updates and writing posts, right?) all upcoming WordCamps and official WordPress Meetups — local to you — will be displayed.
\nBeing part of the community can help you improve your WordPress skills and network with people you wouldn’t otherwise meet. Now you can easily find your local events just by logging in to your dashboard and looking at the new Events and News dashboard widget.
\nNew CSS rules mean extraneous content (like “Add New” links) no longer need to be included in admin-area headings. These panel headings improve the experience for people using assistive technologies.
\nAs fewer and fewer browsers support Silverlight, file formats which require the presence of the Silverlight plugin are being removed from core support. Files will still display as a download link, but will no longer be embedded automatically.
\nNew capabilities have been introduced to 4.8 with an eye towards removing calls to
. Additionally, new hooks and tweaks to more granularly control site and user counts per network have been added.
With the addition of TinyMCE to the text widget in 4.8 comes a new JavaScript API for instantiating the editor after page load. This can be used to add an editor instance to any text area, and customize it with buttons and functions. Great for plugin authors!
\nThe introduction of a new base media widget REST API schema to 4.8 opens up possibilities for even more media widgets (like galleries or playlists) in the future. The three new media widgets are powered by a shared base class that covers most of the interactions with the media modal. That class also makes it easier to create new media widgets and paves the way for more to come.
\nRejoice! New responsive breakpoints have been added to the customizer sidebar to make it wider on high-resolution screens. Customizer controls should use percentage-based widths instead of pixels.
\nThis release was led by Matt and Jeff Paul, with the help of the following fabulous folks. There are 346 contributors with props in this release, with 106 of them contributing for the first time. Pull up some Bill Evans on your music service of choice, and check out some of their profiles:
\nAaron D. Campbell, Aaron Jorbin, abrightclearweb, Achal Jain, achbed, Acme Themes, Adam Silverstein, adammacias, Ahmad Awais, ahmadawais, airesvsg, ajoah, Aki Björklund, akshayvinchurkar, Alain Schlesser, Alex Concha, Alex Dimitrov, Alex Hon, alex27, allancole, Amanda Rush, Andrea Fercia, Andreas Panag, Andrew Nacin, Andrew Ozz, Andrey \"Rarst\" Savchenko, Andy Meerwaldt, Andy Mercer, Andy Skelton, Aniket Pant, Anil Basnet, Ankit K Gupta, Anthony Hortin, antisilent, Anton Timmermans, Antti Kuosmanen, apokalyptik, artoliukkonen, Arunas Liuiza, attitude, backermann, Bappi, Ben Cole, Bernhard Gronau, Bernhard Kau, binarymoon, Birgir Erlendsson (birgire), BjornW, bobbingwide, boblinthorst, boboudreau, bonger, Boone B. Gorges, Brady Vercher, Brainstorm Force, Brandon Kraft, Brian Hogg, Brian Krogsgard, Bronson Quick, Caroline Moore, Casey Driscoll, Caspie, Chandra Patel, Chaos Engine, cheeserolls, chesio, chetansatasiya, choong, Chouby, chredd, Chris Jean, Chris Marslender, Chris Smith, Chris Van Patten, Chris Wiegman, chriscct7, chriseverson, Christian Chung, Christian Nolen, Christian Wach, Christoph Herr, Clarion Technologies, Claudio Sanches, Claudio Sanches, ClaudioLaBarbera, codemovement.pk, coderkevin, codfish, coreymcollins, Curdin Krummenacher, Curtiss Grymala, Cătălin Dogaru, danhgilmore, Daniel Bachhuber , Daniel Kanchev, Daniel Pietrasik, Daniele Scasciafratte, Daryl L. L. Houston (dllh), Dave Pullig, Dave Romsey (goto10), David A. Kennedy, David Chandra Purnama, David Herrera, David Lingren, David Mosterd, David Shanske, davidbhayes, Davide \'Folletto\' Casali, deeptiboddapati, delphinus, deltafactory, Denis de Bernardy, Derek Herman, Derrick Hammer, Derrick Koo, dimchik, Dinesh Chouhan, Dion Hulse, Dipesh Kakadiya, dmsnell, Dominik Schilling, Dotan Cohen, Doug Wollison, doughamlin, DreamOn11, Drew Jaynes, duncanjbrown, dungengronovius, DylanAuty, Eddie Hurtig, Eduardo Reveles, Edwin Cromley, ElectricFeet, Elio Rivero, Ella Iseulde Van Dorpe, elyobo, enodekciw, enshrined, Eric Andrew Lewis, Eric Lanehart, Evan Herman, Felix Arntz, Fencer04, Florian Brinkmann, Florian TIAR, FolioVision, fomenkoandrey, Francesco Taurino, Frank Klein, Frankie Jarrett, Fred, Fredrik Forsmo, fuscata, Gabriel Maldonado, Garth Mortensen, Gary Jones, Gary Pendergast, Geeky Software, George Stephanis, Goran Šerić, Graham Armfield, Grant Derepas, Gregory Karpinsky (@tivnet), Hardeep Asrani, Helen Hou-Sandí, Henry Wright, hiddenpearls, Hinaloe, Hristo Pandjarov, Hugo Baeta, Iain Poulson, Ian Dunn, Ian Edington, idealien, Ignacio Cruz Moreno, imath, implenton, Ionut Stanciu, Ipstenu (Mika Epstein), ivdimova, J.D. Grimes, Jacob Peattie, Jake Spurlock, James Nylen, jamesacero, Japh, Jared Cobb, jayarjo, jdolan, jdoubleu, Jeff Bowen, Jeff Paul, Jeffrey de Wit, Jeremy Felt, Jeremy Pry, jimt, Jip Moors, jmusal, Joe Dolson, Joe Hoyle, Joe McGill, Joel James, johanmynhardt, John Blackbourn, John Dittmar, John James Jacoby, John P. Bloch, John Regan, johnpgreen, Jon (Kenshino), Jonathan Bardo, Jonathan Brinley, Jonathan Daggerhart, Jonathan Desrosiers, Jonny Harris, jonnyauk, jordesign, JorritSchippers, Joseph Fusco, Josh Eaton, Josh Pollock, joshcummingsdesign, joshkadis, Joy, jrf, JRGould, Juanfra Aldasoro, Juhi Saxena, Junko Nukaga, Justin Busa, Justin Sainton, Justin Shreve, Justin Sternberg, K.Adam White, kacperszurek, Kailey (trepmal), KalenJohnson, Kat Hagan, Keanan Koppenhaver, keesiemeijer, kellbot, Kelly Dwan, Kevin Hagerty, Kirk Wight, kitchin, Kite, kjbenk, Knut Sparhell, koenschipper, kokarn, Konstantin Kovshenin, Konstantin Obenland, Konstantinos Kouratoras, kuchenundkakao, kuldipem, Laurel Fulford, Lee Willis, Leo Baiano, LittleBigThings (Csaba), Lucas Stark, Luke Cavanagh, Luke Gedeon, Luke Pettway, lyubomir_popov, mageshp, Mahesh Waghmare, Mangesh Parte, Manish Songirkar, mantismamita, Marcel Bootsman, Marin Atanasov, Mario Valney, Marius L. J., Mariyan Belchev, Mark Jaquith, Mark Root-Wiley, Mark Uraine, Marko Heijnen, markshep, matrixik, Matt Banks, Matt Jaworski, Matt King, Matt van Andel, Matt Wiebe, Matthew Haines-Young, mattyrob, Max Cutler, Maxime Culea, Mayo Moriyama, mckernanin, Mel Choyce, mhowell, Michael Arestad, Michael Arestad, michalzuber, Miina Sikk, Mike Auteri, Mike Crantea, Mike Glendinning, Mike Hansen, Mike Little, Mike Schroder, Mike Viele, Milan Dinić, modemlooper, Mohammad Jangda, Mohan Dere, monikarao, morettigeorgiev, Morgan Estes, Morten Rand-Hendriksen, moto hachi ( mt8.biz ), mrbobbybryant, Naim Naimov, Nate Reist, NateWr, nathanrice, Nazgul, Ned Zimmerman, net, Nick Halsey , Nicolas GUILLAUME, Nikhil Chavan, Nikhil Vimal, Nikolay Bachiyski, Nilambar Sharma, noplanman, nullvariable, odie2, odyssey, Okamoto Hidetaka, orvils, oskosk, Otto Kekäläinen, ovann86, Pantip Treerattanapitak (Nok), Pascal Birchler, patilvikasj, Paul Bearne, Paul Wilde, Payton Swick, pdufour, Perdaan, Peter Wilson, phh, php, Piotr Delawski, pippinsplugins, pjgalbraith, pkevan, Pratik, Pressionate, Presskopp, procodewp, Rachel Baker, Rahul Prajapati, Ramanan, Rami Yushuvaev, ramiabraham, ranh, Red Sand Media Group, Riad Benguella, Rian Rietveld, Richard Tape, Robert D Payne, Robert Jolly, Robert Noakes, Rocco Aliberti, Rodrigo Primo, Rommel Castro, Ronald Araújo, Ross Wintle, Roy Sivan, Ryan Kienstra, Ryan McCue, Ryan Plas, Ryan Welcher, Sal Ferrarello, Sami Keijonen, Samir Shah, Samuel Sidler, Sandesh, Sang-Min Yoon, Sanket Parmar, Sarah Gooding, Sayed Taqui, schrapel, Scott Reilly, Scott Taylor, scrappy@hub.org, scribu, seancjones, Sebastian Pisula, Sergey Biryukov, Sergio De Falco, sfpt, shayanys, shazahm1, shprink, simonlampen, skippy, smerriman, snacking, solal, Soren Wrede, Stanimir Stoyanov, Stanko Metodiev, Steph, Steph Wells, Stephanie Leary, Stephen Edgar, Stephen Harris, Steven Word, stevenlinx, Sudar Muthu, Swapnil V. Patil, swapnild, szaqal21, Takahashi Fumiki, Takayuki Miyauchi, Tammie Lister, tapsboy, Taylor Lovett, team, tg29359, tharsheblows, the, themeshaper, thenbrent, thomaswm, Thorsten Frommen, tierra, Tim Nash, Timmy Crawford, Timothy Jacobs, timph, Tkama, tnegri, Tom Auger, Tom J Nowell, tomdxw, Toro_Unit (Hiroshi Urabe), Torsten Landsiedel, transl8or, traversal, Travis Smith, Triet Minh, Trisha Salas, tristangemus, truongwp, tsl143, Ty Carlson, Ulrich, Utkarsh, Valeriu Tihai, Vishal Kakadiya, vortfu, Vrunda Kansara, webbgaraget, WebMan Design | Oliver Juhas, websupporter, Weston Ruter, William Earnhardt, williampatton, Wolly aka Paolo Valenti, WraithKenny, yale01, Yoav Farhi, Yoga Sukma, Zach Wills, Zack Tollman, Ze Fontainhas, zhildzik, and zsusag.\n\n
Finally, thanks to all the community translators who worked on WordPress 4.8. Their efforts bring WordPress 4.8 fully translated to 38 languages at release time with more on the way.
\nDo you want to report on WordPress 4.8? We’ve compiled a press kit featuring information about the release features, and some media assets to help you along.
\nIf you want to follow along or help out, check out Make WordPress and our core development blog. Thanks for choosing WordPress — we hope you enjoy!
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\nWe’ve made a handful of changes since releasing RC 1 last week. For more details about what’s new in version 4.8, check out the Beta 1, Beta 2, and RC1 blog posts.
\nThink you’ve found a bug? Please post to the Alpha/Beta support forum. If any known issues come up, you’ll be able to find them here.
\nHappy testing!
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\nTo test WordPress 4.8, you can use the WordPress Beta Tester plugin or you can download the release candidate here (zip).
\nWe’ve made a handful of changes since releasing Beta 2 earlier this week. For more details about what’s new in version 4.8, check out the Beta 1 and Beta 2 blog posts.
\nThink you’ve found a bug? Please post to the Alpha/Beta support forum. If any known issues come up, you’ll be able to find them here.
\nDevelopers, please test your plugins and themes against WordPress 4.8 and update your plugin’s Tested up to version in the readme to 4.8. If you find compatibility problems please be sure to post to the support forums so we can figure those out before the final release – we work hard to avoid breaking things. An in-depth field guide to developer-focused changes is coming soon on the core development blog.
\nDo you speak a language other than English? Help us translate WordPress into more than 100 languages!
\nThis release’s haiku is courtesy of @matveb:
\nÉrrese uno
\nCien veces y más
\nErre ce dos
Thanks for your continued help testing out the latest versions of WordPress.
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\nFor more information on what’s new in 4.8, check out the Beta 1 blog post. Since then, we’ve made over 50 changes in Beta 2.
\nDo you speak a language other than English? Help us translate WordPress into more than 100 languages!
\nIf you think you’ve found a bug, you can post to the Alpha/Beta area in the support forums. We’d love to hear from you! If you’re comfortable writing a reproducible bug report, file one on WordPress Trac, where you can also find a list of known bugs.
\nWordPress four point eight
\nOne step closer to release
\nPlease test Beta 2!
WordPress 4.7.5 is now available. This is a security release for all previous versions and we strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately.
\nWordPress versions 4.7.4 and earlier are affected by six security issues:
\nThank you to the reporters of these issues for practicing responsible disclosure.
\nIn addition to the security issues above, WordPress 4.7.5 contains 3 maintenance fixes to the 4.7 release series. For more information, see the release notes or consult the list of changes.
\nDownload WordPress 4.7.5 or venture over to Dashboard → Updates and simply click “Update Now.” Sites that support automatic background updates are already beginning to update to WordPress 4.7.5.
\nThanks to everyone who contributed to 4.7.5.
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\nHackerOne is a platform for security researchers to securely and responsibly report vulnerabilities to our team. It provides tools that improve the quality and consistency of communication with reporters, and will reduce the time spent on responding to commonly reported issues. This frees our team to spend more time working on improving the security of WordPress.
\nThe security team has been working on this project for quite some time. Nikolay Bachiyski started the team working on it just over a year ago. We ran it as a private program while we worked out our procedures and processes, and are excited to finally make it public.
\nWith the announcement of the WordPress HackerOne program we are also introducing bug bounties. Bug bounties let us reward reporters for disclosing issues to us and helping us secure our products and infrastructure. We’ve already awarded more than $3,700 in bounties to seven different reporters! We are thankful to Automattic for paying the bounties on behalf of the WordPress project.
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\nThe first beta of 4.8 is now available for testing. You can use the beta tester plugin (or just run trunk) to try the latest and greatest, and each of these areas could use a ton of testing. Our goals are to make editing posts with links more intuitive, make widgets easier for new users and more convenient for existing ones, and get many more people aware of and attending our community events.
\nFour point eight is here
\nSmall changes with a big punch
\nBig ones come later
After almost sixty million downloads of WordPress 4.7, we are pleased to announce the immediate availability of WordPress 4.7.4, a maintenance release.
\nThis release contains 47 maintenance fixes and enhancements, chief among them an incompatibility between the upcoming Chrome version and the visual editor, inconsistencies in media handling, and further improvements to the REST API. For a full list of changes, consult the release notes and the list of changes.
\nDownload WordPress 4.7.4 or visit Dashboard → Updates and simply click “Update Now.” Sites that support automatic background updates are already beginning to update to WordPress 4.7.4.
\nThanks to everyone who contributed to 4.7.4:
\nAaron Jorbin, Adam Silverstein, Andrea Fercia, Andrew Ozz, aussieguy123, Blobfolio, boldwater, Boone Gorges, Boro Sitnikovski, chesio, Curdin Krummenacher, Daniel Bachhuber, Darren Ethier (nerrad), David A. Kennedy, davidbenton, David Herrera, Dion Hulse, Dominik Schilling (ocean90), eclev91, Ella Van Dorpe, Gustave F. Gerhardt, ig_communitysites, James Nylen, Joe Dolson, John Blackbourn, karinedo, lukasbesch, maguiar, MatheusGimenez, Matthew Boynes, Matt Wiebe, Mayur Keshwani, Mel Choyce, Nick Halsey, Pascal Birchler, Peter Wilson, Piotr Delawski, Pratik Shrestha, programmin, Rachel Baker, sagarkbhatt, Sagar Prajapati, sboisvert, Scott Taylor, Sergey Biryukov, Stephen Edgar, Sybre Waaijer, Timmy Crawford, vortfu, and Weston Ruter.
WordPress 4.7.3 is now available. This is a security release for all previous versions and we strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately.
\nWordPress versions 4.7.2 and earlier are affected by six security issues:
\nThank you to the reporters for practicing responsible disclosure.
\nIn addition to the security issues above, WordPress 4.7.3 contains 39 maintenance fixes to the 4.7 release series. For more information, see the release notes or consult the list of changes.
\nDownload WordPress 4.7.3 or venture over to Dashboard → Updates and simply click “Update Now.” Sites that support automatic background updates are already beginning to update to WordPress 4.7.3.
\nThanks to everyone who contributed to 4.7.3: Aaron D. Campbell, Adam Silverstein, Alex Concha, Andrea Fercia, Andrew Ozz, asalce, blobfolio, bonger, Boone Gorges, Boro Sitnikovski, Brady Vercher, Brandon Lavigne, Bunty, ccprog, chetansatasiya, David A. Kennedy, David Herrera, Dhanendran, Dion Hulse, Dominik Schilling (ocean90), Drivingralle, Ella Van Dorpe, Gary Pendergast, Ian Dunn, Ipstenu (Mika Epstein), James Nylen, jazbek, Jeremy Felt, Jeremy Pry, Joe Hoyle, Joe McGill, John Blackbourn, John James Jacoby, Jonathan Desrosiers, Kelly Dwan, Marko Heijnen, MatheusGimenez, Mike Nelson, Mike Schroder, Muhammet Arslan, Nick Halsey, Pascal Birchler, Paul Bearne, pavelevap, Peter Wilson, Rachel Baker, reldev, Robert O’Rourke, Ryan Welcher, Sanket Parmar, Sean Hayes, Sergey Biryukov, Stephen Edgar, triplejumper12, Weston Ruter, and wpfo.
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\nPatchman detects vulnerabilities in a wide range of popular applications and quarantines and patches threats automatically. The quarantine feature neutralizes malicious files by removing them from public access. Patchman supports detection and patching for WordPress 3.x and later.
\nHistorically, the service has not included patches for plugins but it has applied them on a case-by-case basis for high impact vulnerabilities, including a few found in WP Super Cache, MailPoet, and the open source Genericons font project. The Patchman dashboard allows users to easily track files where vulnerabilities have been detected, view status, and revert patches if necessary.
\n\nPatchman’s single focus on hosting providers gives SiteLock the opportunity to offer more options to its hosting partners. With the acquisition, the company is now partering with more than 500 hosting providers, including BlueHost, 1&1, Web.com, InMotion, Melbourne IT, GMO (NTT), and many others.
\n“During our early talks, Patchman was not looking to be acquired and SiteLock wasn’t looking to acquire,” SiteLock President Neill Feather said. After meeting at the WorldHostingDays show in Rust, Germany in late March this year and at another show in Los Angeles, the companies found they shared similar goals and would be in a better position working together.
\n“It truly was a matter of 1+1=3,” Feather said. “Traditionally, SiteLock is very strong in detecting and removing malware for end users. Patchman offers a service tailored specifically to hosting providers and aimed at fixing the security vulnerabilities that hackers exploit to infect websites with malware. By working together we are able to address a wider market and offer a broader solution to the problems that we solve for our customers. We can now attack the problem from multiple angles.”
\nPatchman’s technology will compliment SiteLock’s existing security features but the company has not yet decided how it will be incorporated into its security plans for customers. Feather said the team is still jointly building out its future roadmap to give hosts and end customers access to a wider range of products. They are also considering making Patchman’s detection technology compatible with more products in the WordPress ecosystem.
\nFeather could not disclose any specifics on revenue generated by SiteLock’s WordPress security products but approximately 30% of its newly expanded customer base is running on WordPress.
\n“What we can say is that we’re heavily invested in the WordPress community and plan on continuing to do so,” Feather said.
\n“I’m excited that the increased number of sites we now protect across multiple platforms means we’ll be able to identify malware and malicious trends more efficiently than we’ve been able to already, and that’s good for every end user,” SiteLock’s WordPress Evangelist Adam Warner said. “Secondly, although we already have solutions for our partners, Patchman allows web hosts to offer increased security options for advanced users of their platforms. Being a WordPress guy, I’m excited about the possibility we now have to extend the capabilities of Patchman to plugins and other WordPress-specific software.”
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\nTickets are on sale for EUR 10 (BGN 20) and include all the sessions, lunch, a #WCVAR 2017 T-shirt, and a few drinks at the after party. There are 102 remaining for the conference and 14 remaining tickets for the kids’ workshop (ages 7-14).
\nThe location naturally inspired a maritime sticker pack collection for attendees, featuring four new wapuu designs. The collection was designed by the vector graphic illustrators at GraphicMama, a design partner for the WordCamp. Ever wonder how much effort goes into designing all the individualized creations in the world of wapuus? Check out the video below to see how WordCamp Varna’s wapuu designs were brought to life.
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\n\nIn addition to better speed and performance, Aztec’s use of OS-provided text controls makes it possible to offer full support for accessibility technologies like iOS’ VoiceOver and Android’s TalkBack. It also adds the ability to draft using dictation.
\nAztec introduces a new undo/redo tool at the top of the screen as a quick option for fixing mistakes. It also provides a simpler, more reliable experience using spell check.
\n\nThe Aztec beta is available to all users in the latest updates of the app (8.0 for iOS, 7.8 for Android). After opening the app you will see a popup for enabling the new editor. It can also be toggled on/off by going to Me > App Settings and selecting “Set the Editor Type.”
\nThe mobile team has made it easy to test and give feedback without leaving the app. Tapping the “beta” button at the top of the editor will open a “What’s New in the Beta” page with a bug button at the top that you can use to report bugs and send feedback. At the moment, the beta does not support shortcodes or video and WordPress gallery features. Keep in mind that it’s not 100% ready for use and heavy users of the mobile apps are likely to discover glitches.
\nAztec is open source (GPL 2.0) and packaged as a rich-text editor component in its own GitHub repository (iOS | Android) so that developers can use it in their own applications and contribute code back to the project.
\n“Quite literally, there is nothing like this out there – every editor we could find uses a web view or has very limited support for any HTML,” Douglas said. “Our hope is the Aztec editor is seen as a component that can be used by many iOS and Android apps to provide a rich HTML editing experience. We feel that we could garner a bigger contributor base to the mobile apps simply because this component exists, is free and open, and is super awesome.”
\nThe project is a few months behind the schedule published in April, which had open beta targeted for May and the full release for the end of this month. Depending on how well the beta testing period goes, users could see the new Aztec editor included in the mobile apps within the next few months.
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\n\n“Hamilton has a pretty simple design at its core, so when it was more or less finished, I decided to add a couple of fun theme options to make it more customizable,” Norén said. “The main one is the Dark Mode. With a click of the mouse in the WordPress Customizer, you can change Hamilton from dark text on a white background to white text on a dark background.”
\nThe Customizer also includes a few other helpful options for portfolio sites:
\nThe theme is beautifully responsive to various devices and screen sizes. Norén’s typography choices are clean and readable on mobile.
\n\nHamilton includes styles for the default WordPress image gallery with more interesting options available to create complex galleries stacked with different numbers of columns. It also supports Jetpack’s Infinite Scroll module and has styles for blockquotes, pullquotes, and left/right/center aligned media.
\n\nOne of the most unique features of the theme is the Resume template. It gives users the option to add a simple resume to their portfolios, without having to add a plugin. The template uses basic HTML for formatting with h1 header tags, horizontal rules, and unordered lists. The template could use a bit more documentation, since not all users are familiar with HTML, but it’s a useful addition for simple portfolio sites.
\n\nCheck out a live demo along with the style guide to see the theme in action.
\nHamilton is Anders Norén’s 15th theme approved for the WordPress Theme Directory. When he submitted it to the Theme Review Team, he anticipated that it would take a month or two for it to get through the review process. His previously submitted theme, Davis, took approximately nine months to make it through the queue. He was surprised to find that Hamilton went through the process in under a month. After less than a week on WordPress.org, the theme has already been downloaded more than 200 times.
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\nMembers has built up a user base of more than 100,000 active installs since it first launched in 2009. Tadlock estimates that over the last couple years, 40% of Theme Hybrid customers are primarily there for support and small tweaks to the Members plugin. He decided it was time to begin investing more in the plugin and its community.
\nTadlock released Members 2.0 this week. The plugin manages core WordPress capabilities but 2.0 adds the ability for plugins to register custom capabilities. The labels for the capabilities can be internationalized so users can manage the plugin in their own languages in human-readable form.
\n\nThis release also adds the ability to use the WordPress editor for writing custom post error messages, making it easy to direct visitors to registration or other important information regarding access to the content.
\nMembers 2.0 lets users add multiple roles when creating a new user from the Add User screen. It also introduces the ability to bulk add or remove roles from users, even when multiple roles have been enabled.
\n\nThis version of the plugin serves some of its data using the WP REST API and a new setting was added to authenticate users who are accessing the REST API endpoints. This protects content from being exposed on sites that have the “private site” setting enabled. Tadlock plans to write a tutorial about what he has learned in integrating the REST API with the plugin.
\nMembers 2.0 introduces a new Settings screen that ties in with Tadlock’s future plans to monetize the plugin. The new screen includes a view for add-ons. Tadlock has two add-ons available currently and has written an API for third-party developers to register their own add-ons to be visible on this screen.
\n\n“The plan is to create some small add-on plugins,” Tadlock said. “There’s already two: Members – Role Levels, which is paid, and Members – Role Hierarchy, which I was hired to build and was allowed to release to the community for free. I’ve got a few small plugins like those in mind that’ll be in a lower price range.”
\nTadlock also plans to release a more robust version of the “Content Permissions” feature as another add-on. He has received numerous feature requests from users over the years about what they would like to see in this plugin. The add-on will offer a variety of different ways to show/hide content.
\nI asked Tadlock if he has considered building payment gateway add-ons so users can charge for memberships. He said the idea is on the table.
\n“I’m not sure if I’m going to build those or someone else,” Tadlock said. “I’ve mentioned it to some other developers. It would be a good place to start building add-ons.” His current setup uses Easy Digital Downloads with a couple of plugins to bridge it with Members and ThemeHybrid.com.
\nA plugin like Members has the potential to have a large, third-party ecosystem of plugins for payments and additional features, but Tadlock was focused on other projects during the first few years after it launched.
\n“I haven’t actively pursued the add-on angle,” Tadlock said. “Instead, I focused more on themes during most of that time. Now, I’m focusing more on plugin development. It’s my fault for not nurturing a community of add-on developers, which is something I’m trying to do more of now.”
\nTadlock said many of the developers he knows are working with Members because they like that it gives them a solid foundation to build on for client work. He hopes to persuade some of them to release some of that code back as commercial add-ons or free plugins in the WordPress plugin directory.
\nSince launching the plugin eight years ago, Tadlock has aimed to make it behave as if it were a natural part of WordPress. At its core, Members is a role and capability management plugin and not a one-size-fits all membership plugin.
\n“It’s more or less a UI over what you could do with code already,” Tadlock said. “Most of all, it tries not to get in your way. Every membership site has its own unique needs. It’s tough building something that suits everyone. That’s why I’d rather have that foundation of Members just exposing the roles/caps system with third-party add-ons that suit various users’ needs.
\n“Other membership plugins often try to please everyone or pigeon-hole everything into their custom system. I like more to have a bit more flexibility without the bloat.”
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\nWordPress 4.8.1 Beta 1 is available for testing and addresses this problem by including a dedicated Custom HTML widget.
\n“For advanced users or any user who needs to paste in HTML snippets, there is now a dedicated ‘Custom HTML’ widget that is specifically for adding arbitrary HTML to your sidebar,” Weston Ruter, said.
\n“This widget will retain the application of the widget_text
filters, in addition to having a new dedicated widget_custom_html_content
“For use cases that involve adding content to your sidebar, the Text widget will continue to feature the same Visual editing interface that the post editor has (TinyMCE).”
\nUsers who access Text widgets that have Custom HTML in WordPress 4.8.1, will see a note at the top of the widget that suggests using the Custom HTML widget.
\n\nIf a user pastes or types HTML into a text widget with the Visual editor active, WordPress displays an Admin Pointer suggesting that they use the Text tab instead or use the Custom HTML widget.
\nText Widget Admin Pointer\nThe Custom HTML widget works similar to the Text widget in WordPress 4.7 and below.
\nCustom HTML Widget\nSites that have existing Text widgets containing custom HTML that may be modified by the Visual editor, are opened in a legacy mode.
\nLegacy mode retains the old Text widget interface, including the checkbox on whether or not to automatically add paragraphs. This change prevents the Visual editor from altering code.
\nRuter says the ideal way to test these improvements is to install it on a staging site that has Text widgets containing HTML and are known to be problematic in WordPress 4.8. After upgrading, check to see if the widgets open in legacy mode.
\nWordPress 4.8.1 is scheduled to be released on August 1st. Please report any bugs or errors you encounter in as much detail as possible to the WordPress Alpha/Beta section of the support forums.
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\nMany respondents on the thread said that ASF’s decision affects their organizations’ ability to continue using React in projects.
\n“Apache CouchDB and others will switch away from React if we have to,” CouchDB committer Robert Newson said. “We’d rather not, it’s a lot of work for no real gain, but we don’t have a choice. Changing license can be simple (RocksDB completed that change in a day).”
\n“My team, at LinkedIn, is also having legal troubles using React for our internal projects,” LinkedIn software Denis Ivanov said. “We would love to see a change on this front.”
\nSoftware developer Clark Evans commented on how React’s current licensing might affect medical research institutes, and suggested that Facebook consider an Apache 2.0 license because it includes equitable patent grants.
\n\nSince U.S. based universities rely upon patent licensing as part of their legislatively mandated technology transfer initiatives, they are growing far more cautious in their due diligence. For this reason, at some universities, software written with React may be shunned. Existing projects using React software may be asked to remove the React software software dependency. Please strongly consider this proposal, since our RexDB work is used at major universities, we do not wish to rework to use a React alternative.
Several participants in the discussion commented that they would like to use React but the licensing makes it impossible for their companies.
\n“Other large companies such as mine (Adobe) can’t use React, Pop, etc. for the very same reason,” Corey Lucier said. “We’d love to participate in the project, contribute to each, etc. but Facebook’s heavy-handed PATENTS clause is a showstopper.”
\n“Even mid-size companies like mine (ViaSat) are starting to disallow the use of Facebook’s ‘open-source’ projects for this reason,” software developer Aaron Yoshitake said. “We’d like to build React web and native apps, but it seems that any sensible legal department will recommend against agreeing to Facebook’s asymmetric patent grant.”
\nDan Abramov, co-author of Redux, Create React App, and React Hot Loader, shared with participants that Facebook is having internal discussions about the re-licensing issue but cautioned them to temper their optimism. He returned to throw some ice on the conversation, which has grown more heated over the past few days, when he said it could only remain an open discussion if everyone involved remains civil. Many participants are concerned about the future of the React-based software that they have already invested thousands of hours of work into.
\n“I understand that everyone is frustrated about this issue,” Abramov said. “Personally I am just as frustrated to spend time, energy, and emotional wellbeing on legal mumbo jumbo that is preventing people from using React. I would much prefer to spend this time on working together to make it better.
\n“But the reality of this situation is that the maintainers of React (people like me that you’re interacting on the issue tracker) are not the ones making these decisions. Each of us is doing what we can to show different perspectives on this issue to the people who can make those decisions, and we appreciate your feedback too. But we can only keep discussion open if everyone stays civil and respectful.”
\nAbramov also pointed out in a follow-up update that a bug tracker isn’t the best avenue for a legal discussion, especially since most participants are software developers and not lawyers. Many have mistaken the thread as a way to communicate with Facebook but there are just a handful of software developers who are representing the React community’s concerns.
\n“We have heard you very well, and we have passed on your concerns,” Abramov said. “But repeating the same points over and over in different threads does not help move this forward, and creates a lot of noise and stress for the maintainers who are already empathetic to your cause.”
\nSeveral participants expressed frustration that the React community cannot participate in the discussions more directly. However, as React is both an open source project and a product of Facebook, the company’s leadership has the last word on licensing issues.
\n“I understand that software developers like us are not the best people to discuss legal details,” software consultant Erik Doernenburg said. “However, wouldn’t the logical consequence be that the Facebook Legal team, who make such decisions, become active in this forum? Shouldn’t it be possible that all relevant details pertaining to a piece of open source software are discussed in the open? It is incredibly frustrating to have such an important aspect of open software discussed behind closed doors.”
\nIt’s not known whether Facebook is considering another change to its Patents grant or a complete re-licensing. Participants in the discussion are also concerned about other Facebook open source projects like GraphQL, Relay, React Native, and Flow, which share the same BSD+Patents License and are widely used by the open source community.
\nDan Abramov left an update today to let the community know that no resolution is available this week. However, the update seemed more positive than the first one, which discouraged participants from being optimistic about a change.
\n“I want to point out that there is a real momentum behind this discussion internally,” Abramov said. “There are going to be more meetings next week escalating this up to the engineering directors. As you imagine they are quite busy, so this is taking more time than we thought.
\n“Again, I can’t promise you any specific conclusion, and there is no clarity on where this will land. But please know there are people working on getting your voice heard.”
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\nWe discussed the future of WooCommerce and the odds of it turning into a SaaS product. Landefeld shares his thoughts on WooCommerce dropping its 50% renewal discount on subscriptions. Even though the discount is gone, he believes it’s still an affordable option for most users. To close out the show, Jacoby and I discuss the news of the week.
\nAJ Morris Acquires iThemes Exchange
\nJetpack Professional Plan Introduces Unlimited Access to 200+ Commercial Themes
\nbbPress 2.5.13 Readds Sanitization to Anonymous User Data
\nWP Rollback Adds Multisite Compatibility and Changelog Preview
\nGutenberg 0.5.0 Adds New Verse Block for Poetry and a New Display for Recent Blocks
Gutenberg Boilerplate For Third-Party Custom Blocks by Ahmad Awais. The boilerplate is a great way to learn the basics on creating custom blocks for Gutenberg. It comes with four example blocks.
\nAwais also shared his thoughts on the Gutenberg project.
\nAdd Admin CSS – Using this plugin you’ll easily be able to define additional CSS (inline and/or files by URL) to be added to all administration pages. You can define CSS to appear inline in the admin head (within style tags), or reference CSS files to be linked.
\nNext Episode: Wednesday, August 2nd 3:00 P.M. Eastern
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\nListen To Episode #282:
The State of JavaScript 2017 Survey is now open to web professionals of all backgrounds. The intent of the survey is to provide an overview of the rapidly changing landscape of JavaScript frameworks and tools by gauging which technologies are growing in popularity and which ones people are liking and using less.
\nThe survey, created by Sacha Greif and Michael Rambeau, should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Topics include JavaScript frontend and backend tools and frameworks, state management solutions, testing tools, CSS, build tools, mobile and desktop technologies, package managers, text editors, salaries, and more.
\nLast year’s 89-question survey received more than 9,300 responses. Results showed that React ranked higher than other front-end frameworks in terms of developer satisfaction at 92%, followed closely by Vue.js at 89%.
\nIt will be interesting to see if and how these results change with many open source project and companies growing wary of using React after the Apache Software Foundation’s recent decision to ban Apache PMC members from using any technology licensed with Facebook’s BSD+Patents License. A licensing issue that jeopardizes more companies’ ability to use Facebook’s popular open source technologies could precipitate a decline in React’s preeminence among frontend frameworks.
\nSacha Greif reports that the survey has received more than 3,500 responses in less than 24 hours, a remarkable number compared to 9,300 over the course of three weeks last year. This response affirms the value that last year’s results provided to web professionals who are attempting to navigate the ever-expanding JavaScript ecosystem.
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\nThose who allow anonymous users to create topics and replies on their forums are encouraged to update immediately.
\n“This feature is not widely used on public forums because spammers aggressively target these kinds of sites, but for communities that rely on this feature, please know you can safely upgrade to 2.5.13 without any issues,” John James Jacoby, lead developer of bbPress and BuddyPress, said.
\nAs a reminder, beginning with bbPress 2.5.12, the minimum version of WordPress supported is 4.7. If you’re using an older version of WordPress, Jacoby recommends using or staying with bbPress 2.5.11.
\nbbPress 2.6 is still in the release candidate phase as developers iron out a few issues discovered on WordPress.org.
\nUsers can download the latest version of bbPress from WordPress.org or browse to Dashboard > Updates, and upgrade from within WordPress.
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\n“Having WordCamp change cities each year is quite normal for us,” WordCamp Croatia co-organizer and Zagreb meetup organizer Emanuel Blagonic said. “A lot of people from other cities travel to meetups too. Our largest meetup in Zagreb, which usually has 80+ people present and 100+ live stream viewers, usually has people attending from a 300km circle around Zagreb. People also travel to Split when there are meetups there.”
\nA renewed discussion on regional WordCamps is firing up on the WordPress Community team P2 blog, as the topic was discussed at the Community Summit and with recent developments in WordCamp Netherlands being reinstated and WordCamp Asia a possibility for 2019. Croatia is another example of a country where a national WordCamp might benefit the community.
\n“When we started with organizing a WordCamp in Croatia, as a community we hoped that WordCamp will help us boost local communities, thus not having everything centralized in Zagreb (where most other meetups happen, i.e. PHP, Design, UX, JavaScript, Python, etc.),” Blagonic said. “As a community we strongly believe that every region is different and it should be viewed like that. So far we are organizing WordCamps ‘no matter what,’ but having a ‘national WordCamp would mean more Croatian sponsors and better coverage from national media.”
\nWordCamp Zagreb will be a three-day event, beginning with workshops on the first day as the event has done in previous years. Organizers are planning for 12 workshops in four tracks that will be open to public registration. The main conference will be held Saturday with two tracks. Contributor Day will close out the event on Sunday, followed by a walking tour of the city.
\nFriday’s workshops will be held mostly in Croatian, except a few, such as WordPress Basics and Public Speaking, which will be conducted in English. All of the conference talks this year will be in English.
\n“Croatia is a tourist country and most of the people here speak good English, which is often used at large tech events,” Blagonic said. “With that in mind, every WordCamp so far was (mostly) in English, which means it’s quite welcoming for people outside Croatia, too (Slovenia, Austria, Italy, Germany) – and our community likes to meet new people. Unlike WordCamps, we see Meetups as strong local events so we usually have talks in Croatian there.”
\nBlagonic said every year so far the WordCamp has had approximately 20% of its attendees traveling from outside Croatia, as the country is relatively small with a population of 4 million. Most attendees travel to the WordCamp from other parts of Croatia.
\nCroatia currently has five local meetups, but only the two in Zagreb and Split have enough members to meet regularly. Blagonic said he sees the meetups as a way to help local communities grow and views the WordCamp as “a celebration of the country community.” However, he believes centralizing the larger events too much would be detrimental to growing the fledgling WordPress communities in the smaller cities.
\n“I’d say that in Croatia (and in the region) we have a young democracy and we still haven’t found the best way to connect with people,” Blagonic said. “For example, there are four big cities in Croatia where most of the things happen, and the tech scene is quite strong in them. If you go outside of these four hubs, a lot fewer things happen, which is a problem for people living outside. We believe that having a centralized country is bad for growing local communities (outside these areas) so with changing cities each year and with traveling to other Meetups/WordCamps we hope that we will change how people feel about it. “
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\nVersion 1.5.0 has been in development for some time. It has a ton of bug fixes and new features.
\nThe headline new feature is REST API access to the settings. This will allow developers to create their own interface to the settings of the plugin. Unfortunately it isn’t yet documented but you can see the code in the rest directory. Start with load.php where you’ll find the code that registers all the endpoints. Users who access the API must be logged in as admin users. If you want to test the API, see the end of this post.
\nWe have also simplified the settings page to make it easier to choose which caching method is used.
\n\nInstead of maybe confusing the user with technical words like PHP, mod_rewrite and WP-Cache we have split them up into “Simple” and “Expert” delivery methods, and done away with mentioning WP-Cache completely. Simple delivery uses PHP, expert uses mod_rewrite and well, WP-Cache got the boot because it’s always active anyway.
\nWP-Cache caching is always active, but it can be disabled in different ways.
\nWe expanded the number of headers cached by the plugin. The list of headers was borrowed from Comet Cache. However, anonymous users will still only see the bare minimum like content-length or content-type. If you need to use security headers like “X-Frame-Options” or “Content-Security-Policy” you should enable caching of HTTP headers. This unfortunately disables super caching so only WP-Caching is used but it’s still very fast (and faster in this release than before which I will get to below). You can also use the “wpsc_known_headers” filter to modify the list of recognised headers.
\nWP-Cache cache files are split into two files – one holds the page content, the other (meta file) holds information about the page such as cookies, headers and url. In the past these files were stored in two directories which could become a problem if there were many thousands of those files. Even with only a few hundred files, maintenance could be an issue as deleting related files (like page archives, or copies of the front page) needed every meta file to be inspected.
\nNow the files are stored in the supercache directory structure that mirrors your permalink structure. Deleting related files is is simpler and serving files will be faster as the operating system won’t need to open a directory of thousands of files.
\nIf you currently rely on WP-Cache files, the plugin will still look for them where they are, but new WP-Cache files will be created in cache/supercache/example.com/ (where example.com is your hostname).
We added support for caching sitemaps, but your sitemap plugin will need to cooperate to get it to work. The sitemap plugin needs to identify the sitemap request as a feed. Jetpack 5.1 now supports this since #7397. You can disable the caching by excluding feeds from caching.
\nThe debug log is now protected by a username/password. For convenience, the username and password are the same but they are a long md5 string:
\n\nDeleting the log file clears it and resets it ready for more logging. Before, toggling debugging would create a new debug log and the old one would be kept around, but not linked, until deleted by garbage collection, and of course they were text files anyone could access.
\nThis release includes lots of other small bug fixes and changes. Take a look at the number of closed PRs for an exhaustive list of those changes!
\nThere are a number of ways to send POST requests to a web server but one I like is using curl in a shell script. You’ll need two bits of information from the website:
\nMy test script looks something like this:
\nexport NONCE=\'1234567890\'
\nexport COOKIE=\'wordpress_logged_in_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=1234567890\'
\ncurl -v -X \"GET\" -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" -H \"X-WP-Nonce: $NONCE\" -H \"Cache-Control: no-cache\" -H \"Cookie: wordpress_test_cookie=WP+Cookie+check; $COOKIE\" \\
\n-d \'{}\' \"https://example.com/wp-json/wp-super-cache/v1/settings/\"
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\nTo understand my bubble, you need to also know a little about me, or rather, about my childhood. I had a less than ideal childhood. I have a great family, lived in a great house, even in the “best country in the world” as they say. And despite this, I say I wasn’t happy with my childhood. My school years were the reason, they were rough. At times I think back and feel like events that unfolded were parts of ridiculous scenes from an over the top movie.
\nAll in all, the days seemed generic enough, except my school days were a thing of dread. I would suffer physical and verbal abuse throughout my schooldays, even going to and from school, I had no real friends (victim by association is understandably not something a child would want to intentionally walk into. I understand this as an adult, but as a child it’s not that easy).
\n\nBecause of my treatment over the years, I developed trust issues, I got a fear for everyone around me, and it was growing stronger and stronger over the years.
I suppressed it, I lied about it, and I got terrifyingly good at the lying part.
\nThis is why I was drawn to the internet: I didn’t have to interact with people, I didn’t need to go outside where the others were, I could just do my thing and move on. I could live in my own bubble.
\nBut then the darndest thing happened. I’d been stuck on a project, I needed help, and I turned to a support room for an open source project, for WordPress. If you’ve ever tried to get help in a chat before, you’ll know what kind of an experience it can be, the snarky reactions to your code, the nitpicking of using the wrong terminology, it’s not fun. This place though, they didn’t care that I was not only using the wrong terms, but my entire code was a horrible mess.
\n\nWhere I would usually get the help I needed and move on, popping back in my bubble of solitude, I instead wanted to be like these people, I wanted to use what I learnt to let others get helped.
Over the years, I all but devote myself to that place. Nobody knew me, I liked staying under the radar, but eventually I got pushed into a team meeting. I was intrigued, so I would watch, I’d say hi, and progressively make my opinions heard. Yet, I would stick to my bubble, once the meeting was over I was back on my own.
\nUntil I got to attend my first big WordCamp, the last one held in San Francisco, I was ecstatic! I’d never been to a big conference before, as I didn’t like crowds, but I knew some of the people who would be there. They were people who had been friendly and inviting in the most genuine way imaginable. It’s not easy being worried whenever you’re out amongst people, but this group of people, this community, I didn’t have that fear around them.
\n\nI somehow made WordCamps my safe space.
They are where I can, if only for a short while, leave that bubble, leave the need to be alone, and be a part of something great! I use them as fuel to get through the hard times, I can look forward to meeting people, people who value my opinions and my experience. People who genuinely want to listen and most of all, care about you! The WordPress community is, slowly but surely, helping me get rid of my ingrown fear of the unknown, of others.
\nThe community is helping me become myself again.
\nThe post Becoming Myself Again appeared first on HeroPress.
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\nIn 2013, with the help of Konstantin Obenland, a WordPress core developer, I overcame my fear and contributed my first patch to WordPress.
\nThis is one of the principles behind a new weekly meeting that is geared towards new contributors.
\n“The new contributors meeting is the perfect place to come if you are new to contributing to WordPress core and have questions,” Adam Silverstein, WordPress core contributor, said.
\nEvery Wednesday at 3PM Eastern Daylight Time, users can visit the #core WordPress Slack channel and ask questions related to patches, tickets, and review the good-first-bugs report on Trac.
\nThe first meeting was held on July 5th where participants asked questions about working with Git in WordPress core, applying patches, and unit testing. In the second meeting, participants discussed whether or not new contributors are allowed to make changes to tickets.
\nOther topics mentioned include, which repositories to use, clarification on contributing to core versus updating the WordPress Developer’s site, and which tickets to select for review.
\nThe next meeting is on Wednesday, July 19th at 3PM Eastern. If you have any questions on how to contribute to WordPress, be sure to join the WordPress #core Slack channel at that time and ask away.
\nMeeting notes with links to discussions, tickets mentioned, and other resources are published on the Make WordPress Core blog under the #new-contributors tag
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\nIt’s easy to see why the plugin is so popular. Navigating buggy updates is a natural part of life when maintaining a self-hosted website and not all users have a separate testing environment for their websites. This tool gives them a basic diagnostic tool and the confidence to apply updates knowing they can easily roll it back in case of a problem. Many reviewers cite the plugin as having been “a lifesaver” when applying WooCommerce or Yoast SEO updates that had unexpected results.
\nThe lone one-star review of WP Rollback was given because the user anticipated multisite compatibility and was unable to get it to work. That issue has been solved in the latest update.
\nWP Rollback 1.5 is fully compatible with multisite networks, giving super admins the ability to roll back extensions from the network plugin/themes screen or from the the plugins/themes screen of the primary site in the network. Sub-sites do not have the ability to roll back plugins and themes for the entire network. The UI for rolling back themes on the network admin screen is identical to the plugin screens, as multisite doesn’t have the fancy theme preview screen that single site installs have.
\nVersion 1.5 also adds the ability for users to preview the changelog for previous versions of a plugin. This makes it convenient for users to quickly view the changes for each version without leaving the admin.
\n\nWordImpress, the folks behind WP Rollback, have considered adding core rollbacks and database savepoints, but both features have serious potential drawbacks that could turn it into a high support-demanding plugin. In its current state, the plugin is virtually support-free.
\nMatt Cromwell, Head of Support and Community Outreach at WordImpress, said the team thought about monetizing the plugin in the beginning, but is not pursing any plans to do so at this time.
\n“We think of it as just one of the many ways we are giving back to the WP community,” Cromwell said. “Our preference would be for the core team to consider it as a potential feature plugin for eventual core inclusion.”
\nCromwell said WordImpress hasn’t made any intentional steps to see if core folks are interested in WP Rollback becoming a feature plugin, but the team has purposely built it to be as close to core standards as possible. He believes it would be relatively easy to implement in WordPress.
\nSuggestions for new features, general feedback, and bug reports are welcome on WP Rollback’s GitHub repository. The plugin’s authors recommend backing up your site before using it to rollback plugins and themes or testing rollbacks on a staging site first. WP Rollback is not capable of rolling back changes a plugin update has made to the database, so a backup can come in handy if the database changes are incompatible with previous versions.
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\nA representative from Facebook’s RocksDB team commented on the Apache Foundation’s post to advise that the project will meet the August 31st deadline for relicensing in order to be in compliance with Apache PMC member requirements, and that change has been committed today:
\n\nThe RocksDB team is adjusting the licensing such that it will be dual-licensed under the Apache 2 and GPL 2 (for MySQL compatibility) licenses. This should happen shortly and well ahead of August 31st. I’ll leave the history and philosophy around licensing alone since it’s generally a complex discussion to have and I’m not sure that it has actually been fully captured in this thread especially vis a vis Facebook’s intent.
\nHopefully this morning’s guidance to PMCs can be adjusted since I don’t think any of us see a bunch of extra engineering effort as a desirable thing across the ASF projects which are already making use of RocksDB
In light of the ASF Legal Affairs Committee’s decision to disallow the BSD+Patents License in Apache projects, ASF member Joan Touzet opened an issue on the React repository urging Facebook to consider re-licensing React.js under Apache License v2.0 and GPL 2:
\n\n\nThis has led to a lot of upset and frustration in the Apache community, especially from projects requiring similarly-licensed code as direct dependencies – the chief of these being RocksDB.
\nWe (the Apache Software Foundation) have just received word that RocksDB will be re-licensing their code under the dual Apache License v2.0 and GPL 2 licenses.
\nAs a user of React.JS in an ASF top-level project (Apache CouchDB), please consider re-licensing React.JS under similar terms. Otherwise, many ASF projects such as our own will have to stop relying on and building with React.
Although the re-licensing of RocksDB solves that particular project’s problem, ASF’s ban of Facebook’s BSD+Patents license means other widely used technologies from Facebook, including React.js, are still banned. This is likely to cause problems for many open source projects.
\nHarshavardhana, from the Minio team, commented in support of the petition to Facebook for re-licensing React.
\n“Our object storage browser UI is based on React and we are Apache 2.0 licensed,” he said. “It would be unfortunate and time consuming to migrate but we will have to do that in lieu of new information regarding Apache incompatibility. Please consider re-licensing React.”
\nContributors to Om, a ClojureScript interface for React, are also discussing whether or not the ASF’s new requirements will affect their project. Greg Stein, commenting on behalf of ASF, clarified the reasons behind the organization’s decision to ban Facebook’s BSD+Patents license:
\n\nPlease note that the ASF chose this path for policy reasons, rather than “license incompatibility”. We don’t want downstream users of Apache code to be surprised by the PATENTS grant that (was) in RocksDB and (is) in React. Users should only need to follow the ALv2, with no further constraints.
\nThese license can work together (IMO) and simply provide two sets of restrictions upon users.
Stein said it was not ASF’s lawyers who made the decision but rather the organization’s policy decision to “disallow FB/BSD+Patent license to be mixed into the software the Foundation releases to users.”
\nDan Abramov, co-author of Redux, Create React App, and React Hot Loader, joined the discussion on GitHub regarding re-licensing with a brief and ambiguous summary about how Facebook is handling the petition to re-license.
\n“To give you a small update, there are going to be more internal discussions about this for about a week,” Abramov said. “This is about as much as I can say. I wouldn’t be too optimistic about this changing for React but we’ll see. @daveman692 has kindly agreed to provide an update when these discussions are over.”
\nDropping the patent grant entirely, which would be the most convenient way of solving this issue for open source projects, isn’t likely to happen. React has already gone through re-licensing twice during its short history. It was originally licensed under Apache 2.0 but this was changed in October 2014 to the BSD License plus the patent grant, which included a highly controversial termination provision. In April 2015, the patent grant was changed slightly to allow licensees to continue to use the software in the event that a patent lawsuit did not include a counterclaim against Facebook or its affiliates in a matter unrelated to React.js.
\nThe termination provision in Facebook’s BSD+Patents License continues to be unpopular and is regarded suspiciously by many open source project maintainers. When the Drupal project began considering a client-side framework to supersede Backbone.js, Dries Buytaert passed on React based on what he said was “a potentially unacceptable patent clause,” citing pushback from WordPress.com’s Calypso and React contributors.
\nThe WordPress open source project has not formally announced its decision on which JavaScript framework will be included in core, but all signs point to React. WordPress’ upcoming Gutenberg editor is built on React and its chief contributors are Automattic employees who work on React-based products for WordPress.com. Gutenberg continues to plough forward at a breakneck pace with no indication of a rewrite, and WordPress co-creator Matt Mullenweg has been outspoken about his preference for using React.
\nAlthough Automattic’s legal counsel has said the company is comfortable using React for its product under the project’s current license , others in the WordPress community are not as amenable to including the framework in core.
\nThe Open Source Initiative (OSI) includes a generic BSD+Patent license listed among its approved licenses, but Facebook’s particular BSD+Patent license has not been submitted. Robert Pierce, a partner at El Camino Legal, contends that the license termination provision ought to be impermissible in an open source license because it exists to protect Facebook from patent litigation that is completely unrelated to React code:
\n\nFacebook touts React.js as open source software. But in my mind the license termination provision of the Additional Grant of Patent Rights takes the offering outside the realm of open source software.
\nThe patent license offered in the Additional Grant of Patent Rights (v.2) is conditioned upon the licensee not bringing a patent infringement lawsuit against Facebook or its affiliates. Thus, the licensee pays a price to use the library. It is not a price paid with money. The price demanded by Facebook for use of the library is that the licensee refrain from exercising any of its patent rights against Facebook or its affiliates.
Pierce views Facebook’s publication of React source code as leverage to win some protection against patent lawsuits, which he deems to be “too greedy an approach for Facebook to claim open source status.”
\nThe open source community has widely speculated about the implications of including Facebook’s BSD+Patent license as a dependency, but the license has not yet been tested in court. The Apache Software Foundation is the first major organization to take a hard line stance on the controversial license and this has caught Facebook’s attention. Facebook representatives have promised an update on the petition for re-licensing after its internal discussions have concluded.
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\nWeather Atlas Settings\nAs you begin typing, a drop-down list of cities is displayed. This helps choose the correct city. From here, users can configure the following settings:
\nUsers can display sunrise and sunset times, heat index, wind chills, UV index, wind speeds, humidity, and pressure. You can also hide or display hourly forecasts.
\nForecast for Cleveland, Ohio\nIt’s recommended that for three-hour forecasts, you use the vertical layout and for five-hour forecasts, the horizontal layout. The same recommendations apply for daily forecasts.
\nThe widget not only looks nice but it also changes color based on temperature. Shades of blue represent cooler temperatures while shades of red represent warmer temperatures.
\nTemperatures Represented by Colors\nBy default, the bottom of the widget displays the text, “Weather from Weather Atlas”. However, if you choose to display the detailed forecast, the text is replaced with a Detailed Forecast link. This link takes visitors to a page on Weather-Atlas.com that displays detailed weather conditions for the selected city.
\nI tested the Weather Atlas Widget on WordPress 4.8 and didn’t encounter any issues. It’s available for free on the WordPress plugin directory.
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\n“I am still making up my mind with how Gutenberg will fit in the WordPress core,” Awais said. “There are so many things which are both good and bad about it. So, instead of ranting about it, I wanted to do something more productive. I went ahead, studied the source code and received a lot of help from Gutenberg contributors (Matias Ventura, James Nylen, Riad Benguella, Andrew Duthie, Joen, etc.) to finally build a Gutenberg Boilerplate project.”
\nAwais’ Gutenberg Boilerplate is a good starting place for learning more of the basics about developing for the editor. It comes in the form of a plugin that offers four examples of how to build different kinds of custom Gutenberg blocks, with and without a build process:
\nFor example, the tweet block, which is something that might previously been handled with a shortcode, is an example that includes four files: block.js to register the custom Gutenberg block, editor.css, style.css, and index.php.
\n\nAwais noticed that many developers were wanting to try building third-party blocks, but Gutenberg’s documentation for this was outdated and/or non-existent. He got involved in contributing to the project’s documentation after discovering the docs describing how to enqueue block and block editor assets were not available. This gave him the inspiration to create a boilerplate.
\n“Both as a theme/plugin developer, I think there’s going to be a steep learning curve here for just about everyone – users as well as developers,” Awais said. “WordPress development just became very complicated with the Gutenberg project. I’m also not sure how devs will start writing extensions. Some users might expect them to keep the shortcodes for the old editor. Some might ask for blocks in the new one. Is there an API or back-compat? In short everything is changing and this change has both pros and cons.”
\nThese concerns also tie into the larger discussion around how Gutenberg can support legacy metaboxes that use the old PHP framework, instead of updating to the new JS.
\n“New metaboxes should be written in JS, and will appear in the Post Settings sidebar alongside the stock ones,” Gutenberg contributor Joen Asmussen said. “Metaboxes written in PHP should ideally be upgraded to be JS, but should continue to work in their PHP form also.” Asmussen has proposed an “Extended Settings” panel to house legacy metaboxes in a section below the editor. It would appear only when legacy plugins and metaboxes are enabled, as shown in the mockup below.
\n\nDiscussion regarding how to support metaboxes is still ongoing. With so many important issues like this up in the air, it’s too early to know what the future of extending Gutenberg will look like. At the moment, the project is undergoing rapid development and changes, so extending Gutenberg may evolve drastically over a short period of time. If the editor is to preserve the same flexibility and customization opportunities of its predecessor, the project will need to ensure that it is easy to create custom blocks and extensions while continuing to support older PHP metabox infrastructure that is currently widely used.
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\nGutenberg 0.5.0 hit dashboards today. One major improvement to the writing flow is that the editor will now avoid showing block UI while the user is typing and/or starting a new paragraph in a text block. You can test this by typing and pressing enter twice to begin a new text block. No UI should be visible during this process. Small improvements like this one are gradually bringing a bit more zen to the editor, which is still full of confusing and surprising experiences.
\nVersion 0.5.0 adds the ability to upload images via drag-and-drop onto image block placeholders. The example below shows one of my tests. While the image is uploading, it fades in and out. This experience is a bit disconcerting, especially if the upload never resolves. I’m not certain this UI provides the best communication for the status of the image upload.
\n\nThis version also introduces a new Verse block, which is intended for poetry. It has a slight indent, as compared to a plain text block, but it doesn’t yet work well with copy and paste. Unless you are a poet composing in WordPress, it’s far more likely that you will be pasting in poetry content from somewhere else on the web. Other than the initial bugs, it’s a useful block for those who often post verse.
\n\nWith the growing number of block types, it can be cumbersome to sort through all of them when adding a new block. Gutenberg 0.5.0 implements a new display for recent blocks. A maximum of eight are shown and the most recently used ones are displayed at the top. It does not yet persist between editor sessions, but Gutenberg contributors plan to add that in the future.
\n\nOther notable improvements in this release include the following:
\nGutenberg in its current state is a long way away from being an editor that users would embrace for long-form writing. It still contains many unnerving bugs that steal user confidence. For example, when pasting in multiple paragraphs from a lorem ipsum generator, the editor gave me a white screen and I lost all of the content in my post. After a bit of testing I found that pasting in paragraphs one at a time worked.
\nThis kind of frustrating and unexpected behavior has caused many testers to wonder why it isn’t being referred to as alpha software instead of beta. WordPress contributor Jon Brown summed up this common sentiment in a comment on the 0.4.0 release post.
\n“It’s getting better, but it honestly still feels more like a 0.0.4 alpha than a 0.4.0 beta,” Brown said. “I’ve tried writing long form content several times with each version since 0.1.0 and each time I’m quickly frustrated by the lack of flow between blocks. It’s more frustrating than TinyMCE.”
\nGutenberg needs to make significant progress before it can be suitable for writing anything more than a few short paragraphs. It’s nearly impossible to get into the flow of creating long-form content with the prominence of the block UI. Right now, the editor just gets in the way. The current UI is skewed heavily towards frequent block creation. It is clutter-some and distracting for pure writing tasks. Following the evolution of the editor, with its fast-paced development cycle, is exhilarating after years of stagnation. But the project is sorely in need of a breakthrough where the Gutenberg UI finally gets out of the way of writing.
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\n\nYesterday those subscribed to the Jetpack Announcements email were notified that commercial themes have landed in the Jetpack Professional plan, which is regularly priced at $24.92/month or $299/year. Customers will have unlimited access to more than 200 commercial themes that are already available on WordPress.com. Jetpack users on the free plan will see all the themes available in the WordPress.com theme browser with a prompt to upgrade for the ones that are commercial.
\n\nThe announcement also noted that any themes users elect to use will be automatically backed up and regularly scanned for malware as part of the security services included in the package. For those who are running a multisite network, each site will need its own Jetpack Professional subscription to have access to the commercial themes.
\nFor years the WordPress community has speculated about what Automattic’s long game was for Jetpack, and many believed it was only a matter of time before the plugin started offering commercial upgrades. It was introduced to the WordPress world in 2011 as a way to provide feature parity between WordPress.com and self-hosted sites. The first version included just eight modules, but fellow plugin developer and entrepreneurs in the community were immediately aware of its commercial potential.
\nIn 2016, Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg identified both Jetpack and WooCommerce as “multi-billion dollar opportunities” that could each individually be larger than WordPress.com. The plugin is now active on more than 3 million WordPress sites. Automattic’s aggressive commercialization of Jetpack in the past two years is the fulfillment of initial predictions about where the plugin was headed.
\nThe new commercial themes offering significantly raises the value of the Jetpack Professional plan, which was previously targeted at business users who require unlimited storage, Google Analytics, and additional SEO features. With the addition of unlimited use of 200+ themes, Automattic has expanded the Professional plan to be more compelling for non-business users who are simply interested in gaining access to a collection of professionally-supported themes.
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\nThis is the last chance to test out this release and report back any issues found before final release in approximately two weeks time.
\nAny issues found can be reported to our trac ticket home , or raised on the support forum.
\nAmongst other improvements and fixes to look out for are:
\nFor a full list of commits see 2.9 tickets A full changelog will be available when we release the final version.
\nYou can download the plugin to test from the WP repo BP 2.9.0-RC1 or grab a copy from our SVN repo.
\nA reminder to all theme developers that there are changes to template markup that could effect layouts and ask that they check their themes carefully, the changes are listed below along with changelog links; again any issues or problems please report as soon as possible to the BP trac or slack channel.
\nTemplate changes
\nIn this release there are a number of improvements to templates that add a level of improved a11y performance and markup changes for better semantics & Standards.
\nTheme authors may want to pay particular attention to changes to profile field visibility links and the profile field descriptions where significant markup changes are made that effect positioning of these elements – changesets for these are r11617 & r11618
\nNouveau – new template pack
\nIf you’re looking for Nouveau as we mentioned in the beta2 announcement we have delayed the release of this new template pack to ensure it receives as much code checking & refinement as possible and we’ll be looking to probably package this as it’s own release shortly after 2.9 is released.
\nWe thank you in advance for all testing and reports and it need not be mentioned but please don’t run Beta or RC releases in a production environment only on test installs.
\nThe BuddyPress team.
Open source software has made its way into nearly every industry, but a recent open source security and risk analysis shows widespread license compliance risks, with 75% of the audited applications including GPL license conflicts. Although most violations are unintentional, there are some cases where companies do not comply with the license in order to block competitors from developing similar software.
\nGPL enforcement doesn’t often lead to litigation. When it does, most other avenues of resolving the complaint have already been exhausted. A lawsuit in the air transport industry is currently bringing more attention to the gravity of not complying with open source software licensing requirements.
\nCoKinetic Systems, a developer and manufacturer of in-flight entertainment (IFE) software, has filed a case against Panasonic Avionics that includes allegations of a fairly egregious breach of the GPL. The complaint alleges that Panasonic Avionics has monopolized the Panasonic IFE Software and Media Services Market by deliberately refusing to distribute the source code for its open-source Linux-based operating system:
\n\nMore specifically, Panasonic has built the Linux-Based Panasonic Core Software using the open-source Linux kernel, which is clearly governed by the GPL, together with Panasonic’s own modified Linux modules, which are likewise governed by the GPL.
\nIndeed, Panasonic has itself affirmatively identified its own modified modules as being subject to the GPL, because the original Linux modules were specifically designed to generate warning messages if other code is linked with or otherwise combined with the Linux modules that are not licensed under the GPL. To suppress these warnings, Panasonic willfully acted to insert code into its own modules to indicate that they were licensed under the GPL.
\nPanasonic has incorporated a massive amount of open source modules, programs, and libraries into the Linux-Based Panasonic Core Software, without distributing notices or source code to the Linux-Based Panasonic Core Software, or even to any part of it…By deliberately refusing to distribute the source code to the Linux-Based Panasonic Core Software in accordance with its GPL obligations, Panasonic intentionally deprives competitors in the market from having the ability to develop software that can access the basic features and capabilities of Panasonic IFE Hardware.
CoKinetic Systems contends that Panasonic’s refusal to distribute its source code voids its GPL license and “potentially exposes Panasonic to billions of dollars in statutory damages for hundreds of thousands of hardware installations that willfully infringe copyrights belonging to hundreds or even thousands of software developers that freely contributed source code to Linux.”
\nFurthermore, the complaint details how competitors have to rely on Panasonic’s APIs in order to offer software services to airlines using Panasonic’s IFE hardware, because they do not have access to the source code for the Linux-based core software. CoKinetic claims that Panasonic also deliberately blocks competitor products by its selective distribution of its APIs, resulting in stifled industry innovation and monopoly control over the Panasonic IFE Software and Media Services Market.
\nPerhaps the worst and most grave allegation in the complaint is that, in addition to locking up the source code and doling out access to the APIs, Panasonic also maliciously sabotaged its own APIs in order to give the appearance that it is the only reliable software service provider for its hardware, which CoKinetic claims is inferior and sold at monopolistic prices.
\n\nPanasonic also is able to use its control over the Linux-Based Panasonic Core Software in order to make ongoing, undisclosed, and often malicious modifications to its source code, deliberately “breaking” Panasonic’s own APIs in order to purposely and maliciously sabotage the performance of third-party software products that Panasonic deems a competitive threat — particularly CoKinetic software.
In the introduction to the case, CoKinetic cites a litany of anti-competitive conduct the company has engaged in over the past decade before detailing the current allegations. The case is not purely an open source license dispute, as the plaintiff also alleges that Panasonic abused regulatory processes, engaged in acts of corporate espionage, defamed CoKinetic, paid commercial bribes, and employed unlawful means to monopolize the Panasonic IFE Software and Media Services Market.
\nCoKinetic is seeking compensatory damages for Panasonic’s GPL ongoing GPL breaches. The specific amount would be determined at the trial but the company believes it to be in excess of $100 million. The company also wants the court to compel Panasonic to publicly disclose and distribute the source code.
\nThis isn’t a case where distributing the source code is just a small sticking point or just a matter of principle. It has the potential to open up the IFE industry for faster progress and greater innovation. Many reading this article have undoubtedly used Panasonic’s IFE products when flying with the company’s customers, which include Emirates Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Virgin America, and United Airlines. With the source code available, airline customers could remove Panasonic’s software from their IFE hardware and replace it with their own software solutions.
\nThe complaint, which was filed in the Southern District of New York in March, demands a jury trial. An initial pre-trial conference was held in May, but the case has been slow moving. The Court gave a deadline for the Defendant to file its motion to dismiss, but deadlines have since been extended. The Court also strongly recommended that the two parties retain a private mediator but it’s not clear how outside mediation could solve such a far-reaching matter that impacts so many vendors. Additional documents are due over the next few months, so it will be some time before there are updates on the progress of the case.
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\n“When approached about taking over iThemes Exchange early this year, we wanted to be sure the project and our customers went into very competent hands, someone who will love and care for them as much as we do,” Cory Miller, founder of iThemes, said.
\n“Having spent four and a half years investing in the project and in you and your success, we did not take this lightly.
\n“After numerous conversations over the past several months, we believe the best home for Exchange is with ExchangeWP LLC led by AJ Morris.”
\nEverything iThemes Exchange related will transition to ExchangeWP.com. Toolkit, Plugin Suite, Exchange Pro Pack, and iThemes Exchange Add-on customers will be given accounts for free support and upgrades through August 2018 at ExchangeWP.com.
\nBeginning today, customers will no longer be able to purchase Exchange or its add-ons through iThemes as the company transfers licenses and products to ExchangeWP. However, iThemes will continue to provide customer support until the transition is completed, expected to happen in early August.
\nMorris says he’ll continue to focus on making e-commerce simple and will provide regular updates to customers to provide insight into what goes into transition a product from one company to another and where the product is heading.
\n“These days, it’s very easy to get WordPress up and running so you can start blogging,” Morris said. “But when you want to add e-commerce to the mix, it’s a bit different.”
\n“With big players like WooCommerce out there, it becomes too much too quickly for the average content producer to get their store up and running.
\n“Exchange is going to continue focusing on the independent publishers that want to keep the revenue they can, while providing a simplistic experience in an easy-to-use e-commerce plugin that will help get their stores online quickly.”
\nAllowing Morris to take over the project frees up resources for iThemes to focus on three of its flagship products; BackupBuddy, iThemes Security, and iThemes Sync. In addition to their core products, the company says it will soon release a new project.
\n“My job as CEO is to be a steward of the time and resources we have at iThemes in order to serve you best,” Miller said.
\n“We’ve realized for a while that it was past time for us to refocus our finite resources on the projects that have the most growth and potential for our company and you.
\n“That meant we either needed to find a new home for Exchange or sunset the project. I’m thankful we didn’t have to do the latter.”
\nMorris is a long-time member of the WordPress community and has spoken at several WordCamps. With Morris taking over the reigns, existing customers won’t have to worry about finding a replacement.
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\nFor a full list of the changes in this release, see the revision log, but here are some notable fixes:
\nTo upgrade, visit the Updates page of your WordPress dashboard and follow the instructions. If you need to download the plugin zip file directly, links to all versions are available in the WordPress plugins directory.
WordPress.com is venturing into the realm of social media management applications with its latest feature that allows users to schedule Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn updates for individual posts. This goes beyond the basic Publicize functionality that automatically shares posts to connected accounts as soon as they are published, giving users the ability to automate their content marketing to social networks for the most optimal time for sharing.
\n\nIt’s difficult to know how a post will appear on social networks once it has automatically been shared, which is one reason why many people choose to manually share a post for the best presentation. You want to ensure that the right thumbnail will show up with a message customized for each network’s particular audience. The new social scheduling feature on WordPress.com includes a built-in preview screen so users can see what the post will look like once it is shared to the network and then make any necessary tweaks.
\n\nScheduling social media posts is available on WordPress.com for Premium and Business plan users and for Jetpack Professional and Premium users. On the Premium plan level, which comes in at ~$9/month, users pay less than they would for scheduling apps like Buffer, Hootsuite, or Sprout Social while also getting access to more commercial WordPress features.
\nTo truly become a realistic replacement for these types of social media marketing apps, WordPress.com would need to offer better analytics tied into the new sharing feature to show how posts are performing at different times and networks. Although WordPress.com allows for unlimited scheduling and users, it would also need to allow sharing to more networks to be more competitive against these apps. For users who don’t need all of that data but just want the scheduling feature, a paid Jetpack or WordPress.com plan is a more affordable option.
\nSeveral other self-hosted WordPress plugins already offer scheduling social media posts for free and some even integrate the social accounts with Google Analytics. The addition of this feature to Jetpack commercial plans may not be as compelling for self-hosted users who can already find this for free, but it adds value for existing Jetpack customers who may now be able to replace a plugin or third-party service.
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\nBen shares his unique perspective on who Petersen was as a person and describes the challenges of taking over his business. We emphasized how important it is to create a file with passwords and other login information to help appointed people access a person’s digital presence. We also discuss if saying a person lost their battle with an illness is a negative thing to say.
\nTo close out the show, we talk about net neutrality, 10up acquiring Lift UX, and Let’s Encrypt offering wildcard certificates in 2018.
\nAutomattic Releases Net Neutrality WordPress Plugin Ahead of July 12 Protest
\n10up Acquires Lift UX
\nLet’s Encrypt Passes 100 Million Certificates Issued, Will Offer Wildcard Certificates in January 2018
Newlungsfor.me is a place to read about Jesse’s battle with Cystic Fibrosis along with CFfatboy.com.
\nNext Episode: Wednesday, July 19th 3:00 P.M. Eastern
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\nListen To Episode #281:
More than 100 open source project maintainers and industry leaders gathered at the GitHub headquarters in San Francisco last month to discuss the long-term sustainability of open source software. The Sustain event, put on by a relatively new organization called SustainOSS, did not follow a traditional conference format with talks and keynotes but was intentionally left unstructured to foster open discussion.
\nOrganizers expected 50 attendees but ended up with double their estimates. The $50 ticket price covered day care, travel assistance, food, and other miscellaneous event costs. Attendees shared insights from their diverse backgrounds and participated in collaborative working sessions and various discussions facilitated by organizers.
\n\n\n\nDefining a common unified theory of open source sustainability is super hard! #sustainoss pic.twitter.com/2PznN2oZGM
\n— Lou Huang (@saikofish) June 19, 2017
Co-organizer Alanna Irving shared in her wrap-up post how the team used Open Collective to make the event’s finances transparent and offer payment options for participants and sponsors. The service has recently added a new feature that allows collectives to communicate event info and sell tickets.
\nRepresentatives from large tech companies attended the event, as well as contributors from various open source projects and foundations, including Google, Amazon, Paypal, Airbnb, Red Hat, JS Foundation, Linux Foundation, Apache Foundation, npm, FontAwesome, GulpJS, and more. Irving published a few insights from the discucssions that she and her colleagues are applying to their work at Open Collective:
\nOn the day following the event, SustainOSS organizers tweeted out a link to a new forum on GitHub for discussing open source sustainability. Proposed topics include fundraising, governance, contributor retention, productivity, and managing corporate relationships. It was created to offer a safe place for open source sustainers to collaborate with each other in the open and contributors have already submitted some practical ideas for discussion, such as adding a standardized FUNDING or SUSTAINABILITY file to repositories.
\n\n\n\nBusy day, got a lot done. Stay tuned. #sustainoss #sustain17 pic.twitter.com/CtWs82FXAn
\n— SustainOSS (@SustainOSS) June 20, 2017
Sustain was inspired by inspired by the Maintainerati event held in London in May 2017. The similarly unstructured event brought together open source maintainers who share similar challenges. GitHub also hosted the Wontfix Cabal event at its San Francisco headquarters in February, which highlighted some of the difficulties related to maintaining OSS projects. Events focused on maintaining and funding OSS have been popping up in the past two years, as more people become aware that open source infrastructure has a critical sustainability problem.
\nThe SustainOSS organizers will be releasing a more detailed article on the event soon. They are also open to considering hosting other Sustain events in different locations. Follow @SustainOSS on Twitter for the latest updates.
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\nRussia is a very large and very different country. The basic population, as well as technological development, is concentrated in the central part of the country, in “city-states”: Moscow and St. Petersburg. Other regions are much less developed: lower wages, worse and more expensive infrastructure, fewer IT-vacancies and activities.
\nI was born and grew up in a remote part of Russia – in the Far East, in one of the industrial cities, which is located in 7 time zones and 9000 kilometers from Moscow. The Internet, like other technologies, reached there with a significant delay and for a lot of money (unlimited Internet at a speed of 64 kb/s appeared only in 2007), Therefore, at first, the basics of site building had to be learned in snatches with the help of dial-up.
\nThe first site I did in school. It was built using simple HTML and CSS. But even in this form, it was very impressive and exciting. Then such sites were popular and periodically on the Internet I met guys of my age who like me comprehended the science of site building.
\nI was lucky to find a like-minded person, with whom we were able to develop together for some time and even launch a joint website.
Admission to the computer faculty of the university allowed to more specifically address the issues of web development: to learn PHP and MySQL, to get acquainted with a couple of CMS and to make my first blog on WordPress :). As far as I remember, the blog worked on some WordPress assembly using version 2.9. If you count from that moment, it turns out that I somehow have been working with WordPress for almost 8 years.
\nIn those days, ru.wordpress.org was just born and there was no main site on the Russian-language Internet. It was a time of amateur assemblies, amateur translations and even alternatives of WordPress, aimed to the Russian segment of the Internet.
\nBy the will of fate, my first place of work related to website development was the web studio that used Joomla and Drupal. Then there were a few more places of work, during which time WordPress then turned into the main working tool, then returned to the category of extra work and hobbies.
\nThe turning point was the decision to move to Moscow and a full transition to WordPress in freelance format.
\nThe scenario of moving to Moscow or St. Petersburg is quite popular among IT specialists of my native region. This is a great chance to find interesting and highly paid job, get acquainted with a lot of IT specialists, including narrow ones, and develop in the area of interest.
\nIn Moscow, I moved with remote work and I do not have personal experience of employment in this city, but my wife and most of the acquaintances were satisfied with the options found.
\nAfter about six months of living in Moscow, I was even more thirsty for adventure — to become a freelancer and completely concentrate on WordPress. The ability to plan time independently gives additional space for maneuvers and time for reflection. In my case, this led to an increase in activity in the WordPress community.
\nActively participate in the life of the community, I started about 1.5 years ago. Initially, these were the replies at the support forum, then the development of my plugins, after which I decided to try myself in translating the extensions into Russian and recording training videos for Russian-speaking users.
\nOver time, it turned into a kind of hobby or even a way of life. Every day I read a lot of posts from users on the support forums and try to help resolve their issues, check and correct the added translation lines, periodically record and post training videos.
\nCommunication with users is very helpful. You are one of the first to learn about the problems and ways to solve them, you can quickly correct some incorrect or incorrect translation. Also, over time, a list of popular questions accumulates, which can be turned into training articles and videos. In turn, the creation of articles and videos helps to structure knowledge and understand the details.
\nOn ru.wordpress.org a great team of moderators and translation editors has gathered. We regularly communicate in Slack, some I meet on WordCamp.
\n\nIn November 2016 I took part in the Global Day of Translation 2. It was an unusual experience: broadcasting from around the world, feeling the scale of what was happening and the excitement of the translation. At that time we took 6th place as the most active locale and attracted 7 new translators.
\nIn Russia there are not so many cities where WordPress-meetups are held, and WordCamp is held only in Moscow. But despite all this, these events are a great opportunity to be among WordPress lovers, to see live people with whom I have only spoken on the network before, and just feel the spirit of WordPress :).
\n\nThis year I plan to visit WordCamp Moscow for the third time. I visit WordCamp as a participant, but I hope someday I will find a topic close to me and I will decide to apply for a presentation :). I think it will be interesting.
\nAt the moment I’m a full-time freelancer. This allows me to quite well combine work and activities in the community. I like to share knowledge and make WordPress more accessible for Russian users.
\nMany resources of WordPress are dominated by English, and some, for example, as developer.wordpress.org or “Handbook” are not available for localization. I hope, in the future this will change and we will be able to expand our activities.
\nIn any case, WordPress remains the place where you can find yourself and help make life a little better for yourself and the rest of the participants.
\nРоссия очень большая и очень разная страна. Основное население, как и технологическое развитие, сосредоточено в центральной части страны, в “городах-государствах”: Москве и Санкт-Петербурге. Остальные регионы развиты значительно слабее: ниже зарплаты, хуже и дороже инфраструктура, меньшее количество IT-вакансий и мероприятий.
\nЯ родился и вырос в отдаленной части России — на Дальнем Востоке, в одном из промышленных городов, который расположен в 7 часовых поясах и 9000 километров от Москвы. Интернет, как и другие технологии, доходили туда с существенным опозданием и за большие деньги (безлимитный интернет на скорости 64 кб/сек появился только в 2007 году), поэтому, по началу, азы сайтостроения приходилось познавать урывками с помощью dial-up.
\nПервый сайт я сделал ещё в школе. Он был построен на простейшем HTML и CSS. Но даже в таком виде, это было очень впечатляюще и захватывающе. Тогда такие сайты были популярны и, периодически на просторах интернета, я встречал ребят моего возраста, которые, как и я, постигали науку сайтостроения.
\nМне повезло найти единомышленника, с которым мы смогли некоторое время вместе развиваться и даже запустить совместный сайт.
\n\nПоступление на компьютерный факультет университета позволило более предметно заняться вопросами веб-разработки: изучить PHP и MySQL, познакомиться с парой CMS и завести свой первый блог на WordPress :). Насколько я помню, блог работал на какой-то сборке WordPress, использующей версию 2.9. Если вести отсчет с того момента, то получается, что я так или иначе работаю с WordPress уже почти 8 лет.
\nВ те времена ru.wordpress.org только зарождался и в русскоязычном интернете не было какой-то основной площадки. Это было время любительских сборок, любительских переводов и даже альтернатив WordPress, ориентированных на русский сегмент интернета.
\nВолею судеб, моим первым местом работы, связанным с разработкой сайтов, стала веб-студия, использовавшая Joomla и Drupal. Затем было ещё несколько мест работы, в течение которых WordPress то превращалась в основной рабочий инструмент, то возвращалась в разряд дополнительной работы и хобби.
\nПереломным моментом стало решение о переезде в Москву и полный переход на WordPress в фриланс-формате.
\nСценарий переезда в Москву или Санкт-Петербург достаточно популярен среди IT-специалистов моего родного региона. Это отличный шанс найти интересную и высокооплачиваемую работу, познакомится со множеством IT-специалистов, в том числе узких, и развиться в интересующей области.
\nВ Москву я переезжал вместе с удаленной работой и у меня нет личного опыта трудоустройства в этом городе, но моя жена и большинство знакомых остались довольны найденными вариантами.
\nПримерно через полгода проживания в Москве, меня обуздала ещё большая жажда приключений — стать фрилансером и полностью сосредоточиться на WordPress. Возможность самостоятельно планировать время дает дополнительное пространство для маневров и время на размышления. В моем случае, это привело к увеличению активности в сообществе WordPress.
\nАктивно участвовать в жизни сообщества я начал примерно 1.5 года назад. Вначале это были ответы на форуме поддержки, затем разработка своих плагинов, после чего я решил попробовать себя в переводе расширений на русский язык и записи обучающих видео для русскоязычных пользователей.
\nСо временем это превратилось в некое хобби или даже образ жизни. Каждый день я читаю множество сообщений от пользователей на форумах поддержки и пытаюсь помочь решить их вопросы, проверяю и корректирую добавленные строки перевода, периодически записываю и выкладываю обучающие ролики.
\nОбщение с пользователями очень помогает. Ты одним из первых узнаешь о проблемах и способах их решения, можешь оперативно исправить какой-то неверный или некорректный перевод. Также, со временем накапливается список популярных вопросов, которые можно превращать в обучающие статьи и ролики. В свою очередь, создание статей и видео помогает структурировать знания и разобраться в деталях.
\nНа ru.wordpress.org собралась отличная команда модераторов и редакторов переводов. Мы регулярно общаемся в Slack, некоторых я встречаю на WordCamp.
\n\nВ ноябре 2016 я принимал участвовали в Глобальном дне перевода 2. Это был необычный опыт: трансляции со всего света, ощущение масштабности происходящего и азарта перевода. В тот раз мы заняли 6 место как самый активный язык и привлекли 7 новых переводчиков.
\nВ России не так много городов, где проводятся WordPress-митапы, а WordCamp проводится только в Москве. Но не смотря на всё это, данные мероприятия — отличная возможность побыть среди любителей WordPress, увидеть в живую людей, с которыми до этого общался только по сети, и просто почувствовать дух WordPress :).
\n\nВ этом году я планирую посетить WordCamp Moscow в третий раз. Я посещаю WordCamp как участник, но надеюсь когда-нибудь найду близкую мне тему и решусь подать заявку на выступление :). Я думаю, это будет интересно.
\nНа данный момент я — фул-тайм фрилансер. Это позволяет мне достаточно неплохо совмещать работу и деятельность в сообществе. Мне нравится делиться знаниями и делать WordPress доступнее для русскоязычных пользователей
\nНа многих ресурсах WordPress преобладает английский язык, а некоторые, например, как developer.wordpress.org/ или “Handbook” вовсе недоступны для локализации. Надеюсь, в будущем это изменится и мы сможем расширить свою деятельность.
\nВ любом случае, WordPress остается тем местом, где можно найти себя и помочь сделать его чуточку лучше для себя и остальных участников.
The post How I found myself in WordPress – Как я нашел себя в WordPress appeared first on HeroPress.
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\nThe plugin is open source and available to self-hosted users on WordPress.org. Unlike the existing plugins that support the event on July 12 by presenting visitors with a banner to raise awareness, Automattic’s plugin simulates what life might be like in the “slow lane” if the FCC abandons the principle of net neutrality. It replaces a few of the posts on your site with a “Still Loading” spinner. This plugin doesn’t seem to offer a way to test it ahead of the event, but it essentially displays a message at the bottom of your website and slows down some of your posts.
\n\nThe plugin will automatically be disabled after the event has concluded, so both WordPress.com and self-hosted users do not have to worry about turning it off and can remove it later. If you are uneasy about slowing down some of your posts as part of the protest and feel more comfortable displaying a modal or a widget, check out the Internet Defense League Cat Signal or the Fight for the Future Alerts plugins as alternatives.
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\nPlugin definitions are files used to understand data, actions, shortcodes, and other things plugins do in order to automatically provide version control for them.
\nAccording to Borek Bernard, co-founder of VersionPress:
\n\nUser Defined Location of Plugin Definition File\nIf you create a folder WP_CONTENT_DIR/.versionpress/plugins/woocommerce and put definition files like schema.yml or actions.yml there, VersionPress will use and actually prefer it over the bundled definitions if they exist.
Support for WooCommerce and Jetpack are included in 4.0 Beta 1. VersionPress will automatically detect the definition file as long as each plugin has a .versionpress folder in it.
\nWith the release of 4.0 Beta, Bernard says a repository containing plugin definitions is next on the list and is encouraging plugin authors to contribute to the project.
\n“The final step is to have an online repository of the definitions,” Bernard said. “It will be open to anyone to contribute, not just plugin authors, and used by VersionPress transparently.”
\nFor insight on how to create definitions, developers can look at WordPress core and WooCommerce for real-world examples.
\nOther major changes include full support for WordPress 4.7 and 4.8, adoption of GitHub projects to help manage the development process, and a number of bugs fixed.
\nDevelopers and users can download 4.0 Beta from GitHub. Users are encouraged to test the plugin in a staging environment as it’s not ready to be used on live sites. If you encounter an error, you can report it by creating a new Issue request on the project’s GitHub page.
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\n10up is acquiring the Lift UX brand, hiring four team members, and will also take possession of RemoteJobs.com, which will continue operating independently as a remote job board. The Lift UX brand will be dissolved and clients and projects are in the process of transitioning over to 10up.
\n“We were always looking for agencies to partner with and when I reached out to 10up I was looking to build a relationship to help work on UX design projects,” Miller said. “10up has a strong engineering background and I felt like having them as a partner would be huge for our agency. Jake and I quickly realized that Lift UX and 10up had so many similar processes that it sounded like our two companies were the same but just different in size.”
\nWith similar expertise serving large clients in the WordPress space, the two companies were bound to end up competing on different projects, which happened during the course of their conversations spanning a year leading up to the deal. Miller said 10up founder Jake Goldman proposed a merger/acquisition type of approach.
\n“I ended up speaking to them off and on for the next couple of weeks and things got pretty serious when we were competing for some projects,” Miller said. “I was of course flattered by the offer. Jake and John were awesome. We enjoyed our conversations and decided to do an onsite to discuss things in more detail. They made an offer after our onsite and Chris and I decided to accept it.”
\nIn 10up’s announcement, Goldman said it “takes a special kind of chemistry and alignment for a deal like this to work.” The company’s acquisition of Lift is one of the biggest design-driven acquisitions in the WordPress ecosystem in awhile.
\n“Adding more experience design expertise to our company DNA enhances our empathy and ability to collaborate with design partners in an era of interactive, responsive design where divisions between ‘design’ and ‘engineering’ have eroded,” Goldman said.
\nMiller, who has worked with Wallace to build Lift into a top-notch design and user experience agency, said that securing design talent is a challenge in the industry. 10up adding a fellow competitor to its team is a stretegic move when design talent is in short supply.
\n“I think it’s certainly hard to find quality talent that’s interested in a full time position,” Miller said. “There are some amazing designers out there but a lot of them are contractors/freelancers. 10up wanted to find a team that had a big focus on quality design and UX. It didn’t hurt that we were big on WordPress either.”
\nMiller and Wallace founded Lift UX in 2009 and will be closing out a chapter of their entrepreneurial lives as the brand dissolves into 10up.
\n“Basically we’ll fade into the 10up brand bringing along our team, portfolio, accolades, and ultimately our personality,” Miller said.
\nWallace said closing out this chapter is “definitely bittersweet,” but the team is excited to transition into 10up.
\n“As a 6-7 person agency, we were all constantly being pulled in a million different directions,” Wallace said. “Joining 10up allows us to focus on our individual areas of specialization and excel in each. I love many aspects of entrepreneurship and small agency ownership but the idea of focusing on the success of the experience design team at 10up is something I am looking forward to.”
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\nOther languages like Persian, Japanese, Spanish, Russian and Italian are roaring along and sometimes only need a handful of words or sentences translated to hit that magic 100% too. The next version of the plugin will grab translations from WordPress.org if they’re available which is awesome for users around the world. We’re still shipping translation files but I think the release after that may ship without and rely entirely on the up-to-date online translations.
\nSo, thank you so much to the translators. Code is nigh on useless if the user and developer don’t speak the same language and the interface is incomprehensible. WP Super Cache has lots of technical language which must be a pain to translate. Your work is invaluable!
\nMulțumesc! متشکرم! ありがとうございました!¡Gracias! Спасибо! Grazie! Hvala ti! 谢谢!Vielen Dank!
\n\nRelated Posts
While at WordCamp Europe I had the opportunity to interview Dustin Meza, lead organizer of WordCamp US 2017, and Laura Byrne-Cristiano, who is part of the marketing team for the event. The two are members of a 20-person team of organizers who will welcome an estimated 2,500 attendees to Nashville in December.
\nAlthough the maximum capacity of the Music City Center venue is much higher than what is required by WordCamp US, the organizers want to make judicious use of the event's resources to put on the best possible event for those who make the effort to attend.
\n\"At the end of the day, it's going to be the right size for the event,\" Byrne-Cristiano said. \"You could say, 'Hey, we want 10,000 people, but that's not the right size for the event. The right size is probably somewhere between 2,000 and 2,500. The venue can do more than that, but I don't know that that's the main goal. Bigger isn't always better. Your main goal is the best event and quality for the people who are already there.\"
\nMeza said he considers WordCamp US to be the premier event for North America and that it is there to represent the communities located in this area. He couldn't share the full details of the unique things they are working on, but organizers plan to display and exhibit more information about the the various WordPress communities throughout North America.
\nIn the interview below, Meza and Byrne-Cristiano share a little bit about why they believe Nashville was selected and how welcoming the city is for people from different cultures.
\n\"No matter where in the world you are coming from, there's a place for you at WordCamp US,\" Byrne-Cristiano said.
\n\"This is, by far, the best technology community I have ever been apart of, seeing how much everyone involved embraces new people – to me that is the big reason why I got involved,\" Meza said. \"I want to give this community the best event that we possibly can.\"
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\nVisit the streaming page on July 14th and 15th where viewers can choose between three tracks of sessions to watch. Viewers can also hang out in the #discuss-wpc17 Slack channel to discuss sessions with other people.
\nOrganizers are encouraging viewers to have watch parties at WordPress meetups and campuses. Sessions will be recorded and made available online at the end of the event. The stream starts on Friday, July 14th at 9 AM Eastern.
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\nPodcast Download Error\nI use Vid2MP3 to convert YouTube videos into MP3 files. Starting with episode 271, there was an error in the conversion process. It was difficult to diagnose since the MP3 played fine in some browsers and applications but not in others.
\nI have reconverted the affected episodes using a different service and uploaded the new files to the site. I confirmed that the episodes are accessible in Apple’s Podcasting application. If you still encounter a problem downloading these episodes, please leave a note in the comments along with which podcasting app you’re using. Thanks to all who reported the error and for listening to the show.
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\nNet neutrality is the principle that ensures people can communicate freely online by prohibiting Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and government entities from favoring, blocking, or throttling certain websites, or charging fees for premium content delivery. It guarantees individuals have free to access all content and applications, and forbids ISPs from discriminating against or prioritizing certain users, equipment, or types of content. Vimeo created a handy video to illustrate the importance of defending net neutrality:
\n\nNet neutrality is once again under attack as the FCC is planning to remove the Title II (common carrier) protections established during the Obama administration.
\nSelf-hosted WordPress site owners who want to participate in the Internet-Wide Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality on July 12 can do so by installing the Internet Defense League Cat Signal plugin or the Fight for the Future Alerts plugin. Both support the upcoming Save Net Neutrality event and are based on the official Fight for the Future widget for the campaign.
\nThe widget will not display until July 12, so you can add a plugin ahead of time. If you want to test it to see what it will look like on the day of action, you can append #ALWAYS_SHOW_BFTN_WIDGET to your site URL after installing one of the plugins. See an example here: https://wptavern.com/#ALWAYS_SHOW_BFTN_WIDGET
\n\nThe alert urges visitors to contact Congress and the FCC through the provided form. It can be displayed as a banner at the top of the page or as a modal (see example above).
\nAutomattic may also be planning a way for WordPress.com users to opt-in to participate. We’ll update the post if that information becomes available.
\nUpdate: Automattic has since created a Net Neutrality plugin for WordPress.com and self-hosted users who want to join the protest.
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\n“When Let’s Encrypt’s service first became available, less than 40% of page loads on the Web used HTTPS,” ISRG Executive Director Josh Aas said. “It took the Web 20 years to get to that point. In the 19 months since we launched, encrypted page loads have gone up by 18%, to nearly 58%. That’s an incredible rate of change for the Web.”
\nAas also announced that wildcard certificates are coming to Let’s Encrypt in 2018. Wildcard certificates allow a site to secure an unlimited number of subdomains with the same certificate.
\nCurrently, the process to get Let’s Encrypt working on a WordPress multisite installation is much more complicated than adding a certificate for a single domain. The WP Encrypt plugin claims multisite and multi-network compatibility but super admins have often run into failure on networks with higher numbers of sites. Wildcard support for Let’s Encrypt will provide a better way to secure multisite networks.
\nLet’s Encrypt will offer the wildcard certificates via the new ACME v2 API endpoint and will start by supporting base domain validation via DNS with the possibility of adding other validation options in the future. ACME is the protocol that Let’s Encrypt developed to allow subscribers to acquire and manage certificates. Those using the v1 endpoint are encouraged to move to v2 as soon as it’s available in January 2018. The v2 protocol was developed to be an IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) standard so that ACME can work with more certificate authorities in the future.
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\nSpeculation about why the service shut down was running rampant after Conti had collected donations via an Indiegogo campaign in October 2016 to fund support and server costs. Since that time SiteGround stepped in to sponsor WangGuard, eliminating the server costs. The only costs that remained were Conti’s time and effort that he put into supporting the plugin.
\n“My purpose with WangGuard was never money,” Conti said in his post explaining the reason for the shut-down. “I could have made WangGuard a paid plugin at anytime, and actually had a plan for that for years. But I didn’t do it because there is something inside me that would never let that happen. It was never, I repeat, never my plan to get rich with WangGuard, and I assure you that I could have done it easily: simply charging each of my users 24€/year, would have meant an income of more than 2 million euros per year. I just had to distribute a version of WangGuard I had collecting dust, with a checkbox on WangGuard’s server administration options but I never got it done. No matter the other reasons, which only people very close to me know: I simply didn’t want to, nor did I want to be a millionaire.”
\nWangGuard has long been known for its nearly perfect detection of registration spam. Not only did it completely block unwanted users, it also removed them from the database. The plugin was unrivaled in both accuracy and price – all users got everything the service offered for free. In order for WangGuard to provide its 99.90% accuracy, Conti bolstered the algorithm with manual curation and reviews.
\n“WangGuard worked in two different ways: as an algorithm that I had been refining for seven years, and which was getting better as the sploggers evolved, so that it was always one step ahead of them, and also as human curation, in which I reviewed many factors, among them sites of sploggers to see if their content could improve the algorithm and make sure that it worked correctly both when it was blocking or not blocking a site,” Conti said. “The great secret of WangGuard was this second part. Without it WangGuard would not ever have become what it was.”
\nBecause of how effective WangGuard was at stopping unwanted users, Conti said for four years he received “almost daily death threats from mafias for making them lose millions of dollars.”
\nThrough the process of manually curating splogger sites, Conti caught a glimpse of the some of the darkest places on the web, which he said had a damaging psychological impact on him.
\n“For seven years, I have visited places where I saw pederasty, pictures, and videos of murders (by razor blades, by gutting live people, by beheadings, dismemberments, to name a few), real videos of rape of all kinds (children, women, boys), photos of accidents in which people were totally disfigured, bizarre actions that I did not even know existed, and a very long ‘and so on,’ which I do not want to expand on,” Conti said.
\nThe effects of viewing these types of websites every day took their toll and Conti decided to close the splog hunter service.
\n“Finally, a few months ago, I broke down,” Conti said. “I disappeared from everywhere and fell into a depression. The seven years of working at WangGuard finally took a toll on me. I had nightmares because of all the macabre deaths I had seen, an obsession with protecting my children from pederasty, OCD, depression, and many other symptoms. It took me about 6 months to recover (and honestly, I may be deceiving myself, since I do not think I completely recovered my life).”
\nI asked Conti if clicking through to the websites was necessary for maintaining the service. He explained that while WangGuard blocked emails, domains, IPs, and ISPs, without his manual curation of visiting the domains and clicking the links, users could get a lot of “sleepers” – registered and active accounts that remain silent until one day with a 0day vulnerability or a bug fix, they attack thousands of websites. The sleepers also wait to perform actions like create millions of sites on thousands of WordPress multisite installations in order to create a lot of bad content/links.
\n“Visiting many domains, I was able to minimize this problem,” Conti said. “The way I worked not only fixed the current spam / splog problem, but the wizard and database also fixed any future problems with sleepers.”
\nAnother reason he visited the domains was to figure out what he needed to block, whether it was an email or a domain. The domain could be a spam domain or possibly a free email service.
\n“By visiting a website, I could detect whether it was a phishing website or a site camouflaged as an email service in order to try to cheat WangGuard,” he said. “I saw a lot of ‘techniques’ for trying to cheat WangGuard at Black Hat specialized forums. I had been subscribed to many spam/sploggers forums for investigation. Every time that a user described a real technique for cheating WangGuard, it was fixed immediately.”
\nIf you’re still using the WangGuard plugin, it may continue to work but not nearly as well as in the past. Conti said that some parts of the code work without the API, but the most important parts require the WangGuard/SplogHunter server. The plugin is open source, so anyone can fork it. An English translation of his original post is available on the WordPress.org plugin forums.
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\n“We have been talking about WordCamp Asia informally when some of us attended WordCamp US for the first time,” Shrestha said. “That’s was in 2015, where I met Naoko Takano. She is the one with the main idea as the Japanese WordPress community was already doing well. Then we started meeting more people from Asia at WordCamp Europe 2016 and had an informal meeting there.”
\nAfter this meeting, Rahul Bansal created a Facebook group for WordPress Community Organizers in Asia to support each other in a more coordinated effort. The first formal meeting happened at WordCamp Europe 2017 where the team decided that trying for WordCamp Asia in 2018 would be too soon. Instead, they are planning to host a WordSesh Asia event in 2018 to work on their coordination and teamwork. The team is working towards hosting WordCamp Asia in 2019.
\nShrestha’s post identifies several challenges that are unique to hosting a large scale WordCamp in Asia, including the need for visas even for travel within Asia, political instability, and numerous currencies and languages in use.
\n“WordCamp Asia is really important for the WordPress community in Asia,” Shrestha said. “I am fortunate enough to attend WCUS and WCEU, which are some of the biggest WordCamps where we get to meet lot of WordPressers, share and exchange ideas, contribute to WordPress, start a new business, and think outside of the box. But for most of Asians, it’s really difficult to go that far and also it’s expensive to attain those. So, we are limited to WordCamps in our own country and neighboring ones. That is why we are thinking about WordCamp Asia in Bangkok, which will be really inclusive as it’s in the center part of Asia and it’s cheaper to go there and less time consuming for all.”
\nShrestha also feels strongly about providing travel assistance for those with financial hardships, as the most expensive aspect of attending a WordCamp is usually the travel and accommodation.
\n“WordCamps are not just for the rich,” Shrestha said. “The primary motive of WordCamps is to grow the local community. So, WordCamp Asia’s mission will be to influence the community of WordPress Asia and help it to grow. That is why, instead of planning for a grand and pompous event, we need to make sure it is affordable and reachable to people of all financial backgrounds.”
\nShrestha said he has seen major changes in working with the WordPress community in Nepal from 2012 – 2017, which he attributes to having a stronger local presence with the WordCamp. India has also benefited from hosting WordCamps and has approximately nine happening in various cities. They are working towards hosting a WordCamp India in the future. There are also emerging communities in Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, and Vietnam.
\n“It’s time for pursuing WordCamp Asia,” Shrestha said. “We really have good talents here in Asia but we lack exposure. WordCamp Asia can create buzz and make more people aware, inspire, and provide opportunity.”
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\nPetersen was on a double-lung transplant list with a lung allocation score of 38.859. The LAS is a score used to prioritize waiting list candidates based on a combination of wait list urgency and post-transplant survival. Last month, Petersen received the phone call he had been waiting for.
\n\n\n\nI got the call! Getting ready to leave to go to the hospital for testing and waiting.#NewLungsForJesse pic.twitter.com/hCCJik05MY
\n— Jesse Ⓦ Petersen (@jpetersen) June 9, 2017
Unfortunately, the lungs were determined not to be in a suitable condition for transplant.
\n\n\n\nNo go. He didn\'t like the look of the lungs. No new lungs for Jesse today. Maybe tonight the phone will ring again.
\n— Jesse Ⓦ Petersen (@jpetersen) June 9, 2017
He shared his experience in a raw, emotional post that describes the highs and lows he felt that day. “While the day was an emotional roller coaster, with the highs being WAY up there, the lows were surprisingly mild,” Petersen said. “They just weren’t the right lungs, and this protected me from years of issues, so it’s all good. The call for the perfect lungs for me will come in God’s timing. I am content to wait.”
\nOn July 2nd, a patient with a higher LAS score than Petersen’s was taken into surgery to receive a double-lung transplant. This made Petersen the highest priority pending a match was found but a match wasn’t found in time.
\n\n\n\nShe was taken into surgery at noon, Tampa time. Surgery is 6-12 hours. I\'m very happy for her because her need was more than twice mine.
\n— Jesse Ⓦ Petersen (@jpetersen) July 2, 2017
I did not have the opportunity to meet him in person. From those who knew him personally, Petersen was a great husband, father, and a caring individual who despite his medical situation, would help out the best way he could. There are two stories that highlight the kind of person he was. The first is a Twitter thread he published two days ago.
\n\nWhen you meet a 5 year-old who needs a heart and double-lung transplant but has been turned down everywhere, your situation doesn’t seem so bad. That family doesn’t care about politics, social class, keeping up with the Joneses, or whether their clothes match. They are enjoying life.
\nBecause when it comes down to it, all we really need is to know our worth and love everyone else because they have equal worth. That doesn’t mean you have to agree with everyone, but you don’t have to seek out opposition or turmoil. Random acts of kindness rock.
\nCan you look over your life and say you’d be leaving those connected to you better off having known you? If not, start today.
The second is from his Facebook account about an encounter he had with a mother pushing her small boy in a wheelchair with a surgical mask on.
\n\nI finally got out of the house to go do a God & Country service followed by fireworks. While waiting to go outside, a mom I’d seen pushing a small boy in a wheelchair with a surgical mask and oxygen on him came over to me.
\n‘I just wanted to say how cool I think your double tank cart is. I’m going to call my supplier tomorrow to get one for our wheelchair.’
\nWe started talking (most unlike me) and she said her son needed a heart and a double lung transplant… but they’ve been turned down everywhere, starting with the very forgiving Pittsburgh center.
\n‘I’m so sorry.’
\n[nodded her head with a pained look] ‘We’re just making the most of our time now.’
\nMy heart broke. I’ve already lived 7 of his lifetimes. I’ve played sports, graduated from college, stood on the equator, married my best friend, and have two healthy boys.
\nSo kick me the next time I complain about my wait, OK?
Members of the WordPress community are using social media to share memories, grieve, and pass along condolences to his family.
\n\n\n\nI first met @jpetersen at #wcorl and was honored to have him at #wcmia 2015. Hope it’s ok to share his “speaker card” from @wordcampmiami. pic.twitter.com/R7czM5AV1h
\n— David Bisset (@dimensionmedia) July 5, 2017
\n\n\nRIP @jpetersen, you were a great friend, and co-host. Gonna miss the great convos we had.
\n— The WP Crowd (@thewpcrowd) July 5, 2017
\n\n\nMet @jpetersen on multiple occasions. Family man and proud dad. Always respected the hell outta that. See you on the flip side, buddy.
\n— Jared Atchison (@jaredatch) July 5, 2017
\n\n\nTerrible news, @jpetersen will be missed. CF takes too many, too soon. Rest in peace, buddy.
\n— Brian Krogsgard (@Krogsgard) July 5, 2017
Petersen’s family has created a crowd-funding campaign to help offset funeral and medical expenses. Since its creation, the community has donated more than $12K of $20K. If you are able, please consider donating as Petersen was the sole provider of income for his family.
\nMy deepest condolences go out to his friends and family. Petersen is survived by his wife and two sons.
\nRelated Reading:
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In this episode, John James Jacoby and I are joined by Kiko Doran and Travis Totz, Senior Web Strategist at Modern Tribe. Doran helped create Tuniversity, a revolutionary new way of learning music through a highly interactive iBook.
\nThe project was so large, Doran outsourced some of the work to Modern Tribe, a web design and development firm. During the show, we learn the benefits of working with an agency you trust. Doran also explained what it was like to be a client as he’s normally fulfilling the agency role.
\nTwo major takeaways from the Tuniversity project include:
\nNear the end of the show, we discussed the news that WangGuard is officially closed.
\nWPHierarchy.com is a WordPress resource created by Rami Abraham in 2013. The site is an interactive version of Michelle Schulp’s colorful diagram of WordPress’ template hierarchy. Each template is linked to documentation that explains its function
\nDr. Russell A. Barkley (30 essential ideas everyone should know about ADHD)
\nNext Episode: Wednesday, July 12th 3:00 P.M. Eastern
\nSubscribe To WPWeekly Via Itunes: Click here to subscribe
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\nSubscribe To WPWeekly Via Stitcher Radio: Click here to subscribe
\nListen To Episode #280:
Nadia Eghbal and Mikeal Rogers recently joined Sonal Chokshi for an episode of the a16z Podcast to discuss the changing culture of open source. Eghbal works in community programs at GitHub to better support people doing open source work. Rogers is the community manager at the Node.js Foundation. The episode focuses on the human aspect of the world of open source software and what inspires people to work together to give software away for free.
\nThrough Eghbal’s research on sustaining open source communities, she found, as Rogers succinctly summarized on the show: “There’s no connection between the number of users and the number of people maintaining a project.” The Heartbleed Bug, which arrested public attention when it was disclosed in 2014, is perhaps one of the most critical examples of an open source project with a global user base and a grossly disproportionate number of maintainers.
\nAs part of her research at GitHub, Eghbal is working on creating a vocabulary to explain things that are happening with open source projects. One example is the distinction between “popular” versus “healthy” when describing projects in terms of the communities behind them, governance, quality of maintainership, and other factors that influence a project’s condition.
\n“Because the dialogue tends to be set by popular projects, and those developers and their problems tend to dominate the story about this, you have these words and vocabulary like ‘drive-by-contributions,\'” Rogers said. This often implies that maintainers are too busy to look at the code. Rogers advocated for changing this perception of “drive-by-contributors” to view them as casual contributors, people who show up and have value to add. If maintainers can seize these contributions as an opportunity, they will have a better chance of leveling up contributors to be a more active part of their organization.
\nThe group also discussed how technology has caused a cultural shift among open source communities from the old world versus the new world of open source.
\n“In older open source, part of the barrier to entry that people went through before they were ever identifiable to any contributor was an acclimation to the culture and an acclimation to the tool chain and all this stuff,” Rogers said. “One of the things that GitHub has done is completely remove all of that cultural acclimation. There is one tool chain that you use to contribute to any project and when you show up you don’t have all of this cultural knowledge. You haven’t bought into any of these ideals about open source necessarily. You’re just there to contribute. We actually need to work with that.”
\nIn the past, contributors informally acclimated to the culture through the onboarding process, and most software projects were more self-contained.
\n“Where that becomes awkward today is that so many different pieces of software depend on other open source projects, which wasn’t actually true 10 or 20 year ago,” Eghbal said. With so many projects fitting into others as dependencies, it becomes more difficult to actually remove a project from the public domain. Open source licensing ensures that these projects have a life of their own. This has democratized entrepreneurship, making it easy for people to piece together technology to build applications and businesses. It also requires a higher level of skills for people working together across various open source projects and cultures.
\nEghbal and Rogers discussed the qualities of a healthy open source community, such as how welcoming the project is and how contributors speak to each other and resolve conflict. The ability to successfully resolve conflict can make the difference between a healthy growth of contributors or attrition on a project. Rogers mentioned a related conversation they had with Karl Fogel on their Request for Commits podcast concerning conflict within projects.
\n“When we were talking to Karl, he has this view that ‘As long as a it has an open source license, it doesn’t matter how dysfunctional the project is, because we as a community always have this ability to fork it,\'” Rogers said. “I didn’t agree with him on this, because the practical reality of forking a project is such a huge overhaul and you don’t necessarily have the right people to do it in your particular time. What you actually want are the healthy communities with healthy practices, what you want is to keep them going.”
\nAnother open source predicament they discussed, which is fairly common in the WordPress ecosystem, is when a company releases a project as open source or “gifts it to the community.” Eghbal likened this to “sending your dog away to a farm upstate.”
\n“We’re really excited to announce this is now open source, meaning we don’t want to take care of it anymore,” she said. “‘We’ll give it to the community,’ (except they haven’t actually identified anyone in the community who wants to take care of it.)” This type of situation shows how “giving back to the community” isn’t always what it appears to be for those who end up using these projects that have been released into the wild.
\nThe group also discussed how the incentives for people to contribute to open source have changed over the years and why “the GitHub generation” has more readily adopted the MIT license. Check out the full podcast episode below:
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\nI wanted to travel the world and speak tons of foreign languages, to be able to communicate with local people everywhere I’d go.
\nBut people kept telling me that I wasn’t going to become tall enough for that job (genetics don’t lie!), and I eventually listened to them. I ended up choosing a different path in life, following the Italian mantra: “You have to study something that will guarantee a stable and secure job for life”.
\nEven if I wasn’t that much convinced about the perspective of having the same job for all my life, as my parents did, at the same time I didn’t want to get stuck in the island forever: the unemployment rate in Sardinia is unfortunately really high and I didn’t want to risk to be part of that percentage.
\nSo I chose the Faculty of Economics and did my best to cross the borders of my island as soon as I had the chance: this happened when I was 22 and I moved to Siena, Tuscany, to finish my studies. That is also the time when I opened my first personal blog on an Italian platform named Tiscali, which I later migrated to WordPress.com.
\nI’ve always loved writing, and since I was a little girl I used to spend hours in my room writing stories and poems. I was doing the same with the blog but with the advantage of reaching a much larger public, virtually meeting many people and getting inspired by their stories.
\nAfter 2 years in Tuscany I moved to Strasbourg, France. There I learnt French and did several little jobs, but I found my first important one in Milan, the big city shining with job opportunities for everyone —as Italians love to say.
\nThere I was, fulfilling the dream of many young people of my age (and their families): I was 25, with an average-paid 40 hours/week office job in the marketing department of a big international company, and I was surrounded by ambitious colleagues and a boss constantly asking for extra —and free— working hours per day.
\n\nI was feeling like a parrot inside a golden cage.
It seemed to me I wasn’t going anywhere. I also gave up blogging because I wasn’t feeling inspired enough to write. People constantly repeated to me that I was super lucky to have a permanent contract and work in a marketing department; in their eyes I was all set for life, so —using some strange equation — I also had to be happy!
\nOf course I was luckier than many of my peers, but I kept asking myself if I really wanted to do that life forever.
\nDid I really want to keep on working 10 hours per day under the neon lights of an office, annihilate my dreams and live waiting for the free time of the weekend?
The most vivid memory I have of that period is the overwhelming feeling clenching my throat on Sunday afternoons, when I started to dread the moment of coming back to the office the day after.
\nSo I left and faced the change. At the beginning I gave myself the opportunity to test different office jobs. But the results were always the same: I kept feeling unsatisfied with my life, and I understood I had to respect my little girl’s dream and fly away from my golden cage.
\n\nI opted for emigration and moved alone to Barcelona, Spain, in 2012.
My first move was plunging myself into a few months of intense Spanish learning at the University, then I found a job in an international Assisted Reproduction Clinic.
\nMy job title was “Patient Coordinator” and I was assisting international patients coming to Barcelona for their treatments: I was their translator, interpreter and administrative consultant. Patients were from Italy, France, England, Morocco, Senegal…it was a Babylon of people with so many different backgrounds that I felt really inspired by some of their stories.
\nThis inspiration led me to start writing again: I dusted off my WordPress blog and filled it up with stories about my new life in Barcelona and some of the women I was meeting at the Clinic. I was feeling stronger and more independent than ever.
The job at the Clinic lasted for 3 years. Even if it was really inspiring, it was also very stressful. Imagine being a 30-something woman speaking all day long about fertility problems with women struggling to have a baby.
\nI realized I was getting too involved and decided to look around to see what I could do next.
\nIt was summer 2015 and I was at my desk, in my little tiny apartment in front of Barcelona’s beach. I was writing in my blog and I got stuck in a technical problem. While I was searching through the WordPress.com documentation, I saw a pop-up in the bottom right corner of my screen: an Automattician wrote me to ask if I needed help. I gladly accepted her offer, we chatted for a few minutes, the problem was solved and I could go back to my writing. But I also left the chat with one question: how could that person on chat find a support job with WordPress?
\nCurious as I am, I started looking for an answer and I stumbled upon the official WordPress job page: jobs.wordpress.net
\nThere I found a job offer that caught my attention: WP Media, a French startup, was looking for a polyglot and remote customer service teammate for one of their plugins, WP Rocket. I read their requirements: fluency in English, French and possibly another language, great experience with WordPress, some coding skills.
\nThat offer was calling me, I felt it.
\nI knew I didn’t have all the requirements, but hey, I could speak 4 languages, and I had a WordPress blog…right? Of course, I didn’t know anything about PHP, I had always been a WordPress.com user until that moment and I didn’t really know how to manage a self-hosted website or use a cache plugin…but I felt I was ready to learn all that. And moreover, what did I have to lose?
\nWith my total surprise, they answered me the day after and we set up an interview by Skype. My main strengths were the fluency in 4 languages and my previous experience in customer service, so I was really confident about those skills; yet I wanted to be totally honest with them: yes, I had been using WordPress for a long time, and yes, I was digital savvy enough, but I knew very little on the technical side. I had always worked on the front end of websites, writing, blogging, learning by myself; I didn’t know anything about the backend of WordPress sites.
\nEven so, they had faith in me and in a few days I had the confirmation: I was in! During the first days I felt so happy about this new major turning point in my life: not only had I found a job thanks to my primordial passion, speaking foreign languages, but for the first time in my life I could do that job from home or anywhere else I liked, instead of being caged in a formal office!
\nI got introduced to my remote teammates and I instantly felt welcomed.
\nBut, very soon, that initial enthusiasm started to struggle with another intense feeling: the fear of exposing my inexperience.
\nThere were too many things I didn’t know!
\nWorking in a WordPress backend was so new to me that I started studying like crazy and reading everything I could about WordPress for beginners. I went through some really intense months of learning by doing, supported by my teammates. Like a baby who start crawling and then taking little steps, I was initially answering the easiest tickets from our customers. At the same my teammates were sending me useful material to read, setting up video-calls for 1to1 training, encouraging me every time they could.
\nAfter a few days I received the first happy comments by the customers I was helping in their mother tongue: until that moment the plugin’s support had been offered only in English and French, so it was the first time Spanish and Italian customers were being answered in their own language…and they appreciated that!
\nEven so, I can’t deny it, I was scared.
\n\nIt was so scary admitting my ignorance, exposing it in a remote environment where I couldn’t see my teammates reactions live.
My first instinct was imagining the worst scenarios where they were secretly hating me for interrupting their work on Slack with my doubts.
\nBut I had no other choice than to keep asking questions and learn from their answers. Not doing so would have been much worse: silencing my voice would have slowed down my learning process.
\nWe were at WordCamp Paris 2016 when one of my teammates showed me how the WordPress community worked together and kept in contact through Slack.
\n“You speak multiple languages, why don’t you try to contribute to the polyglots team?” —he asked.
\nThat thought never crossed my mind before, I knew very little about contributing to WordPress. I had been working for WP Media for 6 months and, while I was enjoying my new job a lot, I was just slowly starting to abandon that overwhelming feeling of insecurity I mentioned above.
\n\nI didn’t feel ready to dive into a new challenge and start also contributing to WordPress, I thought I didn’t have the ability to do that. I was wrong, obviously.
Curiosity won on me another time and I joined the two Slack channels Making WordPress (where all the WP global community meets) and Italia WP Community. I lurked the channels for a few months, until I went to WordCamp Milan and met some members of the Italian Polyglots team.
\nIt was love at first string: Laura, one of the General Translation Editors (GTE) for Italy, taught me how to start contributing and translating following the polyglots guidelines. She also told me about the big effort the Italian community has been doing to work together, consistently, to boost WordPress related events in Italy and to grow up.
\nI wanted to be an active part of it and I started contributing.
\nNow I’m a Project Translator Editor for the Italian polyglots team and I mentor new contributors: I love it!
\nSince the beginning of my journey into the WordPress world I traveled a lot, and also attended WordCamps in Paris, Vienna, Milan, Barcelona, Torino and Bilbao.
\nFollowing my teammates encouragement, I also started applying to WordCamps as a speaker, because I felt my story could be important for other people looking for new inspiration for their working and personal life. I gave my first talk in my adoptive city, Barcelona, in December 2016, then in Torino in April 2017 and I recently had the honor to tell my story also from the stage of WordCamp Europe 2017.
\nIn a short glimpse of time I engaged in many activities related to WordPress which allowed me to meet very interesting and inspiring people from all over the world.
\nPeople keep telling me that I’m lucky, and it’s true, I really am. But if I’m here, now, sharing my story (and thanks Topher for inviting me to write it!) is not because I live under a lucky star: I just used my previous skills and passions and adapted them to a new career and life path.
\nWe all have some skills; and if we don’t know which they are exactly, we should take some time to make a list of the things we’re really good at. With that in mind, just try. Apply. Get involved. Don’t get stuck in the feeling of “I can’t do it because I don’t know enough”.
\nThat is what I did: without even realizing it, I started putting into reality the dream of the little girl who was born in an island and wanted to travel and speak different languages.
\nWordPress made this possible: I’m part of a big community, and I am proud of it.
\nThe post How I tried, applied, got involved. Realizing one of my childhood dreams. appeared first on HeroPress.
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\nThe camp’s organizers do not have a simple explanation for the high no-show rate, but cite several factors, including a few dozen participants being denied visas, higher local sales, an expensive location, and putting tickets on sale too early. Approximately 60% of attendees were from nearby countries, such as France, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands.
\nTicket sales for 2017 were open immediately at the conclusion of the 2016 event in Vienna. Organizers found that tickets sold in the first six months had a 34% no-show rate as compared to 20% for those sold in 2017. As the event has often sold out in the past, prospective attendees may have felt pressure to purchase a ticket in advance without confirming the ability to attend.
\nPosting increasingly higher attendance numbers isn’t one of the goals of the WordCamp, but planning accurately for the number of people who will attend is crucial for resource and budget planning. When one in four attendees is a no-show, the plans for food, swag, venue accommodations, and other aspects of the event are askew.
\nOrganizers did not mention Contributor Day attendance in the wrap-up report, but this may have been one of the most successful aspects of the event. It was held prior to the main conference days, which may explain the event’s unusually high attendance numbers. Organizers hosted 473 attendees for the 500 available contributors slots.
\nWordCamp Europe’s wrap-up report also includes a transparent breakdown of the event’s 700k€ budget. Catering costs for lunches, snacks and drinks, made up 50% of the budget. However, organizers were limited to the venue’s catering partners, which blurs the line between actual food versus venue costs.
\nThe team was unable to sell all of the sponsorship packages and was forced to reduce the budget by 149k€ along the way. WordCamp Central subsidized 10€/ticket and covered the final deficit of 28k€. The cost breakdown per attendee was 300€ with sponsors covering 80%, WordCamp Central 7%, and tickets sales 13%. These numbers show that the 40€ ticket price is a small fraction of the total costs required for an event of this size.
\nOrganizers said they felt it was important to share the data for educational purposes but also to “demonstrate to everyone who might have a doubt, that maintaining the ticket fee very low is meant to make our events accessible to all, but that the fee is not an indicator of the value of the conference.”
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\nAside from other general news, the three big events in June were the release of WordPress 4.8, WordCamp Europe 2017, and the WordPress Community Summit. Read on to hear more about these as well as other interesting stories from around the WordPress world.
\nOn June 8, a week before the Community Summit and WordCamp Europe, WordPress 4.8 was released.You can read the Field Guide for a comprehensive overview of all the features of this release (the News and Events widget in the dashboard is one of the major highlights).
\nMost people would either have their version auto-updated, or their hosts would have updated it for them. For the rest, the updates have gone smoothly with no major issues reported so far.
\nThis WordPress release saw contributions from 346 individuals; you can find their names in the announcement post. To get involved in building WordPress core, jump into the #core channel in the Making WordPress Slack group, and follow the Core team blog.
\nWordCamp Europe 2017 was held in Paris between June 15-17. The event began with a Contributor Day, followed by two days of talks and community goodness. The talks were live-streamed, but you can still catch all the recordings on WordPress.tv. The organisers also published a handy wrap-up of the event.
\nWordCamp Europe exists to bring together the WordPress community from all over the continent, as well as to inspire local communities everywhere to get their own events going — to that end, the event was a great success, as a host of new meetup groups have popped up in the weeks following WordCamp Europe.
\nThe work that Contributor Day participants accomplished was both varied and valuable, covering all aspects of the WordPress project — have a look through the Make blogs for updates from each team.
\nFinally, we also learned during the event that WordCamp Europe 2018 will be held in Belgrade, Serbia, continuing the tradition of exploring locations and communities across the continent.
\nThe fourth WordPress Community Summit took place during the two days leading up to WordCamp Europe 2017. This event is an invite-only unconference where people from all over the WordPress community come together to discuss some of the more difficult issues in the community, as well as to make plans for the year ahead in each of the contribution teams.
\nAs the Summit is designed to be a safe space for all attendees, the notes from each discussion are in the process of being anonymized before we publish them on the Summit blog (so stay tuned – they’ll show up there over the next few weeks).
\nYou can already see the final list of topics that were proposed for the event here (although a few more were added during the course of the two day Summit).
\nAs part of the push to be more intentional in marketing WordPress (as per Matt Mullenweg’s 2016 State of the Word), the Marketing team has launched two significant drives to obtain more information about who uses WordPress and how that information can shape their outreach and messaging efforts.
\nThe team is looking for WordPress case studies and is asking users, agencies, and freelancers to take a WordPress usage survey. This will go a long way towards establishing a marketing base for WordPress as a platform and as a community — and many people in the community are looking forward to seeing this area develop further.
\nTo get involved in the WordPress Marketing team, you can visit their team blog.
\nFor some time now, the Core team has been hard at work on a brand-new text editor for WordPress — this project has been dubbed “Gutenberg.” The project’s ultimate goal is to replace the existing TinyMCE editor, but for now it is in beta and available for public testing — you can download it here as a plugin and install it on any WordPress site.
\nThis feature is still in beta, so we don’t recommend using it on a production site. If you test it out, though, you’ll find that it is a wholly different experience to what you are used to in WordPress. It’s a more streamlined, altogether cleaner approach to the text-editing experience than we’ve had before, and something that many people are understandably excited about. Matt Mullenweg discussed the purpose of Gutenberg in more detail during his Q&A at WordCamp Europe.
\nThere are already a few reviews out from Brian Jackson at Kinsta, Aaron Jorbin, and Matt Cromwell (among many others). Keep in mind that the project is in constant evolution at this stage; when it eventually lands in WordPress core (probably in v5.0), it could look very different from its current iteration — that’s what makes this beta stage and user testing so important.
\nTo get involved with shaping the future of Gutenberg, please test it out, and join the #core-editor channel in the Making WordPress Slack group. You can also visit the project’s GitHub repository to report issues and contribute to the codebase.
\nIf you have a story we should consider including in the next “Month in WordPress” post, please submit it here.
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\nOne of the goals for Gutenberg is to provide “a page building experience that makes it easy to create rich post layouts.” As far as layout building goes, the first planned versions of the new editor are very primitive as compared to Wix and Weebly’s drag and drop website builders where nearly every element on the page can be easily moved to a different position.
\nContributors have been discussing the intricacies of adding this feature to Gutenberg since February. James Nylen summarized some of the challenges that make drag and drop more complicated to implement:
\n\nDragging and dropping a block is not really a one-step operation. It is more like 3:
\n- Press and hold mouse button or screen
\n- Move to desired location
\n- Release
\nStep 2 is incredibly difficult to get right, and requires a lot of complicated behaviors like duplicating an item (or at least its general shape and size), scroll handling, and determining the intended new location, especially at the beginning and end of the content. We have all used bad drag-and-drop experiences, and I would argue they are worse than not having it at all.
\nThat said, for two-dimensional movement with columns, I agree that arrows alone are probably not a good solution. Though mobile support for that is going to be very tricky no matter how it works.
Several commenters on the ticket agree that repeatedly clicking arrows to move blocks is cumbersome and will become untenable in the future when multi-column support is added. This would require up, down, right, and left arrows to rearrange content. Users have come to expect a drag-and-drop interface, because nearly every page builder application offers it.
\n“We are thinking of drag and drop as a progressive enhancement for desktops,” Joen Asmussen said. “One that would be great to have, but we should build it after we have explicit button actions in place for doing the same, including splitting into columns in the future. This decision is based on a desire to ensure accessibility as well as mobile devices can play the same game.”
\nAsmussen marked the ticket priority as low in May and removed it from the beta milestone. At this point, users are not likely to see drag and drop in the first release that ships with WordPress core.
\nThe discussion surrounding adding drag-and-drop to the editor naturally leads into adding multi-column support. Limiting users to a single column is a one-dimensional approach to designing pages, but contributors don’t plan to leave Gutenberg without multi-column support for long.
\nGeoarge Olaru, a designer at PixelGrade, shared a prototype for adding a simple two or three-grid column layout to Gutenberg.
\n“Extending WordPress further from the default Blog Posts automatically implies the need of multi-column layouts for presentation pages,” Olaru said. “I would prefer to tackle this feature upfront, rather than letting every developer do it on his own (see the multitude of page builders plugins).”
\n\n“For the V1 editor, I’m afraid columns like this is out of scope,” Asmussen said in reply to a Olaru’s ticket with mockups and a prototype for multi-column support. “That’s not a ‘no’ — rather, we need some technical foundations to be solid first, before we commit to the really interesting stuff. But it might be a V1.1, or at the very least something for the customization folks later on in the year. Even before that, it would be good to keep this UI in mind, so that perhaps a plugin can add this even earlier.”
\nOther commenters on the ticket feel more urgency about getting multi-column support into the first version of the editor. One of the concerns is that plugin developers will rush to add columns immediately based on demands from users, who will then have to migrate once core adds support.
\n“Multi column layouts are a must-have,” Anthony Hortin commented on the ticket. “At the moment, Gutenberg isn’t solving any issue. You still end up with one long column of content. The whole reason page builders are so popular, and why hundreds of thousands of people are using them, is because they provide the ability to easily make multi-column layouts. Without this functionality, you’re not providing any reason to use Gutenberg over a page builder plugin.”
\nOne of the main challenges of adding multi-column support is figuring out what type of grid system to use and making sure that it scales from mobile to desktop. Weston Ruter joined the discussion to say that the foundational work for nested block support is being done now in version 1, but the UI for displaying them hasn’t been implemented yet.
\n“I appreciate the excitement and urgency to wanting columns,” Asmussen said. “We feel the same urgency. It’s not about not wanting columns, it’s purely about managing resources at this point.”
\nThe good news is if you’ve been testing Gutenberg and wondering where some of these features are on the roadmap, they will be coming in later versions. While there may be disagreements about how much of a priority drag-and-drop and multi-column support should have for version 1, contributors agree that laying a solid technical foundation for these features is crucial for future extensibility.
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\nGutenberg developers have added front-end styles for core blocks, which means that content like cover images will now appear the same as they look in the admin in the editor. The demo content in the plugin has also been updated to display a full-width cover image. Below is an example of a standard width cover image on the front-end.
\n\nVersion 0.3.0 also includes new text and image quick inserts, which appear when hovering over the blank space beneath the post content. This makes it faster to add the types of content that are used most frequently.
\n\nThis release adds a framework for notices, which provides developers with reusable notices components, showing how to trigger notices and where they will show up. Gutenberg now displays notices on post save, schedule, and update.
\n\nVersion 0.3.0 adds a new block descriptions component to blocks with inspector controls. Several of the core blocks now display descriptions. These will be especially useful when plugin developers begin adding their own custom blocks, offering users a quick way to see the purpose of the block.
\n\nThis release adds more placeholder text to various blocks, as “placeholders are key,” according to the newly added design blueprints and principles included in Gutenberg’s documentation:
\n\nIf your block can have a neutral placeholder state, it should. An image placeholder block shows a button to open the media library, a text placeholder block shows a writing prompt. By embracing placeholders we can predefine editable layouts, so all you have to do is fill out the blanks.
Version 0.3.0 also adds several enhancements that make it easier to edit and customize the image-oriented blocks with more options and settings:
\nActive installs for the Gutenberg plugin have nearly doubled since last week and are at more than 900 sites. This is roughly 1% of the goal Matt Mullenweg set for testing on 100,000 sites before replacing the edit screen. The plugin may also be advertised in the dashboard in a future release, possibly 4.8.1, which is slated for the end of July.
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\nDevelopers with plugins active on 1M sites or more received an email invitation from Andy Peatling to begin building support for Calypso.
\n“Calypso is now plugin-aware,” Mullenweg said. “This pull request was merged today, and as a way to bootstrap this, we’re opening up for what I just described for plugins to create Calypso interfaces for what they’re doing.
\n“Basically saying, if you’re using Calypso on a site that has one of these plugins, let’s say WooCommerce, all of a sudden in the interface, there will be all the WooCommerce stuff. It’ll talk to the API, it will run on the desktop just like the rest of Calypso, and it will only be loaded if the plugin is active.”
\nOne of the major differences between Calypso and WP-Admin is that custom meta boxes added by plugins are not accessible in Calypso.
\nNearly seven months since the announcement, popular WordPress plugins have struggled to add meta box support, including those maintained by Automattic. WordPress SEO, active on more than 3M sites, is among the plugins that were selected to take part in the experiment.
\nWhen asked about the progress of making WordPress SEO Calypso aware, Joost de Valk, founder of Yoast.com, declined to comment.
\nAutomattic has seen little progress on the initiative, “No news to report at this time, but hope to have some soon,” Automattic representative Mark Armstrong said. WooCommerce has yet to add meta box support and settings pages in Calypso.
\nGutenberg, WordPress’ new editor, is also built using React. One of the chief concerns expressed by users and developers is how it will support custom meta boxes built using the current PHP framework.
\n“I miss a lot of the meta boxes I’m used to seeing on the screen,” Aaron Jorbin said. “Things like Yoast SEO (on some sites) and custom taxonomies are just not shown. If every meta box ever made for WordPress needs to be remade, it sure is going to make developers lives a living hell.”
\nI want to use Calypso as a replacement for WP-Admin because it’s fast and I like the interface. However, I can’t do that until it supports meta boxes for the plugins I rely on, such as Edit Flow. Is the lack of custom meta box support for Calypso a sign of what’s to come with Gutenberg?
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\nWordCamp Netherlands organizers are now allowed to begin planning the event again based on the requirement that the country host three city-based WordCamps first. There are currently two local camps on the schedule and a few others in the pre-planning stage. Lead organizer Marcel Bootsman is aiming to have 500 attendees for the next WordCamp Netherlands in 2018.
\nIn a recent interview with Torque, Matt Mullenweg indicated that the outlook is good for future regional WordCamps.
\n“I think we got to the point where we were too rules-based and now we’re starting to open up the process and be more agile in the approach to WordCamps,” Mullenweg said. “We can start to think about regional WordCamps and topic-focused WordCamp…we want to think about which WordCamps make sense to move the community forward.”
\nIn our interview below, WordPress Global Community Team members said they plan to take similar country-based WordCamp proposals on a case-by-case basis. WordCamp Netherlands is pioneering the way for other countries with active local communities to continue to push the boundaries of the previously “one-size-fits-all” approach to WordPress events.
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\nWe discussed how Gutenberg may impact theme development in general and some of the lessons learned from their Components project. Kennedy tells us what trends he’s noticing with WordPress themes today and what the state of accessibility looks like for the theme landscape.
\nAfter the interview, Jacoby and I have a candid conversation about Gutenberg, what it means for WordPress, our experience with it thus far, and how it’s being developed.
\nWordPress 4.9 to Focus on Managing Plugins and Themes, Gutenberg Targeted for 5.0
\nAccessibility Weekly – Kennedy’s hand-curated newsletter about web-accessibility delivered weekly.
\nWordPress Theme Review Team
Next Episode: Wednesday, July 5th 3:00 P.M. Eastern
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\nListen To Episode #279:
Adobe announced today that it will discontinue Flash support and updates at the end of 2020. Flash played an important part in the history of the web, inspiring many of the open standards and formats that the web has moved on to embrace.
\n\nGiven this progress, and in collaboration with several of our technology partners – including Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Mozilla – Adobe is planning to end-of-life Flash. Specifically, we will stop updating and distributing the Flash Player at the end of 2020 and encourage content creators to migrate any existing Flash content to these new open formats.
Last year most major browsers moved to block Flash, requiring users to enable it manually for sites where they wish to view Flash content. Microsoft, Google, and Mozilla were on deck today with announcements of their own regarding future Flash support. Firefox is the most aggressive with its plan to disable Flash for most users in 2019. Only those running an Extended Support Release will be able to continue using it through the end of 2020 and no version of Firefox will load the plugin after Adobe discontinues security patches.
\nChrome is also phasing out support for Flash and plans to remove it completely from the browser toward the end of 2020.
\n“Three years ago, 80 percent of desktop Chrome users visited a site with Flash each day,” Google Chrome Product Manager Anthony Laforge said. “Today usage is only 17 percent and continues to decline.
\n“This trend reveals that sites are migrating to open web technologies, which are faster and more power-efficient than Flash. They’re also more secure, so you can be safer while shopping, banking, or reading sensitive documents.”
\nThe Microsoft Edge team also announced its plans to phase out Flash from both Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer with complete removal from all supported versions of Microsoft Windows by the end of 2020.
\nAlthough HTML5 adoption is growing among game developers, Adobe’s announcement means major changes for segments of the the gaming, education, and video industries that have not yet migrated to newer, open formats. This news will also make obsolete dozens of WordPress plugins that were created to upload and display Flash content.
\nAdobe’s announcement was met with thanks and “good riddance,” with many calling for an even speedier timeline. Many are also concerned about all the orphaned content and .swf games on the web that Flash’s disappearance will create. Adobe has received many requests on Twitter for the company to consider open sourcing the old Flash Player codebase for the sake of compatibility and archiving content. Adobe has not officially replied to any of these requests.
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\nWatch him as he goes
\nThere goes my hero
\nHe’s ordinary
I have no idea what I’m going to write about. How about people? Ordinary people are heroes to me. People who are willing to help one another. People just like you and me.
\nWell, at least like you – if you’re for some reason reading my diary.
\nI still remember when I build my first website with table layouts while studying math in the University of Jyväskylä. Those were the days! But it doesn’t feel like yesterday anymore. More like day before.
\nNevertheless being a math teacher has been the perfect choice for me. It’s been fun, challenging, and rewarding. I’ve probably learnt lot more from students than they have from me.
\nHeck, they even got me into WordPress when I was taking my ex-students short film course. Was it 2008? Something like that. We needed a website for our short film and had only 1-2 days. Students gave me link to WordPress.com and I was sold. Getting site up and running was easy and fast.
\n“Well come here and do it yourself!!” – drama class student shouted.
\nThat’s another good lesson I’ve learnt.
\n\nIt’s so easy to give negative feedback (don’t do it like that) without doing anything yourself or giving constructive feedback.
Oh boy I still feel ashamed when I judged a book by it’s cover. This time the book cover was a blonde girl asking weird questions with high voice. I was a prison of my prejudice and instantly assumed she must be bad at math. How wrong was I. She was brilliant.
\nAt least the prison gate is now open if I just understand to walk out.
\nSometimes I wonder what other people think of me? Do they think I’m open minded teacher, or front-developer who cares about accessibility. But does any of that matter? Job title really doesn’t tell anything who I am. Or anybody else.
\nBut who am I? I’m not sure how to define me. I’m no dad or husband. I do have several good traits but there are also demons inside me. Lack of empathy is one of them. And that comes down to this:
\nIn the end I’m a selfish asshole.
\nIt’s okay to be selfish from time to time but it’s not okay to let people down big time when they need me most. Being an ordinary human being is not one of my strengths but I’ll promise to work on it.
\nI consider myself lucky. I have lovely parents and two crazy big brothers. And over the years I have made friendships that last forever.
\nI hope everybody have a friend who is like a bridge between other friends. Someone who is always organizing something fun: bowling, music gigs, dinners, sports. Someone who is always nice to others and would never hurt a fly.
\nI had a friend like that.
\nBut as a return I couldn’t help him enough. Shadows of life had taken over him. He could not see the light anymore. He died by suicide before christmas 2015.
\nNow he can’t fall anymore. He will always be our beloved one and we’ll miss him more than words can express. So many songs reflects to memories we have. For example this Finnish song that I heard exactly one year after his death. (Lyrics in english).
\n\nWhy is it so much easier to talk about other problems but not your own. Why is it so hard to ask help when you really need it.
\nDo I need to say anything. No I don’t.
\nSummer 2017. Peaceful state of mind after a sauna.\n\nMy dear friends rock!\n
\nFriends will be friends forever.\n
WordPress is not important. People behind it are, they have feelings. I wish more people would remember that when commenting on blog posts, Slack, or other online tools with shitty attitudes.
\n\nBeing nice and constructive goes a long way.
At the same time it’s amazing to notice how WordPress combines people together from all over the world. In WordCamps and meetups I have found new friends that really matter. That feels good.
\nMaybe WordPress is important after all.
\nThe post Random Diary Chapters appeared first on HeroPress.
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\nPatchman detects vulnerabilities in a wide range of popular applications and quarantines and patches threats automatically. The quarantine feature neutralizes malicious files by removing them from public access. Patchman supports detection and patching for WordPress 3.x and later.
\nHistorically, the service has not included patches for plugins but it has applied them on a case-by-case basis for high impact vulnerabilities, including a few found in WP Super Cache, MailPoet, and the open source Genericons font project. The Patchman dashboard allows users to easily track files where vulnerabilities have been detected, view status, and revert patches if necessary.
\n\nPatchman’s single focus on hosting providers gives SiteLock the opportunity to offer more options to its hosting partners. With the acquisition, the company is now partering with more than 500 hosting providers, including BlueHost, 1&1, Web.com, InMotion, Melbourne IT, GMO (NTT), and many others.
\n“During our early talks, Patchman was not looking to be acquired and SiteLock wasn’t looking to acquire,” SiteLock President Neill Feather said. After meeting at the WorldHostingDays show in Rust, Germany in late March this year and at another show in Los Angeles, the companies found they shared similar goals and would be in a better position working together.
\n“It truly was a matter of 1+1=3,” Feather said. “Traditionally, SiteLock is very strong in detecting and removing malware for end users. Patchman offers a service tailored specifically to hosting providers and aimed at fixing the security vulnerabilities that hackers exploit to infect websites with malware. By working together we are able to address a wider market and offer a broader solution to the problems that we solve for our customers. We can now attack the problem from multiple angles.”
\nPatchman’s technology will compliment SiteLock’s existing security features but the company has not yet decided how it will be incorporated into its security plans for customers. Feather said the team is still jointly building out its future roadmap to give hosts and end customers access to a wider range of products. They are also considering making Patchman’s detection technology compatible with more products in the WordPress ecosystem.
\nFeather could not disclose any specifics on revenue generated by SiteLock’s WordPress security products but approximately 30% of its newly expanded customer base is running on WordPress.
\n“What we can say is that we’re heavily invested in the WordPress community and plan on continuing to do so,” Feather said.
\n“I’m excited that the increased number of sites we now protect across multiple platforms means we’ll be able to identify malware and malicious trends more efficiently than we’ve been able to already, and that’s good for every end user,” SiteLock’s WordPress Evangelist Adam Warner said. “Secondly, although we already have solutions for our partners, Patchman allows web hosts to offer increased security options for advanced users of their platforms. Being a WordPress guy, I’m excited about the possibility we now have to extend the capabilities of Patchman to plugins and other WordPress-specific software.”
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\nTickets are on sale for EUR 10 (BGN 20) and include all the sessions, lunch, a #WCVAR 2017 T-shirt, and a few drinks at the after party. There are 102 remaining for the conference and 14 remaining tickets for the kids’ workshop (ages 7-14).
\nThe location naturally inspired a maritime sticker pack collection for attendees, featuring four new wapuu designs. The collection was designed by the vector graphic illustrators at GraphicMama, a design partner for the WordCamp. Ever wonder how much effort goes into designing all the individualized creations in the world of wapuus? Check out the video below to see how WordCamp Varna’s wapuu designs were brought to life.
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\n\nIn addition to better speed and performance, Aztec’s use of OS-provided text controls makes it possible to offer full support for accessibility technologies like iOS’ VoiceOver and Android’s TalkBack. It also adds the ability to draft using dictation.
\nAztec introduces a new undo/redo tool at the top of the screen as a quick option for fixing mistakes. It also provides a simpler, more reliable experience using spell check.
\n\nThe Aztec beta is available to all users in the latest updates of the app (8.0 for iOS, 7.8 for Android). After opening the app you will see a popup for enabling the new editor. It can also be toggled on/off by going to Me > App Settings and selecting “Set the Editor Type.”
\nThe mobile team has made it easy to test and give feedback without leaving the app. Tapping the “beta” button at the top of the editor will open a “What’s New in the Beta” page with a bug button at the top that you can use to report bugs and send feedback. At the moment, the beta does not support shortcodes or video and WordPress gallery features. Keep in mind that it’s not 100% ready for use and heavy users of the mobile apps are likely to discover glitches.
\nAztec is open source (GPL 2.0) and packaged as a rich-text editor component in its own GitHub repository (iOS | Android) so that developers can use it in their own applications and contribute code back to the project.
\n“Quite literally, there is nothing like this out there – every editor we could find uses a web view or has very limited support for any HTML,” Douglas said. “Our hope is the Aztec editor is seen as a component that can be used by many iOS and Android apps to provide a rich HTML editing experience. We feel that we could garner a bigger contributor base to the mobile apps simply because this component exists, is free and open, and is super awesome.”
\nThe project is a few months behind the schedule published in April, which had open beta targeted for May and the full release for the end of this month. Depending on how well the beta testing period goes, users could see the new Aztec editor included in the mobile apps within the next few months.
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\n\n“Hamilton has a pretty simple design at its core, so when it was more or less finished, I decided to add a couple of fun theme options to make it more customizable,” Norén said. “The main one is the Dark Mode. With a click of the mouse in the WordPress Customizer, you can change Hamilton from dark text on a white background to white text on a dark background.”
\nThe Customizer also includes a few other helpful options for portfolio sites:
\nThe theme is beautifully responsive to various devices and screen sizes. Norén’s typography choices are clean and readable on mobile.
\n\nHamilton includes styles for the default WordPress image gallery with more interesting options available to create complex galleries stacked with different numbers of columns. It also supports Jetpack’s Infinite Scroll module and has styles for blockquotes, pullquotes, and left/right/center aligned media.
\n\nOne of the most unique features of the theme is the Resume template. It gives users the option to add a simple resume to their portfolios, without having to add a plugin. The template uses basic HTML for formatting with h1 header tags, horizontal rules, and unordered lists. The template could use a bit more documentation, since not all users are familiar with HTML, but it’s a useful addition for simple portfolio sites.
\n\nCheck out a live demo along with the style guide to see the theme in action.
\nHamilton is Anders Norén’s 15th theme approved for the WordPress Theme Directory. When he submitted it to the Theme Review Team, he anticipated that it would take a month or two for it to get through the review process. His previously submitted theme, Davis, took approximately nine months to make it through the queue. He was surprised to find that Hamilton went through the process in under a month. After less than a week on WordPress.org, the theme has already been downloaded more than 200 times.
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\nMembers has built up a user base of more than 100,000 active installs since it first launched in 2009. Tadlock estimates that over the last couple years, 40% of Theme Hybrid customers are primarily there for support and small tweaks to the Members plugin. He decided it was time to begin investing more in the plugin and its community.
\nTadlock released Members 2.0 this week. The plugin manages core WordPress capabilities but 2.0 adds the ability for plugins to register custom capabilities. The labels for the capabilities can be internationalized so users can manage the plugin in their own languages in human-readable form.
\n\nThis release also adds the ability to use the WordPress editor for writing custom post error messages, making it easy to direct visitors to registration or other important information regarding access to the content.
\nMembers 2.0 lets users add multiple roles when creating a new user from the Add User screen. It also introduces the ability to bulk add or remove roles from users, even when multiple roles have been enabled.
\n\nThis version of the plugin serves some of its data using the WP REST API and a new setting was added to authenticate users who are accessing the REST API endpoints. This protects content from being exposed on sites that have the “private site” setting enabled. Tadlock plans to write a tutorial about what he has learned in integrating the REST API with the plugin.
\nMembers 2.0 introduces a new Settings screen that ties in with Tadlock’s future plans to monetize the plugin. The new screen includes a view for add-ons. Tadlock has two add-ons available currently and has written an API for third-party developers to register their own add-ons to be visible on this screen.
\n\n“The plan is to create some small add-on plugins,” Tadlock said. “There’s already two: Members – Role Levels, which is paid, and Members – Role Hierarchy, which I was hired to build and was allowed to release to the community for free. I’ve got a few small plugins like those in mind that’ll be in a lower price range.”
\nTadlock also plans to release a more robust version of the “Content Permissions” feature as another add-on. He has received numerous feature requests from users over the years about what they would like to see in this plugin. The add-on will offer a variety of different ways to show/hide content.
\nI asked Tadlock if he has considered building payment gateway add-ons so users can charge for memberships. He said the idea is on the table.
\n“I’m not sure if I’m going to build those or someone else,” Tadlock said. “I’ve mentioned it to some other developers. It would be a good place to start building add-ons.” His current setup uses Easy Digital Downloads with a couple of plugins to bridge it with Members and ThemeHybrid.com.
\nA plugin like Members has the potential to have a large, third-party ecosystem of plugins for payments and additional features, but Tadlock was focused on other projects during the first few years after it launched.
\n“I haven’t actively pursued the add-on angle,” Tadlock said. “Instead, I focused more on themes during most of that time. Now, I’m focusing more on plugin development. It’s my fault for not nurturing a community of add-on developers, which is something I’m trying to do more of now.”
\nTadlock said many of the developers he knows are working with Members because they like that it gives them a solid foundation to build on for client work. He hopes to persuade some of them to release some of that code back as commercial add-ons or free plugins in the WordPress plugin directory.
\nSince launching the plugin eight years ago, Tadlock has aimed to make it behave as if it were a natural part of WordPress. At its core, Members is a role and capability management plugin and not a one-size-fits all membership plugin.
\n“It’s more or less a UI over what you could do with code already,” Tadlock said. “Most of all, it tries not to get in your way. Every membership site has its own unique needs. It’s tough building something that suits everyone. That’s why I’d rather have that foundation of Members just exposing the roles/caps system with third-party add-ons that suit various users’ needs.
\n“Other membership plugins often try to please everyone or pigeon-hole everything into their custom system. I like more to have a bit more flexibility without the bloat.”
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\nWordPress 4.8.1 Beta 1 is available for testing and addresses this problem by including a dedicated Custom HTML widget.
\n“For advanced users or any user who needs to paste in HTML snippets, there is now a dedicated ‘Custom HTML’ widget that is specifically for adding arbitrary HTML to your sidebar,” Weston Ruter, said.
\n“This widget will retain the application of the widget_text
filters, in addition to having a new dedicated widget_custom_html_content
“For use cases that involve adding content to your sidebar, the Text widget will continue to feature the same Visual editing interface that the post editor has (TinyMCE).”
\nUsers who access Text widgets that have Custom HTML in WordPress 4.8.1, will see a note at the top of the widget that suggests using the Custom HTML widget.
\n\nIf a user pastes or types HTML into a text widget with the Visual editor active, WordPress displays an Admin Pointer suggesting that they use the Text tab instead or use the Custom HTML widget.
\nText Widget Admin Pointer\nThe Custom HTML widget works similar to the Text widget in WordPress 4.7 and below.
\nCustom HTML Widget\nSites that have existing Text widgets containing custom HTML that may be modified by the Visual editor, are opened in a legacy mode.
\nLegacy mode retains the old Text widget interface, including the checkbox on whether or not to automatically add paragraphs. This change prevents the Visual editor from altering code.
\nRuter says the ideal way to test these improvements is to install it on a staging site that has Text widgets containing HTML and are known to be problematic in WordPress 4.8. After upgrading, check to see if the widgets open in legacy mode.
\nWordPress 4.8.1 is scheduled to be released on August 1st. Please report any bugs or errors you encounter in as much detail as possible to the WordPress Alpha/Beta section of the support forums.
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\nMany respondents on the thread said that ASF’s decision affects their organizations’ ability to continue using React in projects.
\n“Apache CouchDB and others will switch away from React if we have to,” CouchDB committer Robert Newson said. “We’d rather not, it’s a lot of work for no real gain, but we don’t have a choice. Changing license can be simple (RocksDB completed that change in a day).”
\n“My team, at LinkedIn, is also having legal troubles using React for our internal projects,” LinkedIn software Denis Ivanov said. “We would love to see a change on this front.”
\nSoftware developer Clark Evans commented on how React’s current licensing might affect medical research institutes, and suggested that Facebook consider an Apache 2.0 license because it includes equitable patent grants.
\n\nSince U.S. based universities rely upon patent licensing as part of their legislatively mandated technology transfer initiatives, they are growing far more cautious in their due diligence. For this reason, at some universities, software written with React may be shunned. Existing projects using React software may be asked to remove the React software software dependency. Please strongly consider this proposal, since our RexDB work is used at major universities, we do not wish to rework to use a React alternative.
Several participants in the discussion commented that they would like to use React but the licensing makes it impossible for their companies.
\n“Other large companies such as mine (Adobe) can’t use React, Pop, etc. for the very same reason,” Corey Lucier said. “We’d love to participate in the project, contribute to each, etc. but Facebook’s heavy-handed PATENTS clause is a showstopper.”
\n“Even mid-size companies like mine (ViaSat) are starting to disallow the use of Facebook’s ‘open-source’ projects for this reason,” software developer Aaron Yoshitake said. “We’d like to build React web and native apps, but it seems that any sensible legal department will recommend against agreeing to Facebook’s asymmetric patent grant.”
\nDan Abramov, co-author of Redux, Create React App, and React Hot Loader, shared with participants that Facebook is having internal discussions about the re-licensing issue but cautioned them to temper their optimism. He returned to throw some ice on the conversation, which has grown more heated over the past few days, when he said it could only remain an open discussion if everyone involved remains civil. Many participants are concerned about the future of the React-based software that they have already invested thousands of hours of work into.
\n“I understand that everyone is frustrated about this issue,” Abramov said. “Personally I am just as frustrated to spend time, energy, and emotional wellbeing on legal mumbo jumbo that is preventing people from using React. I would much prefer to spend this time on working together to make it better.
\n“But the reality of this situation is that the maintainers of React (people like me that you’re interacting on the issue tracker) are not the ones making these decisions. Each of us is doing what we can to show different perspectives on this issue to the people who can make those decisions, and we appreciate your feedback too. But we can only keep discussion open if everyone stays civil and respectful.”
\nAbramov also pointed out in a follow-up update that a bug tracker isn’t the best avenue for a legal discussion, especially since most participants are software developers and not lawyers. Many have mistaken the thread as a way to communicate with Facebook but there are just a handful of software developers who are representing the React community’s concerns.
\n“We have heard you very well, and we have passed on your concerns,” Abramov said. “But repeating the same points over and over in different threads does not help move this forward, and creates a lot of noise and stress for the maintainers who are already empathetic to your cause.”
\nSeveral participants expressed frustration that the React community cannot participate in the discussions more directly. However, as React is both an open source project and a product of Facebook, the company’s leadership has the last word on licensing issues.
\n“I understand that software developers like us are not the best people to discuss legal details,” software consultant Erik Doernenburg said. “However, wouldn’t the logical consequence be that the Facebook Legal team, who make such decisions, become active in this forum? Shouldn’t it be possible that all relevant details pertaining to a piece of open source software are discussed in the open? It is incredibly frustrating to have such an important aspect of open software discussed behind closed doors.”
\nIt’s not known whether Facebook is considering another change to its Patents grant or a complete re-licensing. Participants in the discussion are also concerned about other Facebook open source projects like GraphQL, Relay, React Native, and Flow, which share the same BSD+Patents License and are widely used by the open source community.
\nDan Abramov left an update today to let the community know that no resolution is available this week. However, the update seemed more positive than the first one, which discouraged participants from being optimistic about a change.
\n“I want to point out that there is a real momentum behind this discussion internally,” Abramov said. “There are going to be more meetings next week escalating this up to the engineering directors. As you imagine they are quite busy, so this is taking more time than we thought.
\n“Again, I can’t promise you any specific conclusion, and there is no clarity on where this will land. But please know there are people working on getting your voice heard.”
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\nWe discussed the future of WooCommerce and the odds of it turning into a SaaS product. Landefeld shares his thoughts on WooCommerce dropping its 50% renewal discount on subscriptions. Even though the discount is gone, he believes it’s still an affordable option for most users. To close out the show, Jacoby and I discuss the news of the week.
\nAJ Morris Acquires iThemes Exchange
\nJetpack Professional Plan Introduces Unlimited Access to 200+ Commercial Themes
\nbbPress 2.5.13 Readds Sanitization to Anonymous User Data
\nWP Rollback Adds Multisite Compatibility and Changelog Preview
\nGutenberg 0.5.0 Adds New Verse Block for Poetry and a New Display for Recent Blocks
Gutenberg Boilerplate For Third-Party Custom Blocks by Ahmad Awais. The boilerplate is a great way to learn the basics on creating custom blocks for Gutenberg. It comes with four example blocks.
\nAwais also shared his thoughts on the Gutenberg project.
\nAdd Admin CSS – Using this plugin you’ll easily be able to define additional CSS (inline and/or files by URL) to be added to all administration pages. You can define CSS to appear inline in the admin head (within style tags), or reference CSS files to be linked.
\nNext Episode: Wednesday, August 2nd 3:00 P.M. Eastern
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\nListen To Episode #282:
The State of JavaScript 2017 Survey is now open to web professionals of all backgrounds. The intent of the survey is to provide an overview of the rapidly changing landscape of JavaScript frameworks and tools by gauging which technologies are growing in popularity and which ones people are liking and using less.
\nThe survey, created by Sacha Greif and Michael Rambeau, should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Topics include JavaScript frontend and backend tools and frameworks, state management solutions, testing tools, CSS, build tools, mobile and desktop technologies, package managers, text editors, salaries, and more.
\nLast year’s 89-question survey received more than 9,300 responses. Results showed that React ranked higher than other front-end frameworks in terms of developer satisfaction at 92%, followed closely by Vue.js at 89%.
\nIt will be interesting to see if and how these results change with many open source project and companies growing wary of using React after the Apache Software Foundation’s recent decision to ban Apache PMC members from using any technology licensed with Facebook’s BSD+Patents License. A licensing issue that jeopardizes more companies’ ability to use Facebook’s popular open source technologies could precipitate a decline in React’s preeminence among frontend frameworks.
\nSacha Greif reports that the survey has received more than 3,500 responses in less than 24 hours, a remarkable number compared to 9,300 over the course of three weeks last year. This response affirms the value that last year’s results provided to web professionals who are attempting to navigate the ever-expanding JavaScript ecosystem.
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\nThose who allow anonymous users to create topics and replies on their forums are encouraged to update immediately.
\n“This feature is not widely used on public forums because spammers aggressively target these kinds of sites, but for communities that rely on this feature, please know you can safely upgrade to 2.5.13 without any issues,” John James Jacoby, lead developer of bbPress and BuddyPress, said.
\nAs a reminder, beginning with bbPress 2.5.12, the minimum version of WordPress supported is 4.7. If you’re using an older version of WordPress, Jacoby recommends using or staying with bbPress 2.5.11.
\nbbPress 2.6 is still in the release candidate phase as developers iron out a few issues discovered on WordPress.org.
\nUsers can download the latest version of bbPress from WordPress.org or browse to Dashboard > Updates, and upgrade from within WordPress.
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\n“Having WordCamp change cities each year is quite normal for us,” WordCamp Croatia co-organizer and Zagreb meetup organizer Emanuel Blagonic said. “A lot of people from other cities travel to meetups too. Our largest meetup in Zagreb, which usually has 80+ people present and 100+ live stream viewers, usually has people attending from a 300km circle around Zagreb. People also travel to Split when there are meetups there.”
\nA renewed discussion on regional WordCamps is firing up on the WordPress Community team P2 blog, as the topic was discussed at the Community Summit and with recent developments in WordCamp Netherlands being reinstated and WordCamp Asia a possibility for 2019. Croatia is another example of a country where a national WordCamp might benefit the community.
\n“When we started with organizing a WordCamp in Croatia, as a community we hoped that WordCamp will help us boost local communities, thus not having everything centralized in Zagreb (where most other meetups happen, i.e. PHP, Design, UX, JavaScript, Python, etc.),” Blagonic said. “As a community we strongly believe that every region is different and it should be viewed like that. So far we are organizing WordCamps ‘no matter what,’ but having a ‘national WordCamp would mean more Croatian sponsors and better coverage from national media.”
\nWordCamp Zagreb will be a three-day event, beginning with workshops on the first day as the event has done in previous years. Organizers are planning for 12 workshops in four tracks that will be open to public registration. The main conference will be held Saturday with two tracks. Contributor Day will close out the event on Sunday, followed by a walking tour of the city.
\nFriday’s workshops will be held mostly in Croatian, except a few, such as WordPress Basics and Public Speaking, which will be conducted in English. All of the conference talks this year will be in English.
\n“Croatia is a tourist country and most of the people here speak good English, which is often used at large tech events,” Blagonic said. “With that in mind, every WordCamp so far was (mostly) in English, which means it’s quite welcoming for people outside Croatia, too (Slovenia, Austria, Italy, Germany) – and our community likes to meet new people. Unlike WordCamps, we see Meetups as strong local events so we usually have talks in Croatian there.”
\nBlagonic said every year so far the WordCamp has had approximately 20% of its attendees traveling from outside Croatia, as the country is relatively small with a population of 4 million. Most attendees travel to the WordCamp from other parts of Croatia.
\nCroatia currently has five local meetups, but only the two in Zagreb and Split have enough members to meet regularly. Blagonic said he sees the meetups as a way to help local communities grow and views the WordCamp as “a celebration of the country community.” However, he believes centralizing the larger events too much would be detrimental to growing the fledgling WordPress communities in the smaller cities.
\n“I’d say that in Croatia (and in the region) we have a young democracy and we still haven’t found the best way to connect with people,” Blagonic said. “For example, there are four big cities in Croatia where most of the things happen, and the tech scene is quite strong in them. If you go outside of these four hubs, a lot fewer things happen, which is a problem for people living outside. We believe that having a centralized country is bad for growing local communities (outside these areas) so with changing cities each year and with traveling to other Meetups/WordCamps we hope that we will change how people feel about it. “
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\nVersion 1.5.0 has been in development for some time. It has a ton of bug fixes and new features.
\nThe headline new feature is REST API access to the settings. This will allow developers to create their own interface to the settings of the plugin. Unfortunately it isn’t yet documented but you can see the code in the rest directory. Start with load.php where you’ll find the code that registers all the endpoints. Users who access the API must be logged in as admin users. If you want to test the API, see the end of this post.
\nWe have also simplified the settings page to make it easier to choose which caching method is used.
\n\nInstead of maybe confusing the user with technical words like PHP, mod_rewrite and WP-Cache we have split them up into “Simple” and “Expert” delivery methods, and done away with mentioning WP-Cache completely. Simple delivery uses PHP, expert uses mod_rewrite and well, WP-Cache got the boot because it’s always active anyway.
\nWP-Cache caching is always active, but it can be disabled in different ways.
\nWe expanded the number of headers cached by the plugin. The list of headers was borrowed from Comet Cache. However, anonymous users will still only see the bare minimum like content-length or content-type. If you need to use security headers like “X-Frame-Options” or “Content-Security-Policy” you should enable caching of HTTP headers. This unfortunately disables super caching so only WP-Caching is used but it’s still very fast (and faster in this release than before which I will get to below). You can also use the “wpsc_known_headers” filter to modify the list of recognised headers.
\nWP-Cache cache files are split into two files – one holds the page content, the other (meta file) holds information about the page such as cookies, headers and url. In the past these files were stored in two directories which could become a problem if there were many thousands of those files. Even with only a few hundred files, maintenance could be an issue as deleting related files (like page archives, or copies of the front page) needed every meta file to be inspected.
\nNow the files are stored in the supercache directory structure that mirrors your permalink structure. Deleting related files is is simpler and serving files will be faster as the operating system won’t need to open a directory of thousands of files.
\nIf you currently rely on WP-Cache files, the plugin will still look for them where they are, but new WP-Cache files will be created in cache/supercache/example.com/ (where example.com is your hostname).
We added support for caching sitemaps, but your sitemap plugin will need to cooperate to get it to work. The sitemap plugin needs to identify the sitemap request as a feed. Jetpack 5.1 now supports this since #7397. You can disable the caching by excluding feeds from caching.
\nThe debug log is now protected by a username/password. For convenience, the username and password are the same but they are a long md5 string:
\n\nDeleting the log file clears it and resets it ready for more logging. Before, toggling debugging would create a new debug log and the old one would be kept around, but not linked, until deleted by garbage collection, and of course they were text files anyone could access.
\nThis release includes lots of other small bug fixes and changes. Take a look at the number of closed PRs for an exhaustive list of those changes!
\nThere are a number of ways to send POST requests to a web server but one I like is using curl in a shell script. You’ll need two bits of information from the website:
\nMy test script looks something like this:
\nexport NONCE=\'1234567890\'
\nexport COOKIE=\'wordpress_logged_in_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=1234567890\'
\ncurl -v -X \"GET\" -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" -H \"X-WP-Nonce: $NONCE\" -H \"Cache-Control: no-cache\" -H \"Cookie: wordpress_test_cookie=WP+Cookie+check; $COOKIE\" \\
\n-d \'{}\' \"https://example.com/wp-json/wp-super-cache/v1/settings/\"
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\nTo understand my bubble, you need to also know a little about me, or rather, about my childhood. I had a less than ideal childhood. I have a great family, lived in a great house, even in the “best country in the world” as they say. And despite this, I say I wasn’t happy with my childhood. My school years were the reason, they were rough. At times I think back and feel like events that unfolded were parts of ridiculous scenes from an over the top movie.
\nAll in all, the days seemed generic enough, except my school days were a thing of dread. I would suffer physical and verbal abuse throughout my schooldays, even going to and from school, I had no real friends (victim by association is understandably not something a child would want to intentionally walk into. I understand this as an adult, but as a child it’s not that easy).
\n\nBecause of my treatment over the years, I developed trust issues, I got a fear for everyone around me, and it was growing stronger and stronger over the years.
I suppressed it, I lied about it, and I got terrifyingly good at the lying part.
\nThis is why I was drawn to the internet: I didn’t have to interact with people, I didn’t need to go outside where the others were, I could just do my thing and move on. I could live in my own bubble.
\nBut then the darndest thing happened. I’d been stuck on a project, I needed help, and I turned to a support room for an open source project, for WordPress. If you’ve ever tried to get help in a chat before, you’ll know what kind of an experience it can be, the snarky reactions to your code, the nitpicking of using the wrong terminology, it’s not fun. This place though, they didn’t care that I was not only using the wrong terms, but my entire code was a horrible mess.
\n\nWhere I would usually get the help I needed and move on, popping back in my bubble of solitude, I instead wanted to be like these people, I wanted to use what I learnt to let others get helped.
Over the years, I all but devote myself to that place. Nobody knew me, I liked staying under the radar, but eventually I got pushed into a team meeting. I was intrigued, so I would watch, I’d say hi, and progressively make my opinions heard. Yet, I would stick to my bubble, once the meeting was over I was back on my own.
\nUntil I got to attend my first big WordCamp, the last one held in San Francisco, I was ecstatic! I’d never been to a big conference before, as I didn’t like crowds, but I knew some of the people who would be there. They were people who had been friendly and inviting in the most genuine way imaginable. It’s not easy being worried whenever you’re out amongst people, but this group of people, this community, I didn’t have that fear around them.
\n\nI somehow made WordCamps my safe space.
They are where I can, if only for a short while, leave that bubble, leave the need to be alone, and be a part of something great! I use them as fuel to get through the hard times, I can look forward to meeting people, people who value my opinions and my experience. People who genuinely want to listen and most of all, care about you! The WordPress community is, slowly but surely, helping me get rid of my ingrown fear of the unknown, of others.
\nThe community is helping me become myself again.
\nThe post Becoming Myself Again appeared first on HeroPress.
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\nIn 2013, with the help of Konstantin Obenland, a WordPress core developer, I overcame my fear and contributed my first patch to WordPress.
\nThis is one of the principles behind a new weekly meeting that is geared towards new contributors.
\n“The new contributors meeting is the perfect place to come if you are new to contributing to WordPress core and have questions,” Adam Silverstein, WordPress core contributor, said.
\nEvery Wednesday at 3PM Eastern Daylight Time, users can visit the #core WordPress Slack channel and ask questions related to patches, tickets, and review the good-first-bugs report on Trac.
\nThe first meeting was held on July 5th where participants asked questions about working with Git in WordPress core, applying patches, and unit testing. In the second meeting, participants discussed whether or not new contributors are allowed to make changes to tickets.
\nOther topics mentioned include, which repositories to use, clarification on contributing to core versus updating the WordPress Developer’s site, and which tickets to select for review.
\nThe next meeting is on Wednesday, July 19th at 3PM Eastern. If you have any questions on how to contribute to WordPress, be sure to join the WordPress #core Slack channel at that time and ask away.
\nMeeting notes with links to discussions, tickets mentioned, and other resources are published on the Make WordPress Core blog under the #new-contributors tag
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\nIt’s easy to see why the plugin is so popular. Navigating buggy updates is a natural part of life when maintaining a self-hosted website and not all users have a separate testing environment for their websites. This tool gives them a basic diagnostic tool and the confidence to apply updates knowing they can easily roll it back in case of a problem. Many reviewers cite the plugin as having been “a lifesaver” when applying WooCommerce or Yoast SEO updates that had unexpected results.
\nThe lone one-star review of WP Rollback was given because the user anticipated multisite compatibility and was unable to get it to work. That issue has been solved in the latest update.
\nWP Rollback 1.5 is fully compatible with multisite networks, giving super admins the ability to roll back extensions from the network plugin/themes screen or from the the plugins/themes screen of the primary site in the network. Sub-sites do not have the ability to roll back plugins and themes for the entire network. The UI for rolling back themes on the network admin screen is identical to the plugin screens, as multisite doesn’t have the fancy theme preview screen that single site installs have.
\nVersion 1.5 also adds the ability for users to preview the changelog for previous versions of a plugin. This makes it convenient for users to quickly view the changes for each version without leaving the admin.
\n\nWordImpress, the folks behind WP Rollback, have considered adding core rollbacks and database savepoints, but both features have serious potential drawbacks that could turn it into a high support-demanding plugin. In its current state, the plugin is virtually support-free.
\nMatt Cromwell, Head of Support and Community Outreach at WordImpress, said the team thought about monetizing the plugin in the beginning, but is not pursing any plans to do so at this time.
\n“We think of it as just one of the many ways we are giving back to the WP community,” Cromwell said. “Our preference would be for the core team to consider it as a potential feature plugin for eventual core inclusion.”
\nCromwell said WordImpress hasn’t made any intentional steps to see if core folks are interested in WP Rollback becoming a feature plugin, but the team has purposely built it to be as close to core standards as possible. He believes it would be relatively easy to implement in WordPress.
\nSuggestions for new features, general feedback, and bug reports are welcome on WP Rollback’s GitHub repository. The plugin’s authors recommend backing up your site before using it to rollback plugins and themes or testing rollbacks on a staging site first. WP Rollback is not capable of rolling back changes a plugin update has made to the database, so a backup can come in handy if the database changes are incompatible with previous versions.
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\nA representative from Facebook’s RocksDB team commented on the Apache Foundation’s post to advise that the project will meet the August 31st deadline for relicensing in order to be in compliance with Apache PMC member requirements, and that change has been committed today:
\n\nThe RocksDB team is adjusting the licensing such that it will be dual-licensed under the Apache 2 and GPL 2 (for MySQL compatibility) licenses. This should happen shortly and well ahead of August 31st. I’ll leave the history and philosophy around licensing alone since it’s generally a complex discussion to have and I’m not sure that it has actually been fully captured in this thread especially vis a vis Facebook’s intent.
\nHopefully this morning’s guidance to PMCs can be adjusted since I don’t think any of us see a bunch of extra engineering effort as a desirable thing across the ASF projects which are already making use of RocksDB
In light of the ASF Legal Affairs Committee’s decision to disallow the BSD+Patents License in Apache projects, ASF member Joan Touzet opened an issue on the React repository urging Facebook to consider re-licensing React.js under Apache License v2.0 and GPL 2:
\n\n\nThis has led to a lot of upset and frustration in the Apache community, especially from projects requiring similarly-licensed code as direct dependencies – the chief of these being RocksDB.
\nWe (the Apache Software Foundation) have just received word that RocksDB will be re-licensing their code under the dual Apache License v2.0 and GPL 2 licenses.
\nAs a user of React.JS in an ASF top-level project (Apache CouchDB), please consider re-licensing React.JS under similar terms. Otherwise, many ASF projects such as our own will have to stop relying on and building with React.
Although the re-licensing of RocksDB solves that particular project’s problem, ASF’s ban of Facebook’s BSD+Patents license means other widely used technologies from Facebook, including React.js, are still banned. This is likely to cause problems for many open source projects.
\nHarshavardhana, from the Minio team, commented in support of the petition to Facebook for re-licensing React.
\n“Our object storage browser UI is based on React and we are Apache 2.0 licensed,” he said. “It would be unfortunate and time consuming to migrate but we will have to do that in lieu of new information regarding Apache incompatibility. Please consider re-licensing React.”
\nContributors to Om, a ClojureScript interface for React, are also discussing whether or not the ASF’s new requirements will affect their project. Greg Stein, commenting on behalf of ASF, clarified the reasons behind the organization’s decision to ban Facebook’s BSD+Patents license:
\n\nPlease note that the ASF chose this path for policy reasons, rather than “license incompatibility”. We don’t want downstream users of Apache code to be surprised by the PATENTS grant that (was) in RocksDB and (is) in React. Users should only need to follow the ALv2, with no further constraints.
\nThese license can work together (IMO) and simply provide two sets of restrictions upon users.
Stein said it was not ASF’s lawyers who made the decision but rather the organization’s policy decision to “disallow FB/BSD+Patent license to be mixed into the software the Foundation releases to users.”
\nDan Abramov, co-author of Redux, Create React App, and React Hot Loader, joined the discussion on GitHub regarding re-licensing with a brief and ambiguous summary about how Facebook is handling the petition to re-license.
\n“To give you a small update, there are going to be more internal discussions about this for about a week,” Abramov said. “This is about as much as I can say. I wouldn’t be too optimistic about this changing for React but we’ll see. @daveman692 has kindly agreed to provide an update when these discussions are over.”
\nDropping the patent grant entirely, which would be the most convenient way of solving this issue for open source projects, isn’t likely to happen. React has already gone through re-licensing twice during its short history. It was originally licensed under Apache 2.0 but this was changed in October 2014 to the BSD License plus the patent grant, which included a highly controversial termination provision. In April 2015, the patent grant was changed slightly to allow licensees to continue to use the software in the event that a patent lawsuit did not include a counterclaim against Facebook or its affiliates in a matter unrelated to React.js.
\nThe termination provision in Facebook’s BSD+Patents License continues to be unpopular and is regarded suspiciously by many open source project maintainers. When the Drupal project began considering a client-side framework to supersede Backbone.js, Dries Buytaert passed on React based on what he said was “a potentially unacceptable patent clause,” citing pushback from WordPress.com’s Calypso and React contributors.
\nThe WordPress open source project has not formally announced its decision on which JavaScript framework will be included in core, but all signs point to React. WordPress’ upcoming Gutenberg editor is built on React and its chief contributors are Automattic employees who work on React-based products for WordPress.com. Gutenberg continues to plough forward at a breakneck pace with no indication of a rewrite, and WordPress co-creator Matt Mullenweg has been outspoken about his preference for using React.
\nAlthough Automattic’s legal counsel has said the company is comfortable using React for its product under the project’s current license , others in the WordPress community are not as amenable to including the framework in core.
\nThe Open Source Initiative (OSI) includes a generic BSD+Patent license listed among its approved licenses, but Facebook’s particular BSD+Patent license has not been submitted. Robert Pierce, a partner at El Camino Legal, contends that the license termination provision ought to be impermissible in an open source license because it exists to protect Facebook from patent litigation that is completely unrelated to React code:
\n\nFacebook touts React.js as open source software. But in my mind the license termination provision of the Additional Grant of Patent Rights takes the offering outside the realm of open source software.
\nThe patent license offered in the Additional Grant of Patent Rights (v.2) is conditioned upon the licensee not bringing a patent infringement lawsuit against Facebook or its affiliates. Thus, the licensee pays a price to use the library. It is not a price paid with money. The price demanded by Facebook for use of the library is that the licensee refrain from exercising any of its patent rights against Facebook or its affiliates.
Pierce views Facebook’s publication of React source code as leverage to win some protection against patent lawsuits, which he deems to be “too greedy an approach for Facebook to claim open source status.”
\nThe open source community has widely speculated about the implications of including Facebook’s BSD+Patent license as a dependency, but the license has not yet been tested in court. The Apache Software Foundation is the first major organization to take a hard line stance on the controversial license and this has caught Facebook’s attention. Facebook representatives have promised an update on the petition for re-licensing after its internal discussions have concluded.
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\nWeather Atlas Settings\nAs you begin typing, a drop-down list of cities is displayed. This helps choose the correct city. From here, users can configure the following settings:
\nUsers can display sunrise and sunset times, heat index, wind chills, UV index, wind speeds, humidity, and pressure. You can also hide or display hourly forecasts.
\nForecast for Cleveland, Ohio\nIt’s recommended that for three-hour forecasts, you use the vertical layout and for five-hour forecasts, the horizontal layout. The same recommendations apply for daily forecasts.
\nThe widget not only looks nice but it also changes color based on temperature. Shades of blue represent cooler temperatures while shades of red represent warmer temperatures.
\nTemperatures Represented by Colors\nBy default, the bottom of the widget displays the text, “Weather from Weather Atlas”. However, if you choose to display the detailed forecast, the text is replaced with a Detailed Forecast link. This link takes visitors to a page on Weather-Atlas.com that displays detailed weather conditions for the selected city.
\nI tested the Weather Atlas Widget on WordPress 4.8 and didn’t encounter any issues. It’s available for free on the WordPress plugin directory.
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\n“I am still making up my mind with how Gutenberg will fit in the WordPress core,” Awais said. “There are so many things which are both good and bad about it. So, instead of ranting about it, I wanted to do something more productive. I went ahead, studied the source code and received a lot of help from Gutenberg contributors (Matias Ventura, James Nylen, Riad Benguella, Andrew Duthie, Joen, etc.) to finally build a Gutenberg Boilerplate project.”
\nAwais’ Gutenberg Boilerplate is a good starting place for learning more of the basics about developing for the editor. It comes in the form of a plugin that offers four examples of how to build different kinds of custom Gutenberg blocks, with and without a build process:
\nFor example, the tweet block, which is something that might previously been handled with a shortcode, is an example that includes four files: block.js to register the custom Gutenberg block, editor.css, style.css, and index.php.
\n\nAwais noticed that many developers were wanting to try building third-party blocks, but Gutenberg’s documentation for this was outdated and/or non-existent. He got involved in contributing to the project’s documentation after discovering the docs describing how to enqueue block and block editor assets were not available. This gave him the inspiration to create a boilerplate.
\n“Both as a theme/plugin developer, I think there’s going to be a steep learning curve here for just about everyone – users as well as developers,” Awais said. “WordPress development just became very complicated with the Gutenberg project. I’m also not sure how devs will start writing extensions. Some users might expect them to keep the shortcodes for the old editor. Some might ask for blocks in the new one. Is there an API or back-compat? In short everything is changing and this change has both pros and cons.”
\nThese concerns also tie into the larger discussion around how Gutenberg can support legacy metaboxes that use the old PHP framework, instead of updating to the new JS.
\n“New metaboxes should be written in JS, and will appear in the Post Settings sidebar alongside the stock ones,” Gutenberg contributor Joen Asmussen said. “Metaboxes written in PHP should ideally be upgraded to be JS, but should continue to work in their PHP form also.” Asmussen has proposed an “Extended Settings” panel to house legacy metaboxes in a section below the editor. It would appear only when legacy plugins and metaboxes are enabled, as shown in the mockup below.
\n\nDiscussion regarding how to support metaboxes is still ongoing. With so many important issues like this up in the air, it’s too early to know what the future of extending Gutenberg will look like. At the moment, the project is undergoing rapid development and changes, so extending Gutenberg may evolve drastically over a short period of time. If the editor is to preserve the same flexibility and customization opportunities of its predecessor, the project will need to ensure that it is easy to create custom blocks and extensions while continuing to support older PHP metabox infrastructure that is currently widely used.
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\nGutenberg 0.5.0 hit dashboards today. One major improvement to the writing flow is that the editor will now avoid showing block UI while the user is typing and/or starting a new paragraph in a text block. You can test this by typing and pressing enter twice to begin a new text block. No UI should be visible during this process. Small improvements like this one are gradually bringing a bit more zen to the editor, which is still full of confusing and surprising experiences.
\nVersion 0.5.0 adds the ability to upload images via drag-and-drop onto image block placeholders. The example below shows one of my tests. While the image is uploading, it fades in and out. This experience is a bit disconcerting, especially if the upload never resolves. I’m not certain this UI provides the best communication for the status of the image upload.
\n\nThis version also introduces a new Verse block, which is intended for poetry. It has a slight indent, as compared to a plain text block, but it doesn’t yet work well with copy and paste. Unless you are a poet composing in WordPress, it’s far more likely that you will be pasting in poetry content from somewhere else on the web. Other than the initial bugs, it’s a useful block for those who often post verse.
\n\nWith the growing number of block types, it can be cumbersome to sort through all of them when adding a new block. Gutenberg 0.5.0 implements a new display for recent blocks. A maximum of eight are shown and the most recently used ones are displayed at the top. It does not yet persist between editor sessions, but Gutenberg contributors plan to add that in the future.
\n\nOther notable improvements in this release include the following:
\nGutenberg in its current state is a long way away from being an editor that users would embrace for long-form writing. It still contains many unnerving bugs that steal user confidence. For example, when pasting in multiple paragraphs from a lorem ipsum generator, the editor gave me a white screen and I lost all of the content in my post. After a bit of testing I found that pasting in paragraphs one at a time worked.
\nThis kind of frustrating and unexpected behavior has caused many testers to wonder why it isn’t being referred to as alpha software instead of beta. WordPress contributor Jon Brown summed up this common sentiment in a comment on the 0.4.0 release post.
\n“It’s getting better, but it honestly still feels more like a 0.0.4 alpha than a 0.4.0 beta,” Brown said. “I’ve tried writing long form content several times with each version since 0.1.0 and each time I’m quickly frustrated by the lack of flow between blocks. It’s more frustrating than TinyMCE.”
\nGutenberg needs to make significant progress before it can be suitable for writing anything more than a few short paragraphs. It’s nearly impossible to get into the flow of creating long-form content with the prominence of the block UI. Right now, the editor just gets in the way. The current UI is skewed heavily towards frequent block creation. It is clutter-some and distracting for pure writing tasks. Following the evolution of the editor, with its fast-paced development cycle, is exhilarating after years of stagnation. But the project is sorely in need of a breakthrough where the Gutenberg UI finally gets out of the way of writing.
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\n\nYesterday those subscribed to the Jetpack Announcements email were notified that commercial themes have landed in the Jetpack Professional plan, which is regularly priced at $24.92/month or $299/year. Customers will have unlimited access to more than 200 commercial themes that are already available on WordPress.com. Jetpack users on the free plan will see all the themes available in the WordPress.com theme browser with a prompt to upgrade for the ones that are commercial.
\n\nThe announcement also noted that any themes users elect to use will be automatically backed up and regularly scanned for malware as part of the security services included in the package. For those who are running a multisite network, each site will need its own Jetpack Professional subscription to have access to the commercial themes.
\nFor years the WordPress community has speculated about what Automattic’s long game was for Jetpack, and many believed it was only a matter of time before the plugin started offering commercial upgrades. It was introduced to the WordPress world in 2011 as a way to provide feature parity between WordPress.com and self-hosted sites. The first version included just eight modules, but fellow plugin developer and entrepreneurs in the community were immediately aware of its commercial potential.
\nIn 2016, Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg identified both Jetpack and WooCommerce as “multi-billion dollar opportunities” that could each individually be larger than WordPress.com. The plugin is now active on more than 3 million WordPress sites. Automattic’s aggressive commercialization of Jetpack in the past two years is the fulfillment of initial predictions about where the plugin was headed.
\nThe new commercial themes offering significantly raises the value of the Jetpack Professional plan, which was previously targeted at business users who require unlimited storage, Google Analytics, and additional SEO features. With the addition of unlimited use of 200+ themes, Automattic has expanded the Professional plan to be more compelling for non-business users who are simply interested in gaining access to a collection of professionally-supported themes.
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\nThis is the last chance to test out this release and report back any issues found before final release in approximately two weeks time.
\nAny issues found can be reported to our trac ticket home , or raised on the support forum.
\nAmongst other improvements and fixes to look out for are:
\nFor a full list of commits see 2.9 tickets A full changelog will be available when we release the final version.
\nYou can download the plugin to test from the WP repo BP 2.9.0-RC1 or grab a copy from our SVN repo.
\nA reminder to all theme developers that there are changes to template markup that could effect layouts and ask that they check their themes carefully, the changes are listed below along with changelog links; again any issues or problems please report as soon as possible to the BP trac or slack channel.
\nTemplate changes
\nIn this release there are a number of improvements to templates that add a level of improved a11y performance and markup changes for better semantics & Standards.
\nTheme authors may want to pay particular attention to changes to profile field visibility links and the profile field descriptions where significant markup changes are made that effect positioning of these elements – changesets for these are r11617 & r11618
\nNouveau – new template pack
\nIf you’re looking for Nouveau as we mentioned in the beta2 announcement we have delayed the release of this new template pack to ensure it receives as much code checking & refinement as possible and we’ll be looking to probably package this as it’s own release shortly after 2.9 is released.
\nWe thank you in advance for all testing and reports and it need not be mentioned but please don’t run Beta or RC releases in a production environment only on test installs.
\nThe BuddyPress team.
Open source software has made its way into nearly every industry, but a recent open source security and risk analysis shows widespread license compliance risks, with 75% of the audited applications including GPL license conflicts. Although most violations are unintentional, there are some cases where companies do not comply with the license in order to block competitors from developing similar software.
\nGPL enforcement doesn’t often lead to litigation. When it does, most other avenues of resolving the complaint have already been exhausted. A lawsuit in the air transport industry is currently bringing more attention to the gravity of not complying with open source software licensing requirements.
\nCoKinetic Systems, a developer and manufacturer of in-flight entertainment (IFE) software, has filed a case against Panasonic Avionics that includes allegations of a fairly egregious breach of the GPL. The complaint alleges that Panasonic Avionics has monopolized the Panasonic IFE Software and Media Services Market by deliberately refusing to distribute the source code for its open-source Linux-based operating system:
\n\nMore specifically, Panasonic has built the Linux-Based Panasonic Core Software using the open-source Linux kernel, which is clearly governed by the GPL, together with Panasonic’s own modified Linux modules, which are likewise governed by the GPL.
\nIndeed, Panasonic has itself affirmatively identified its own modified modules as being subject to the GPL, because the original Linux modules were specifically designed to generate warning messages if other code is linked with or otherwise combined with the Linux modules that are not licensed under the GPL. To suppress these warnings, Panasonic willfully acted to insert code into its own modules to indicate that they were licensed under the GPL.
\nPanasonic has incorporated a massive amount of open source modules, programs, and libraries into the Linux-Based Panasonic Core Software, without distributing notices or source code to the Linux-Based Panasonic Core Software, or even to any part of it…By deliberately refusing to distribute the source code to the Linux-Based Panasonic Core Software in accordance with its GPL obligations, Panasonic intentionally deprives competitors in the market from having the ability to develop software that can access the basic features and capabilities of Panasonic IFE Hardware.
CoKinetic Systems contends that Panasonic’s refusal to distribute its source code voids its GPL license and “potentially exposes Panasonic to billions of dollars in statutory damages for hundreds of thousands of hardware installations that willfully infringe copyrights belonging to hundreds or even thousands of software developers that freely contributed source code to Linux.”
\nFurthermore, the complaint details how competitors have to rely on Panasonic’s APIs in order to offer software services to airlines using Panasonic’s IFE hardware, because they do not have access to the source code for the Linux-based core software. CoKinetic claims that Panasonic also deliberately blocks competitor products by its selective distribution of its APIs, resulting in stifled industry innovation and monopoly control over the Panasonic IFE Software and Media Services Market.
\nPerhaps the worst and most grave allegation in the complaint is that, in addition to locking up the source code and doling out access to the APIs, Panasonic also maliciously sabotaged its own APIs in order to give the appearance that it is the only reliable software service provider for its hardware, which CoKinetic claims is inferior and sold at monopolistic prices.
\n\nPanasonic also is able to use its control over the Linux-Based Panasonic Core Software in order to make ongoing, undisclosed, and often malicious modifications to its source code, deliberately “breaking” Panasonic’s own APIs in order to purposely and maliciously sabotage the performance of third-party software products that Panasonic deems a competitive threat — particularly CoKinetic software.
In the introduction to the case, CoKinetic cites a litany of anti-competitive conduct the company has engaged in over the past decade before detailing the current allegations. The case is not purely an open source license dispute, as the plaintiff also alleges that Panasonic abused regulatory processes, engaged in acts of corporate espionage, defamed CoKinetic, paid commercial bribes, and employed unlawful means to monopolize the Panasonic IFE Software and Media Services Market.
\nCoKinetic is seeking compensatory damages for Panasonic’s GPL ongoing GPL breaches. The specific amount would be determined at the trial but the company believes it to be in excess of $100 million. The company also wants the court to compel Panasonic to publicly disclose and distribute the source code.
\nThis isn’t a case where distributing the source code is just a small sticking point or just a matter of principle. It has the potential to open up the IFE industry for faster progress and greater innovation. Many reading this article have undoubtedly used Panasonic’s IFE products when flying with the company’s customers, which include Emirates Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Virgin America, and United Airlines. With the source code available, airline customers could remove Panasonic’s software from their IFE hardware and replace it with their own software solutions.
\nThe complaint, which was filed in the Southern District of New York in March, demands a jury trial. An initial pre-trial conference was held in May, but the case has been slow moving. The Court gave a deadline for the Defendant to file its motion to dismiss, but deadlines have since been extended. The Court also strongly recommended that the two parties retain a private mediator but it’s not clear how outside mediation could solve such a far-reaching matter that impacts so many vendors. Additional documents are due over the next few months, so it will be some time before there are updates on the progress of the case.
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\n“When approached about taking over iThemes Exchange early this year, we wanted to be sure the project and our customers went into very competent hands, someone who will love and care for them as much as we do,” Cory Miller, founder of iThemes, said.
\n“Having spent four and a half years investing in the project and in you and your success, we did not take this lightly.
\n“After numerous conversations over the past several months, we believe the best home for Exchange is with ExchangeWP LLC led by AJ Morris.”
\nEverything iThemes Exchange related will transition to ExchangeWP.com. Toolkit, Plugin Suite, Exchange Pro Pack, and iThemes Exchange Add-on customers will be given accounts for free support and upgrades through August 2018 at ExchangeWP.com.
\nBeginning today, customers will no longer be able to purchase Exchange or its add-ons through iThemes as the company transfers licenses and products to ExchangeWP. However, iThemes will continue to provide customer support until the transition is completed, expected to happen in early August.
\nMorris says he’ll continue to focus on making e-commerce simple and will provide regular updates to customers to provide insight into what goes into transition a product from one company to another and where the product is heading.
\n“These days, it’s very easy to get WordPress up and running so you can start blogging,” Morris said. “But when you want to add e-commerce to the mix, it’s a bit different.”
\n“With big players like WooCommerce out there, it becomes too much too quickly for the average content producer to get their store up and running.
\n“Exchange is going to continue focusing on the independent publishers that want to keep the revenue they can, while providing a simplistic experience in an easy-to-use e-commerce plugin that will help get their stores online quickly.”
\nAllowing Morris to take over the project frees up resources for iThemes to focus on three of its flagship products; BackupBuddy, iThemes Security, and iThemes Sync. In addition to their core products, the company says it will soon release a new project.
\n“My job as CEO is to be a steward of the time and resources we have at iThemes in order to serve you best,” Miller said.
\n“We’ve realized for a while that it was past time for us to refocus our finite resources on the projects that have the most growth and potential for our company and you.
\n“That meant we either needed to find a new home for Exchange or sunset the project. I’m thankful we didn’t have to do the latter.”
\nMorris is a long-time member of the WordPress community and has spoken at several WordCamps. With Morris taking over the reigns, existing customers won’t have to worry about finding a replacement.
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\nFor a full list of the changes in this release, see the revision log, but here are some notable fixes:
\nTo upgrade, visit the Updates page of your WordPress dashboard and follow the instructions. If you need to download the plugin zip file directly, links to all versions are available in the WordPress plugins directory.
WordPress.com is venturing into the realm of social media management applications with its latest feature that allows users to schedule Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn updates for individual posts. This goes beyond the basic Publicize functionality that automatically shares posts to connected accounts as soon as they are published, giving users the ability to automate their content marketing to social networks for the most optimal time for sharing.
\n\nIt’s difficult to know how a post will appear on social networks once it has automatically been shared, which is one reason why many people choose to manually share a post for the best presentation. You want to ensure that the right thumbnail will show up with a message customized for each network’s particular audience. The new social scheduling feature on WordPress.com includes a built-in preview screen so users can see what the post will look like once it is shared to the network and then make any necessary tweaks.
\n\nScheduling social media posts is available on WordPress.com for Premium and Business plan users and for Jetpack Professional and Premium users. On the Premium plan level, which comes in at ~$9/month, users pay less than they would for scheduling apps like Buffer, Hootsuite, or Sprout Social while also getting access to more commercial WordPress features.
\nTo truly become a realistic replacement for these types of social media marketing apps, WordPress.com would need to offer better analytics tied into the new sharing feature to show how posts are performing at different times and networks. Although WordPress.com allows for unlimited scheduling and users, it would also need to allow sharing to more networks to be more competitive against these apps. For users who don’t need all of that data but just want the scheduling feature, a paid Jetpack or WordPress.com plan is a more affordable option.
\nSeveral other self-hosted WordPress plugins already offer scheduling social media posts for free and some even integrate the social accounts with Google Analytics. The addition of this feature to Jetpack commercial plans may not be as compelling for self-hosted users who can already find this for free, but it adds value for existing Jetpack customers who may now be able to replace a plugin or third-party service.
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\nBen shares his unique perspective on who Petersen was as a person and describes the challenges of taking over his business. We emphasized how important it is to create a file with passwords and other login information to help appointed people access a person’s digital presence. We also discuss if saying a person lost their battle with an illness is a negative thing to say.
\nTo close out the show, we talk about net neutrality, 10up acquiring Lift UX, and Let’s Encrypt offering wildcard certificates in 2018.
\nAutomattic Releases Net Neutrality WordPress Plugin Ahead of July 12 Protest
\n10up Acquires Lift UX
\nLet’s Encrypt Passes 100 Million Certificates Issued, Will Offer Wildcard Certificates in January 2018
Newlungsfor.me is a place to read about Jesse’s battle with Cystic Fibrosis along with CFfatboy.com.
\nNext Episode: Wednesday, July 19th 3:00 P.M. Eastern
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\nListen To Episode #281:
More than 100 open source project maintainers and industry leaders gathered at the GitHub headquarters in San Francisco last month to discuss the long-term sustainability of open source software. The Sustain event, put on by a relatively new organization called SustainOSS, did not follow a traditional conference format with talks and keynotes but was intentionally left unstructured to foster open discussion.
\nOrganizers expected 50 attendees but ended up with double their estimates. The $50 ticket price covered day care, travel assistance, food, and other miscellaneous event costs. Attendees shared insights from their diverse backgrounds and participated in collaborative working sessions and various discussions facilitated by organizers.
\n\n\n\nDefining a common unified theory of open source sustainability is super hard! #sustainoss pic.twitter.com/2PznN2oZGM
\n— Lou Huang (@saikofish) June 19, 2017
Co-organizer Alanna Irving shared in her wrap-up post how the team used Open Collective to make the event’s finances transparent and offer payment options for participants and sponsors. The service has recently added a new feature that allows collectives to communicate event info and sell tickets.
\nRepresentatives from large tech companies attended the event, as well as contributors from various open source projects and foundations, including Google, Amazon, Paypal, Airbnb, Red Hat, JS Foundation, Linux Foundation, Apache Foundation, npm, FontAwesome, GulpJS, and more. Irving published a few insights from the discucssions that she and her colleagues are applying to their work at Open Collective:
\nOn the day following the event, SustainOSS organizers tweeted out a link to a new forum on GitHub for discussing open source sustainability. Proposed topics include fundraising, governance, contributor retention, productivity, and managing corporate relationships. It was created to offer a safe place for open source sustainers to collaborate with each other in the open and contributors have already submitted some practical ideas for discussion, such as adding a standardized FUNDING or SUSTAINABILITY file to repositories.
\n\n\n\nBusy day, got a lot done. Stay tuned. #sustainoss #sustain17 pic.twitter.com/CtWs82FXAn
\n— SustainOSS (@SustainOSS) June 20, 2017
Sustain was inspired by inspired by the Maintainerati event held in London in May 2017. The similarly unstructured event brought together open source maintainers who share similar challenges. GitHub also hosted the Wontfix Cabal event at its San Francisco headquarters in February, which highlighted some of the difficulties related to maintaining OSS projects. Events focused on maintaining and funding OSS have been popping up in the past two years, as more people become aware that open source infrastructure has a critical sustainability problem.
\nThe SustainOSS organizers will be releasing a more detailed article on the event soon. They are also open to considering hosting other Sustain events in different locations. Follow @SustainOSS on Twitter for the latest updates.
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\nRussia is a very large and very different country. The basic population, as well as technological development, is concentrated in the central part of the country, in “city-states”: Moscow and St. Petersburg. Other regions are much less developed: lower wages, worse and more expensive infrastructure, fewer IT-vacancies and activities.
\nI was born and grew up in a remote part of Russia – in the Far East, in one of the industrial cities, which is located in 7 time zones and 9000 kilometers from Moscow. The Internet, like other technologies, reached there with a significant delay and for a lot of money (unlimited Internet at a speed of 64 kb/s appeared only in 2007), Therefore, at first, the basics of site building had to be learned in snatches with the help of dial-up.
\nThe first site I did in school. It was built using simple HTML and CSS. But even in this form, it was very impressive and exciting. Then such sites were popular and periodically on the Internet I met guys of my age who like me comprehended the science of site building.
\nI was lucky to find a like-minded person, with whom we were able to develop together for some time and even launch a joint website.
Admission to the computer faculty of the university allowed to more specifically address the issues of web development: to learn PHP and MySQL, to get acquainted with a couple of CMS and to make my first blog on WordPress :). As far as I remember, the blog worked on some WordPress assembly using version 2.9. If you count from that moment, it turns out that I somehow have been working with WordPress for almost 8 years.
\nIn those days, ru.wordpress.org was just born and there was no main site on the Russian-language Internet. It was a time of amateur assemblies, amateur translations and even alternatives of WordPress, aimed to the Russian segment of the Internet.
\nBy the will of fate, my first place of work related to website development was the web studio that used Joomla and Drupal. Then there were a few more places of work, during which time WordPress then turned into the main working tool, then returned to the category of extra work and hobbies.
\nThe turning point was the decision to move to Moscow and a full transition to WordPress in freelance format.
\nThe scenario of moving to Moscow or St. Petersburg is quite popular among IT specialists of my native region. This is a great chance to find interesting and highly paid job, get acquainted with a lot of IT specialists, including narrow ones, and develop in the area of interest.
\nIn Moscow, I moved with remote work and I do not have personal experience of employment in this city, but my wife and most of the acquaintances were satisfied with the options found.
\nAfter about six months of living in Moscow, I was even more thirsty for adventure — to become a freelancer and completely concentrate on WordPress. The ability to plan time independently gives additional space for maneuvers and time for reflection. In my case, this led to an increase in activity in the WordPress community.
\nActively participate in the life of the community, I started about 1.5 years ago. Initially, these were the replies at the support forum, then the development of my plugins, after which I decided to try myself in translating the extensions into Russian and recording training videos for Russian-speaking users.
\nOver time, it turned into a kind of hobby or even a way of life. Every day I read a lot of posts from users on the support forums and try to help resolve their issues, check and correct the added translation lines, periodically record and post training videos.
\nCommunication with users is very helpful. You are one of the first to learn about the problems and ways to solve them, you can quickly correct some incorrect or incorrect translation. Also, over time, a list of popular questions accumulates, which can be turned into training articles and videos. In turn, the creation of articles and videos helps to structure knowledge and understand the details.
\nOn ru.wordpress.org a great team of moderators and translation editors has gathered. We regularly communicate in Slack, some I meet on WordCamp.
\n\nIn November 2016 I took part in the Global Day of Translation 2. It was an unusual experience: broadcasting from around the world, feeling the scale of what was happening and the excitement of the translation. At that time we took 6th place as the most active locale and attracted 7 new translators.
\nIn Russia there are not so many cities where WordPress-meetups are held, and WordCamp is held only in Moscow. But despite all this, these events are a great opportunity to be among WordPress lovers, to see live people with whom I have only spoken on the network before, and just feel the spirit of WordPress :).
\n\nThis year I plan to visit WordCamp Moscow for the third time. I visit WordCamp as a participant, but I hope someday I will find a topic close to me and I will decide to apply for a presentation :). I think it will be interesting.
\nAt the moment I’m a full-time freelancer. This allows me to quite well combine work and activities in the community. I like to share knowledge and make WordPress more accessible for Russian users.
\nMany resources of WordPress are dominated by English, and some, for example, as developer.wordpress.org or “Handbook” are not available for localization. I hope, in the future this will change and we will be able to expand our activities.
\nIn any case, WordPress remains the place where you can find yourself and help make life a little better for yourself and the rest of the participants.
\nРоссия очень большая и очень разная страна. Основное население, как и технологическое развитие, сосредоточено в центральной части страны, в “городах-государствах”: Москве и Санкт-Петербурге. Остальные регионы развиты значительно слабее: ниже зарплаты, хуже и дороже инфраструктура, меньшее количество IT-вакансий и мероприятий.
\nЯ родился и вырос в отдаленной части России — на Дальнем Востоке, в одном из промышленных городов, который расположен в 7 часовых поясах и 9000 километров от Москвы. Интернет, как и другие технологии, доходили туда с существенным опозданием и за большие деньги (безлимитный интернет на скорости 64 кб/сек появился только в 2007 году), поэтому, по началу, азы сайтостроения приходилось познавать урывками с помощью dial-up.
\nПервый сайт я сделал ещё в школе. Он был построен на простейшем HTML и CSS. Но даже в таком виде, это было очень впечатляюще и захватывающе. Тогда такие сайты были популярны и, периодически на просторах интернета, я встречал ребят моего возраста, которые, как и я, постигали науку сайтостроения.
\nМне повезло найти единомышленника, с которым мы смогли некоторое время вместе развиваться и даже запустить совместный сайт.
\n\nПоступление на компьютерный факультет университета позволило более предметно заняться вопросами веб-разработки: изучить PHP и MySQL, познакомиться с парой CMS и завести свой первый блог на WordPress :). Насколько я помню, блог работал на какой-то сборке WordPress, использующей версию 2.9. Если вести отсчет с того момента, то получается, что я так или иначе работаю с WordPress уже почти 8 лет.
\nВ те времена ru.wordpress.org только зарождался и в русскоязычном интернете не было какой-то основной площадки. Это было время любительских сборок, любительских переводов и даже альтернатив WordPress, ориентированных на русский сегмент интернета.
\nВолею судеб, моим первым местом работы, связанным с разработкой сайтов, стала веб-студия, использовавшая Joomla и Drupal. Затем было ещё несколько мест работы, в течение которых WordPress то превращалась в основной рабочий инструмент, то возвращалась в разряд дополнительной работы и хобби.
\nПереломным моментом стало решение о переезде в Москву и полный переход на WordPress в фриланс-формате.
\nСценарий переезда в Москву или Санкт-Петербург достаточно популярен среди IT-специалистов моего родного региона. Это отличный шанс найти интересную и высокооплачиваемую работу, познакомится со множеством IT-специалистов, в том числе узких, и развиться в интересующей области.
\nВ Москву я переезжал вместе с удаленной работой и у меня нет личного опыта трудоустройства в этом городе, но моя жена и большинство знакомых остались довольны найденными вариантами.
\nПримерно через полгода проживания в Москве, меня обуздала ещё большая жажда приключений — стать фрилансером и полностью сосредоточиться на WordPress. Возможность самостоятельно планировать время дает дополнительное пространство для маневров и время на размышления. В моем случае, это привело к увеличению активности в сообществе WordPress.
\nАктивно участвовать в жизни сообщества я начал примерно 1.5 года назад. Вначале это были ответы на форуме поддержки, затем разработка своих плагинов, после чего я решил попробовать себя в переводе расширений на русский язык и записи обучающих видео для русскоязычных пользователей.
\nСо временем это превратилось в некое хобби или даже образ жизни. Каждый день я читаю множество сообщений от пользователей на форумах поддержки и пытаюсь помочь решить их вопросы, проверяю и корректирую добавленные строки перевода, периодически записываю и выкладываю обучающие ролики.
\nОбщение с пользователями очень помогает. Ты одним из первых узнаешь о проблемах и способах их решения, можешь оперативно исправить какой-то неверный или некорректный перевод. Также, со временем накапливается список популярных вопросов, которые можно превращать в обучающие статьи и ролики. В свою очередь, создание статей и видео помогает структурировать знания и разобраться в деталях.
\nНа ru.wordpress.org собралась отличная команда модераторов и редакторов переводов. Мы регулярно общаемся в Slack, некоторых я встречаю на WordCamp.
\n\nВ ноябре 2016 я принимал участвовали в Глобальном дне перевода 2. Это был необычный опыт: трансляции со всего света, ощущение масштабности происходящего и азарта перевода. В тот раз мы заняли 6 место как самый активный язык и привлекли 7 новых переводчиков.
\nВ России не так много городов, где проводятся WordPress-митапы, а WordCamp проводится только в Москве. Но не смотря на всё это, данные мероприятия — отличная возможность побыть среди любителей WordPress, увидеть в живую людей, с которыми до этого общался только по сети, и просто почувствовать дух WordPress :).
\n\nВ этом году я планирую посетить WordCamp Moscow в третий раз. Я посещаю WordCamp как участник, но надеюсь когда-нибудь найду близкую мне тему и решусь подать заявку на выступление :). Я думаю, это будет интересно.
\nНа данный момент я — фул-тайм фрилансер. Это позволяет мне достаточно неплохо совмещать работу и деятельность в сообществе. Мне нравится делиться знаниями и делать WordPress доступнее для русскоязычных пользователей
\nНа многих ресурсах WordPress преобладает английский язык, а некоторые, например, как developer.wordpress.org/ или “Handbook” вовсе недоступны для локализации. Надеюсь, в будущем это изменится и мы сможем расширить свою деятельность.
\nВ любом случае, WordPress остается тем местом, где можно найти себя и помочь сделать его чуточку лучше для себя и остальных участников.
The post How I found myself in WordPress – Как я нашел себя в WordPress appeared first on HeroPress.
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\nThe plugin is open source and available to self-hosted users on WordPress.org. Unlike the existing plugins that support the event on July 12 by presenting visitors with a banner to raise awareness, Automattic’s plugin simulates what life might be like in the “slow lane” if the FCC abandons the principle of net neutrality. It replaces a few of the posts on your site with a “Still Loading” spinner. This plugin doesn’t seem to offer a way to test it ahead of the event, but it essentially displays a message at the bottom of your website and slows down some of your posts.
\n\nThe plugin will automatically be disabled after the event has concluded, so both WordPress.com and self-hosted users do not have to worry about turning it off and can remove it later. If you are uneasy about slowing down some of your posts as part of the protest and feel more comfortable displaying a modal or a widget, check out the Internet Defense League Cat Signal or the Fight for the Future Alerts plugins as alternatives.
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\nPlugin definitions are files used to understand data, actions, shortcodes, and other things plugins do in order to automatically provide version control for them.
\nAccording to Borek Bernard, co-founder of VersionPress:
\n\nUser Defined Location of Plugin Definition File\nIf you create a folder WP_CONTENT_DIR/.versionpress/plugins/woocommerce and put definition files like schema.yml or actions.yml there, VersionPress will use and actually prefer it over the bundled definitions if they exist.
Support for WooCommerce and Jetpack are included in 4.0 Beta 1. VersionPress will automatically detect the definition file as long as each plugin has a .versionpress folder in it.
\nWith the release of 4.0 Beta, Bernard says a repository containing plugin definitions is next on the list and is encouraging plugin authors to contribute to the project.
\n“The final step is to have an online repository of the definitions,” Bernard said. “It will be open to anyone to contribute, not just plugin authors, and used by VersionPress transparently.”
\nFor insight on how to create definitions, developers can look at WordPress core and WooCommerce for real-world examples.
\nOther major changes include full support for WordPress 4.7 and 4.8, adoption of GitHub projects to help manage the development process, and a number of bugs fixed.
\nDevelopers and users can download 4.0 Beta from GitHub. Users are encouraged to test the plugin in a staging environment as it’s not ready to be used on live sites. If you encounter an error, you can report it by creating a new Issue request on the project’s GitHub page.
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\n10up is acquiring the Lift UX brand, hiring four team members, and will also take possession of RemoteJobs.com, which will continue operating independently as a remote job board. The Lift UX brand will be dissolved and clients and projects are in the process of transitioning over to 10up.
\n“We were always looking for agencies to partner with and when I reached out to 10up I was looking to build a relationship to help work on UX design projects,” Miller said. “10up has a strong engineering background and I felt like having them as a partner would be huge for our agency. Jake and I quickly realized that Lift UX and 10up had so many similar processes that it sounded like our two companies were the same but just different in size.”
\nWith similar expertise serving large clients in the WordPress space, the two companies were bound to end up competing on different projects, which happened during the course of their conversations spanning a year leading up to the deal. Miller said 10up founder Jake Goldman proposed a merger/acquisition type of approach.
\n“I ended up speaking to them off and on for the next couple of weeks and things got pretty serious when we were competing for some projects,” Miller said. “I was of course flattered by the offer. Jake and John were awesome. We enjoyed our conversations and decided to do an onsite to discuss things in more detail. They made an offer after our onsite and Chris and I decided to accept it.”
\nIn 10up’s announcement, Goldman said it “takes a special kind of chemistry and alignment for a deal like this to work.” The company’s acquisition of Lift is one of the biggest design-driven acquisitions in the WordPress ecosystem in awhile.
\n“Adding more experience design expertise to our company DNA enhances our empathy and ability to collaborate with design partners in an era of interactive, responsive design where divisions between ‘design’ and ‘engineering’ have eroded,” Goldman said.
\nMiller, who has worked with Wallace to build Lift into a top-notch design and user experience agency, said that securing design talent is a challenge in the industry. 10up adding a fellow competitor to its team is a stretegic move when design talent is in short supply.
\n“I think it’s certainly hard to find quality talent that’s interested in a full time position,” Miller said. “There are some amazing designers out there but a lot of them are contractors/freelancers. 10up wanted to find a team that had a big focus on quality design and UX. It didn’t hurt that we were big on WordPress either.”
\nMiller and Wallace founded Lift UX in 2009 and will be closing out a chapter of their entrepreneurial lives as the brand dissolves into 10up.
\n“Basically we’ll fade into the 10up brand bringing along our team, portfolio, accolades, and ultimately our personality,” Miller said.
\nWallace said closing out this chapter is “definitely bittersweet,” but the team is excited to transition into 10up.
\n“As a 6-7 person agency, we were all constantly being pulled in a million different directions,” Wallace said. “Joining 10up allows us to focus on our individual areas of specialization and excel in each. I love many aspects of entrepreneurship and small agency ownership but the idea of focusing on the success of the experience design team at 10up is something I am looking forward to.”
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\nOther languages like Persian, Japanese, Spanish, Russian and Italian are roaring along and sometimes only need a handful of words or sentences translated to hit that magic 100% too. The next version of the plugin will grab translations from WordPress.org if they’re available which is awesome for users around the world. We’re still shipping translation files but I think the release after that may ship without and rely entirely on the up-to-date online translations.
\nSo, thank you so much to the translators. Code is nigh on useless if the user and developer don’t speak the same language and the interface is incomprehensible. WP Super Cache has lots of technical language which must be a pain to translate. Your work is invaluable!
\nMulțumesc! متشکرم! ありがとうございました!¡Gracias! Спасибо! Grazie! Hvala ti! 谢谢!Vielen Dank!
\n\nRelated Posts
While at WordCamp Europe I had the opportunity to interview Dustin Meza, lead organizer of WordCamp US 2017, and Laura Byrne-Cristiano, who is part of the marketing team for the event. The two are members of a 20-person team of organizers who will welcome an estimated 2,500 attendees to Nashville in December.
\nAlthough the maximum capacity of the Music City Center venue is much higher than what is required by WordCamp US, the organizers want to make judicious use of the event's resources to put on the best possible event for those who make the effort to attend.
\n\"At the end of the day, it's going to be the right size for the event,\" Byrne-Cristiano said. \"You could say, 'Hey, we want 10,000 people, but that's not the right size for the event. The right size is probably somewhere between 2,000 and 2,500. The venue can do more than that, but I don't know that that's the main goal. Bigger isn't always better. Your main goal is the best event and quality for the people who are already there.\"
\nMeza said he considers WordCamp US to be the premier event for North America and that it is there to represent the communities located in this area. He couldn't share the full details of the unique things they are working on, but organizers plan to display and exhibit more information about the the various WordPress communities throughout North America.
\nIn the interview below, Meza and Byrne-Cristiano share a little bit about why they believe Nashville was selected and how welcoming the city is for people from different cultures.
\n\"No matter where in the world you are coming from, there's a place for you at WordCamp US,\" Byrne-Cristiano said.
\n\"This is, by far, the best technology community I have ever been apart of, seeing how much everyone involved embraces new people – to me that is the big reason why I got involved,\" Meza said. \"I want to give this community the best event that we possibly can.\"
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\nVisit the streaming page on July 14th and 15th where viewers can choose between three tracks of sessions to watch. Viewers can also hang out in the #discuss-wpc17 Slack channel to discuss sessions with other people.
\nOrganizers are encouraging viewers to have watch parties at WordPress meetups and campuses. Sessions will be recorded and made available online at the end of the event. The stream starts on Friday, July 14th at 9 AM Eastern.
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\nPodcast Download Error\nI use Vid2MP3 to convert YouTube videos into MP3 files. Starting with episode 271, there was an error in the conversion process. It was difficult to diagnose since the MP3 played fine in some browsers and applications but not in others.
\nI have reconverted the affected episodes using a different service and uploaded the new files to the site. I confirmed that the episodes are accessible in Apple’s Podcasting application. If you still encounter a problem downloading these episodes, please leave a note in the comments along with which podcasting app you’re using. Thanks to all who reported the error and for listening to the show.
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\nNet neutrality is the principle that ensures people can communicate freely online by prohibiting Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and government entities from favoring, blocking, or throttling certain websites, or charging fees for premium content delivery. It guarantees individuals have free to access all content and applications, and forbids ISPs from discriminating against or prioritizing certain users, equipment, or types of content. Vimeo created a handy video to illustrate the importance of defending net neutrality:
\n\nNet neutrality is once again under attack as the FCC is planning to remove the Title II (common carrier) protections established during the Obama administration.
\nSelf-hosted WordPress site owners who want to participate in the Internet-Wide Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality on July 12 can do so by installing the Internet Defense League Cat Signal plugin or the Fight for the Future Alerts plugin. Both support the upcoming Save Net Neutrality event and are based on the official Fight for the Future widget for the campaign.
\nThe widget will not display until July 12, so you can add a plugin ahead of time. If you want to test it to see what it will look like on the day of action, you can append #ALWAYS_SHOW_BFTN_WIDGET to your site URL after installing one of the plugins. See an example here: https://wptavern.com/#ALWAYS_SHOW_BFTN_WIDGET
\n\nThe alert urges visitors to contact Congress and the FCC through the provided form. It can be displayed as a banner at the top of the page or as a modal (see example above).
\nAutomattic may also be planning a way for WordPress.com users to opt-in to participate. We’ll update the post if that information becomes available.
\nUpdate: Automattic has since created a Net Neutrality plugin for WordPress.com and self-hosted users who want to join the protest.
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\n“When Let’s Encrypt’s service first became available, less than 40% of page loads on the Web used HTTPS,” ISRG Executive Director Josh Aas said. “It took the Web 20 years to get to that point. In the 19 months since we launched, encrypted page loads have gone up by 18%, to nearly 58%. That’s an incredible rate of change for the Web.”
\nAas also announced that wildcard certificates are coming to Let’s Encrypt in 2018. Wildcard certificates allow a site to secure an unlimited number of subdomains with the same certificate.
\nCurrently, the process to get Let’s Encrypt working on a WordPress multisite installation is much more complicated than adding a certificate for a single domain. The WP Encrypt plugin claims multisite and multi-network compatibility but super admins have often run into failure on networks with higher numbers of sites. Wildcard support for Let’s Encrypt will provide a better way to secure multisite networks.
\nLet’s Encrypt will offer the wildcard certificates via the new ACME v2 API endpoint and will start by supporting base domain validation via DNS with the possibility of adding other validation options in the future. ACME is the protocol that Let’s Encrypt developed to allow subscribers to acquire and manage certificates. Those using the v1 endpoint are encouraged to move to v2 as soon as it’s available in January 2018. The v2 protocol was developed to be an IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) standard so that ACME can work with more certificate authorities in the future.
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\nSpeculation about why the service shut down was running rampant after Conti had collected donations via an Indiegogo campaign in October 2016 to fund support and server costs. Since that time SiteGround stepped in to sponsor WangGuard, eliminating the server costs. The only costs that remained were Conti’s time and effort that he put into supporting the plugin.
\n“My purpose with WangGuard was never money,” Conti said in his post explaining the reason for the shut-down. “I could have made WangGuard a paid plugin at anytime, and actually had a plan for that for years. But I didn’t do it because there is something inside me that would never let that happen. It was never, I repeat, never my plan to get rich with WangGuard, and I assure you that I could have done it easily: simply charging each of my users 24€/year, would have meant an income of more than 2 million euros per year. I just had to distribute a version of WangGuard I had collecting dust, with a checkbox on WangGuard’s server administration options but I never got it done. No matter the other reasons, which only people very close to me know: I simply didn’t want to, nor did I want to be a millionaire.”
\nWangGuard has long been known for its nearly perfect detection of registration spam. Not only did it completely block unwanted users, it also removed them from the database. The plugin was unrivaled in both accuracy and price – all users got everything the service offered for free. In order for WangGuard to provide its 99.90% accuracy, Conti bolstered the algorithm with manual curation and reviews.
\n“WangGuard worked in two different ways: as an algorithm that I had been refining for seven years, and which was getting better as the sploggers evolved, so that it was always one step ahead of them, and also as human curation, in which I reviewed many factors, among them sites of sploggers to see if their content could improve the algorithm and make sure that it worked correctly both when it was blocking or not blocking a site,” Conti said. “The great secret of WangGuard was this second part. Without it WangGuard would not ever have become what it was.”
\nBecause of how effective WangGuard was at stopping unwanted users, Conti said for four years he received “almost daily death threats from mafias for making them lose millions of dollars.”
\nThrough the process of manually curating splogger sites, Conti caught a glimpse of the some of the darkest places on the web, which he said had a damaging psychological impact on him.
\n“For seven years, I have visited places where I saw pederasty, pictures, and videos of murders (by razor blades, by gutting live people, by beheadings, dismemberments, to name a few), real videos of rape of all kinds (children, women, boys), photos of accidents in which people were totally disfigured, bizarre actions that I did not even know existed, and a very long ‘and so on,’ which I do not want to expand on,” Conti said.
\nThe effects of viewing these types of websites every day took their toll and Conti decided to close the splog hunter service.
\n“Finally, a few months ago, I broke down,” Conti said. “I disappeared from everywhere and fell into a depression. The seven years of working at WangGuard finally took a toll on me. I had nightmares because of all the macabre deaths I had seen, an obsession with protecting my children from pederasty, OCD, depression, and many other symptoms. It took me about 6 months to recover (and honestly, I may be deceiving myself, since I do not think I completely recovered my life).”
\nI asked Conti if clicking through to the websites was necessary for maintaining the service. He explained that while WangGuard blocked emails, domains, IPs, and ISPs, without his manual curation of visiting the domains and clicking the links, users could get a lot of “sleepers” – registered and active accounts that remain silent until one day with a 0day vulnerability or a bug fix, they attack thousands of websites. The sleepers also wait to perform actions like create millions of sites on thousands of WordPress multisite installations in order to create a lot of bad content/links.
\n“Visiting many domains, I was able to minimize this problem,” Conti said. “The way I worked not only fixed the current spam / splog problem, but the wizard and database also fixed any future problems with sleepers.”
\nAnother reason he visited the domains was to figure out what he needed to block, whether it was an email or a domain. The domain could be a spam domain or possibly a free email service.
\n“By visiting a website, I could detect whether it was a phishing website or a site camouflaged as an email service in order to try to cheat WangGuard,” he said. “I saw a lot of ‘techniques’ for trying to cheat WangGuard at Black Hat specialized forums. I had been subscribed to many spam/sploggers forums for investigation. Every time that a user described a real technique for cheating WangGuard, it was fixed immediately.”
\nIf you’re still using the WangGuard plugin, it may continue to work but not nearly as well as in the past. Conti said that some parts of the code work without the API, but the most important parts require the WangGuard/SplogHunter server. The plugin is open source, so anyone can fork it. An English translation of his original post is available on the WordPress.org plugin forums.
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\n“We have been talking about WordCamp Asia informally when some of us attended WordCamp US for the first time,” Shrestha said. “That’s was in 2015, where I met Naoko Takano. She is the one with the main idea as the Japanese WordPress community was already doing well. Then we started meeting more people from Asia at WordCamp Europe 2016 and had an informal meeting there.”
\nAfter this meeting, Rahul Bansal created a Facebook group for WordPress Community Organizers in Asia to support each other in a more coordinated effort. The first formal meeting happened at WordCamp Europe 2017 where the team decided that trying for WordCamp Asia in 2018 would be too soon. Instead, they are planning to host a WordSesh Asia event in 2018 to work on their coordination and teamwork. The team is working towards hosting WordCamp Asia in 2019.
\nShrestha’s post identifies several challenges that are unique to hosting a large scale WordCamp in Asia, including the need for visas even for travel within Asia, political instability, and numerous currencies and languages in use.
\n“WordCamp Asia is really important for the WordPress community in Asia,” Shrestha said. “I am fortunate enough to attend WCUS and WCEU, which are some of the biggest WordCamps where we get to meet lot of WordPressers, share and exchange ideas, contribute to WordPress, start a new business, and think outside of the box. But for most of Asians, it’s really difficult to go that far and also it’s expensive to attain those. So, we are limited to WordCamps in our own country and neighboring ones. That is why we are thinking about WordCamp Asia in Bangkok, which will be really inclusive as it’s in the center part of Asia and it’s cheaper to go there and less time consuming for all.”
\nShrestha also feels strongly about providing travel assistance for those with financial hardships, as the most expensive aspect of attending a WordCamp is usually the travel and accommodation.
\n“WordCamps are not just for the rich,” Shrestha said. “The primary motive of WordCamps is to grow the local community. So, WordCamp Asia’s mission will be to influence the community of WordPress Asia and help it to grow. That is why, instead of planning for a grand and pompous event, we need to make sure it is affordable and reachable to people of all financial backgrounds.”
\nShrestha said he has seen major changes in working with the WordPress community in Nepal from 2012 – 2017, which he attributes to having a stronger local presence with the WordCamp. India has also benefited from hosting WordCamps and has approximately nine happening in various cities. They are working towards hosting a WordCamp India in the future. There are also emerging communities in Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, and Vietnam.
\n“It’s time for pursuing WordCamp Asia,” Shrestha said. “We really have good talents here in Asia but we lack exposure. WordCamp Asia can create buzz and make more people aware, inspire, and provide opportunity.”
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\nPetersen was on a double-lung transplant list with a lung allocation score of 38.859. The LAS is a score used to prioritize waiting list candidates based on a combination of wait list urgency and post-transplant survival. Last month, Petersen received the phone call he had been waiting for.
\n\n\n\nI got the call! Getting ready to leave to go to the hospital for testing and waiting.#NewLungsForJesse pic.twitter.com/hCCJik05MY
\n— Jesse Ⓦ Petersen (@jpetersen) June 9, 2017
Unfortunately, the lungs were determined not to be in a suitable condition for transplant.
\n\n\n\nNo go. He didn\'t like the look of the lungs. No new lungs for Jesse today. Maybe tonight the phone will ring again.
\n— Jesse Ⓦ Petersen (@jpetersen) June 9, 2017
He shared his experience in a raw, emotional post that describes the highs and lows he felt that day. “While the day was an emotional roller coaster, with the highs being WAY up there, the lows were surprisingly mild,” Petersen said. “They just weren’t the right lungs, and this protected me from years of issues, so it’s all good. The call for the perfect lungs for me will come in God’s timing. I am content to wait.”
\nOn July 2nd, a patient with a higher LAS score than Petersen’s was taken into surgery to receive a double-lung transplant. This made Petersen the highest priority pending a match was found but a match wasn’t found in time.
\n\n\n\nShe was taken into surgery at noon, Tampa time. Surgery is 6-12 hours. I\'m very happy for her because her need was more than twice mine.
\n— Jesse Ⓦ Petersen (@jpetersen) July 2, 2017
I did not have the opportunity to meet him in person. From those who knew him personally, Petersen was a great husband, father, and a caring individual who despite his medical situation, would help out the best way he could. There are two stories that highlight the kind of person he was. The first is a Twitter thread he published two days ago.
\n\nWhen you meet a 5 year-old who needs a heart and double-lung transplant but has been turned down everywhere, your situation doesn’t seem so bad. That family doesn’t care about politics, social class, keeping up with the Joneses, or whether their clothes match. They are enjoying life.
\nBecause when it comes down to it, all we really need is to know our worth and love everyone else because they have equal worth. That doesn’t mean you have to agree with everyone, but you don’t have to seek out opposition or turmoil. Random acts of kindness rock.
\nCan you look over your life and say you’d be leaving those connected to you better off having known you? If not, start today.
The second is from his Facebook account about an encounter he had with a mother pushing her small boy in a wheelchair with a surgical mask on.
\n\nI finally got out of the house to go do a God & Country service followed by fireworks. While waiting to go outside, a mom I’d seen pushing a small boy in a wheelchair with a surgical mask and oxygen on him came over to me.
\n‘I just wanted to say how cool I think your double tank cart is. I’m going to call my supplier tomorrow to get one for our wheelchair.’
\nWe started talking (most unlike me) and she said her son needed a heart and a double lung transplant… but they’ve been turned down everywhere, starting with the very forgiving Pittsburgh center.
\n‘I’m so sorry.’
\n[nodded her head with a pained look] ‘We’re just making the most of our time now.’
\nMy heart broke. I’ve already lived 7 of his lifetimes. I’ve played sports, graduated from college, stood on the equator, married my best friend, and have two healthy boys.
\nSo kick me the next time I complain about my wait, OK?
Members of the WordPress community are using social media to share memories, grieve, and pass along condolences to his family.
\n\n\n\nI first met @jpetersen at #wcorl and was honored to have him at #wcmia 2015. Hope it’s ok to share his “speaker card” from @wordcampmiami. pic.twitter.com/R7czM5AV1h
\n— David Bisset (@dimensionmedia) July 5, 2017
\n\n\nRIP @jpetersen, you were a great friend, and co-host. Gonna miss the great convos we had.
\n— The WP Crowd (@thewpcrowd) July 5, 2017
\n\n\nMet @jpetersen on multiple occasions. Family man and proud dad. Always respected the hell outta that. See you on the flip side, buddy.
\n— Jared Atchison (@jaredatch) July 5, 2017
\n\n\nTerrible news, @jpetersen will be missed. CF takes too many, too soon. Rest in peace, buddy.
\n— Brian Krogsgard (@Krogsgard) July 5, 2017
Petersen’s family has created a crowd-funding campaign to help offset funeral and medical expenses. Since its creation, the community has donated more than $12K of $20K. If you are able, please consider donating as Petersen was the sole provider of income for his family.
\nMy deepest condolences go out to his friends and family. Petersen is survived by his wife and two sons.
\nRelated Reading:
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In this episode, John James Jacoby and I are joined by Kiko Doran and Travis Totz, Senior Web Strategist at Modern Tribe. Doran helped create Tuniversity, a revolutionary new way of learning music through a highly interactive iBook.
\nThe project was so large, Doran outsourced some of the work to Modern Tribe, a web design and development firm. During the show, we learn the benefits of working with an agency you trust. Doran also explained what it was like to be a client as he’s normally fulfilling the agency role.
\nTwo major takeaways from the Tuniversity project include:
\nNear the end of the show, we discussed the news that WangGuard is officially closed.
\nWPHierarchy.com is a WordPress resource created by Rami Abraham in 2013. The site is an interactive version of Michelle Schulp’s colorful diagram of WordPress’ template hierarchy. Each template is linked to documentation that explains its function
\nDr. Russell A. Barkley (30 essential ideas everyone should know about ADHD)
\nNext Episode: Wednesday, July 12th 3:00 P.M. Eastern
\nSubscribe To WPWeekly Via Itunes: Click here to subscribe
\nSubscribe To WPWeekly Via RSS: Click here to subscribe
\nSubscribe To WPWeekly Via Stitcher Radio: Click here to subscribe
\nListen To Episode #280:
Nadia Eghbal and Mikeal Rogers recently joined Sonal Chokshi for an episode of the a16z Podcast to discuss the changing culture of open source. Eghbal works in community programs at GitHub to better support people doing open source work. Rogers is the community manager at the Node.js Foundation. The episode focuses on the human aspect of the world of open source software and what inspires people to work together to give software away for free.
\nThrough Eghbal’s research on sustaining open source communities, she found, as Rogers succinctly summarized on the show: “There’s no connection between the number of users and the number of people maintaining a project.” The Heartbleed Bug, which arrested public attention when it was disclosed in 2014, is perhaps one of the most critical examples of an open source project with a global user base and a grossly disproportionate number of maintainers.
\nAs part of her research at GitHub, Eghbal is working on creating a vocabulary to explain things that are happening with open source projects. One example is the distinction between “popular” versus “healthy” when describing projects in terms of the communities behind them, governance, quality of maintainership, and other factors that influence a project’s condition.
\n“Because the dialogue tends to be set by popular projects, and those developers and their problems tend to dominate the story about this, you have these words and vocabulary like ‘drive-by-contributions,\'” Rogers said. This often implies that maintainers are too busy to look at the code. Rogers advocated for changing this perception of “drive-by-contributors” to view them as casual contributors, people who show up and have value to add. If maintainers can seize these contributions as an opportunity, they will have a better chance of leveling up contributors to be a more active part of their organization.
\nThe group also discussed how technology has caused a cultural shift among open source communities from the old world versus the new world of open source.
\n“In older open source, part of the barrier to entry that people went through before they were ever identifiable to any contributor was an acclimation to the culture and an acclimation to the tool chain and all this stuff,” Rogers said. “One of the things that GitHub has done is completely remove all of that cultural acclimation. There is one tool chain that you use to contribute to any project and when you show up you don’t have all of this cultural knowledge. You haven’t bought into any of these ideals about open source necessarily. You’re just there to contribute. We actually need to work with that.”
\nIn the past, contributors informally acclimated to the culture through the onboarding process, and most software projects were more self-contained.
\n“Where that becomes awkward today is that so many different pieces of software depend on other open source projects, which wasn’t actually true 10 or 20 year ago,” Eghbal said. With so many projects fitting into others as dependencies, it becomes more difficult to actually remove a project from the public domain. Open source licensing ensures that these projects have a life of their own. This has democratized entrepreneurship, making it easy for people to piece together technology to build applications and businesses. It also requires a higher level of skills for people working together across various open source projects and cultures.
\nEghbal and Rogers discussed the qualities of a healthy open source community, such as how welcoming the project is and how contributors speak to each other and resolve conflict. The ability to successfully resolve conflict can make the difference between a healthy growth of contributors or attrition on a project. Rogers mentioned a related conversation they had with Karl Fogel on their Request for Commits podcast concerning conflict within projects.
\n“When we were talking to Karl, he has this view that ‘As long as a it has an open source license, it doesn’t matter how dysfunctional the project is, because we as a community always have this ability to fork it,\'” Rogers said. “I didn’t agree with him on this, because the practical reality of forking a project is such a huge overhaul and you don’t necessarily have the right people to do it in your particular time. What you actually want are the healthy communities with healthy practices, what you want is to keep them going.”
\nAnother open source predicament they discussed, which is fairly common in the WordPress ecosystem, is when a company releases a project as open source or “gifts it to the community.” Eghbal likened this to “sending your dog away to a farm upstate.”
\n“We’re really excited to announce this is now open source, meaning we don’t want to take care of it anymore,” she said. “‘We’ll give it to the community,’ (except they haven’t actually identified anyone in the community who wants to take care of it.)” This type of situation shows how “giving back to the community” isn’t always what it appears to be for those who end up using these projects that have been released into the wild.
\nThe group also discussed how the incentives for people to contribute to open source have changed over the years and why “the GitHub generation” has more readily adopted the MIT license. Check out the full podcast episode below:
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\nI wanted to travel the world and speak tons of foreign languages, to be able to communicate with local people everywhere I’d go.
\nBut people kept telling me that I wasn’t going to become tall enough for that job (genetics don’t lie!), and I eventually listened to them. I ended up choosing a different path in life, following the Italian mantra: “You have to study something that will guarantee a stable and secure job for life”.
\nEven if I wasn’t that much convinced about the perspective of having the same job for all my life, as my parents did, at the same time I didn’t want to get stuck in the island forever: the unemployment rate in Sardinia is unfortunately really high and I didn’t want to risk to be part of that percentage.
\nSo I chose the Faculty of Economics and did my best to cross the borders of my island as soon as I had the chance: this happened when I was 22 and I moved to Siena, Tuscany, to finish my studies. That is also the time when I opened my first personal blog on an Italian platform named Tiscali, which I later migrated to WordPress.com.
\nI’ve always loved writing, and since I was a little girl I used to spend hours in my room writing stories and poems. I was doing the same with the blog but with the advantage of reaching a much larger public, virtually meeting many people and getting inspired by their stories.
\nAfter 2 years in Tuscany I moved to Strasbourg, France. There I learnt French and did several little jobs, but I found my first important one in Milan, the big city shining with job opportunities for everyone —as Italians love to say.
\nThere I was, fulfilling the dream of many young people of my age (and their families): I was 25, with an average-paid 40 hours/week office job in the marketing department of a big international company, and I was surrounded by ambitious colleagues and a boss constantly asking for extra —and free— working hours per day.
\n\nI was feeling like a parrot inside a golden cage.
It seemed to me I wasn’t going anywhere. I also gave up blogging because I wasn’t feeling inspired enough to write. People constantly repeated to me that I was super lucky to have a permanent contract and work in a marketing department; in their eyes I was all set for life, so —using some strange equation — I also had to be happy!
\nOf course I was luckier than many of my peers, but I kept asking myself if I really wanted to do that life forever.
\nDid I really want to keep on working 10 hours per day under the neon lights of an office, annihilate my dreams and live waiting for the free time of the weekend?
The most vivid memory I have of that period is the overwhelming feeling clenching my throat on Sunday afternoons, when I started to dread the moment of coming back to the office the day after.
\nSo I left and faced the change. At the beginning I gave myself the opportunity to test different office jobs. But the results were always the same: I kept feeling unsatisfied with my life, and I understood I had to respect my little girl’s dream and fly away from my golden cage.
\n\nI opted for emigration and moved alone to Barcelona, Spain, in 2012.
My first move was plunging myself into a few months of intense Spanish learning at the University, then I found a job in an international Assisted Reproduction Clinic.
\nMy job title was “Patient Coordinator” and I was assisting international patients coming to Barcelona for their treatments: I was their translator, interpreter and administrative consultant. Patients were from Italy, France, England, Morocco, Senegal…it was a Babylon of people with so many different backgrounds that I felt really inspired by some of their stories.
\nThis inspiration led me to start writing again: I dusted off my WordPress blog and filled it up with stories about my new life in Barcelona and some of the women I was meeting at the Clinic. I was feeling stronger and more independent than ever.
The job at the Clinic lasted for 3 years. Even if it was really inspiring, it was also very stressful. Imagine being a 30-something woman speaking all day long about fertility problems with women struggling to have a baby.
\nI realized I was getting too involved and decided to look around to see what I could do next.
\nIt was summer 2015 and I was at my desk, in my little tiny apartment in front of Barcelona’s beach. I was writing in my blog and I got stuck in a technical problem. While I was searching through the WordPress.com documentation, I saw a pop-up in the bottom right corner of my screen: an Automattician wrote me to ask if I needed help. I gladly accepted her offer, we chatted for a few minutes, the problem was solved and I could go back to my writing. But I also left the chat with one question: how could that person on chat find a support job with WordPress?
\nCurious as I am, I started looking for an answer and I stumbled upon the official WordPress job page: jobs.wordpress.net
\nThere I found a job offer that caught my attention: WP Media, a French startup, was looking for a polyglot and remote customer service teammate for one of their plugins, WP Rocket. I read their requirements: fluency in English, French and possibly another language, great experience with WordPress, some coding skills.
\nThat offer was calling me, I felt it.
\nI knew I didn’t have all the requirements, but hey, I could speak 4 languages, and I had a WordPress blog…right? Of course, I didn’t know anything about PHP, I had always been a WordPress.com user until that moment and I didn’t really know how to manage a self-hosted website or use a cache plugin…but I felt I was ready to learn all that. And moreover, what did I have to lose?
\nWith my total surprise, they answered me the day after and we set up an interview by Skype. My main strengths were the fluency in 4 languages and my previous experience in customer service, so I was really confident about those skills; yet I wanted to be totally honest with them: yes, I had been using WordPress for a long time, and yes, I was digital savvy enough, but I knew very little on the technical side. I had always worked on the front end of websites, writing, blogging, learning by myself; I didn’t know anything about the backend of WordPress sites.
\nEven so, they had faith in me and in a few days I had the confirmation: I was in! During the first days I felt so happy about this new major turning point in my life: not only had I found a job thanks to my primordial passion, speaking foreign languages, but for the first time in my life I could do that job from home or anywhere else I liked, instead of being caged in a formal office!
\nI got introduced to my remote teammates and I instantly felt welcomed.
\nBut, very soon, that initial enthusiasm started to struggle with another intense feeling: the fear of exposing my inexperience.
\nThere were too many things I didn’t know!
\nWorking in a WordPress backend was so new to me that I started studying like crazy and reading everything I could about WordPress for beginners. I went through some really intense months of learning by doing, supported by my teammates. Like a baby who start crawling and then taking little steps, I was initially answering the easiest tickets from our customers. At the same my teammates were sending me useful material to read, setting up video-calls for 1to1 training, encouraging me every time they could.
\nAfter a few days I received the first happy comments by the customers I was helping in their mother tongue: until that moment the plugin’s support had been offered only in English and French, so it was the first time Spanish and Italian customers were being answered in their own language…and they appreciated that!
\nEven so, I can’t deny it, I was scared.
\n\nIt was so scary admitting my ignorance, exposing it in a remote environment where I couldn’t see my teammates reactions live.
My first instinct was imagining the worst scenarios where they were secretly hating me for interrupting their work on Slack with my doubts.
\nBut I had no other choice than to keep asking questions and learn from their answers. Not doing so would have been much worse: silencing my voice would have slowed down my learning process.
\nWe were at WordCamp Paris 2016 when one of my teammates showed me how the WordPress community worked together and kept in contact through Slack.
\n“You speak multiple languages, why don’t you try to contribute to the polyglots team?” —he asked.
\nThat thought never crossed my mind before, I knew very little about contributing to WordPress. I had been working for WP Media for 6 months and, while I was enjoying my new job a lot, I was just slowly starting to abandon that overwhelming feeling of insecurity I mentioned above.
\n\nI didn’t feel ready to dive into a new challenge and start also contributing to WordPress, I thought I didn’t have the ability to do that. I was wrong, obviously.
Curiosity won on me another time and I joined the two Slack channels Making WordPress (where all the WP global community meets) and Italia WP Community. I lurked the channels for a few months, until I went to WordCamp Milan and met some members of the Italian Polyglots team.
\nIt was love at first string: Laura, one of the General Translation Editors (GTE) for Italy, taught me how to start contributing and translating following the polyglots guidelines. She also told me about the big effort the Italian community has been doing to work together, consistently, to boost WordPress related events in Italy and to grow up.
\nI wanted to be an active part of it and I started contributing.
\nNow I’m a Project Translator Editor for the Italian polyglots team and I mentor new contributors: I love it!
\nSince the beginning of my journey into the WordPress world I traveled a lot, and also attended WordCamps in Paris, Vienna, Milan, Barcelona, Torino and Bilbao.
\nFollowing my teammates encouragement, I also started applying to WordCamps as a speaker, because I felt my story could be important for other people looking for new inspiration for their working and personal life. I gave my first talk in my adoptive city, Barcelona, in December 2016, then in Torino in April 2017 and I recently had the honor to tell my story also from the stage of WordCamp Europe 2017.
\nIn a short glimpse of time I engaged in many activities related to WordPress which allowed me to meet very interesting and inspiring people from all over the world.
\nPeople keep telling me that I’m lucky, and it’s true, I really am. But if I’m here, now, sharing my story (and thanks Topher for inviting me to write it!) is not because I live under a lucky star: I just used my previous skills and passions and adapted them to a new career and life path.
\nWe all have some skills; and if we don’t know which they are exactly, we should take some time to make a list of the things we’re really good at. With that in mind, just try. Apply. Get involved. Don’t get stuck in the feeling of “I can’t do it because I don’t know enough”.
\nThat is what I did: without even realizing it, I started putting into reality the dream of the little girl who was born in an island and wanted to travel and speak different languages.
\nWordPress made this possible: I’m part of a big community, and I am proud of it.
\nThe post How I tried, applied, got involved. Realizing one of my childhood dreams. appeared first on HeroPress.
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\nThe camp’s organizers do not have a simple explanation for the high no-show rate, but cite several factors, including a few dozen participants being denied visas, higher local sales, an expensive location, and putting tickets on sale too early. Approximately 60% of attendees were from nearby countries, such as France, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands.
\nTicket sales for 2017 were open immediately at the conclusion of the 2016 event in Vienna. Organizers found that tickets sold in the first six months had a 34% no-show rate as compared to 20% for those sold in 2017. As the event has often sold out in the past, prospective attendees may have felt pressure to purchase a ticket in advance without confirming the ability to attend.
\nPosting increasingly higher attendance numbers isn’t one of the goals of the WordCamp, but planning accurately for the number of people who will attend is crucial for resource and budget planning. When one in four attendees is a no-show, the plans for food, swag, venue accommodations, and other aspects of the event are askew.
\nOrganizers did not mention Contributor Day attendance in the wrap-up report, but this may have been one of the most successful aspects of the event. It was held prior to the main conference days, which may explain the event’s unusually high attendance numbers. Organizers hosted 473 attendees for the 500 available contributors slots.
\nWordCamp Europe’s wrap-up report also includes a transparent breakdown of the event’s 700k€ budget. Catering costs for lunches, snacks and drinks, made up 50% of the budget. However, organizers were limited to the venue’s catering partners, which blurs the line between actual food versus venue costs.
\nThe team was unable to sell all of the sponsorship packages and was forced to reduce the budget by 149k€ along the way. WordCamp Central subsidized 10€/ticket and covered the final deficit of 28k€. The cost breakdown per attendee was 300€ with sponsors covering 80%, WordCamp Central 7%, and tickets sales 13%. These numbers show that the 40€ ticket price is a small fraction of the total costs required for an event of this size.
\nOrganizers said they felt it was important to share the data for educational purposes but also to “demonstrate to everyone who might have a doubt, that maintaining the ticket fee very low is meant to make our events accessible to all, but that the fee is not an indicator of the value of the conference.”
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\nAside from other general news, the three big events in June were the release of WordPress 4.8, WordCamp Europe 2017, and the WordPress Community Summit. Read on to hear more about these as well as other interesting stories from around the WordPress world.
\nOn June 8, a week before the Community Summit and WordCamp Europe, WordPress 4.8 was released.You can read the Field Guide for a comprehensive overview of all the features of this release (the News and Events widget in the dashboard is one of the major highlights).
\nMost people would either have their version auto-updated, or their hosts would have updated it for them. For the rest, the updates have gone smoothly with no major issues reported so far.
\nThis WordPress release saw contributions from 346 individuals; you can find their names in the announcement post. To get involved in building WordPress core, jump into the #core channel in the Making WordPress Slack group, and follow the Core team blog.
\nWordCamp Europe 2017 was held in Paris between June 15-17. The event began with a Contributor Day, followed by two days of talks and community goodness. The talks were live-streamed, but you can still catch all the recordings on WordPress.tv. The organisers also published a handy wrap-up of the event.
\nWordCamp Europe exists to bring together the WordPress community from all over the continent, as well as to inspire local communities everywhere to get their own events going — to that end, the event was a great success, as a host of new meetup groups have popped up in the weeks following WordCamp Europe.
\nThe work that Contributor Day participants accomplished was both varied and valuable, covering all aspects of the WordPress project — have a look through the Make blogs for updates from each team.
\nFinally, we also learned during the event that WordCamp Europe 2018 will be held in Belgrade, Serbia, continuing the tradition of exploring locations and communities across the continent.
\nThe fourth WordPress Community Summit took place during the two days leading up to WordCamp Europe 2017. This event is an invite-only unconference where people from all over the WordPress community come together to discuss some of the more difficult issues in the community, as well as to make plans for the year ahead in each of the contribution teams.
\nAs the Summit is designed to be a safe space for all attendees, the notes from each discussion are in the process of being anonymized before we publish them on the Summit blog (so stay tuned – they’ll show up there over the next few weeks).
\nYou can already see the final list of topics that were proposed for the event here (although a few more were added during the course of the two day Summit).
\nAs part of the push to be more intentional in marketing WordPress (as per Matt Mullenweg’s 2016 State of the Word), the Marketing team has launched two significant drives to obtain more information about who uses WordPress and how that information can shape their outreach and messaging efforts.
\nThe team is looking for WordPress case studies and is asking users, agencies, and freelancers to take a WordPress usage survey. This will go a long way towards establishing a marketing base for WordPress as a platform and as a community — and many people in the community are looking forward to seeing this area develop further.
\nTo get involved in the WordPress Marketing team, you can visit their team blog.
\nFor some time now, the Core team has been hard at work on a brand-new text editor for WordPress — this project has been dubbed “Gutenberg.” The project’s ultimate goal is to replace the existing TinyMCE editor, but for now it is in beta and available for public testing — you can download it here as a plugin and install it on any WordPress site.
\nThis feature is still in beta, so we don’t recommend using it on a production site. If you test it out, though, you’ll find that it is a wholly different experience to what you are used to in WordPress. It’s a more streamlined, altogether cleaner approach to the text-editing experience than we’ve had before, and something that many people are understandably excited about. Matt Mullenweg discussed the purpose of Gutenberg in more detail during his Q&A at WordCamp Europe.
\nThere are already a few reviews out from Brian Jackson at Kinsta, Aaron Jorbin, and Matt Cromwell (among many others). Keep in mind that the project is in constant evolution at this stage; when it eventually lands in WordPress core (probably in v5.0), it could look very different from its current iteration — that’s what makes this beta stage and user testing so important.
\nTo get involved with shaping the future of Gutenberg, please test it out, and join the #core-editor channel in the Making WordPress Slack group. You can also visit the project’s GitHub repository to report issues and contribute to the codebase.
\nIf you have a story we should consider including in the next “Month in WordPress” post, please submit it here.
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\nOne of the goals for Gutenberg is to provide “a page building experience that makes it easy to create rich post layouts.” As far as layout building goes, the first planned versions of the new editor are very primitive as compared to Wix and Weebly’s drag and drop website builders where nearly every element on the page can be easily moved to a different position.
\nContributors have been discussing the intricacies of adding this feature to Gutenberg since February. James Nylen summarized some of the challenges that make drag and drop more complicated to implement:
\n\nDragging and dropping a block is not really a one-step operation. It is more like 3:
\n- Press and hold mouse button or screen
\n- Move to desired location
\n- Release
\nStep 2 is incredibly difficult to get right, and requires a lot of complicated behaviors like duplicating an item (or at least its general shape and size), scroll handling, and determining the intended new location, especially at the beginning and end of the content. We have all used bad drag-and-drop experiences, and I would argue they are worse than not having it at all.
\nThat said, for two-dimensional movement with columns, I agree that arrows alone are probably not a good solution. Though mobile support for that is going to be very tricky no matter how it works.
Several commenters on the ticket agree that repeatedly clicking arrows to move blocks is cumbersome and will become untenable in the future when multi-column support is added. This would require up, down, right, and left arrows to rearrange content. Users have come to expect a drag-and-drop interface, because nearly every page builder application offers it.
\n“We are thinking of drag and drop as a progressive enhancement for desktops,” Joen Asmussen said. “One that would be great to have, but we should build it after we have explicit button actions in place for doing the same, including splitting into columns in the future. This decision is based on a desire to ensure accessibility as well as mobile devices can play the same game.”
\nAsmussen marked the ticket priority as low in May and removed it from the beta milestone. At this point, users are not likely to see drag and drop in the first release that ships with WordPress core.
\nThe discussion surrounding adding drag-and-drop to the editor naturally leads into adding multi-column support. Limiting users to a single column is a one-dimensional approach to designing pages, but contributors don’t plan to leave Gutenberg without multi-column support for long.
\nGeoarge Olaru, a designer at PixelGrade, shared a prototype for adding a simple two or three-grid column layout to Gutenberg.
\n“Extending WordPress further from the default Blog Posts automatically implies the need of multi-column layouts for presentation pages,” Olaru said. “I would prefer to tackle this feature upfront, rather than letting every developer do it on his own (see the multitude of page builders plugins).”
\n\n“For the V1 editor, I’m afraid columns like this is out of scope,” Asmussen said in reply to a Olaru’s ticket with mockups and a prototype for multi-column support. “That’s not a ‘no’ — rather, we need some technical foundations to be solid first, before we commit to the really interesting stuff. But it might be a V1.1, or at the very least something for the customization folks later on in the year. Even before that, it would be good to keep this UI in mind, so that perhaps a plugin can add this even earlier.”
\nOther commenters on the ticket feel more urgency about getting multi-column support into the first version of the editor. One of the concerns is that plugin developers will rush to add columns immediately based on demands from users, who will then have to migrate once core adds support.
\n“Multi column layouts are a must-have,” Anthony Hortin commented on the ticket. “At the moment, Gutenberg isn’t solving any issue. You still end up with one long column of content. The whole reason page builders are so popular, and why hundreds of thousands of people are using them, is because they provide the ability to easily make multi-column layouts. Without this functionality, you’re not providing any reason to use Gutenberg over a page builder plugin.”
\nOne of the main challenges of adding multi-column support is figuring out what type of grid system to use and making sure that it scales from mobile to desktop. Weston Ruter joined the discussion to say that the foundational work for nested block support is being done now in version 1, but the UI for displaying them hasn’t been implemented yet.
\n“I appreciate the excitement and urgency to wanting columns,” Asmussen said. “We feel the same urgency. It’s not about not wanting columns, it’s purely about managing resources at this point.”
\nThe good news is if you’ve been testing Gutenberg and wondering where some of these features are on the roadmap, they will be coming in later versions. While there may be disagreements about how much of a priority drag-and-drop and multi-column support should have for version 1, contributors agree that laying a solid technical foundation for these features is crucial for future extensibility.
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\nGutenberg developers have added front-end styles for core blocks, which means that content like cover images will now appear the same as they look in the admin in the editor. The demo content in the plugin has also been updated to display a full-width cover image. Below is an example of a standard width cover image on the front-end.
\n\nVersion 0.3.0 also includes new text and image quick inserts, which appear when hovering over the blank space beneath the post content. This makes it faster to add the types of content that are used most frequently.
\n\nThis release adds a framework for notices, which provides developers with reusable notices components, showing how to trigger notices and where they will show up. Gutenberg now displays notices on post save, schedule, and update.
\n\nVersion 0.3.0 adds a new block descriptions component to blocks with inspector controls. Several of the core blocks now display descriptions. These will be especially useful when plugin developers begin adding their own custom blocks, offering users a quick way to see the purpose of the block.
\n\nThis release adds more placeholder text to various blocks, as “placeholders are key,” according to the newly added design blueprints and principles included in Gutenberg’s documentation:
\n\nIf your block can have a neutral placeholder state, it should. An image placeholder block shows a button to open the media library, a text placeholder block shows a writing prompt. By embracing placeholders we can predefine editable layouts, so all you have to do is fill out the blanks.
Version 0.3.0 also adds several enhancements that make it easier to edit and customize the image-oriented blocks with more options and settings:
\nActive installs for the Gutenberg plugin have nearly doubled since last week and are at more than 900 sites. This is roughly 1% of the goal Matt Mullenweg set for testing on 100,000 sites before replacing the edit screen. The plugin may also be advertised in the dashboard in a future release, possibly 4.8.1, which is slated for the end of July.
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\nDevelopers with plugins active on 1M sites or more received an email invitation from Andy Peatling to begin building support for Calypso.
\n“Calypso is now plugin-aware,” Mullenweg said. “This pull request was merged today, and as a way to bootstrap this, we’re opening up for what I just described for plugins to create Calypso interfaces for what they’re doing.
\n“Basically saying, if you’re using Calypso on a site that has one of these plugins, let’s say WooCommerce, all of a sudden in the interface, there will be all the WooCommerce stuff. It’ll talk to the API, it will run on the desktop just like the rest of Calypso, and it will only be loaded if the plugin is active.”
\nOne of the major differences between Calypso and WP-Admin is that custom meta boxes added by plugins are not accessible in Calypso.
\nNearly seven months since the announcement, popular WordPress plugins have struggled to add meta box support, including those maintained by Automattic. WordPress SEO, active on more than 3M sites, is among the plugins that were selected to take part in the experiment.
\nWhen asked about the progress of making WordPress SEO Calypso aware, Joost de Valk, founder of Yoast.com, declined to comment.
\nAutomattic has seen little progress on the initiative, “No news to report at this time, but hope to have some soon,” Automattic representative Mark Armstrong said. WooCommerce has yet to add meta box support and settings pages in Calypso.
\nGutenberg, WordPress’ new editor, is also built using React. One of the chief concerns expressed by users and developers is how it will support custom meta boxes built using the current PHP framework.
\n“I miss a lot of the meta boxes I’m used to seeing on the screen,” Aaron Jorbin said. “Things like Yoast SEO (on some sites) and custom taxonomies are just not shown. If every meta box ever made for WordPress needs to be remade, it sure is going to make developers lives a living hell.”
\nI want to use Calypso as a replacement for WP-Admin because it’s fast and I like the interface. However, I can’t do that until it supports meta boxes for the plugins I rely on, such as Edit Flow. Is the lack of custom meta box support for Calypso a sign of what’s to come with Gutenberg?
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