Check if a WordPress plugin is compatible with the current environment. If not, it will automatically deactivate the plugin and show a message to the user letting them know what they can do about it.
Note: Only supports checking PHP 5.2+.
composer require wp-forge/wp-plugin-check
This is how the code should be used:
// Plugin headers go here...
require dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// Check plugin requirements
global $pagenow;
if ( 'plugins.php' === $pagenow ) {
$plugin_check = new WP_Forge_Plugin_Check( __FILE__ );
$plugin_check->min_php_version = '5.6';
$plugin_check->min_wp_version = '5.0';
$plugin_check->req_php_extensions = array( 'json', 'SimpleXML' );
require dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/bootstrap.php';
Alter the WordPress version, PHP version, and required PHP extensions as needed.
Important: Don't load any other code in your main plugin file! PHP parses all code in a file before running it, so incompatible PHP code added after this check will negate the ability to properly perform compatibility checks.