diff --git a/algorithms/skill_extractors/onet_ksas.py b/algorithms/skill_extractors/onet_ksas.py index 4f46c6d53..d32f8410a 100644 --- a/algorithms/skill_extractors/onet_ksas.py +++ b/algorithms/skill_extractors/onet_ksas.py @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ def __init__(self, onet_source, output_filename, hash_function): self.onet_source = onet_source self.hash_function = hash_function - def onet_to_pandas(self, filename, col_name, use_relevance=True): + def onet_to_pandas(self, filename, col_name, ksa_type, use_relevance=True): """ Args: filename: an unpathed filename referring to an ONET skill file @@ -48,6 +48,9 @@ def onet_to_pandas(self, filename, col_name, use_relevance=True): else: onet = [row for row in csv.DictReader(f, delimiter='\t')] onet = pd.DataFrame(onet) + if ksa_type: + col_name = col_name + ['ksa_type'] + onet['ksa_type'] = ksa_type for col in col_name: onet[col] = onet[col].astype(str).str.lower() @@ -61,18 +64,19 @@ def run(self): nlp = NLPTransforms() # create dataframes for each KSA type standard_columns = ['O*NET-SOC Code', 'Element ID', 'Element Name'] - skills = self.onet_to_pandas('Skills.txt', standard_columns) - ability = self.onet_to_pandas('Abilities.txt', standard_columns) - knowledge = self.onet_to_pandas('Knowledge.txt', standard_columns) + skills = self.onet_to_pandas('Skills.txt', standard_columns, 'skill') + ability = self.onet_to_pandas('Abilities.txt', standard_columns, 'ability') + knowledge = self.onet_to_pandas('Knowledge.txt', standard_columns, 'knowledge') tools = self.onet_to_pandas( 'Tools and Technology.txt', ['O*NET-SOC Code', 'Commodity Code', 'T2 Example'], + 'tool', use_relevance=False ) # Concat KSA dataframes into one table # note significant duplications since it's by ONET SOC Code - new_columns = ['O*NET-SOC Code', 'Element ID', 'ONET KSA'] + new_columns = ['O*NET-SOC Code', 'Element ID', 'ONET KSA', 'ksa_type'] skills.columns = new_columns ability.columns = new_columns knowledge.columns = new_columns @@ -83,6 +87,7 @@ def run(self): onet_modelreference = self.onet_to_pandas( 'Content Model Reference.txt', ['Element ID', 'Description'], + ksa_type=None, use_relevance=False ) diff --git a/api_sync/v1/alembic.ini b/api_sync/v1/alembic.ini new file mode 100644 index 000000000..69c69c57c --- /dev/null +++ b/api_sync/v1/alembic.ini @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +# A generic, single database configuration. + +[alembic] +# path to migration scripts +script_location = alembic + +# template used to generate migration files +# file_template = %%(rev)s_%%(slug)s + +# max length of characters to apply to the +# "slug" field +#truncate_slug_length = 40 + +# set to 'true' to run the environment during +# the 'revision' command, regardless of autogenerate +# revision_environment = false + +# set to 'true' to allow .pyc and .pyo files without +# a source .py file to be detected as revisions in the +# versions/ directory +# sourceless = false + +# version location specification; this defaults +# to alembic/versions. When using multiple version +# directories, initial revisions must be specified with --version-path +# version_locations = %(here)s/bar %(here)s/bat alembic/versions + +# the output encoding used when revision files +# are written from script.py.mako +# output_encoding = utf-8 + +# Logging configuration +[loggers] +keys = root,sqlalchemy,alembic + +[handlers] +keys = console + +[formatters] +keys = generic + +[logger_root] +level = WARN +handlers = console +qualname = + +[logger_sqlalchemy] +level = WARN +handlers = +qualname = sqlalchemy.engine + +[logger_alembic] +level = INFO +handlers = +qualname = alembic + +[handler_console] +class = StreamHandler +args = (sys.stderr,) +level = NOTSET +formatter = generic + +[formatter_generic] +format = %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s +datefmt = %H:%M:%S diff --git a/api_sync/v1/alembic/README b/api_sync/v1/alembic/README new file mode 100644 index 000000000..98e4f9c44 --- /dev/null +++ b/api_sync/v1/alembic/README @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Generic single-database configuration. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api_sync/v1/alembic/env.py b/api_sync/v1/alembic/env.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a3ae5ff38 --- /dev/null +++ b/api_sync/v1/alembic/env.py @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +from __future__ import with_statement +from alembic import context +from sqlalchemy import engine_from_config, pool +from logging.config import fileConfig +from utils.db import get_apiv1_dburl +from api_sync.v1.models import Base + +# this is the Alembic Config object, which provides +# access to the values within the .ini file in use. +config = context.config + +# Interpret the config file for Python logging. +# This line sets up loggers basically. +fileConfig(config.config_file_name) + +# add your model's MetaData object here +# for 'autogenerate' support +# from myapp import mymodel +# target_metadata = mymodel.Base.metadata +target_metadata = Base.metadata + +# other values from the config, defined by the needs of env.py, +# can be acquired: +# my_important_option = config.get_main_option("my_important_option") +# ... etc. + +db_url = str(get_apiv1_dburl()) +config.set_main_option('sqlalchemy.url', db_url) + + +def run_migrations_offline(): + """Run migrations in 'offline' mode. + + This configures the context with just a URL + and not an Engine, though an Engine is acceptable + here as well. By skipping the Engine creation + we don't even need a DBAPI to be available. + + Calls to context.execute() here emit the given string to the + script output. + + """ + context.configure( + url=db_url, + target_metadata=target_metadata, literal_binds=True) + + with context.begin_transaction(): + context.run_migrations() + + +def run_migrations_online(): + """Run migrations in 'online' mode. + + In this scenario we need to create an Engine + and associate a connection with the context. + + """ + connectable = engine_from_config( + config.get_section(config.config_ini_section), + prefix='sqlalchemy.', + poolclass=pool.NullPool) + + with connectable.connect() as connection: + context.configure( + connection=connection, + target_metadata=target_metadata + ) + + with context.begin_transaction(): + context.run_migrations() + +if context.is_offline_mode(): + run_migrations_offline() +else: + run_migrations_online() diff --git a/api_sync/v1/alembic/script.py.mako b/api_sync/v1/alembic/script.py.mako new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8f45a34e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/api_sync/v1/alembic/script.py.mako @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +"""${message} + +Revision ID: ${up_revision} +Revises: ${down_revision | comma,n} +Create Date: ${create_date} + +""" +from alembic import op +import sqlalchemy as sa +${imports if imports else ""} + +# revision identifiers, used by Alembic. +revision = ${repr(up_revision)} +down_revision = ${repr(down_revision)} +branch_labels = ${repr(branch_labels)} +depends_on = ${repr(depends_on)} + +def upgrade(): + ${upgrades if upgrades else "pass"} + + +def downgrade(): + ${downgrades if downgrades else "pass"} diff --git a/api_sync/v1/alembic/versions/d523e7e45456_added_ksa_type.py b/api_sync/v1/alembic/versions/d523e7e45456_added_ksa_type.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..40b7eefa4 --- /dev/null +++ b/api_sync/v1/alembic/versions/d523e7e45456_added_ksa_type.py @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +"""Added ksa_type + +Revision ID: d523e7e45456 +Revises: +Create Date: 2017-02-27 15:21:53.018866 + +""" +from alembic import op +import sqlalchemy as sa + + +# revision identifiers, used by Alembic. +revision = 'd523e7e45456' +down_revision = None +branch_labels = None +depends_on = None + +def upgrade(): + op.add_column('skills_master', sa.Column('ksa_type', sa.String)) + + +def downgrade(): + op.drop_column('skills_master', 'ksa_type') diff --git a/api_sync/v1/models/skills_master.py b/api_sync/v1/models/skills_master.py index afd961ef8..e55af61ef 100644 --- a/api_sync/v1/models/skills_master.py +++ b/api_sync/v1/models/skills_master.py @@ -11,16 +11,10 @@ class SkillMaster(Base): uuid = db.Column(db.String, primary_key=True) skill_name = db.Column(db.String) + ksa_type = db.Column(db.String) onet_element_id = db.Column(db.String) description = db.Column(db.String) nlp_a = db.Column(db.String) - def __init__(self, uuid, skill_name, onet_element_id, description, nlp_a): - self.uuid = uuid - self.skill_name = skill_name - self.onet_element_id = onet_element_id - self.description = description - self.nlp_a = nlp_a - def __repr__(self): return ''.format(self.uuid) diff --git a/api_sync/v1/skills_master.py b/api_sync/v1/skills_master.py index 6610dc36d..2511ba3f7 100644 --- a/api_sync/v1/skills_master.py +++ b/api_sync/v1/skills_master.py @@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ def load_skills_master(filename, db_engine): reader = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter='\t') session = sessionmaker(db_engine)() for row in reader: - skill_master = SkillMaster( + session.merge(SkillMaster( uuid=row['skill_uuid'], skill_name=row['ONET KSA'], + ksa_type=row['ksa_type'], onet_element_id=row['Element ID'], description=row['Description'], nlp_a=row['nlp_a'] - ) - session.merge(skill_master) + )) session.commit() diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt index f9f70961a..8963a16c8 100644 --- a/requirements.txt +++ b/requirements.txt @@ -22,3 +22,4 @@ Sqlalchemy testing.postgresql psycopg2 mock +alembic diff --git a/tests/api_sync/v1/input/skills_master_table.tsv b/tests/api_sync/v1/input/skills_master_table.tsv index b5e5919e8..2411a3c98 100644 --- a/tests/api_sync/v1/input/skills_master_table.tsv +++ b/tests/api_sync/v1/input/skills_master_table.tsv @@ -1,398 +1,398 @@ - O*NET-SOC Code Element ID ONET KSA Description skill_uuid nlp_a -255 11-3021.00 2.b.3.c equipment selection determining the kind of tools and equipment needed to do a job. 035d26f14c0274510816c4f07c8ce8f3 equipment selection -259 11-3021.00 2.b.3.j equipment maintenance performing routine maintenance on equipment and determining when and what kind of maintenance is needed. 4b6e11c46579a9cebec51d9038c58d10 equipment maintenance -261 11-3021.00 2.b.3.l repairing repairing machines or systems using the needed tools. b452c459a4485c0e7fe1d71d79801f51 repairing -94655 11-3021.00 43222625 access servers 2f36f12f543300d1b28997086c077112 access servers -94656 11-3021.00 43211501 computer servers a51637a0ff334ff6a4240dd341cec440 computer servers -94657 11-3021.00 27113203 computer tool kits 23d38b13cc68e84e6f48861f23f3010d computer tool kits -94658 11-3021.00 43211501 file servers 3e3e2221a18f3dbd0ea57cf73dd516bc file servers -94659 11-3021.00 43201407 industry standard architecture/peripheral component interconnect isa/pci cards 081cf1f3cd5775b173df07b64e2f4922 industry standard architectureperipheral component interconnect isapci cards -94660 11-3021.00 43212104 inkjet printers bdbd5ae91409d60393ead1ea3e32c09e inkjet printers -94661 11-3021.00 43211501 internet information services iis servers 7e57e8b7544beac3aab463bd6643c7a3 internet information services iis servers -94663 11-3021.00 43212105 laser printers 0783a67db63c96881d6fc06fee31f1e7 laser printers -94664 11-3021.00 43211512 mainframe computers ffef622c9a83001fb3ab45b55b743d3b mainframe computers -94665 11-3021.00 43211501 mid-range computers eace00184ed6391bc93c0ac6c1e6ddc9 midrange computers -94666 11-3021.00 43211501 minicomputers 474e29be277ca713600ac20f3679acce minicomputers -94667 11-3021.00 43211501 netware servers 6cbe4dfe6ffb728a26bf4c0a17808d6f netware servers -94668 11-3021.00 41113711 network analyzers ae870e1ce33c8eb7aa804247201c35cc network analyzers -94669 11-3021.00 43201404 network interface cards nic e29746535ea658f1130327b015ad732d network interface cards nic -94670 11-3021.00 43222609 network routers ed85d0ff8d138169449f9bcfc51093d3 network routers -94671 11-3021.00 43222612 network switches 9abd8938573eb706ed5b3af6f53e34fc network switches -94674 11-3021.00 43201537 print servers 2aab2c533b832ddc4e3bfd8d59361664 print servers -94675 11-3021.00 27111505 punchdown tools 26d492ced12d681e26b26767d9be583a punchdown tools -94676 11-3021.00 43222627 robot automation tool a83b2a2304f4c252e569d78c5379a4ac robot automation tool -94677 11-3021.00 27111701 screwdrivers ce9e15625cabeb7bb31d702645b95ccb screwdrivers -94678 11-3021.00 43211501 storage servers f55d7336a654ea3a3be9ad682fe014b3 storage servers -94679 11-3021.00 43221522 teleconferencing equipment ecff0767db74528e41734e0e01d0c06d teleconferencing equipment -94680 11-3021.00 43211501 web servers f196462d0be07f3bcd139e427c6e691a web servers -94681 11-3021.00 43211502 workstations b13379aba36cbcabfa27ff4841d28ca8 workstations -94682 11-3021.00 43232303 act! software 355fea8c8105fa0e5cd7923dc5e61ef1 act software -94684 11-3021.00 43232408 adobe systems adobe flex 19ff1371d91d5ed03aa2869b17325ce5 adobe systems adobe flex -94685 11-3021.00 43232405 advanced business application programming abap 82a8948ebc48a0df829913235a385d59 advanced business application programming abap -94686 11-3021.00 43232304 alphafour software be5a8b5b62fbd218054e0a74777042ac alphafour software -94689 11-3021.00 43232304 apache pig 4c2819d1c90da1e5c6f8dfa7291d69e0 apache pig -94690 11-3021.00 43232304 apache solr 51c185588a8b97e1813bc23ea51bd358 apache solr -94691 11-3021.00 43232408 apache tomcat b0bac281e1a992db7579705b348c5b20 apache tomcat -94695 11-3021.00 43232110 apple iwork numbers 62f216af26f81befeb2742970eab1378 apple iwork numbers -94696 11-3021.00 43232104 apple iwork pages 4626ac2c4fbd80908ddd55bc33715118 apple iwork pages -94697 11-3021.00 43233004 apple macintosh os/x fb0eefedbd8fe0d1b8839b9a321efacc apple macintosh osx -94698 11-3021.00 43232402 assembler 83fd5a089b5ebb6e9f93159c236dc320 assembler -94699 11-3021.00 43231601 billing software c668f63290031cc33f4054e5af00ade3 billing software -94700 11-3021.00 43232306 blackboard software f78b264fcc8f58958a8d44779a58001b blackboard software -94701 11-3021.00 43232405 borland paradox 76f1764fa30025e55baf596d2e9501f5 borland paradox -94702 11-3021.00 43232402 c 4a8a08f09d37b73795649038408b5f33 c -94703 11-3021.00 43232405 c++ 6ce809eacf90ba125b40fa4bd903962e c -94704 11-3021.00 43232310 ca erwin data modeler abbf2ec4498e2ca188757d6b7fbf4e4d ca erwin data modeler -94705 11-3021.00 43232909 cisco systems wan manager 367073e7d3f2e455407c741d70c3871e cisco systems wan manager -94707 11-3021.00 43232402 common business oriented language cobol f3910fec4907c6459370ce69849d8abe common business oriented language cobol -94708 11-3021.00 43231513 corel office suite f3915bc0887eefec4cb8f5e47dbc54a0 corel office suite -94709 11-3021.00 43232313 customer information control system ccis 14556697d08d7457f4e0ea69bda4891e customer information control system ccis -94710 11-3021.00 43232801 dartware intermapper ce816cc393ec711f9eae8830a8958edb dartware intermapper -94712 11-3021.00 43232408 dynamic hypertext markup language dhtml 0db059c4dd6ed3bbbaac64ee33279a47 dynamic hypertext markup language dhtml -94714 11-3021.00 43232405 embarcadero delphi b2467b81bbc94a7043e971740d61239a embarcadero delphi -94717 11-3021.00 43233204 firewall software 2c9e7547b6c759ea88978ae95ed7412d firewall software -94718 11-3021.00 43233001 ftp program software 6cf7b619a576ee85b145f0aaee24136a ftp program software -94720 11-3021.00 43231501 help desk software 5d0636cd96818b10d08d4162df24d5bc help desk software -94721 11-3021.00 43233004 hewlett packard hp-ux 491fdb8cbd2229f8ccd0750cefe5afc2 hewlett packard hpux -94722 11-3021.00 43231505 human resource management software hrms 4527da9088257959d4a91722a48208b7 human resource management software hrms -94723 11-3021.00 43232305 hyperion software ab836ca261d968887d9e3734c76d53ae hyperion software -94726 11-3021.00 43232403 ibm infosphere datastage 06eeea0a85b24bf2084dea00c26e7891 ibm infosphere datastage -94727 11-3021.00 43232915 ibm iseries access d6a79003da68d6d1f69618381974dafe ibm iseries access -94729 11-3021.00 43232403 ibm websphere 6700aed160e6d0afb854bbe10071d834 ibm websphere -94730 11-3021.00 43231602 infor erp baan bdb8c0841d8feb79de88752dac3b90ea infor erp baan -94731 11-3021.00 43232312 iplanet web server software 28d52c4e30cf58d8722c968fd224b298 iplanet web server software -94733 11-3021.00 43232402 k2 business process automation 912b1de107447746d826b23e538c4b9f k2 business process automation -94734 11-3021.00 43232905 lan software 2f99095dd34ebd4e6ae3b0b6b760673a lan software -94735 11-3021.00 43232306 langlais computer consultants calman e5f9fffcf633cafc23847d525619c536 langlais computer consultants calman -94736 11-3021.00 43233004 linux e206a54e97690cce50cc872dd70ee896 linux -94737 11-3021.00 43233501 linux-based email software 265e83633224bc5adabb9f2ab2da0abe linuxbased email software -94738 11-3021.00 43232901 mac helpmate e5a71314f85b0a41d996ae9b68cd5907 mac helpmate -94740 11-3021.00 43232402 microsoft .net framework 674301048ce0213f63863f2e3560fada microsoft net framework -94742 11-3021.00 43232408 microsoft active server pages asp 06fe645487690ce5db130dd6e4c08f07 microsoft active server pages asp -94743 11-3021.00 43232303 microsoft business contact manager 6268c3a27a6f0255870e39310b49b828 microsoft business contact manager -94745 11-3021.00 43232303 microsoft dynamics crm a206bf3c78efe37bd31b5616e47dd153 microsoft dynamics crm -94747 11-3021.00 43231602 microsoft dynamics nav 2ab4ba1cf5102653a0ed7f35ddfdd2b6 microsoft dynamics nav -94748 11-3021.00 43232108 microsoft entourage 1383e4f69097f6fc405c8c385a428108 microsoft entourage -94751 11-3021.00 43232107 microsoft front page 4389da80da3e9d7271ae3ef8cdd63fa6 microsoft front page -94753 11-3021.00 43233503 microsoft office sharepoint server moss 1668117117bc5a95e8a47356af926648 microsoft office sharepoint server moss -94759 11-3021.00 43232405 microsoft sql server reporting services ssrs be21b9d0235988a87cd29a039ef2ce31 microsoft sql server reporting services ssrs -94763 11-3021.00 43232402 microsoft visual basic scripting edition vbscript 99f365ebf0e9e7e8aa659d92bb029607 microsoft visual basic scripting edition vbscript -94764 11-3021.00 43232311 microsoft visual foxpro 16a26fd8d978e4b77b190083a8c25b02 microsoft visual foxpro -94765 11-3021.00 43232402 microsoft visual studio 8356f95d4bb62279fd99308dd36ed816 microsoft visual studio -94766 11-3021.00 43232701 microsoft windows server 0374fbf910ff24f949526c1d1693dd46 microsoft windows server -94769 11-3021.00 43232910 mobile wireless network infrastructure software 8048b6b72800432c9eb6d947721d8934 mobile wireless network infrastructure software -94770 11-3021.00 43232304 mongodb 685a5f7cc75b4796f6c6e00ccd384f01 mongodb -94773 11-3021.00 43232705 netscape navigator 98620c717bb2c63cdc142808860a0265 netscape navigator -94774 11-3021.00 43232408 node.js 28a3689be95c88dd5e7a37db516ab084 nodejs -94775 11-3021.00 43232304 nosql software 1962f3eb13f04aab14b76d00e09a16e8 nosql software -94776 11-3021.00 43233002 novell network software e566b9897fbc0e00faaaf8970210369f novell network software -94777 11-3021.00 43232405 objective c 3add2283d882284db4bca00242f32c0d objective c -94778 11-3021.00 43232314 oracle business intelligence enterprise edition c9c14d4b8fd1587b65dd79badbc7cece oracle business intelligence enterprise edition -94779 11-3021.00 43232306 oracle dbms 10adae916fdaa6d2ba5980bb81a94f7b oracle dbms -94783 11-3021.00 43232405 oracle java 27f2b03acd8b8784acab5c5b60118070 oracle java -94786 11-3021.00 43232304 oracle pl/sql 52f667e44a0668bca8f2a7075462897b oracle plsql -94787 11-3021.00 43231507 oracle primavera systems software 002958fd200aae9a5eaba67a796841ff oracle primavera systems software -94789 11-3021.00 43233004 oracle solaris 551185c96c3978a189d34ff0414ad3cf oracle solaris -94790 11-3021.00 43232701 oracle weblogic server d9fe9e61e1989fa02d381ac9c30e9358 oracle weblogic server -94791 11-3021.00 43233501 pegasus software fc015ec322e8a477eedddddaa1f667ca pegasus software -94792 11-3021.00 43232303 performance solutions technology managepro 0f0adc0d04e05ec1d78f5d0c51097730 performance solutions technology managepro -94794 11-3021.00 43232606 pilgrim software pilgrim smartsolve software 3e8e36ae4691e1829b1519f681762cb4 pilgrim software pilgrim smartsolve software -94795 11-3021.00 43232312 plumtree software 06347d6dd49e1251689d8137a7aa5b0e plumtree software -94796 11-3021.00 43232311 postgresql software 6265067f488d81393ccd0776d8b205e8 postgresql software -94797 11-3021.00 43232405 practical extraction and reporting language perl 0c366e96abe4377fb976e4121f84476e practical extraction and reporting language perl -94798 11-3021.00 43232402 progress openedge abl d5d47ab628562b08f6f923aa2d459c9c progress openedge abl -94799 11-3021.00 43232701 progress openedge application server c7479581e03e4a96359290b6f78b6afe progress openedge application server -94800 11-3021.00 43232304 progress openedge fathom replication software 0096bb83df55ea0ef961aefa3a995f25 progress openedge fathom replication software -94801 11-3021.00 43232403 progress sonic esb 047d7dbdb9981ea952aecf08a3e49c17 progress sonic esb -94802 11-3021.00 43232408 progress webspeed workshop 634730c99c08bfdc3b68ca9e83c59b89 progress webspeed workshop -94803 11-3021.00 43232401 puppet 768747907b90c39ab6f16fcb3320897a puppet -94804 11-3021.00 43232405 python 23eeeb4347bdd26bfc6b7ee9a3b755dd python -94806 11-3021.00 43233501 qualcomm eudora 0af00188129732f851b01928b62fdcb5 qualcomm eudora -94808 11-3021.00 43233004 red hat enterprise linux b7958f6fcf3039fa7f9e8f375cb06bca red hat enterprise linux -94809 11-3021.00 43232701 red hat wildfly ea90ad928d5acee910f9042bb98ed56d red hat wildfly -94810 11-3021.00 43232304 relational database management software 779c8394b38a9fe199596e21c9ef3c84 relational database management software -94811 11-3021.00 43232408 ruby on rails ec49dc5392817d11fb8e9f880985e981 ruby on rails -94812 11-3021.00 43233001 samba 65575d0766c89ce103967995f76c41d2 samba -94816 11-3021.00 43232804 solarwinds software d6df4906c9289ab722d30432cafc29d5 solarwinds software -94817 11-3021.00 43232606 sox cobit 0ee154fabce47245699d90d68e7e89ca sox cobit -94824 11-3021.00 43233001 symantec veritas file system 6272d40bc060e6caf73a94a1b25bba9c symantec veritas file system -94825 11-3021.00 43233001 symantec veritas volume manager 92ef6faf7b73d2cbd10c59d58020b5ce symantec veritas volume manager -94827 11-3021.00 43232911 telnet programs software d6f1e0701defd0b1ebd533b51e006e05 telnet programs software -94829 11-3021.00 43232605 the mathworks matlab 68bdaa4f3e4c787fc731e50fa0690837 the mathworks matlab -94830 11-3021.00 43232404 tk software 2f3e04e822b24eba16d7780d3d377d89 tk software -94831 11-3021.00 43232407 unified modeling language uml 3a09f6720c5935f75bd10aa819d4b767 unified modeling language uml -94832 11-3021.00 43233004 unix 4913a9178621eadcdf191db17915fbcb unix -94833 11-3021.00 43233415 veritas netbackup dcb585b233b8ff6042ce65acd759679f veritas netbackup -94834 11-3021.00 43233204 virtual private networking vpn software 8cd20f6799b263a29e42c77d9c357f94 virtual private networking vpn software -94835 11-3021.00 43232911 zephyr extra! terminal emulation 1381136ff9737baecfde419afab7d5ad zephyr extra terminal emulation -94842 11-3031.01 43231602 aderant expert back office, powered by keystone 61865b285c412887ecc272d520d81c06 aderant expert back office powered by keystone -94843 11-3031.01 43231601 automatic data processing easypay software 46956a66a2dca6018f34e63f46534185 automatic data processing easypay software -94844 11-3031.01 43231505 automatic data processing pc payroll for windows pcpw a92d3401f0e8fcba9396790c438eeb56 automatic data processing pc payroll for windows pcpw -94845 11-3031.01 43232110 corel quattropro 36e9ae1c9d3dd348cf8353d824c53ba9 corel quattropro -94846 11-3031.01 43231602 deltek software 6c1af0e9471c4d8bc18774a0d10bcf7b deltek software -94847 11-3031.01 43231602 exact software macola es da53dcdd787ea7f9babe71dbe2461aa8 exact software macola es -94848 11-3031.01 43231604 frx software e03b53012075afc6e2ac574f67757d84 frx software -94850 11-3031.01 43231601 hyperion enterprise abb5e9f8131fd3218afc0ea77a83cf28 hyperion enterprise -94851 11-3031.01 43231604 hyperion pillar software 8c4530997c0a39c1a0b5c6363af3b089 hyperion pillar software -94852 11-3031.01 43231602 hyperion solutions system 9 planning 372f14c0da0b2102ea41afe5fcd11fac hyperion solutions system 9 planning -94855 11-3031.01 43232110 ibm lotus 1-2-3 c388f4e7a6a3aa22e0f068b0100c0c08 ibm lotus 123 -94856 11-3031.01 43231602 infor erp syteline 2b6ea855cfc2b6b5913b1c5252776ccb infor erp syteline -94858 11-3031.01 43231601 job costing software 051e6a8f91ad4dd5f19f46e38f8c280d job costing software -94867 11-3031.01 43231601 myob premier accounting small business suite 2c687d02fb18cd1aa7d6e402ed3e11f4 myob premier accounting small business suite -94871 11-3031.01 43231602 oracle peoplesoft 60779fe326229564ed5c87f240eb7be6 oracle peoplesoft -94872 11-3031.01 43231602 oracle peoplesoft financials fab8ec2b7fd886d572b3818839354e84 oracle peoplesoft financials -94875 11-3031.01 43231601 sage fixed asset solution fas c845f700a68b89c1c4be950850d69acc sage fixed asset solution fas -94876 11-3031.01 43231601 sage mip fund accounting 4a5a7318d290bb6e5ad876bde64d0d15 sage mip fund accounting -94879 11-3031.01 43231602 solomon software d3352972e16adcc44dd28cb6a50b1ad8 solomon software -94888 11-3031.02 43231601 accounts receivable software 5a3a426d3afcf0262387a5890ea0326a accounts receivable software -94889 11-3031.02 43231604 ares corporation prism project estimator 00cd9c36bf69b0835942d5769dfcec26 ares corporation prism project estimator -94890 11-3031.02 43231604 credit management software c29f209ae6cf5146f91bb18b79b7d195 credit management software -94896 11-3031.02 43232705 internet browser software 5d2a0bfc9e4001497f692841e2182c84 internet browser software -94908 11-3031.02 43232110 moody's kmv famas 3e48ef7dd755bf8e280cd919fdd159b9 moodys kmv famas -94924 11-3031.02 43232104 word processing software dc46d4596698ec0cc7dfda998a74e3bf word processing software -94926 11-3051.00 24101603 forklifts d9d11d4f119ab7e7d29f26bff90390df forklifts -94931 11-3051.00 27111803 squares 192ba166b3957ab1020e9a72ea1b40ed squares -94933 11-3051.00 27111801 tape measures 10ec7e921659ddd3600cb26749054510 tape measures -94934 11-3051.00 41111648 taper gauges e5a733614bd644a441b7edfb1017b9e9 taper gauges -94935 11-3051.00 41111621 vernier calipers 641ae6a08800e6ae1b32d033a0c7815a vernier calipers -94936 11-3051.00 43232603 abb optimize software c8dd1827b58f78a3e8a0418d97fbcf4c abb optimize software -94942 11-3051.00 43232604 autodesk autocad 9c4d7d28b2f883d41c580778012a2f13 autodesk autocad -94943 11-3051.00 43232608 citect iim 264f5d3e39f07087a4f73e27b626a1f1 citect iim -94944 11-3051.00 43232608 citectscada reports 70ca77a375a2925d7c75737dea87eae5 citectscada reports -94945 11-3051.00 43232608 citectscada software c1eafec5f20ae14d3a615e96f9c3478a citectscada software -94946 11-3051.00 43231505 clockware software 491c06cf01b2fb8bef610cbb486698af clockware software -94947 11-3051.00 43232604 computer aided design cad software 1508af139d359641efcfdbfb616bbfcb computer aided design cad software -94948 11-3051.00 43232108 computer integrated manufacturing cim software 1f1bfbebd9adbb13bb413d0a31835204 computer integrated manufacturing cim software -94949 11-3051.00 43231505 computer integrated manufacturing cim time manager software b7b8f860f5a522276fdc49d00334fcdb computer integrated manufacturing cim time manager software -94950 11-3051.00 43231508 computer integrated manufacturing cim warehouse shipping manager software 46d9aa6f4101df3dff488fb8af0690f1 computer integrated manufacturing cim warehouse shipping manager software -94951 11-3051.00 43232104 corvu software 8e335771d97b54916e6c6cbac83d3ba6 corvu software -94953 11-3051.00 43231505 employee performance management software 67205951a4e21482397c91eb3d7d16c9 employee performance management software -94954 11-3051.00 43232306 exact software jobboss b0d6626e3e01b909588420b047f53e4a exact software jobboss -94956 11-3051.00 43231604 financial planning software e8011ee860fcf0326ff469250f0b3086 financial planning software -94957 11-3051.00 43232402 ibm rational clearquest f0ef5799896729f514d05d38f642a90f ibm rational clearquest -94958 11-3051.00 43232608 industrial production manager and stock control software f8bbf7e62cfdcd8482d2279d7dd3aa87 industrial production manager and stock control software -94959 11-3051.00 43231601 intuit quickbooks manufacturing & wholesale software 9a9477076396783adb1e084e4190ccdc intuit quickbooks manufacturing wholesale software -94960 11-3051.00 43232608 marel production system mps software 8ee03b234047b90cf0a7136b967daa61 marel production system mps software -94970 11-3051.00 43232603 plant management software 921d80412cfe3d6ead46d908a59e877e plant management software -94971 11-3051.00 43231602 processpro premier 14b3470e2cfe6085f378c2d29a664454 processpro premier -94972 11-3051.00 43232608 prosys software a780ac63da1ca6603274cdf656f2a411 prosys software -94973 11-3051.00 43232202 qumas software 02b511f7123ebcfa4901ffe0cbcd896f qumas software -94974 11-3051.00 43231508 sap inventory software 9c8188d270b1d0a696bdf26e4f01b169 sap inventory software -94976 11-3051.00 43232306 scadex technologies maestro 6651f028b4f7b61275251ea5613518bc scadex technologies maestro -94977 11-3051.00 43232608 statistical process control software d7d8839b7f7adfdcbc80beacd82e8500 statistical process control software -94978 11-3051.00 43232608 wonderware dt analyst plant productivity improvement software 040653e3cc354c357e7858dea0a7432f wonderware dt analyst plant productivity improvement software -94979 11-3051.00 43232108 workschedule software 2b3f17d1ca6ea2813a031ddd65c8f5bd workschedule software -94980 11-3051.01 41121502 automated diluters 1ba9360609bc1592ed19bee4371c5af3 automated diluters -94981 11-3051.01 41113037 automated microplate elisa readers 4acbd0210ff327e580066a40c9a0cf72 automated microplate elisa readers -94982 11-3051.01 41115819 cellular assay equipment 1f8d627372fbc8c3aa3ea0c68f8ef007 cellular assay equipment -94983 11-3051.01 43212104 computer inkjet printers dbd58b58eacd3fcd35ed74ee02231951 computer inkjet printers -94984 11-3051.01 41105307 electrophoresis equipment 14aa62071fafc1e3bd91a4f219c4bdd9 electrophoresis equipment -94985 11-3051.01 41115408 fourier transfer infrared ftir spectrometers cb77fd78c3f21c3ac52de8a30055cdad fourier transfer infrared ftir spectrometers -94986 11-3051.01 41115703 gas chromatography equipment 0e1820db1126c3138a53aa9281d89583 gas chromatography equipment -94987 11-3051.01 43211715 handheld data collectors a4d0bd9af457aeac96151ccb77fba77a handheld data collectors -94988 11-3051.01 41115403 infrared spectroscopic equipment ba2de37bb31db6d6b795596018be1736 infrared spectroscopic equipment -94989 11-3051.01 41111517 laboratory analytical balances f258e5beb7f11c18bfb92bc66a1bc199 laboratory analytical balances -94990 11-3051.01 41103903 laboratory benchtop centrifuges cd5b525b5c8c12edc8150d432b91aeea laboratory benchtop centrifuges -94991 11-3051.01 41104806 laboratory extraction equipment 9bb66ac25ef52c84818a173bda028f4a laboratory extraction equipment -94992 11-3051.01 41111513 laboratory moisture balances 5d86198ea315b8071ecbdc7db86e12cd laboratory moisture balances -94994 11-3051.01 41115705 liquid chromatography equipment 8ff296900c8f0a06121394303a28727a liquid chromatography equipment -94996 11-3051.01 41115603 ph analyzers c9481f0fcfb4d1fba2940e428d5dc2b9 ph analyzers -94997 11-3051.01 41115602 titrators 8f25f9ef67ca7d970663071a0432d468 titrators -94999 11-3051.01 43232608 asi datamyte gagemetrics b4183ce3d10f92bf87628f25d3f81260 asi datamyte gagemetrics -95000 11-3051.01 43232608 asi datamyte qda software 94f968e030143c2ed65bc73700f6f313 asi datamyte qda software -95001 11-3051.01 43232608 asidatamyte datametrics d9bff4fcc9166db62b4c1af40c4749db asidatamyte datametrics -95002 11-3051.01 43232608 cama software quality collaboration by design software 958e001030a5f6fcdaaffd54e62b5d04 cama software quality collaboration by design software -95003 11-3051.01 43232608 cebos mq1 software 0ba66a98a8381c804fdee742481488ea cebos mq1 software -95004 11-3051.01 43232605 computing solutions labsoft lims 7ac03f43ed30052a644c1fb783d079e1 computing solutions labsoft lims -95005 11-3051.01 43232605 core informatics laboratory information management system lims software def17ba0c134d4823c7eac93a9a26690 core informatics laboratory information management system lims software -95006 11-3051.01 43232606 etq reliance software 5c85a7d492d63130a15b2f53afbebca0 etq reliance software -95008 11-3051.01 43232306 harrington group caweb software 189bc87a70fe4d6172aea34ca706cf0d harrington group caweb software -95009 11-3051.01 43232608 harrington group hqms software ecb5b02afbff042f1c5156110e6daac9 harrington group hqms software -95010 11-3051.01 43232406 hewlett packard loadrunner 20bcb70c57f0bb56f48ca1abc6c56368 hewlett packard loadrunner -95011 11-3051.01 43232605 illumina laboratory information management system lims software 56d8c4e5653addfcd942e35527ddabe7 illumina laboratory information management system lims software -95012 11-3051.01 43232608 infinity qs proficient software fe5a181a44a590f3f4930b65e9096935 infinity qs proficient software -95013 11-3051.01 43232605 lablite laboratory information management systems lims software b7cab97f6f3e19b51c296624188077f6 lablite laboratory information management systems lims software -95014 11-3051.01 43232608 laboratory automated quality control systems laqc software fbe7fdec5bb45d97845f83b51d50af04 laboratory automated quality control systems laqc software -95015 11-3051.01 43232605 labvantage solutions lims 78c70edec88119dc9ea895b458212e55 labvantage solutions lims -95017 11-3051.01 43232606 mastercontrol software 01102bb9b423bdf4bf6b242e40b533d0 mastercontrol software -95028 11-3051.01 43232605 pearson education phstat2 535590a82fad68401c7c46d1c277f23a pearson education phstat2 -95029 11-3051.01 43232608 pq systems chartrunner lean d8da5875239948298f5888a535168f59 pq systems chartrunner lean -95030 11-3051.01 43232608 pq systems gagepack 065c156756542bb61b4bf53a7d6038cd pq systems gagepack -95031 11-3051.01 43232608 pq systems measurespy addbc1e22d88612a36e42fb14bb8e898 pq systems measurespy -95032 11-3051.01 43232605 pq systems sqcpack 45596433b488fd6b61bface90c381d0d pq systems sqcpack -95033 11-3051.01 43232605 promium element datasystem lims e81e4e0161127f0a4c95ea314345b0c9 promium element datasystem lims -95034 11-3051.01 43232605 quality systems international winlims 633ca03cf7444a31b682f47030ad8a33 quality systems international winlims -95036 11-3051.01 43232606 sparta systems trackwise 7e31d578429bc1e9d35dec64fdde3b83 sparta systems trackwise -95037 11-3051.01 43232605 starlims software 2a8983aaadf10f1db007cc406870c6b6 starlims software -95038 11-3051.01 43232605 statgraphics software 7d4238179f2aebdb8251644885e8b2b9 statgraphics software -95040 11-3051.01 43232605 systat software lisa.lims 7086a0d2f3f3feac620eeddb388003b9 systat software lisalims -95041 11-3051.01 43232605 thermo fisher scientific laboratory information management systems (lims) software 80894a4e01dcd5d5d08015ccd00c302a thermo fisher scientific laboratory information management systems lims software -95042 11-3051.01 43232608 vivaldi software vivaldi quality management software 7232aa38be05ff95b8fd4279dcb95766 vivaldi software vivaldi quality management software -95044 11-3051.02 43211715 dataloggers b2b6e99ef01d9e10f5104a8788cef090 dataloggers -95046 11-3051.02 26111601 diesel-powered generators b519756cc711ab83d6113f5f70fee2e1 dieselpowered generators -95049 11-3051.02 40151510 large volume water pumps baa2ea9b470d69549a4c0a0f0e7bff9e large volume water pumps -95050 11-3051.02 24101623 material moving cranes c11d4ad5640047c558b7c5011fe6ba02 material moving cranes -95051 11-3051.02 43191510 mobile radios 4b8886f10d8705a9dc555099a6853697 mobile radios -95054 11-3051.02 32101628 programmable logic controllers plc a8972632d229ff660f529dd9ff59d9f5 programmable logic controllers plc -95056 11-3051.02 43232306 datalogging software b1bb6de5a9f4cc682b19b1efec306940 datalogging software -95057 11-3051.02 43232306 infostat rimbase f5d5ea4d35bc7b3d999f8328e01ec152 infostat rimbase -95064 11-3051.03 41104008 air monitoring equipment ba3efca8a47535be32a4c28f31338f3a air monitoring equipment -95065 11-3051.03 40141607 ball valves 1944870a1d05bd0bc52feead0c005b3d ball valves -95066 11-3051.03 24101712 belt conveyor systems 17c32004fd6fc782d656c1a3303092d0 belt conveyor systems -95068 11-3051.03 46182002 dust and particulate respirators 922387afa5ad915d55c332d0f82ec1b7 dust and particulate respirators -95069 11-3051.03 46171603 electric timing devices c41dec036d663e22b39194c9dc20321e electric timing devices -95070 11-3051.03 46171604 emergency alarm systems 7b5bcb5108495f16505848ef9d91bfc0 emergency alarm systems -95071 11-3051.03 41104301 fermentation processing vessels 74c678ef999fe9b217ba05c0abb23a18 fermentation processing vessels -95072 11-3051.03 40141609 flow control valves fcv 81cc59247660ae636c92845b6e1c5ced flow control valves fcv -95074 11-3051.03 40141613 gate butterfly valves eb0963428b20e28b5e0745ef73cbb7cb gate butterfly valves -95075 11-3051.03 41121805 glass graduated cylinders bb5bb674c00df49fc89844dd9ce27d5b glass graduated cylinders -95076 11-3051.03 41104501 gravity convection ovens 1aacb52da07cc68bdac56e4a35ba6a3e gravity convection ovens -95077 11-3051.03 40151506 hand sampling pumps c46989784fd2bb1a20a6bff8352b2fa4 hand sampling pumps -95078 11-3051.03 47131905 hazardous material spill kits 7ea58344ec7cb87f63367773d778db9e hazardous material spill kits -95080 11-3051.03 41112304 moisture analyzers 3f2b17e75a67f8c3311a58eba955edd5 moisture analyzers -95081 11-3051.03 41105003 mole sieves ecb3afe1c3f44dbca7a3aabf33b969cc mole sieves -95083 11-3051.03 41115603 ph probes e5b1e1eee1aefca45bca16e117771bf1 ph probes -95084 11-3051.03 41121804 reaction flasks 9c54fd6360118f4b60a885aa14315dca reaction flasks -95085 11-3051.03 41104015 sample ports 4b6169a0efe7904e6c3ab1485062bec1 sample ports -95086 11-3051.03 46182004 self-contained breathing apparatus 730d20401cd16318026c248cbe9cc3f1 selfcontained breathing apparatus -95087 11-3051.03 40141611 stop valves ba87bbd29a4dd2ca4cc70cb2bb1ba8cb stop valves -95088 11-3051.03 40141609 throttle control valves tcv 67e82d02a3bc0685553f3d42ea0a56b7 throttle control valves tcv -95090 11-3051.03 43232603 computerized maintenance management system cmms software 9db25b1044cb1133f99818b9497055b3 computerized maintenance management system cmms software -95091 11-3051.03 43232608 distributed control systems dcs software bcd4ac0ca710985cc1d9d5315bc8287d distributed control systems dcs software -95092 11-3051.03 43232108 employee scheduling software 0af814e7726201706e636143fb452394 employee scheduling software -95093 11-3051.03 43232608 human machine interface hmi software 3cb1bc5763299f9f2b1dccceb94b6267 human machine interface hmi software -95094 11-3051.03 43231508 inventory control software 1bb70d55351190ba55e21d36d31fddca inventory control software -95101 11-3051.04 40102001 biomass boilers eaa6c022055113655ce77cd75cd7f5d0 biomass boilers -95102 11-3051.04 40102001 bubbling fluidized bed boilers 9c6f151dbbbc59aae792896cc5c5a6ba bubbling fluidized bed boilers -95103 11-3051.04 40102001 circulating fluidized bed boilers ba458e9ed7f94a5c3eacd5623ddfe2b9 circulating fluidized bed boilers -95104 11-3051.04 40101703 cooling towers 890d1f8c7ef2e26f8712d315885965a0 cooling towers -95106 11-3051.04 26111608 heat recovery steam generators 9ee3a00d90a73f632a690572b3a8222a heat recovery steam generators -95109 11-3051.04 24101708 radial stackers ecb3e8923a1cebaeb4425c6c1a9d9131 radial stackers -95110 11-3051.04 40102002 steam boilers cb78fe5c3ee5dec93fdbe9b3df04a92f steam boilers -95111 11-3051.04 26101505 steam turbines 412264a0ee3b07e40d0dcf298c825160 steam turbines -95112 11-3051.04 41104007 water samplers 6adef2d5798942c43aac734cbe311745 water samplers -95113 11-3051.04 22101715 wood feed systems f8e69a5ef0343444dd9e2beb8d28e92b wood feed systems -95124 11-3051.05 41104008 air samplers 2526fc60bdd044b89a6e7d4c71f40208 air samplers -95125 11-3051.05 25101905 all terrain vehicles atv 175ac3812e312e9f1aa7d4cd34d21b24 all terrain vehicles atv -95126 11-3051.05 26131701 combustible gas monitors c9531c6ad03d00bb24e752c0867b7318 combustible gas monitors -95128 11-3051.05 26111601 diesel reciprocating engine generator sets 22c800c817480044429ff94fc781c451 diesel reciprocating engine generator sets -95129 11-3051.05 26131608 enclosed flares 66fa961b669d916d43d92b046497b62b enclosed flares -95130 11-3051.05 46171613 gas leak detectors 73f0d31efaa4e202347d4042f1a1019d gas leak detectors -95131 11-3051.05 26111604 gas reciprocating engine generator sets 4d2bf755c1c35bf639d432b26e2ce931 gas reciprocating engine generator sets -95132 11-3051.05 41114401 micro anemometers 1826e4f13d57e25999b13dd93e4d37b4 micro anemometers -95133 11-3051.05 41113118 multiple gas monitors e1837652cd805c242ee63f7e469c258d multiple gas monitors -95135 11-3051.05 26131608 open flares 509fc5e6b1a99e76bb5c89815e6c1441 open flares -95136 11-3051.05 41113110 oxygen analyzers 422c6d205a51532a95d258099d08c46d oxygen analyzers -95138 11-3051.05 41111927 pressure gauges babb42bced21d09b0d28c39415ce856e pressure gauges -95139 11-3051.05 40141604 pressure valves 01cf46d2c9fcd5819857856a2d9ee20d pressure valves -95140 11-3051.05 25101507 utility trucks 78d4b92e043a8233bfa0344c90f745f3 utility trucks -95145 11-3051.05 43232605 landfill gas analysis software 5d3398bf8cb4538710b6b86c1ec1dab4 landfill gas analysis software -95146 11-3051.05 43232605 landtec system software lfg pro 4ceb5ad8de1c27a792ca66dfe3663191 landtec system software lfg pro -95152 11-3051.05 43231602 worktech maximo 9e3cbe5df49b852ef526f1adb256daf2 worktech maximo -95153 11-3051.06 40142207 dam water flow controls 40c241e059fbc3ae17aa0ffaf1164e3f dam water flow controls -95155 11-3051.06 39121601 electrical circuit breakers f8e58ede92be7c23080d2b8978ad08d9 electrical circuit breakers -95156 11-3051.06 26131808 electrical switch gear ed8806414b15831811f9835693d5bd0e electrical switch gear -95157 11-3051.06 26111606 hydraulic power generation equipment 4b3d9ffd878e7cf7ef698a2410abea54 hydraulic power generation equipment -95158 11-3051.06 26131803 hydroelectric power generator controls df5b3d0216a85152a1b10308c39db09a hydroelectric power generator controls -95159 11-3051.06 26101506 impulse turbines 783db8362956d3da2e4e0ce919779722 impulse turbines -95163 11-3051.06 39121002 power transformers 3116dcd7c3f7b7bb6ec5fb0d5e521bc6 power transformers -95164 11-3051.06 46181902 protective ear muffs 85c4a2141b644599e0107d96b24a451f protective ear muffs -95165 11-3051.06 46182002 protective respirators aa5cdc7c2bf10236fadb560b660bcc64 protective respirators -95166 11-3051.06 26101506 reaction turbines 654e8d0a36115ac3731f63c227880f29 reaction turbines -95167 11-3051.06 46181802 safety glasses 36647620d781132d4d337f3c162fbb93 safety glasses -95168 11-3051.06 26101506 turbine generators cb6fad1cfa0641e9d63affbfdaf03957 turbine generators -95178 11-3051.06 43232608 supervisory control and data acquisition scada software 8308afefad6807aa299dda26f954db72 supervisory control and data acquisition scada software -95182 11-3061.00 43231503 ariba spend management suite 0421a28bf853727d8bc7e53d19d32dc2 ariba spend management suite -95183 11-3061.00 43231503 automated purchase order software 23979feae7812aa7e35634b949c3b70c automated purchase order software -95184 11-3061.00 43231503 bottomline technologies bottomline sprinter purchasing manager 05d545cf4be8349e1f307a3bd99d0736 bottomline technologies bottomline sprinter purchasing manager -95185 11-3061.00 43231602 bowen & groves m1 erp 83a3c72ddcadef1b9971a84a3289d392 bowen groves m1 erp -95186 11-3061.00 43232306 corel paradox 154e10dc9dd7506b921630a15533a7ae corel paradox -95189 11-3061.00 43231602 epicor vantage erp 3e26e4b34368292b25722915ee660e3a epicor vantage erp -95191 11-3061.00 43231506 infor lawson supply chain management 439c1565ba5b6b2132eb64f43b0520b0 infor lawson supply chain management -95193 11-3061.00 43231506 material requirement planning mrp software 7d3a633257c042128d2ec857b52e5d7a material requirement planning mrp software -95206 11-3061.00 43231604 oracle peoplesoft enterprise financial management solutions ad59642d99ee06e38d170585dec795ed oracle peoplesoft enterprise financial management solutions -95207 11-3061.00 43231507 oracle primavera p6 enterprise portfolio project management af8eccb773f72a0dac2cc029a2d3f4aa oracle primavera p6 enterprise portfolio project management -95209 11-3061.00 43231503 purchasing software 66a4f43ab5ec77084fb91bbb0de71dda purchasing software -95210 11-3061.00 43231503 purchasingnet eprocurement afe02e7138ecc5fb94ef7e9a56f500c4 purchasingnet eprocurement -95215 11-3071.01 43211701 barcode scanners 6f38c3959f94c686deeea72200d735ba barcode scanners -95216 11-3071.01 55121608 barcoding labels 39b9fd75a800535e2e59ac02aa7f57d9 barcoding labels -95222 11-3071.01 43221721 radio frequency handheld terminals 6205d4c4639a6cfe39d8530b50b293a9 radio frequency handheld terminals -95223 11-3071.01 43211710 radio frequency identification rfid devices 955b6c67c28dbfa235674cccd245a67c radio frequency identification rfid devices -95224 11-3071.01 43221721 radio frequency truck-mounted terminals c479890e04b9b1992120d3e9b16dbf25 radio frequency truckmounted terminals -95225 11-3071.01 43223209 wireless communication and satellite positioning tools ca834c359e1ee4f15e9b6ce4bf802de1 wireless communication and satellite positioning tools -95226 11-3071.01 43231510 abol manifest systems 18a4c2a01e014b4dd61203f1fad31615 abol manifest systems -95227 11-3071.01 43232306 airline global distribution system gds software b76e89fa0c914e38d27c4a6cf9156288 airline global distribution system gds software -95228 11-3071.01 43232504 alk technologies fleetsuite 8a82d33bc4cab3170ac158996902e6e1 alk technologies fleetsuite -95229 11-3071.01 43232504 alk technologies pc*miler c8b2407ab405a34a6cc7042e1f23f80d alk technologies pcmiler -95230 11-3071.01 43231506 amber road software 3e9e492eafd54413bdc20cbc12c71d33 amber road software -95231 11-3071.01 43231601 argos software abecas insight freight management system fms (accounting feature) dfd9c5e2b99ec5db528f971d864fabf0 argos software abecas insight freight management system fms accounting feature -95232 11-3071.01 43232108 argos software abecas insight freight management system fms (calendar and scheduling feature) 1ee2ffb9d0cd755582687f35104469f6 argos software abecas insight freight management system fms calendar and scheduling feature -95233 11-3071.01 43231601 automated expense reporting system software ecfd210c138d24ba86630b147c6ed5b1 automated expense reporting system software -95234 11-3071.01 43232306 bentley transportation data manager 72c1ac829488e78524689b26180fe9dd bentley transportation data manager -95235 11-3071.01 43231506 cadre technologies cadence transportation management system 1df452e6e139d9a119327b0b86d7aa37 cadre technologies cadence transportation management system -95236 11-3071.01 43232504 copilot truck 7a0d515519124ff700209ae8be11872a copilot truck -95237 11-3071.01 43232605 eaton fleet advisor a8dc4a273d7081855b5407edb17a2bf6 eaton fleet advisor -95239 11-3071.01 43231506 fleetware software fd2f10eb2d149de08b7d463bb006e675 fleetware software -95240 11-3071.01 43232605 freight rail crew optimization scheduling frcos software 6e7ff676d9ca898d457c9c342203fea1 freight rail crew optimization scheduling frcos software -95241 11-3071.01 43231506 geometrix b56d71d52ac96df160d816b7a14a2f4f geometrix -95242 11-3071.01 43232102 graphics software 5d1fa103ef1e9561b0c13afb1c7b9326 graphics software -95243 11-3071.01 43231506 ibm i2 transportation manager 6026ff992f2fc47bd13033533fe0ef46 ibm i2 transportation manager -95245 11-3071.01 43232605 imsure solutions shipflex 3a47994e5a10fac62c6f5cfb14299131 imsure solutions shipflex -95246 11-3071.01 43231506 infosite technologies dispatch-mate 8b8e90676c965d0f2bf1078df230d95c infosite technologies dispatchmate -95247 11-3071.01 43231506 integrated decision support corporation expert fuel 50c0d991d8a22ef2072fcba845c68738 integrated decision support corporation expert fuel -95248 11-3071.01 43231506 integrated decision support corporation netwise supply chain 3a34a7d517050a25b074023467f5a487 integrated decision support corporation netwise supply chain -95249 11-3071.01 43232504 integrated decision support corporation route advice 67b593d6ddd6bc1c0208ae77155efa91 integrated decision support corporation route advice -95250 11-3071.01 43231506 integrated decision support corporation swap advice cee08e08011f7ce2a17ee108c48bb6eb integrated decision support corporation swap advice -95251 11-3071.01 43232605 integrated decision support match advice 21f9443d4cd3097abfe24908f5bbfddc integrated decision support match advice -95252 11-3071.01 43232605 integrated decision support netwise enterprise 2a674a3962e5662debe6b13d13502b84 integrated decision support netwise enterprise -95253 11-3071.01 43232605 integrated decision support netwise frontline e379c833c3a9c6b7181a20a48265226a integrated decision support netwise frontline -95254 11-3071.01 43232504 intergraph geomedia transportation manager 32b281d69aad9ac2e891656faa9c80f5 intergraph geomedia transportation manager -95255 11-3071.01 43231508 international business systems software d94420a4be7f5858e1811fdfbaeeeb1f international business systems software -95256 11-3071.01 43232306 labelmaster software reg-trieve 65760813c2ba3a935ebfe9482757627a labelmaster software regtrieve -95265 11-3071.01 43232605 qualcomm qtracs efab0bce087c82486527a6ad4d702536 qualcomm qtracs -95266 11-3071.01 43232605 qualcomm viaweb 11ccfe8718f3d405023d3c3bb29baccb qualcomm viaweb -95268 11-3071.01 43232606 scanlon associates logpak 770ff6e1f4cfee1b024fdb8725990b6b scanlon associates logpak -95269 11-3071.01 43232606 shipping solutions software 577e1e0f2d39a6755549f83cad166b37 shipping solutions software -95270 11-3071.01 43232110 spreadsheet software 72dda444bdc23d4873055a8641c11428 spreadsheet software -95272 11-3071.01 43231506 summary systems fleet commander 9573f479ab288aea6c6262259048b7d9 summary systems fleet commander -95273 11-3071.01 43231506 supply chain event management software 5382d6b1742e918c08bdcf5f71b430ee supply chain event management software -95274 11-3071.01 43231602 tmw powersuite ae585291c0c0412cfa51cbdfd3a72e4d tmw powersuite -95276 11-3071.01 43231605 workforce software empcenter time and attendance f8313424d559fd061034b0a02a8ffcda workforce software empcenter time and attendance -95283 11-3071.02 25173107 global positioning systems gps bbcb58429df0de339eeda241196b7972 global positioning systems gps -95285 11-3071.02 24101505 pallet jacks 757d9dd3badb5030a15735aa524a561f pallet jacks -95293 11-3071.02 43231508 aljex inventory a51542ed05a80adcd6e1297ad2e6a8c9 aljex inventory -95294 11-3071.02 43231506 cadre technologies cadence warehouse management system b7381ee6660af67f16e815eff0c50e1c cadre technologies cadence warehouse management system -95295 11-3071.02 43231506 catalyst international catalystconnect b2b6b296aaf1cf02db85c76a1277bb17 catalyst international catalystconnect -95296 11-3071.02 43231508 dsa foxware warehouse management f8839463c3ab7290d320bfbfe275384b dsa foxware warehouse management -95298 11-3071.02 43231506 highjump software warehouse advantage cb5bf07503e41a2221d604703dd235a3 highjump software warehouse advantage -95303 11-3071.02 43231508 infosite technologies dm warehousing 319836b7b44db75badf366ea71a30a54 infosite technologies dm warehousing -95308 11-3071.02 43231506 intellitrack warehouse management system f2c2a13b6711e0ada0b51856c3b289c5 intellitrack warehouse management system -95310 11-3071.02 43231508 logility voyager warehousepro 451e95d765cd0a118549e4df3aab07e0 logility voyager warehousepro -95311 11-3071.02 43231506 materials requirements planning logistics and supply chain software 3f40afcc7f0152f80394078f76c4cd74 materials requirements planning logistics and supply chain software -95320 11-3071.02 43231508 mra technologies mratrack warehouse management system 58c21f0240a9ffbbd43ce22b3ce1d66b mra technologies mratrack warehouse management system -95323 11-3071.02 43231506 radio beacon wms 149e08339fc5ae00ed724b8bf5f93c7d radio beacon wms -95324 11-3071.02 43231506 redprairie dlx warehouse 0cea60fce0a0568c5c7bdaa4b9fa021e redprairie dlx warehouse -95327 11-3071.02 43231508 sentai pinpoint 2b9e2e0004ecbe788c425935ab75812e sentai pinpoint -95329 11-3071.02 43231506 ssa global warehouse management system wms 1bd89b5fef7cd246375a76163c0751b1 ssa global warehouse management system wms -95331 11-3071.02 43231506 tecsys eliteseries a017e62211cc4db62ced3211ed0093ec tecsys eliteseries -95332 11-3071.02 43231506 tecsys pointforce enterprise a6c4a4f8fded0ec5c4c969bc49ede893 tecsys pointforce enterprise -95338 11-3071.03 46181509 personal protective equipment 414d1ab8da6aa0cab788b48a49cb0a38 personal protective equipment -95340 11-3071.03 43231506 3pl central 3b53e43647bb8b7e20333ed1c2d72812 3pl central -95341 11-3071.03 43231506 cadre technologies accuplus integrated distribution logistics system c10daac57217a713160918b8b2417c8c cadre technologies accuplus integrated distribution logistics system -95345 11-3071.03 43231506 esri arclogistics 9fae8d451d799ab9e5f931de59f1f071 esri arclogistics -95346 11-3071.03 43231506 fedex ship manager a0c0573a2ce5e334bf012e7b5dda7c30 fedex ship manager -95347 11-3071.03 43231506 four soft 4s elog 4d95d6efbee26049c05a2e5f56367cc3 four soft 4s elog -95348 11-3071.03 43231506 four soft 4s visilog a638e406150082266fdbb0f0e1657bbd four soft 4s visilog -95350 11-3071.03 43231506 intellitrack 3pl d8a3201e489f3a29923666263ec501da intellitrack 3pl -95352 11-3071.03 43231506 logisuite enterprise 5eddd88740eeba99d536b4e0ccfff9d6 logisuite enterprise -95353 11-3071.03 43231506 logisuite forwarder b43722c7242519cd13f16dde051295a3 logisuite forwarder -95354 11-3071.03 43231506 materials resource planning mrp software 046485a1e97da15f5ff6961ee6f072f3 materials resource planning mrp software -95365 11-3071.03 43232605 optimization software ae5b153685e48f83e841cb657980b535 optimization software -95366 11-3071.03 43231506 oracle e-business suite logistics 14d90ef22e651866e868ea37d4b3bb3a oracle ebusiness suite logistics -95368 11-3071.03 43232106 presentation software 0346c9784b37cba998925003bac92bce presentation software -95369 11-3071.03 43232305 sap businessobjects software e76ff7d80b9626141b07d3cc5b4d7b51 sap businessobjects software -95370 11-3071.03 43231602 sap erp operations efde3a97bda3ac976fc2725e49c3fad7 sap erp operations -95373 11-3071.03 43233511 transportation management system tms software 764a79c8d6122de1b74f4dbecc4f8b08 transportation management system tms software -95374 11-3071.03 43231602 transtek compass erp 7770398625554f229805e0d807fad6fb transtek compass erp -95375 11-3071.03 43231506 ups worldship b65157b833d6b3f44998bbcb5e0a19f7 ups worldship -95376 11-3071.03 43231506 usps.com 85ed91543a423799637800703498fc75 uspscom + O*NET-SOC Code Element ID ONET KSA ksa_type Description skill_uuid nlp_a +255 11-3021.00 2.b.3.c equipment selection skill determining the kind of tools and equipment needed to do a job. 035d26f14c0274510816c4f07c8ce8f3 equipment selection +259 11-3021.00 2.b.3.j equipment maintenance skill performing routine maintenance on equipment and determining when and what kind of maintenance is needed. 4b6e11c46579a9cebec51d9038c58d10 equipment maintenance +261 11-3021.00 2.b.3.l repairing skill repairing machines or systems using the needed tools. b452c459a4485c0e7fe1d71d79801f51 repairing +94655 11-3021.00 43222625 access servers tool 2f36f12f543300d1b28997086c077112 access servers +94656 11-3021.00 43211501 computer servers tool a51637a0ff334ff6a4240dd341cec440 computer servers +94657 11-3021.00 27113203 computer tool kits tool 23d38b13cc68e84e6f48861f23f3010d computer tool kits +94658 11-3021.00 43211501 file servers tool 3e3e2221a18f3dbd0ea57cf73dd516bc file servers +94659 11-3021.00 43201407 industry standard architecture/peripheral component interconnect isa/pci cards tool 081cf1f3cd5775b173df07b64e2f4922 industry standard architectureperipheral component interconnect isapci cards +94660 11-3021.00 43212104 inkjet printers tool bdbd5ae91409d60393ead1ea3e32c09e inkjet printers +94661 11-3021.00 43211501 internet information services iis servers tool 7e57e8b7544beac3aab463bd6643c7a3 internet information services iis servers +94663 11-3021.00 43212105 laser printers tool 0783a67db63c96881d6fc06fee31f1e7 laser printers +94664 11-3021.00 43211512 mainframe computers tool ffef622c9a83001fb3ab45b55b743d3b mainframe computers +94665 11-3021.00 43211501 mid-range computers tool eace00184ed6391bc93c0ac6c1e6ddc9 midrange computers +94666 11-3021.00 43211501 minicomputers tool 474e29be277ca713600ac20f3679acce minicomputers +94667 11-3021.00 43211501 netware servers tool 6cbe4dfe6ffb728a26bf4c0a17808d6f netware servers +94668 11-3021.00 41113711 network analyzers tool ae870e1ce33c8eb7aa804247201c35cc network analyzers +94669 11-3021.00 43201404 network interface cards nic tool e29746535ea658f1130327b015ad732d network interface cards nic +94670 11-3021.00 43222609 network routers tool ed85d0ff8d138169449f9bcfc51093d3 network routers +94671 11-3021.00 43222612 network switches tool 9abd8938573eb706ed5b3af6f53e34fc network switches +94674 11-3021.00 43201537 print servers tool 2aab2c533b832ddc4e3bfd8d59361664 print servers +94675 11-3021.00 27111505 punchdown tools tool 26d492ced12d681e26b26767d9be583a punchdown tools +94676 11-3021.00 43222627 robot automation tool tool a83b2a2304f4c252e569d78c5379a4ac robot automation tool +94677 11-3021.00 27111701 screwdrivers tool ce9e15625cabeb7bb31d702645b95ccb screwdrivers +94678 11-3021.00 43211501 storage servers tool f55d7336a654ea3a3be9ad682fe014b3 storage servers +94679 11-3021.00 43221522 teleconferencing equipment tool ecff0767db74528e41734e0e01d0c06d teleconferencing equipment +94680 11-3021.00 43211501 web servers tool f196462d0be07f3bcd139e427c6e691a web servers +94681 11-3021.00 43211502 workstations tool b13379aba36cbcabfa27ff4841d28ca8 workstations +94682 11-3021.00 43232303 act! software tool 355fea8c8105fa0e5cd7923dc5e61ef1 act software +94684 11-3021.00 43232408 adobe systems adobe flex tool 19ff1371d91d5ed03aa2869b17325ce5 adobe systems adobe flex +94685 11-3021.00 43232405 advanced business application programming abap tool 82a8948ebc48a0df829913235a385d59 advanced business application programming abap +94686 11-3021.00 43232304 alphafour software tool be5a8b5b62fbd218054e0a74777042ac alphafour software +94689 11-3021.00 43232304 apache pig tool 4c2819d1c90da1e5c6f8dfa7291d69e0 apache pig +94690 11-3021.00 43232304 apache solr tool 51c185588a8b97e1813bc23ea51bd358 apache solr +94691 11-3021.00 43232408 apache tomcat tool b0bac281e1a992db7579705b348c5b20 apache tomcat +94695 11-3021.00 43232110 apple iwork numbers tool 62f216af26f81befeb2742970eab1378 apple iwork numbers +94696 11-3021.00 43232104 apple iwork pages tool 4626ac2c4fbd80908ddd55bc33715118 apple iwork pages +94697 11-3021.00 43233004 apple macintosh os/x tool fb0eefedbd8fe0d1b8839b9a321efacc apple macintosh osx +94698 11-3021.00 43232402 assembler tool 83fd5a089b5ebb6e9f93159c236dc320 assembler +94699 11-3021.00 43231601 billing software tool c668f63290031cc33f4054e5af00ade3 billing software +94700 11-3021.00 43232306 blackboard software tool f78b264fcc8f58958a8d44779a58001b blackboard software +94701 11-3021.00 43232405 borland paradox tool 76f1764fa30025e55baf596d2e9501f5 borland paradox +94702 11-3021.00 43232402 c tool 4a8a08f09d37b73795649038408b5f33 c +94703 11-3021.00 43232405 c++ tool 6ce809eacf90ba125b40fa4bd903962e c +94704 11-3021.00 43232310 ca erwin data modeler tool abbf2ec4498e2ca188757d6b7fbf4e4d ca erwin data modeler +94705 11-3021.00 43232909 cisco systems wan manager tool 367073e7d3f2e455407c741d70c3871e cisco systems wan manager +94707 11-3021.00 43232402 common business oriented language cobol tool f3910fec4907c6459370ce69849d8abe common business oriented language cobol +94708 11-3021.00 43231513 corel office suite tool f3915bc0887eefec4cb8f5e47dbc54a0 corel office suite +94709 11-3021.00 43232313 customer information control system ccis tool 14556697d08d7457f4e0ea69bda4891e customer information control system ccis +94710 11-3021.00 43232801 dartware intermapper tool ce816cc393ec711f9eae8830a8958edb dartware intermapper +94712 11-3021.00 43232408 dynamic hypertext markup language dhtml tool 0db059c4dd6ed3bbbaac64ee33279a47 dynamic hypertext markup language dhtml +94714 11-3021.00 43232405 embarcadero delphi tool b2467b81bbc94a7043e971740d61239a embarcadero delphi +94717 11-3021.00 43233204 firewall software tool 2c9e7547b6c759ea88978ae95ed7412d firewall software +94718 11-3021.00 43233001 ftp program software tool 6cf7b619a576ee85b145f0aaee24136a ftp program software +94720 11-3021.00 43231501 help desk software tool 5d0636cd96818b10d08d4162df24d5bc help desk software +94721 11-3021.00 43233004 hewlett packard hp-ux tool 491fdb8cbd2229f8ccd0750cefe5afc2 hewlett packard hpux +94722 11-3021.00 43231505 human resource management software hrms tool 4527da9088257959d4a91722a48208b7 human resource management software hrms +94723 11-3021.00 43232305 hyperion software tool ab836ca261d968887d9e3734c76d53ae hyperion software +94726 11-3021.00 43232403 ibm infosphere datastage tool 06eeea0a85b24bf2084dea00c26e7891 ibm infosphere datastage +94727 11-3021.00 43232915 ibm iseries access tool d6a79003da68d6d1f69618381974dafe ibm iseries access +94729 11-3021.00 43232403 ibm websphere tool 6700aed160e6d0afb854bbe10071d834 ibm websphere +94730 11-3021.00 43231602 infor erp baan tool bdb8c0841d8feb79de88752dac3b90ea infor erp baan +94731 11-3021.00 43232312 iplanet web server software tool 28d52c4e30cf58d8722c968fd224b298 iplanet web server software +94733 11-3021.00 43232402 k2 business process automation tool 912b1de107447746d826b23e538c4b9f k2 business process automation +94734 11-3021.00 43232905 lan software tool 2f99095dd34ebd4e6ae3b0b6b760673a lan software +94735 11-3021.00 43232306 langlais computer consultants calman tool e5f9fffcf633cafc23847d525619c536 langlais computer consultants calman +94736 11-3021.00 43233004 linux tool e206a54e97690cce50cc872dd70ee896 linux +94737 11-3021.00 43233501 linux-based email software tool 265e83633224bc5adabb9f2ab2da0abe linuxbased email software +94738 11-3021.00 43232901 mac helpmate tool e5a71314f85b0a41d996ae9b68cd5907 mac helpmate +94740 11-3021.00 43232402 microsoft .net framework tool 674301048ce0213f63863f2e3560fada microsoft net framework +94742 11-3021.00 43232408 microsoft active server pages asp tool 06fe645487690ce5db130dd6e4c08f07 microsoft active server pages asp +94743 11-3021.00 43232303 microsoft business contact manager tool 6268c3a27a6f0255870e39310b49b828 microsoft business contact manager +94745 11-3021.00 43232303 microsoft dynamics crm tool a206bf3c78efe37bd31b5616e47dd153 microsoft dynamics crm +94747 11-3021.00 43231602 microsoft dynamics nav tool 2ab4ba1cf5102653a0ed7f35ddfdd2b6 microsoft dynamics nav +94748 11-3021.00 43232108 microsoft entourage tool 1383e4f69097f6fc405c8c385a428108 microsoft entourage +94751 11-3021.00 43232107 microsoft front page tool 4389da80da3e9d7271ae3ef8cdd63fa6 microsoft front page +94753 11-3021.00 43233503 microsoft office sharepoint server moss tool 1668117117bc5a95e8a47356af926648 microsoft office sharepoint server moss +94759 11-3021.00 43232405 microsoft sql server reporting services ssrs tool be21b9d0235988a87cd29a039ef2ce31 microsoft sql server reporting services ssrs +94763 11-3021.00 43232402 microsoft visual basic scripting edition vbscript tool 99f365ebf0e9e7e8aa659d92bb029607 microsoft visual basic scripting edition vbscript +94764 11-3021.00 43232311 microsoft visual foxpro tool 16a26fd8d978e4b77b190083a8c25b02 microsoft visual foxpro +94765 11-3021.00 43232402 microsoft visual studio tool 8356f95d4bb62279fd99308dd36ed816 microsoft visual studio +94766 11-3021.00 43232701 microsoft windows server tool 0374fbf910ff24f949526c1d1693dd46 microsoft windows server +94769 11-3021.00 43232910 mobile wireless network infrastructure software tool 8048b6b72800432c9eb6d947721d8934 mobile wireless network infrastructure software +94770 11-3021.00 43232304 mongodb tool 685a5f7cc75b4796f6c6e00ccd384f01 mongodb +94773 11-3021.00 43232705 netscape navigator tool 98620c717bb2c63cdc142808860a0265 netscape navigator +94774 11-3021.00 43232408 node.js tool 28a3689be95c88dd5e7a37db516ab084 nodejs +94775 11-3021.00 43232304 nosql software tool 1962f3eb13f04aab14b76d00e09a16e8 nosql software +94776 11-3021.00 43233002 novell network software tool e566b9897fbc0e00faaaf8970210369f novell network software +94777 11-3021.00 43232405 objective c tool 3add2283d882284db4bca00242f32c0d objective c +94778 11-3021.00 43232314 oracle business intelligence enterprise edition tool c9c14d4b8fd1587b65dd79badbc7cece oracle business intelligence enterprise edition +94779 11-3021.00 43232306 oracle dbms tool 10adae916fdaa6d2ba5980bb81a94f7b oracle dbms +94783 11-3021.00 43232405 oracle java tool 27f2b03acd8b8784acab5c5b60118070 oracle java +94786 11-3021.00 43232304 oracle pl/sql tool 52f667e44a0668bca8f2a7075462897b oracle plsql +94787 11-3021.00 43231507 oracle primavera systems software tool 002958fd200aae9a5eaba67a796841ff oracle primavera systems software +94789 11-3021.00 43233004 oracle solaris tool 551185c96c3978a189d34ff0414ad3cf oracle solaris +94790 11-3021.00 43232701 oracle weblogic server tool d9fe9e61e1989fa02d381ac9c30e9358 oracle weblogic server +94791 11-3021.00 43233501 pegasus software tool fc015ec322e8a477eedddddaa1f667ca pegasus software +94792 11-3021.00 43232303 performance solutions technology managepro tool 0f0adc0d04e05ec1d78f5d0c51097730 performance solutions technology managepro +94794 11-3021.00 43232606 pilgrim software pilgrim smartsolve software tool 3e8e36ae4691e1829b1519f681762cb4 pilgrim software pilgrim smartsolve software +94795 11-3021.00 43232312 plumtree software tool 06347d6dd49e1251689d8137a7aa5b0e plumtree software +94796 11-3021.00 43232311 postgresql software tool 6265067f488d81393ccd0776d8b205e8 postgresql software +94797 11-3021.00 43232405 practical extraction and reporting language perl tool 0c366e96abe4377fb976e4121f84476e practical extraction and reporting language perl +94798 11-3021.00 43232402 progress openedge abl tool d5d47ab628562b08f6f923aa2d459c9c progress openedge abl +94799 11-3021.00 43232701 progress openedge application server tool c7479581e03e4a96359290b6f78b6afe progress openedge application server +94800 11-3021.00 43232304 progress openedge fathom replication software tool 0096bb83df55ea0ef961aefa3a995f25 progress openedge fathom replication software +94801 11-3021.00 43232403 progress sonic esb tool 047d7dbdb9981ea952aecf08a3e49c17 progress sonic esb +94802 11-3021.00 43232408 progress webspeed workshop tool 634730c99c08bfdc3b68ca9e83c59b89 progress webspeed workshop +94803 11-3021.00 43232401 puppet tool 768747907b90c39ab6f16fcb3320897a puppet +94804 11-3021.00 43232405 python tool 23eeeb4347bdd26bfc6b7ee9a3b755dd python +94806 11-3021.00 43233501 qualcomm eudora tool 0af00188129732f851b01928b62fdcb5 qualcomm eudora +94808 11-3021.00 43233004 red hat enterprise linux tool b7958f6fcf3039fa7f9e8f375cb06bca red hat enterprise linux +94809 11-3021.00 43232701 red hat wildfly tool ea90ad928d5acee910f9042bb98ed56d red hat wildfly +94810 11-3021.00 43232304 relational database management software tool 779c8394b38a9fe199596e21c9ef3c84 relational database management software +94811 11-3021.00 43232408 ruby on rails tool ec49dc5392817d11fb8e9f880985e981 ruby on rails +94812 11-3021.00 43233001 samba tool 65575d0766c89ce103967995f76c41d2 samba +94816 11-3021.00 43232804 solarwinds software tool d6df4906c9289ab722d30432cafc29d5 solarwinds software +94817 11-3021.00 43232606 sox cobit tool 0ee154fabce47245699d90d68e7e89ca sox cobit +94824 11-3021.00 43233001 symantec veritas file system tool 6272d40bc060e6caf73a94a1b25bba9c symantec veritas file system +94825 11-3021.00 43233001 symantec veritas volume manager tool 92ef6faf7b73d2cbd10c59d58020b5ce symantec veritas volume manager +94827 11-3021.00 43232911 telnet programs software tool d6f1e0701defd0b1ebd533b51e006e05 telnet programs software +94829 11-3021.00 43232605 the mathworks matlab tool 68bdaa4f3e4c787fc731e50fa0690837 the mathworks matlab +94830 11-3021.00 43232404 tk software tool 2f3e04e822b24eba16d7780d3d377d89 tk software +94831 11-3021.00 43232407 unified modeling language uml tool 3a09f6720c5935f75bd10aa819d4b767 unified modeling language uml +94832 11-3021.00 43233004 unix tool 4913a9178621eadcdf191db17915fbcb unix +94833 11-3021.00 43233415 veritas netbackup tool dcb585b233b8ff6042ce65acd759679f veritas netbackup +94834 11-3021.00 43233204 virtual private networking vpn software tool 8cd20f6799b263a29e42c77d9c357f94 virtual private networking vpn software +94835 11-3021.00 43232911 zephyr extra! terminal emulation tool 1381136ff9737baecfde419afab7d5ad zephyr extra terminal emulation +94842 11-3031.01 43231602 aderant expert back office, powered by keystone tool 61865b285c412887ecc272d520d81c06 aderant expert back office powered by keystone +94843 11-3031.01 43231601 automatic data processing easypay software tool 46956a66a2dca6018f34e63f46534185 automatic data processing easypay software +94844 11-3031.01 43231505 automatic data processing pc payroll for windows pcpw tool a92d3401f0e8fcba9396790c438eeb56 automatic data processing pc payroll for windows pcpw +94845 11-3031.01 43232110 corel quattropro tool 36e9ae1c9d3dd348cf8353d824c53ba9 corel quattropro +94846 11-3031.01 43231602 deltek software tool 6c1af0e9471c4d8bc18774a0d10bcf7b deltek software +94847 11-3031.01 43231602 exact software macola es tool da53dcdd787ea7f9babe71dbe2461aa8 exact software macola es +94848 11-3031.01 43231604 frx software tool e03b53012075afc6e2ac574f67757d84 frx software +94850 11-3031.01 43231601 hyperion enterprise tool abb5e9f8131fd3218afc0ea77a83cf28 hyperion enterprise +94851 11-3031.01 43231604 hyperion pillar software tool 8c4530997c0a39c1a0b5c6363af3b089 hyperion pillar software +94852 11-3031.01 43231602 hyperion solutions system 9 planning tool 372f14c0da0b2102ea41afe5fcd11fac hyperion solutions system 9 planning +94855 11-3031.01 43232110 ibm lotus 1-2-3 tool c388f4e7a6a3aa22e0f068b0100c0c08 ibm lotus 123 +94856 11-3031.01 43231602 infor erp syteline tool 2b6ea855cfc2b6b5913b1c5252776ccb infor erp syteline +94858 11-3031.01 43231601 job costing software tool 051e6a8f91ad4dd5f19f46e38f8c280d job costing software +94867 11-3031.01 43231601 myob premier accounting small business suite tool 2c687d02fb18cd1aa7d6e402ed3e11f4 myob premier accounting small business suite +94871 11-3031.01 43231602 oracle peoplesoft tool 60779fe326229564ed5c87f240eb7be6 oracle peoplesoft +94872 11-3031.01 43231602 oracle peoplesoft financials tool fab8ec2b7fd886d572b3818839354e84 oracle peoplesoft financials +94875 11-3031.01 43231601 sage fixed asset solution fas tool c845f700a68b89c1c4be950850d69acc sage fixed asset solution fas +94876 11-3031.01 43231601 sage mip fund accounting tool 4a5a7318d290bb6e5ad876bde64d0d15 sage mip fund accounting +94879 11-3031.01 43231602 solomon software tool d3352972e16adcc44dd28cb6a50b1ad8 solomon software +94888 11-3031.02 43231601 accounts receivable software tool 5a3a426d3afcf0262387a5890ea0326a accounts receivable software +94889 11-3031.02 43231604 ares corporation prism project estimator tool 00cd9c36bf69b0835942d5769dfcec26 ares corporation prism project estimator +94890 11-3031.02 43231604 credit management software tool c29f209ae6cf5146f91bb18b79b7d195 credit management software +94896 11-3031.02 43232705 internet browser software tool 5d2a0bfc9e4001497f692841e2182c84 internet browser software +94908 11-3031.02 43232110 moody's kmv famas tool 3e48ef7dd755bf8e280cd919fdd159b9 moodys kmv famas +94924 11-3031.02 43232104 word processing software tool dc46d4596698ec0cc7dfda998a74e3bf word processing software +94926 11-3051.00 24101603 forklifts tool d9d11d4f119ab7e7d29f26bff90390df forklifts +94931 11-3051.00 27111803 squares tool 192ba166b3957ab1020e9a72ea1b40ed squares +94933 11-3051.00 27111801 tape measures tool 10ec7e921659ddd3600cb26749054510 tape measures +94934 11-3051.00 41111648 taper gauges tool e5a733614bd644a441b7edfb1017b9e9 taper gauges +94935 11-3051.00 41111621 vernier calipers tool 641ae6a08800e6ae1b32d033a0c7815a vernier calipers +94936 11-3051.00 43232603 abb optimize software tool c8dd1827b58f78a3e8a0418d97fbcf4c abb optimize software +94942 11-3051.00 43232604 autodesk autocad tool 9c4d7d28b2f883d41c580778012a2f13 autodesk autocad +94943 11-3051.00 43232608 citect iim tool 264f5d3e39f07087a4f73e27b626a1f1 citect iim +94944 11-3051.00 43232608 citectscada reports tool 70ca77a375a2925d7c75737dea87eae5 citectscada reports +94945 11-3051.00 43232608 citectscada software tool c1eafec5f20ae14d3a615e96f9c3478a citectscada software +94946 11-3051.00 43231505 clockware software tool 491c06cf01b2fb8bef610cbb486698af clockware software +94947 11-3051.00 43232604 computer aided design cad software tool 1508af139d359641efcfdbfb616bbfcb computer aided design cad software +94948 11-3051.00 43232108 computer integrated manufacturing cim software tool 1f1bfbebd9adbb13bb413d0a31835204 computer integrated manufacturing cim software +94949 11-3051.00 43231505 computer integrated manufacturing cim time manager software tool b7b8f860f5a522276fdc49d00334fcdb computer integrated manufacturing cim time manager software +94950 11-3051.00 43231508 computer integrated manufacturing cim warehouse shipping manager software tool 46d9aa6f4101df3dff488fb8af0690f1 computer integrated manufacturing cim warehouse shipping manager software +94951 11-3051.00 43232104 corvu software tool 8e335771d97b54916e6c6cbac83d3ba6 corvu software +94953 11-3051.00 43231505 employee performance management software tool 67205951a4e21482397c91eb3d7d16c9 employee performance management software +94954 11-3051.00 43232306 exact software jobboss tool b0d6626e3e01b909588420b047f53e4a exact software jobboss +94956 11-3051.00 43231604 financial planning software tool e8011ee860fcf0326ff469250f0b3086 financial planning software +94957 11-3051.00 43232402 ibm rational clearquest tool f0ef5799896729f514d05d38f642a90f ibm rational clearquest +94958 11-3051.00 43232608 industrial production manager and stock control software tool f8bbf7e62cfdcd8482d2279d7dd3aa87 industrial production manager and stock control software +94959 11-3051.00 43231601 intuit quickbooks manufacturing & wholesale software tool 9a9477076396783adb1e084e4190ccdc intuit quickbooks manufacturing wholesale software +94960 11-3051.00 43232608 marel production system mps software tool 8ee03b234047b90cf0a7136b967daa61 marel production system mps software +94970 11-3051.00 43232603 plant management software tool 921d80412cfe3d6ead46d908a59e877e plant management software +94971 11-3051.00 43231602 processpro premier tool 14b3470e2cfe6085f378c2d29a664454 processpro premier +94972 11-3051.00 43232608 prosys software tool a780ac63da1ca6603274cdf656f2a411 prosys software +94973 11-3051.00 43232202 qumas software tool 02b511f7123ebcfa4901ffe0cbcd896f qumas software +94974 11-3051.00 43231508 sap inventory software tool 9c8188d270b1d0a696bdf26e4f01b169 sap inventory software +94976 11-3051.00 43232306 scadex technologies maestro tool 6651f028b4f7b61275251ea5613518bc scadex technologies maestro +94977 11-3051.00 43232608 statistical process control software tool d7d8839b7f7adfdcbc80beacd82e8500 statistical process control software +94978 11-3051.00 43232608 wonderware dt analyst plant productivity improvement software tool 040653e3cc354c357e7858dea0a7432f wonderware dt analyst plant productivity improvement software +94979 11-3051.00 43232108 workschedule software tool 2b3f17d1ca6ea2813a031ddd65c8f5bd workschedule software +94980 11-3051.01 41121502 automated diluters tool 1ba9360609bc1592ed19bee4371c5af3 automated diluters +94981 11-3051.01 41113037 automated microplate elisa readers tool 4acbd0210ff327e580066a40c9a0cf72 automated microplate elisa readers +94982 11-3051.01 41115819 cellular assay equipment tool 1f8d627372fbc8c3aa3ea0c68f8ef007 cellular assay equipment +94983 11-3051.01 43212104 computer inkjet printers tool dbd58b58eacd3fcd35ed74ee02231951 computer inkjet printers +94984 11-3051.01 41105307 electrophoresis equipment tool 14aa62071fafc1e3bd91a4f219c4bdd9 electrophoresis equipment +94985 11-3051.01 41115408 fourier transfer infrared ftir spectrometers tool cb77fd78c3f21c3ac52de8a30055cdad fourier transfer infrared ftir spectrometers +94986 11-3051.01 41115703 gas chromatography equipment tool 0e1820db1126c3138a53aa9281d89583 gas chromatography equipment +94987 11-3051.01 43211715 handheld data collectors tool a4d0bd9af457aeac96151ccb77fba77a handheld data collectors +94988 11-3051.01 41115403 infrared spectroscopic equipment tool ba2de37bb31db6d6b795596018be1736 infrared spectroscopic equipment +94989 11-3051.01 41111517 laboratory analytical balances tool f258e5beb7f11c18bfb92bc66a1bc199 laboratory analytical balances +94990 11-3051.01 41103903 laboratory benchtop centrifuges tool cd5b525b5c8c12edc8150d432b91aeea laboratory benchtop centrifuges +94991 11-3051.01 41104806 laboratory extraction equipment tool 9bb66ac25ef52c84818a173bda028f4a laboratory extraction equipment +94992 11-3051.01 41111513 laboratory moisture balances tool 5d86198ea315b8071ecbdc7db86e12cd laboratory moisture balances +94994 11-3051.01 41115705 liquid chromatography equipment tool 8ff296900c8f0a06121394303a28727a liquid chromatography equipment +94996 11-3051.01 41115603 ph analyzers tool c9481f0fcfb4d1fba2940e428d5dc2b9 ph analyzers +94997 11-3051.01 41115602 titrators tool 8f25f9ef67ca7d970663071a0432d468 titrators +94999 11-3051.01 43232608 asi datamyte gagemetrics tool b4183ce3d10f92bf87628f25d3f81260 asi datamyte gagemetrics +95000 11-3051.01 43232608 asi datamyte qda software tool 94f968e030143c2ed65bc73700f6f313 asi datamyte qda software +95001 11-3051.01 43232608 asidatamyte datametrics tool d9bff4fcc9166db62b4c1af40c4749db asidatamyte datametrics +95002 11-3051.01 43232608 cama software quality collaboration by design software tool 958e001030a5f6fcdaaffd54e62b5d04 cama software quality collaboration by design software +95003 11-3051.01 43232608 cebos mq1 software tool 0ba66a98a8381c804fdee742481488ea cebos mq1 software +95004 11-3051.01 43232605 computing solutions labsoft lims tool 7ac03f43ed30052a644c1fb783d079e1 computing solutions labsoft lims +95005 11-3051.01 43232605 core informatics laboratory information management system lims software tool def17ba0c134d4823c7eac93a9a26690 core informatics laboratory information management system lims software +95006 11-3051.01 43232606 etq reliance software tool 5c85a7d492d63130a15b2f53afbebca0 etq reliance software +95008 11-3051.01 43232306 harrington group caweb software tool 189bc87a70fe4d6172aea34ca706cf0d harrington group caweb software +95009 11-3051.01 43232608 harrington group hqms software tool ecb5b02afbff042f1c5156110e6daac9 harrington group hqms software +95010 11-3051.01 43232406 hewlett packard loadrunner tool 20bcb70c57f0bb56f48ca1abc6c56368 hewlett packard loadrunner +95011 11-3051.01 43232605 illumina laboratory information management system lims software tool 56d8c4e5653addfcd942e35527ddabe7 illumina laboratory information management system lims software +95012 11-3051.01 43232608 infinity qs proficient software tool fe5a181a44a590f3f4930b65e9096935 infinity qs proficient software +95013 11-3051.01 43232605 lablite laboratory information management systems lims software tool b7cab97f6f3e19b51c296624188077f6 lablite laboratory information management systems lims software +95014 11-3051.01 43232608 laboratory automated quality control systems laqc software tool fbe7fdec5bb45d97845f83b51d50af04 laboratory automated quality control systems laqc software +95015 11-3051.01 43232605 labvantage solutions lims tool 78c70edec88119dc9ea895b458212e55 labvantage solutions lims +95017 11-3051.01 43232606 mastercontrol software tool 01102bb9b423bdf4bf6b242e40b533d0 mastercontrol software +95028 11-3051.01 43232605 pearson education phstat2 tool 535590a82fad68401c7c46d1c277f23a pearson education phstat2 +95029 11-3051.01 43232608 pq systems chartrunner lean tool d8da5875239948298f5888a535168f59 pq systems chartrunner lean +95030 11-3051.01 43232608 pq systems gagepack tool 065c156756542bb61b4bf53a7d6038cd pq systems gagepack +95031 11-3051.01 43232608 pq systems measurespy tool addbc1e22d88612a36e42fb14bb8e898 pq systems measurespy +95032 11-3051.01 43232605 pq systems sqcpack tool 45596433b488fd6b61bface90c381d0d pq systems sqcpack +95033 11-3051.01 43232605 promium element datasystem lims tool e81e4e0161127f0a4c95ea314345b0c9 promium element datasystem lims +95034 11-3051.01 43232605 quality systems international winlims tool 633ca03cf7444a31b682f47030ad8a33 quality systems international winlims +95036 11-3051.01 43232606 sparta systems trackwise tool 7e31d578429bc1e9d35dec64fdde3b83 sparta systems trackwise +95037 11-3051.01 43232605 starlims software tool 2a8983aaadf10f1db007cc406870c6b6 starlims software +95038 11-3051.01 43232605 statgraphics software tool 7d4238179f2aebdb8251644885e8b2b9 statgraphics software +95040 11-3051.01 43232605 systat software lisa.lims tool 7086a0d2f3f3feac620eeddb388003b9 systat software lisalims +95041 11-3051.01 43232605 thermo fisher scientific laboratory information management systems (lims) software tool 80894a4e01dcd5d5d08015ccd00c302a thermo fisher scientific laboratory information management systems lims software +95042 11-3051.01 43232608 vivaldi software vivaldi quality management software tool 7232aa38be05ff95b8fd4279dcb95766 vivaldi software vivaldi quality management software +95044 11-3051.02 43211715 dataloggers tool b2b6e99ef01d9e10f5104a8788cef090 dataloggers +95046 11-3051.02 26111601 diesel-powered generators tool b519756cc711ab83d6113f5f70fee2e1 dieselpowered generators +95049 11-3051.02 40151510 large volume water pumps tool baa2ea9b470d69549a4c0a0f0e7bff9e large volume water pumps +95050 11-3051.02 24101623 material moving cranes tool c11d4ad5640047c558b7c5011fe6ba02 material moving cranes +95051 11-3051.02 43191510 mobile radios tool 4b8886f10d8705a9dc555099a6853697 mobile radios +95054 11-3051.02 32101628 programmable logic controllers plc tool a8972632d229ff660f529dd9ff59d9f5 programmable logic controllers plc +95056 11-3051.02 43232306 datalogging software tool b1bb6de5a9f4cc682b19b1efec306940 datalogging software +95057 11-3051.02 43232306 infostat rimbase tool f5d5ea4d35bc7b3d999f8328e01ec152 infostat rimbase +95064 11-3051.03 41104008 air monitoring equipment tool ba3efca8a47535be32a4c28f31338f3a air monitoring equipment +95065 11-3051.03 40141607 ball valves tool 1944870a1d05bd0bc52feead0c005b3d ball valves +95066 11-3051.03 24101712 belt conveyor systems tool 17c32004fd6fc782d656c1a3303092d0 belt conveyor systems +95068 11-3051.03 46182002 dust and particulate respirators tool 922387afa5ad915d55c332d0f82ec1b7 dust and particulate respirators +95069 11-3051.03 46171603 electric timing devices tool c41dec036d663e22b39194c9dc20321e electric timing devices +95070 11-3051.03 46171604 emergency alarm systems tool 7b5bcb5108495f16505848ef9d91bfc0 emergency alarm systems +95071 11-3051.03 41104301 fermentation processing vessels tool 74c678ef999fe9b217ba05c0abb23a18 fermentation processing vessels +95072 11-3051.03 40141609 flow control valves fcv tool 81cc59247660ae636c92845b6e1c5ced flow control valves fcv +95074 11-3051.03 40141613 gate butterfly valves tool eb0963428b20e28b5e0745ef73cbb7cb gate butterfly valves +95075 11-3051.03 41121805 glass graduated cylinders tool bb5bb674c00df49fc89844dd9ce27d5b glass graduated cylinders +95076 11-3051.03 41104501 gravity convection ovens tool 1aacb52da07cc68bdac56e4a35ba6a3e gravity convection ovens +95077 11-3051.03 40151506 hand sampling pumps tool c46989784fd2bb1a20a6bff8352b2fa4 hand sampling pumps +95078 11-3051.03 47131905 hazardous material spill kits tool 7ea58344ec7cb87f63367773d778db9e hazardous material spill kits +95080 11-3051.03 41112304 moisture analyzers tool 3f2b17e75a67f8c3311a58eba955edd5 moisture analyzers +95081 11-3051.03 41105003 mole sieves tool ecb3afe1c3f44dbca7a3aabf33b969cc mole sieves +95083 11-3051.03 41115603 ph probes tool e5b1e1eee1aefca45bca16e117771bf1 ph probes +95084 11-3051.03 41121804 reaction flasks tool 9c54fd6360118f4b60a885aa14315dca reaction flasks +95085 11-3051.03 41104015 sample ports tool 4b6169a0efe7904e6c3ab1485062bec1 sample ports +95086 11-3051.03 46182004 self-contained breathing apparatus tool 730d20401cd16318026c248cbe9cc3f1 selfcontained breathing apparatus +95087 11-3051.03 40141611 stop valves tool ba87bbd29a4dd2ca4cc70cb2bb1ba8cb stop valves +95088 11-3051.03 40141609 throttle control valves tcv tool 67e82d02a3bc0685553f3d42ea0a56b7 throttle control valves tcv +95090 11-3051.03 43232603 computerized maintenance management system cmms software tool 9db25b1044cb1133f99818b9497055b3 computerized maintenance management system cmms software +95091 11-3051.03 43232608 distributed control systems dcs software tool bcd4ac0ca710985cc1d9d5315bc8287d distributed control systems dcs software +95092 11-3051.03 43232108 employee scheduling software tool 0af814e7726201706e636143fb452394 employee scheduling software +95093 11-3051.03 43232608 human machine interface hmi software tool 3cb1bc5763299f9f2b1dccceb94b6267 human machine interface hmi software +95094 11-3051.03 43231508 inventory control software tool 1bb70d55351190ba55e21d36d31fddca inventory control software +95101 11-3051.04 40102001 biomass boilers tool eaa6c022055113655ce77cd75cd7f5d0 biomass boilers +95102 11-3051.04 40102001 bubbling fluidized bed boilers tool 9c6f151dbbbc59aae792896cc5c5a6ba bubbling fluidized bed boilers +95103 11-3051.04 40102001 circulating fluidized bed boilers tool ba458e9ed7f94a5c3eacd5623ddfe2b9 circulating fluidized bed boilers +95104 11-3051.04 40101703 cooling towers tool 890d1f8c7ef2e26f8712d315885965a0 cooling towers +95106 11-3051.04 26111608 heat recovery steam generators tool 9ee3a00d90a73f632a690572b3a8222a heat recovery steam generators +95109 11-3051.04 24101708 radial stackers tool ecb3e8923a1cebaeb4425c6c1a9d9131 radial stackers +95110 11-3051.04 40102002 steam boilers tool cb78fe5c3ee5dec93fdbe9b3df04a92f steam boilers +95111 11-3051.04 26101505 steam turbines tool 412264a0ee3b07e40d0dcf298c825160 steam turbines +95112 11-3051.04 41104007 water samplers tool 6adef2d5798942c43aac734cbe311745 water samplers +95113 11-3051.04 22101715 wood feed systems tool f8e69a5ef0343444dd9e2beb8d28e92b wood feed systems +95124 11-3051.05 41104008 air samplers tool 2526fc60bdd044b89a6e7d4c71f40208 air samplers +95125 11-3051.05 25101905 all terrain vehicles atv tool 175ac3812e312e9f1aa7d4cd34d21b24 all terrain vehicles atv +95126 11-3051.05 26131701 combustible gas monitors tool c9531c6ad03d00bb24e752c0867b7318 combustible gas monitors +95128 11-3051.05 26111601 diesel reciprocating engine generator sets tool 22c800c817480044429ff94fc781c451 diesel reciprocating engine generator sets +95129 11-3051.05 26131608 enclosed flares tool 66fa961b669d916d43d92b046497b62b enclosed flares +95130 11-3051.05 46171613 gas leak detectors tool 73f0d31efaa4e202347d4042f1a1019d gas leak detectors +95131 11-3051.05 26111604 gas reciprocating engine generator sets tool 4d2bf755c1c35bf639d432b26e2ce931 gas reciprocating engine generator sets +95132 11-3051.05 41114401 micro anemometers tool 1826e4f13d57e25999b13dd93e4d37b4 micro anemometers +95133 11-3051.05 41113118 multiple gas monitors tool e1837652cd805c242ee63f7e469c258d multiple gas monitors +95135 11-3051.05 26131608 open flares tool 509fc5e6b1a99e76bb5c89815e6c1441 open flares +95136 11-3051.05 41113110 oxygen analyzers tool 422c6d205a51532a95d258099d08c46d oxygen analyzers +95138 11-3051.05 41111927 pressure gauges tool babb42bced21d09b0d28c39415ce856e pressure gauges +95139 11-3051.05 40141604 pressure valves tool 01cf46d2c9fcd5819857856a2d9ee20d pressure valves +95140 11-3051.05 25101507 utility trucks tool 78d4b92e043a8233bfa0344c90f745f3 utility trucks +95145 11-3051.05 43232605 landfill gas analysis software tool 5d3398bf8cb4538710b6b86c1ec1dab4 landfill gas analysis software +95146 11-3051.05 43232605 landtec system software lfg pro tool 4ceb5ad8de1c27a792ca66dfe3663191 landtec system software lfg pro +95152 11-3051.05 43231602 worktech maximo tool 9e3cbe5df49b852ef526f1adb256daf2 worktech maximo +95153 11-3051.06 40142207 dam water flow controls tool 40c241e059fbc3ae17aa0ffaf1164e3f dam water flow controls +95155 11-3051.06 39121601 electrical circuit breakers tool f8e58ede92be7c23080d2b8978ad08d9 electrical circuit breakers +95156 11-3051.06 26131808 electrical switch gear tool ed8806414b15831811f9835693d5bd0e electrical switch gear +95157 11-3051.06 26111606 hydraulic power generation equipment tool 4b3d9ffd878e7cf7ef698a2410abea54 hydraulic power generation equipment +95158 11-3051.06 26131803 hydroelectric power generator controls tool df5b3d0216a85152a1b10308c39db09a hydroelectric power generator controls +95159 11-3051.06 26101506 impulse turbines tool 783db8362956d3da2e4e0ce919779722 impulse turbines +95163 11-3051.06 39121002 power transformers tool 3116dcd7c3f7b7bb6ec5fb0d5e521bc6 power transformers +95164 11-3051.06 46181902 protective ear muffs tool 85c4a2141b644599e0107d96b24a451f protective ear muffs +95165 11-3051.06 46182002 protective respirators tool aa5cdc7c2bf10236fadb560b660bcc64 protective respirators +95166 11-3051.06 26101506 reaction turbines tool 654e8d0a36115ac3731f63c227880f29 reaction turbines +95167 11-3051.06 46181802 safety glasses tool 36647620d781132d4d337f3c162fbb93 safety glasses +95168 11-3051.06 26101506 turbine generators tool cb6fad1cfa0641e9d63affbfdaf03957 turbine generators +95178 11-3051.06 43232608 supervisory control and data acquisition scada software tool 8308afefad6807aa299dda26f954db72 supervisory control and data acquisition scada software +95182 11-3061.00 43231503 ariba spend management suite tool 0421a28bf853727d8bc7e53d19d32dc2 ariba spend management suite +95183 11-3061.00 43231503 automated purchase order software tool 23979feae7812aa7e35634b949c3b70c automated purchase order software +95184 11-3061.00 43231503 bottomline technologies bottomline sprinter purchasing manager tool 05d545cf4be8349e1f307a3bd99d0736 bottomline technologies bottomline sprinter purchasing manager +95185 11-3061.00 43231602 bowen & groves m1 erp tool 83a3c72ddcadef1b9971a84a3289d392 bowen groves m1 erp +95186 11-3061.00 43232306 corel paradox tool 154e10dc9dd7506b921630a15533a7ae corel paradox +95189 11-3061.00 43231602 epicor vantage erp tool 3e26e4b34368292b25722915ee660e3a epicor vantage erp +95191 11-3061.00 43231506 infor lawson supply chain management tool 439c1565ba5b6b2132eb64f43b0520b0 infor lawson supply chain management +95193 11-3061.00 43231506 material requirement planning mrp software tool 7d3a633257c042128d2ec857b52e5d7a material requirement planning mrp software +95206 11-3061.00 43231604 oracle peoplesoft enterprise financial management solutions tool ad59642d99ee06e38d170585dec795ed oracle peoplesoft enterprise financial management solutions +95207 11-3061.00 43231507 oracle primavera p6 enterprise portfolio project management tool af8eccb773f72a0dac2cc029a2d3f4aa oracle primavera p6 enterprise portfolio project management +95209 11-3061.00 43231503 purchasing software tool 66a4f43ab5ec77084fb91bbb0de71dda purchasing software +95210 11-3061.00 43231503 purchasingnet eprocurement tool afe02e7138ecc5fb94ef7e9a56f500c4 purchasingnet eprocurement +95215 11-3071.01 43211701 barcode scanners tool 6f38c3959f94c686deeea72200d735ba barcode scanners +95216 11-3071.01 55121608 barcoding labels tool 39b9fd75a800535e2e59ac02aa7f57d9 barcoding labels +95222 11-3071.01 43221721 radio frequency handheld terminals tool 6205d4c4639a6cfe39d8530b50b293a9 radio frequency handheld terminals +95223 11-3071.01 43211710 radio frequency identification rfid devices tool 955b6c67c28dbfa235674cccd245a67c radio frequency identification rfid devices +95224 11-3071.01 43221721 radio frequency truck-mounted terminals tool c479890e04b9b1992120d3e9b16dbf25 radio frequency truckmounted terminals +95225 11-3071.01 43223209 wireless communication and satellite positioning tools tool ca834c359e1ee4f15e9b6ce4bf802de1 wireless communication and satellite positioning tools +95226 11-3071.01 43231510 abol manifest systems tool 18a4c2a01e014b4dd61203f1fad31615 abol manifest systems +95227 11-3071.01 43232306 airline global distribution system gds software tool b76e89fa0c914e38d27c4a6cf9156288 airline global distribution system gds software +95228 11-3071.01 43232504 alk technologies fleetsuite tool 8a82d33bc4cab3170ac158996902e6e1 alk technologies fleetsuite +95229 11-3071.01 43232504 alk technologies pc*miler tool c8b2407ab405a34a6cc7042e1f23f80d alk technologies pcmiler +95230 11-3071.01 43231506 amber road software tool 3e9e492eafd54413bdc20cbc12c71d33 amber road software +95231 11-3071.01 43231601 argos software abecas insight freight management system fms (accounting feature) tool dfd9c5e2b99ec5db528f971d864fabf0 argos software abecas insight freight management system fms accounting feature +95232 11-3071.01 43232108 argos software abecas insight freight management system fms (calendar and scheduling feature) tool 1ee2ffb9d0cd755582687f35104469f6 argos software abecas insight freight management system fms calendar and scheduling feature +95233 11-3071.01 43231601 automated expense reporting system software tool ecfd210c138d24ba86630b147c6ed5b1 automated expense reporting system software +95234 11-3071.01 43232306 bentley transportation data manager tool 72c1ac829488e78524689b26180fe9dd bentley transportation data manager +95235 11-3071.01 43231506 cadre technologies cadence transportation management system tool 1df452e6e139d9a119327b0b86d7aa37 cadre technologies cadence transportation management system +95236 11-3071.01 43232504 copilot truck tool 7a0d515519124ff700209ae8be11872a copilot truck +95237 11-3071.01 43232605 eaton fleet advisor tool a8dc4a273d7081855b5407edb17a2bf6 eaton fleet advisor +95239 11-3071.01 43231506 fleetware software tool fd2f10eb2d149de08b7d463bb006e675 fleetware software +95240 11-3071.01 43232605 freight rail crew optimization scheduling frcos software tool 6e7ff676d9ca898d457c9c342203fea1 freight rail crew optimization scheduling frcos software +95241 11-3071.01 43231506 geometrix tool b56d71d52ac96df160d816b7a14a2f4f geometrix +95242 11-3071.01 43232102 graphics software tool 5d1fa103ef1e9561b0c13afb1c7b9326 graphics software +95243 11-3071.01 43231506 ibm i2 transportation manager tool 6026ff992f2fc47bd13033533fe0ef46 ibm i2 transportation manager +95245 11-3071.01 43232605 imsure solutions shipflex tool 3a47994e5a10fac62c6f5cfb14299131 imsure solutions shipflex +95246 11-3071.01 43231506 infosite technologies dispatch-mate tool 8b8e90676c965d0f2bf1078df230d95c infosite technologies dispatchmate +95247 11-3071.01 43231506 integrated decision support corporation expert fuel tool 50c0d991d8a22ef2072fcba845c68738 integrated decision support corporation expert fuel +95248 11-3071.01 43231506 integrated decision support corporation netwise supply chain tool 3a34a7d517050a25b074023467f5a487 integrated decision support corporation netwise supply chain +95249 11-3071.01 43232504 integrated decision support corporation route advice tool 67b593d6ddd6bc1c0208ae77155efa91 integrated decision support corporation route advice +95250 11-3071.01 43231506 integrated decision support corporation swap advice tool cee08e08011f7ce2a17ee108c48bb6eb integrated decision support corporation swap advice +95251 11-3071.01 43232605 integrated decision support match advice tool 21f9443d4cd3097abfe24908f5bbfddc integrated decision support match advice +95252 11-3071.01 43232605 integrated decision support netwise enterprise tool 2a674a3962e5662debe6b13d13502b84 integrated decision support netwise enterprise +95253 11-3071.01 43232605 integrated decision support netwise frontline tool e379c833c3a9c6b7181a20a48265226a integrated decision support netwise frontline +95254 11-3071.01 43232504 intergraph geomedia transportation manager tool 32b281d69aad9ac2e891656faa9c80f5 intergraph geomedia transportation manager +95255 11-3071.01 43231508 international business systems software tool d94420a4be7f5858e1811fdfbaeeeb1f international business systems software +95256 11-3071.01 43232306 labelmaster software reg-trieve tool 65760813c2ba3a935ebfe9482757627a labelmaster software regtrieve +95265 11-3071.01 43232605 qualcomm qtracs tool efab0bce087c82486527a6ad4d702536 qualcomm qtracs +95266 11-3071.01 43232605 qualcomm viaweb tool 11ccfe8718f3d405023d3c3bb29baccb qualcomm viaweb +95268 11-3071.01 43232606 scanlon associates logpak tool 770ff6e1f4cfee1b024fdb8725990b6b scanlon associates logpak +95269 11-3071.01 43232606 shipping solutions software tool 577e1e0f2d39a6755549f83cad166b37 shipping solutions software +95270 11-3071.01 43232110 spreadsheet software tool 72dda444bdc23d4873055a8641c11428 spreadsheet software +95272 11-3071.01 43231506 summary systems fleet commander tool 9573f479ab288aea6c6262259048b7d9 summary systems fleet commander +95273 11-3071.01 43231506 supply chain event management software tool 5382d6b1742e918c08bdcf5f71b430ee supply chain event management software +95274 11-3071.01 43231602 tmw powersuite tool ae585291c0c0412cfa51cbdfd3a72e4d tmw powersuite +95276 11-3071.01 43231605 workforce software empcenter time and attendance tool f8313424d559fd061034b0a02a8ffcda workforce software empcenter time and attendance +95283 11-3071.02 25173107 global positioning systems gps tool bbcb58429df0de339eeda241196b7972 global positioning systems gps +95285 11-3071.02 24101505 pallet jacks tool 757d9dd3badb5030a15735aa524a561f pallet jacks +95293 11-3071.02 43231508 aljex inventory tool a51542ed05a80adcd6e1297ad2e6a8c9 aljex inventory +95294 11-3071.02 43231506 cadre technologies cadence warehouse management system tool b7381ee6660af67f16e815eff0c50e1c cadre technologies cadence warehouse management system +95295 11-3071.02 43231506 catalyst international catalystconnect tool b2b6b296aaf1cf02db85c76a1277bb17 catalyst international catalystconnect +95296 11-3071.02 43231508 dsa foxware warehouse management tool f8839463c3ab7290d320bfbfe275384b dsa foxware warehouse management +95298 11-3071.02 43231506 highjump software warehouse advantage tool cb5bf07503e41a2221d604703dd235a3 highjump software warehouse advantage +95303 11-3071.02 43231508 infosite technologies dm warehousing tool 319836b7b44db75badf366ea71a30a54 infosite technologies dm warehousing +95308 11-3071.02 43231506 intellitrack warehouse management system tool f2c2a13b6711e0ada0b51856c3b289c5 intellitrack warehouse management system +95310 11-3071.02 43231508 logility voyager warehousepro tool 451e95d765cd0a118549e4df3aab07e0 logility voyager warehousepro +95311 11-3071.02 43231506 materials requirements planning logistics and supply chain software tool 3f40afcc7f0152f80394078f76c4cd74 materials requirements planning logistics and supply chain software +95320 11-3071.02 43231508 mra technologies mratrack warehouse management system tool 58c21f0240a9ffbbd43ce22b3ce1d66b mra technologies mratrack warehouse management system +95323 11-3071.02 43231506 radio beacon wms tool 149e08339fc5ae00ed724b8bf5f93c7d radio beacon wms +95324 11-3071.02 43231506 redprairie dlx warehouse tool 0cea60fce0a0568c5c7bdaa4b9fa021e redprairie dlx warehouse +95327 11-3071.02 43231508 sentai pinpoint tool 2b9e2e0004ecbe788c425935ab75812e sentai pinpoint +95329 11-3071.02 43231506 ssa global warehouse management system wms tool 1bd89b5fef7cd246375a76163c0751b1 ssa global warehouse management system wms +95331 11-3071.02 43231506 tecsys eliteseries tool a017e62211cc4db62ced3211ed0093ec tecsys eliteseries +95332 11-3071.02 43231506 tecsys pointforce enterprise tool a6c4a4f8fded0ec5c4c969bc49ede893 tecsys pointforce enterprise +95338 11-3071.03 46181509 personal protective equipment tool 414d1ab8da6aa0cab788b48a49cb0a38 personal protective equipment +95340 11-3071.03 43231506 3pl central tool 3b53e43647bb8b7e20333ed1c2d72812 3pl central +95341 11-3071.03 43231506 cadre technologies accuplus integrated distribution logistics system tool c10daac57217a713160918b8b2417c8c cadre technologies accuplus integrated distribution logistics system +95345 11-3071.03 43231506 esri arclogistics tool 9fae8d451d799ab9e5f931de59f1f071 esri arclogistics +95346 11-3071.03 43231506 fedex ship manager tool a0c0573a2ce5e334bf012e7b5dda7c30 fedex ship manager +95347 11-3071.03 43231506 four soft 4s elog tool 4d95d6efbee26049c05a2e5f56367cc3 four soft 4s elog +95348 11-3071.03 43231506 four soft 4s visilog tool a638e406150082266fdbb0f0e1657bbd four soft 4s visilog +95350 11-3071.03 43231506 intellitrack 3pl tool d8a3201e489f3a29923666263ec501da intellitrack 3pl +95352 11-3071.03 43231506 logisuite enterprise tool 5eddd88740eeba99d536b4e0ccfff9d6 logisuite enterprise +95353 11-3071.03 43231506 logisuite forwarder tool b43722c7242519cd13f16dde051295a3 logisuite forwarder +95354 11-3071.03 43231506 materials resource planning mrp software tool 046485a1e97da15f5ff6961ee6f072f3 materials resource planning mrp software +95365 11-3071.03 43232605 optimization software tool ae5b153685e48f83e841cb657980b535 optimization software +95366 11-3071.03 43231506 oracle e-business suite logistics tool 14d90ef22e651866e868ea37d4b3bb3a oracle ebusiness suite logistics +95368 11-3071.03 43232106 presentation software tool 0346c9784b37cba998925003bac92bce presentation software +95369 11-3071.03 43232305 sap businessobjects software tool e76ff7d80b9626141b07d3cc5b4d7b51 sap businessobjects software +95370 11-3071.03 43231602 sap erp operations tool efde3a97bda3ac976fc2725e49c3fad7 sap erp operations +95373 11-3071.03 43233511 transportation management system tms software tool 764a79c8d6122de1b74f4dbecc4f8b08 transportation management system tms software +95374 11-3071.03 43231602 transtek compass erp tool 7770398625554f229805e0d807fad6fb transtek compass erp +95375 11-3071.03 43231506 ups worldship tool b65157b833d6b3f44998bbcb5e0a19f7 ups worldship +95376 11-3071.03 43231506 usps.com tool 85ed91543a423799637800703498fc75 uspscom diff --git a/tests/api_sync/v1/test_skills_importance.py b/tests/api_sync/v1/test_skills_importance.py index a7397e9b6..99044f5fe 100644 --- a/tests/api_sync/v1/test_skills_importance.py +++ b/tests/api_sync/v1/test_skills_importance.py @@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ def test_skills_importance(): # this task depends on jobs and skills master being loaded # so add the needed rows session.add(JobMaster('job_uuid', '11-1011.00', '', '', '', '')) - session.add(SkillMaster('skill_uuid1', '', '', '', '')) - session.add(SkillMaster('skill_uuid2', '', '', '', '')) + session.add(SkillMaster(uuid='skill_uuid1')) + session.add(SkillMaster(uuid='skill_uuid2')) session.commit() with utils.makeNamedTemporaryCSV(sample_ksas, separator='\t') as fname: load_skills_importance(fname, engine) diff --git a/tests/api_sync/v1/test_skills_master.py b/tests/api_sync/v1/test_skills_master.py index 77539a7f2..e2a676403 100644 --- a/tests/api_sync/v1/test_skills_master.py +++ b/tests/api_sync/v1/test_skills_master.py @@ -6,20 +6,20 @@ from api_sync.v1.skills_master import load_skills_master sample_input = [ - ['', 'O*NET-SOC Code', 'Element ID', 'ONET KSA', 'Description', 'skill_uuid', 'nlp_a'], - ['0', '11-1011.00', '2.a.1.a', 'reading comprehension', 'understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents.', '2c77c703bd66e104c78b1392c3203362', 'reading comprehension'], - ['1', '11-1011.00', '2.a.1.b', 'active listening', 'giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times.', 'a636cb69257dcec699bce4f023a05126', 'active listening'], - ['2', '11-1011.00', '2.a.1.c', 'writing', 'communicating effectively in writing as appropriate for the needs of the audience.', '1cea5345d284f36245a94301b114b27c', 'writing'], - ['3', '11-1011.00', '2.a.1.d', 'speaking', 'talking to others to convey information effectively.', 'd1715efc5a67ac1c988152b8136e3dfa', 'speaking'], - ['4', '11-1011.00', '2.a.1.e', 'mathematics', 'using mathematics to solve problems.', '6ae28a55456b101be8261e5dee44cd3e', 'mathematics'], - ['5', '11-1011.00', '2.a.1.f', 'science', 'using scientific rules and methods to solve problems.', 'fb5c7f9bb4b32ce2f3bff4662f1ab27b', 'science'], - ['6', '11-1011.00', '2.a.2.a', 'critical thinking', 'using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.', '20784bf09c9fe614603ad635e6093ede', 'critical thinking'], - ['7', '11-1011.00', '2.a.2.b', 'active learning', 'understanding the implications of new information for both current and future problem-solving and decision-making.', 'e98ada9866a495536ba6348ccec73915', 'active learning'], + ['', 'O*NET-SOC Code', 'Element ID', 'ONET KSA', 'ksa_type', 'Description', 'skill_uuid', 'nlp_a'], + ['0', '11-1011.00', '2.a.1.a', 'reading comprehension', 'skill', 'understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents.', '2c77c703bd66e104c78b1392c3203362', 'reading comprehension'], + ['1', '11-1011.00', '2.a.1.b', 'active listening', 'skill', 'giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times.', 'a636cb69257dcec699bce4f023a05126', 'active listening'], + ['2', '11-1011.00', '2.a.1.c', 'writing', 'skill', 'communicating effectively in writing as appropriate for the needs of the audience.', '1cea5345d284f36245a94301b114b27c', 'writing'], + ['3', '11-1011.00', '2.a.1.d', 'speaking', 'skill', 'talking to others to convey information effectively.', 'd1715efc5a67ac1c988152b8136e3dfa', 'speaking'], + ['4', '11-1011.00', '2.a.1.e', 'mathematics', 'skill', 'using mathematics to solve problems.', '6ae28a55456b101be8261e5dee44cd3e', 'mathematics'], + ['5', '11-1011.00', '2.a.1.f', 'science', 'skill', 'using scientific rules and methods to solve problems.', 'fb5c7f9bb4b32ce2f3bff4662f1ab27b', 'science'], + ['6', '11-1011.00', '2.a.2.a', 'critical thinking', 'skill', 'using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.', '20784bf09c9fe614603ad635e6093ede', 'critical thinking'], + ['7', '11-1011.00', '2.a.2.b', 'active learning', 'ability', 'understanding the implications of new information for both current and future problem-solving and decision-making.', 'e98ada9866a495536ba6348ccec73915', 'active learning'], ] new_input = [ - ['', 'O*NET-SOC Code', 'Element ID', 'ONET KSA', 'Description', 'skill_uuid', 'nlp_a'], - ['0', '11-1011.00', '2.a.1.a', 'reading comprehension', 'an updated description', '2c77c703bd66e104c78b1392c3203362', 'reading comprehension'], + ['', 'O*NET-SOC Code', 'Element ID', 'ONET KSA', 'ksa_type', 'Description', 'skill_uuid', 'nlp_a'], + ['0', '11-1011.00', '2.a.1.a', 'reading comprehension', 'skill', 'an updated description', '2c77c703bd66e104c78b1392c3203362', 'reading comprehension'], ] diff --git a/tests/test_skill_extractors.py b/tests/test_skill_extractors.py index 528c38087..1663cecc3 100644 --- a/tests/test_skill_extractors.py +++ b/tests/test_skill_extractors.py @@ -87,6 +87,11 @@ def ensure_file(self, dataset): # -1 row that is a dupe assert len(output) == 7 + assert len([row for row in output if row['ksa_type'] == 'knowledge']) == 2 + assert len([row for row in output if row['ksa_type'] == 'skill']) == 1 + assert len([row for row in output if row['ksa_type'] == 'ability']) == 1 + assert len([row for row in output if row['ksa_type'] == 'tool']) == 3 + # make sure uuid is hashed version of the KSA for row in output: assert row['skill_uuid'] == md5(row['ONET KSA']) diff --git a/utils/db.py b/utils/db.py index ba07278ee..ac22d8ef0 100644 --- a/utils/db.py +++ b/utils/db.py @@ -5,9 +5,17 @@ def get_apiv1_dbengine(): + return create_engine(get_apiv1_dburl()) + + +def get_apiv1_dburl(): dburl = os.environ.get('API_V1_DB_URL', None) if not dburl: - config_filename = 'api_v1_db_config.yaml' + config_filename = os.path.join( + os.path.dirname(__file__), + '../', + 'api_v1_db_config.yaml' + ) with open(config_filename) as f: config = yaml.load(f) @@ -19,4 +27,4 @@ def get_apiv1_dbengine(): 'port': config['PGPORT'], } dburl = URL('postgres', **dbconfig) - return create_engine(dburl) + return dburl