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File metadata and controls

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This Spine runtime may only be used for personal or internal use, typically to evaluate Spine before purchasing. If you would like to incorporate a Spine Runtime into your applications, distribute software containing a Spine Runtime, or modify a Spine Runtime, then you will need a valid Spine license. Please see the Spine Runtimes Software License for detailed information. The Spine Runtimes are developed with the intent to be used with data exported from Spine. By purchasing Spine, Section 2 of the Spine Software License grants the right to create and distribute derivative works of the Spine Runtimes.

Getting Started


  1. Download and install Unity (There's a free version.)
  2. Create an empty Unity project.
  3. Download the latest spine-unity.unitypackage:
  4. Import the unitypackage (you can double-click on it and Unity will open it).
  5. Go to the Examples\Getting Started folder in the Project panel. Open and examine those Unity Scene files in order. Make sure you read the text in the scene, check out the inspector and open the relevant sample scripts.

The Spine-Unity runtime provides functionality to load, manipulate and render Spine skeletal animation data in Unity engine.

Spine-Unity works in Unity without the need for any other plugins. But it also works with 2D Toolkit and can render skeletons using TK2D's texture atlas system. To enable this, open Unity's Preferences... and under the Spine tab, you can enable TK2D.

If you are not familiar with programming in C# and using Unity in general, we recommend watching the official Unity Tutorials first. The Interface Essentials and then Scripting topics are a good place to start. Their Animation topic is not directly applicable to Spine-Unity so there's no need to learn that to know how to use Spine-Unity.

Spine-Unity is built on top of Spine-C# (spine-csharp).

Sample Code

After you have imported the latest unitypackage, go to the Examples\Getting Started folder in the Project panel.

Open and examine those Unity Scene files in order. Make sure you read the text in the scene, check out the inspector and open the relevant sample scripts.

Those will cover the basics of playing animations and posing characters.

Visit the Spine-Unity forum for more information.

Bringing Your Spine Assets Into Your Project

Exporting from Spine

  1. After you have created your skeleton and animations, click on Spine Menu>Export... (CTRL+E). This opens the Export window.
  2. Choose JSON on the upper-left of the Export window.
  3. Check the Create atlas checkbox. (Checking Nonessential data, Pretty print are also recommended for beginners).
    1. Click on Settings beside the Create atlas checkbox. This opens the Texture Packer Settings window.
    2. On the lower-right, look for the textbox labeled Atlas extension and make sure it is set to .atlas.txt. (This is to work around Unity not accepting file extensions it doesn't recognize despite being plain text, but the Spine-Unity runtime can actually handle auto-renaming .atlas files. However, setting it to .atlas.txt minimizes problems and ambiguities with subsequent exports.)
    3. You're done with the Texture Packer Settings window. Click OK to close.
  4. In the Export window, pick an output folder. (Recommendation: Make a new empty folder. Make sure you can find it.)
  5. Click Export.
  6. This will export three files:
    • a .json file that holds data of the skeleton.
    • a .png file which is the packed version of all your images in one texture.
    • a .atlas.txt file (libGDX atlas) that has data of where each image is in the packed texture.

For 2D Toolkit users, Step 3 (packing a .png and .atlas.txt) is not necessary. Instead, you will have the appropriate field in your SkeletonDataAsset to assign a reference to tk2dSpriteCollectionData. To enable this, open Unity's Preferences... and under the Spine tab, you can enable TK2D.

Importing into Unity

  1. Make sure your Unity project is open.
    • It should already have a functioning Spine-Unity runtime in it.
  2. Look for the folder where you exported your 3 files. (json, .atlas.txt and .png)
  3. Drag the 3 files (or the folder containing them) into Unity. Drop them in Unity's Project panel.
    • This will cause the Spine-Unity runtime to process them and auto-generate the necessary Unity assets.
    • You will notice 3 new files.
      • a _Material asset that holds references to the shader and .png texture.
      • an _Atlas asset that holds a reference to the material and the .atlas.txt.
      • a _SkeletonData asset that holds a reference to the json and the _Atlas asset.
  4. Right-click on the _SkeletonData asset and choose Spine > Instantiate (SkeletonAnimation). This will instantiate a new Spine GameObject.
    • See the Examples\Getting Started sample scenes to learn more about Spine GameObjects.
  • MANUAL ASSET SETUP For advanced cases, you can create these three files yourself. The arrangement is noted in the bullet points of Step 3.
  • CHANGING SHADERS Using Spine-Unity's default shaders (Spine/Skeleton or Spine/SkeletonLit) requires textures that were saved with Premultiplied Alpha. This is the default setting in Spine's Texture Packer. Choosing other shaders may yield unexpected results and may require you to re-export the texture without premultiplied alpha. For more information on premultiply alpha, check this forum topic.
  • TEXTURE SIZES. Unity scales overly large images down by default. The Spine-Unity runtime automatically sets atlas maximum sizes to 2048x2048. If your textures are larger than this, it will cause atlas coordinates to be incorrect. Make sure the import settings are set appropriately, or decrease the maximum page width and height in your Spine Texture Packer settings.
  • TEXTURE ARTIFACTS FROM COMPRESSION. Unity's 2D project defaults import new images added to the project with the Texture Type "Sprite". This can cause artifacts when using the Spine/Skeleton shader. To avoid these artifacts, make sure the Texture Type is set to "Texture" and . Spine-Unity's automatic import will attempt to apply these settings but in the process of updating your textures, these settings may be reverted.

Updating Your Project's Spine-Unity Runtime

Some Spine editor updates require that you update your Spine-Unity runtime so it reads and interprets exported Spine data correctly.

  • As with Unity updates, it is always recommended that you back up your whole Unity project before performing an update.
  • Always check with your Lead Programmer and Technical Artist before updating your Spine runtime. Spine runtimes are source-available and designed to be user-modifiable based on varying project needs. Your project's spine runtime may have been modified by your programmer. In this case, updating to the latest runtime also requires reapplying those modifications to the new version of the runtime.
  • You have three options for updating your Spine-Unity runtime. An in-place update with Unity's Import Package dialog is the recommended option. In rare, complicated cases, you may have to delete your older version of spine-unity and then import the unitypackage.

In-place Update (.unitypackage)

  1. Download the latest spine-unity.unitypackage:
  2. Import the .unitypackage into your project by double-clicking on the unitypackage file or dragging it into Unity editor.
  3. The Import dialog will show which files are updated and will update them regardless of where you moved them in your project since you last imported.
  • This functionality may not work correctly if your meta files were corrupted or replaced. In that case, you may have to do delete the old version of the runtime before importing the unitypackage.
  • Much older versions of the unitypackage had inconsistent meta files for spine-c#. You may have to delete the older spine-csharp folder when updating. This otherwise works correctly.
  • Occasionally, some files may be removed and merged. Importing the .unitypackage will not delete those files so you may have to do that yourself. Check here for announcements regarding that:

Manual (.unitypackage)

  1. Open an empty scene. (to be safe)
  2. Delete the previous spine-unity and spine-csharp runtime from your Unity project.
  3. Import the .unitypackage normally.

Manual (zip from github)

  1. Open an empty scene. (to be safe)
  2. Download the zip file of the spine runtimes from the github repository:
    1. Extract the files where you can find them. (You only need spine-csharp and spine-unity)
  3. Look for the correct folders and replace them in your project.
    • These are the following folders you need
      • spine-csharp/src (this is named "spine-csharp" in the unitypackage)
      • spine-unity/Assets/Gizmos.
      • spine-unity/Assets/spine-unity
      • spine-unity/Assets/Examples(optional)
  • Gizmos is a special folder in Unity. It needs to be at the root of your assets folder to function correctly. (ie. Assets/Gizmos)
  • spine-csharp and spine-unity can be placed in any subfolder you want.
  • Sometimes, some files get moved around and you may get duplicate files. Unity will warn you when this happens. Make sure you delete the older versions whenever this happens.
  • Some files may have been removed and merged since the last version you used. Just copying the whole folder will not delete them. Check here for announcements regarding that: