- package.json: updated dependencies that were causing issues with npm install (1874cdf1)
- gruntfile: configured jshint for client tests (4ee92b9a)
- grunt:
- server:
- config all and env specific are now correctly deep merged (31039872)
- fix configuration so that (express) errorHandler works (0116cb35)
- app:
- added
grunt serve:debug
task that launches the server with a node-inspector tab (de3e7a8b)
- update to bootstrap sass official (3799c13c)
- server:
- server: undefined api routes now return a 404 (ec829fe2)
- app:
- redirect to login only on 401s (64b7bace)
- fixed incorrect css path for usemin in gruntfile (46fca240)
- grunt: include partial sub-directories in htmlmin (77564ba3)
- server:
- fixed connect-mongo error (c12db5b3)
- livereload now waits for server to finish restarting (71d63f0a)
- exposed configured passport from passport module (772133de)
- only require models if they are coffescript or js files (ce2ee236)
- deps: upgrade angular to 1.2.11, and jquery to 1.11.0 (cd5c3030)
- app: switched sass-bootstrap to offical bootstrap-sass (024fee88)
- app:
- fixed coffee service so it's min-safe (c18c9da4)
- fixed bootstrap css being imported rather than compass bootstrap (f2739987)
- server:
- replaced deprecated bodyparser (788fda04)
- updated node version dependency (b19a0997)
- gen: updated generator dependencies (115008d3)
- grunt: fixed incorrect templating expression (2a59e070)
- app: fixed jshint warning in user model (f668fdc7)
- app:
- replaced bcrypt with crypto for windows users (af20c3ab)
- added karma dependencies directly to package template (13ea60e7)
- app:
- restructured project for easier configuration (0a2bf2ab)
- grunt build now moves all files into dist folder (e6eff5d5)
- server: added jshint error checking before livereload occurs (7e001d31)
- gen: added passport question for scaffolding out user account creation (87841064)
- app: removed async dependency (d5636d71)
- gitignore: fix app/views being ignored by git (7fa82ff9)
- server:
- config wasn't added to default project (79c5e027)
- removed typo and cleaned up extra whitespace (1a132c28)
- fixed style issues that were tripping up jshint
grunt heroku
is deprecated. Use grunt build
- views:
- Replaced deprecated jade tags.
- app:
- Updgrade to AngularJS 1.2.6
- app:
- only copy CSS if Compass is not installed (7e586745)
- services use classified names (56a71a83, closes #484)
- reload JS files in watch (d20f5bd2)
- build: deselecting ngRoute does remove route stuff (a358c1ae, closes #486)
- gen:
- updated all conflicts, and fixed some bugs, from merging with upstream (d07c829d)
- fix bower install prompt during project gen (706f1336, closes #505)
- package: fix imagemin for windows users (b3cec228)
- views:
- fix ng includes (598c69a5)
- add compiled views to gitignore (087ede5f)
- fix incorrect build path for vendor css (0ed2a200)
- app:
- add jasmine browser global to test jshintrc (11b6ed42)
- use lowercase file names (23e5d772, closes #463)
- use htmlmin for smaller HTML files (2b85a52a, closes #469)
- use grunt-bower-install for dep management (ba7b5051, closes #497)
- Enable Node debug mode (83ae4a9e)
- gen:
- Added navbar to starting template (b5e94749)
- additional work for compass support (11cb9943)
- add Compass support to the initialization process (7fac1194)
- add welcome message and dep notice for minsafe (f0bb8da2, closes #452)
- server:
- Added middleware for development mode that disables caching of script files (c082c81c)
- Moved express configuration code out of server.js and into config folder to make it a more high level bootstrap.
- Deselecting ngRoute adds controller and
ng-include to index.html
flag is now deprecated.
grunt server
is now deprecated. Use grunt serve
- coffee: updated coffescript templates to point to partials (f98e84ef)
- build:
- use test-specifc jshintrc (c00c091b)
- add webapp upstream features and better coffee (c23acebb)
- use grunt-newer for styles and jshint (b1eeb68a)
- standardize comments and comment out uglify:dist (d5d3e458, closes #455)
- deps: upgrade dependencies (3a57216f)
- gen:
- Fixed jshint errors that were breaking grunt task (c6ae81c8)
- app:
- gen:
- added support for jade templates (24a13bfe)
- Support for server rendering and Angular's HTML5 mode (5ccdeb7a, closes #18, #17)
- add image file as example (b161c298)
- build:
- compile only changed coffeescript files in watch task (4196e379, closes #425)
- deprecate server in favor of serve (ef056319)
Will now generate views and routes in the views/partials folder.
For existing projects:
For generating routes and views, install generator-angular and use it's sub-generators.
They are exactly the same as the generators that you have been using. Example usage: yo angular:route helloworld
For New projects:
Continue to use angular-fullstack route and view sub-generators.
The reason for this change in folder structure was to support server page rendering.
Closes #18, #17
grunt server
is being deprecated
- bootstrap: some plugins have ordering dependencies (3da4a130)
- build: only include sass if sass is selected (597b8b5c, closes #449)
- css: remove merge conflicts (d558af35)
- gen:
- script paths use forward slashes (40aa61dc, closes #410)
- remove extra "App" from service spec files (4053f11f)
- options should have descriptions (da001832)
- styles: update path to icon images (8daad4f2)
- template: remove redundant closing tag (d1e560e0, closes #441)
- app:
- run unit tests when test scripts are changed (94af0b51)
- update to angular 1.2.0 (77082c6b)
- reload grunt server when gruntfile is updated (50c6abb9)
- upgrade to Bootstrap 3.0.1 (59f4b1ba)
- gen:
- allow app names to have custom suffix (09f0f7b3)
- gen: include MongoDB as an option When selected, sets up database with Mongoose. Repl (280cc84d, closes #2)