- Introduction
- Overview of gateway features
- Unique identifier
- API description
- API extension
- Implementation and workflow example for backends
- List of all MQTT topics
A Wirepas network contains nodes (router nodes and non-routers nodes) and one or more gateways that can have multiple sinks attached.
The gateway's objective is to transfer data between Wirepas network and backends (servers) upstream and downstream. A network can be connected through its gateways to multiple backends.
Wirepas has developed its own backends and especially the Wirepas Network Tool (WNT) to monitor the network behavior. To send data from a gateway to a Wirepas Backends, the gateway must be compliant with the API described in this document and from now on known as backend to gateway API.
The backend to gateway API is based on a set of MQTT topics where messages are encoded as Protocol Buffers (syntax 2). All the messages in the MQTT topics have the same root message.
The following diagram describes the topology of a full Wirepas solution network. There are several gateways with multiple sinks and multiple backends running in parallel.
A gateway is an interface between a Wirepas Mesh network and cloud services. The gateway exposes local capabilities that allow the cloud services to configure and operate a Wirepas Mesh network.
The gateway services are classified in the following groups:
- Gateway status: Services for monitoring the gateway itself and mainly the status of the connection with the MQTT broker;
- Config: Services to configure the local sinks attached to the gateway;
- Data: Services to send and receive data to/from a Wirepas network;
- OTAP: Services to manage the local OTAP operation.
As a Wirepas system solution can contain multiple gateways (with multiple sinks) connected to multiple backends as described in the introduction each element must have its unique identifier.
A gateway must generate a unique id that remains the same all along the product life. This id must be encodable in ASCII as it is used inside MQTT topics. This id is referred as <gw-id> in this document.
The uniqueness must be ensured between all gateways registered to the same MQTT broker. A good id could be made with the gateway model as a prefix followed by a generated random suffix with enough values to ensure its uniqueness.
As a gateway can have multiple sinks attached, it is the gateway's responsibility to identify the different sinks. This id must also be encodable as ASCII for the same reason. This id is referred as <sink-id> in this document: sink0, sink1, sink2, ... is often used to identify the different sinks.
The combination of <gw-id>/<sink-id> allows to unambiguously identify a sink.
Multiple backends can simultaneously send requests to the same gateway (on same topic). To correlate the answers to the requests, each request must have a unique id.
This id is referred as <req-id> in this document, a 64 bits field.
At least 48 bits must be randomly generated by the backend to guarantee the uniqueness of the request id between backends.
This request identifier is reported by the gateways in all response header. The only exception is for asynchronous responses generated by a gateway without a prior request by the backend. The reason for such exception is to avoid having further topics to subscribe and publish to.
This section introduces the API's MQTT topics and its contents and is split in several subsections, one for each module:
Each subsection contains the relevant topic and the payload carried by it. This sections point out the specific protocol buffer message that must be implemented within the common Generic Message. Please refer to API extension for further details.
In MQTT, the QoS is an important concept. Most of the gateway to broker communication should happen with QoS2 to be sure the messages are received or published one and only one time. However, as many packets can be received from a network and multiple gateways can publish on the same broker, message received event should be published with QoS1. Depending on the quality of the connection between gateway and Backends, it can create duplicates that will have to be filtered by the backends. To ease this filtering, each event contains a unique identifier (random 64 bits value) in its header.
This module oversees the discovery of gateways for the different backends. It also allows the backends to monitor the gateways status.
topic: gw-event/status/<gw_id>
content: GenericMessage.WirepasMessage.StatusEvent
The message must have the retained flag set to true to allow a new backend to immediately be noticed of all the available gateways when subscribing to this topic.
Once connected to the MQTT broker, status must be set to ONLINE.
Same message with a status set to OFFLINE must be set by the gateway as a last will message.
It will allow backends to easily see which gateway is offline.
This API doesn't enforce the usage of a keep alive message by a gateway to avoid additional constraints on the gateway implementation. In fact, it implies the generation of a PING request to the broker if there is no message generated within a keep alive interval.
Nevertheless, it is recommended to use the keep alive mechanism of MQTT to overcome the half-open connection issue of a TCP connection.
The broker will disconnect a client if no message is received within one and a half times of the keep alive interval and the last will message will be sent. It allows the backends to be notified in a really short period of a problem with a gateway connection.
60s is a good value for the keep alive interval.
This module oversees configuration of the different sinks attached to the gateway.
topic: gw-request/get_configs/<gw-id>
content: GenericMessage.WirepasMessage.GetConfigsReq
topics: gw-response/get_configs/<gw-id>
content: GenericMessage.WirepasMessage.GetConfigsResp
A gateway must generate a GetConfigsResp with a request id set to 0 in its header when its configuration change. When a sink is added or removed for example. It is the only way for a backend to monitor this change without having to frequently poll for such event.
topic: gw-request/set_config/<gw-id>/<sink-id>
content: GenericMessage.WirepasMessage.SetConfigReq
topics: gw-response/set_config/<gw-id>/<sink-id>
content: GenericMessage.WirepasMessage.SetConfigResp
A gateway must generate a SetConfigResp with a request id set to 0 in its header when a sink state change, especially if it reboots. In fact, if sink configuration is changed through remote api, it is the only way for a backend to monitor this change.
topic: gw-request/get_gw_info/<gw-id>
content: GenericMessage.WirepasMessage.GetGwInfoReq
topics: gw-response/get_gw_info/<gw-id>/<sink-id>
content: GenericMessage.WirepasMessage.GetGwInfoResp
The API field should not be explicitly set from code and default value must be kept. Default value is incremented by Wirepas for each release.
Even if this version is increased, the API remains backward compatible. It just help backends development to identify if new features are present in a gateway.
Only processed if CONFIGURATION_DATA_V1 feature flag is set on the gateway.
topic: gw-request/set_configuration_data_item/<gw-id>/<sink-id>
content: GenericMessage.WirepasMessage.message_SetConfigurationDataItemReq
topics: gw-response/set_configuration_data_item/<gw-id>/<sink-id>
content: GenericMessage.WirepasMessage.message_SetConfigurationDataItemResp
possible errors:
- INVALID_ROLE: Node is not a sink.
- SINK_OUT_OF_MEMORY: Payload is too large or maximum number of items is reached.
- INVALID_DEST_ENDPOINT: Endpoint is too large (it should be a 16 bit unsigned integer).
- INVALID_DATA_PAYLOAD: Payload is rejected for this endpoint by the sink.
- INVALID_SINK_ID: Invalid sink id in the request header.
Successfully setting an item must be treated as a configuration change on the sink, meaning that the gateway must report the new complete configuration data content by generating a new StatusEvent message.
Only processed if CONFIGURATION_DATA_V1 feature flag is set on the gateway.
topic: gw-request/get_configuration_data_item/<gw-id>/<sink-id>
content: GenericMessage.WirepasMessage.message_GetConfigurationDataItemReq
topics: gw-response/get_configuration_data_item/<gw-id>/<sink-id>
content: GenericMessage.WirepasMessage.message_GetConfigurationDataItemResp
possible errors:
- INVALID_DEST_ENDPOINT: Endpoint is too large (it should be a 16 bit unsigned integer).
- INVALID_PARAM: No item found with the given endpoint.
- INVALID_SINK_ID: Invalid sink id in the request header.
topic: gw-request/send_data/<gw-id>/<sink-id>
content: GenericMessage.WirepasMessage.SendPacketReq
topics: gw-response/send_data/<gw-id>/<sink-id>
content: GenericMessage.WirepasMessage.SendPacketResp
topic: gw-event/received_data/<gw-id>/<sink-id>/<net_id>/<src_ep>/<dst_ep>
As described in the beginning of this chapter, it is recommended to publish this event with a QoS1 to avoid loading too much the broker.
To take full advantage of WNT Wirepas backend and have the correct visualization of network activity, all received messages must be published on this topic.
But for security reason in some use cases, it may be required that application payload is sent through a different channel without passing through the MQTT broker.
This is the main reason for the "payload" and "payload size" fields to be optional. In fact, WNT doesn't need the application payload content to work properly, headers are enough.
If payload is not published, setting the payload size is a good information for WNT. And if payload is published, payload_size can be omitted as already available from payload field.
Even if WNT Wirepas backend can operate without the payload, it may not be the case for other backends implementing this API.
Consequently, it is highly recommended to keep this field.
topic: gw-request/otap_status/<gw-id>/<sink-id>
content: GenericMessage.WirepasMessage.GetScratchpadStatusReq
topics: gw-response/otap_status/<gw-id>/<sink-id>
content: GenericMessage.WirepasMessage.GetScratchpadStatusRes
topic: gw-request/otap_load_scratchpad/<gw-id>/<sink-id>
topics: gw-response/otap_load_scratchpad/<gw-id>/<sink-id>
topic: gw-request/otap_process_scratchpad/<gw-id>/<sink-id>
topics: gw-response/otap_process_scratchpad/<gw-id>/<sink-id>
content: GenericMessage.WirepasMessage.ProcessScratchpadResp
topic: gw-request/otap_set_target_scratchpad/<gw-id>/<sink-id>
content: GenericMessage.WirepasMessage.SetScratchpadTargetAndActionReq
topics: gw-response/otap_set_target_scratchpad/<gw-id>/<sink-id>
content: GenericMessage.WirepasMessage.SetScratchpadTargetAndActionResp
This API is the minimal set of services to be integrated to be compatible with Wirepas backends.
Any payload format can be extended to feat specific gateway needs. And new topics can be added on top of those ones.
To ease API extension by every gateway manufacturer without breaking compatibility with different backends provider, every message has the same GenericMessage root type that contains an optional CustomerMessage, such as:
message WirepasMessage {
optional StatusEvent status_event = 1;
optional GetConfigsReq get_configs_req = 2;
... // All possible specific payloads
message CustomerMessage {
// Customer name is needed to avoid any collision between
different customer implementation
required string customer_name = 1;
// Can be freely used for enhancing API by customers
message GenericMessage {
optional WirepasMessage wirepas = 1;
optional CustomerMessage customer = 2;
As the customer field is optional, it will not affect the Wirepas backends that will not have the knowledge of such field.
For example, the status message can be extended with more information on the gateway itself for gateway specific information like the model and any useful information.
A backend must know the MQTT broker that is used by the gateway(s) in the network;
There is relevant information present in both the MQTT topic and Protocol Buffers payload. Reason is to allow more flexibility in implementation. Filtering can be done on topics or by parsing the payload format.
This section describes the workflow for a backend that oversees the network configuration. Usually, only one backend has this function in a full product to avoid any mismatch configuration that cannot be avoided by the gateway itself. WNT developed by Wirepas can be used for this function.
Once connected to the broker, the backend must subscribe to the gw-event/status/+ topic to discover the different gateways registered to that broker.
As all gateways post a retained message on that topic with their status, the backend will immediately know the list of gateways connected to this broker.
Backend can ask each gateway, its list of attached sinks by publishing a message on gw-request/get_configs/<gw-id> topic and the backend should subscribe to gw-response/get_configs/<gw-id> topic to receive the answer from a specific gateway or gw-response/get_configs/+ topic for all gateways.
Each sink can be configured and started/stopped by publishing a message on gw-request/set_config/<gw-id>/<sink-id>.
The gateway will publish back a message on gw-response/set_config/<gw-id>/<sink-id> topic with the result of configuration and the full new configuration.
A new scratchpad can be loaded and processed by sinks attached to the gateway with messages described in the OTAP section.
All the remote procedure is managed by the dedicated remote API.
This section describes the work flow for a backend that just want to send/receive application data to/from a Wirepas network.
In a simple use case, a backend waiting for messages on endpoint 10 from network 12345 must only subscribe to topic gw-event/received_data/+/+/12345/10/+
And messages can be sent to the network from a given sink by publishing on topic: gw-request/send_data/<gw-id>/<sink-id>
Here is a list of the different MQTT topics for a global view of the interface between a backend and a gateway (without the payload definition)
Request from a backend to a gateway:
Response from a gateway to a backend:
Asynchronous event from a gateway: