From 642ef7849e235f84200c00e2805e69dde76104f3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Abel Lucas Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2025 08:02:01 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] fixup! backend: check queries to queue and completed_job where possible (v2 phase 2) --- ...fad573d5c7cbdca975edc34f36890c824c44b.json | 71 ++++++++++++++++++ ...e4a801e0c446c55fc9fd8bc75e36d58073bee.json | 48 ++++++++++++ ...486b78eae82901a0128b9c9c837c9e9e91212.json | 38 ++++++++++ ...f26e14a0ae955fabeecc4a936b95937bf04d1.json | 17 +++++ ...b441961aad80bf9fd0125bcf55a729e556d1e.json | 40 ++++++++++ ...534472a6cae70d7964ba019aa2121c3929234.json | 68 +++++++++++++++++ ...dec706ba1cc2d5d432e397633a1f79e67589a.json | 69 +++++++++++++++++ ...dba29216a1aad733171c25cc4aae5b3c84d54.json | 17 +++++ ...35d9f990eaa3dbb396290477159012e86af14.json | 58 ++++++++++++++ ...fcc8f9b1909f255cdfce0fb83496aac0fc021.json | 29 +++++++ ...59404a3a5889dd7c61cb077e17b877b027eff.json | 15 ++++ ...738478f3d93f6bb42aaf021794392328c8875.json | 30 ++++++++ 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to_jsonb('InProgress'::text)\n )\n WHERE id = $2 AND workspace_id = $3", + "describe": { + "columns": [], + "parameters": { + "Left": [ + "Uuid", + "Uuid", + "Text", + "Int4" + ] + }, + "nullable": [] + }, + "hash": "11d59fb24aeb40f82e6fd11b697f26e14a0ae955fabeecc4a936b95937bf04d1" +} diff --git a/backend/.sqlx/query-15697f3b63f88b9cfa33ab0aa64b441961aad80bf9fd0125bcf55a729e556d1e.json b/backend/.sqlx/query-15697f3b63f88b9cfa33ab0aa64b441961aad80bf9fd0125bcf55a729e556d1e.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..4199d677a746a --- /dev/null +++ b/backend/.sqlx/query-15697f3b63f88b9cfa33ab0aa64b441961aad80bf9fd0125bcf55a729e556d1e.json @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +{ + "db_name": "PostgreSQL", + "query": "\n DELETE\n FROM parallel_monitor_lock\n WHERE last_ping IS NOT NULL AND last_ping < NOW() - ($1 || ' seconds')::interval \n RETURNING parent_flow_id, job_id, last_ping, (SELECT workspace_id FROM queue q\n WHERE = parent_flow_id AND q.running = true AND q.canceled = false) AS workspace_id\n ", 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