To run the example as a script
, please
download video from here and specify video location with argument
--path /path/to/video
(as specified in example readme) -
download additional model checkpoints, SPPE FastPose (AlphaPose) and ST-GCN, and place them in the same folder where you put models for object detectors (e.g. pretrained YOLOX model)
The two model checkpoints should have name
(SPPE FastPose) andtsstg-model.pth
(ST-GCN).When running the example as the script, specify where the above two models are located with argument
. The command should look like:python VQPy/examples/fall_detection/ --path /path/to/video --save_folder /path/to/output/folder --model_dir /path/to/pose/detection/model/folder