Output manifest.json to the _site directory of a Jekyll installation.
Add the following to the config.yml file:
manifest_name: Web App Full Name
manifest_short_name: Short Name # Appears in "Add to home screen" dialogues and may have other importance also
manifest_lang: en
manifest_background_color: white
manifest_display: standalone
Create manifest.yml file in the root directory containing liquid tags to pull values from the config.yml file:
permalink: manifest.json
"lang": "{{ site.manifest_lang }}",
"background_color": "#{{ site.manifest_background_color }}",
"name": "{{ site.manifest_name }}",
"short_name": "{{ site.manifest_short_name }}",
"display": "{{ site.manifest_display}}",
"icons": [
"src": "img/144X144-icon.png",
"sizes": "144x144",
"type": "image/png"