- This is a project to learn ROS navigation stack.
- The goal is to build a robot with URDF, running it in gazebo with laser range sensor, and be able to move to a specified goal autonomously.
- git clone this project into your catkin_ws/src
- cd to catkin_ws
- catkin_make
Open terminals to run following commands in-sequencial
launch gazebo and spawn a robot
# roslaunch learning_nav gazebo.launch
run slam_gmapping
# rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping scan:=/pioneer/laser/scan
launch rviz, joint_state_publisher and robot_state_publisher
# roslaunch learning_nav display.launch
run my_base_controller to serve /cmd_vel
$ rosrun learning_nav mybot_base_controller
run my_loop
$ rosrun learning_nav mybot_loop
run my_odometry
$ rosrun learning_nav mybot_odometry
run move_base to serve move-to-a-goal
$ roslaunch learning_nav fake_move_base.launch
- Currently, there is problem in move-to-a-goal. It looks like localization causes problems