All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- parse command OSError.strerror to bytes
- fix travis build links
- start talker agent logging after configure logging
- fix travis python3.7 package installation issue
- fix is_alive function
- allow stop waiting on command when the host isn't responsive
- add agent talker daemon systemd support
- log only once when reactor gets a command
- add talker details to NoResponseForRedisCommand exception
- pass ClientCommandTimeoutError client timer elapsed time as timeout parameter
- improve reactor pipeline execution error handling
- add missing 'bash -ce' to sync and reboot in 'reboot_host'
- make client is_alive resilient
- log talker reboot stdout and stderr in case reboot didn't complete
- support ack_timeout None value
- when killing a talker job wait until process is terminated (remove hanging job mechanism)
- handle properly corrupted seen jobs file
- sync all files before reboot
- add support for client to pass ack_timeout
- add is_alive to client api
- raise special exception on client redis connection error
- agent syncs only reboot sentinel and log file before reboot
- make all agent threads thread-safe
- check recover from reboot only when there is no previous exception
or orphaned job
- Running diagnostics on startup and when uncaught exception occurs
- fix dict items iteration bug happening in python3
- Redis connection parameters in agent config file
- raise client's Redis socket timeout
- using .ini file for agent configuration
- fix reactor ASYNC_COMMANDS memory leak
- fix missing wait in polling completed commands
- fix redis.exceptions.ConnectionError:
Error while reading from socket: (104, 'Connection reset by peer')
- upgrade Redis client version to 3.3.7
- change agent installation script to allow remote installation
- fix get process ID race
- fix talker termination when trying to kill an existed process
- fix installation via pypi