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The openSUSE Leap 15.1 Vagrant box can be used to create a VirtualBox instance with Vagrant to install SAP NW AS ABAP 752 SP04 Developer Edition .

All recommended system preparations are done by packer and vagrant, as described at Installing ABAP AS on Oracle VirtualBox.

The pre-built Vagrant Box is now avaiable on HashiCorps Vagrant Cloud:

The Packer calls are no longer necessary. If you want to create your own Vagrant Box with Packer see the optional section below.

The Vagrantfile makes the following settings automatically:

  • => installes and starts the UUIDD service
  • => changes the keyboard layout to german
  • => installes the Gnome Desktop, FireFox, VSCode, Chromium, Gnome-Terminal, GVim, Libreoffice, Nautilus Explorer, YAST2 and JAVA SAP Machine 11 + OpenJFX (to get ready to install SAPGUI JAVA)
  • (+install_nw_expect) => installes the SAP NW AS ABAP 7.52 SP04 – Developer Edition is the installation files are avaiable in the ./sapint folder
  • => appends the appends the "Autostart = 1" to the DEFAULT.PFL profile file.


On OS X VirtualBox and Vagrant, is available via Homebrew on Windows via Chocolatey.


$ brew install virtualbox
$ brew install vagrant


$ brew install vagrant-manager


Clone the reporitory wechris/SAPNW752SP04.

Download and extract the TD752SP04.partXX.rar files to the folder: ./sapinst

The actual download (in the form of several .rar files), along with more information, is available here:

SAPStore: ABAP 7.52SP04

Search for “7.52 SP04” for convenience.

Download and uncompress all files to:


without the folder: ./TD752SP04



Only VirtualBox:

If the german keyboard is not desired, comment the following line in the Vagrantfile

# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "install/"

If the gnome desktop is not desired, comment the following line in the Vagrantfile

# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "install/"

If the autom. installation of the SAP Netweaver 7.52SP04 is not desired, comment the following line in the Vagrantfile

# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "install/"

If the Autostart function is not desired, comment the following line in the Vagrantfile

# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "install/"

Disable the UI of VirtualBox, comment the following line in the Vagrantfile

# vb.gui = true

Vagrant start

vagrant up --provision --provider virtualbox

or with debug option for more details:

vagrant up --provision --provider virtualbox --debug 2>&1 | Tee-Object -FilePath ".\vagrant.log"

On Windows Powershell

vagrant up --provision --provider virtualbox &> vagrant.log

or with debug option for more details:

vagrant up --provision --provider virtualbox --debug &> vagrant.log

Wait until the vagrant command is finished. Then restart the instance with:

vagrant reload

The vagrant box SAPNetWeaver7.52SP04 comes up with the login screen of Gnome Desktop.

Now you can use the VirtualBox UI, if the UI option was activated:

Gnome login



  • vagrant/vagrant
  • root/vagrant
  • npladm/ pwd from install_nw_expect Default: Down1oad

or use SSH into a running Vagrant machine:

vagrant ssh

Start/Stop the VBox with:

vagrant up
vagrant halt

or with the virtualbox UI. (The /vagrant folder will not be avaiable without the vagrant command!) Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Manager

Post and optional installation steps

SAPGUI JAVA installation

The folder `/vagrant/sapinst/client/JavaGUI/contains the installation files of SAPGUI JAVA: PlatinGUI750_5-80002496.JAR.


java -jar PlatinGUI750_5-80002496.JAR

and follow the installation. Click on the New icon, fill the fields and enter the following connection on the panel Advanced:


Open the new JavaGUIService:


Manual install of SAP NW AS ABAP 752 SP04 Developer Edition

The files and folder, on the same level as the vagrant file, will be available under /vagrant

sudo -i
<enter pwd Default: vagrant>
cd /vagrant/sapinst
./ -s

Installation options:

  • ./ – installs the Developer Edition in dark mode, the installer will configure the SAP system for usage of the physical hostname
  • ./ -g– will present you a SAPINST GUI allowing you to modify certain system parameters
  • ./ -h – allows you to specify your own hostname to be used by the SAP system
  • ./ -s – allows you to skip the hostname check )

Read and accept the license agreement. When prompted for the OS users password enter your master password of the virtual Linux OS instance.

Start the SAP system:

  • Switch to user npladm in the console : su npladm
  • Start the SAP system : startsap ALL


Additional informations, License key and first steps follow SAP NW AS ABAP 7.52 SP04 – Developer Edition to Download: Concise Installation Guide


The Packer template to build the openSUSE Leap 15.1 Vagrant box is available here


cd packer
cd openSUSE-15.1
$ packer build -only=virtualbox-iso template.json

And change the following line in the Vagrant file: = "openSUSE-15.1"
config.vm.hostname = "vhcalnplci"
config.vm.box_url = "./packer/openSUSE-15.1/"

# = "wechris/OpenSUSE-15.1_sapnw752"
#  config.vm.hostname = "vhcalnplci"
#  config.vm.box_version = "1.0.0"

The Vagrant box will be loaded locally.