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2156 lines (1529 loc) · 129 KB

File metadata and controls

2156 lines (1529 loc) · 129 KB

Carbon Changelog



  • Get-CPermission, Grant-CPermission, Revoke-CPermission, and Test-CPermission functions. They moved to provider-specific functions in the following modules:
    • Carbon.Cryptography
      • Get-CPrivateKeyPermission
      • Grant-CPrivateKeyPermission
      • Revoke-CPrivateKeyPermission
      • Test-CPrivateKeyPermission
    • Carbon.FileSystem
      • Get-CNtfsPermission
      • Grant-CNtfsPermission
      • Revoke-CNtfsPermission
      • Test-CNtfsPermission
    • Carbon.Registry
      • Get-CRegistryPermission
      • Grant-CRegistryPermission
      • Revoke-CRegistryPermission
      • Test-CRegistryPermission
  • ConvertTo-CContainerInheritanceFlags, ConvertTo-InheritanceFlag, and ConvertTo-PropagationFlag. If you switch to the new provider-specific functions above, you won't need to use these functions anymore.
  • ConvertTo-CSecurityIdentifier, Resolve-CIdentity, Resolve-CIdentityName, and Test-CIdentity. They moved to the Carbon.Accounts module.
  • Get-CScheduledTask, Install-CScheduledTask, Test-CScheduledTask, and Uninstall-CScheduledTask functions. They moved to new Carbon.ScheduledTasks module.
  • Get-CPrivilege, Grant-CPrivilege, Revoke-CPrivilege, and Test-CPrivilege functions. They moved to the Carbon.Security module.


Released 17 Aug 2023

Fixed: warnings written about registry functions moving to new module that users can't do anything to remove (from internal usages).


Released 16 Aug 2023


Moved the following functions to a new Carbon.Registry module. They will be removed from Carbon in a future major version.

  • Get-CRegistryKeyValue
  • Install-CRegistryKey
  • Remove-CRegistryKeyValue
  • Set-CRegistryKeyValue
  • Test-CRegistryKeyValue


Released 3 Jul 2023

  • Fixed: ConvertTo-CBase64 throws a "parameter cannot be found" error.



  • Get-CPermission can now get permissions on private keys stored using a CNG (Cryptographic Next Generation) provider.
  • Grant-CPermission can now grant permissions on private keys stored using a CNG provider.
  • Revoke-CPermission can now grant permissions on private keys stored using a CNG provider.


  • Install-CService now writes commands it runs to the information stream instead of the verbose stream.



  • Uninstall-CService writes an error if any service on the current computer can't be queried.
  • Get-CPowerShellModuleInstallPath returns a Windows PowerShell path when run under PowerShell 7.
  • Disable-CNtfsCompression, Enable-CNtfsCompression, Get-CFirewallRule, and Install-CService fail under PowerShell 7.3.0+.
  • Install-CService fails if creating a service whose account password begins/ends with double-quotation marks or contains both a quote and space character.



  • The Invoke-CCimMethod function for calling a method on an object that could be a WMI or CIM object.
  • The Uninstall-CFileShare function now accepts piped-in share objects (or any object with a Name property, really).
  • The Write-CCimError function for writing an error message based on the result object returned from a method call.


  • The Install-CFileShare now writes a more friendly message on PowerShell (Core) instead of "[Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance] does not contain a method named 'Delete'". We're unable to get Install-CFileShare to work under PowerShell (Core).
  • The Install-CFileShare function now writes changes its making to the information stream.


These functions moved to the Carbon.Windows.HttpServer module. Update usages to use the Carbon.Windows.HttpServer module instead of Carbon.

  • Get-CSslCertificateBinding
  • Remove-CSslCertificateBinding
  • Set-CSslCertificateBinding
  • Test-CSslCertificateBinding

The Resolve-CFullPath function moved to the Carbon.Core module. Update usages to use the Carbon.Core module instead of Carbon.

All IIS functions moved to the Carbon.IIS module. Updates usages to use the Carbon.IIS module instead of Carbon.

  • Add-CIisDefaultDocument
  • Add-CIisServerManagerMember
  • Disable-CIisSecurityAuthentication
  • Enable-CIisDirectoryBrowsing
  • Enable-CIisSecurityAuthentication
  • Enable-CIisSsl
  • Get-CIisApplication
  • Get-CIisAppPool
  • Get-CIisConfigurationSection
  • Get-CIisHttpHeader
  • Get-CIisHttpRedirect
  • Get-CIisMimeMap
  • Get-CIisSecurityAuthentication
  • Get-CIisVersion
  • Get-CIisWebsite
  • Install-CIisApplication
  • Install-CIisAppPool
  • Install-CIisVirtualDirectory
  • Install-CIisWebsite
  • Join-CIisVirtualPath
  • Lock-CIisConfigurationSection
  • Remove-CIisMimeMap
  • Set-CIisHttpHeader
  • Set-CIisHttpRedirect
  • Set-CIisMimeMap
  • Set-CIisWebsiteID
  • Set-CIisWebsiteSslCertificate
  • Set-CIisWindowsAuthentication
  • Test-CIisAppPool
  • Test-CIisConfigurationSection
  • Test-CIisSecurityAuthentication
  • Test-CIisWebsite
  • Uninstall-CIisAppPool
  • Uninstall-CIisWebsite
  • Unlock-CIisConfigurationSection
  • Write-CIisVerbose


  • Carbon no longer generates backwards-compatible shims for new functions.
  • Install-CFileShare wasn't preserving the file share's SACL, group, or owner on its security descriptor.


  • The Install-CMsi, Get-CMsi, and Get-CProgramInstallInfo functions have moved to a new Carbon.Windows.Installer module, now available on the PowerShell Gallery. Please switch to the new module and update usages. If you use these functions from Carbon, a warning message will be written. These function will be removed in the next major version of Carbon.
  • Carbon now works under PowerShell 7.
  • Fixed: Get-CPermission fails to grant permissions on certificates in PowerShell 6+ and on certificates that .NET Framework load as RSA cryptographic next generation keys, which don't have an API for setting private key permissions.


  • Fixed: Carbon doesn't load Microsoft.Web.Administration assembly on PowerShell 7+.


  • Fixed: Carbon.Firewall.Rule type missing the LocalIP and RemoteIP properties (which are aliases for the LocalIpAddress and RemoteIPAddress properties, respectively).


  • Fixed: Carbon fails to import multiple times in the same session.
  • Fixed: Carbon fails when used as a nested module and Carbon is loaded globally or by nested in another module.
  • Fixed: Importing Carbon fails under PowerShell 4.


  • Fixed: Resolve-CPathCase fails on PowerShell Core.
  • New: 'Grant-Permission', 'Get-Permission', and 'Revoke-Permission' scripts now execute correctly on non-Windows platforms.
  • Fixed: Install-CService now will update services when file permissions or user account privileges have changed.


  • Fixed: Carbon fails to import if IIS isn't installed.


  • Fixed: Carbon fails to import on PowerShell 4.


TL;DR Changes

  • Fixed: Carbon's backward compatible aliases replaced with shim functions. Carbon no longer aggressively loads its functions.
  • New: Carbon now warns when you're using a function shim with a deprecated name. Update your code so that all Carbon functions have a C prefix. Carbon has a Use-CarbonPrefix.ps1 script in its bin directory that will update files to use the new prefix.
  • Migrated the following functions to new Carbon.Core and Carbon.Cryptography modules. These functions still exist in Carbon 2, so if you use all these modules together, you'll probably run into naming collisions and errors depending on how you install, import, and use Carbon. You'll get a warning if you use any of the functions that migrated.
    • ConvertTo-CBase64, Get-CPowerShellPath, and Invoke-CPowerShell are now in the Carbon.Core module.
    • The Test-COSIs32Bit and Test-COSIs64Bit functions merged into a Test-COperatingSystem function in the Carbon.Core module.
    • The Test-CPowerShellIs32Bit and Test-CPowerShellIs64Bit functions merged into a Test-CPowerShell function in the Carbon.Core module.
    • New: Convert-CSecureStringToString, Get-CCertificate, Install-CCertificate, Uninstall-CCertificate, Protect-CString, and Unprotect-CString migrated to the Carbon.Cryptography module.
  • Fixed: the Install-CCertificate function causes an extra file to be written to the Windows directory where private keys are saved. Depending on your environment, this could put many, many extra very small files on the file system or a full disk.
  • Fixed: the Install-CCertificate function could fail to install a certificate with a private key in a remote computer's LocalMachine store if you passed in a certificate object to install.
  • Fixed: the Install-CCertificate function always installs a certificate even if it exists in the destination store. Depending on your environment, this could put many, many extra very small files on the file system or a full disk. Use the -Force switch to always install a certificate even if it already exists in the destination store.
  • Added a -Force switch to the Install-CCertificate function to force certificates to be installed if they already exist in the destination store.
  • Fixed: Install-Service always writes a verbose message when installing a service.

Naming Collisions Solved (Again)

Fixed: In Carbon 2.7.0, we added a C prefix to all the Carbon functions, with aliases that used the old function names to preserve backwards-compatability. We didn't realize at the time that aliases have the highest precedence of commands, so Carbon's aliases hid any other commands on your system that may have been named the same. Bad idea. With this release, Carbon no longer uses aliases for backwards-compatability. Instead, it dynamically creates shim functions named after the old functions. These shim functions write a warning that the function with the old name is deprecated then calls the function using its new name. Hopefully, this will finally fix the name collisions problems. The function names with out the C prefix will be removed in Carbon 3, so update your code to make upgrading easier. Because Carbon creates these backwards-compatible function shims dynamically, Carbon won't create a shim if a function with the old name exists. If there is a name conflict between Carbon and another module, if you import that module first, Carbon won't export its shim function.

Carbon on PowerShell Core

We need parts of Carbon to work on PowerShell Core. The current size of Carbon makes that hard (over 200 functions and automated tests that take a long time). So, we're breaking Carbon into smaller modules. The new modules will all require PowerShell 5.1+. If you use Carbon 2 and the new modules together, you'll get naming conflicts during installation and when importing. The first two modules are already out: Carbon.Core and Carbon.Cryptography.


Carbon.Core will contain all the functions that are foundational to all or most other future Carbon modules, or generic functions we feel are core to Carbon and/or PowerShell. It has no dependencies. The following functions were migrated to it:

  • ConvertTo-CBase64 (with some added functionality)
  • Get-CPowerShellPath
  • Invoke-CPowerShell
  • Test-COperatingSystem: Replaces Test-OSIs32Bit and Test-OSIs64Bit. Tests operating system type, too, so you can use this function instead of the $IsWindows, $IsLinux, or $IsMacOS variables. Works on versions of PowerShell that don't define those variables.
  • Test-CPowerShell: Replaces Test-PowerShellIs32Bit and Test-PowerShellIs64Bit. Tests edition, too. Use this function instead of $PSVersionTable.PSEdition. Handles when $PSVersionTable doesn't have the PSEdition property.


Carbon.Crytography contains functions that are used when encrypting and decrypting strings. This is where certificate management funtions live. These function were migrated from Carbon:

  • Convert-CSecureStringToString
  • Get-CCertificate: works on Linux and macOS when opening certificate files.
  • Install-CCertificate
  • Uninstall-CCertificate
  • Protect-CString: works on Linux and macOS.
  • Unprotect-CString: works on Linux and macOS.


  • Fixed: Convert-XmlFile fails in PowerShell Core (thanks to Joseph Block for the fix).


  • Fixed: Protect-CString and Unprotect-CString failed under PowerShell Core.
  • Fixed: Invoke-CPowerShell failed under PowerShell Core.
  • Fixed: Install-CCertificate fails under PowerShell Core.
  • Fixed: Unprotect-CString adds extra null bytes to the end of a decrypted string when using AES (-Key) encryption.


  • Fixed: when encryptiong/decrypting with a thumbprint, Protect-String and Unprotect-String take more time the more certificates you have in your stores.


  • Fixed: Import-Carbon.ps1 fails if Carbon is already imported from a different location than the location from which it will import Carbon.


  • Carbon should now import in less than a second.
  • Fixed: Grant-CHttpUrlPermission documentation uses command named Grant-CHttpUrlAclPermission. (Fixes issue 66.)
  • Fixed: Enable-CNtfsCompression always enables compression even if compression is already enabled.
  • Fixed: Disable-CNtfsCompression always disables compression even if compression is already disabled.
  • Fixed: Uninstall-CService can write an error when a service's process exits at unexpected times.
  • Fixed: Get-CUser can sometimes take 60 to 90 seconds to lookup a specific user.
  • Fixed: Get-CGroup can sometimes take 60 to 90 seconds to lookup a specific group.
  • Improved Set-CEnvironmentVariable and Remove-CEnvironmentVariable functions' reliability when setting and removing variables for a specific user (they now use Start-Job instead of Carbon's Invoke-CPowerShell).
  • Fixed: Carbon was hiding the ServerManager module's Get-WindowsFeature, Install-WindowsFeature, and Uninstall-WindowsFeature cmdlets (fixes issue #55).
  • Fixed: Set-CHostsEntry can sometimes clear the hosts file (fixes issue #39).
  • Fixed: Get-CServiceConfiguration fails with a terminating exception if a service doesn't exist.


  • Added verification information to Chocolatey package.
  • Updated copyright.


  • Carbon is now importable on PowerShell Core on all platforms. Most functions will not work on Linux/MacOS since they are Windows-specific. Many functions will also not work on PowerShell Core. The next major version of Carbon, 3, should fully support PowerShell Core on Windows.
  • Get-CScheduledTask can now return RegisteredTask objects from the Scheduler.Service COM API. Use the new AsComObject switch. Getting COM objects is an order of magnitude faster than the old way.
  • Fixed: Get-CScheduledTask isn't able to parse some task information returned on Windows 10.
  • Deprecated Test-CWindowsFeature.
  • Fixed: Get-CComPermission fails when there are permission to a non-existent identity.
  • Fixed: looking up local users/groups is extremely slow on some machines.


  • Uninstall-Service now kills a service's process when that service stops but is actually still running. This should decrease the frequency of needing to reboot a computer when uninstalling a service.
  • Added C prefix to all Carbon commands, with aliases from old command names to new ones to maintain backwards compatability.
  • Added bin\Use-CarbonPrefix.ps1 script to Carbon that will update files to use the new Carbon function names.
  • Get-CCertificate: Added Path note property to returned objects.
  • Fixed: Chocolatey uninstaller fails if the PSModulePath environment variable contains trailing or sequential semicolons.


  • Enable-IisSecurityAuthentication and Disable-IisSecurityAuthentication sometimes hang. We don't know why, but we're working around the problem. These functions no longer always apply a configuration change. Instead, they only enable/disable security authentication if its not already enabled/disabled.
  • Install-Service now outputs a verbose message showing the command line arguments used when calling sc.exe to install/update a service.
  • Added ArgumentList property/parameter to Carbon_Service DSC resource. Thanks to Luigi Grilli for the contribution.
  • Fixed: Get-HttpUrlAcl returns no ACLs if any ACLs exist whose identities no longer exist.

2.5.1, 2.5.2, 2.5.3, and 2.5.4 (3 June 2018)

Note: 2.5.1 through 2.5.4 contain the same code and changes. We created new build and deployment automation that, due to bugs, required us to publish multiple versions.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Carbon takes 10 to 20 seconds to load. In trying to detect if the Win32_OptionalFeature class is available on the current operating system, it was actually loading all the Win32_OptionalFeature instances. Oops. Now, it just checks for the existence of the Win32_OptionalFeature class. Load times should now be about two to three seconds. (Fixes issue #35.)
  • Import-Carbon.ps1 now hides verbose messages typically shown by Import-Module and Remove-Module cmdlets.
  • Fixed: Assert-FirewallConfigurable fails on Windows 10 due to firewall service display name change.

2.5.0 (18 June 2017)


  • Added DelayedAutoStart boolean property to objects returned by Get-ServiceConfiguration. This flag is true when a service is set to start automatically, delayed. False otherwise. Added extended
  • The Install-Service function and the Carbon_Service DSC resource can now set a service's startup type to Automatic (Delayed). Pass Automatic to the StartupType parameter and use the new Delayed switch. The Delayed switch is ignored unless StartupType is Automatic. Fixes issue #216.
  • The Uninstall-Certificate function can now delete a certificate by just its thumbprint. The certificate will be uninstalled from all stores. You can pipe the thumbprint or a certificate object to Uninstall-Certificate.
  • Added an EnsureRunning switch to Install-Service function to ensure that any service is started after configuring. (By default, Install-Service leaves a service stopped if it was stopped when Install-Service begins.)
  • Added IsSymbolicLink extended type property to directory and file objects (i.e. System.IO.DirectoryInfo and System.IO.FileInfo objects).
  • Added TargetPath extended type property to file (i.e. System.IO.FileInfo) objects. If a file is a symbolic link, this property will return the file the link points to.
  • The TargetPath extended type property on directory (i.e. `System.IO.DirectoryInfo) objects now returns target paths when a directory is a symbolic link.
  • Initiazlie-Lcm can't be used on Windows Server 2016 and later to put the DSC local configuration manager into pull mode. Initialize-Lcm now writes an error when you try.

Bug Fixes

  • Install-Service and the Carbon_Service DSC resource write errors when a service is running and its startup type is changed to Disabled.
  • The Carbon_ScheduledTask DSC resource writes incorrect information to verbose log when the current and desired credential for the scheduled task are different.
  • The Carbon_ScheduledTask DSC resource doesn't correctly detect when a task's identity has changed (it wasn't converting usernames to their canonical representation before comparing the existing identity with the desired identity).
  • Fixed: Importing Carbon in 32-bit PowerShell fails on a 64-bit operating system. DSC isn't available so the Initialize-Lcm function can't be exported. Thanks to Anders Andersson for contribuging the fix.
  • Fixed: Install-Service and Carbon_Service DSC resource fail to change the identity a service runs as if switching from a custom account to the default NetworkService account.
  • Fixed: Get-PowerShellModuleInstallPath returns nothing when run under 32-bit (x86) PowerShell on 64-bit Windows.Fixed: Get-PowerShellModuleInstallPath returns nothing when run under 32-bit (x86) PowerShell on 64-bit Windows.

2.4.1 (21 February 2017)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Carbon_Permission fails when revoking permissions and the Permissions property doesn''t have a value.
  • Fixed: Protect-String doesn't convert secure strings properly so they get encrypted with extra bytes in them.
  • Fixed: `Revoke-Permission' fails when an identity has multiple access control entries on an item. Thanks to bozho_ for reporting issue #221 and contributing the fix.
  • Fixed: Compress-Item' writes an error when using the WhatIf switch.
  • Fixed: Install-IisWebsite help examples contain invalid/broken code (thanks to John Mitchell for reporting).
  • Fixed: Install-Service fails when password contains double quote character, i.e. " (fixes issue #219).
  • Fixed: Read-File and Write-File fail to retry writing to a locked file when $Global:Error is full. Fixes issue #217.
  • Fixed: Get-FirewallRule sets the EdgeTraversalPolicy to DeferUser on rules whose policy is "defer to application".
  • Fixed: Get-FirewallRule fails on non-english-speaking computers. (It was parsing the output of netsh advfirewall. Now it uses the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security API.) [Fixes issue #208.
  • Fixed: Get-FirewallRule incorrectly parsed interface types. It assumed interface type was one of multiple values. In reality, it can be set to one or more different values. The underlying enumeration and its values have been updated to be a set of flags (i.e. a bit field).
  • Fixed: Carbon_FirewallRule fails when Profile property has more than one value.
  • Fixed: Get-ScheduledTask doesn't handle when a scheduled task doesn't exist on Windows 2008.

2.4.0 (9 November 2016)


  • Protect-String can now encrypt a SecureString. The String parameter's type was changed to [object]. When you pass in a SecureString, it is converted to an array of bytes, encrypted, and the array of bytes are cleared from memory.
  • Renamed Protect-Acl to Disable-AclInheritance to make it clearer what the function does. Created a Protect-Acl alias in place to preserve backwards-compatability.
  • Disable-AclInheritance only disables inheritance if it is currently enabled.
  • Created Enable-AclInheritance to re-enable access rule inheritance on file system and registry ACLs. This function is paired with Disable-AclInheritance.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Get-ProgramInstallInfo fails when a program's Version registry key value can't be converted into a Version object.
  • Fixed: Test-Service failed to detect if a device driver service is installed.
  • Fixed: Install-Service fails if a service depends on a device driver. (Note: in our testing, we can't get a device driver set as a dependency. If you know what the secret sauce is to get this to work with sc.exe (or another means), please let us know.)
  • Fixed: Disable-AclInheritance (ne Protect-Acl) fails when piped a registry key.
  • Fixed: Get-PathProvider fails when passed a fully-qualified registry key PowerShell path, e.g. Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software.

2.3.0 (29 September 2016)


  • Protect-String can now encrypt with a key, password, or passphrase (i.e. it can now encrypt with symmetric encryption).
  • Unprotect-String can now decrypt with a key, password, or passphrase (i.e. it can now decrypt using symmetric encryption).
  • Set-HostsEntry now supports IPv6 addresses (fixes issue).
  • Grant-Permission now supports creating Deny access rules. Use the new Type parameter. Fixes issue #152.
  • Set-EnvironmentVariable:
    • Added -Force switch to make all variable modifications immediately visible in the current PowerShell process's env: drive. Restarts are no longer required.
    • You can now set an environment variable for other users. Use the Credential parameter to specify the user's credentials. Fixes issue #151.
  • Remove-EnvironmentVariable:
    • Added -Force switch to make all variable removals immediately visible in the current PowerShell process's env: drive. Restarts are no longer required.
    • You can now remove variables from multiple targets/scopes at once.
    • You can now remove an environment variable for other users. Use the Credential parameter to specify the user's credentials.
  • Invoke-PowerShell:
    • It now runs PowerShell commands. Pass a string of PowerShell code with the Command parameter.
    • It now runs encoded PowerShell commands. Pass the string of PowerShell code with the Command parameter and use the -Encode switch.
    • It now runs scripts and commands as another user. Use the Credential parameter to pass the user's credentials along with the FilePath and Command parameters to run scripts and commands, respectively.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Set-RegistryKeyValue fails when -String parameter's value is $null or empty (fixes issue #211).
  • Fixed: Can't import Carbon in a 32-bit PowerShell 4 session on a 64-bit operating system (fixes issue #199).
  • Fixed: Documentation for the Install-ScheduledTask function's HighestAvailableRunLevel is lying (fixes issue #205).
  • Fixed: Carbon_FirewallRule fails when Profile property set to multiple values (fixes issue #209).
  • Fixed: Install-IisAppPool can't set .NET framework version to No Managed Code (fixes issue #210).
  • Fixed: Get-SslCertificateBinding fails if the operating system's culture is not en-US (fixes issue #171).
  • Fixed: Install-ScheduledTask fails when creating a task that runs during a specific week of the month on Sundays. (You're going to love this: the underlying int value for [DayOfWeek]::Sunday is 0, so when testing if a DayOfWeek typed variable set to Sunday has a value, it returns $false. This made Install-ScheduledTask add the /D parameter without a value.

2.2.0 (11 May 2016)


  • Aded a LiteralPath parameter to Test-PathIsJunction for testing paths that contain wildcard characters (e.g. [, ], etc.).
  • Remove-Junction now supports removing multiple junctions with wildcards.
  • Added a LiteralPath parameter to Remove-Junction for deleting junctions whose paths contain wildcard characters (e.g. [, ], etc.).
  • Added a LiteralPath parameter to Uninstall-Junction for deleting junctions whose paths contain wildcard characters (e.g. [, ], etc.).
  • Created Remove-DotNetAppSetting function for removing app settings from .NET framework machine.config files.
  • Created Read-File function for reading text files and retrying if the read fails. Good for reading files that get intermittently locked, like the Windows hosts file.
  • Created Write-File function for writing text files and retrying if the write fails. Good for writing files that get intermittently locked, like the Windows hosts file.
  • Made the following functions obsolete:
    • Get-WindowsFeature
    • Install-Msmq
    • Install-WindowsFeature
    • Resolve-WindowsFeatureName
    • Uninstall-WindowsFeature

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Add-GroupMember, over PowerShell remoting, fails to add a member to groups that have non-local users/groups (fixes issue #187: Add-GroupMember fails when using PowerShell Remoting)
  • Fixed: Remove-GroupMember, over PowerShell remoting, fails to remove a member from groups that have non-local users/groups.
  • Fixed: Test-PathIsJunction returns multiple results if the Path parameter contains wildcards and matches multiple items.
  • Fixed: Install-Junction can't install a junction whose path contains wildcard characters (fixes issue #190).
  • Fixed: New-Junction writes wrong error when creating an existing junction whose path contains wildcard characters.
  • Fixed: Install-Service doesn't update/change an existing service's account when using the Credential parameter (fixes issue #185).
  • Fixed: Uninstall-FileShare fails if a share's physical path doesn't exist.
  • Fixed (hopefully): Get-FileSharePermission writes an error if a share's security information is corrupted (fixes issue #188). I was unable to reproduce the error, and the error was reported anonyously, so I did my best.
  • Fixed: Get-PowerShellModuleInstallPath returns multiple paths if the standard PowerShell module path is listed twice in the PSModulePath environment variable.
  • Fixed: Chocolatey package fails if the standard PowerShell module path is listed twice in thePSModulePath environment (fixes issue #192).
  • Fixed: Get-PowerShellModuleInstallPath doesn't return the module install path if it doesn't exist. Sometimes it doesn't yet.
  • Fixed: Carbon_ScheduledTask and Carbon_IniFile DSC resources' Get-TargetResource functions don't return correct resource properties and causes Get-DscConfiguration to fail (fixes issue #193).
  • Fixed: Carbon_FirewallRule DSC resource always re-installs a firewall rule if Profile property contains multiple values (i.e. it doesn't properly parse netsh output).
  • Fixed: about_Carbon_Installation help topic had a typo.
  • Fixed: Set-HostsEntry fails to stop when the hosts file is in use and can't be read.

2.1.1 (25 February 2016)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: unable to publish module to PowerShell Gallery because RequiredAssemblies module manifest data used an absolute path generated with Join-Path and $PSScriptRoot, which aren't allowed in module manifests.
  • Fixed: missing PowerShell Gallery tags, license URI, project URI, and release notes metadata.
  • Fixed: copyright date in module manifest is 2015.
  • Fixed: PowerShell gallery missing function list.
  • Fixed: Restricted user accounts can't import Carbon (issue #180).
  • Fixed: Carbon_Privilege DSC resource fails to remove all a user's privileges (issue #178).
  • Fixed: Remove-IniEntry fails to remove last INI entry in a file (issue #179).

2.1.0 (8 February 2016)

New Functions

  • Get-HttpUrlAcl: uses Windows API to return HTTP URL ACLs; replaces the netsh http show urlacl command.
  • Grant-HttpUrlPermission: uses Windows API to grant listen/delegate permissions on HTTP URLs; replaces the netsh http add urlacl command.
  • Revoke-HttpUrlPermission: uses Windows API to revoke all a user or group's permissions on HTTP URLs; replaces the netsh http delete urlacl command.
  • Install-Directory: creates a directory (and any missing parents), if it doesn't exist already. Finally!
  • Uninstall-Directory: removes a directory, if it exists. Finally!
  • Uninstall-Group: uses the DirectoryServices.AccountManagement .NET API to remove a group, if it exists.
  • Test-GroupMember: uses the DirectoryServices.AccountManagemetn .NET API to test if a principal is a member of a group.

New DSC Resource

  • Carbon_Group: resource for configuring local groups.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Install-FileShare always re-configures existing shares; it doesn't properly detect permissions that need to be removed.
  • Fixed: Set-IniEntry fails to preserve unicode characters with diacritics in INI entry names and values.
  • Fixed: Remove-IniEntry fails to preserve unicode characters with diacritics in INI entry names and values.
  • Fixed: Set-HostsEntry leaves trailing tabs and whitespace after all but the last line.
  • Fixed: Get-PowerShellModuleInstallPath returns wrong path for PowerShell 4.
  • Fixed: Protect-String fails when Carbon is installed in a module path that contains spaces (fixes issue #174).
  • Fixed: New-RsaKeyPair generates a key pair that isn't supported for encrypting/decrypting DSC credentials or supported by the CMS message cmdlets.
  • Fixed: Get-ScheduledTask returns invalid task commands when those commands contain quotes (works around an issue where schtasks.exe CSV output can't be parsed correctly by ConvertFrom-Csv).
  • Fixed: Add-GroupMember and Remove-GroupMember fail when adding Everyone or NT Service\* accounts to a group (fixes issue #177).
  • Fixed: Get-SheduledTask writes an error if a scheduled task's XML definition is for an executable and doesn't contain an arguments element.

Other Improvements

  • Obsolete function parameters will no longer show in Intellisense (added the DontShow parameter property).
  • Test-AdminPrivilege: changed its verbose message to a debug message.
  • Set-HostsEntry:
    • only updates hosts file if it needs to change
    • added an improved verbose message when setting a hosts entry
    • improved error handling when hosts file can't be opened for reading
  • Install-Certificate can now install a certificate on a remote computer.
  • Initialize-Lcm now uses Install-Certificate to install the decryption certificate on the remote computer.
  • Uninstall-Certificate can now uninstall a certificate on a remote computer.
  • The following functions now write warning if you pass them a plain-text password. You should pass a SecureString instead.
    • Install-Certificate
    • Initialize-Lcm
  • New-RsaKeyPair:
    • Refactored to use certreq.exe instead of makecert.exe and pvk2pfx.exe.
    • Can now run non-interactively: added a -Password parameter used to protect the private key (it used to prompt you).
    • Fixed: generates a key pair that isn't supported for encrypting/decrypting DSC credentials or supported by the CMS message cmdlets.
    • Made the -ValidFrom and -Authority parameters obsolete.
  • Added some verbose messages to Install-Group and Add-MemberToGroup when they create/modify their objects.
  • Install-Group only saves changes to a group if changes were made.

2.0.1 (19 October 2015)

2.0.0 (10 October 2015)


Carbon version 2.0 is a huge release, with lots of new enhancements and bug fixes. We hope you like them. Carbon 2.0 now requires PowerShell 4, so it is not backwards-compatabile with Carbon 1.x. Because of this, we made some additional backwards-incompatible changes. See the Upgrade Instructions section for things to look out for.

If you're upgrading from a previous 2.0 alpha release, you'll want to review the changes since your alpha version (found after the Upgrade Instructions section). We improved backwards-compatability with Carbon 1.x since the last alpha release, but that broke compatability with the alphas.

Upgrade Instructions

Make sure you're running PowerShell 4.

Install-Certificate's parameters have changed:

  • Remove the Exportable switch from any usages of Install-Certificate when installing from an X509Certificate2 object, since that switch only gets used when installing a certificate from a file.

Some functions now return different objects and/or the objects returned have changed:

  • Use the Sid property on objects returned by Test-Identity when using the PassThru switch: it now returns a Carbon.Identity object if the identity exists and you use the -PassThru switch, e.g. Test-Identity -Name $userName -PassThru | Select-Object -Expand 'Sid'.
  • Update usages of Carbon.Computer.ProgramInstallInfo's Version property (returned by Get-ProgramInstallInfo). It was an int and is now a Version object.

The Carbon assembly was re-organized. If you were reaching into Carbon.dll (NOT RECOMMENDED), you'll want to:

  • Rename usages of [Carbon.AdvApi32] class to [Carbon.Service.ServiceSecurity].
  • Rename usages of [Carbon.Lsa] class to [Carbon.Security.Privilege].
  • Rename usages of [Carbon.Win32] class to [Carbon.FileSystem.Path].
  • Rename usages of [Carbon.HandleInfo] class to [Carbon.Win32.HandleInfo].
  • Remove usages of [Carbon.Lsa]::LookupPrivilegeValue class method. It was incorrectly exposed as a public method.
  • Remove usages of [Carbon.Kernel32]::LocalFree class method. It was incorrectly exposed as a public method.

The following commands no longer return the stdout output from the console applications each one calls. To see the old output, use the -Verbose switch. Remove any usage of the output you were processing.

  • All IIS functions.
  • Disable-FirewallStatefulFtp
  • Enable-FirewallStatefulFtp
  • Install-Service
  • Install-SmbShare
  • Remove-SslCertificateBinding
  • Set-SslCertificateBinding
  • Uninstall-Service

The following functions' internal behavior has changed. This may or may not impact you.

  • Grant-Permission now only grants permissions on an object if those permissions aren't present. To preserve previous behavior, add the -Force switch to all Grant-Permission usages.
  • Grant-Permission now writes an error if you don't have access to a private key. Previously, it would skip the key without any messages.
  • Install-Msi (fka Invoke-WindowsInstaller) now only installs the MSI if it isn't already installed. To preserve the previous behavior and always install, add the -Force switch to all Invoke-WindowsInstaller`Install-Msi` usages.
  • All IIS functions were re-written to use the Microsoft.Web.Administration API instead of appcmd.exe.
  • Install-IisWebsite no longer deletes and re-creates websites. If a website exists, it updates its configuration to match parameters passed in. To preserve previous behavior and delete the website before installing, use the -Force switch.
  • Install-IisVirtualDirectory no longer deletes and re-creates virtual directories. If a virtual directory exists, its configuration is updated in place. To preserve previous behavior and delete the virtual directory before installing, use the Force switch.
  • Install-FileShare (fka Install-SmbShare) no longer deletes and re-creates the share, instead it modifies existing shares in place. To preserve previous behavior and delete existing shares before re-creating, use the Force switch.
  • Set-RegistryKeyValue only sets the value if the value doesn't exist or the current value is different than the desired value.

We've added parameter validation to some functions. This shouldn't impact anybody, since if you were passing data that breaks this new validation, the function wouldn't have worked even in previous versions of Carbon.

  • Ensure that all thumbprints passed to Set-SslCertificateBinding are valid (40 character hex strings), since it now validates thumbprints.
  • Check that all IP addresses passed to Set-HostsEntry are valid IP v4 or v6 addresses. Set-HostsEntry's IPAddress parameter is now a System.Net.IPAddress object. Previously it was a string validated with a regular expression, so you should be OK.

All Carbon functions now respect each caller's common parameters (e.g. -Verbose, -ErrorAction, etc.). This means if you pass a common parameter to a script that calls a Carbon function, that Carbon function will use that common parameter. This may or may not impact you.

Bug Fixes

  • Carbon's System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController extended type data causes errors when PowerShell formats System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController objects that represent services on remote computers.
  • Compress-Item doesn't remove handled errors from global error array.
  • Grant-Permission fails with an unhelpful error message if it is unable to get the ACL on a private key.
  • Install-Msi didn't properly detect when installation failed.
  • Install-ScheduledTask fails under PowerShell 5 to create a scheduled task to run on Sunday.
  • Install-Service:
    • No longer writes a warning about being unable to stop an already stopped service (fixes issue #158).
    • Starting the service now respects caller's error action preference. Before, Start-Service would write an error even if somone called Install-Service with an Ignore or SilentlyContinue error action preference.
    • Service arguments that are quoted still get quoted. Now, quotes are trimmed before arguments are quoted.
  • Set-EnvironmentVariable fails to set process-level environment variable.
  • Set-HostsEntry fails to preserve whitespace if existing lines end with a comment/description. Thanks to Konstantin Ushenin for the fix.



  • Carbon now requires PowerShell 4.
  • Import-Carbon.ps1 is more intelligent about when it tries to re-load Carbon. It will force a re-import of Carbon if any of Carbon's files have changed or the version has changed.
  • Added new FileIndex, LinkCount, and VolumeSerialNumber extended type data on System.IO.FileInfo objects for getting a file's index, its hard link count, and volume serial number, respectively.
  • The product version of the Carbon assembly now includes pre-release version information, as defined by the Semantic Versioning specification. To get this version, run Get-Item Carbon.dll | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'VersionInfo' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'ProductVersion'.
  • The Carbon NuGet package now supports installing and uninstalling under Chocolatey.
  • All IIS functions were re-written to use the Microsoft.Web.Administration API instead of appcmd.exe. As a side effect, they no longer return appcmd.exe console output.
  • The following functions no longer use Write-Host. Instead, they use Write-Verbose:
    • Disable-NtfsCompression
    • Enable-NtfsCompression
    • Grant-ComPermission
    • Grant-Permission
    • Install-Service
    • Remove-SslCertificateBinding
    • Revoke-ComPermission
  • Created default, table-based display formats for System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal, System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.GroupPrincipal, Microsoft.Web.Administration.ApplicationPool, Microsoft.Web.Administration.Site, and Microsoft.Web.Administration.Application objects.
  • Re-organized Carbon's internal directory structure. You shouldn't be reaching into Carbon's internals, so this shouldn't matter, but wanted to let everyone know just in case.

New Functions

  • Clear-DscLocalResourceCache clears the local LCM's DSC resource. This makes developing resources easier.
  • Clear-MofAuthoringMetadata removes authoring metadata from .mof files.
  • Copy-DscResource copies DSC resources (ZIP files, MSI archives, MOF files, etc.), including timestamps, checksums, and copying only changed files.
  • ConvertTo-SecurityIdentifer converts a binary, string, or System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier object into a System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier object.
  • Get-DscError gets any DSC errors that were written to a computer's DSC event log.
  • Get-DscWinEvent gets DSC events that were written to a computer's DSC event log.
  • Get-FileSharePermission gets the sharing permissions on a file/SMB share (not the NTFS file system permissions).
  • Get-FileShare uses WMI to get Win32_Share objects for the file shares installed on the local computer.
  • Get-Group gets a local group or all local groups.
  • Get-Msi reads installer information and properties from an MSI file.
  • Get-PowerShellModuleInstallPath gets the path where new module's should be installed. Beginning with PowerShell 4, modules should get installed into $env:ProgramFiles\Windows PowerShell\Modules. Under PowerShell 3, it is $PSHome\Modules. This function returns the correct location for the version of PowerShell you're using.
  • Get-User gets a local user or all local users.
  • Initialize-Lcm configures the DSC Local Configuration Manager on computers, including installing the private key needed for decrypting credentials.
  • Remove-GroupMember removes a user/group from a local group. Thanks to Philip Kluss for the contribution.
  • Resolve-Identity converts a system, local, or domain principal name or a SID (as a SecurityIdentifer, string SDDL, or byte array) into its canonical representation and includes extended identity information: domain, type, and SID.
  • Start-DscPullConfiguration starts a configuration check on a computer that is configured to use the PULL refresh mode.
  • Test-DscTargetResource compares target resource with desired resource. Helpful when writing Test-TargetResource functions.
  • Test-Group checks if a local group exists.
  • Test-FileShare uses WMI to check if a file/SMB share exists on the local computer.
  • Test-TypeDataMember tests if a type has an extended type member defined.
  • Uninstall-FileShare uninstalls/removes a file share, if it exists.
  • Write-DscError writes DSC ErrorLogRecord objects as errors.

New DSC Resources

  • Carbon_EnvironmentVariable creates/removes machine-level environment variables.
  • Carbon_FirewallRule configures firewall rules.
  • Carbon_IniFile manages the contents of INI files.
  • Carbon_Permission configures file, directory, registry, and certificate permissions.
  • Carbon_Privilege configures an identity's privileges.
  • Carbon_ScheduledTask configures scheduled tasks with schtasks.exe.
  • Carbon_Service configures Windows services.

Added PassThru Switches

Added a PassThru switch to the following functions, which will return objects of the given type:

  • Grant-ComPermission: Carbon.Security.ComAccessRule, representing the granted permission.
  • Grant-Permission: System.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule, representing the granted permission.
  • Install-Group: System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.GroupPrincipal, representing the group.
  • Install-IisApplication: Microsoft.Web.Administration.Application, representing the application.
  • Install-IisWebsite: Microsoft.Web.Administration.Site, representing the website.
  • Install-Junction: System.IO.DirectoryInfo, representing new target directories and any new/updated junctions.
  • Install-Service: System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController, representing the service.
  • Install-User: System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal, representing the user.
  • Set-SslCertificateBinding: Carbon.Certificates.SslCertificateBinding, representing the configured binding.

No More Console Output

The following functions no longer return the console output of the program each one runs. Instead, the output is written to the verbose stream (i.e. use the -Verbose switch to see it).

  • Disable-FirewallStatefulFtp
  • Enable-FirewallStatefulFtp
  • Install-Service
  • Remove-SslCertificateBinding
  • Set-SslCertificateBinding
  • Uninstall-Service

Obsolete Functions and Parameters

The following functions are now obsolete. Please don't use them and stop using them if you are. They will be removed from a future major version of Carbon. You'll get warnings if you use them.

  • Complete-Job: It's total crap. Use PowerShell's Wait-Job cmdlet instead.
  • Invoke-AppCmd: Switch to Carbon's IIS functions, or use Get-IisConfigurationSection to get ConfigurationElement objects from the Microsoft.Web.Administration API that you can modify.
  • Resolve-NetPath: Switch to something else. Carbon doesn't use net.exe anymore.

The following functions now have obsolete parameters, which will be removed from a future major version of Carbon. You'll get warnings if you use them.

  • Install-IisAppPool's UserName and Password parameters. Use the new Credential parameter instead.
  • Install-Msi's Quiet switch. Install-Msi always installs in quiet mode. Please remove usages.
  • Install-Service's Password parameter. Use the new Credential parameter instead.
  • Install-User's UserName and Password parameters. Use the new Credential parameter instead.
  • Set-RegistryKeyValue's Quiet parameter. Please remove usages.

Renamed Functions

The following functions were renamed, but with backwards-compatible aliases in place, so you shouldn't have to change any code.

  • Invoke-WindowsInstaller -> Install-Msi
  • Install-SmbShare -> Install-FileShare

Switch to System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement API for User/Group Management

The following functions were re-written to use the System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement API, introduced in .NET 3.5.

  • Add-MemberToGroup
  • Install-Group
  • Install-User
  • Test-User
  • Uninstall-User

Miscellaneous Changes

  • Get-IisAppPool
    • Now return all application pools installed on the local computer when called with no parameters.
    • Added a default table format for Microsoft.Web.Administration.ApplicationPool objects.
  • Get-ProgramInstallInfo
    • Return object's Version property changed from an int to a Version object.
    • Return object's now have ProductCode and User properties. If a program doesn't have a product code, it is set to [Guid]::Empty. The User property is only set for per-user software installs.
  • Get-ServiceConfiguration now supports services from remote computers.
  • Grant-Permission now only grants permissions on an object if those permissions aren't present. To preserve previous behavior, add the -Force switch to all Grant-Permission usages.
  • Install-Certificate's Exportable switch is now only allowed when installing a certificate from a file. Previously, you could supply the switch when installing from an X509Certificate2 object but it was ignored.
  • Install-Group's Members parameter renamed to Member (with backwards-compatible alias).
  • Added Credential parameter to Install-IisAppPool for increased security and to follow PowerShell guidelines.
  • Install-IisVirtualDirectory no longer deletes and re-creates existing virtual directories, but modifies existing virtual directories in place.
  • Install-IisWebsite
    • Added SiteID parameter tfor setting a website's IIS ID.
    • No longer deletes and re-creates websites, but modifies existing websites in place. This may or may not be a breaking change in your environment.
  • Install-Msi
    • Path parameter now supports wildcards.
    • Now only installs an MSI if it isn't already installed. To preserve the previous behavior and always install, add the -Force switch to all Invoke-WindowsInstaller`Install-Msi` usages.
  • Install-Service
    • Now supports service startup parameters/arguments via the ArgumentList parameter.
    • Improved error handling and messages. It now uses net helpmsg to get helpful error messages based on sc.exe exit codes.
    • Added Credential parameter for increased security and to follow PowerShell guidelines.
    • Added Description parameter for setting a service's description.
    • Added DisplayName parameter for setting a service's display name.
  • Install-FileShare (fka Install-SmbShare):
    • Re-written to use WMI isntead of net.exe, so it no longer returns any console output.
    • Modifies existing shares in place, instead of deleting and re-creating, unless the share's path changes. Changing a share's path requires the old share to be deleted and a new one created.
  • Install-User
    • Added PasswordExpires switch for creating accounts with passwords that expire.
    • Added UserCannotChangePassword to prevent user from changing his password.
  • Remove-SslCertificateBinding has better error handling.
  • Added SID parameter to Resolve-IdentityName to resolve a SID into its identity name.
  • Set-HostsEntry's IPAddress parameter is now a System.Net.IPAddress object. It used to be a string validated with a regular expression.
  • Set-RegistryKeyValue:
    • Added UDWord and UQWord parameters for setting registry key values to unsigned integers (i.e. integer values greater than [int]::MaxValue and [long]::MaxValue). Fixes issue #165: Set-RegistryKeyValue rejects unsigned integers larger than [int]::MaxValue.
    • Deprecated Quiet switch.
    • Only sets the value if the value doesn't exist or the current value is different than the desired value. Use the Force parameter to preserve previous behavior.
  • Test-Identity now returns a Carbon.Identity object if the identity exists and you use the -PassThru switch. It used to return the identity's SID. Update scripts to use the FullName property to get the old return value, e.g. Test-Identity -Name $userName -PassThru | Select-Object -Expand 'FullName'.
  • Test-OSIs32Bit now uses the Environment class's new Is64BitOperatingSystem property.
  • Test-OSIs64Bit now uses the Environment class's new Is64BitOperatingSystem property.
  • Test-PowerShellIs32Bit now uses the Environment class's new Is64BitProcess property.
  • Test-PowerShellIs64Bit now uses the Environment class's new Is64BitProcess property.
  • Uninstall-ScheduledTask now retries when un-installing a task fails with "The function attempted to use a name that is reserved for use by another transaction." error.
  • Unprotect-String
    • Added AsSecureString switch, which will return a secure string instead of a normal string.
    • The Password parameter now accepts SecureString values.
  • Initialize-Lcm
    • Added support for PowerShell 5: RefreshIntervalMinutes default value changed to from 15 to 30; RefreshIntervalMinutes minimum value is now 30; ConfigurationFrequency's minimum value is now 1 (from 2).

Changes Since alpha.26


  • Includes all changes made in version 1.9.0.
  • PowerShell 4 is now required. Carbon won't even import under PowerShell 3.
  • Removed Carbon_Script resource. It only existed so I could pass values to my script blocks. Turns out, the built-in Script resource supports this with the $using: scope. Remember, your most important features is documentation!
  • Created a new Carbon_ScheduledTask DSC resource for managing scheduled tasks.
  • The Version property on the objects returned by Get-ProgramInstallInfo is now a proper .NET Version object instead of an integer.

Bug Fixes

  • Carbon_Permission DSC resource fails when assigning multiple permissions
  • Grant-Permission fails when clearing multiple existing, non-inherited permission on an item.

Changes Since alpha.31

Bug Fixes

  • Set-HostsEntry fails to preserve whitespace if existing lines end with a comment/description. Thanks to Konstantin Ushenin for the fix.
  • Carbon's System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController extended type data causes errors when PowerShell formats System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController objects that represent services on remote computers.
  • Install-Msi didn't properly detect when installation failed.
  • Set-EnvironmentVariable fails to set process-level environment variable.
  • Compress-Item doesn't remove handled errors from global error array.
  • Grant-Permission fails with an unhelpful error message if it is unable to get the ACL on a private key.


  • Import-Carbon.ps1 is more intelligent about when it tries to re-load Carbon. It will force a re-import of Carbon if any of Carbon's files have changed or the version has changed.
  • Created Uninstall-Junction for uninstalling a junction in an idempotent way (i.e. without errors). Thanks to Konstantin Ushenin for the contribution.
  • Improved error handling in Remove-Junction.
  • Install-Service:
    • Now supports service startup parameters/arguments.
    • No longer returns ServiceController objects by default. This should improve backwards-compatability. Added a PassThru switch you can use to get a ServiceController object returned to you.
    • Improved error handling. It now uses net helpmsg to get helpful error messages based on sc.exe exit codes.
    • Improved handling of arguments/services with spaces in them under PowerShell 5.
    • Added Credential parameter for increased security and to follow PowerShell guidelines.
    • Now supports setting a service's description and display name.
    • Starting the service now respects caller's error action preference. Before, Start-Service would write an error even if somone called Install-Service with an Ignore or SilentlyContinue error action preference.
  • New Test-TypeDataMember for testing if a type has an extended type member defined.
  • Install-IisAppPool no longer returns appcmd.exe output.
  • Added PassThru parameter to Install-IisAppPool to control when a Microsoft.Web.Administration.ApplicationPool for the installed app pool is returned.
  • Get-ServiceConfiguration and Carbon's extended type data for System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController objects now supports services from remote computers.
  • Uninstall-ScheduledTask now retries when un-installing a task fails with "The function attempted to use a name that is reserved for use by another transaction." error.
  • Added new FileIndex, LinkCount, and VolumeSerialNumber extended type data on System.IO.FileInfo objects for getting a file's index, its hard link count, and volume serial number, respectively.
  • Grant-Permission now only returns an access rule object when the new PassThru switch is used. In previous 2.0 alpha releases, it only returned something when permissions on an object were added or changed.
  • Install-User only returns a user object when the new PassThru switch is used. In previous 2.0 alpha releases, it only returned an object if a user was created or updated.
  • Grant-ComPermissions only returns an access rule object when the new PassThru switch is used. In previous 2.0 alpha releases, it only returned an object if permissions were changed.
  • Install-IisApplication only returns an IIS application object when the new PassThru switch is used. In previous 2.0 alpha releases, it only returned an object if the application was created or modified.
  • Created Get-Msi function for reading MSI information and properties from an MSI file.
  • Carbon.Computer.ProgramInstallInfo objects (returned from Get-ProgramInstallInfo) now have ProductCode and User properties. If a program doesn't have a product code, it is set to [Guid]::Empty. The User property is only set for per-user software installs.
  • Invoke-WindowsInstaller renamed Install-Msi, with a backwards-compatibility-preserving alias.
  • Install-Msi now supports wildcards for MSI path to install.
  • Install-Msi now only installs an MSI if it isn't already installed. To preserve the previous behavior and always install, add the -Force switch to all Invoke-WindowsInstaller`Install-Msi` usages.
  • Added SiteID parameter to Install-IisWebsite for setting a website's IIS ID.
  • Put the Resolve-IdentityName function back. It was removed from previous alpha releases.
  • Install-IisWebsite no longer deletes and re-creates websites. This may or may not be a breaking change in your environment.
  • Install-SmbShare no longer returns net.exe output, instead writing it to the verbose stream. To see previous output, use the -Verbose switch.
  • Changed -PasswordNeverExpires switch to PasswordExpires on Install-User for improved backwards-compatability.
  • Set-SslCertificateBinding no longer returns binding objects by default. Use new PassThru switch to get the old behavior.
  • The product version of the Carbon assembly now includes pre-release version information, as defined by the Semantic Versioning specification. To get this version, run Get-Item Carbon.dll | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'VersionInfo' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'ProductVersion'
  • The Carbon NuGet package now supports installing and uninstalling using Chocolatey.
  • Added AsSecureString switch to Unprotect-String which causes Unprotect-String to return a secure string instead of a normal string.
  • Unprotect-String now accepts a SecureString as the value for the Password parameter, which is the password for the private key used to decrypt from password-protected RSA certificate file.
  • Added Credential parameter to Install-IisAppPool for increased security and to follow PowerShell guidelines.
  • Added Credential parameter to Install-User for increased security and to follow PowerShell guidelines.
  • Install-IisVirtualDirectory now modifies existing virtual directories in place, instead of deleting and re-creating.
  • Invoke-AppCmd is now obsolete and will be removed from a future version of Carbon. Switch to Carbon's IIS functions, or use Get-IisConfigurationSection to get ConfigurationElement objects from the Microsoft.Web.Administration API that you can modify.
  • Added Description and DisplayName properties to Carbon_Service for setting a service's description and display name.
  • Grant-Permission now writes an error if you don't have access to a private key. Previously, it would skip the key without any messages.
  • Resolve-Identity now converts SIDs to a Carbon.Identity object. The SID may be a string (SID in SDDL form), byte array, or a SecurityIdentifier object.
  • Get-FileSharePermission gets the sharing permissions on a file/SMB share (not the NTFS file system permissions).
  • Created Get-FileShare function. It uses WMI to get Win32_Share objects for the file shares installed on the local computer.
  • Renamed Install-SmbShare to Install-FileShare, with a backwards-compatible alias in place.
  • Added SID parameter to Resolve-IdentityName to resolve a SID into its identity name.
  • Created ConvertTo-SecurityIdentifer function to convert a binary, string, or System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier object into a System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier object.
  • Install-FileShare (fka Install-SmbShare):
    • Re-written to use WMI isntead of net.exe.
    • Modifies existing shares in place, instead of deleting and re-creating, unless the share's path changes. Changing a share's path requires the old share to be deleted and a new one created.
  • Carbon_FirewallRule now fails with an error if it finds multiple firewall rules with the same name.
  • Set-RegistryKeyValue:
  • Uninstall-Service no longer returns sc.exe stdout.

1.9.0 (8 November 2014)

This is the last minor release for version 1.0. Future 1.0-compatible releases will only contain bug fixes, no new features. It takes too much time to maintain two versions, and I'd rather spend my time getting 2.0 out the door. Carbon 2.0 will require PowerShell 4.0, so start planning.



  • Added KeyStorageFlags parameter to Get-Certificate when loading a certificate from a file for better control when storing the certificate.

Hosts File

  • Set-HostsEntry now handles writing to an in-use/locked hosts file, retrying up to 10 times before writing an error, waiting a random amount of time (from 0 to 1000 milliseconds) between each retry attempt.


  • Get-IisMimeMap, Remove-IisMimeMap, and Set-IisMimeMap now support managing MIME types for websites, virtual directories, and applications.

Scheduled Tasks

  • Created Get-ScheduledTask function for getting the scheduled tasks on the local computer using schtasks.exe.
  • Created Install-ScheduledTask function for installing a scheduled task using schtasks.exe.
  • Created Test-ScheduledTask function for testing if a scheduled tasks on the local computer exists using schtasks.exe.
  • Created Uninstall-ScheduledTask function for deleting a scheduled task using schtasks.exe.


  • Install-Service now supports setting a command to run when a service fails.

Bug Fixes


  • Import-Carbon fails when -WhatIf switch is used.
  • Importing Carbon no longer writes an error if the PATH environment variable contains a path to a non-existent drive (issue #134).


  • Set-IniEntry fails when adding the first section-less setting to a file.

Internet Explorer

  • Enable-IEActivationPermission no longer returns the hkcr: drive.


  • Fixed an error that occurs when setting permissions on a private key fails: the error message is created using an invalid format string (issue #133).
  • Fixed an exception that gets thrown when setting a private key's permissions and the only certificate key is AT_SIGNATURE (issue #132).


  • Install-Service stops Windows service even when no settings/configuration has changed (fixes issue #131).
  • Install-Service didn't clear services depended on during a re-install.
  • Install-Service wasn't restarting a manual service if it was running when configuration began.
  • Uninstall-Service hard codes the path to the Windows directory (fixes issue #143). Thanks to Travis Mathison for the fix.

1.8.0 (7 September 2014)



  • The following functions now write messages with Write-Verbose instead of Write-Host. See Write-Host Considered Harmful.
    • Add-GroupMember
    • Clear-TrustedHost
    • Convert-XmlFile
    • Disable-FirewallStatefulFtp
    • Disable-IEEnhancedSecurityConfiguration
    • Disable-IisSecurityAuthentication
    • Disable-NtfsCompression
    • Enable-FirewallStatefulFtp
    • Enable-IEActivationPermission
    • Enable-IisSecurityAuthentication
    • Enable-NtfsCompression
    • Grant-ComPermission
    • Grant-MsmqMessageQueuePermission
    • Grant-Permission
    • Grant-ServiceControlPermission
    • Install-Group
    • Install-IisApplication
    • Install-MsmqMessageQueue
    • Install-PerformanceCounter
    • Install-RegistryKey
    • Install-Service
    • Install-User
    • Install-WindowsFeature
    • Invoke-WindowsInstaller
    • Lock-IisConfigurationSection
    • New-Junction
    • Protect-Acl
    • Remove-IniEntry
    • Remove-Junction
    • Remove-SslCertificateBinding
    • Reset-HostsFile
    • Reset-MsmqQueueManagerID
    • Revoke-ComPermission
    • Revoke-ServicePermission
    • Set-IisHttpHeader
    • Set-IisMimeMap
    • Set-IisWebsiteID
    • Set-IisWindowsAuthentication
    • Set-IniEntry
    • Set-RegistryKeyValue
    • Set-SslCertificateBinding
    • Uninstall-IisAppPool
    • Uninstall-WindowsFeature
    • Unlock-IisConfigurationSection
  • The following internal functions (which we warned you not to use!) are no longer exported:
    • Add-IisServerManagerMember
    • Get-IdentityPrincipalContext
    • Invoke-ConsoleCommand
    • ConvertTo-ProviderAccessControlRights
    • Assert-WindowsFeatureFunctionsSupported
    • Resolve-WindowsFeatureName


  • Improving error handling when Get-Certificate fails to load a certificate from a file.
  • Install-Certificate now supports installing with an X509Certificate2 object instead of just a path to a certificate.
  • Remove-SslCertificateBinding: improved error handling.
  • Set-SslCertificateBinding: improved error handling.
  • Improved documentation for Get-Certificate.
  • Added extended script property StoreName to X509Store objects to return the store's System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreName value.
  • Added a table view/format for X509Store objects. PowerShell's default view is a list, so you'll have to explicitly format the objects as a table, e.g. dir cert:\LocalMachine | Format-Table.
  • Get-Certificate's Path parameter now supports wildcards and certificate provider paths, e.g. cert:\.
  • Get-Certificate now writes an error if a certificate isn't found when getting a certificate by its path.


  • Created Get-ProgramInstallInfo function to get the information displayed by the Programs and Features UI.


  • Protect-String can now encrypt strings as a specific user. Use the Credential parameter.
  • Created New-RsaKeyPair for creating public/private RSA key pair using makecert.exe and pkv2pfx.exe. Requires that you've installed a Windows SDK.
  • Protect-String can now encrypt strings using an RSA public key.
  • Unprotect-String can now decrypt strings using an RSA private key.

File System

  • Disable-NtfsCompression: improved error handling.
  • Enable-NtfsCompression: improved error handling.
  • Created Compress-Item function for compressing files/directories into a ZIP file.
  • Created Test-ZipFile function for testing if a file is a ZIP file.
  • Created Expand-Item function for decompressing a ZIP file.
  • New-TempDirectory now supports adding a prefix to the temporary directory's name, so you can more easily track down those scripts/processes that don't clean up after themselves.


  • Disable-FirewallStatefulFtp: improved error handling.
  • Added Name and LiteralName parameters to Get-FirewallRule to return specific rules instead of all of them.
  • Get-FirewallRule, now returns Carbon.Firewall.Rule objects, instead of anonymous hashes.
  • Added default table format for Get-FirewallRule output.
  • Get-FirewallRule now returns additional rule information: interface type, security, source, description, program, and service. Who knew netsh advfirewall firewall rule show had a verbose switch? RTFM.


  • Remove-IniEntry now handles case-sensitive INI files.
  • Set-IniEntry now handles case-sensitive INI files.
  • Split-Ini now handles case-sensitive INI files.


  • Invoke-WindowsInstaller: improved error message if installation fails.


  • Creating Revoke-Permission function for revoking a user's permission to a file, directory, registry key, or certificate's private key/key container.
  • Creating ConvertTo-ContainerInheritanceFlags function for converting System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags and System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlag values into a Carbon.Security.ContainerInheritanceFlags value.
  • Get-Permission now supports returning the permissions on private keys/key containers.
  • Grant-Permission now supports granting permissions on private keys//key containers.
  • Test-Permission now supports testing permissions on certificate private keys/key containers.


  • Created Get-ServiceConfiguration function for loading a service's configuration: description, account name/username, failure actions, etc.
  • Added the following extended type data to System.ServiceController.Service:
    • Description
    • ErrorControl
    • FailureProgram
    • FirstFailure
    • LoadOrderGroup
    • Path
    • RebootDelay
    • RebootDelayMinutes
    • RebootMessage
    • ResetPeriod
    • ResetPeriodDays
    • RestartDelay
    • RestartDelayMinutes
    • SecondFailure
    • StartMode
    • StartType
    • TagID
    • ThirdFailure
    • UserName

Bug Fixes


  • Importing Carbon gives an error if PATH environment variable contains an empty path.
  • Improved the error handling in the following functions so they properly catch exceptions and write friendlier errors:
    • Get-Certificate
    • Grant-Privilege
    • Revoke-Privilege


  • Get-Certificate couldn't open CA/CertificateAuthority store (fixes issue #130).
  • Extended script property DisplayName on X509Store objects returning wrong store name for custom stores, now returns an empty string.

File System

  • Disable-NtfsCompression now really supports multiple paths.
  • Enable-NtfsCompression now really supports multiple paths.


  • Resolve-PathCase didn't work under Windows 2012 R2.

Users and Groups

  • The Carbon.Identity.FindByName method and the Resolve-IdentityName and Test-Identity functions now handle identity names with . for the domain/machine name, e.g. .\Administrator.
  • The Carbon.Identity.FullName property returns the wrong value when domain is empty/null, e.g. Resolve-IdentityName -Name 'Everyone' returns \Everyone, when it should return Everyone.
  • The Carbon.Identity.FindByName method and the Resolve-IdentityName and Test-Identity functions unable to resolve LocalSystem account (which is actually NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM).

1.7.0 (30 April 2014)

There is now a Carbon support mailing list.



  • Import-Carbon.ps1 now supports the -WhatIf switch.
  • Import-Carbon.ps1 now hides verbose log messages when removing/importing Carbon even when supplying the -Verbose switch because I think the verbose output is too verbose and not helpful at all.
  • Import-Carbon.ps1 now supports adding a prefix when importing the Carbon module (with the Prefix parameter) to avoid name collisions and follow best practices.


  • Get-CertificateStore now supports non-standard, custom certificate stores.
  • Get-Certificate now supports non-standard, custom certificate stores.
  • Install-Certificate now supports non-standard, custom certificate stores.
  • Uninstall-Certificate now supports non-standard, custom certificate stores.

Bug Fixes


  • No more silent errors when importing Carbon on Windows 2012 R2.


  • Get-Certificate no longer writes a silent error when a certificate does not exist. Instead, no error is written.

File System

  • Install-Junction fails when target path is hidden.
  • Test-NtfsCompression fails when file/directory is hidden.
  • Test-PathIsJunction fails when tested directory is hidden.


  • Grant-Permission fails when item is hidden.
  • Grant-Permission doesn't handle non-existent paths, causing cascading errors.
  • Test-Permission always returns $false when testing leaf-level permissions and the ApplyTo parameter is provided, i.e. it doesn't ignore inheritance/propagation flags on leaves.

1.6.0 (1 February 2014)

Bug Fixes


  • Get-Certificate fails when passed a relative path.
  • Install-Certificate fails when passed a relative path.

File System

  • Remove-Junction doesn't delete a junction when given a relative path to the junction.


  • Install-Service doesn't properly resolve a service's path.


  • Fixed Install-SmbShare example to use correct syntax. #111.


Hosts File

  • Created Remove-HostsEntry function for removing hostnames from a hosts file.


  • Created Join-IisVirtualPath for joining paths used by the IIS APIs.
  • Renamed all IIS Path parameters which represented virtual paths to VirtualPath (with backwards-compatible aliases):
    • Disable-IisSecurityAuthentication
    • Enable-IisDirectoryBrowsing
    • Enable-IisSecurityAuthentication
    • Enable-IisSsl
    • Get-IisApplication
    • Get-IisConfigurationSection
    • Get-IisHttpHeader
    • Get-IisHttpRedirect
    • Get-IisMimeMap
    • Get-IisSecurityAuthentication
    • Set-IisHttpHeader
    • Set-IisHttpRedirect
    • Set-IisWindowsAuthentication
    • Test-IisConfigurationSection
    • Test-IisSecurityAuthentication
  • Renamed Get-IisWebsite's SiteName parameter to Name (with a backwards-compatible alias).
  • Renamed all IIS Name parameters which represented virtual paths to VirtualPath (with backwards-compatible aliases):
    • Install-IisApplication
    • Install-IisVirtualDirectory
  • Renamed all IIS Path parameters which represented physical paths to PhysicalPath (with backwards-compatible aliases):
    • Install-IisApplication
    • Install-IisVirtualDirectory
    • Install-IisWebsite


  • Created Test-DotNet for testing if v2 or v4 of the .NET framework is installed.


  • Created Get-PathProvider function for getting a path's PowerShell provider.


  • Updated Invoke-PowerShell to test if the appropriate .NET framework is installed if the user chooses an explicit runtime to use.


  • Created Test-Permission function for checking if a user/group has a set of permissions and, optionally, a set of inheritance and propagation flags on a file, directory, or registry key.
  • Test-Permission now automatically includes the Synchronize permission when checking for exact permissions, since this permission is always on and can never be removed from a file/directory.


Users and Groups

  • Updated Install-User to support passwords longer than 14 characters. Thanks to James Crowley for the fix.

Windows Features

  • Marked Assert-WindowsFeatureFunctionsSupported as an internal function. Please don't use. It will be removed from future versions of PowerShell.
  • Updated Test-WindowsFeature to work on Windows 8/2012.
  • Created new Carbon.Identity class for representing identities. It also contains a static FindByName method which uses The Windows LookupAccountName function to find full account names, domains, and sids.
  • Updated Test-Identity to use [Carbon.Identity]::FindByName to find identities so it no longer throws exceptions when an identity can't be found.
  • Updated Resolve-IdentityName to use [Carbon.Identity]::FindByName to find identities so it no longer throws exceptions when an identity can't be found.

1.5.1 (3 October 2013)

Bug Fixes


  • Set-IisWebsiteID wasn't consistently starting a website after changing its ID.


  • Install-SmbShare has an unused variable which uses an undefined variable to create its value. When running in strict mode, PowerShell writes an error about using the undefined variable. Removed the unused variable.

1.5.0 (6 September 2013)



  • Set-IisWebsiteID now attempts to start a website whose ID has changed, since IIS stops a website whenever its ID changes.


  • Added Get-IPAddress function for getting the IPv4/IPv6 addresses currently in use on the local computer's network interfaces.
  • Added Test-IPAddress function for testing if an IP address is in use on one the local computer's network interfaces.


  • Added Test-UncPath function for testing if a path is a UNC or not.


  • Invoke-PowerShell now runs script blocks in PowerShell 3 under a v2.0 CLR.


  • Install-SmbShare now creates the share's directory if it doesn't exist.

Bug Fixes


  • Get-Certificate throws an exception and halts script execution when loading a certificate file with a private key and the user doesn't have permission to write to Windows' MachineKeys directory. It now writes an error instead.


  • Invoke-PowerShell doesn't run under a v2.0 CLR when using parameters -Runtime 'v2.0'.

1.4.0 (10 August 2013)


File System

  • Created Install-Junction function for creating new and/or updating existing junctions. This is a more idempotent way of creating junctions, as opposed to New-Junction and Remove-Junction which report errors if a junction already exists or doesn't exist, respectively.


  • Objects returned by Get-IisWebsite now have a dynamic PhysicalPath script property, so you don't have to traverse down into the default application's default virtual directory object to get it.
  • Install-IisApplication, Install-IisWebsite, and Install-IisVirtualDirectory now canonicalize physical paths, i.e. they convert any path with a relative part (e.g. '..') to a full path. It turns out IIS doesn't like paths with relative parts.
  • Created Get-IisApplication function to get Microsoft.Web.Administration.Application objects for all or specific applications under a website.
  • Install-IisApplication now uses the Microsoft.Web.Administration API instead of appcmd.exe.


  • Added ExecutionPolicy parameter to Invoke-PowerShell to allow setting a custom exeuction policy when using Invoke-PowerShell to run a script.

Bug Fixes


  • Install-IisApplication not updating/changing physical path on existing application.


  • Set-DotNetAppSetting and Set-DotNetConnectionString failed if setting .NET configuration under an architecture where the PowerShell execution policy doesn't allow running scripts.

1.3.0 (8 July 2013)



  • Invoke-PowerShell now supports running an external script.
  • Added OutputFormat argument to Invoke-PowerShell so your scripts/script blocks can return XML results instead of plain text.
  • Renamed Invoke-PowerShell's Args parameter to ArgumentList (with backwards compatibile Args alias).
  • Renamed Invoke-PowerShell's Command parameter to ScriptBlock (with backwards-compatible Command alias).
  • Invoke-PowerShell now runs 64-bit PowerShell from 32-bit PowerShell.
  • Get-PowerShellPath now returns path for 64-bit PowerShell when running 32-bit PowerShell.


  • Created new ConvertTo-Base64 function for encoding strings in base-64.
  • Created new ConvertFrom-Base64 function for decoding base-64 strings.

Bug Fixes


  • Set-DotNetAppSetting and Set-DotNetConnectionString weren't able to set .NET 2.0 app settings and connections string when running under PowerShell 3.

1.2.0 (25 June 2013)



  • Carbon should now work under PowerShell v3.0!


  • Added support for IPv6 addresses to Get-SslCertificateBinding, Remove-SslCertificateBinding, and Set-SslCertificateBinding.


  • Added ProviderName parameter to Set-DotNetConnectionString for setting a connection string's providerName attribute/value.

File System

  • Created Disable-NtfsCompression function for disabling NTFS compression on files/directories.
  • Created Enable-NtfsCompression function for enabling NTFS compression on files/directories.
  • Created Test-NtfsCompression function for testing if NTFS compression is enabled on a file/directory.


  • The site object returned by Get-IisWebsite now as a CommitChanges method so you can persist modifications you make to the site.
  • Get-IisWebsite now returns all websites if no SiteName is given.
  • Created Set-IisWebsiteID function for explicitly setting a website's ID.


  • Created Remove-IniEntry function for removing entries/settings from an INI file.

Performance Counters

  • Install-PerformanceCounter now supports installing a base performance counter. Thanks to Philip Teilmeier for the contribution.
  • Install-PerformanceCounter's Description parameter is now optional.


  • Invoke-PowerShell now defaults to running under the current CLR, instead of defaulting to a v2.0 CLR. This makes upgrading to PowerShell v3.0 easier.
  • Invoke-PowerShell now writes an error and returns if running PowerShell v3.0 and you want to run under a v2.0 CLR. Unfortunately, PowerShell v3.0 requires .NET 4.0, so you can't run anything on an earlier CLR.


  • Revoke-Privilege now supports case-insensitive privilege names.
  • Updated Grant-Privilege to better handle when passing a privilege name with the wrong case.
  • Updated Grant-Privilege documentation to make it clear privilege names are case-sensitive.


  • New Convert-XmlFile, for transforming an XML file with Microsoft's XDT (XML Data Transformation) technology. Thanks to Mark Sargent for the contribution.

Bug Fixes


  • Deleted the obsolete variable $CarbonImported. Carbon no longer exports any of its variables.


  • Get-SslCertificateBinding can't parse bindings to IPv6 addresses.

Performance Counters

  • Install-PerformanceCounter couldn't be used to create counters that used/required a base counter. Thanks to Philip Teilmeier for the contribution.

1.1.0 (1 April 2013)

Upgrade Instructions

  • On Windows 2008 R2, custom identies that run IIS app pools need the SeBatchLogonRight. Install-IisAppPool now grants this privilege on all operating systems. If this won't work in your environment, you can remove these privileges with Revoke-Privilege.



  • Fixed some typos and ommissions in the v0.5.0.1 and v0.5.0.0 sections of the release notes.
  • Updated Import-Carbon.ps1 script to import Carbon regardless of the name of the directory Carbon is installed in.


  • Added IssuedTo and IssuedBy properties to X509Certificate2 objects. The values match what the Certificates MMC snap-in displays.
  • Added DisplayName property to X509Store objects, to show the names of the stores as they are displayed in the Certificates MMC snap-in.


  • Created Resolve-NetPath for getting the path to the Windows net.exe command/application. Updated all functions that call net.exe to use this function to resolve its path. Thanks to Paul Aage Aasheim for discovering that when running login scripts, net.exe isn't in the path.


  • Created Get-IisHttpHeader for getting the custom HTTP headers for a website or one of its sub-directories.
  • Created Set-IisHttpHeader for creating/setting a custom HTTP header for a website or one of its sub-directories.
  • Created Get-IisMimeMap for getting the file extension to MIME type mappings for the IIS web server.
  • Created Remove-IisMimeMap for removing a file extension to MIME type mapping for the IIS web server.
  • Created Set-IisMimeMap for creating/setting a file extension to MIME type mapping for the IIS web server.
  • When creating an app pool that runs under a custom, non-service account, Install-IisAppPool grants that user the SeBatchLogonRight.
  • Install-IisAppPool writes an error if its user account doesn't exist (i.e. if the value of the Username parameter doesn't exist).


  • Improved exception handling in Grant-Privilege and Revoke-Privilege.
  • Grant-Privilege and Revoke-Privilege now write an error message if an identity doesn't exist.

Bug Fixes


  • Install-SmbShare can't find net.exe when running as part of a Windows logon script. Thanks to Paul Aage Aasheim for identifying and reporting this bug. All usages of the net.exe application were updated to use the new Resolve-NetPath function, which get the path to net.exe without assuming it is in the user's PATH environment variable.

Users and Groups

  • Test-Identity no longer writes an error if it can't find a fully-qualified local user, e.g. $env:COMPUTERNAME\Username.

1.0.0 (6 March 2013)

Upgrade Instructions

  • Remove the Quiet parameter from calls to the Import-Carbon.ps1 script.
  • If you're nesting Carbon as a sub-module of another module, STOP. This causes havoc. Create an Import-*.ps1 script for your module which imports Carbon before importing your own module. Update your scripts to import your module with your fancy new Import-*.ps1 script. See Best Practices for Importing PowerShell Modules for details.



  • The Import-Carbon.ps1 script no longer checks if Carbon is a sub-module of another module, so the Quiet parameter was removed. Please don't nest Carbon in your modules! It will cause havoc.
  • Import-Carbon.ps1 will no longer stop execution if an error occurs during an import (i.e. the $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' line was removed).


  • Added Test-IisWebsiteExists alias for Test-IisWebsite, for backwards-compatibility with earlier releases.


  • Added Unprotect-AclAccessRules alias for Protect-Acl, for backwards-compatibility with earlier releases.
  • Added rename of Unprotect-AclAccessRules to Protect-Acl to v0.5.0.0 section of release notes.


  • Renamed Install-Service's Dependencies parameter to Dependency (with backwards-compatible alias), to follow PowerShell naming standards.

Users and Groups

  • Install-User: you can now set a user's full name with the optional FullName parameter.

Bug Fixes


  • Grant-Permission returns boolean values to the pipeline when clearing access rules.


  • Install-Service fails if Dependency parameter doesn't have a value. Sometimes.


  • Install-SmbShare fails if a principal name contains a space.

Users and Groups

  • Add-GroupMember doesn't handle when the .NET Active Directory throws an exception when adding members to a group, causing script termination. (9 January 2013)


Active Directory

  • Renamed Format-ADSpecialCharacters to Format-ADSearchFilterValue, with backwards-compatible alias.


  • Renamed Get-SslCertificateBindings to Get-SslCertificateBinding, with backwards-compatible alias.
  • Added Remove-Certificate alias for Uninstall-Certificate, for backwards-compatibility with earlier releases.


  • Renamed Get-ComPermissions to Get-ComPermission, with backwards-compatible alias.
  • Renamed Grant-ComPermissions to Grant-ComPermission, with backwards-compatible alias.
  • Renamed Revoke-ComPermissions to Revoke-ComPermission, with backwards-compatible alias.


  • Renamed Get-FirewallRules to Get-FirewallRule, with backwards-compatible alias.


  • Renamed Add-IisServerManagerMembers to Add-IisServerManagerMembers, with backwards-compatible alias.
  • Added StatusCode alias for Set-IisHttpRedirect's HttpResponseStatus parameter, for backwards-compatibility with earlier releases.
  • Added Test-IisAppPoolExists alias for Test-IisAppPool, for backwards-compatibility with earlier releases.
  • Added Remove-IisWebsite alias for Uninstall-IisWebsite, for backwards-compatibility with earlier releases.

Internet Explorer

  • Renamed Enable-IEActivationPermissions to Enable-IEActivationPermission, with backwards-compatible alias.


  • Renamed Grant-MsmqMessageQueuePermissions to Grant-MsmqMessageQueuePermission, with backwards-compatible alias.
  • Added Remove-MsmqMessageQueue alias for Uninstall-MsmqMessageQueue, for backwards-compatibility with earlier releases.


  • Added ConvertTo-FullPath alias for Resolve-FullPath, for backwards-compatibility with earlier releases.
  • Added Get-PathCanonicalCase alias for Resolve-PathCase, for backwards-compatibility with earlier releases.

Performance Counters

  • Renamed Get-PerformanceCounters to Get-PerformanceCounter, with backwards-compatible alias.


  • Renamed Add-TrustedHosts to Add-TrustedHost, with backwards-compatible alias.
  • Renamed Add-TrustedHost's Entries parameter to Entry, with backwards-compatible alias.
  • Renamed Clear-TrustedHosts to Clear-TrustedHost, with backwards-compatible alias.
  • Renamed Complete-Jobs to Complete-Job, with backwards-compatible alias.
  • Renamed Complete-Job's Jobs parameter to Job, with backwards-compatible alias.
  • Renamed Get-TrustedHosts to Get-TrustedHost, with backwards-compatible alias.
  • Renamed Set-TrustedHosts to Set-TrustedHost, with backwards-compatible alias.
  • Renamed Set-TrustedHost's Entries parameter to Entry, with backwards-compatible alias.


  • Renamed Assert-AdminPrivileges to Assert-AdminPrivilege, with backwards-compatible alias.
  • Renamed ConvertTo-InheritanceFlags to ConvertTo-InheritanceFlag, with backwards-compatible alias.
  • Renamed ConvertTo-InheritanceFlag's ContainerInheritanceFlags parameter to ConvertTo-InheritanceFlag, with backwards-compatible alias.
  • Renamed ConvertTo-PropagationFlags to ConvertTo-PropagationFlag, with backwards-compatible alias.
  • Renamed ConvertTo-PropagationFlag's ContainerInheritanceFlags parameter to ConvertTo-InheritanceFlag, with backwards-compatible alias.
  • Renamed Get-Permissions to Get-Permission, with backwards-compatible alias.
  • Renamed Grant-Permissions to Grant-Permission, with backwards-compatible alias.
  • Renamed Grant-Permission's Permissions parameter to Permission, with backwards-compatible alias.
  • Renamed Test-AdminPrivileges to Test-AdminPrivilege, with backwards-compatible alias.


  • Renamed Get-ServicePermissions to Get-ServicePermission, with backwards-compatible alias.
  • Added Remove-Service alias for Uninstall-Service, for backwards-compatibility with earlier releases.

Users and Groups

  • Renamed Add-GroupMembers to Add-GroupMember, with backwards-compatible alias.
  • Renamed Add-GroupMember's Members parameter to Member.
  • Added Remove-User alias for Uninstall-User, for backwards-compatibility with earlier releases.

Windows Features

  • Added Install-WindowsFeatures alias for Install-WindowsFeature, for backwards-compatibility with earlier releases.
  • Added Features alias for Install-WindowsFeature's Name parameter, for backwards-compatibility with earlier releases.
  • Added Uninstall-WindowsFeatures alias for Uninstall-WindowsFeature, for backwards-compatibility with earlier releases.
  • Added Features alias for Uninstall-WindowsFeature's Name parameter, for backwards-compatibility with earlier releases. (7 January 2013)

Upgrade Instructions

This release contains many backwards incompatible changes. We apologize for this inconvenience. We are making these changes so we can get ready for the v1.0 release. One of our goals for v1.0 is to get the functions and their interfaces internally consistent and consistent with PowerShell naming schemes. Once v1.0 is out the door, backwards-incompatible changes will be phased in as much as possible.

Take the following steps to get your scripts to work with this release.


Replaces usages of:

  • Get-SslCertificateBindings with Get-SslCertificateBinding
  • Get-SslCertificateBinding -IPPort '' with Get-SslCertificateBinding
  • Get-SslCertificateBinding -IPPort ' with Get-SslCertificateBinding -IPAddress '' -Port 8001
  • Test-SslCertificateBinding -IPPort ' with Test-SslCertificateBinding
  • Test-SslCertificateBinding -IPPort ' with Test-SslCertificateBinding -IPAddress '' -Port 8001
  • Set-SslCertificateBinding -IPPort ' with Set-SslCertificateBinding
  • Set-SslCertificateBinding -IPort ' with Set-SslCertificateBinding -IPAddress '' -Port 8001
  • Remove-SslCertificateBinding -IPPort ' with Remove-SslCertificateBinding
  • Remove-SslCertificateBinding -IPPort ' with Remove-SslCertificateBinding -IPAddress '' -Port 8001


Replace usages of

  • Set-EnvironmentVariable -Scope 'Process' with Set-EnvironmentVariable -ForProcess
  • Set-EnvironmentVariable -Scope 'User' with Set-EnvironmentVariable -ForUser
  • Set-EnvironmentVariable -Scope 'ForComputer' with Set-EnvironmentVariable -ForComputer
  • Remove-EnvironmentVariable -Scope 'Process' with Remove-EnvironmentVariable -ForProcess
  • Remove-EnvironmentVariable -Scope 'User' with Remove-EnvironmentVariable -ForUser
  • Remove-EnvironmentVariable -Scope 'ForComputer' with Remove-EnvironmentVariable -ForComputer


  • Protect-String -Scope CurrentUser with Protect-String -ForUser
  • Protect-String -Scope LocalMachine with Protect-String -ForComputer


  • Renamed the StatusCode property on the object returned by Get-IisHttpRedirect to HttpResponseStatus. Update usages accordingly.
  • The Bindings property returned by Get-IisWebsite is now a collection of Microsoft.Web.Administration.Binding objects. Update usages of $site.Bindings[$idx].IPAddress and $site.Bindings[$idx].Port to $site.Bindings[$idx].Endpoint.Address and $site.Bindings[$idx].Endpoint.Port, respectively.

Replace usages of:

  • Set-IisAnonymousAuthentication with Enable-IisSecurityAuthentication -Anonymous
  • Set-IisAnonymousAuthentication -Disabled with Disable-IisSecurityAuthentication -Anonymous
  • Set-IisBasicAuthentication with Enable-IisSecurityAuthentication -Basic
  • Set-IisBasicAuthentication -Disabled with Disable-IisSecurityAuthentication -Basic
  • Set-IisWindowsAuthentication with Enable-IisSecurityAuthentication -Windows and Set-IisWindowsAuthentication -DisableKernelMode
  • Set-IisWindowsAuthentication -UseKernelMode with Set-IisWindowsAuthentication
  • Set-IisWindowsAuthentication -Disabled with Disable-IisSecurityAuthentication -Windows
  • Unlock-IisConfigSection -Name <string> with Unlock-IisConfigurationSection -SectionPath <string> (run appcmd.exe lock config -section:? for values to the new SectionPath parameter)
  • Unlock-IisBasicAuthentication with Unlock-IisConfigurationSection -SectionPath 'system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication'
  • Unlock-IisCgi with Unlock-IisConfigurationSection -SectionPath 'system.webServer/cgi'
  • Unlock-IisWindowsAuthentication with Unlock-IisConfigurationSection -SectionPath 'system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication'


Replace usages of:

  • Split-Ini -Path <string> with Split-Ini -Path <string> -AsHashtable (hashtable is no longer returned by default)
  • Split-Ini -Path <string> -PassThru with Split-Ini -Path <string> (per-line objects are now returned by default)


Replace usages of

  • Get-PathRelativeTo -To <string> -From <string>' with Resolve-RelativePath -Path <string> -FromDirectory <string>
  • Get-PathRelativeTo -To <string> -From <string> -FromType 'File' with Resolve-RelativePath -Path <string> -FromFile <string>

Performance Counters

  • Get-PerformanceCounters no longer returns an empty list if there are zero counters or a single element list if there is one counter. It now returns null and a single object, respectively. Update usages accordingly.


  • Get-TrustedHosts no longer returns an empty list if there are no trusted hosts. It now return nothing/null. Update usages accordingly.


  • Assert-AdminPrivileges now returns True or False if the user doesn't have admin privileges. It also no longer throws an exception, but writes an error. If you want to preserve current behavior where it stops script execution, replace usages with Assert-AdminPrivileges -ErrorAction Stop.


Replace usages of:

  • Install-Share -Permissions '"ShareAdmins,FULL"','"ShareWriters,CHANGE"','"ShareReaders,READ"' with Install-SmbShare -FullAccess ShareAdmins -ChangeAccess ShareWriters -ReadAccess ShareReaders.

Windows Features

Replace usages of:

  • Test-WindowsFeature with Test-WindowsFeature -Installed
  • Install-WindowsFeatureIis with Install-WindowsFeature -Iis
  • Install-WindowsFeatureIis -HttpRedirection with Install-WindowsFeature -Iis -IisHttpRedirection
  • Install-WindowsFeatureMsmq with Install-WindowsFeature -Msmq
  • Install-WindowsFeatureMsmq -HttpSupport with Install-WindowsFeature -Msmq -MsmqHttpSupport
  • Install-WindowsFeatureMsmq -ActiveDirectoryIntegration with Install-WindowsFeature -MsmqActiveDirectoryIntegration

New Features


  • Created Get-IisConfigurationSection function for getting a site's (and optional sub-directory's) Microsoft.Web.Administration.ConfigurationSection objects for an arbitrary IIS configuration section.
  • Created Get-IisSecurityAuthentication function for getting a site's (and optional sub-directory's) anonymous, basic, digest, or Windows authentication configuration section.
  • Created Test-IisSecurityAuthentication function for testing if anonymous, basic, digest, or Windows authentication is enabled for a website (and optional sub-directory).
  • Created Get-IisConfigurationSection function for returning an arbitrary IIS configuration section using the Microsoft.Web.Administration API.
  • Created Lock-IisConfigurationSection function for locking arbitrary global IIS configuration sections.
  • Created Test-IisConfigurationSection function for testing if an configuration section exists or is locked or not.
  • Created function Get-IisAppPool for getting a Microsoft.Web.Administration.AppPool object for an application pool.
  • Created function Uninstall-IisAppPool for removing an IIS application pool.

Windows Features

  • Created new Get-WindowsFeature function for getting a list of available Windows features.

Bug Fixes


  • Install-Service not granting default service identity, Network Service, the correct permissions.
  • Install-Service not correctly resolving local identity account names.



  • Moved functionality of Get-SslCertificateBinding into Get-SslCertificateBindings. Can now filter by IPAddress and/or Port.
  • Get-SslCertificateBindings now returns Carbon.Certificates.SslCertificateBinding objects. All information displayed by the netsh http show sslcert command is returned as part of those objects.
  • Get-SslCertificateBindings now supports filtering by IPAddress and Port separately, instead of requiring both. The old IPPort parameter is replaced with IPAddress and Port parameters.
  • Test-SslCertificateBinding now supports testig by IPAddress and Port separately, instead of requiring both. The old IPPort parameter is replaced with IPAddress and Port parameters.
  • Replaced IPPort parameter on Get-SslCertificateBinding with separate IPAddress and Port parameters on Get-SslCertificateBindings. Set IPAddress only if you want to bind to a specific IP address (i.e. not Set Port if not binding to port 443.
  • Replaced IPPort parameter on Remove-SslCertificateBinding with separate IPAddress and Port parameters. Set IPAddress only if you want to remove a binding for a specific IP address (i.e. not Set Port if the binding is not on port 443.
  • Renamed Remove-Certificate to Uninstall-Certificate (added backwards-compatible alias in v0.5.0.1).


  • Replaced the Scope parameter on Set-EnvironmentVariable and Remove-EnvironmentVariable with scope-specific ForProcess, ForUser, and ForComputer switches.


  • Replaced Protect-String's Scope parameteter with the ForUser or ForComputer scope-specific switches.

Hosts File

  • Set-HostsEntry no longer throws an exception if the hosts file contains an invalid line. Instead, a warning is written and the line is commented out.


  • Split-Ini now returns strongly-typed Carbon.Ini.IniNode objects instead of hashtables.
  • The line numbers returned by Split-Ini start at 1 instead of 0.
  • Split-Ini now returns name/value objects by default (the PassThru switch is no longer needed for this behaviro). This makes it more PowerShell-y. The old behavior of returning a Hashtable is available be using the new AsHashtable switch.


  • Replaced Set-IisAnonymousAuthentication with Enable-IisSecurityAuthentication and Disable-IisSecurityAuthentication.
  • Replaced Set-IisBasicAuthentication with Enable-IisSecurityAuthentication and Disable-IisSecurityAuthentication.
  • Moved code to enable/disable Windows authentication from Set-IisWindowsAuthentication to Enable-IisSecurityAuthentication and Disable-IisSecurityAuthentication.
  • Switched the default behavior of Set-IisWindowsAuthentication to enable kernel mode. To disable kernel mode, use the DisableKernelMode switch.
  • Renamed Unlock-IisConfigSection to Unlock-IisConfigurationSection.
  • Removed Unlock-IisConfigurationSection's Name parameter and replaced it with SectionPath, which takes a list of full path to the configuration section(s) to unlock.
  • Removed Unlock-IisBasicAuthentication in favor of Unlock-IisConfigurationSection -SectionPath 'system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication'.
  • Removed Unlock-IisCgi in favor of Unlock-IisConfigurationSection -SectionPath 'system.webServer/cgi'.
  • Removed Unlock-IisWindowsAuthentication in favor of Unlock-IisConfigurationSection -SectionPath 'system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication'.
  • Renamed Remove-Service to Uninstall-Service (added backwards-compatible alias in v0.5.0.1).
  • Install-Service writes errors instead of throwing exceptions.
  • Install-Service grants ReadAndExecute file system permissions on the service executable to the service identity instead of FullControl.
  • Improved Install-Service's WhatIf support.
  • Renamed Test-IisAppPoolExists to Test-IisAppPool (added backwards-compatible alias in v0.5.0.1).
  • Renamed Remove-IisWebsite with Uninstall-IisWebsite (added backwards-compatible alias in v0.5.0.1).
  • Install-IisAppPool now always sets the application pool to run as the system's default application pool identity if the ServiceAccount parameter isn't given.
  • Install-IisAppPool now starts an IIS application pool if it is stoppped.
  • Get-IisHttpRedirect now returns a Carbon.Iis.HttpRedirectConfigurationSection object. The StatusCode property on the old object is now named HttpResponseStatus.
  • Renamed the StatusCode parameter on Set-IisHttpRedirect to HttpResponseStatus (added backwards-compatible alias in v0.5.0.1).
  • Get-IisWebsite now returns a Microsoft.Web.Administration.Site object.


  • Renamed Remove-MsmqMessageQueue to Uninstall-MsmqMessageQueue (added backwards compatible alias in v0.5.0.1).


  • Renamed Get-PathRelativeTo to Resolve-RelativePath. Renamed its To parameter to Path, and moved it to position 0. Replaced/combined the From and FromType parameters with FromDirectory and FromFile parameters.
  • Renamed ConvertTo-FullPath to Resolve-FullPath (added backwards-compatible alias in v0.5.0.1). Added support for converting unrooted paths using the current location.
  • Renamed Get-PathCanonicalCase with Resolve-PathCase (added backwards-compatible alias in v0.5.0.1). Added support for piping in Get-Item and Get-ChildItem output, e.g. Get-Item C:\WINDOWS | Resolve-PathCase returns C:\Windows.

Performance Counters

  • Get-PerformanceCounters now returns nothing/null or a single object instead of an empty/single element array when there are no or one performance counters.
  • Install-PerformanceCounter no longer re-installs a counter if a counter with its name, description, and type already exist.


  • Get-TrustedHosts now returns nothing/null if there are no trusted hosts. (It used to return an empty array.)


  • Assert-AdminPrivileges no longer throws an exception if the user doesn't have administrative privileges. Instead, it writes an error and returns False. It returns True if the user has privileges.
  • Renamed Unprotect-AclAccessRules to Protect-Acl (added backwards-compatible alias in v1.0.0).


  • Replaced the Permissions parameter on Install-SmbShare with FullAccess, ChangeAccess, and ReadAccess parameters. Previously, to set share permissions, you passed in specially-formatted values to the Permission parameter, e.g. "MyGroup,FULL","MyOtherGroup,READ". Now, just pass a list of identity name(s) to the FullAccess, ChangeAccess, or ReadAccess parameters to grant those identies full, change, or read access, e.g. -FullAccess MyGroup -ReadAccess MyOtherGroup.

Users and Groups

  • Renamed Remove-User to Uninstall-User (added backwards-compatible alias in v0.5.0.1).

Windows Features

  • Test-WindowsFeature now tests if a Windows feature exists, instead of if it is installed. Added an Installed switch to detect if a feature exists and if it is installed.
  • Renamed Install-WindowsFeatures to Install-WindowsFeature (added backwards-compatible alias in v0.5.0.1).
  • Renamed Install-WindowsFeature's Features parameter to Name (added backwards-compatible alias in v0.5.0.1).
  • Removed Install-WindowsFeatureIis and replaced with Iis and IisHttpRedirection switches on Install-WindowsFeature.
  • Removed Install-WindowsFeatureMsmq and replaced with Msmq, MsmqHttpSupport, and MsmqActiveDirectoryIntegration switches on Install-WindowsFeature.
  • Renamed Uninstall-WindowsFeatures to Uninstall-WindowsFeature (added backwards-compatible alias in v0.5.0.1).
  • Renamed Uninstall-WindowsFeature's Features parameter to Name (added backwards-compatible alias in v0.5.0.1).
  • Added Iis, IisHttpRedirection, Msmq, MsmqHttpSupport, and HttpActiveDirectoryIntegration switches to Uninstall-WindowsFeature.
  • Install-WindowsFeature, Test-WindowsFeature, and Uninstall-WindowsFeature are now available even if the current operating system doesn't support managing Windows features. They don't do anything in those situations, but they exist.
  • Install-WindowsFeature, Test-WindowsFeature, and Uninstall-WindowsFeature are not available if the PowerShell v3.0 server manager cmdlets exists (on Windows 8/2012).


  • Replaced all instances where functions were throwing exceptions with Write-Error.
  • The Carbon assembly is now versioned and signed. (18 December 2012)

Bug fixes

  • Enable-IisSsl not setting SSL flags correctly when requiring client certificates. (17 November 2012)

Upgrade Instructions

  • If you install a manual or disabled Windows service with Install-Service, you now have to call Start-Service yourself. Install-Service only starts services whose startup type is set to Automatic (which is the default).
  • We've stopped distributing Microsoft's subinacl.exe program. We didn't have permission to distribute. Plus its no longer supported. If any of your scripts used Invoke-SubInAcl, you'll want to download subinacl.exe yourself and copy Invoke-SubInAcl before upgrading (you can find it in the Carbon directory in the Services.ps1 file.
  • If you're using Grant-Permission without named parameters, the Path parameter moved from position 3 to position 1. Re-order your parameters accordingly.
  • Rename usages of Set-IisDirectoryBrowsing to Enable-IisDirectoryBrowsing. If you use named parameters, rename its Directory paremter to Path.
  • Replace usages of Set-HgrcDefaultPushUrl with Set-IniEntry instead, e.g. Set-IniEntry -Path 'Path\to\repo\.hg\hgrc' -Section paths -Name 'default.push' -Value 'DefaultPushUrl'
  • Rename usages of Get-FullPath with ConvertTo-FullPath.


  • Created Get-Privileges, Grant-Privilege, Revoke-Privilege, and Test-Privilege for managing an identity's security operation privileges.
  • Install-Service now uses Grant-Privilege to grant custom service identities the SeServiceLogonRight privilege. This replaces usage of Microsoft's legacy ntrights.exe, which we probably didn't have permission to distribute.
  • Created Get-ServicePermissions function for getting the permissions for a service, i.e. what users can control a service.
  • Created Assert-Service function to write an error if a service doesn't exist.
  • Created Get-ServiceAcl function to get the discretionary access control list (DACL) for a service.
  • Created Get-ServiceSecurityDescriptor function to get the raw security descriptor for a service.
  • Created Grant-ServicePermission function to grant service control permissions to an identity.
  • Created Revoke-ServicePermission function to revoke all of an identity's permissioms to control a service.
  • Created Set-ServiceAcl function to set a service's discretionary access control list (DACL).
  • Created Test-Service function to check if a service exists without writing an error.
  • Removed Invoke-SubInAcl function and the subinacl.exe program. Use the Grant-ServicePermission and Revoke-ServicePermission functions instead. If you still need subinacl.exe, please download it from Microsoft.
  • Grant-Permissions now supports controlling inheritance and propagation flags via the ApplyTo parameter, which should be a value of the new Carbon.Security.ContainerInheritanceFlags enumeration, which encapsualtes all the valid combinations of inheritance/propagation flags. See the help for Grant-Permissions for more information. Thanks to Jonathan Valdez for the feature request and initial code.
  • Created ConvertTo-InheritanceFlags function for converting a Carbon.Security.ContainerInheritanceFlags to the necessary/applicable System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags.
  • Created ConvertTo-PropagationFlags function for converting a Carbon.Security.ContainerInheritanceFlags to the necessary/applicable System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags.
  • Created Get-Permissions function for getting the non-inherited permissions on a file, directory, registry key, or registry value with the ability to return a specific identity's permissions and/or inherited permissions.
  • Renamed Set-IisDirectoryBrowsing to Enable-IisDirectoryBrowsing and renamed its Directory parameter to Path.
  • Removed Set-HgrcDefaultPushUrl. Use Set-IniEntry instead.
  • Renamed Test-IisWebsiteExists to Test-IisWebsite to adhere to PowerShell naming conventions (added backwards-compatible alias in v1.0.0).
  • Renamed Get-FullPath to ConvertTo-FullPath to adhere to PowerShell naming conventions.

Bug fixes

  • Install-Service no longer tries to start a service if its StartupType is set to Manual or Disabled.
  • Path is now the first parameter to Grant-Permissions (it was the third) to match PowerShell standards/patterns.
  • Find-ADUser writes an error and returns null instead of throwing an exception. (29 October 2012)


  • Improved Disable-IEEnhancedSecurityConfiguration and Enable-IEActivationPermissions for enabling Internet Explorer to run headless by non-priveleged users.
  • Changed the way Invoke-WindowsInstaller waits for MSI to finish installing: instead of searching for any MSI process, it now searches for an MSI process that is a child of the current PowerShell process.
  • Simplified how Add-GroupMembers adds group members.
  • The version number in the module manifest now gets updated correctly for each release. You should now be able to tell what version you're running by looking in Carbon\Carbon.psd1, or, if Carbon is imported in your console, running Get-Module Carbon | Select-Object Version.
  • Created Get-ComPermissions function for getting COM Access or Launch and Activation Permissions. These are the permissions you see in Component Services (i.e. dcomcnfg) when you right-click My Computer, select Properties, click the COM Security tab then click the Edit Default.. or Edit Limits... buttons under Access Permissions or Launch and Activation Permissions, respectively.
  • Created Grant-ComPermissions for granting COM Access and/or Launch and Activation permissions.
  • Created Revoke-ComPermissions for revoking COM Access and/or Launch and ACtivation permissions.
  • Created Test-Identity function for testing if user or group exists on the local computer or in a domain.
  • Created Resolve-IdentityName function for determinig a user/group's canonical name. For example, it converts Administrators into BUILTIN\Administrators.
  • Improved the way the Windows Features functions detect the best way to manage Windows features. The old way would write an error to the error stream, which bubbled up at weird times and made diagnosing real errors harder.
  • Added a Quiet parameter to Set-RegistryKeyValue so that Write-Host output is muffled.
  • Created Reset-MsmqQueueManagerID function, which resets MSMQ's Queue Manager ID.

0.3.0 (28 September 2012)

Upgrade Instructions

This release contains backwards-incompatible changes to the following functions:

  • Set-IisSslFlags
  • Set-TrustedHosts
  • Invoke-PowerShell


This function was renamed to Enable-IisSsl. Its Enable128BitSsl parameter was renamed to Require128BitSsl.

Configuring client certificates is now a little stricter/clearer. You can no longer specify both AcceptClientCertificates and RequireClientCertificates. Also, if you specify RequireClientCertificates, you must now also supply the RequireSsl switch (before, setting the RequireClientCertificates switch implicitly set the RequireSsl switch).


Make sure you're not calling Set-TrustedHosts with an empty array/value for the Entries parameter. The function now throw an error in that situation. If you need to clear the list of trusted hosts, use Clear-TrustedHosts.


If you call Invoke-PowerShell without the x86 switch and PowerShell is 32-bit, you'll get an error. Under Windows x64, 32-bit PowerShell can't start the 64-bit instance because Windows redirects all access from C:\Windows\system32 to C:\Windows\SysWOW64. If anyone knows how to get around this, let me know!


Bug Fixes

  • Rename Enable-IisSsl/Set-IisSslFlags's Enable128BitSsl parameter to Require128BitSsl] (Fix #24 Set-IisSslFlags: Rename the Enable128BitSsl parameter to Require128BitSsl).
  • Fix issue #19: Install-IisAppPool doesn't change an existing 32-bit app pool to be a 64-bit app pool.
  • Fix issue #33: Install-MsmqMessageQueue: Can wait forever for a queue to get created. It now waits 10 seconds.
  • Fix issue #36: Get-PowerShellPath returns the wrong path when running x86 PowerShell on x64 computers.
  • Fix issue #37: Invoke-PowerShell should write an error when running as x86 on Windows x64 without the x86 flag (i.e. 32-bit PowerShell can't launch a 64-bit PowerShell, so throw an error in that situation).
  • Fix issue #38: Set-TrustedHosts: passing an empty value for the Entries parameter clears the hosts list. The Entries parameter is now required. To clear the trusted hosts list, use Clear-TrustedHosts.

0.2.7 (3 September 2012)


  • New functions for working with the registry:
    • Get-RegistryKeyValue: Get a value from a registry key.
    • Install-RegistryKey: Create a new registry key.
    • Remove-RegistryKeyValue: Remove a value from a registry key.
    • Set-RegistryKeyValue: Set/create a value in a registry key.
    • Test-RegistryKeyValue: Test if a value exists in a registry key.
  • Unprotect-AclAccessRules: Turns off inherited access rules on an item in the file system or registry.
  • Added a Clear parameter to the Grant-Permissions function for clearing any non-inherited permissions on a file system/registry item.

0.2.6 (30 June 2012)


  • Improved documentation for:
    • Grant-ServiceControlPermission
    • Install-Service
    • Invoke-SubInAcl
    • Remove-Service
    • Restart-RemoteService
    • Install-Share
    • Add-GroupMembers
    • Get-WmiLocalUserAccount
    • Install-Group
    • Install-User
    • Remove-User
    • Test-User
    • Install-WindowsFeatureIis
    • Install-WindowsFeatureMsmq
    • Install-WindowsFeatures
    • Test-WindowsFeature
    • Uninstall-WindowsFeatures
    • Assert-FirewallConfigurable
    • Disable-FirewallStatefulFtp
    • Enable-FirewallStatefulFtp
    • Get-FirewallRules
    • Test-FirewallStatefulFtp
    • Find-ADUser
    • Format-ADSpecialCharacters
    • Get-Certificate
    • Get-CertificateStore
    • Set-HgrcDefaultPushUrl
  • Help files and example scripts now included in Carbon download package.
  • Added test to help ensure all functions have proper documentation.

Bug fixes

  • Install-IisWebsite now validates website bindings

0.2.5 (29 June 2012)


  • Improved documentation for:
    • Test-IisAppPool
    • Test-IisWebsiteExists
    • Unlock-IisBasicAuthentication
    • Unlock-IisCgi
    • Unlock-IisConfigSection
    • Import-Carbon.ps1
    • Set-IniEntry
    • Split-Ini
    • Set-HgrcDefaultPushUrl
    • Get-MsmqMessageQueue
    • Get-MsmqMessageQueuePath
    • Grant-MsmqMessageQueuePermissions
    • Install-Msmq
    • Install-MsmqMessageQueue
    • Remove-MsmqMessageQueue
    • Test-MsmqMessageQueue
    • Get-PerformanceCounters
    • Install-PerformanceCounter
    • Test-PerformanceCounter
    • Test-PerformanceCounterCategory
    • Uninstall-PerformanceCounterCategory
    • Complete-Jobs
    • Get-PowershellPath
    • Invoke-PowerShell
    • Test-PowerShellIs32Bit
    • Test-PowerShellIs64Bit
    • Add-TrustedHosts
    • Get-TrustedHosts
    • Set-TrustedHosts
    • Assert-AdminPrivileges
    • Convert-SecureStringToString
    • Grant-Permissions
    • New-Credential
    • Test-AdminPrivileges
  • Improved whitespace in HTML documentation code samples.

0.2.4 (28 June 2012)


  • Improved documentation for:
    • Get-PathCanonicalCase
    • Get-PathRelativeTo
    • New-Junction
    • New-TempDir
    • Remove-Junction
    • Test-PathIsJunction
    • Reset-HostsFile
    • Set-HostsEntry
    • Add-IisDefaultDocument
    • Get-IisHttpRedirect
    • Get-IisVersion
    • Get-IisWebsite
    • Install-IisApplication
    • Install-IisAppPool
    • Install-IisVirtualDirectory
    • Install-IisWebsite
    • Invoke-AppCmd
    • Remove-IisWebsite
    • Set-IisAnonymousAuthentication
    • Set-IisBasicAuthentication
    • Set-IisDirectoryBrowsing
    • Set-IisHttpRedirect
    • Set-IisSslFlags
    • Set-IisWebsiteSslCertifiate
    • Set-IisWindowsAuthentication

0.2.3 (27 June 2012)


  • Improved documentation for:
    • Disable-IEEnhancedSecurityConfiguration
    • Enable-IEActivationPermissions
    • Get-FullPath
    • Invoke-WindowsInstaller
    • Protect-String
    • Remove-EnvironmentVariable
    • Set-DotNetAppSetting
    • Set-DotNetConnectionString
    • Set-EnvironmentVariable
    • Test-OSIs32Bit
    • Test-OSIs64Bit
    • Unprotect-String

Bug fixes

  • Invoke-WindowsInstaller doesn't validate that installer path ends in '.msi'.
  • Invoke-WindowsInstaller not showing correct exit code when installation fails.

0.2.2 (19 June 2012)


  • Created Import-Carbon script to help users properly import Carbon.

Bug fixes

  • Add-GroupMembers fails to add Administrators and ANONYMOUS LOGON built-in accounts.
  • Add-GroupMembers fails when adding built-in accounts multiple times.
  • Add-GroupMembers fails to add domain user to a local group.

0.2.1 (28 April 2012)

  • Added IsJunction property to DirectoryInfo objects. Returns true if a directory is a junction/reparse point.
  • Created a Carbon assembly for compiled code. Moved P/Invoke functions from FileSystem.ps1 into assembly. This is a backwards compatible change.
  • Created a Carbon.IO.JunctionPoint helper class for creating/removing/getting junction/reparse points. Updated New-Junction and Remove-Junction to use the new helper class.
  • Added TargetPath property to DirectoryInfo objects. If the directory is a junction/reparse points, returns the path to the junction's target. Otherwise, $null.

0.2.0 (4 April 2012)


  • fix issue #3: Added -Runtime switch to Invoke-PowerShell function for running PowerShell under .NET 2.0 or 4.0. Valid values are 'v2.0' (for .NET 2) and 'v4.0' (for .NET 4).
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Added -Clr2 and -Clr4 switches to Set-DotNetAppSetting and Set-DotNetConnectionString functions for modifying the .NET 2 and/or 4 machine.config files. One or both of these parameters is required.

Bug fixes

  • Improved documentation for Get-ADDomainController, Get-ADUser, Format-ADSpecialCharacters, Get-Certificate, Invoke-PowerShell, Set-DotNetAppSetting, and Set-DotNetConnectionString functions.
  • fix issue #2: Get-PowerShellPath Returns Wrong Value on x86 Systems

0.1.0 (2 April 2012)

  • First packaged release.