- Use Bitnami as base image that are continuously maintained & verifiably tested for use in production environments
- Store dependencies in vars.yml which will be picked up during deployment
- Isolate development and production environment by deploying to diferrent routes dev & prod
- Can achieve Blue-Green Deployment by adding one more route (not implemented for now)
- Setup Continuous Deployment (CD) to VMware TAS in GitHub action pipeline
- Enable App Autoscaler with rules: scale up when CPU Utilization is more than 70%; scale down when it is less than 20%
- App revisions are enabled by default for roll back purpose.
- Stream the application log to Papertrail for archive and debugging purpose e.g.filter log level in Papertrail
- update the environment variables in vars.yml and match it with the application env in manifest.yml
- deploy the application to VMware TAS by running the command as below
cf push --vars-file vars.yml -f manifest.yml dev-lantana
cf push --vars-file vars.yml -f manifest.yml lantana