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File metadata and controls

317 lines (233 loc) · 12.8 KB



This is a vim configuration created by duwanis and modified by wallace.

It's mostly geared towards doing Ruby development on an OS X machine; hence a lot of the configurations are Ruby-specific and/or depend on functionality available in MacVim. But even if you're not a ruby dev and you don't work in OS X, there might be some useful or otherwise interesting ideas in this config.


This config is written to be newbie-friendly - basically, when I introduce someone to Vim, I want to be able to say "go through the vim tutorial, then copy my config, read the README, and you'll be good to go." So I've tried to be explicit here, but you shouldn't expect to pick this config up and run with it if you've never used Vim before - go through the vim tutorial (:help vimtutor) first, at least. :)


Though you'll probably want to just examine this vim config to see what I've used, if you're TOTALLY new to vim, you might want to install it and try it out yourself. That's cool. Here's how:

  1. Fork this repository (so you have your own copy for when you want to make changes).
  2. Install the homesick gem (this makes it really easy): sudo gem install homesick
  3. Install your copy of the vim_config repository using homesick: homesick clone your_github_username/vim_config (assuming you cloned it on github)
  4. Symlink it using homesick: homesick symlink your_github_username/vim_config
  5. Install vundle if you haven't already: git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vundle
  6. Open vim. There will be errors this first time because you haven't installed any of the plugins yet. Run :BundleInstall to tell Vundle to install all of the packages for you (more on Vundle below).
  7. Restart vim. Enjoy.

Adding Additional Plugins After Initial Setup

After the intial setup (possibly weeks or months later), you realize you want to add more plugins. Here's how (assuming the plugin is on Github and you followed the above installation):

  1. Find the plugin on Github.
  2. In ~/.vimrc add the name of the plugin (as it appears on the Github repository page) to the section where you see Bundle 'name_of_plugin_as_it_appears_on_Github.
  3. Run :BundleInstall
  4. Restart vim.


Some of the general changes to default Vim functionality:

  1. Leader is set to ; - the mapleader key defaults to \ in Vim, which seems kind of... out of the way. I know a lot of people set their mapleader to be the comma key so that it's close to the home row; I prefer to have mine easily within reach.
  2. Keybindings - I generally try to make my keybindings match some kind of mnemonic, and they almost always start with Leader (I'm just going to use ; for the rest of this README, but if you change Leader substitute whatever character you use). Notable keybindings:
    • ;w, ;W: writes the current buffer (and closes it if you use W)
    • ;q, ;Q: close the current window (and all others if you use Q)
    • ;h, ;j, ;k, ;l: navigate between windows. Life's too short for .
    • ;;: opens a vim command prompt (equivalent to :). For when you're too lazy to hit shift.
    • ;rt: create/refresh your tags file (hopefully in the future you won't have to use this - I'd like to set this up on an autocommand).
  3. Files remember where your cursor was when you last had them open.
  4. Temp files are saved in a central location rather than colocated with your files.


This vim config makes use of the Vundle plugin. Vundle allows plugins to be split into their own individual folders rather than jumbled together in vim's default locations. This means that if you want to copy this config but don't like a few of the plugins, you can very easily identify what needs to be removed.

  • bundle - this is the special folder vundle uses to store plugins.
  • config - this is where all the custom config files are kept. If you look in the vimrc file, you'll see where everything in this folder is loaded recursively (even subfolders, if you're obsessive about organizing your config settings).
  • config/private - this folder is included in .gitignore in case you have some personal stuff that you don't want to share (for example, if you want to blog using vim, but you don't want to keep your username and password in a git repository somewhere :D).


Plugins are all defined in .vimrc; if you want to remove any just delete its line from .vimrc and remove the respective folder in your bundle directory.

For some of the plugins below I just use the out-of-the-box configurations; for the ones that I don't I have their configuration in its own file in the config directory (e.g. my Ack.vim settings are in config/ack.vim).


Ack.vim lets you run searches throughout the current working directory. The command is :Ack, and I've created a keybinding (;a) that prompts you for a search term. :help Ack will give you more information.


Autoclose automatically creates closing parens, braces, what-have-you when you enter the corresponding opening pair. It generally saves you a lot of typing. Run :help AutoClose.txt if you want more information about this plugin.


BufExplorer is a quick way to switch around between windows. You can run :help bufexplorer to see the full information, or just make use of the <Leader>be keybinding to bring up the BufExplorer window while you've got a few buffers open to see it in action.

BufExplorer is configured in vim/config/bufexplorer.vim


BufOnly is a simple plugin that closes all buffers but the currently open one. Useful for when you've got a bunch of buffers open that aren't pertinent any more (e.g. you're switching to a different project now, etc.). I've mapped the BufOnly command to the <Leader>bo keychain.


CamelCaseMotion defines keybindings for motions that work on camel-case words (and underscore-separated words). e.g., by default, w goes to the end of the word, even if that word is CamelCasedLikeThis. Using CamelCaseMotion, you can use ,w to move to the next part of the CamelCasedWord. :help camelcasemotion for more information.

Clojure support

Syntax highlighting, repl support, indenting and command completion for Clojure via the following plugins:

guns/vim-clojure-highlight guns/vim-clojure-static tpope/vim-fireplace kien/rainbow_parentheses.vim tpope/vim-salve.vim


Ctrl-P is a plugin that does fuzzy file-finding for you. It does this in a few modes, the ones I use most are the standard file finder (bound to ;t) and the MRU finder (most recently used - it searches through files you've opened recently, which is bound to ;b). Run :help ctrlp to read more about this plugin.


This provides syntax highlightling, indenting, and a filetype plugin for Cucumber, the acceptance testing framework. It's mostly self explanatory. You can use CTRL-] on a step to jump to its Ruby definition.


EasyMotion provides a much simpler way to use some motions in vim. It takes the out of w or f{char} by highlighting all possible choices and allowing you to press one key to jump directly to the target.

When one of the available motions is triggered, all visible text preceding or following the cursor is faded, and motion targets are highlighted.


Endwise is like Autoclose above, except that it works for Ruby and Vimscript as well, putting "end"-type statements in place as necessary when you type. There isn't a helpfile for Endwise, presumably because it's so simple and configurationless that there wouldn't be a point in writing one.


Fugitive is perhaps the single most useful plugin I have in my configs. It's a native Vim interface for interacting with Git repositories, and as you might expect provides a lot of functionality. You'll want to read up on it using :help fugitive if you're not familiar with it. I have the following keybindings set up by default:

  • ;gs: pulls up the git status buffer
  • ;gl: shows the git log
  • ;gd: shows the git diff
  • ;gb: shows the git blame for the current buffer
  • ;gp: runs git push
  • ;gl: runs git pull


This is a pretty useful little plugin that lets you post stuff to directly from inside vim. Run :help gist to see details on how to use it.


Displays git diff in the 'gutter' (sign column). It shows whether each line has been added, modified, and where lines have been removed.

Indent Guides

Most IDEs provide you with some kind of a dotted line or other visual aid to help you track long indented bodies of code. Vim doesn't by default, but this plugin adds it in. I don't use it often and try not to write code where it would be necessary, but sometimes it's helpful. ;ig toggles the indent guides. :help indent-guides will give you more information if you're interested.


NERDCommenter is a nice plugin that allows you to comment/uncomment lines of code quickly and easily. I've set up a keybinding for it so that <Leader>c will toggle the comment status ofthe current line of code (that is, comment it if it's not already commented, or uncomment it if it is already commented). This also works with line-motion commands - for example, 3<Leader>c will comment the next 3 lines of code, G<Leader>c will comment every line until the end of the file, etc. You can run :help NERDCommenter to see the help info, and check out the config changes I've made in vim/config/nerdcommenter.vim.


NERDTree is the second-most useful plugin I have, after Fugitive. NERDTree acts like a project drawer - it will open a thin buffer along the left side of your Vim session that displays the contents of the current directory and allows you to interact with it. ;d is set to toggle this window on and off, but you'll definitely want to run :help NERDTree and read up on everything you can do with this plugin.


Powerline is a very sexy statusline plugin that puts a lot of information at your fingertips by default, and does color-coding on your status bars based on window type, whether it's the active window, and what mode you're in. :help powerline is useful if you want to customize this.

Puppet Syntax

Adds syntax highlighting for puppet.


Rails.vim provides a slew of niceties for interacting with Rails applications from vim. Rather than go through everything here, just take a look at :help rails if you're interested.


Repeat.vim is basically a utility plugin that makes actions some other plugins take repeatable using . like normal vim operations.


Grab some text and "send" it to a GNU Screen / tmux session.


slurper.vim was written as a companion to the slurper gem ( The slurper gem allows you compose stories in a plain text file and then slurp them into Pivotal Tracker through the api in bulk. You will need to install the slurper gem for slurper.vim to be useful.


SnipMate gives you snippets - pieces of often typed text you can insert into your document using a trigger word. Checkout the help files (:help snipmate) or view the plugin's website at for more specifics.


I'm a huge fan of the Solarized colorscheme, so that's installed and loaded up by default.


Supertab is tab-completion for insert mode. Just start typing a word and hit tab. :help supertab gives you more info.


Surround is a plugin that provides some keybindings for working with surrounding characters. If you want to quickly surround this sentence with parentheses or change the single-quotes around that word to double-quotes, Surround is your plugin. See :help surround for info.


Syntastic does syntax checks on certain file types and provides errors inside of vim for you whenever something's awry. It's a great sanity check even if it is perhaps a bit over-zealous on HTML-type files... and it integrates fabulously with Powerline. :help syntastic for more info.


I like vertically aligning assignment for quicker visual parsing.


Tagbar is a vim plugin for browsing the tags of source code files. It provides a sidebar that displays the ctags-generated tags of the current file, ordered by their scope. This means that for example methods in C++ are displayed under the class they are defined in.


I've started using TomDoc for documenting my Ruby code, and wanted a syntax file I could load up that would make my TomDoc comments stand out a bit and be easier to read. That's what Tomdoc.vim does.