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Maps and Echelon Setup

FatDogCube edited this page Dec 28, 2020 · 70 revisions

Implemented maps have different echelon setup requirements due to deploy order and other implementation details.

Setup your echelons accordingly.

Event - A Snowy Night Capriccio

ASNC-1 "Sangvis Orphan" (Daily currency/Nova medal/PP-19)

Enemies are very weak.

Echelon 1: Any farm team (1 battle. eg 1AR1HG)
Echelon 2: Any farm team (3 battles. eg 1AR1HG)
Echelon 3: Dummy

ASNC-2 "Missing: Dinnergate" (Honey Badger)

Enemies are weak but swarmy. ARs are recommended. 1-2 ARs with 1-2 HGs.
Note: Sometimes it won't click through the battle. Set your clicks after battle to min-9 and max-10 in settings to fix this.

Echelon 1: Farm team
Echelon 2: Dummy

ASNC-3 "X-Dinnergates" (Daily currency/Platinum medal/ART556)

It's a night map, handguns optional.

Echelon 1: Farm team (3 battles)
Echelon 2: Farm team (1 battle)
Echelon 3: Farm team (2 battles)

ASNC-4 "Ode to gifts" (FiveSeveN/PP-90[?])

The enemy node is very strong, bring your best. Repairs will be necessary. 3AR1HG1SMG or 3AR2SMG recommended. SOPMOD recommended AR to bring along.

Echelon 1: Farm team
Echelon 2: Dummy

EXP Levelling maps

0-2 / 0-2-EX

Both maps are the functionally identical but 0-2-Ex doesn't use the AI map engine, instead it just clicks a set of fixed regions.

Corpse dragging, DPS must be at slot 2 of echelon 1

Echelon 1: XXX, DPS, TANK, XXX, XXX
Echelon 2: DPS

Safe Safe Tank
Safe Safe


Corpse dragging, Zas must be at slot 2 of echelon 1

Echelon 1: XXX, Zas, XXX, XXX, XXX
Echelon 2: Zas



Echelon 1: XXX, DPS, XXX, XXX, XXX
Echelon 2: DPS
Echelon 3: XXX

xxx xxx xxx
xxx xxx

18000 damage in ~11sec for beans

Cores & Other Farming

4-3E-Nodes (Cores and leveling 50-70)

Echelon 1 - Kill team (frontal F formation)
Echelon 2 - Dummy

4-6-Nodes (Basic and Intermediate data)

Echelon 1&2: Dummies


Fully Supply version of the map
Echelon 1&2 : Dummies
Echelon 3: Hydra Kill team
Example Hydra kill team

- Grizz M4A1
- Calico


Corpse Drag version
Echelon 1: XXX, DPS, XXX, XXX, XXX
Echelon 2: DPS
Echelon 3: Dummy

Boss drop farming


Echelon 1: Any boss fighting team
Note: Sometimes Scarecrow escapes


Echelon 1: Any boss fighting team

3-6 / 3-4E

Echelon 1: Any boss fighting team
Echelon 2: Dummy


Echelon 1: Any boss fighting team
Echelon 2: Dummy


Echelon 1: Any boss fighting team
Echelon 2: Dummy


Echelon 1: Any boss fighting team

Special Equipment farming


Echelon 1: Any night farm team
(to kill the 5988CE Dragoon on the east side)


Echelon 1: Any RFHG team
Echelon 2: Dummy


Echelon 1: Boss Fighting team (RFHG recommended)
Echelon 2: Dummy


DD-2-1 (F1/EVO3/HK45)

Echelon 1: Anything (EG 1HG)